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New realities of modern human life

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   Zhuravlyov V. N.
   New realities of modern human life
   St. Petersburg
   Health is when everything hurts, but still there are forces not to go to the doctor.
   We make a final choice of a vector of the life
   People were created on a planet Earth by representatives of civilization very far from us "Children of stars" - so they call themselves. These are very beautiful high-spiritual people of high growth, with blue eyes and a thick red hair. They have presented us in the form of one of numerous forms of life, by the way, similar to itself, created by them on Earth by means of that general vital force - micropower which they considered and consider as a basis and a source of all real in the world. It indeed actually - after all using this force, they have achieved everything.
   These are the handsome with whom it is necessary to fall in love at first sight. They simply shine from the benevolence. They for communication at all don't need language. They transmit the thought over any distance. Their thought becomes material in any of our worlds, only at the correct submission of necessary information, and it is pure physics.
   This force we, people of Earth, call manifestation of Divinity or God. Such force is present at each of us equally and therefore we are similar to god and we can practically everything, but not all this understand due to the lack of experience and introspection in the thinking and therefore not only lag behind in self-development, but also gradually self-destruct. And though this divine part exists as the all-powerful Divine in all Universe, but she isn't incarnate in any concrete image.
   On their representations the Divine is called as Light of the Universe or the Highest Beginning of all real. Probably, therefore when they think, start shining directly from the head. As for modern mankind, that, in opinion of "Children of stars" or the red-haired handsome with blue eyes, it has to regenerate spiritually, having found light of the existence to avoid further degradation and, eventually, full self-destruction. I would translate it as development of spirituality and full internal improvement.
   Only provided that people of Earth will manage to become one of space civilizations, and in the subsequent to come into contacts with other civilizations similar to us. In his present state the space community doesn't want to establish connection with mankind and it is quite logical, after all from our unstable psychoemotional state one problems even on Earth, and why to transfer them to Space community.
   Implementation of this rule watch, I will conditionally call them so - "Grey" which are one of controlling civilizations behind all transformations happening in the Universe. All civilization "Grey" quite so estimates us modern people of Earth and considers hope for our self-improvement by absolutely unreal task. Even, recently, the same doubts in spite of the fact that I have achieved a certain progress in situation mitigation on our planet too began to overcome me and they are visible not armed look to any inhabitant.
   On their belief, present inhabitants of Earth represent negative result of their experiment on breed removal - the Homo sapiens. After all putting, at the level of DNA, in consciousness of ancestors of mankind those principles and standards of behavior which, apparently, have served, a basis of bible Ten Precepts, "Grey" assumed that they will work and that the mankind won't fall to present level of spiritual decomposition and full self-destruction.
   In their opinion, it is impossible to correct here already anything, and an exit one - to destroy all inhabitants of Earth while they haven't destroyed Earth. Process is already started, and only in our joint forces to stop it in spite of the fact that "Grey" don't want to leave on her what traces of existence of a present civilization and then "to start" everything anew.
   "Gray" consider that, being responsible for creation of unfortunate mankind, they have the full right to arrive so. Moreover him so far back in the past, as it not the first their unsuccessful attempt to occupy Earth already was necessary to arrive. "Gray", in coordination by the red-haired handsome have determined final date of a carrying out of the plan and it has already come. Simply look back back, carry out the analysis of the latest events from the life, and, having drawn a conclusion from all comprehended, you agree with me.
   The chance to bring to reason mankind already almost has ended with a failure, there were last attempts of Children of Stars, and in behavior of people of Earth there are no positive shifts. "Gray" start universal elimination of our civilization through radiation by special frequencies of the power centers in our backbone, changing endocrine and immune systems in our organism. Listen to itself, and everyone will understand that I am right. Use the last chance!
   The energy potential put in each of us, without exception, is really boundless as at him there is a truth of Divine Fire, but not all realize it. The majority of people, having lived the life full of terrestrial passions and vain hobbies, only on a threshold of death start realizing that there is other, Highest Reality and she can't be avoided. But, alas, enlightenment to them comes too late. And after all if it has occurred earlier, their all life would develop in a different way.
   All of us live in great times of quantum jump and considerable changes of our internal psychoemotional state. Changes happen nearly an every day and so quickly, what not each person manages to realize them and to follow Time command. Especially as for this purpose, first of all, it is necessary to change in itself, having changed own Consciousness.
   Fundamental conclusions of new physics show that any reality is created by the observer, and as authors ourselves are involved in her creation. Recently scientific physicists has been compelled to recognize that the Universe represents a "mental" design that the stream of knowledge moves to nonmechanical reality, and the Universe starts resembling more grandiose thinking, than the enormous mechanism.
   The reason any more doesn't look the called guest who has incidentally intruded in area of a matter, on the contrary we should proclaim him her the founder and the master. We still should get used with the indisputable conclusion that the Universe has not material, but the spiritual and mental nature.
   We have passed into the mental world, and now if you change own Consciousness, everything will be subject to you that you will wish, after all the nuclear structure of the world has changed, our body was loosened, and power of thought has considerably amplified. Therefore you become the lord of the Universe and you can operate thought any processes in our world if you do the things positively. - For you there are any more no obstacles.
   Perhaps, therefore, people especially often began to address to me from all country and even much from abroad, with a huge request that I have taught them to the skill, and has given the chance to them to work as the spiritual healer. Thus specify absolutely different reasons which have induced them to address to me. Probably, part from them consider that to work with power of thought, instead of physically, it is very easy work.
   Therefore I want them to warn as the expert, is a lot of years engaged in the help to sick, suffering people, I want to tell what will follow me that they have chosen very difficult way, and he won't bring to them neither glories, nor honor. And all of that in our country is too much technically competent people, but too little spiritually developed, as makes their choice the very difficult.
   All of us long and peculiar brainwashed on materialism after revolution of 1917 that proceeds and still. People are too limited to technical knowledge, but are absolutely not familiar with the spiritual sphere though this knowledge would allow them to achieve considerably bigger success in life if they owned them.
   It is good that still there are people who choose the help to other people the main vital work and the main profession. But they start understanding soon, due to full immersion in process of the help to "neighbor" that their initial motivations suffer crash.
   Those to whom they helped and even have really helped, through short time lose a vital positive as lead a former life ruining personal health. They don't watch at all the bearing, and another it isn't necessary to speak about something at all.
   These former patients don't want to change the addictions and aren't ready to new transformations of the organism. They don't want to change anything and at all in those quantities recommended to them what it would be desirable. These "drowning" somehow doesn't hurry to grab a circle which to him incessantly throw. Then the rescuer reconsiders the belief and, most likely, comes to such conclusions: Rescue of the drowning - work drowning. Is useless to help the person if he doesn't want to help itself(himself).
   It becomes noticeable quickly enough on lack of positive changes in life at this person and even if you have quite recently made him absolutely healthy - he all the same comes to the illness. The matter is that when you have helped him, especially when it occurs free of charge or for purely symbolical payment, he considers that always can address again to you, and you will help him again.
   Therefore I advise you that your work would be fixed, and your patient held it "teeth" restore to him the psychoemotional sphere and take a high payment for the work. It doesn't mean that the sum of money has to be ultraboundary, simply it has to be estimated as real by the patient. Then, having estimated your work he will hold your councils and recommendations after his head will join him will reach that he has paid with the work for the health. And the work appreciate all. He has time the head on shoulders, let him and use it.
   But if you haven't restored his psychoemotional balance, he won't be able to use the head. He will consider, why to put on the head on shoulders if long ago I didn't use it. You will help both next time, and again and again. You give the time, money, health, hope, and results can be or scanty or in general any. And after all efforts you could spend all this personally for yourselves.
   Understand, it is his life and he has chosen it. If she isn't pleasant to him then for a long time everything would change but if doesn't change even with your help, so you haven't helped him or he wants nothing, and you don't potter with him more, here already not to help in any way from outside. It is his personal choice, let and such strange, but it is necessary to recognize it.
   The brain of the person has very difficult and mysterious structure for physicians, and it with an ulterior motive - after all he controls work of all bodies and systems. And even short-term shutdown of brain activity is fraught with terrible consequences therefore persons of no character I call people with sharp violation of brain blood circulation, and to put it briefly, autists of different forms and states.
   For appearance of such patients in society parents or other relatives who haven't tracked change of their state have to assume responsibility, and have subjected all to huge danger as they have grown up the power vampire and very hazardous to health of people around.
   To recover health after autism and to rescue the person from intellectual degradation for me very simply, but to track further performance of my councils and recommendations owe the native. They will have to specify to already vyzdorovshy person a safe way of life and to warn that can't be done what again not to ache.
   Autists from that and weak that they have no forces there is no will and desire to change something inside they are empty, they constantly become reserved. This process is eternal. Helping such people without experience, the person himself only огребёт big problems to the own harm, than than will really bring benefit to other person. Persons of no character are always the hidden power vampires, him always will be only a little: your attention, time, money or forces.
   They consider "donors" no more than a resource, let in whole or in part and don't realize it. Remembering it, don't allow the person of no character to parasitize on itself and don't confuse itself to Mother Teresa. It she had absolutely unique mission on Earth from what she and has suffered, having remained in our world the publican. If to you God personally wasn't and didn't give such mission, it means at you another.
   At us, people show full illiteracy in questions of existence of the person in the thin worlds to which he gets after the death, and it is advisable to know that them expects for behavior here - after all everything not so simply! It appears, after death life not only proceeds, but also her quality and duration directly depends on the frequency of own resonance.
   If the person led a dissolute life, and respectively didn't watch the bearing therefore he broke brain blood circulation that he simply couldn't notice, and the mental state which immediately increased his own frequency respectively changed. And when this frequency of a resonance increased higher than 3 Hz, after death his further life any more didn't cost not a stiver, after all the condition of a personal resonance considerably affects a state of mind, her psychoemotional state and quality of further existence.
   The worlds where we can get after death and a choice of forms of further life great variety. Everything depends directly on soul burdening by her actions in a material world. Even the small difference in own resonance is a considerable obstacle, for achievement of visible or notable desirable action in any of the close worlds. After all all of them nearby, nearly one in one. But it is possible to pass through them, and only the low worlds are strongly isolated from others.
   The person, with a high resonance any more doesn't pass to the thin worlds as all healthy people, and remains the publican, that is incorporeal essence which without body couldn't recharge the internal battery" being in our material world. And therefore his soul starts "getting" differently remained to live relatives and relatives what to be loaded again. Mostly it becomes when they sleep and therefore many don't attach any significance to it, and it is advisable to reflect after all always it is possible, something to think up.
   That place where the soul of the dead gets, depends on her own resonance, that is frequency on which it is adjusted and from here that she does there and as exists, directly depends on it. This frequency of own fluctuations of thin power of soul lies in very small limits from 0 to 2,6 - norm that allows to pass to the thin worlds and to continue the further existence. Frequency from 2,6 to 3 Hz - allows to make same with a delay before fall of a resonance and from 3 to 13,5 Hz - pathology - when the soul remains in our world as the publican and exists at the expense of the live relatives or close acquaintances, thereby killing them.
   After death they too become publicans, and exist before full dissolution of the power, testing hell torments, and perish very slowly and painfully. Below I give an example of this state constructed on experience of my long and quite successful work with people.
   Similar cases at me in practice met much, but I will give only one example of one my patient whatever to load you excess information: - "At me the grandmother has died 10 years ago. We with her lived in the different cities. She has died on hands of the patients of the son and the granddaughter. At o'clock and day of her death she has dreamed me, having recovered consciousness to me, in a dream and has told that I am necessary to her as the most healthy person, capable to help her.
   Before we a little very much communicated and that is casual as she always was ill and me wasn't so interesting. I lived from her far and when has married, have left further away. According to mother, the grandmother has lived very difficult life as by the nonsense I became the disabled person then her character has deteriorated finally.
   When we happened to mother at her on a visit, she lay all the time therefore we communicated with her a little. And here she to dream me, as the live and close grandmother. Tells me that dies week, can't leave. That to her it is very heavy that native not to hear her groans, have closed a door to her room and don't bring neither waters, nor food, with her it is very lonely and sick.
   I felt very sorry for her and when she has gone to a better world, I have told that will come still, has asked to remember her and to regret. The grandmother for 10 years periodically came to me in a dream. I told how lives what there to be very terribly, and she constantly experiences moral oppression, probably, therefore after such dreams I felt broken.
   Dark souls which have seized Earth in the thin world, have constructed prisons for those who here gets. In them phantoms of the died people are stored in any cases in dark boxes from which let out only for mockery at them. Here are engaged in a constant sadism - torture, torment, burn and even revive, for further torments, (as here all aggressors are adjusted on the frequency of 5 Hz, and their slaves much more therefore they more weakly).
   The grandmother explained that when them torture and torment, from them take away energy of life experience, and memory of last embodiments, taking away them to itself then there is only a fear. When they will finish this process of all release, leaving without will, without sensibleness of the personality that is the most terrible, after all they simply thaw in space forever.
   When the person dies and flies by on a ridge being bent tunnel on bright light, much manage to avoid this prison at once as soon as they from the platform will see this distributor in which them tightens. The matter is that it is necessary to go not here, and on the lightest, gentle and pleasant light, instead of to turn ahead of time and not to listen to others enticing actions. But, only more advanced souls which remember experience of dying from antecedents can make it.
   The same who, with high frequency, passes this terrible turn, in 40 days could start living in our incorporeal world and when they finish own energy, they start being connected to bodies native while those sleep. That is they become power vampires, differently completely would be lost, having gone to the earth.
   Though vampires kept the consciousness, but all the same without others power couldn't live any more, and relatives suffered from them, got sick and then, dying with a high resonance, repeated a way of the previous generations. Generally vampires are connected to a backbone at the level of a waist, to adrenal glands, kidneys and on the sexual sphere. Where they stuck, that body and suffered most of all".
   Due to the beginning of quantum jump, there was an unexpected transformation for me the negative worlds to a resonance in 2 Hz. All inhabitants have been moved, to a new semi-material world where remain, vegetating at the level of ghosts, dragging the pathetic existence, but without opportunity to revive and to correct something.
   In this world, generally people having scoliosis of various degree, not had opportunities to rise above. This world is enclosed with a high wall and is protected by policemen similar appearance on robots. Guards without emotions, but have calculation to live at the expense of live as they haven't developed the left hemisphere.
   From here, our ancestors who have gone to a better world very much ask us to help them as there strongly suffer because of deprivation of force, lack of experience and opportunity to correct something in the life. But it concerns only for souls with a resonance higher than 3 Hz, and all opportunities to gather further experience and to improve development are open for another. Only here, in our material world, it is possible to help them and too. We here possess force, the knowledge hidden in subconsciousness and more many than about what at all we don't suspect.
   We have even a church, doesn't own these questions, and it is a pity. After all there are a lot of died people, for the terrestrial affairs are canonized though absolutely them don't become. More often they vampires both on life and after her. Well, imagine if the person suffered all life, had a serious illness, had a deviation of mentality and a high resonance where he will get? - He simply publican, and we sympathize with his vital sufferings or external aspirations to god, we do it by an icon and he starts us discharging when we mentally opening to him, we ask for the help. The help here any, and problems at us constants.
   Here example. I possess good power as constantly I watch a bearing therefore it is easy to find my power (immune system) at distance of five kilometers. At me big church almost in the yard therefore I often come there. And as soon as I come to the room, to me to a waterway, at once, is attached a whisper of years 19 and follows me to the exit from church. But, after his power contact with me my feet are poured by such weight that I fir-trees-fir-trees come to light.
   Once I even has turned back to it and has asked that from me it is necessary for it, and he has answered the truth: "It is warm and easy for me when I follow you". This guy with sick mentality and it is visible not only on the person, but also on a figure and all depression. He very full from diabetes of the second type and at average height weighs not less than 150 kilograms. I have seen him, the live place isn't present, all sick. He because of mother of a skolioznitsa had a patrimonial trauma of cervical department of the backbone, brought to autism therefore he is such patient and was.
   I even have talked to the priest and have asked him, - why he holds the fellow at church, after all that does irreparable harm for many healthy people and to these отваживает them from god. And as the priest was a skolioznik, he hasn't understood me - absolutely and such happens to many priests.
   Last summer I went on monasteries and everywhere the same picture. Are sick not only monks, but also many priests conducting constant service in the temple. And it means, they transfer the problems to people who come to them behind psychoemotional balance or health.
   - I have got to talking with one of monks, with a linking of ancient keys on a belt, about their life in a monastery, - the father Gleb, fifteen years in a monastery. He from the neighboring village, lived uncomfortably and therefore has come to a monastery. On the infirmity guards any ancient building and gate to his yard.
   Would speak quicker to die, I was absolutely tired to live. Looks really nasty. I have come to a monastery behind simplification, but became even worse, and now and there is no place to leave. And such it is full. I have helped him and while we told about half an hour, he has recovered, has thanked me, and has told that now will ask for other work.
   So your future, my readers, depends on understanding of today, all in your own hands though our transformation still proceeds, and even I can't tell, than all tonkomaterialny reorganization will end. Take care, you watch a bearing and then life in a physical body won't terminate for you tragicly.
   The master, wiping hands, hands over the car to the client and in passing with him stirs:
   - And here you with whom work?
   - The surgeon, I perform heart operations...
   - And pay much?
   - 300 000 thousand for operation
   - Here pancake... after all in fact same we do, you touch cursors also I too... and only 20 000 rubles pay to me...
   - Want just as to receive I?
   - Certainly!!!!
   The surgeon gets a roll of money from a pocket and starts the motor...
   - Touch...
   Whim - an initial basis
   serious mental disease
   In behavior of each of people any strangeness or whim which as we think, is peculiar to only the certain person will always be found and we are mistaken because, according to the science, each our small whim, a habit or "an easy dash of madness" it is possible to find the strict scientific explanation. I almost always did it when at the correspondence diagnostics which is carried out by phone, I emerged any forgotten фактик from life of my patient.
   Here characteristic example. The man with scoliosis and own resonance of 5,4 Hz. - I was born from mother with strong scoliosis and a resonance of 7 Hz, that is the patrimonial opening in pelvic bones of mother has been strongly blocked and therefore at the birth the child hasn't begun to breathe at once, having been traumatized at reanimation of all sacral department of a backbone. You, probably, guess as it becomes still when the surgeon, the shaggy paw, beats on buttocks of the kid that that would begin to breathe.
   From here, my patient, suffered the parurezy - fear of an urination in the presence of other people. He even at first didn't admit it when I have asked him for the first time, and only after my explanations, has given the affirmative answer. He considered it as a whim and therefore at all didn't consider this fact as any disease.
   I remember, at the several first cases I even had to conduct small research. And here that has become clear. If near such patient, in a toilet, there was a person with the weakened immune system, he always, even against the will, was connected and hung on foreign immune system just in the field of a sacrum, than completely blocked an urination of the patient. After all power emissions in this area of a sacrum always opened for it "door".
   Over time experience accumulation I began to protect the health and have ceased to speak by the cell phone and as to prove something to people long. Simply I did the part - cleaning all problems found by me an organism of the patient, without being pointed at all at "unimportant details" though if to tell the truth, in any organism anything unimportant isn't present. Each factor is essential and plays large role in our life.
   The next moment, to me meets more and more, especially recently, this mechanical obkusyvaniye of nails. Such fact, sometimes, at all isn't fixed or justifies and transferred by consciousness of the person to something another. Onikhofagiya is one of the most widespread mental disorders of the present who is expressed in a persuasive obkusyvaniye of nails, approximately at 46% of aged people from 10 to 18 years.
   And occurs for very simple reason - lack of a bearing when a neck of teenagers it is long it is inclined forward, for example, at infinite conversations of youth by phone that forces the seventh cervical vertebra to leave the top part back, and forces out the first chest vertebra the top part forward. From it blood circulation in finger-tips of hands is broken, they grow dumb, freeze, and nails dry and break.
   Too, as well as in the first case, has very much bothered to convince people about this fact, and especially teenagers - they don't agree at all and constantly argue, from here I report about a problem only to parents or other family members, let will track as such mental "a little" will surely affect and their personal relations. I am always right in such questions as really I see any organism as whole debugged "mechanism" in interaction.
   Aleksitimiya - inability of the person to realize or express the psychoemotional state. It too the disease also develops it at violation of a direct bearing of the person. People understand the interlocutor without words if are adjusted on one wave of own resonance. When it isn't present, there is a misunderstanding. For example, if the difference in a resonance more than 1,5 Hz, occurs misunderstanding and if it is more than 3-4 Hz, such picture when the girl declares "is drawn" that her beloved insufficiently with her is sincere. - He never shares with her the experiences, he any eternally detached, him at all doesn't excite that occurs at her in soul, and so on.
   You can trust, you can not trust, but two of three similar complaints can be explained with the medical phenomenon named by "Aleksitimiya". This term means inability of the person to realize and put into words own psychoemotional state.
