Зворзкина : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Crystal beads of tears, 
And moon goes down in flashes.
Nevertheless: no fears -
No one can see how it ends.

Silence stands, isn"t broken by breath.
Death is here, standing near with scythe.
It is open abyss now, no less;
Sun is the only one who is able to rise.

Birds - no birds, no living thing alive;
Storm is now not storm, not powerful for us.
Time stands still or run; who can now decide?
Shadow now is me, looking outside....

World, as precious beauty, lives inside my heart:
Rainbow over duties, crystals of denies.
What we had predicted, being feared and smart,
We fulfilled as steady as it goes with tides.

 Shiver as in cold though what can feel a shadow?
Eyes are full with tears, though how can cry a shadow?
Nothing matters now, but what I felt before this.
Nothing can be felt anew, because it is an abyss.

Shadow me, that look inside eyes of terrors.
Shadow me in dark, waiting to be settled.
Sunrise takes its time; I can go to fellows.
What we all have done, why have we so ventured?

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