Мороз Аглая : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    English. Translation's coming.

Staring into space, no expression on my face,
Blackness in my mind, the memories won't erase.
Flashing images of my tained past, 
I try to smile but I can't make it last.

A river of blood flows beneath my feet,
Poring out my wounds, glistening in defeat.
The voices in the air -- the eyes that stare
Barbed wire round my neck, nails in my heart,

Steel hooks in my skin -- tearing my body apart.

I look up in search for a star
But I don't even see the sky.
Now my blood runs cold, a tear falls from my eye.
Within the darkness I reach out my hand --
To see if I am alone,
I let out a scream, hoping someone will hear
But nothing escapes this aura of stone.

These walls which surround me
Are the walls that I've built
The bricks are my mistakes
And they are sealed with my guilt.

I took the time to waste a thousand years,
Swallowed my pride with a thousand tears.
No color in my eyes, a prisoner of my own demise.
searching for a drink of truth,

But found myself drowning in the pool of my own lies.

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