Переводы лимериков и других шуточных стихов из книги "Мир вверх тормашками" ("Topsy-Turvy World") М. "Прогресс", 1978. Пометки вроде "TT 137" означают ссылку на указанную (в данном примере 137-ю) страницу этого издания. Тут далеко не все мои переводы из этой книги, и уж точно далеко не все переведённые мной лимерики. |
Чтоб вдовицу обворовать,
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There was an old lady who said when she found a chief under her bed, "Get up from the floor; you're too near the door, and you may catch the cold in your head." TT 121 |
Ты учиться её нипочём
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Miss Vera De Peyster Depew disdained anything that was new. She said, "I do not know exactly What's What, but I know without question Who's Who." TT 123 |
Я плыву посреди океана
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As they fished his old plane from the sea the inventor just chortled with glee. "I shall build," and he laughed, "a submarine craft, and pehaps it will fly. We shall see!" TT 138 |
Жил себе одиноко в степи
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There was a kind curate of Kew, who kept a large cat in a pew; there he taught it each week a new letter of Greek, but it never got further than Mu. TT 136 |
Новичок за рулём весь дрожал:
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A novice was driving a car when, down Porlock, his son said, "Papa, if you drive at this rate we are bound to be late - drive faster!" - He did, and they are! TT 139 |
Вы родились - уж мне-то поверьте -
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There was a young person from Perth, who was born on the day of his birth. He was married, they say, on his wife's wedding day, and died when he quitted this earth. TT 116 |
Сразу трёх старых дев из нагана
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There was a young fellow named Sistall, who shot three old maids with a pistol. When that's known what he'd done, he was given a gun by the unmarried curates of Bristol. TT 125 |
Эта дама высококультурна
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There once was a spinster from Wheeling, endowed with such delicate feeling that she thought any chair should not have its legs bare, so she kept her eyes fixed on the ceiling. TT 116 |
На закате прекрасного дня
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There was a young maiden of Siam, who said to her lover, young Kiam, "If you kiss me, of course you will have to use force - but God knows you are stronger than I am." TT 139 |
Жена умерла - и произвела
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An epigram-epitaph for his wife Here lies my wife. Here let her lie! Now she's at rest and so am I. TT 190 John Dryden |
- Ах, почему ты, милая жена,
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On a pale lady with a red-nosed husband Whence comes it that in Clara's face the lily only has its place? Is it because the absent rose has gone to paint her husband's nose? TT 236 |
Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"