Латман Иосиф : другие произведения.

I Swept Through The Life On A Grey Horse...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Yosef Latman

                                              All rights reserved by the author

(Free translation from Russian by the author Yosef Latman)

Playing with fate to blind man′s buff, or to hide-and-seek,
Swept through the life on a grey horse on the road like silk.
And the horse, stumbling, usually cleared the barriers,
Pounding the hoof on the steps of my artless careers.

But sometimes the background suddenly changed.,
And was hear a voice ( soprano) high-pitched ,
And the horse in the night often slowed its run.

And, usually, the shadows instantly was thicken,
Like when suddenly darks the Sun.

As the owls in thicket,
The firs, in confusion, in this time was being hid behind the pines ,
Touching with branches the cold bed wet and not the finest.

What crazy dreams can be in life:
We ride alone, we rush through the forest. This is a heavy trip.
Although I not an Goethe′s Forest king, and love is not a child,
Having up suddenly... whisper through my dry lips:

You rode through life on a grey horse,
Playing with fate blind man′s buff and hide-and-seek .
And now, my friend, it′s time the Rubicon to cross! -

Immediately saddle a horse of light chestnut color -
So that it be glowed at night, like the Sun, as from passion big.
Gallop for your belated love, as long as you still can sing solo.

But, prancing all life on a grey horse (and now in trance...)
And playing with the fate the blind man′s buff, then hide-and-seek,
I can′t shall get away from the headboard. Where are my old days?..
May 2020

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