Ключерёв Игорь Евгеньевич : другие произведения.

Battle at Prestonpans (на английском)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   The order - to follow guide through the tight
   We tined up the line, no ease in the night
   A MacDonald steped wrongly, was drawn on the dry
   As swamp was beyond, joy it filled us allright.
   So now, make order, Clan Donald to the right
   Commander - command! The sun brought the light.
   Glencoe, and Appin - line up in front
   And Camerons, you take the left, though if you won't!
   And as the horn sound, away we us hurled
   So Cope was hastening batallions to turn
   They managed a volley or two, the mortars did harked
   It was no use, at the redcoats we hacked!
   The fight last about five minutes, no more
   The English did ran, droping dead on the shore.
   We did show mercy to those who gave up.
   And Cope's own carriage, oh, yeah, wi did snapped!

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