   To some extent each of us has Aleksitimiya, after all hardly anyone from us can brag of the excellent bearing. However in the most hard cases this state can make the life seriously of us miserable. I assure, Aleksitimiya prevents to live about 20% of people, and among them it is more than men, than women.
   Violent emotional expression or psevdobulbarny affect. - Present: the chief lectures you for any serious miss, and you feel that a second more - and you will burst out laughing, and you can do nothing with yourself. You try to get it together - you understand, than it threatens you, but, as though you constrained yourselves, the guilty look is gradually replaced by the silly smile, then the squeezed snicker, and soon from you the real loud hysterical loud laughter escapes.
   Such state happens at strong scoliosis and own resonance of the person not less than 8 Hz. Business here that the logic is switched completely off, and imagination is so intensified that itself operates the person, speaking to him: "you are a player on life and always you risk".
   Intolerance or not approval of certain sounds. Practically each of us doesn't take out any sound: polyfoam on glass, chalk on a board, a scratch of a swing, champing and many other things. Normally it or not, depends on that it for sounds and as far as they prevent you to live.
   And here the mental disorder under the name "mizofoniya" is already a state when irritation cause usual, nothing remarkable sounds. For example, sounds which are made by other people when eat, breathe, cough or are engaged in another absolutely usual and not noisy matters.
   Here one disease of mentality is imposed on another. That is a mizofoniya on a narcolepsy when the brain absolutely in a stopper also reacts practically to any, even not loud sound.
   Oppositional disorder of disobedience. In big collective always there will be somebody with scoliosis which perceives everything in bayonets that there is "from above", especially when the chief a balanced and healthy person. Because of a resonance in 5 Hz it considers as the main goal to undermine authority of the administration in the way most noisy and unpleasant for last. He altercates and argues in each insignificant occasion and it turns out that the chief suffers him for the time being.
   When there is nothing to do, are accepted to great causes.
   We analyze mistakes, we avoid them and we aspire
   to personal happiness
   People start making all mistakes only when our imagination comes off a projection of own body in space, and the resonance raises higher than 3 Hz that is if the right shoulder becomes lower left and besides there is it on one of thin plans. This situation becomes possible only then when the physical body loses the correct bearing for long term, and the person doesn't take any measures to her restoration.
   The person continues to sleep not on one side, and with an inclination on a stomach when the top foot comes for dimensions of the bottom foot forward. From it the backbone of the person is developed on own axis, there are multiple muscular blocks and tension that directly changes brain blood circulation, completely changing the world round him and his internal feelings.
   Here all logic, a logical reasoning is considerably extinguished, and the imagination considerably escapes forward. The person becomes a player on life when absolutely ceases to come to desirable, but always to notable and so close and desirable result. When his arrogance, cockiness and aggression increases because it, more and more, people not adjusted with it on one wave cease to understand.
   This characteristic of behavior is inherent in all poets, musicians and artists of all times and the people. These are people with active imagination who live torn off from healthy society and to which constantly envy, but with further violation of their brain blood circulation start clashing openly. Such process, degradations of consciousness of people, infinite and it can proceed before consciousness elimination as that.
   But don't consider that you have already missed the chance. In life of each of us there are various take-off and falling depending on a situation in which we are also our reaction to her. Our reaction to any situation always will be true and accurate if we control a bearing of the backbone. In a bearing laws of physics and health our head and marrow, and as all correct work of all systems and bodies of our organism are strongly connected.
   Life in a material body, is study, we behind it here and have come to these severe conditions what to get experience for use him during lifetime already in the thin worlds. There without him we have nothing to do. Therefore life such, also consists of falling and take-off.
   But don't consider that have missed the necessary time. Each situation lived by you brought you to that moment in which you are now. And every moment your life, including present, you begin anew.
   If in you there is a courage to recognize that to you it is terrible when you can smile even through tears and speak when your voice shivers from indecision if in you it is enough to ask confidence about the help when she to you is necessary, and wisdom to accept the help when to you her offer, you have all to make your life much better.
   Correct a bearing in front of a big mirror. As to make it I already in detail described. You remember, the bearing improves by rules of study of the strength of materials. If one shoulder is lower, it is necessary to raise it at the expense of an inclination of the top part of a trunk and lowering of an opposite shoulder. The technique takes only two minutes.
   Further, never use the unsuccessful personal relations as excuses. Life not always reduces or acquaints us with people whom we want to meet. But at times, she presents us people whom we need to meet and which have to give us help.
   Never change to please to other people, if it not ideally healthy and comprehensively developed person. As far as opinions of other people were loud, let's them choose whom you to be. Listen to the subconsciousness, and it never will deceive you. If certainly at you a good bearing and your subconsciousness it is available to consciousness.
   Don't wonder at, than you aren't pleasant to them, ask better why you spend the time, worrying that they think of you. If you harm to nobody the actions, know, all of you do correctly. Continue to go forward. Be happy. Be itself. And if it to someone isn't pleasant so to that and to be. You aren't obliged to please all around.
   You don't suffer negative people and negative thinking. They have a high resonance and from them one troubles. - An indicator of a negative is tension in the person, the stiffened rigid eyes, brick complexion and allergic reaction on skin. The curve bearing, the warped figure and the chin lowered down or a back a wheel.
   Has come to set aside time aside all unnecessary quarrels and a negative together with those who causes them. You simply cease to notice them and to react to them. And in order that you didn't knock out from balance gather in a point somewhere behind dimensions of the body and from there watch a situation.
   Surround itself only with those who forces you to smile. You love those who treats you kindly, and you pray for those who doesn't do it. Forget about a negative and be adjusted on a positive. Life is too short to be unfortunate. We make mistakes and we stumble, and it is a part of the life, but after we rise and we continue to go further because it is meaning of the life.
   Don't soar the thoughts in other places and times, and for this purpose keep a good bearing. Then your day more never will repeat. Enjoy of. You appreciate each his second. Often we simply don't understand the value of that moment in which we live while it won't turn into memoirs. And once we can understand that that we considered as insignificant trifles, actually was the most important in our life. You appreciate that you have while you hadn't to remember that you had.
   Think of you don't have what, and more that you have less, using force of figurative representation. Then you will have everything that you will imagine. On it no more than half a year will leave.
   The majority of people deceive both, and others first of all they give much more attention to what allegedly doesn't suffice to them, than that they have. Instead of thinking that lacks you, think of what doesn't suffice to another and then you will be able to choose and materialize necessary personally to you.
   Don't live that you not in forces to change though at the correct thinking you can do EVERYTHING! If you never fell, couldn't learn to get on feet. If you hadn't to release someone and to go further, you never would understand that in you there is enough force to stand alone. If you didn't lose hope, wouldn't find belief. And at times the best in your life follows at once the worst. You can either go further, or continue to remember that you not in forces to change. But you remember, life all the same will leave forward, with you or without us. And any pain does you stronger if you don't allow it to destroy you.
   Never endow the happiness for the sake of happiness of others is their choice. Don't allow to die away to own happiness when you try to shine others life. Sense of your life not in doing others happy, and in being happy and to share the happiness with others.
   Don't lose sight of own purposes and ideals. The nobility who you are this one but to believe in herself and to lead own life absolutely another. Society puts upon us such pressure that we at times forget that, first of all, we have to be faithful to ourselves. Don't lose itself on a course of life. Also try always and to be everywhere itself improbable, tremendous, delightful itself.
   If you say that are going to make something, make it! If say that are going to be somewhere, be there! If say that have certain feelings, they have to be the presents! Live so that anybody even to mind would be not not come by thought to doubt your honesty that, remembering frankness, a spontaneity and integrity of the personality, people remembered and you.
   Also remember, as though you tried, life never will be perfect while you don't reach perfection inside, that is in you there has to be a full harmony, foresight, a huge stock of knowledge and experience. Even if you enclose in her all your efforts without the rest, to her never to reach total perfection while you don't reach internal perfection. But having reached him, you will be able to operate the world of full harmony.
   Though in life there will be short time of uncertainty when at you all will fall from hands, but it is temporary and connected with your further development. Therefore as you will go forward on your course of life, you by all means will understand that whatever black was day, once you smile, and he becomes though a little better.
   All complain of lack of money, and for lack of mind - anybody.
   The mentality is such thin piece ...
   Understanding one event, I have found very interesting story with which I want to share with you. For this purpose I have made the whole investigation. At ten-year age at one child the great-grandmother who was the known artist has died. Before death she long was ill and as she has damaged mentality, she hasn't passed to the thin world, and remained the publican in our world in which the soul without physical body can't exist.
   Therefore without having found the best option the great-grandmother, through dreams, it was connected to power of the great-grandson on the physical plan. And it first quite suited her. But over time she has got into thin structures and covers of soul of the child, and even has released a physical body, having occupied with itself his consciousness and subconsciousness. Over time the child has grown up and in him the talent of the artist was shown.
   Externally, on the physical plan, the person was, seemingly, healthy, but on thin plans he constantly didn't have power, and he began to be connected during a portrayal of the face of the customer to those whom I drew. From here, after receiving the portrait the customer sharply and was seriously ill. And when he died, the artist found to himself the new victim, and so proceeded indefinitely.
   Yes, pictures quite often become responsible for strange events. For example, the well-known reproduction, it not a cloth from a picture of the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin "Crying boy" has set fire not to one ten houses in the north of England in the mid-eighties of the XX century. Those years "The crying boy" unexpectedly has gained at fans of painting unusual popularity, despite too high own resonance of a cloth, though quite healthy people bought it. Of what they then thought, it is necessary to guess only.
   One printing company on good paper has printed reproductions which as bore in itself a high resonance and were very hazardous to health of people, but have instantly dispersed, despite it. Simply, people buying the pleasant picture were absolutely not competent and didn't think at all of own safety. And then houses in which these reproductions hung have flared. The police has made investigation, and it has become clear that as model for "The crying boy" the son of the artist has served.
   The kid refused to cry for credibility of a posing, and then mentally sick with autism, spiteful daddy began to light and burn down near match his face. At last the child hasn't sustained and has begun to cry with words: "That you would burn down!" Hasn't passed also month as the boy from a disease of a narcolepsy and a nervous overstrain has died from high temperature, and in few weeks in Bragolin's house where the picture hung, there was a fire in which was lost both the artist, and almost all his works.
   Glory of a picture instigator the "Water lilies" of Claude Monet drawn almost under the same circumstances have deserved also. The first the artist has suffered from her - his workshop has almost burned down, only the last dab has laid down on a cloth. All owners of "Water lilies" - cabaret on Montmartre, the house of the French patron, and even the New York Museum of Modern Art burned also.
   The Russian artist Ilya Repin was the great master on killing of the heroes also after has ached with autism. Almost next day after completion of work on their portraits the composer Mussorgsky, the surgeon Pirogov, the politician Stolypin have died, and the writer Vsevolod Garshin has rushed to a flight of stairs after Repin has written from him the etude of the head of the tsarevitch for the picture "Ivan the Terrible Kills the Son".
   Almost all his friends whom he has imprinted on other well-known cloth "Zaporozhetses write the letter to the Turkish sultan", have for various reasons died how work has been for the first time exposed. Having been frightened of an event, the artist has immediately painted over on her the image of own son.
   In spite of the fact that such pictures of artists causing concern and death of people, are carefully studied by "experts" him it is possible to find nothing. Approach to research too materialistic therefore anything also don't find.
   Chemists investigate paint and a canvas, physics - impact of sunshine on the image, parapsychologists go round cloths with a bioframework, and it is necessary to approach with the head therefore at them the result, as a rule, is zero and supernatural they don't find anything.
   A few years ago in the Hermitage have taken an unprecedented step - have withdrawn from an exposition an ancient icon, with Christ's image loaded with someone to very high resonance. Employees complained that long stay near an icon causes feeling sick. Some inspectors from this hall have suddenly died.
   The invited expert has carried out expertize and has established that the icon instead of very low frequencies extends round itself the energy forcing a human brain to vibrate at a big frequency. And mentally healthy person as he sharply breaks brain blood circulation can't take out it.
   Other researchers came to similar conclusions also at different times: in the New and Old Picture gallery in Munich, in Louvre, in other galleries installed the devices fixing movements of eyes of the audience and time, spent at a picture. It has been proved that in a number of pictures obviously there is a certain energy when mentally sick artists put in them all the hatred to our world as it for them was too rough.
   Putting a negative in a picture, they absorbed power of people looking at her, and it supported the existence, at first in our world, and then and in the world of publicans, supporting the existence. Such glut of a cloth by huge negative energy will inevitably lead any healthy person to death and besides he remains in the status of the publican, as well as the artist.
   I have checked Ilya Repin's condition currently. - At him in spite of the fact that has died and besides long ago, still immune system in all bodies as at the live person. It means that the program put by subconsciousness in his pictures works still and he "undresses" people existing the publican, in our world, killing people and living at their expense. Therefore mine to you council, isn't pleasant a picture, urgently leave from it! Don't play with destiny.
   The person realizing the shortcomings, is cleverer, than he thinks of itself(himself).
   As it is necessary to help people
   Our society always insists on need to help the neighbor. To us say that we have to help people just like that and even then when they don't wait for it. The help to the near person can be various, but the most effective help is the correct council, instead of financial support as can seem to much not expert in this question.
   But national experience teaches us - never to give anybody unclaimed councils. The person can be with you not on one wave and therefore council can apprehend as aggression of you. From here don't try to help people if they about it don't ask - never. It not irresponsiveness, and simply life experience.
   Stop to help casual people with very high own resonance who don't deserve it. They won't change a way of life and again become same as were earlier. It isn't always simple, after all us always taught that it is necessary to help people. And so, now it is necessary to forget, it to do.
   Give help to only those people who it asks and always for any compensation of your downtime or the work enclosed in them. Then your efforts will bring essential help to asking person, after all for it is paid by the work! If your councils it is too expensive for someone, it is possible to suggest other way to compensate your efforts or time. And though many people very much want and it is pleasant to help, but stop to help people who don't appreciate your help.
   In any of us the genius sleeps. And every day everything is stronger.
   Specifics of work of a brain
   Brain - the most important body of nervous system of any living being. In the cerebral cortex making an external surface of a brain, in the thin layer of gray substance consisting of hundred million neurons, feelings become conscious, all any activity is generated, and there are highest mental processes, such as thinking, memory and the speech.
   For example, the brain of the person consists of water for 78%, for 15% from fat, and other 7% make - proteins, hydrate of potassium and salt. The brain is the electronic superfast computer therefore in the Universe there is nothing more difficult from this that we know that is comparable to our brain.
   The brain of the person makes part of the central nervous system, consists of the bodies which are in a cranium surrounded protective membranes, brain covers between which there is the spinal liquid intended for depreciation at injuries. The human brain weighs about 1300. By the size and complexity this structure has no equal in fauna.
   At a brain very complex structure, it includes million neurons, whose cellular bodies are grouped in several departments and make so-called gray substance whereas others contain only nervous threads covered with myelin covers, and make white substance. The brain consists of symmetric half, the brain hemispheres divided by a long furrow 3-4 mm thick which external surface corresponds to a layer of gray substance where the cerebral cortex consists of various layers of bodies of neurons.
   The brain of the person consists from:
   cerebral cortex, the most volume and important body as it controls all conscious and most part of unconscious activity of a body, besides, it is a place where mental processes, such as memory, thinking and to that similar processes proceed.
   the brain trunk consisting from варолиева of the bridge and a medulla. In a brain trunk there are the centers regulating vital signs, generally a brain trunk consists of kernels of nervous cages, therefore he gray color.
   the cerebellum which is taking part in control of balance of a body and coordination of movement, carried out by a body.
   There is a wish to notice, what even at normal brain blood circulation of people no power over the brain has, it makes the decision always itself. And it puts us in very tickler. But mind has one trick: the brain itself makes all decisions, and in general everything does itself, but sends to the person a signal - you supposedly don't worry, it everything was made by you, and it was your personal decision.
   The brain as the microelectronic device consumes from only 10 - 30 Watts of power. It is the power of the smallest bulb. The most trained brain in the best of the creative moments consume, no more than 30 Watts.
   And here megawatts are necessary to a real supercomputer. The real powerful supercomputers consume energy which will suffice for electrification of the small city. It follows from this that the brain works on the mikroenergiyakh, absolutely in a different way, than the computer.
   It suggests an idea that if we have learned after all as he acts, it would affect all spheres of our life, including even power, then it would be possible to use in everything smaller quantity of energy. After all last year all computers of the world were made even on productivity to an odnimchelovechesky brain.
   Many people ask a question, whether from here nervous and mental disorders come out on top in the world among diseases, after all these diseases start advancing oncology and cardiovascular diseases that is not only a nightmare, but, among other things, very big dynamic burden for all developed countries by quantity.
   I investigated this question and I can accurately declare - not from here and on that is absolutely strong reasons. And though many people want that all were normal and healthy people, but there is other international group of powerful people who at all don't want it, but want, what all people - knew a little, lived badly, were ill much and would make fabulous profit for monopolies.
   For a short interval of recent time they have simply destroyed worldwide two tens leading scientists proved that all pharmaceutical industry is absolutely not necessary to people. That the modern medicine and pharmaceutical industry simply profit in public, poisoning them and receiving for it huge money. It were the most known scientists of our world who were lost under the strangest circumstances for the shortest period after announcement of the scientific conclusions in the press or on television.
   And it any more the first such case of mass death of the scientists working in one field of knowledge and achieved considerable opening, capable to change the whole world. Only on my memory of such cases was, at least, three. The penultimate case has occurred in the nineties a proshy eyelid and has ruined all leading microbiologists of the world working over one problem. I then itself worked at scientifically research institute and some of the lost scientists were familiar to me, on their works with big work published in scientific magazines, in the form of the short scientific message or small article.
   But norm of a condition of a brain this not only good blood circulation at the correct bearing of the person, but also that rests against pathology at considerable violation of brain blood circulation and even, that is sometimes shown as genius. Because genius it not norm, and specific violation of blood circulation vyzvashy brain misoperation with "prekosy".
   And, as a rule, these people, expensive price pay the genius all the life. From them huge percent of people who either become an inveterate drunkard, or commit a suicide as they sharply show autism and life it doesn't become lovely, and to receive energy so necessary for existence they don't manage.
   After all families and other close people have left them for a long time because of difficulties of joint life, and foreign people such simply avoid as at them even on a face all their defects are written. So sharp psychosis, schizophrenia, or something another with a mental state at them is by all means shown that them and ruins finally. Also it is huge statistics, instead of simply grandmother's conversations.
   If to compare a brain to the computer that, as well as in the computer, we have to install programs necessary for us in a brain. Any programs in him already stand, and any it is necessary to receive and download somewhere, and we download them there all the life, we won't die yet. Downloading programs, we change and reconstructed, after all the main task of a brain is study, not in narrow, banal sense - like the nobility who such Dostoyevsky or Zoshchenko, and in the broadest sense, after all he absorbs information all the time, differently simply degrades and perishes.
   In us more than hundred billions neurons. Different figures and as to count them seriously are given in different materials. At each of neurons, depending on type, can be to 50 thousand communications with other parts of a brain. The brain it not simply neural network, is a network of networks cubed.
   In a brain 5,5 petabyte of information is three million hours of viewing of the video record or three hundred years of continuous viewing. It is the answer to a question, whether we will overload a brain if we consume "excess" information. Yes, we can overload him, but not "excess" information.
   For a start, what such information for the brain? - It not only knowledge. The brain is occupied with our three-dimensional motions, occupied with potassium and calcium movement through a cellular membrane, how kidneys work that does a throat as the players of blood and many other events in our organism are changed.
   We know, of course, that in a brain there are functional blocks that there is any localization of specific functions. And we think, how fools if we do language work when in a brain zones which are occupied with the speech are activated. And so not, won't be. That is they will be involved, but other sites of a brain will take too in it part, and the attention and memory at this moment will work too.
   If the task visual, so visual bark works too, if acoustical - that acoustical. Associative processes too will always work. In a word, during performance of any task in a brain any separate site isn't activated, and simply the brain always works all. That is sites which concrete are responsible for something, it seems, are, and at the same time they as though aren't present.
   At a brain memory is so organized that it is more high-speed, than at any computer and is organized semantic. (Semantics is the section of linguistics studying semantic value of units of language.) That is, say, information on a dog doesn't lie at all in that place where our memory of animals is collected.
   In our brain the majority of processes goes in parallel while computers have different modules and work serialno. Short-term memory at us too is organized not as in the computer. In the computer there is "iron" and "software", and in a brain these two parts are unseparable. Only it seems to us that the computer performs many works at the same time, but actually it simply very quickly skips from a task on a task.
   If we are online all the free time, inevitably there is that in the world is recognized by an illness called Autism, and inhabitants call it computer dependence. She is treated by the same experts who treat drug addiction and alcoholism, and in general different manias, but never cure because of the wrong approach to the reason of this disease.
