Журавлёв Владимир Николаевич7 : другие произведения.

Wolf Numbers and Statistics

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1      Chapter 1. Traditional approach: search for a case and a law represented by the sum of amplitudes of different frequencies.

2      Summary of Chapter 1

3      Chapter 2. What if it's not like that at all? (what is a case, and what is a law; and again a catastrophe)

4     Summary of Chapter 2

5      Chapter 3. What if even that is not true? (no disasters: peace and stability). Summary of Chapter 3

6     Chapter 4. Recurrent Sunspot Prediction. The results of article. References

copyright [Zhuravlov] copyright [Zhuravlov]
separation copyright [Zhuravlov]  [] input frequencies frequency-phase_matrix prediction summary caeastrophe summary prediction stability generation recursion results_article

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