Korvin : другие произведения.

A vox the in the Bronx

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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His old grin
My new gun
Is it you
Mr. Chan?
Up your chin
Show your guts
Let's have fun
Let's have a dance

Beneke --> Tekkerey
Tijuana --> Tampere
So he did
So he left
Mr. Tekkerey?
-I'd better be dead!

Why you crying,
little flying?
Take your money
Do goodbyeing
Going home or
Going mad
Always oughta
Eat His bread

Leave nothing
Except for footsteps on the sand

Take nothing
Except for some pictures of the Road

Love nothing
Except for your boots that once were shining

Think nothing
Except there could be smth real not this miserable dollhouse

Mr. Skyscraper,
could you help me to do some crap in the sky?
What else you need for, bitchy silence.

-Shut up! - said a boy.
-You shut up! - said a girl.
-Hallelujah! - said priest.

Rock around the clock!
went for a walk
Where are you going, Berny?
Hey, what's up, lad?
You'll be knowing soon
His eyes are bright
He's bold and red

Lucky Jimmy
Bought a ticket
Lucky Jimmy
Went for a cricket
Lucky Jimmy
Met some muggers
So he skipped all shit that was done by these stupid Dolphins-wankers

-Gimme a dime, Donny
-Hang on
-Take me by the hand, son
-One sec
But he can't

(Higher, higher)
-I fucked your wife, Mr. Mayer!
(Faster, faster)
-Rasta, your work is a complete disaster
(Deeper, deeper)
-You've got a nose like that stupid Dolphin Flipper had, Mrs. Glitter
Rag didn't go running without a bunch of dogs on his back
Fun for dogs
Crack for Rag

Mighty Whitey
Cannot see me
What a pity.
Cut the shit
Finish Grunting

-Imagine you have money to go
Where to?
-But I do!
Bye-Bye, Snow.

Astonishing car
Breath-taking suit
Here I am
Brand new mute
You used to love me
Me? The same
But now.
I'd love.
To play.
A new game.

-So you say
Better be cursed
Of curiosity, Ruth,
Than of faith
That is not yours
And cannot be yours?
-There's some mustard on your neck, Goof.
OK, that's better. What a hot! Woof!

-Call me ginger,
Mr. Leninger
-But I'm bored
And you're white
Let's try at night, Coney.

-Stick with your name
Like your father sticked
Like your granny
Accept it silently
Like you like it,
-Go to hell,
All that shit,
Say it back
Not to me
To your mommy!

-There's always smth above the stars
But it's always smth like other stars
Not anything
like cookie
Take my Franklin
And do smth about it.
-Yes, Mr. Crooker!

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