   In a concrete case, the person sitting at the monitor, always sits, having inclined a neck and the head a little forward that is his main mistake. It suffices that the head in the Atlas has started being displaced forward and down, besides, the lower the neck, the becomes heavier the head (approximately, weighing up to 28-30 kilograms) therefore all cervical vertebras it is sprained forward and back through a vertebra in the top part.
   Such changed, with an inclination forward back, the condition of vertebras of cervical department of a pozvonichnik blocks the carotids feeding a brain and he is gradually diluted as sharp violation of brain blood circulation a defiant mental disease - Autism starts being shown.
   After that there is a violation of work of very extensive neural network of a brain, and the person becomes an enemy to all progressive, advanced and sane. And the main thing that aggression will occur in sophisticated, often, to the form hidden from all, and always is directed only against absolutely healthy people.
   Suddenly arisen quarrel, it just about such case. - Remember how often you observe it on TV in the criminal chronicle, but resourcefulness and cunning of responsible for a situation is always shifted to the innocent. Therefore of aggression always accuse innocent, instead of that who has created a dangerous situation.
   Physicians of it don't know and therefore are engaged in self-deception and deceive patients where it is necessary to apply knowledge of study of the strength of materials and physics which they don't know - after all they aren't technicians. From here, this their treatment by special preparations gradually does the person by the full disabled person though if to be able, Autism is treated, or it is correct to tell a human body is restored without any drugs and without the subsequent consequences.
   Watching people long time, I have come to a conclusion about degradation of population of people. Not only that the brain works for the majority not correctly due to the lack of the correct bearing, so they still and don't use him when it is necessary. It would seem to eat difficulties on life, take and understand, instead of you can itself ask that who in it understands better, but far from it. Appeared "pride", "arrogance" "self-confidence" which prevent to help to itself starts being shown unclear from where. Therefore people have and mainly mental diseases, and already then and somatiky.
   Any training, I mean, any work which becomes a brain and which is difficult for him, our brain stimulates and develops him. Art is transferred from a trowel to the pupil, from the personality to the personality. After all it is impossible to learn cookery according to the book. For this purpose it is necessary to stand and look as as it is done by other more skilled person.
   Therefore there are some rules which concern kogniktivny and creative thinking. One of them - it is necessary to remove cognitive control: to cease to look back at others, to stick to be afraid of mistakes, not to look, as well as that neighbors do, to cease to reproach themselves. Your brain shouldn't be occupied with computing work, as the calculator. Therefore in the West on the enterprises employ special people who on production lead the life, without submitting to any laws, and then give advice to the management as to change everything and to get big profit.
   Generally it is people with very developed imagination, torn off from reality, but because of scoliosis and brain misoperation, not as at others, they are capable to see that of that will see nobody. Make something they can't, but clever and sensible people can take their advice and then all desirable will turn out.
   Didn't lash also to all of us to reflect, and that at us remains only 30 years before full degradation then in 15 years will work conservation law of population and full revival of already new generation of people, but not us will begin. There are nature laws which are inevitable for all, and it should be remembered.
   If you aren't called long by relatives or friends... means they are fine.
   Danger of high own resonance, both people, and things and various myths for the people trusting in them
   Phone number +359 888 888 888 has for the first time got to the woman who suffered autism and has loaded with an its frequency of 12 Hz. After that everyone who became the owner of this telephone number in Bulgaria, died premature death of a heart attack or a stroke. As a result operators have been compelled to close this phone number forever. It would seem, only number - a virtual set of figures, but put in him the hostess of this number мыслеформа was dangerous to many people.
   The silver vase - Bassano's Vase, has been made in the 15th century and presented by 61 summer grooms to the bride on the eve of a wedding. The groom suffered autism and figurative representation which could envy. Therefore, in the morning the bride have found dead with a vase in hands.
   Everyone who became owners of a vase after the first owner, soon died. There were many death before the family, at last, has hidden a vase. In 1988 the vase was again, on the inscription "Already flaunted be careful, the vase brings death".
   Soon Bassano's vase have sold at auction and thought that the damnation any more doesn't work. The druggist who has got her, has died in three months. And then there were three more death of new owners before the family in despair has asked police, to take a vase on storage.
   The locker with dibbuky, in the Jewish folklore dibbuky is called - an evil ghost. People assume that the person who managed to endure the Holocaust and who has incidentally called the demon could make it, having put him into a locker. But here and the demon it isn't necessary to cause if itself you have a mental disease after stress such endured and transferred you. From here all things which the person often uses, with a resonance of 12 Hz, are loaded with his high resonance and become dangerous to all healthy people with low own resonance.
   Kevin Mannis has bought this locker on property sale in 2001, and soon after that he interrupted a sleep, and nightmares about the wicked witch have started dreaming him. Mannis has given a box of mother which had a stroke on the same day. The subsequent owner of a locker also claimed that demonic nightmares have started dreaming him and the strange disease of skin has started developing. It was sustained by endocrine system and the thyroid gland began to collapse.
   The plantation of Myrtles is considered the house most occupied by ghosts in the USA, and also one of most often visited buildings in the world, and all because all family which has bought this house, simply hurt autism because of violation of a bearing and a constant stressful state.
   The plantation has been constructed in 1796 on a place of an Indian burial ground. Besides, on hearings, on this place at least ten murders have been committed. Was considered that on this plantation there was a mirror with ghosts which allegedly contained spirits of Sara Woodruff and her children, but actually it was usual, and the oppressive situation was created by presence the neupokoyennykh of souls of former owners. It also was pleasant to people adjusted on the same negative wave of a resonance, as the former hosts, after all being at such frequency such situation, as well as their own resonance always is close.
   Wedding dress - a ghost. This dress once belonged to Ann Baker who has never put on it but after the father has turned out darling of the girl, she has gone crazy. From here the dress was loaded with a high resonance in 12 Hz, and has been given to historical society which has transferred him to the museum apartment Beykerov much later.
   Witnesses claim that the dress during a full moon moves in itself. Moreover to him not to move when the hostess in the period of an aggravation was in him and as she was incorporeal, it isn't visible for us therefore people saw only one dress.
   The lock Belkort had own resonance of 12 Hz therefore it became known for the numerous documented cases of emergence of ghosts. Perhaps, the most known paranormal objects in the lock are two chairs which have chosen spirits. Visitors who sat on chairs, said that him it is cold and uncomfortable or even felt that sit down on someone, and some visitors even have been dumped from chairs by any invisible force.
   The doll once belonging to the patient with autism to the artist Robert Eugene Otto as tell, was obsessed with evil ghosts. This doll to him was presented by the servant from the Bahamas who has soon died of a narcolepsy as the people knowing them said, not without intervention of the owner and they were right. The artist simply lived at the expense of the servant "eating" his iznutriya energetically. Well, and a doll, as well as all around, was very high resonance and caused negative reaction only in healthy people. The same of people who had a high resonance, it even entertained as they got to the elements.
   It is rumored that the picture "Martyr" possesses evil aura. The artist having a serious mental disease - autism has loaded her with the strongest negative. He, even, together with paints used own blood. After picture writing he has committed suicide, and now the dark figure of the artist which wanders about the house constantly seems to new owners of a picture.
   This violet sapphire from Delhi, mistakenly called Delhi sapphire, actually is big amethyst. Originally he has been stolen by one mentally sick person from Indra's sacred temple, Hindu god of weather and war.
   This stone, being in the temple, I had low own resonance but as for stolen he was a beautiful toy, from here I have found a resonance of the owner. Therefore all his subsequent owners have fallen ill with a narcolepsy, have lost здравось thinking and even their close relatives started being ill and be ruined one by one as soon as the stone with a negative fell into their hands.
   The terrible doll of the Navel has been made just like the owners in a family with which because of the sick grandfather all suffered a narcolepsy. Said that the hostess so loved a doll that always and everywhere carried her with itself. The owner also claimed that the doll talks to her.
   Nevertheless, after the hostess of a doll has died in 2005, the new owners who have got under her influence, have placed a doll in a glass show-window. Eyewitnesses declare that the doll periodically changes a pose behind glass as though trying to get out from there. She constantly changes a look, and also round her all things менят the location.
   Letta's doll has been made 200 years ago in Romania by the Gipsy for the son who has drowned subsequently. Mistakenly it is considered that the spirit of the boy was installed in a doll where stays until now. Actually the doll has got to the new sick hostess and began to possess, from her, paranormal aura.
   For example, when a doll take out on the street, it starts to rain, dogs hate her and constantly try to attack, and people feel inexplicable fear and grief. But there is more to come: the doll also moves in itself, changing poses or sitting down.
   Owners of the lock of Blarni have very developed imagination from scoliosis. They are deprived of logic as their own resonance is equal 5 Hz. Therefore they, for involvement of tourists have thought up the version that the stone put at top of a wall of the lock of Blarni, allocates the person with a gift of the gab but only in case he touches this stone with lips.
   Observing it it is noticed that it isn't so simple to make it as a stone called "the most unhygienic sight of Europe". But the idea of owners if from a stone to break off a piece is at the same time supported, the most various misfortunes can fall down the person.
   The new myth from indigenous people in New Zealand Maori who before going for fight, cut out from a mask and figurine tree. On belief of Maori, souls of the soldiers who have killed in action lodge in masks. The damnation of masks doesn't pose any threat for other men but if the pregnant woman or the woman at whom the periods have begun concerns a mask, it will draw upon her a train of failures and diseases.
   The Uluru - the huge, sacred rock located in the depth of the Australian continent. To her annually there come thousands visitors thanks to the legend created by local population. To take out stones from the country - it is illegally forbidden, but some courageous tourists take with themselves a pebble for memory. Nevertheless, it is accepted to claim that on these tourists, allegedly, damnations, misfortunes lay down, and subsequently they send all stones mail back to Australia, accompanying them letters with apologies.
   The Black Eagles diamond which is also known as "Eye of Brahma", has been stolen from the Hindu temple and the legend says that theft has caused a damnation though actually it wasn't as his resonance hasn't changed that occurs at a damnation. Diamond has replaced a number of owners, many of which have committed suicide as the fear for such wealth has led them to mentality violation from what they and were lost. Later diamond, has been acquired by Charles F. Vinson who has sawn it on three parts, in attempt to destroy a mythical damnation.
   This doll under a name Anabel loaded with a high resonance, has been bought in 1970 in antique shop by the woman for the daughter trained on courses of nurses. Soon after that in a hostel where there lived the daughter, mysterious and terrible things have started occurring. When Donna and her roommate Anghie came home, they found a doll in new different poses and different places.
   Messages "Have gradually started appearing help us", and on a doll after that to be shown blood spots. For obvious reasons, Lu, Donna and Anghie's friend, has decided to get rid of a doll. It obviously very wasn't pleasant to a doll, and in the same night of Lu someone has tried to strangle in a dream.
   As a result have called experts on paranormal which have decided that the doll is actually a portal in a hell, as was actually which was used by demons, for pass to our world. After several unsuccessful attempts of an ekzortsizm, a doll have placed in a special glass box in the occult museum Uorrenov. Inspectors of the museum declare that the doll moves in it and until now.
   Two divers have got in the Red Sea on a beautiful sink. And one of them next day, after a magnetic storm has flied "from coils". His own resonance has reached 12 Hz, and he suddenly wanted to own a sink of the companion. That has refused. But the schizophrenic fortune was made by the business - he has loaded with the powerful negative, the sink which has pleasant to him.
   When the sink has appeared at home, at once the situation in him was completely changed. Tension in a family was fueled. Mutual understanding was gone. People came to the house to sleep and again to run up from it. Flowers have ceased to blossom, and the cat was gone from the house and it has appeared at dacha - itself, despite long distance.
   When the hostess has addressed to me by phone, I have found a negative disturbing to a family to live in peace and friendship on one of window sills. Without knowing that it I have corrected a situation, having removed a negative. Already next day the pleased people have called again and have reported that the sitution at them in the house was completely restored.
   Mysterious brothers with their mystical disease have already nicknamed "children of the Sun". In the afternoon 13-year-old Shoaib Ahmed and 9-year-old Abdoul Rasheed behave as the most ordinary children. But as soon as the Sun is behind the horizon, both of them become "vegetables" and become completely incapable of movement and conversation.
   Professor of the Pakistan institute of medical sciences Dzhavet Akram has declared that can't even assume, than such symptoms though the such is created in the world not for the first time are caused. There is even the whole tribe of Indians which lives in two worlds as they speak. Part of days they live in our materiany world, and the second half in absolutely other world far from us. When their own resonance considerably raises in certain time, they simply fall asleep in our world and hunt in other, and then every day come back and so there passes all their life.
   Such cases have put "on ears" our science and became a serious call for modern scientists. All medicine after the conducted various medical researches is in perplexity. And everything here is very simple, people live 12 hours, in a material body, and other 12 hours in the astral.
   In the last centuries there were frequent cases when anywhere there were unknown people and declared that have arrived from the countries and the cities which don't exist on Earth, and spoke on unknown to none of our people languages. Who are they? Travelers from the parallel Universes? No, everything is perfect so.
   This history is described in John Timbs's book "The book of year about the facts in science and art" - 1852. In her Timbs wrote: "At the end of 1850 in a small town in the area Lebas, near Franfurtom - on - Oder, has appeared the strange person. Nobody knew, from where he. He spoke German with accent and externally looked as the European. He was interrogated by the burgomaster of Frankfurt. The stranger has told that his name is Dzhofar Vorin, he has arrived from Laksariya located on the continent of Sakriya's the country. He doesn't understand any European language, except German, but writes and reads in laksariysky and abramiansky languages".
   "Abramiansky language, according to him, is a written language of clergy in Laksariya, and on laksariysky simple people speak. He has told that his religion in a form and the doctrine same, as Christianity. Laksariya's country is located in hundreds kilometers from Europe and separated from her by the ocean. He has arrived to Europe in search of the gone brother. On the road he has suffered ship-wreck, but couldn't show the route on the card or the globe. According to him, on Earth there are five continents: Sakriya, Aflar, Aslar, Auslar and Eflar. Men of science from Franfurta - on - Oder have studied words of the stranger and have believed him. Then Dzhofar Vorin have sent to Berlin. In the Prussian capital it became a subject of hearings and multiple scientific discussions".
   "In 1905 in Paris have arrested the young man speaking unknown language. He has managed to explain that he is Lisbiya's citizen, not to confuse to Lisbon, - Vilson and Grant write. - And in 1954 at customs in Japan have detained the person with the passport, given out in the country Taured" which isn't present in our world.
   But such country, as well as others is higher the listed unknown, to us the countries exist, but already in other world, and other range of own frequencies, though here on Earth, after all come to us got into our world from the frequency of the world = 15 Hz, and = 20 Hz.
   Recently Japanese customs officers have detained the suspicious person who has shown to them the documents, and have taken away him to the room for interrogations. During interrogation it has become clear that the person spoke fluent French, in Spanish and even in Japanese.
   At him there was driving license of the country Taured. Customs officers have asked it to specify on the card where there is his country. He at first has pointed to area of Andorra, the small country, located between France and Spain, but then has quickly understood that his country isn't present on the card! The terrible silence was established in the room, the man and customs officers looked at each other in perplexity. The person has told that never heard about Andorra, and his country Taured exists more than 1000.
   Besides, in the passport of this person there were customs stamps in five years, he came to Tokyo, many times and when there were no problems. Without knowing what to do, the man have placed in number on the top floor of the next hotel and have locked. Two armed security guards stood behind a door all night long. The next morning customs officers have arrived to a hotel room and have found out that the person has disappeared as is mysterious, as well as has arrived. All further investigations on the this case have given nothing.
   And though scientists still adhere to the theory and claim that the law of relationship of cause and effect simply means that any event has to have the reason, and the reason has to precede an event therefore communication through time would break this cause and effect dependence.
   But it is visible she it is all the same broken as the multiple facts prove it when transition is carried out by shift on the frequency of own resonance where the arrow of time isn't fixed at all upon platform transition between the worlds and again joins with an exit from him, but already under other laws of the new world.
   Frequency of a resonance changes from a psychophysical condition of the object and a certain magnetic field operating on a planet from space therefore because of coincidence of these rare factors of such transitions and it isn't so much fixed. Especially as transition through the platform between the worlds is carried out always by special rules as there time is constant size.
   A large number of riddles of the paranormal phenomena, like supernatural abilities of people to that the history knows many examples, just and is based on violation of these laws: tonkomaterialny travel, telekinesis, anticipation gift, ekstrasensorny perception and many other of our life.
   Continuing to investigate possibilities of movement in time and space, and also an exit of people out of limits of our existential measurement, I consider that possibly it occurs, as well as a case with a quantum complexity. Therefore the conclusion arises that ekstrasensorny phenomena have much closer relation to science, than it is represented our many scientists.
   If Fortuna has turned the back is a destiny.
   Illiteracy of parents, the main reason for diseases and mortality of youth till 18 years
   After revolution of 1917 when have been destroyed not only statehood foundations, but also family foundations, people have ceased to remember precepts of ancestors and everything to that taught us before. And earlier the condition of a bearing of the person always was on the first place. After all the bearing is health and first of all mental, it is self-confidence and the future. This mutual respect and full understanding in society in which you live. It is harmony of soul and a body and it is simply long спокойня life with hardly any trouble at all in general!
   And now we reap the fruits of last self-confidence when the illiterate people directed by interested in capture of the power by mercenary people under plausible excuses, have completely destroyed the family foundations, all interfamily relations, all traditions, and anything new, except technology and equipment to the person haven't given. Therefore, having lost fundamentals of science the lives acquired by wisdom and experience of our ancestors, we for the last peace years began to lose many teenagers and youth.
   So statistically the leading causes of death in recent years among youth of 10-14 years of HIV, AIDS, road Accident steel and the drowning of 26% of all cases, and transport incidents became the main reason for death at youth at the age of 15-19 years of 15% and 20-24 years of 16%. (I emphasize that HIV, officially, haven't found an infection.) Problems at youth with health so many that at the head clutch not only doctors, but also scientists of the whole world.
   The main cause of illness and death of children are their families. Mothers became the main reason for fatal cases among children of younger group and young women till 24 years, these are 32% of cases. During the period, from 1990 on the present we say lies, the frequency of unsafe sexual communications as risk factor, I have risen by the second position for young people of any floor and age till 19 years. Abuse of alcohol became the most important risk factor, among men and women to 20%. At young people till 24 years, the frequency of the use of drugs has made about 5%.
   Influence of various risk factors differs at various countries, as well as within the country. For example, in age group till 24 years the frequency of the use of drugs was the highest in Qatar and has made 5%, she was followed by an indicator of 5% in the United Arab Emirates, and the frequency of abuse of alcohol was the highest in Russia where has made 22%, and the following position was taken by Belarusiya with 21%.
   Increasing need for new and full information on strengthening of health and to decrease in an indicator of incidence, and as risks of diseases among young people at the subsequent stages of their life is available. For this purpose as well as possible information medicine which for the long existence has proved indisputability of the postulates approaches.
   Besides, in connection with big variability of indicators of risks and incidences among various countries, the general approach to improvement of a state of health during this important period of life will be unsuccessful if not to take into account of feature of each country. These, results prove need of the solution of financial and technical problems for effective data collection about risk factors for health of youth and their determinant in medical information system.
   At the same time, there is a wish to warn that problems with hearing begin at youth till 18 years, working in earphones, for example at teenagers. From here more than 28% from them complain of a constant ring in ears, the state which still was characteristic generally for people is more senior than 60 years. But the majority of youth is visited by clubs and use earphones, constantly subjecting itself to total loss of hearing.
   Suffering from a ring in ears teenagers, at first, transfer loud sounds, than their age-mates and not жауются to this symptom easier. However they yet don't feel hearing deterioration as when acoustical nerves are injured, cells of a brain become more sensitive to impulses reaching them therefore damage is at first not really noticeable. But with age the hearing of people with the increased tolerance to loud sounds will worsen considerably.
   We also widely apply pesticides which increase risk of development of autism at children. Pesticides help to fight against mosquitoes which transfer a set of the viruses, capable to cause hypostasis of a head or spinal cord, reports Zee News. Their research has shown that at the children living in the area of dispersion of pesticides, the risk of autism and an arrest of development has been increased for 25% in comparison with those areas who lived in places where other methods of fight against pesticides were used.
   As reports - The Daily Mail - schizophrenia, and bipolar frustration are more often diagnosed for men with candidiasis (it is one of kinds of a fungoid infection, is caused by microscopic drozhzhepodobny mushrooms of the sort Candida). And here at women the same infection pours out in bad indicators of usual dough for memory. Scientists while assume though precisely don't know, whether causes a fungus development of mental disorders. It isn't excluded that the general easing of immunity stands behind the revealed regularity.
