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Speaking of War

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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We speak of war,
When war is our desire.
We speak of battle - battling in rage.
Until we see and feel the flame of burning fire
We will be dancing, dancing in the cage.
Refreshing chilly purity of air
Unlocks our eyes from this unconscious flare
"What if I'll die or I will be causing pain
What if I won"t...? I'm probably insane...?"
Our blooming rose will front the sun-rise
And right in front of our eyes, with fain
The star of love will rise again.
"My Sun, My life, My soul and only love;
Forgive me, please, and don"t..."
Despite the rainy day
Waves coming on the shore to stay
When leaving - they will come once more
Collapsing on this rugged, rocky shore;

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