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Welcome to the Hell or Seven Keys (песня)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Может правда кое-где англ мой хромает на обе ноги - не проверяла... )) Но не судите строго: это первая моя песня на английском.

    Welcome to the Hell or Seven Keys

    Desire appeals every day,
    It wait for something that can happen
    And it's expectations were not vain -
    New full moon gives you seven... keys...

    What can you, baby, do with them?
    What will be opened by the keys?
    Let's insert one in a lock, just seven ways
    And seven doors lead to nowhere...


    The burning fire rises up
    And loud voices call me, bell
    Rings in the demon's struck
    So welcome, baby, to the Hell

    You are so frightened by this world
    But there is no exit from a madness
    And, baby, what will be your last word?
    There is a new endlessness... ahead...

    What is the kind of a strange dream?
    What is the sense of a sober reality?
    Eternity is waiting now, and demon's city
    Lies in wait after a seventh steeled door...


    The burning fire rises up
    And loud voices call me, bell
    Rings in the demon's struck
    So welcome, baby, to the Hell

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