   - And actually all on the contrary - when sharply changes a magnetic background from the strongest magnetic storms of the last time, together with increase of own resonance the mentality is broken and from here the immune system together with endocrine system takes off. Certainly, on this basis when in an organism отсутвуют protective forces candidiasis, and not the reverse also develops.
   Here an example, in us there are epigenetichesky hours which play a major role in the course of human body aging. They cause epigenetichesky changes in DNA and an organism that lead him to the accelerated aging if at the person, at the raised resonance, the immune system is switched off. So occurs always, despite a way of life and age of the person.
   Physicians emphasize: it is necessary to struggle with a fungoid infection anyway. Refusal of active consumption of the sugar, unnecessary courses of antibiotics, following to a hygiene mode will help to prevent her development. The stress also promotes easing of immunity and, as a result, emergence of candidiasis.
   - Here too everything is put upside down, and here sugar or a hygiene mode. The main thing фактороя is the direct bearing of a backbone! This, that main thing that all of us have forgotten. I, by the techniques, beskontaktno correct a bearing of the person, without being at all with him nearby, than понисуществует!
   And so already long time with one qualitative result, without tablets and even personal meeting with the patient. Why not to adopt unique experience available for me at the level of any scientific medical institute. The main thing is result and besides achievable almost instantly.
   It isn't difficult to take the place in life. It is more difficult to get used to thought that this place you is worthy.
   Clairvoyance gift godsend
   or persistent work on
   From an antiquity clairvoyants were considered as attendants of great Gods. They were identified with them and practically were them. Many governors specially invited to themselves clairvoyants and healers for the purpose of receiving eternal life and truthful answers to all questions exciting them. So, proceeding from historical reports, Alexander of Macedon had the court seer, he is an oracle who pointed to him to the necessary strategic steps in battles and an outcome of each fight. Unfortunately, because of slight scoliosis with a resonance Alexander of Macedon hasn't believed in only 3 Hz to a prediction of danger and hasn't listened to a prediction for the fast death, having counted him wrong therefore has paid.
   Is historically proved that fact that in Egypt priests possessed powerful internal power and thanks to communication with an information field of the Universe could get infinite knowledge from last generations and predict the future.
   Today on our planet also there are some thousands of people allocated with gift of clairvoyance and opportunity to predict the future on the basis of various facts, but generally inhabitants look at them cautiously and try to avoid them, and in vain. Such knowledge can be used both for society development, and for the personal purposes of everyone.
   But very often the word "superabilities" in understanding of people happens is shrouded in a certain aura of mysticism, magic, secret, and at times and danger, but it occurs only that the person has a hidden form of any phobia. I consider that possession to "superabilities" quite normal phenomenon for the competent person at mature age when he starts thinking of how our world is arranged often.
   Therefore healthy and sane people perceive any new or novel information with interest, but is seen at us the majority of people with scoliosis and with mentality violation therefore unknown and novel they are frightened simply also such by the majority. It is very well known to me when people are afraid of that that can't.
   On the one hand is even on a hand to all healers and psychics who and without that in most cases suffer from the gift if suffer from scoliosis. Then they have turned down logical function of a brain, and the imagination comes forward with a separation from a body and therefore they often don't know how to apply the ability or gift. From here because of a constant not joinings wished with reality appeared sufferings which consist in detachment from the world and, especially when misunderstanding by their ordinary, not gifted people.
   Scientists agree in opinion that ekstrasensorny and tselitelsky abilities of people often depend on congenital properties and on a condition of the mentality, being descended, but it not always so. I knew many people from healers who have come to it, as well as I, that is through search of or a hobby when favourite business turns into calling.
   That is gift of healing can be transferred from the relative to the relative, but it is very rare. Though in ancient times was considered that at the witch the witch or the witcher will surely be born. They also had in the majority the gift of clairvoyance as could define diseases of people, having simply looked at them.
   I too do diagnostics, almost instantly, but on the information plan that absolutely another therefore I see and I find considerably the bigger volume of information than if simply I examined any systems of an organism of their interaction, or it is simple to consider bodies being able as they are.
   First, the intuition and rich long experience of healing here joins, and secondly freedom from time and opportunity to consider any states in development, both back, and forward on life of your patient is given. It gives enormous advantage before medicine as it is instantly possible to estimate result and at the same time to make necessary changes if they suddenly be required.
   All information influences happen instantly, and only being coordinated with physics laws, that is on the corresponding spiral or use of rules of study of the strength of materials, during the work with a backbone that allows to transfer data to any distance, to the unknown to you to object in an invariable look. For example, in DNA or changes of his state in the necessary direction I apply possibilities of cybernetics to correction of mistakes. If there was no all this, at all don't represent, it was as though possible to do that I do as the healer.
   In the history of medicine I knew several talented doctors and healers who have made much for the people of Russia, but all of them worked with information transfer not on the person, and on medicine prepared by them which from one application was capable to cure the most difficult disease.
   It is very high class of work thanks to which understanding I have come to need to increase the education in the field of information transfer. It was necessary to study both medicine and cybernetics at the same time for the further development. But everything has paid off harmony of soul and the most ample opportunities in medicine.
   In the history of mankind other outstanding clairvoyants who could predict hundred fatal events for Earth are known also. This is the Delphic Oracle, Vanga, Messing, Casey. All of them had the gift from the birth, only at some it has opened spontaneously, and some had to develop him independently.
   Predictions of Vangi were often not straight lines due to the lack of education, and inoskazanny that complicated their perception and understanding, but to this day, many predictions enjoy wide popularity at people. She predicted earthquakes, floods, change of the political power, a doomsday. She could look and in the past where the picture of the ancient world, other worlds revealed before her that was the purest truth. But she lived alone on Earth not therefore there were people capable to change the future which personally didn't suit them and therefore many predictions simply hanged in the history.
   It should be noted that in predictions of Vangi the thought that the mankind isn't lonely on Earth is accurately traced. - It indeed - the worlds a set and all here on Earth, after all for this purpose what to move to other space of the world parallel to us it isn't necessary to go anywhere, for this purpose it is necessary, simply, to replace own frequency of a resonance. And to make it very easily when you are guided in the vital space as at yourself in the apartment.
   I agree that modern people are the fifth race on our planet. Rerikhi - known esoterics in the Soviet period clarified on Tibet held the same opinion also. Exactly there him clairvoyance gift has opened, secret language and secrets of the ancient has opened.
   They claimed that antlant are one of races of people which underwent some floods and immersions under water from what they developed ability to live under water. Atlases existed many centuries in parallel with development of the modern person and possessed that knowledge which reveal to us only today.
   It too reality, after all Atlases have moved to us from Mars far back in the past, and their genetics, is genetics of indigo people, them about 45% of inhabitants of our planet. Here, difference from other people in only five genes, in the first quarter of a chain of DNA. And four genes are switched off, and one is activated, but they give to the person a lot of things. Here especially the intuition becomes more active and on the new the brain works, not without reason Vanga claimed that Atlases and are present today among people and share with them intimate knowledge.
   Casey and Vanga the predictions did in full darkness. He in a dream - she was blind since the childhood. Scientists give different forecasts of reality, but I consider and I connect it that during lack of visual activity of people passes into a bit different state and its subconsciousness becomes more active, and the consciousness is braked, but not оключается completely.
   It approximately dreamily, you leave, plunging into yourself, but is absolutely not similar to a lethargical sleep as some "theorists" with scoliosis and a separation from true reality consider. The human spirit can travel in space and time, without plunging at all into any dream, differently it will be travel only in one party. During such travel on the worlds the traveler is capable to learn information hidden in our world, but it isn't closed for him during wakefulness. And it not a phenomenon, it is rather, scientific regularity.
   Sceptics, to be exact people with scoliosis and violation of brain blood circulation in the head, consider clairvoyants and psychics as charlatans and atheists, those concern secret divine. But a situation only in a big difference of own resonances. After all the difference in only 1,5 Hz already gives such not understanding and if it is more, and in general business can end in a fight even if nobody will open a mouth and the word won't say.
   I always claimed and have already proved practically that superabilities can be developed at any normal healthy person if to explain him small cunnings. In only one month, with occupations on two hours in day I have taught everything that knew itself and have trained not one excellent expert capable of work in any conditions and ready to development of the abilities in the field of diagnostics of various objects and treatment of any diseases.
   At us in the country in a number of military educational institutions special courses on which hundreds future officers having parapsychological abilities had training too have once been created. The main objective of courses consisted in allocating cadets with opportunity to remember large volumes of information, to operate in mind with big information streams and large numbers.
   Besides, them learned to develop high performance and unique opportunities of a human body which would give the chance to maintain mechanical influences and various extreme conditions. And at them everything turned out, as well as possible, but everything depends not on their own desire, and from the management which in this case has led incorrectly and everything have quickly covered when there were new near people.
   CIA of the USA and other intelligence services last century actively were engaged in check of activity of clairvoyants and were quite convinced of their real opportunities, and then and long them used in military and the razvedovatelnykh the purposes. It has been connected with a world totalitarian mode of America for which it was necessary that clairvoyants told only the text dictated by them, and people believed in him. But the majority of really great psychics was ignored by any attacks to them.
   Presently very few people didn't ask psychics for the help, and the most part all of them remained are happy with their work. But, today a new situation as people aren't on friendly terms with the head at all because of a rigid magnetic situation. And in particular it concerns who had in life a great grief. For example, death close, loss without message of the child, simply bad patch in life then has passed a stress, and then at the person took down "roof" and already all healthy people became for them enemies.
   Therefore such patients address any more to experts whom don't understand, and to same, as well as they, the patient mentally, to be exact to charlatans. From here and the result working for a minus, and even is much worse. Not everything who gives out itself(himself) for the people presented with clairvoyance, have such gift. Today the magic and funeral services became part of the usual world. It isn't blamed any more and witches with sorcerers don't burn on fires. On the contrary, them appreciate and to them address for council. This council is sometimes capable to save life or to reveal secret of death.
   It should be noted, what not all owners the ekstrasensornykh of abilities have gift to cure. One can make good diagnostics, others to restore health, to glance the following in the past and to offer the person some options of permission of a situation. But the real gift of healing at many of them can be closed.
   Today scientists note the increased number of indigo unusual children with the developed intuition, they can build very quickly relationships of cause and effect and quickly give forecasts for future events in life of people. It too some kind of extrasensory perception. Children of new generation strongly differ from predecessors, they are more talented and have a number of advantages.
   Now such children are much more sensitive to emotions of close people, are more vulnerable and take of them the hint. Many prophets predicted the future in which there will live on one Earth people of new race and their predecessors.
   And now physicians even more often establish the fact of that both hemispheres of a brain work for people more synchronously, as has to be at all healthy people, in the presence of a direct bearing - it is obligatory. It says about bigger development them to sensitivity to everything that is around. I consider that it before us grows generation of new people the majority from which possess superabilities. Who will show time is right for now clairvoyants, according to the lights, worldwide, try to help everyone with them needing and to everyone who will want to learn itself(himself) what to develop further.
   Quantity of problems in direct ratio to the salary size.
   Gastroezofagealny reflyuksny illness
   The Gastroezofagealny reflyuksny illness represents the chronic disease caused by periodic забросами of gastric and intestinal contents in a gullet. This state, but being accompanied the heartburn, arising more than 1 once a week within 6 months, and characteristic extra esophageal clinical manifestations, develops at scoliosis.
   Here scoliosis proceeds at a resonance of only 3 Hz, that is almost in an initial stage, but touches and develops 5,6,7 vertebras of chest department which through the nervous backs clamped in the left side of a body, open an entrance and output sphincter (valves) of a stomach that in the final moment and leads to the specified disease.
   At the same time, 8,9,10 vertebras are lower on a backbone are developed opposite through the right side of a body and it has impact on work of heart of the patient, changing his pressure towards fall. From here perspiration in an organism isn't observed, in any points as though pressure was raised.
   Prevalence of a disease, to 30% of the population, is connected with that the patient during a dream is developed forward on a bed in the top shoulder when sleeps on one side. That is he doesn't support the top shoulder a palm of the bottom hand bent in an elbow on which lies and doesn't form the lock interfering a turn. From this pose there is muscular tension from 5 to the 10th vertebra and the povonochnik is twisted on a disk in the middle between 7 and 8 vertebras.
   The progressive recidivous course of a disease practically at 90% of patients within a year, and also existence of heavy clinical manifestations at poor quality of life. Here it is possible to note insufficient efficiency of etiopatogenetichesky, antirecurrent and preventive treatment that affects not the correct treatment of the reason of this disease.
   The matter is that for our medicine, still, the most pressing questions of a problem of a gastroezofagealny reflyuksny illness are the solution of an etiology of this disease, and also interpretation of mechanisms of passing relaxations of the bottom esophageal sphincter - the main link патогенеза diseases. At the same time secret remains, drawing up an epidemiological picture and early diagnostics of a gullet of Barret.
   The purpose of the present article was the desire at last to open eyes to our physicians for the correct studying of questions of epidemiology of GERB, diagnostics endoscopic a negative form and изучениея prevalence of Helicobacter pylori at patients with GERB. After all I had to struggle often with this disease at the patients, and always correctly affecting a backbone of the patient to relieve him, instantly, from an illness, besides to do it by power of the thinking and not to touch at all the person with hands.
   Small retreat, from technology of treatment. - If I at treatment by thought don't apply laws of physics and I don't transfer information on a spiral according to twirled on our space and study of the strength of materials when I don't consider that effect should be had on an opposite shoulder, I never manage to help the patient quickly and qualitatively even if I will put all vertebras on the place. The intervertebral disk between 7 and 8 vertebras remains in an aggravation and the problem of misoperation of valves remains. And, apparently, only thought, but also it is necessary to think too correctly, anything never missing.
   So early diagnostics in policlinics requires not obligatory histologic inspection of patients with endoscopic negative form of a gastroezofagealny reflyuksny illness, and their check in respect of correctness of a bearing. It is necessary to put simply the patient before itself, to force to become straight and compare shoulder levels if the right shoulder is lower left on 1,5 cm, it is necessary to take appropriate measures as in respect of early diagnostics and active maintaining patients with Barret's gullet, him consider as a precancer state.
   Why right shoulder? Yes because shift with a backbone twisting in our hemisphere goes always to the left, as well as all live in the nature, and it specifies that the left shoulder at a turn becomes always higher! Therefore at loading it is necessary to consider, on what shoulder to carry weights, for example a bag. That is it should be done always on the right shoulder, raising it and if you carry weights in a hand, below - that always in the left hand.
   But our women of it never, in the majority, don't consider and therefore a skolioznitsa. They carry bags, on the left shoulder lifting him, it is so more convenient to them, that is for this reason they torn off in the head from reality existing round them and live in the drawn world.
   They live in absolutely other world thought up by them therefore they never have no joining on desirable and reality. The logic in such state is always extinguished, and the imagination "runs out" with a separation forward. They well see the future, but are never capable to join it with the desire. These are players on life and always lose, remaining without money and support, with rare exception.
   But, such women, have also one more, the main problem, - obstetrical function. At such mothers the patrimonial opening is always blocked and made strongly narrower. Therefore childbirth mostly difficult also there is a danger of Cesarean section, but then the child suffers and his character becomes a weather vane or as at a rag on a wind. If he hasn't passed on patrimonial ways, he will never show a fighting spirit and won't stand for itself neither in dispute, nor in life. It will be the fighter and the soldier, and a rug about which all soldiers wipe feet, at an entrance to barracks.
   Not to add Nimogu, here, one more factor. Children at such women mostly are born with the damaged sacral department. It leads to broader arrangement of feet in inguinal area and, for example, girls therefore go not standing, and as though on widely placed "matches". After all they have thin feet, curve and sick. And here at the men born from women with scoliosis, the "bent" sexual inclination, and sovremeny, in 25 years develops, all of them come and to floor change.
   Children at skolioznitsa are born with great difficulty and are always injured up to DNA change! Therefore in families where small children are ill it is necessary always and to treat mother first of all. And only after that it is possible to help the suffering kid. And at us everything do on the contrary - collect from people or on television money for treatment abroad and when the child will arrive home mother his, power, again "heats".
   But we will return to the main subject. - High frequency of occurrence of NR at GERB, and NR detection in the bioptatakh mucous a gullet, not indirectly point to a possible pathogenetic role of this microorganism. But not in emergence рефлюксэзофагита, and in need of restoration of a direct bearing at the specific patient.
   It at all don't demand or dictates need of carrying out urgent eradikatsionny therapy at this category of patients, and simply speaks about the wrong position of the person during a dream on what he and needs to be informed, but our medicine never it does, differently she won't earn to herself on bread and butter.
   Lottery: indirect tax on bad knowledge of mathematics.
   Tendency to a depression and sitting pose
   are at the computer interconnected
   Active users of social networks are inclined to a depression and it any more a question, and the statement of doctors. The person spends on a social network more time, the higher at him risk of a depression. Scientists have come to such conclusion from University of Pittsburgh. In 2014 experts have interrogated 1787 Americans aged from 19 till 32 years. Researchers have estimated depression level at volunteers, transfers The Economic Times.
   Also participants have told how often they used the social networks most popular at that time (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, Vine and LinkedIn). Research has shown: on the average volunteers spent on social networks about 61 minutes in day and visited pages in social networks about 30 times a week.
   More than at a quarter of participants levels of a depression were high. Scientists have noticed close connection between use of social networks and a depression. So, at volunteers who within a week most often used social networks, the risk of a depression has been increased by 2,7 times in comparison with those who seldom used social networks.
   And at participants who most of all time have seen off on social networks during the day, the probability of a depression has been increased by 1,7 times in comparison with volunteers, in day spending on a social network there is less than time. Experts have considered factors which could affect results, including age, sex, an ethnic origin, marital status, a life situation, levels of the income and education.
   Researchers explain: because of information on pages of friends on social networks the person has a feeling of envy and there is an illusion as if other people are happier and more successful than him. Besides, can negatively influence mood feeling of a waste of time for nothing and Internet dependence. Besides, cyberintimidation - emotional humiliation with use of information technologies, including, social networks is very widespread today. It too increases risk of a depression.
   At the same time I want to notice that height of installation of the screen of the monitor and a sitting pose behind him play very big and important role in violation of brain blood circulation and in development of a stressful situation which will inevitably be transferred to close people and there are a source of violation of relationship in a family and an illness, first of all mentalities. It is necessary to add that at the slightest violation of mentality of the person his critical perception itself completely vanishes, and he becomes "dictator" for all people around him people.
   From here, the sitting pose behind the monitor has to be only with a direct back, and the monitor to settle down on the horizon line on level of eyes. Only such pose is safe and allows is longer to work at the computer.
   But, still it is necessary to remember safety measures. In a network, on my supervision, practically there are no people healthy, mentally, therefore communicating with them in networks, you subject yourselves to big danger. Trying to understand the person of the interlocutor from social networks you, you are subconsciously adjusted on the frequency of his resonance, and she can be very high therefore you become similar to the interlocutor from a network, but you lose touch and mutual understanding with the family, parents and friends on life.
   You remember it and choose that it is more pleasant to you, to live in the virtual world of mentally sick people or to live in friendship and understanding with live people, relatives and friends. This understanding will protect you from diseases and will allow to live in harmony and health.
   Wisdom is not wrinkles, and crinkles.
   Movements of the person can tell a lot of things about his character
   Researchers from University of Exeter have found out: movements of people at which much in common are, as a rule, similar. Still him not to be similar, after all they are adjusted on one frequency of own resonance. So during experiment experts suggested volunteers to imitate movements of each other, reports Prothom Alo. As has shown research, people with similar movements in collective behaved more orderly, but I would tell not orderly, and is harmonious as they live in one will and they have a full understanding of each other. But here about health here it isn't necessary to speak as it doesn't speak about a condition of a resonance and height of his wave.
   Besides, when performing joint tasks they acted approximately equally. And still it was simpler to such people to agree in the course of interpersonal interaction. Scientists speak: each person has so-called an individual motor profile. It transfers hardly noticeable differences of movements of the person from movements of other people, for example, the movement speed, figure rocking in space and synchronization of position of a body.
   On the work I can add that autists in strongly started form of an illness, when walking, always strongly shake here and there in the top part of the case. Same meets and at considerable scoliosis, in the bottom chest vertebras and the frequency of own resonance from 5 Hz when at the person both feet are not in a joint. Then he shakes, and both buttocks at хотьбе twitch.
   Experts consider that on an individual motor profile of the person and features of his interaction with other people it is possible to estimate a condition of mental health and it is right. By the way, researchers from the Canadian institute of perspective researches are sure: gait strongly influences mood. If to control her and to change, it is possible to become more healthy and happier.
   On the mistakes study, on strangers profit.
   Thousands of people live with boundary to autism a state
   Thousands of people live with boundary to autism a state, without suspecting about it. I always speak and I write about it, but here and the Bristol university, Broud's Institute and All-clinical hospital of Massachusetts too have revealed communication between brain blood circulation, genetic mutations and characteristic for autism easy symptoms of disorder of socialization, apparently, at healthy people.
