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Woman's love

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    From a never-written musical

I never thought, I never knew...
The sun was bright, the sky was blue
it was enough.
She entered as one enters room
as if escaped eternal doom
a woman's love.

She knew a man, I knew a boy,
though this equation had no joy
but what's to be?
Like stormy winds exchanging roles
inevitably moving souls
she looked at me.

The world could not sustain my cry.
I answered her, not knowing why
I still don't know.
Can this be happening to me?
And all I knew is not to be?
I need her so.

She's smart, she's able to hold on
to the leftovers of my own
her heart is big.
The night, vibrating in my veins...
Inside I see exploding trains
am I too sick?

She hurts me with her tender sigh
her soul's caresses torture mine
she is not real.
I must wake up from madness now
I won't give in, I'll hold my vow
and I will heal.

I never thought, I never knew...
The sun was bright, the sky was blue
it was enough.
She entered as one enters room
as if escaped eternal doom
a woman's love.

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