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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Иногда я пишу на английском...


To Ronnie

I want to tell you my greatest dream,
It may seem foolish for you:
I want you to see me in your sleep,
But it"s impossible, true.

And also (may be it can be)
Another problem exists:
I can"t see any way to learn
You"ve seen me in your sleep.

But certainly I may try to guess,
And the answer will be positive,
But also may be unhappy a little
That it is only a sleep.

May be I"ll meet you in real life
(But know it cannot be).
I"ll feel a lack of words in a moment,
To tell will be hard for me.

May be it will be not very hard,
I"ll tell I"m in love with you.
And see you in silence in certain I"ll cry,
It"ll be very bitter, true.

May be you will tell the same words,
Then I will be in a loss,
And even I"ll feel a lack of words
But very happy in soul.

May be I will not be in a loss
(Because came true my dream)
And some seconds later I"ll...have to know
That it was just my sleep.


*  *  *

He doesn"t know me and it isn"t me
Who made the acquaintance of him.
In my native town he hadn"t been,
He passed by it on a screen.

And I must say I"m very confused
When I see he is smiling there.
And also try not to tell a word
As if it can lead to a danger.

I hold my breath when I follow him
And at that time, I must say,
I blossom like flower or blaze as a fire
Depending just on his play.

And I"m bored he is out of table...
But I can"t retell everything.
(Ronnie O"Sullivan is his name
And that"s the player of my dream)


It was November, 8,
It was the frame Љ5.
147 you made,
It was a wonderful time!

That"s all I can now say,
But I"m very happy, you know -
It was a remarkable frame
And a remarkable century, so...


Some thoughts 

One day he won but other lost,
Tomorrow, maybe, he"ll win again;
We know, everything can happen in a life,
And other day will be another page.

One day in happiness but other in distress,
Another day, maybe, we will admire him;
And knows nobody what will be next day,
But we can hope and can wait, can"t we?

And after that will be a reason to be happy
Or, maybe, we will be distressed again;
We know, we can"t guess what will be,
But we can dream that all will be the best.


What can I say?
I like his play,
His wonderful play that he shows the world
And I can say, yes,
Ronnie"s the best
Of many snooker players and I know

That it is the fact
He likes to attack
And when he is near the table
He is looking for,
Of course, for a ball
And often he finds - that"s his manner.

What do I mean?
That I like to see
His matches, his frames, his play
That"s my favorite player
And I like his manner
That"s all that I wanted to say.



He just went for a walk... (Paradox)

He just went for a walk,
He was not looking for,
And he wasn"t looking for me.
Then he passed by some streets,
Then he passed by some alleys,
But he wasn"t still in my dreams.

He just went for a walk
And one minute he stopped,
But he wasn"t looking for me.
And he passed by some streets,
By some alleys again,
But he wasn"t yet in my dreams.

He just went for a walk...
And he finished his way,
He learnt nothing about me.
I was sitting at home,
And I couldn"t meet him,
And he will not be in my dreams.



It was good for me
That at that place I couldn"t be
But also it was bad for me
That at that moment I couldn"t see
Him at that place at that time, maybe,
And, you see,
To be at that place was not my dream
But I was asked to be there, I mean,
And, maybe,
That was the reason I failed to be
At that place at that time to see
Him going there but could it be
I was a bit disappointed, I mean,
To know I couldn"t go there to see
Even his footsteps on a road, maybe,
Though to be there was not my dream
I wanted to know that it could be
Just to know it could be, I mean,
To know it was a kind of dream
And even it was my greatest dream, maybe,
And it was a broken dream, you see,
But now to speak of it I needn"t,


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