   Making a start from mutations which together with brain blood circulation are capable to provoke autism, scientists have checked separate of them, from the point of view of emergence of difficulties of social interaction, communication and speech violations. It has appeared, separate genetic factors are really connected with certain behavioural traits of character, and also features of psychological development in, apparently, healthy children.
   But only at a certain combination of an inclination of cervical department of a backbone forward, a ducking in the Atlas forward, conditions of brain blood circulation and genetic risks arise diseases of an autichesky range. It turns out that there is a certain intermediate state between norm and a deviation. One of authors of research of Alice Robinson makes comments: "We can use data on behavior and cognitive features to open mechanisms of action of genetic factors. Now we have a way to learn, what diseases and other fenotipichesky signs conduct to autism and full intellectual degradation of the person".
   I can add that it is simpler to do autism diagnostics on the person, here never mistakes happens though the diseased, even in the presence of all signs at the same time and together never the patient considers himself. Here these signs: the person intense more often than claret color or in dark stains, eyes rigid prickly, corners of a mouth are lowered, a chin massive, flat, the sublip dimple gradually disappears. This list at all in a full order is autism.
   And from here - this person is constantly closed on himself, is the power vampire, and very dangerous to mentally healthy people at their joint communication. With them he has no understanding never. He is the enemy of all healthy people, and first of all itself(himself). From here always suddenly arisen misunderstanding of each other and quarrel which can bring to a fight or casual murder.
   The environment of pawns creates illusion that you are a king...
   Consciousness shift in time and space
   quite real thing
   There was at me one familiar elderly person whom the wife was ill autism. She often hung on him энегетически. And once he has asked me for the help in one of those short periods when the wife has released him as to her there has arrived the sister, and she has switched over to her. This case was very interesting to me as an indicator of a new condition of the person - sharp violation of brain blood circulation against strong scoliosis and very high own resonance in 13,5 Hz. We have agreed to meet in couple of days and when he has come to me, the wife already has again got him.
   Therefore, what he can be helped as better, I have decided it to investigate in detail, after all work in an office for me became a big rarity as I carried already out similar things only in absentia. Besides I was going to correct his wife right at the beginning what to simplify to itself work with the patient. But something has held me, probably subconsciousness has worked still when I have invited to work, with it in an office that long ago I didn't do.
   And so, despite a narcolepsy, and this sharp violation of brain blood circulation and a syndrome of chronic fatigue at the same time, it still had a strong scoliosis which was that thin bodies of the patient left on a spiral to the left and with a small separation from a physical body. This state said that the person well sees the future and completely feels him, but physically lags behind or brakes in perception of reality of our world.
   At him in general was a lot of interesting to me though I and wrote, in early books, about possibility of such temporary shift. And here he noted it as lived with a real separation forward on time as heard a voice of any speaking person with a small advancing, still before the person started speaking. He had one more problem of a disagreement in the present, he never could pass through open doors not to be hooked by the right shoulder for a door jamb.
   It was really the first case confirmed with the patient when the person heard the speech of people before noticed movements of their lips. His situation lets unique opportunity know as our brain perceives information heard and seen being the shifted consciousness abroad the physical world.
   The patient had a raised blood pressure as palms were damp and at the same time armpits and a solar plexus as it occurs at the majority of skolioznik though they, at all don't notice it sweated. All these factors say that besides one temporary interval "now" in a sound body of the person, in our brain there are many intervals of time being in each thin body sdinuty in space and as this person lived consciousness with dvigy forward, perceived our world exactly from there.
   After the measures taken by me with his wife the situation with shift of thin bodies remained though the resonance has considerably gone down, but after correction of a bearing was cleaned also temporary сдиг. I observed his any time, but my rekomenlation which I have given for his wife, have made the business and no problems in a condition of their health arose any more.
   Not all ideas are born in brain hemispheres... sometimes they are replaced by hemispheres of buttocks.
   Big depressive frustration -
   useless reception of energizers
   Big depressive frustration is one of the most widespread, mental diseases at children, teenagers and many people of different age who aren't watching the bearing. The child or the adult who is in such state, has own resonance of 8 Hz and if it учтывать, it is possible to tell at once that the problem consists in the wrong using the computer or phone.
   The ditelny ducking forward when the first cervical vertebra is displaced forward becomes a cause of illness and this situation knocks out the first chest back, as partially blocks brain blood circulation. And if not to stop it right at the beginning, autism when all backbone of cervical department will be injured already can develop, and the resonance will raise already to 12 Hz.
   Here it is necessary to notice that the critical perception of a condition of the organism completely stops already at a resonance of 5 Hz and people considers as the reasons of the discontent with life any abstract least reason, but as not itself.
   At our medicine while, and as always in any difficult cases, there is no consensus concerning need of application of pharmacological intervention for this group of patients, and also rather preferable preparation. That is quality of results at the majority of the used procedures and their comparison is recognized as the very low.
   As for efficiency, that he isn't present other medicines absolutely, after all here it is necessary to put the specified vertebras at the same time to the opposite sides, instead of to poison the weakened organism even more, weakening him. And as it can't be made for materialistically thinking person, and to cure, even such simple problem nobody can.
   As кибернетик, the physicist, as well as the physician I investigated our material world from various parties and in various strips of frequencies and have come to a conclusion that he is ranging from 0,01 to 13,5 Hz. Therefore I have been compelled to enter into information medicine developed by me new parameter - own resonance of object. Where own resonance is the frequency radiated by any object of our world in surrounding space and speaking about his state, that is about health live or a state not live object and its place, on frequency, in this space.
   This innovation in medicine, has allowed me to make the most exact remote diagnostics of any objects, including people and not live subjects being from them at any as much as remote distance, from our material world, and also from living beings or objects of other worlds parallel to us. For this purpose it is just necessary to define, on the scale of frequencies developed by me, earlier, the concrete frequency of the chosen object.
   Therefore all secrets of our Universe became available to my detailed comprehensive investigation. It has opened possibility of management of them at distance, through change of their own resonance under current laws of physics, study of the strength of materials and cybernetics. More precisely and more reliably than the tool for scientific researches while nobody has invented.
   Now, using frequency - own resonance, it is possible to determine any parameters of any object of our Universe. For example, any object from other worlds and even to move it, from other world, to our world and then to lift him to our level of development that he wasn't to dangerous people, as чупакабра which while is dangerous to us when she appears in our world.
   Her emergence here, in our world, says that she has developed and has risen on a scale of the world up, and then evolved and has passed to us, but has appeared from the bottom of a scale of a resonance therefore it is dangerous as people with high frequency own resonance are dangerous to all sane people with a low resonance. They too are with frequencies from 12 to 13,5 Hz and as are dangerous as чупакабра or as part of mentally sick inhabitants, for example, Ukraine, Europe or the USA which are in power.
   They lead the wrong life, their backbone is developed on an axis, an hourly arrow and therefore they are sick, (subtleties consciously I miss) and first of all mentally, and the problems transfer to healthy people, what them вампирить energetically and to live at their expense. If they don't show aggression, would be lost quickly and completely, and so live, prosper and still build the whole world on the ruler.
   I understand that everything not possibly to know, even within one specialty, but an outlook it is necessary to develop constantly therefore I and work in all spheres of possible application of my specialty. But even brilliant ideas and outstanding inventions don't find understanding among contemporaries.
   Only poproshestviya of the whole decades and judgment a new view they become demanded therefore it is necessary or to regret for a downtime, or most to make up for missed time. - After all our civilization develops in the false direction, and the world simply самоуничтожается, following the tastes rich and the powers that be living with sdigy of mentality on a phase of own resonance - politicians and scientists.
   But, we will return to osnovno purpose of our article. - When studying a profile of advantage and risk in case of use of energizers at short-term treatment of big depressive frustration by physicians it is established that all preparations really don't bear unambiguous advantages neither to children, nor to teenagers, to adults. Possibly, only for this reason the medicine applies флуоксетин, considering as his best choice at purpose of medicamentous treatment though it is absolutely not correct. We, still, have no medical preparations without collateral actions.
   It should be remembered all - you treat one, another you cripple, and only the information medicine restores an organism without collateral actions as all transformations in an organism happen under control of subconsciousness of the person, guarding his health.
   From here that didn't treat such method, for an organism there will be only a harm! Therefore I offer the method of the information medicine tested with time, capable power of correctly formulated thought and figurative representation of the person to cure any illness, whether it be a mental disease or somatic. For human thought there are no barriers!
   At women of various age, for the same reason, that at children or teenagers, atypical signs of sharper violation of brain blood circulation are quite often observed, already at a resonance 10 Hz connected with misuse of phone and the computer.
   It occurs when the person brings an ear to phone and inclines the head at conversation, instead of phone to an ear or sits having stooped behind the monitor, instead of that what to put the screen above and to straighten a back. Among symptoms there is a severe, pristupoobrazny pain at one hand or the foot, suddenly come attack of a hiccups, consciousness loss for short time, sudden a breast pain, asthma, tachycardia or sleeplessness.
   And again carotids by the displaced vertebras from a backbone tired of the wrong pose here are pressed, and the brain suffers, the immune and endocrine system, mentality respectively takes off, and behind her and comes соматика. Therefore some experts connect increase of probability of development of a stroke at the women who are in the period of a menopause, with action the gormonozamestitelnykh of preparations which appoint for reduction of symptoms of a climax.
   Our many compatriots are inclined to uncontrolled reception of nonsteroid resolvents. And such habit at any pain to address to analgetics it is supported very aggressive (and not always conscientious) by advertizing. At the same time the majority of people has no idea that many NSVP increase risk of development of thromboses and a stroke.
   In a concrete case, tendency to self-treatment can play very unpleasant joke with the person. Certainly, it is necessary to keep anesthetizing preparations in the house, but at their choice it is necessary to consult to the doctor and to pass inspection, to estimate a condition of the cardiovascular system, (if there is a scoliosis, a condition of this system always critical) and, certainly, you shouldn't use them at any indisposition.
   The depression is the indisputable factor promoting development of a stroke. It agrees to results of inspection carried out by physicians more than at 300 thousand patients, risk of development of a stroke for the persons having tendency to a depression, it is raised for 45-50%. The reason of this phenomenon isn't found out as the bearing component isn't considered by them and on what she influences too. And it is their big mistake which is probably allowed consciously as I consider.
   Scientists have assumed - I don't know, on what they leaned that people gloomy and too seriously relating to vital scrapes it is more, than merry fellows, are subject to unhealthy habits (to an overeating, smoking, refusal of physical activity). Besides, such individuals transfer stresses that conducts to more essential wear of vessels of a brain heavier. To me, it and so always is visible, with the naked eye trained person, on a condition of a bearing and a type of the face of the person.
   The statistics shows that the greatest number of strokes (including with a lethal outcome) is the share of a cold season. For the people belonging to the senior age group, decrease in air temperature on one degree increases risk of development of violation of brain blood circulation almost by 4%. Scientists believe that it is connected with increase of arterial pressure from compression of gleams of vessels and сгущениея blood, and also difficulty of her transfer by heart which occur at a cold snap. Here they not ошиблиь and it pleases.
   Various violations of a dream can testify to possible probability of manifestation of a stroke. Such phenomena as snore or obstructive апноэ a dream, too are the risk factors increasing probability of development of a stroke.
   At uncontrolled to subconsciousness a dream or unconscious turns of the person during a dream, the brain of the sleeping person starts suffering from a perezhatiya vertebras of carotids and a lack of oxygen. Besides, such state conducts to periodic failures of heartbeat, sharp fluctuations of arterial pressure and emergence of the perspiration which result there is a violation of brain blood circulation, immune system and mentality. For the people who have already had a stroke, violations of a dream are dangerous possibility of repeated "blow".
   The stroke is the serious illness which is often leading to an invalidization - disabilities in case of an illness or death of the patient. Here, the matter is that at a magnetic storm and from the high frequency of a magnetic component of our space muscular blocks and tension which influence a backbone are formed.
   From shift of vertebras of cervical department the head in the Atlas as well as shoulder level at scoliosis is displaced, with small turn, to the left up, strongly warping the head. And though often such shifts happen only on the information, thin plan, but are often projected and on the physical plan, and the person gets sick.
   From here, disregarding thin bodies of the person, the specified problems can't be solved therefore physicians don't consult and only because of materialistic approach to the person. - The better people around will be informed on it and features of a stroke, the probability of rescue of the person to which there was a violation of brain blood circulation or big depressive frustration is higher.
   All secret becomes obvious at all in time.
   Thought as the progress engine in information medicine
   and not only
   The nature is so arranged that for nothing to us is given nothing even if you are the born genius. If there is no work on the development, and result never will be. For example, for this purpose, what to achieve opportunity available for me, for today, in competent and productive management of thought I have spent tens years of everyday trainings - all day long, plus practical work and the detailed analysis of the done work.
   But has been rewarded for merits. Now life of any person for me the open book. And how many was doubts, uncertainty and mistakes, well, their analysis and analysis of "flights" always cleared up and installed confidence of future progress.
   The intuition is the first that I have developed in myself and therefore it never brought me. From here it became clear to me - everything in the Universe is interconnected and submits to one laws of the nature and without it it will turn out nothing therefore it was necessary to become the observer behind surrounding space. I began to study at the nature, watching practically everything that occurred round me.
   For a start as кибернетик, I began to study our material world in analog, and then and in a digital format and it has appeared that many tasks solved in one format, aren't solved at all in other. Then I began to look for possible limits and borders of our world which were extremely necessary in work, and on frequencies have by practical consideration defined them lying within frequencies from 0 to 13,5 Hz.
   It has given me a firm point of support for work with those objects which were in other strip of frequencies, and allowed to observe them, for example, in the tonkomaterialny plan, that is lying behind borders of our world, but, at all without seeing them in our world, for example, using only sight.
   On the basis of an open information field, there were new opportunities to consider the reasons and a consequence of various events, even if the object has moved from our world to other world, or has on the contrary appeared in him at the development and growth. It has allowed to correct mistakes of our ancestors made far back in the past.
   For example, a case from practice of the healer, in one family all men died very much early, literally in the prime of life, and here women lived long and all lived till 100 years. Such task a reblast furnace was set by one client, arrived to consult on the matter as two men in their family have approached to critical term.
   I began to investigate in time and I have found far back in the past the harmful program, in the form of a patrimonial damnation established by the nature of parents on one of the representatives of a feminine gender. When I have told it, the woman has asked to interrupt and has phoned to the great-grandmother who has confirmed this, known fact in their family. To me remained only, somehow to bypass in space the moment of commission of a damnation.
   It could be made in several ways.
   - To correct a critical psychoemotional condition long ago the died parents at the time of commission of the fact of offense, the daughter in the past, and then they wouldn't make that that have made after a current situation assessment.
   - To correct a critical psychoemotional condition of parents even until commission of offense them the daughter and then they simply wouldn't take such step.
   - To correct a critical psychoemotional condition of parents currently our time, and then to explain them a situation and to persuade, forgive the daughter that she left for the husband on любьви, but against the will of parents. And then they would remove negative information program.
   - To take the positive information existing far back in the past, even before damnation commission in a family and to transfer her to a family in our time.
   - It is simple to clean power of correctly created thought negative tonkomaterialny information program from a family the present.
   On each their these, the listed above options of work, it was necessary to spend various quantity of energy and to make different quantity of time. But also it was necessary more to count as the work carried out by me will affect in time and space, on those people who lived and have died of a damnation in the past, whether and I have to learn the right for commission of such work. Therefore I have chosen, on intuitions, the most optimum option of work of which I was capable at that time, and critical terms of life of men in this family have ceased to exist forever.
   In the further analysis of a situation it has become clear that all men who have earlier died in this family remaining on border of the world as publicans, but not vampires, and simply hanged in space between the soul worlds, have passed, after the work made by me, to the thin world and have continued the development further. And such cases about which it is possible to write the mountain of novels or historical narrations, at me was enough, simply not for all time for very detailed analysis sufficed.
   Therefore, movement of thought of the managing director by my mental medical process always happens according to physical laws of our space on specifically twirled cycloidal spatial spiral thanks to which formation of a powerful turning septenary flow of information as though located on an external poverkhtnost of one axis is made.
   Information twisted thus something reminds a tornado consisting of seven threads, on each body of the person and therefore it is capable to overcome any distances, at all doesn't spend the contents and is instantly acquired by subconsciousness of any live object for his transformation to the necessary party or not live обекта for his harmonization and to decrease in own resonance. Thus, I sometimes start, after magnetic storms the hanged house electronic equipment, for example in kitchen, computers or phones. Then they work absolutely without problems.
   All subtlety of process of treatment of the person or maintenance of equipment consists in such rotation, similar to implosive vortex processes which everywhere there are in wildlife, however, we at all we don't pay the attention to them.
   Investigating the vortex flows of information created by UFO for treatment of the person (It about a note from the casual newspaper, specified to me subconsciousness after brain storm on which research information technique of treatment of epilepsy was for the first time created, I wrote even earlier.). I have applied these moments to epilepsy treatment, I have found out that at a certain form of a whirlwind his movement becomes self-sustaining and doesn't need pumping of external energy and moreover, itself can be a power source.
   If necessary for treatment of the person of information to set cycloidal movement under the influence of certain frequencies, it will lead to formation of the structures consisting of energy and a low-frequency thin matter which is capable to transform at any distance any live organism at the same time on all seven bodies and practically to relieve him of any illness. The same moment with some additions can be used for teleportation in other space or time. Around thin energy and continuous physics, only control is exercised a brain of the person.
   So, I at one time wrote down, short, videos with certain information, on video and allowed to look through to those people who lived from me far or even on other from me the continent and with which worked as the family doctor, the result of impact on an organism of people was absolutely identical.
   It is similar information started, once, in space, can constantly be in it, without dying away and she can be neutralized or used, directed at any time on any object necessary for transformation, absolutely, without creating anything new. For this purpose I gave to each program - a complete recovery of an organism the symbol and any "treatment" of a set of objects or teleportation somewhere could be carried out many times with the minimum costs of spent "materials".
   The clever hears from the half-word.
   Aging of an organism is a sign internal
   degradations of the personality
   The reminiscence of death and of aging of your organism means that you have noticed a current of time and it prompts to you that you become closer to that the sense for you is of importance and the main thing. In the standard reality any body grows old and, eventually - dies. It sounds as obvious truth, the majority of people try to forget it as though time for it doesn't exist, and persistently continues to identify itself with the former appearance.
   Keeping, for the leaving identity and speaking:-"No, I don't grow old" - you as the person who isn't recognizing the standard moral rules of behavior reject the reincarnating nature. Such unilateral idea of life only poisons your spirit, and the unilaterality can start suppressing and irritating your body.
   Strangely enough refusal of representation that we exist eternally or, remembering death, can conduct to freedom from restrictions of time, space and all the rest in this world of the standard reality. After all today it is represented clear that elderly people can test a depression not because it is typical for process of aging and not because of biological changes, and because of psychological problems, like the broken-off relationship or because they have understood for themselves sense of aging and death.
   Many heart diseases bearings created by violation from scoliosis cause noticeable symptoms. - When heart weakens, there is an increased perspiration, heat, closeness and to people dreams that they work less or absolutely do nothing. And it everything occurs from blood circulation violation which are caused by obstruction of carotids.
   It is difficult to find their gradual contamination while obstruction doesn't create symptoms in the bodies which aren't receiving enough blood. From here the people, starting to feel disorders of blood circulation, quite often say that feel in the body some kind of team "Stop!". By much it is heard: "Stop to do that you always did". It joins and tries outside subconsciousness.
   From here the growing old liver deletes poisons from blood less effectively, and people with various diseases of a liver often speak about change of the way of life and personal history. They tell about how they needlessly played with life, considering as her invariable reality, instead of temporary gift.
   While the traditional medicine concentrates, generally on preservation of our physical form, information medicine sees in death only one of many parallel worlds in relation to everyday life.
   From her point of view, we represent a death and life combination. In ordinary life we to such an extent marginaliziruy death that she frightens us, and we see her on a background of everything that we do. However, from the point of view of the land of dreams, the death is only the end of our identification with certain characteristics, and the beginning of disclosure of new potential to new prospects.
   And now pay attention as site of the text just considered it by you and sravny him with a site written is written below. The first is written by me at a resonance of 5 Hz, and bottom already with a frequency of resonance of 0,1 Hz. What it is more pleasant and more clear to you to read? Draw a conclusion what frequency closer for you and at what frequency you.
   Unfortunately, the stereotypes which have developed in society, scepticism and a pathological zamaterializovannost in most cases has harmful impact on the identity of the person and objectivity of his attitude. Therefore when you consider, subject to time, you start growing old, and it occurs is accelerated if you are already in mature age.
