Латман Иосиф : другие произведения.

Later Tango

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Yosef Latman

                                        All rights reserved by the author

(Free translationfrom Russian by the authorYosef Latman)

                      Weary sunon the setting with the sea gently fared.

                                      Music by E. Petersburgsky

O, that passionate tango! No equal has may be . . . -

Clear, bright are the movements. Gusty our steps.
Heart anxiously is beating. And... the breathing more rapid, -
As... by the flying squirrels, hovering over abyss. -
In star sky looking  black they, -
                                                      like fantastic it is...

We had merged together ... by the soul and body,

Everyday life forgotten... - only tango and we.
As in our youth we are gentle and not brave few ,
Only tighter the embrace... - like You whispers me:
                                                                                       "Yours...". -
Each other we  in love both!

All words, friend, are superfluous: tango will say this better

About happiness lost and the unfulfilled dreams...
Keep, pleas, our secret,
                                            and no one will know
About sorrow, hidden in our sad eyes...
                                         This would be a grief show
and for years a strong stress.

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