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Солнечные вирши

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

   Герман Гессе

   Starlet sky in symphony of shine light

   Simultaneously status of straight force
   Could prove its source of widow's cruse
   Cadencies cruelty would break with curse
   Fluently speechless silence severed in south side
   Master of game principles fertilize
   Robin water glide
   Erasing rough fabric skylines
   Advancing purist gloss

   Every man is a woman,
   Every woman is a man -
   So be delightful in these aspects;
   Bad drawn dad day immanence -
   Mature glitters me at prospects,
   Solo orchestra man shuttered in a silence.

   Abstinent future is no mutant drop
   Some kid will jump for half euphoria
   Ridiculous crows vanish in one flop
   Rigid and vivid recent times kept in Astoria
   Down again, said Mr. Thompson
   At the globe there are no prospectively fobs
   Mankind is on the edge of consumerism, chops Hobson
   Abstinent sky and horizon brow ain't duplex hopes...

   Аффектация прибрежных тишин

   Вариативность, слушаемая при помощи толерантности


   В сознанье. И стольких "нет"

   Марионеточные мотивации

   Эко эко ecce homo!

   Ergo нервические структуры видны...

   Omnis in duos! Скрепят кости.

   Love will come through?
   Said love will come true
   Sad but it seems to be cruel

   Bad things approach nerves
   Dry gin giggling - around wolves
   Won't be at time again
   Glass down a head week end

   Mercantile fingers of youth
   Smashing my life to the ground
   Half severe pound tendencies to loose
   My voice deep blue claims loud
   Some bluffing words
   That soul I am out of mean
   All casualties - hell of clean
   Dark inside gets horrible swords

   Grassroots sensibilize
   Amorfoure latigue danger
   Times of rules optimize
   Ummagumma fleet randger

   Cesarius birda conourable
   Left to my halt and splashes
   Only we can runrite and lashes
   В руке пульсирует ничтойность!

   Вникая проникая уподобляя улетая


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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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