   That is you realize yourself, but have already ceased to watch yourself, and to operate processes in own organism, having let all matters drift. You consider that aging is inevitable, and it happens, and you realize yourself correctly, you can slow down and even to turn back aging process by years of youth, enthusiasm - a good health. - It is necessary to remember any process in your organism depends on quality of work of your brain.
   The main thing in time to get rid from imposed from the outside of belief that the body grows old because it is so accepted. Quantum the physics and the correct outlook, teaches that we constantly create and we destroy the bodies. That the body is dense, stable object, is illusion.
   The body is continuous and controlled process and until this process is directed by you towards updating, cells of a body remain young, and thus it isn't important, has what is the time passed and entropy to which you are exposed is how strong. Therefore to have an obnovlenovlyaemy body, it is necessary to be ready to perception of the new representations conducting to new decisions.
   We perceive the world as real-life because so perceive it our feelings and on them depends as we see and we perceive space and its subjects. But feelings it is process operated by our brain and it not only it seems to us is really so! From here we see everything round us as we will want.
   If we assume that we can feel, for example smells, from flowers seen by us on a glade in the field-glass, and will be. We can mentally approach the nose to a flower, despite distance and we will feel his real smell. It is all about the training, it is simple if you allow it, it is real but if you reject from a threshold, too and will be as considers your brain. But the brain can be operated through consciousness and subconsciousness.
   Somehow in youth I have read the book of one "lazy", but looking for person who had probably nothing to do and he, staying at home in a chair on a balcony of the country have decided to learn to feel a smell of the flowers found by him in the field-glass on a bed before the house. He considered a lawn, a bed, a bunch of flowers in the next window standing on a window sill in the field-glass and has gradually learned to distinguish any smells on any from him distance.
   He simply mentally transferred the nose to these flowers in what I at first have begun to doubt but when has started in training, it began to turn out. So all opportunities at us depend only on our confidence. When you believe in yourself, you can do everything. After all the person nature looking for, he is harmonious and positively adjusted if he is healthy and his resonance doesn't exceed 2,6 Hz but if a resonance above he is sick and then is capable only of a negative in his most various manifestations. Then he a rag on a wind, and never nothing добъётся in the life.
   Each firm particle of your body can, at your desire, turn into the bunch of energy vibrating in immense emptiness of our Universe and her it is possible to operate, achieving improbable results. If to consider the person in this aspect, becomes improbable that the person in general can grow old.
   Cells of the newborn child aren't something new, atoms which make them, circulate in the Universe millions years. However the child is created by Reason which aggregates cages and creates a unique form of life which actually exists as tonkomaterialny soul too approximately from 8 thousand years if no more.
   Life experience at her suffices if she wants to include the subconsciousness. But us bring up not correctly, and certain people don't need the competent population - such people more difficult to operate and therefore we are such not competent materialists. And it would be time to include brains! From here I consider that aging of an organism is the external mask covering loss of communication with internal Reason.
   The quantum physics claims that the universal power information field in which we live and in which there is any information necessary to us, constantly changes, turning every second into something new. For example, every second in a cage of our organism six trillion reactions are made, and еслиперестать to operate this process or to neglect everything, it will lead to various frustration in our organism.
   These frustration in conscious management of an organism, are information breakages, and there is an aging. However our organism can restore itself. Skin changes once a month, the cages covering walls of a stomach everyone of 5 days, a liver each six weeks, and a skeleton each 3 months. By the end of this year of 98% of atoms of your body will be replaced by the new. If to do it consciously, it is possible to achieve good result.
   On experience of spiritual healing, I consider, the invisible world absolutely real world, and our body only the illusion serving for obtaining new information. And if we study nothing, living here in a material body, it speaks about absence of the analysis, desire to develop or full lack of brains in our head as it and is actually. That is we have got to the trap put by those who doesn't want our personal development. And if we want to get rid of aging, have to include in myself immense creating to force put in our primary source.
   We are the only creations on Earth, capable to change internal biology by means of thoughts and feelings, ктомуже, allocated knowing about a phenomenon of aging by nervous system. We are allocated with consciousness and our tonkomaterialny state influences that we realize. However, each such installation of an old paradigm can be replaced with the new, fuller and voluminous version of desirable truth.
   Our world possesses the defined properties operated by our consciousness. These properties shouldn't be perceived as separately existing from the observer. They consist of the objective facts on which we usually base the reality, but actually they aren't at the heart of the reliable. They, simply, such as you will interpret them.
   For example, you have scoliosis, from here imagination is made excessively active, and the logic is considerably dulled, that is you, perfectly see the future, but aren't capable to connect wished with reality. From here you live in the world thought up by you, and you constantly support it in such state thought up by you, but it isn't suitable for the normal and healthy person as in the parameters can satisfy only the same patient adjusted on your frequency. Usually it is frequency разонанса 5 Hz.
   Therefore people with such resonance, for example artists, poets, journalists or actors consider themselves avargandy, that is ahead and more correctly understanding rules of a good form of existing reality. And actually they have simply opened a door in a schizophrenic state and try to break there very much. And usually all there break, through incontinuous time.
   At people having scoliosis the strong desire of all to teach the new view on life, to reconstruct all and to criticize at once develops, lifting these the собственныю the importance. The critical perception of svmy of or reality in which it lives, at skolioznik simply doesn't happen though there are hundreds things and the processes happening in an organism and to which he doesn't pay attention but which can be taken under real control. And so in everything on all life.
   But if to have a direct bearing, that is, to be healthy then there is no complexity for understanding or perception of. Then the fact of focusing of your attention on the automatic processes happening in your body, will be too automatic and will change process of your aging as eventually ability of our organism to coordination of these functions considerably weakens.
   All so-called involuntary functions, from heartbeat and breath before digestion and hormonal regulation can be taken under control. In laboratories where mind and a body are investigated, patients have learned to lower will power a blood pressure or to reduce allocation of the acids conducting to an ulcer. Why not to use these abilities in aging processes? Why not to replace old stereotypes of perception with the new? For this purpose there are numerous technicians which the person can place at service to himself. Here only, for this purpose, it is necessary to watch the bearing and then the zdravomusly it won't be lost.
   It seems to us, our bodies consist of a dense matter, but the physics and reality shows that each atom for 99,9999% consists of empty space, and subatomic particles, with velocity of light carrying by through this space, actually represent bunches of vibration energy. All Universe, including and your body it not - substance and, and not - substance conceiving.
   Emptiness in each atom pulses in the form of hidden reason with a certain resonance, and the he is lower, the person is stronger and more healthy. Geneticists place reason in DNA, but only for greater persuasiveness. Life arises when DNA transfers the coded reason to the active double of RNA which in turn takes root into a cage and transfers reason bits to thousands of enzymes, and those use then reason bit for production of proteins. In each point of this sequence energy and information have to exchange among themselves, differently no life will exist.
   When we grow old, the stream of this reason for various reasons decreases. This age wear would be inevitable if the person consisted only of a matter, but entropy doesn't affect the reason, invisible part ourselves isn't subject to time. In India this stream of reason call a prana and can operate her, increase or reduce, move to and fro and manipulate her for the purpose of preservation of a physical body young and healthy.
   With money not so well as without them it is bad.
   Whether there are psychics actually or they were simply thought up by people?
   It is considered to be that the psychic is a person who possesses abilities to inaccessible to the majority of people to more raw sensation of the world whom our scientists too fixated on materialism therefore the science can't prove such phenomenon don't possess also, and therefore considers that psychics in reality don't exist, and there are only charlatans.
   Despite such scepticism, it is impossible to lose sight of real stories of acquaintances and the friends telling about these unusual people, helping the colleagues it is far not a habitual way, but it is very productive. Unfortunately, nobody wishes to fight against current situation by extrasensory perception recognition, the device of those who resists to it is too strong, but those who faced with paranormal, never will tell that psychics aren't present.
   Today more and more people openly tell public about the ekstrasensornykh opportunities and invite to sessions to help unfortunate wives to return the husband, fatally sick to recover, and to losers to achieve enormous progress, though it not always so. In this sphere where everything is unclear, there are a lot of charlatans and simply swindlers loving money. From it the desperate citizens fall a thicket into clutches charlatans for whom similar actions became simply good money. It guards and pushes away many illiterate people from the real help who can't draw a conclusion, on what the extrasensory perception and as she can help them with the solution of their pressing problems is capable.
   As the reverse of the medal, in this case, the television program "Psychic Challenge" in which, mostly, psychics, and people with scoliosis take part not acts. They have the consciousness displaced forward, and from here, sometimes, can see any events in the future, but never can combine seen with reality or apply with advantage to itself.
   And as they mainly with scoliosis and strongly developed imagination, possess not superopportunities, and are simply drawn and deceive even itself, as well as all people with violations in a bearing, after all their own resonance from 3 to 5 or 8 Hz that it is impossible to call healthy mentality. From here a raising of the importance, self-drawing and the facade stuffed with various unnecessary attributes in work that I call "crutches". And on crutches far you won't leave.
   I possess long ago opportunity to see the past and the future, and constantly I apply it in daily work, but in opportunities limited to a framework of my work. Therefore I will tell, such versatile persons what want to show on the screen in life aren't present. I in this area the expert and before writing nearly five tens books, I have studied everything that only it was possible to get at my persistence and to read. And besides continuous and successful practice within 45 years, too something means.
   I started working from the very beginning of official recognition and extrasensory perception opening in our country. And before it was subject simply forbidden and closed for ordinary inhabitants. From here even my vocational education it was necessary to study only on lectures given at institute. Our too "zamaterializovanny" power very much was afraid, it will come to no good, and everything covered rather densely though itself I used extrasensory perception services still since - Ivan the Terrible.
   If to trust seen on the screen, some people were capable to read by force of thought events, at power level or telepathy to tell about last, real and future that is quite real, but not for those people who participate in competition. By my assessment, the real expert doesn't participate in "circus", and there everything has been strummed and otrezhessirovano.
   Over time, this popular program was succeeded by one more transfer under the name "The Investigation Is Carried by Psychics". In this transfer winners or participants of "Psychic Challenge" help the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to solve the most confused crimes - to learn the reason of mysterious death or to find the missing person of the person. It is quite possible, itself often found or returned missing persons of people, doing it without leaving at all the house, and is real, but such work not for the screen.
   Now, even, there is normal that police officers at the order have the regular psychic simplifying investigation many times. According to clairvoyants, they read out information from space or on power of any person, it is worth looking at the photo or to take his thing in hand, and it is possible to do it at all without knowing a name of the person. The main thing the task is set, and the one who put it, knows about what speaks, then everything is possible.
   Such things are quite possible as over time there is an experience that yields 100% result. It fine helps with disclosure of crimes. Generally it is done by people with "indigo" genetics, the brain and more developed intuition in unusual way works for them. I have already learned to reconstruct easily any, adjusting DNA as it is necessary. There it is required to change work of only five genes.
   But in the world, thinking materialistically, full scepticism and disbelief in anything, whether is difficult give the affirmative answer to a question everything the extrasensory perception can? The person is arranged so that won't believe in clairvoyance if scientists well don't tell who such these people and how exactly it happens to them.
   Present as it is difficult to explain any difficult device to the person without vocational education, and after all in extrasensory perception various sciences - Cybernetics, Physics, discipline Study of the strength of materials and Medicine at the same time are at the same time integrated. Here even the doctor of science in one of the specified areas will understand nothing also itself there is nothing, won't believe. Therefore, whether there are psychics, solve but if you are on friendly terms with the head and carry it the naplechakh constantly, you are observant, have got used to draw conclusions, I am sure you will say yes!
   Yes God will save you from bad women, from good escape!
   Treatment and prevention мелиоидоза
   Melioidoz (illness synonyms: imaginary сап, Fletcher-Stanton's illness, illness Whitmore, septitsemiya of morfinist, pseudo-cholera, псевдоентерит). It is a sharp infectious disease from group bacterial зоонозов, it is attracted with a stick псевдосапу, it is characterized by mainly contact mechanism of infection, a current as a septikopiyemiya, formation of granulomas and abscesses in bodies and fabrics, a diarrhea, dehydration, it is observed in a sharp and chronic form.
   Source of an infection are various animals - rats, mice, pigs, horses, cattle, pets - cats, dogs. From them the activator with excrement, purulent allocations gets to the soil or water.
   The main mechanism of transfer мелиоидоза contact, less often infection of the person occurs alimentary (when the virus gets into an organism through a gastrointestinal path) and even more rare an aspiration or transmissivny way (it when there is a hit of the infected blood, an infection containing activators, in blood of the healthy person). Infection from the person doesn't meet, however cases мелиоидоза lungs at medical employees of hospitals where such patients were treated are known. Business here that the most sick people, is doctors.
   The susceptibility to this illness isn't high as people with the switched-off immune system from the broken bearing and with own resonance from 4 Hz and more get sick only. Melioidoz is most dangerous to the countries of South East Asia, the region of the Caribbean Sea and Australia.
   The activator мелиоидоза gets into a human body mainly through the injured skin or, more rare, through mucous the digestive channel. From entrance gate the infection extends a limfogenny way, gets to regionarny lymph nodes which it is frequent нагнаиваются. Getting into blood, bacteria get to an internal and fabrics, cause formation of the specific granulomas which are exposed to kazeozny and purulent disintegration with formation of small and large abscesses.
   Treatment carry out by means of antibiotics though it would be possible to restore simply immune system, but treat in the old manner for infection localization. For patients with easier degree of an illness doctors appoint such antibiotics as imipeny, penicillin, doxycycline, цефтриаксон. For patients with a heavy form of an illness appoint combinations of several antibiotics. The pulmonary form мелиоидоза lasts long enough. If six months later the analysis on Burkholderia pseudomallei remains positive, make surgical removal of abscesses in lungs with a lobektomiya.
   To people with completely switched off immune system and high own resonance where cancer patients enter, AIDS and taking a chemotherapy course, it is necessary to avoid contact with the soil, various works on the earth and the uses of the polluted water, especially at residence in the agricultural areas, after all treatment existing for today мелиоидоза poses only direct threat for life.
   The difference between religion and ethics is similar to a difference between water and tea. Ethics without regiliozny contents are water that is vital for health and a survival. Ethics in mix with religion are tea, that is nutritious and fragrant mix of water, tea leaves, spices, sugar or a salt pinch. But as though tea hasn't been prepared, the basic in him is water. We can do without tea, but we can't live without water. So precisely we are born free from religion, but we aren't born free from need for compassion.
   Dalai Lama.
   New representations what it is possible to do with DNA?
   Data being stored in our DNA code remain in the same way as in memory of the ordinary computer. And the code uses the same rules of grammar and syntax, as also our human speech. From here DNA can be completely reconstructed by means of a pronunciation of special words or phrases, and even quicker it can be done by means of clear figurative idea of that fortune which it is desirable for you to come into. It is necessary to reveal only that you wish and it is possible to start, after all the key to made changes consists in use and selection of the frequency necessary for this purpose.
   For training in such specific work, I advise, to make all transformations on phantom of the person specially created for this purpose. Then you find opportunity at once to check received результа in time, to see or feel reaction and a condition of an organism on the made change and opportunity to correct that can not suit you in the ex-recop.
   If the labolatoriya has a good hardware, it is possible to use and other opportunities for DNA reorganization, in the necessary state, applying the modulated radio or light frequencies, the result will be the same. After all DNA very sensitive material it reacts to figuratively presented thought, to words said by the person and any other forms of suggestion or mental energy.
   Therefore you remember - never envy nobody as you think, and you live. And therefore live always and everywhere in internal confidence and rest, internal harmony and a positive and you protect yourselves from any aggressive external influence by the simplest, but the most certain way.
   At the same time, there is a wish to warn all eksprementator if your own frequency of a resonance is higher than 2,6 Hz, all of you only will spoil. For work with DNA it is necessary to be harmonious and adjusted positively, and not just to seem to them for itself. If you risk, simply do much harm to yourself first of all.
   For work with DNA I advise everywhere to use hyper communication, then you awake to own a situation and always to receive correct, but very short help from subconsciousness. After all using the subconsciousness of people it is capable of any harmonious changes in the life, in the nature surrounding him, he is also capable to operate weather, elements and possesses this opportunity not only in our material world, but also in other thinner worlds which at all doesn't see from our world, but can move there.
   Our idea of the most habitual things constantly changes, even about what we, it seems, know well. It concerns more and the medicine, after all any science can't be truth for mankind as she wasn't completely understood neither once earlier, nor now. Various theories constantly change because people study, broaden the horizons and learn much more, than their previous generations.
   The more I work as кибернетик with DNA, transforming his qualitative state for achievement of the situation of a human body necessary to me in vital space, the I am surprised to the width of the new opportunities which open to me in this specific area of information, in medicine more. As it has appeared, at information transformation of a condition of genes they had two more information layers having essential impact on the identity of the person and his resonance. Now I even assume that them are seven layers, on total of bodies of the person but while, I have reached only the third layer and that only, by the received result, in ex-recop recently led by me.
   Each information layer of genes in DNA, differs from other subjects that has specific frequency impact on the concrete material or thin body and than above this body (is thinner), those can achieve bigger own resonance. And it means that this transformation - a negative orientation and only throws back back, already, something the person who has achieved in our world. From here it can be used only when it is necessary to restore any personality if she is struck with a negative on all depth of the ph.
   Here an example, we will take the average fascist of times of World War II. His mental state on the physical plan usually was normal. But, all behavior and acts of such average fascist spoke about his abnormality which disappeared in the depth of thin ph. Namely, since the frequency of 10 Hz on a mental body and further on higher by position of a body, with the slight increase of own resonance reaching in a divine body 12 Hz, as explained all his behavior.
   Such information zombiing was carried out by a top Reicha absolutely consciously throughout many row of years and propagandized definitely population lives with the joint information pressure upon subconsciousness. From here, this new program of consciousness imposed from outside caused a negative only to mentally healthy, and to completely full-fledged people, and those who for some reason appeared with a chervotochenka, mostly, found a common language and full understanding which came to an end with complicity to fascists.
   But life isn't eternal and everything once comes to an end. Those from fascists who has left our world with high own resonance on thin bodies - to the thin worlds as it is necessary for all mentally healthy, haven't passed. They remained here, in our material world in the form of publicans while their negative soul wasn't dissolved to last "molecule" in our world though detailed information on them has remained in an information field of Earth forever.
   At us both biology, and medicine learn absolutely not correctly - say that a certain acid does the person to those whom he is, by means of a certain sequence of letters. All these codes define further, what proteins need to be made to reach the necessary result.
   For example, each of people has an own code for protein which does skin of a certain color, eyes of a certain coloring and so on. And all this is defined by in what state there are genes in DNA chain. Considering that fact that DNA chain in a human body is pretty dimensional on the length - to two meters, she has to be somehow packed to be located in a human body.
   Many data in DNA are familiar for a long time to people - that defines the program, and what proteins will be created, but at present biologists work already over isolation of purely mechanical factors which define how there is a chain, as on what has impact. But I would like to prompt to them that it is necessary to comprehend a mikroeneretichesky information condition of DNA, after all it for each level of the person and has the on him is considerable a greater impact than if to consider it purely from the material plan. Even how people think how understand and perceive environment as they feel, in what trust, is formed in DNA.
   With DNA I carry out manipulations long ago, applying it in treatment the difficult and very started diseases - considering their information state as position of triggers in three free states, but the new discovery made by me recently, has brought the new moments in possibility of management of genetics and I hope, will allow to achieve considerably bigger result, than earlier.
   I consider genes not as the biologist or the doctor, and only as кибернетик, it is easier to make it without devices and without use of a chemical labolatoriya and therefore I perceive everything in the information plan which is more computerized, but is simpler in work as gives in to management only power of my thought.
   Possibilities of human thought are already confirmed by many scientists and even have allowed to show that it is capable to make impact on how there will be many proteins. It is the further proof of that fact that is thin power information of DNA is capable to change and is not less important in human evolution, than directly information code. I believe that once people will learn to manipulate these mechanisms defining how there is a chain to operate the state when in it there will be an urgent need.
   For now affairs in our country concerning AIDS and negative conditions of the person similar to him are worse than ever, what even the UN called Russia epicenter of world epidemic of HIV, and after all earlier this place was taken by the USA. Still at the end of last year at meeting of the governmental commission on health protection questions the prime minister has reported that the HIV-infected number in the country annually increases by 10%, and the Minister of Health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova has given already other statistics - at present coverage by HIV-infected treatment by 2020 the number infected can increase by critical 250%. And from what, on rates of distribution of epidemic Russia has suddenly overtaken even the countries of South Africa.
   We have in St. Petersburg a situation too without optimistimizm - in recent years there in recent years was a sharp increase in number of diagnoses VICh-infitsii though as it is known still the infection isn't revealed. But such diagnoses with HIV infection already search. Moreover, the virus has overstepped the bounds of groups of risk and extends among, apparently, quite successful people. - From there is a question, instead of lashed everything to put on the places and to call the names?
   What it is necessary to maintain self-control twenty five years cognac.
