Irritus : другие произведения.

Essence Trio

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    voices in my head :D

       I'm scanning minds and jawing thoughts as voices take the scene:
       The first refutes, 
       The second proves, 
       The third whips on a whim.

To the voice of Justness:
       Your talk's appealing yet obscene and moral's deadly wrecked
       By gesture of 
       Your noble mien
       Simplicity is cracked.
          I greet My Justness with respect.
          I had it and I lacked.

To the voice of Forgiveness:
       I'm following and feeling cussed, bewitched, spellbound, caught:
       Fine cadence of 
       Aflutter gusts
       The one you haven't got.
          Hey, My Forgiveness, doodley-squat,
          I knew you and forgot.

To the voice of Common Sense:
       I flipped a coin, seized its clang. It's me, who has been tossed,
       Compelling to 
       Get over hang
       The one to whom I've lost. 
          The crux of me regards the most
          All senses over crossed. 

       Come clean my friends! And voices do. To drive me they begin:
       The first refutes, 
       The second proves, 
       The third whips on a whim.

Sep, 2004

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