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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    the war


    There's nothing that keeps me away from you,
    Gotta know if ever you swerve
    I am through with my penitent gratitude:
    Being resigned to a fate... Lost the nerve.

    I am cherishing chance
    In sunlight and nightmares:
    Deadly bullets will glance
    Off impassionate prayers.

    There's nothing that keeps me away from you
    I've been granted with life to proclaim
    I am through with my penitent gratitude:
    As I traded my mind in your fame.

    Deadly bullets draw near
    Bloody-spirited queue,
    And you should persevere,
    Resurrect quite a few.

    There's nothing that keeps me away from you
    From the moment you left precious names
    On the stones that guarding my solitude,
    Being the Greatest, who praises and maims.

    Faith will bear the hunger,
    Hold the faithful pursuit,
    Will restrain all the younger
    Among utterly mute.

    There's nothing that keeps me away from you
    And ironically faith doesn't care  
    Of petition for extra time and review
    Of my deeds, of my faults, and my share.

May 14, 2004

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