   The perception of a magnetic field as a way of orientation in space, and maybe something also is considerable the bigger?
   Many of healthy people having a good bearing latently have a feeling of perception of magnetic radiation which magnetoreception when ability to feel magnetic fields subconsciously wakes up is called. In any case, ability to perceive magnetic fields is present at the person, as part of evolutionary process and one of innate senses.
   For example, many animals and birds use some kind of magnetic compass which helps them to be guided by means of fields. This feeling is given them to be guided at long distances of our planet, having itself respectively on a magnetic field of Earth.
   I would tell that this process in details, still, isn't studied. Therefore people do precisely not know how animals use magnetic fields as they feel them, what information they are capable to perceive and as all this is processed by them. Everything that while is known to the person, so it that magnetic fields are used for navigation.
   It is supposed that as the magnetic sensor of reception of information on a magnetic field protein can serve in a retina of a human eye. I in the work with patients too use long ago the rotating magnetic field twirled by a certain order, as gives the huge medical effect gained for very short time of the directed impulse of influence.
   According to my data, any live organism is very sensitive to the microelectronic magnetic fields specifically directed by human thought and operating through subconsciousness. Thus, I manage in one stage, for fractions of a second, to change own resonance of the sick person on whom the influence is made, being on any from me distance and as to restore or change any system of an organism or a condition of body, and even all organism at the same time.
   During an impulse of such influence the human brain instantly reacts to personally magnetic field sent to him, and I perfectly see it and I feel, but it doesn't mean that the person is capable to process received information instantly. As a rule, she sinks in him with a zapazdyvayeniye at 4-6 o'clock.
   To me while it is completely not known what precisely sites of a body receive magnetic signals, process it and make the decision to execution of that that I send him, but response always the instant. Though full internal understanding mostly happens to a delay. As I consider, this temporary delay is connected with an astrological sign of the person, as has been completely confirmed with a number of various ex-recops.
   People - remember all of us are energetically connected with each other it isn't dependent on that as far apart we are. Barriers aren't present even for the worlds beyond the grave and if the person has died mentally sick, he will serially reach the unstable psychoemotional condition of all one descendants remained to live on Earth after him.
   They from him won't hide behind any barriers. Here only, what is the time it is required to this patient that уничтожитьвесь the sort would remain open and depends from количестваоставшихся live people and on their way of life. Than not more correct them a way of life, that they will be quicker destroyed by this publican from their sort.
   I assume that the magnetic field of Earth is programmed by our founders aliens - the high red-haired handsome with blue eyes on a certain wave of very low own resonance and contains biologically significant information which unites all live systems and organisms of our world for continuous correction of a physical, mental and emotional state. Therefore any illness of a live organism is a loss or a rupture of communication with this information which corrects us automatically.
   Loss of communication with programmy providing a field of Earth correcting us поисходит at change-over on other frequency of our oscillatory contour, the backbone, occurring at his injuries or from the wrong way of life that allows our backbone to be developed on an axis and by that to force down the control.
   According to my data by this program people are given 300 years of sure and quiet life, but the question where you saw such life expectancy on Earth is at once raised? And here my answer - we live and we think incorrectly.
   People behave illiterately as them incorrectly bring up, and they mistakenly consider that on all restrictions and decencies of life of our ancestors it is possible to spit actually if only it was convenient to them at the moment, and that then it will be not important. From here and live with a separation from reality and in continuous fight against circumstances which are always higher than the head.
   However, each person is capable to influence harmoniously a magnetic field of Earth gradually developing him towards fall of own resonance. It will allow a planet to pass into a new level of development and to ourselves to exist outside a material body that will expand our opportunities ample opportunities, still it is many times more than now.
   And here influence in a negative side, with increase of own resonance always threatens, to the person, tried to make it elimination. It occurs not at once, but inevitably. But as at us is more increasing than mentally violent and very sick people on all head worldwide, Grey aliens have already prepared us for full self-destruction, irradiating our consciousness with a force magnetic field from a planet Mars.
   I constantly have the finger on the pulse of health of our planet and therefore I will tell, in the world there are not best changes, but mentally healthy people will agree with it only. I subject to the analysis practically everything events in the world and therefore I will tell healthy people today the 60-% population.
   And it much more, than was quite recently - from here a conclusion we, in lump, we start realizing that haven't passed examination on a maturity before the founders and we try to correct the acts at subconscious level that will completely be coordinated with the Population Conservation law, known for many scientist dealing with issues of health of the population.
   I personally, all to forces, recently and constantly, create stability of a magnetic field of our planet when at people stability and the positive mood connected with the correct healthy brain blood circulation, healthy cardiovascular and nervous system of an organism is shown. The earth generates waves of the same frequencies that arise and in a human body and it completely changes all situation in our world.
   Women have no shortcomings, and here features are!
   Work with the phantom
   The phantom represents optical model of tonkomaterialny essence of the radio plan. He is used, as model for carrying out various experiments instead of an original live organism. The original of the phantom can be as the psychic or the magician, or simply any person, and even special conditional model simply created by thought. After the made experiments with the phantom him simply spray in space.
   As analog of the phantom various holographic copies recreated if necessary can serve. The phantom can precisely repeat appearance and original movements as for visual perception is absolutely to him identical.
   Usually, the phantom has structure of a soap bubble - he is empty, though has a certain cover which is given temporary properties necessary for experience. In a case with a soap bubble this cover on the present is material, and at the phantom it only power as exists due to her energy of the recreating.
   To some extent the phantom something like a sun shadow on a wall - him can be made it visible or not visible, but to feel him as it is possible, but only to the power engineering specialist and in the absence of the sun he doesn't disappear. The number of phantoms can be a miscellaneous depending on need, but also one usually suffices.
   Functionality of phantoms can be very various. Some completely repeat the original and its movements, others exist irrespective of the original. As a rule, phantoms exist very limited time if it isn't set specially. Phantoms directly depend on the power feed which is carried out by his founder. As soon as feed stops, phantoms are completely dissolved in space and disappear.
   But, at the same time to me familiar cases when phantoms long enough could exist due to creation of the special power sources, then similar phantoms already call ghosts. As there are they especially due to energy of a place, ghosts can't go beyond this place. I carry to such reductions brownies, ukhalshchik and toy pistols created with a special task or the program.
   However, even, apparently, the insignificant quantity of energy with which ghosts have and operate, allows them to influence on physical уровнь our world and quietly to render on him considerable physical activities. Reductions can't put physical damages or any harm to the person, except as to his psychoemotional sphere, but are capable to move subjects, to untie a rope or to create a certain illusion of a certain event.
   Ghosts belong to phantoms which can not have the concrete original. Their formation usually happens by means of imagination of the magician or the psychic, that is as will set to him appearance of any being and with what him will allocate with properties, such he and will be. In this regard phantoms look and behave extremely peculiar.
   Process of formation of the phantom happens so. In the imagination the magician or the psychic imagines what has to be this object and identifies him with reality, allocating with a certain personality, belonging with him, as with a real being. Existence of this phantom for his founder becomes so real, as if all that surrounds him at the moment.
   I personally, created once the copy of one poltergeist tamed by me from other continent, at the request of one woman, for homework performance, but gradually she was too lazy to feed up constantly him and after that I have ceased to create something similar. Time and specific work process borrows much, and then demands from you constant attention to the creation. In a similar case thanks to mental influence the thin world changed in my imagination and physical reality merge together.
   Any mental influence of this kind is change of the physical world through change of the world thin. These worlds settle down very closely to each other and are to some extent identical as are densely interconnected among themselves. Thereof impact on one of them forces to change and other world to correspond to the made influence.
   Power feed has to be carried out for preservation of the detailed image of the phantom issued by thought in imagination of the psychic and while he continues to consider the phantom as reality, that exists. As soon as the person who have created the phantom forgets about him, the phantom right there becomes thinner and vanishes. But if the phantom is completely finished and created, he can be transferred to other person for further use. - In the given case power feed of the phantom from the author breaks, but time process of formation of the phantom has been fully complete, that doesn't disappear at all, and becomes part of this world and receives feed already from the new owner.
   But there are also other moments when by power of thought of the person it is created not only the radio phantom, but also physical at the same time in one volume, then there is a danger to fall a victim of this phantom when he will completely be created and will want to find independence of the founder and it is inevitable!
   As the phantom is creation micropower, for him feed due to energy of the world will be a natural thing thereof he can exist even after death of the founder, skolyugodno a long time until it will be destroyed by the skilled magician or the psychic, рассосан environment, or is absorbed by any other power creation. But he will exist at the expense of power of people surrounding him, than and does them a certain harm. Usually, to competent experts, such phantoms, it is possible to define or allocate easily from the mass of people. They have no other thin bodies, and there are only two physical and radio.
   The Odnotelny phantoms having only radio body, too look quite financially, and only on indirect signs they can be distinguished from the real living being. - They don't leave traces, under them the grass doesn't cave in, any things from a material world pass through them, they don't feel cold or heat, easily passes through firm barriers. Phantoms in itself are quite harmless as their role depends on their program. They can mislead only though under specific conditions constitute also a certain danger therefore take care - without knowing the ford, be not put in water!
   Parents teach children to talk, children of parents learn to be silent.
   Violation of the law, crime, terrorism, reason of their emergence and ways of prevention
   I investigate our life, people and the nature long ago and quite successfully therefore has written 45 books which have everywhere gained recognition and are read by different people worldwide. From here I will begin conversation of that our world is arranged not as to us tell at school or institute, he absolutely another.
   He not such material as we represented it, and physical and submits only to physics laws. Therefore he differs from other worlds which are here on our planet that all being in him, live organisms, subjects and plants имет own frequency characterizing him or own resonance as it will be more convenient to you to count up, lying ranging from 0 to 13,3 Hz. Everything that has a resonance above it, will be already part of other world, and we not only won't see him, but also we won't be able to feel at all.
   In advance I warn. - Only mentally healthy person who is adjusted on the frequency of harmony of our world, having a wave of own resonance not вышы 2,6 Hz completely will be able to read this article. People, with scoliosis and own resonance from 5 Hz will read up to the text middle, will find the mass of shortcomings and will stop reading midway, and here the person at whom "slate" has moved down from the head completely, will tell at once himself is not for him, but the name will read and will strongly be indignant - as about it it is possible to write with such words.
   As you have already understood all people and animals, too have a certain resonance which is own characteristic of a live organism of our world. Norm of own resonance from 0 to 2,6 Hz - the person is healthy mentally, physically and emotionally and if he has резонас above, it turns out that health he has less. And respectively the biggest resonance of 12 Hz, is autism and a huge problem with mentality, and 13,5 Hz, it is a narcolepsy. Further, or above a resonance for our world doesn't happen, it another story altogether.
   12 The Hz is the frequency of a resonance of commission of all loud crimes, all juicy scandals and own wave on which all terrorists are adjusted, I have checked it personally. But in order that the person with this resonance has gone for act of terrorism or suicide, some more factors have to coincide. It is a high magnetic background of space that happens at magnetic storms and a brainwashing component when in the rest of a brain any external program hammering the mind remains starts dominating.
   It can be, not necessarily, the special program made by intelligence services with application of the latest funds of programming on murder or aggression, and simply brain obsession, any one cell which has remained in working position of a brain, on any high-resonant, that is negative, news seen on TV or uslyshenny by radio.
   The main thing as this news is presented by importunate journalists with a paranodoidalny nastochivost as it ours are able to inform to consciousness of masses - suffering scoliosis, and therefore having too developed and aggressive imagination. Especially, when it goes on all channels and sets the teeth on edge a set of details which in general are necessary to nobody.
   The sore brain is clogged with it, and even falling into prostration, is completely stopped. Sometimes even to the healthy person such negative information, and in such big scale become across a throat, and what to speak about a sore brain. Sometimes, listening to them when knowledge directly holds apart them and there is a wish to tell - you are children from натуги and situation forcings only don't burst, and yourself you will splash that all space.
   Here then the person is cut down from consciousness completely and as the logic is switched off and he for the analysis has no brains, all his aggressive actions the short-term prevailing program operates. That is why after performance of any actions of people can not remember at all that that has made quite recently.
   Here is and some more things not familiar to our experts to psychologists in interrelation of all events - full understanding between people, for example, from a half-word, exists only when they are on one wave of own resonance, and it is very difficult to reach it. The way of life at people various, living conditions from it too different, so, a backbone, an oscillatory contour of live system and communication with the Universe, is in various degree of a travmirovannost who watches it, and from here each person, in each timepoint is adjusted on any own wave far from understanding for other people.
   Here therefore also the full perception of a situation or understanding of the person isn't present even in one family if in it isn't present predominating, leading all - the leader at whom both life experience and worldly wisdom and who adjusts all on one wave - on itself, and now each family member is provided to himself. It is the big and fatal mistake of all our society made by us after revolution 1917 when we have come off concept a patrimonial nest and the importance of elderly people in youth life. All that became in our society, on these questions, "was carried out" only in words.
   This action has been made by the revolutionary powers, being afraid not to cope with the solid population and splitting up, breaking off families on the small isolated cells of society with which it was easier to operate and suppress if that not so goes. This system works still, and the authorities all as are afraid. Besides it becomes internationally on the Internet, even via the simplest phone. Therefore watch all all.
   Still families tear to parts, and Europe is considered it norm, that is why, except a small amount of solid ancient families all is shattered and therefore can't come to a consensus in any way on any questions. From here all Europeans have total absence of mutual understanding and respect of each other, mass of perversions and full "blockage" on a mental, emotional and physical state of health.
   Any mentally sick person, always has high own resonance, after all "pure" schizophrenia начинаяется from 10 Hz. In this case no understanding with the person healthy is present, is pure in physical parameters - too big difference in a resonance and, on the contrary, the antagonism, for the same reason develops. Here, the patient completely has no immune system, and the healthy person has it, she presses on subconsciousness of the patient that in addition causes his aggression. That is why in protocols of police there was a new term - suddenly arisen quarrel.
   Here it is possible even not to say words, and it is simple to come into the view of such aggressor and at once to find a great deal of trouble from scratch. Here you eat on the car, and suddenly someone makes up for you, starts blocking to you the road or simply sharply brakes. You haven't thought yet, for what reason it is made, and already you are hit a bludgeon on the head or a fist in an eye. And how many such situations only in mass media. The teeth on edge has set.
   And the main thing at blamestorming session in police or is even higher in court, the aggressor will always be turned out and you will remain are guilty in all terrestrial sins as have attacked him and it is simple икалечили him absolutely, even being in an unconsciousness. Besides witnesses he will have a mass of the same mental patients, for which you the same enemy, a post initially because are healthy, and your resonance too low for their perception.
   Yes, resourcefulness of such people can envy only. They look at the world with sdigy forward on time and with magnetic distortion in space therefore always arrive with an advancing and coverage and as communications, the people overloaded with circumstances or a way of life, creating to themselves excess conveniences understand them same. From here, society имет that has, that is problems.
   The person, with high own resonance, is always adjusted on a negative concerning the healthy person or the person with lower resonance, than at him. He is afraid of him on subconsciousness, and these are 98% of volume of a brain, because of pressure of his immune system and therefore shows the hidden aggression in relation to him and when feels safety and impunity, shows open aggression, up to elimination disturbing.
   Our world is so arranged, but it nobody wants to know. And the few who knows that, don't want to contact fools, why to run into troubles, at them and so everything is good. Therefore people live in aggression and consider that it is necessary to live in continuous fight though it is possible to live in full harmony, spirituality and prosperity if lived with a brain in the head. We in consciousness use svy 1,5% of a brain, whether in it all problem of our civilization is covered.
   For example, in the USA except Trump - the U.S. presidential candidate and supporting he, isn't present none of sane people. Listen as he speaks are the simplest and usual things, instead of words of "Pokemons" from policy who don't understand that spoke still yesterday. After all the majority of the people of America mentally sick people and as most their bright representative - Clinton. And if in the USA she becomes new prezidetnty, it means the USA, further and povemestny degradation of all country waits.
   In England, the healthy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the psikhischesky sphere, before appointment to the position absolutely fairly called Clinton the nurse with sadistic bents, as is actually. Certainly, now he won't tell it, but the opinion too won't change as the healthy person of the opinion doesn't change, though observes the external proprieties of society in which lives.
   The majority of Americans stout persons, and it means - they have a diabetes of the II type from bearing violation. This diabetes modern diagnostic aids, even such as in the USA, most advanced, it is possible to find only in 25 years. That is why to physicians, on health, complaints arrive everywhere, but local doctors treats absolutely another and therefore any useful result except profit to monopolies from pharmaceutics don't bring. Therefore competent Americans address to me, and I from Russia, in a second, completely relieve them of the most various problems, at all without knowing by sight, and even in general with them without communicating as on behalf of the patient their suffering relatives address.
   If to speak more precisely, diabetes of the II type arises from the wrong pose during a dream when the top foot comes for dimensions of the bottom halfbent foot forward. After all it is necessary to sleep perpendicular to a bed, precisely on one side, without turn on a stomach in a hip, differently completeness is provided to you unconditionally. It is necessary to sit too correctly - directly, instead of showering a foot on a foot, after all under physics laws our space in time twists on a spiral from left to right that means, sitting so, you accelerate the biological time and you spoil a bearing considerably shortening life and you worsen the psychoemotional state.
   Each skolioznik is always quick-tempered though often hides it, and this "explosion" happens only inside, approaching an old age. That is why Americans have on any subject own, wrong and harmful to healthy people and their mentality opinion which paranoidly impose to the whole world. Their brain partially or completely at whom as, I degraded, from here a self-assessment of personal qualities completely is absent and therefore changes nothing.
   Even the World Health Organization considers that the main noninfectious diseases (BOTTOM), bringing to death of people till 70 years, are heart failure that is directly connected with violation of a bearing of the person at the missed development of scoliosis. A cancer - it too is formed for the same reason via the developed muscular blocks blocking capillary blood circulation. Diseases of lungs - occurring from stoop and diabetes that too occurs from bearing violation in the lower part of chest department of a backbone that creates serious threat for a sustainable development of the population, is spoken in the report of WHO published in Geneva.
   But besides WHO experts have noted that some countries managed to make significant progress in fight against it, including due to campaigns for fight against major factors of risk - smoking and abuse of alcohol, and also due to promotion of healthy nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. That absolutely incorrectly and simply vydamanno for a beautiful mot, after all at us nobody knows the correct way of life and doesn't want to know if to judge on reality and therefore doesn't propagandize - absolutely!
   As note in WHO, in 2012 38 мллионов the person were lost because of noninfectious diseases, 16 мллионов, or 42% of the population, from them have died, without having reached 70 years. In 2013, according to the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova, the government has allocated more than 3 мллионов dollars for financing joint from WHO of the global project on formation of a healthy lifestyle and prevention the BOTTOM. Возникакт впрос - why, in Russia in dollars, and where result?
   When we such were created by other civilizations, this distortion, probably, has been made consciously, considering as the main thing for us, the world thin, and material only temporary school for a set of a certain knowledge where we come, to short time only behind knowledge of physics what to use them in the thin worlds.
   It is so conceived by founders that that world for us main, but we have modified everything on the contrary therefore we here consciously and are destroyed теже by aliens - founders that certainly will affect and on that world - we there simply won't pass. It happens today everywhere to people dying with sick mentality and high own resonance. Being material, people simply hang in the platform between the worlds and are gradually sprayed on molecules in space surrounding them.
   Here an example of judiciousness of ours the zazhirevshikh of the officials, liking to create to itself conveniences - he with a resonance of 12 Hz, on a position the governor of one of the central regions of Russia, has quite seriously declared, what Ivan the Terrible went with the son to Sankt Petersburg? - It how to join in time? Hardly, he is such fool, after all at school studied and history too learned. It simply slate from a roof has flied on the party, and it hasn't noticed it, and those who should notice, too have passed this fact, here so all country and we live among clients of psychiatric clinic.
   I am sure, this governor soon will publicly justify when he will be prompted by someone from an environment about a mistake. Besides, it will be apprehended by him in bayonets. This fact means nothing to them, and to us to live with the chief in which head there is no real perception of our world for 1%.
   Recently I was in the cent of St. Petersburg and I have walked on foot on Nevsky Avenue, I have looked narrowly at people - встетил on the way of everything three persons completely healthy, the others are sick in different degree. More people with scoliosis of 3-5 Hz, it from the young. The is more senior, the own resonance is higher. And in general, situation really critical to talk that you would understand, on one wave, there is nobody.
   There is a question, what who doesn't sound alarm or all who has to watch it - blind? - I consider to someone this situation it is favorable and it create artificially. But to correct a situation very simply, it is necessary to us, всеголишь, to return to sources of ancestors who considered a bearing of the person as a key to success and wellbeing in human life. And now many illiterate people consider that it is a whim of the last centuries from a lack of knowledge.
