Маркова Алина Алексеевна : другие произведения.

Broken soul

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I see fire Around it souls 
They are flying higher and higher 
I remember how they falls... 
They were lovely sons 
And now they are black sand 
What we have done? 
Why we are in cold land? 
Don't cry my dear Mom 
I believe we meet in another new peaceful world 
I love you, I'll find you and come 
Please, don't cry my dear Mom 
Why people can't understand 
We all are brothers and sisters 
Stupiders kill us 
But I won't forget you, my dear friend 
Your brave in my head 
Your voices stack in my heart 
I can't drink water,
I can't eat bread 
You go away and take mine part 
I didn't return from war fields 
Where I people kills 
I want to go after you 
But you won't forgive me, will you? 
I don't know how to live
 I am not the same 
I am like dying flame 
And my mind - restive.

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