   It is necessary to propagandize everywhere in all mass media a healthy lifestyle. To force to watch a bearing of the child from kindergarten, elementary and high school. To propagandize the correct bearing among youth and young parents - only then we for two-three generations will recover health of the nation and to the country population. Earlier to receive healthy society it won't turn out слишко time it is missed.
   But if we make it, we will receive society of people speaking among themselves, always, only on one wave with full understanding of discussion of any question, any subject. There will be no isolation from reality of our world, there will be his full understanding, as well as people living nearby. Stresses in a family and in society will consign to the past, and the psychoemotional state at all will be leveled.
   That is, there will be no half-words, not implementation of the assumed obligations, there will be no suddenly arisen quarrel and there will be a mutual respect of each other at all levels a vzaimodeystviiya between people over all country. After all each separately taken person will talk to other same person with whom he will have a full understanding on all questions as he same and views at him same as at you. And all love themselves and respect, of course, if they are healthy.
   And one more important point not to propagandize as sensation in mass media various excesses arising between people as our paranoids from a microphone do it. Therefore many mentally sick people are programmed on commission of acts of violence besides the will.
   The healthy journalist is a rarity presently, and usually it is the person with the scoliosis which has been too torn off from reality by imagination and paranoid tendencies on thin plans, from very bad family heredity. The healthy person is always symmetric therefore it is beautiful, clever and reserved in emotions. Such journalists at us in the country can be counted on fingers.
   It is necessary to remember always how we think, and we live. And if we think on a resonance wave higher than 2,6 Hz, we live badly - on a negative wave, and your thought gradually destroys your private life and life of your close people. This state is inevitable or you in a positive and you develop or already Universe which much more powerfully and always guards the stability struggles with you.
   But if we correct a situation, descendants will remember us with gratitude that will give to us strength when we will already be in other conditions of other worlds. The thought is material and extends instantly and everywhere on all worlds of our Universe therefore their gratitude will get us and there and we will feel it and we will be able to use to her power engineering specialist for the further spiritual growth and development.
   If life doesn't change for the better, wait - it will change to the worst.
   Prime causes of children's problems
   The feminism serves in order that those who in cash, and these are clans of billionaires from the USA could control society. After all in only 40 last years many women have lost the natural instincts which do of them loving mothers, wives and keepers of the family center, as a result - families aren't stable, collapse, sexual immorality prospers, and birth rate considerably decreases.
   For the healthy soberly thinking woman the love is an instinctive act of self-sacrifice. She gives herself to the family - the husband and children, and in exchange receives pleasure in the form of gratitude, cares, respect and love.
   The woman devotes herself to only one chosen from great variety - the man who cares of her and provides a family. The instinct prompts to the healthy man to carry out this sacred duty. The essence of the heterosexual union when female force goes in exchange on the man's force expressed in love also consists in it.
   Sexual relationship between the man and the woman is a symbol of such communication. Only healthy people, instead of any abstract majority, from those who takes care of the own life, watches a bearing, analyzes a situation can live in a family and it is natural.
   But the feminism forces women to turn away from this vital model, as from an old-fashioned stereotype in spite of the fact that only he realizes their natural instincts. It occurs only then when the woman has a scoliosis which tears off her from true reality and pushes her party of self-damage and a lichnosty dergadation.
   Between men and women there shouldn't be competitions if they are adjusted on one wave of a resonance. But if it isn't present - then not only competition, but also joint antagonism is simply inevitable.
   Then women are less womanly, and men are less courageous. Something turns out average, neither that nor another and the family too isn't present. - Men shouldn't compete with women. The woman does the man stronger when concedes to him. She does it stronger by the belief in him.
   Now, when the love and a family in the most part are discredited, to women remains nothing more how to change love for sex, entertainments, search of frequent feelings of proximity with partners, besides different. Thus, many women become too anxious with the appearance and therefore we are ready will be given any. And after all the true love is based not on sexual appeal or any achievements, and on self-sacrifice. We love those who loves us.
   From here we transfer all the problems to the children. Predisposition to all modern diseases, including nervous pathologies which are shown at the child at different age, is formed much earlier, than many doctors consider. They appear because of various prenatal factors significantly influencing a fruit and anomalies of development which appear in a womb of mother, and it is most often being shown factor at total absence of a direct bearing at the woman, and this already indisputable fact is proved by information medicine.
   Studying of perinatal defeat of nervous system - extremely topical issue of modern medicine, and frequency which at children deviations meet, - the main reason for concern, both for parents, and for neurologists. My researches show that quality of future life of children decreases on one, but actually unimportant reason for parents - lack of a bearing at mother.
   I have already proved a problem of a disease and have described, in several articles, that fact if perenatalyy defeats of nervous system are shown at children in a family in the third generation, the child will be the patient all the life. And treatment here needs to be begun with the mother, differently all efforts will be spent for nothing.
   All deteriorations of indicators of health of women of genital age - somatic diseases, infections, and also negative consequences of alcohol intake and smoking or stresses are always shown at high own resonance when the woman doesn't watch the bearing. If she watches a bearing, carries a bag on the right shoulder, sleeps exactly on one side, feet together, without being developed on a backbone axis, she has no problems, and children always the healthy. But this fact became very rare and therefore there is a degradation of our population by the accelerated rates.
   I just work in the specified sphere of diseases and if I begin treatment with mother, result always the resistant. And here if I go on a string at parents, I will concede under their pressing that now it is completely excluded, through a short period again I observe a problem which mother herself doesn't see as the child gets sick, but already adjusted on her собственну a wave and there is a full understanding, and on that that they would disperse in a resonance the whole years leave.
   Physicians constantly look for any unreal facts which are insignificant against high own resonance and the facts when at the children which mothers during pregnancy have had infections, injuries, have been revealed TsNS defeats cling for. But not this main thing when the brain of mother is almost disconnected and she is the vampire on thin plans of the child.
   Therefore he constantly is ill also him not to cure in any way. And time at me turns out to correct all this without personal meeting with the patient, instantly, only power of own thought then it needs to be extended everywhere - differently our country won't survive and as all other world. He can go and will be lost on fire of the inevitable conflicts, after all the frequent remote consequences of neurologic and somatic character will prove steadily crazy and everywhere.
   For now we have some groups of preparations which finally finish the weakened health of children and two years of such treatment usually come to an end with a mortuary. But on it manage to earn and big money, certain people who raise funds on all city and even the country and ship patients on treatment outward in kauyu-nibud the dwarfish country with which in advance agree.
   Strongboxes to the aid of sick children stand practically in all shops and it is a shame for such great country as ours where there is everything to help people independently, but it is visible to someone not favourably and to us continue to bullshit charity. And as you will look at those who raises such money, to give this help the hand doesn't rise.
   The desire to give help disappears at once, I didn't meet any collector completely healthy, mentally. Usually use youth with strong scoliosis with which have bullshitted and they have believed that are engaged in a noble cause. Whether it is simpler, through means of mass safety to teach parents to watch the bearing than to be engaged in self-deception.
   It is better to die of laughter, than for fear.
   Diabetes as it is
   Recently all of us give less time to own bearing, from here diabetes becomes more and more widespread and younger disease. Diabetes have both adults, and children. Diabetes doctors connect increase in number of patients with that in modern society, especially in the large cities, risk factors of this disease are very widespread: adverse environment, excess weight, irrational food, limited physical activity, sedentary life, stresses, chronic fatigue. But they are absolutely not right or probably simply dissemble.
   And its influence on a human body I don't believe in that they isn't aware about a bearing, and here that they speak to us is simply small secret them the specialties, directed on that what more to earn. From here all of us have that we have, that is total absence of health and absence of information that prevents us it to make.
   Statistically the number of the people, ill sugar diabetes, by 2025 can reach a critical point - 300 million people, and these are about 5% of the population of the globe. I consider this figure too diminished, simply, go outside and look at people. If, you notice at people though small completeness in hips, you can safely make the diagnosis diabetes 2 types, it will be the correct diagnosis which our doctors will find only in 25 years. Medical diagnostics in us simply "Stone Age" though it too not so, then people were cleverer than us and could find such things at once, after all they were more observant. I was convinced of it.
   Diabetes is shown by high level of sugar in blood. In norm of a cell of a pancreas, a beta cage, develop insulin - a hormone which regulates a metabolism, first of all sugar, glucose, in blood, and also fats and proteins. At diabetes owing to insufficient production of insulin there is a metabolic disorder, sugar in blood raises. And, as we know, sugar is necessary for normal work of cages of an organism.
   The lack of insulin at diabetes not only subjects organism cages to "hunger strike", but also leads to increase in unclaimed sugar in blood. In turn excessive sugar conducts to violation of an exchange of fats and accumulation in cholesterol blood, formation of plaques on vessels. Such state leads to that the gleam of vessels is gradually narrowed, and the blood-groove in fabrics is slowed down up to the full termination. But it isn't necessary to miss and that fact that the strong muscular blocks which are forming at a malposture, in addition, and in a bigger form narrow these vessels and then at diabetes heart, eyes, the visual device, vessels of feet, kidneys become the most vulnerable.
   Here it is necessary to make small retreat and to talk about physics of our space, the fact which is missed practically by all who is engaged in recovery of health of people. And, seemingly, because of simple illiteracy. At us everything teach somehow separately one from another, and in the nature and our life it is always interconnected.
   And so we have all changes in an organism and all life of people are strongly connected with change of a magnetic component of our internal space which happens to a turn of a spine column definitely - a turn on a spiral, clockwise. Our backbone is perfect oscillatory system regulating our state in time and space. From here, time and aging of our organism is directly connected with changes of micropower in our backbone.
   I am engaged in spiritual healing more than 45 years and have saved up the certain experience allowing me to help at any, even the most serious illness, to the person absolutely not familiar to me who is from me on any removal, and besides to do it instantly and without application of any drugs. Physics correctly understood by me which is connected with micropower helps me to carry out all this and by her is operated through correctly formulated thought.
   Everything becomes not so simply, for this purpose I had to study biomedical cybernetics consciously, in addition to ancient Chinese medicine which I have studied from internal spiritual calling to this business as a hobby. And only then the calling hidden inside to medicine has woken up, has developed and has allowed to work original wonders.
   In spite of the fact that diabetes 2 types associates at our medicine with the cardiovascular diseases, many preparations applied by them for treatment of a hyperglycemia were absolutely not capable to bring clinical benefit for cardiovascular system. After all here the reason purely mechanical - heart of the person is clamped by intense muscles and works not correctly from a curvature of a bearing and from an exit opposite forward two chest vertebras 7 and 8. Such muscular load of heart can be cleaned only restoration of the correct bearing, but in any way chemical preparations which only will add problems and will even more strongly weaken a suffering organism.
   Nevertheless, our "experts" from medicine in research LEADER recently conducted by them have achieved that the sakharosnizhayushchy preparation лираглутид led to decrease in microscopic doses of the general risk of a myocardial infarction, a stroke or death because of cardiovascular pathology at persons with diabetes 2 types.
   More than at a third of patients with diabetes 2 types develop an illness of kidneys. And still to her not to develop when the vstrechy turn of 9 and 10 chest vertebras almost completely breaks their local blood circulation. The last results of the research EMPA-REG in which decrease in mortality because of cardiovascular pathology at the patients receiving эмпаглифлозин has been shown earlier, testify to delay on a physical body of some progressing of an illness of kidneys and decrease in frequency of the complications connected with kidneys in this population of patients. But on other thin bodies of it doesn't occur that in the final plan all the same will lead the person to death, but only with a small delay.
   Frequent complication of diabetes of the leader to a blindness is the retinopathy. She usually develops in 5-10 years from the emergence beginning at the person of diabetes. At diabetes of 1 type, insulin-dependent, the diabetic retinopathy, proceeds roughly and quickly enough there is a proliferative diabetic retinopathy. At the 2nd type of diabetes, insulin-dependent, changes in the basic happen in the central zone of a retina. There is a diabetic makulopatiya, often cystous that leads to decrease in the central sight.
   Our physicians consider that heredity both as always genetic is the reason of emergence of diabetes and completely are mistaken. They do it because all problems don't understand DNA and therefore there and dump. All business disappears in the broken bearing of the woman. If she has a scoliosis, food of a fruit happens to sharp violation from muscular blocks moreover in the subsequent such child is injured at the birth by the narrowed patrimonial opening in pelvic bones. And we receive the disabled person for the rest of life if this third generation of women in this family brings children.
   There are also some other diseases of a pancreas as a result of which there is a defeat of the beta cages developing insulin. These are pancreas diseases - pancreatitis, a cancer of a pancreas, a disease of other endocrine glands. - Virus infections as a rubella, chicken pox, epidemic hepatitis and some other diseases, including flu. These infections too play a role of the trigger mechanism for people from group of risk.
   I any more don't speak about a nervous stress which here is started almost about a turn floor as internal readiness, on thin bodies, at him is always loaded. Therefore people from group of risk should avoid a nervous and emotional overstrain though it can be made only with big internal tension. The age here any doesn't play a role, as all problem only in a bearing.
   Besides constant feeling of weakness, internal slackness and fatigue, fast fatigue, dizziness and other symptoms, at diabetes the risk of development of a cataract and glaucoma, and also damage of a retina considerably increases. One of such manifestations of diabetes is the diabetic retinopathy which almost in half of cases isn't diagnosed, and it is quite often found only after the developed subsequent complications.
   Today according to data of the All-Russian Organization of Health care among the patients having diabetes of 1 type a diabetic retinopathy 99% of patients meet. At diabetes inevitably there is a change of blood vessels of a retina which leads to violation of providing vessels of a retina by oxygen. Such condition of visual system also conducts to emergence of a diabetic retinopathy. The diabetic retinopathy develops gradually, and even expressed her stages can be absolutely nonsensory for the patient.
   The main symptom of a diabetic retinopathy is the zatumanivaniye of sight and emergence of "front sights" before eyes. Hemorrhage in a retina and a vitreous body. Decrease in sight as a symptom, speaks about far come stages of a retinopathy.
   There are two forms of a diabetic retinopathy. A background retinopathy of a retina which is characterized by the pathological changes happening in a retina of an eye, owing to violation in the field of capillary vessels of a retina where there are small hemorrhages, deposits of products of a metabolism, and also retina hypostases. This form of a disease strikes, first of all, elderly diabetics and in the long term conducts to slow deterioration of sight.
   And a profilerativny form of a diabetic retinopathy which develops from a background retinopathy owing to escalating deficiency of providing a retina oxygen. This form of a disease is characterized by formation of new vessels which sprout from a retina in a vitreous body and cause hemorrhages in him and increasing deterioration of sight.
   This transition at juvenile diabetes can happen within several months. Development of a disease leads to the subsequent peeling of a retina. In our country this form of a diabetic retinopathy is the most frequent reason of a blindness at able-bodied population.
   To confirm or disprove the diagnosis a diabetic retinopathy, it is necessary to pass careful inspection of visual system. In ophthalmologic clinic such diagnostics is carried out by means of a complex of the modern computerized equipment and allows to make a full picture about sight of the patient. Inspection of patients with a diabetic retinopathy, besides standard researches, can include. -
   • Research of fields of vision, perimetry to estimate a condition of a retina on her periphery.
   • Electrophysiological research determination of viability of nervous cells of a retina and optic nerve.
   • Ultrasonic research of internal structures of an eye - A-scanning or V-scanning.
   • Measurement of intraocular pressure, tonometriya.
   • Research of an eye bottom, oftalmoskopiya.
   I remind all people with diabetes, and these are at whom noticeable violation of brain blood circulation and own resonance to 7 or more Hertz, at least time in half a year it is necessary to visit the ophthalmologist and to do diagnostics of the sight. It is necessary in order that the doctor could diagnose in time development of eye complications and begin treatment as soon as possible!
   But I recommend to make more simply and much better - to take care of the own life really and to correct a bearing, and then to start watching that it always was good. Then I guarantee, problems won't be absolutely.
   When the old maid marries, she right there turns into the young wife.
   Hormones from what why and why, and it is better to know all this as soon as possible
   Hormones are substances which regulate literally everything in our organism: from cycles of a dream, a condition of mood, a libido and even growth. It is very exact and thin control of our organism for his correct functioning. And, as in any difficult mechanism, exact hormonal control of an organism easily fails and breaks.
   This system is strongly connected with a condition of our backbone in his lower part. And if the backbone was traumatized or was developed from not correct twisting it, on a loading axis, change of hormonal level happens steadily though the owner of such organism of it won't notice.
   Yes, he will be more easily excitable, more not reserved and more energetic on character, he will have disagreement with logic, but he will consider all this as absolute norm or simply line of the character that actually will be absolutely not true. At the same time he can gradually start growing stout in hips and buttocks, and will consider that touches with a dinner a little, but it too will be one of numerous mistakes.
   So if have suddenly suspected at itself something with system of internal secretion, don't try to be treated by grandmother's means. Business here serious and should be charged it only to the endocrinologist.
   What can bring down a hormonal background? - Sharp climate change? Absolutely not so. And here change of a magnetic component of your vital space quite can. Though, for example, the stress is can make. Here the situation when the organism passes into an energy saving mode - not to fat to be I would live. Therefore the constant nervous overstrain literally disconnects some functions which aren't required for a survival.
   Work of endocrine system - one of major candidates on a departure at a long stress, at sharp change of a bearing and at formation of muscular blocks from a pandiculation in lying situation or at sruchivayushchy a backbone to loading.
   For this reason the stress is fraught with loss or on the contrary a weight set, the termination of periods and other manifestations which, it seems, have no relation to that your chief the fool, the petty tyrant or power "vampire".
   Some hormones and to them similar substances are developed only in a dream. And if you still can deceive yourself, daily blowing on coffee liter, system of internal secretion - No. The general hormonal background is forced down also by distortions in a daily routine, especially if you work in a night shift.
   How many nutritionists don't fight, and all can't inform to people rosty truth in any way which here practically doesn't play a big role: food has to be balanced. That is in your plate every day have to be both proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates. Especially fats. Because they are extremely necessary for normal development of some hormones. - It everything reservations allegedly "experts" from not knowledge of an essence of a problem.
   The main problem here disappears in a bearing of the person and today's doctors of it in practice don't know and quite probably purposely. Such situation is favorable to them - patients much - a lot of work and you at business.
   Change of hormonal level happens from change of blood circulation in the lower part of a human body. And it is influenced by a patrimonial trauma, a postnatal trauma and all when mother has a scoliosis. And as chronic bruises and inflammations for colds, the turns of vertebras occurring from axial rotation of a backbone, for example at oriental dances when you start being engaged in them already aged and many other problems at shift of vertebras on an axis or in the parties. Such shifts can be minimum, but their influence and result simply destroying.
   My practice completely confirms it. Obesity in hips and buttocks stops right after carried-out treatment of a backbone by one power of correctly concentrated thought and an explanation of an essence of a problem to the specific person.
   Having usually corrected all backbone and "brains", that is, having lowered own resonance of the patient to norm of perception of the correct information and joint mutual understanding between me and the patient, and it occurs in 4 hours after a session, I give him by phone, and he me completely understands recommendations about an image of maintaining the life. Therefore problems with obesity don't arise any more.
   Signs of that with hormones in your organism something not as it should be is a sharp set or weight loss. The sharp set is more than 10% of lump of a body a month. Some experts think, what even it is less and they are absolutely right. So if last month scales showed 60 kg, and in it you joyfully note that you weigh only 54, wait a moment to rejoice. Such differences it always a clear signal of that, something has gone not so.
   At the same time problems with mood start being shown. In the morning you on the road were cut by any reckless driver, and you suffer over the unfortunate destiny in the afternoon. Darling has called not at 15:00 as promised, and at 15:05 - and you are ready to break off this callous creature which wanted to spit on you. Your mood changes on 10 times in the course of the day without the visible reasons, you suddenly became whining and sensitive. It not life is cruel, these are hormones knock, from that that you have replaced a pose during a dream and have started being developed a little in a hip on a bed, instead of that what is simple to sleep on one side - vertically as you did it before.
   The fatigue it not the reservation, is search "guilty" what to get rid somewhere of the fault for violation of a bearing of the backbone. Normally to be tired after the working day, on that it and the working day. Normally also to be ready to drop on Friday evening, especially in case the week was given the difficult. Normally to spend all day off on a sofa if yesterday you submitted Everest or I dug potatoes. But if the organism works normally, in the morning you wake up always vigorous or vigorous, and after several rest-hours the fatigue leaves by itself.
   If you aren't capable to force to get out of bed more than three weeks, it is a signal to run to the endocrinologist. Quite often constant feeling of a lemon vyzhatost is accompanied by small temperature increase no more than 37,3. Temperature increases suddenly and doesn't react in any way to tablets from heat, so violations in the lower part of a backbone already have risen up to 7 chest vertebras, and it is required urgently to an osteostalemate or other specialist in a backbone.
   Problems with skin, so these problems of a backbone have still risen above and have already hooked on a thyroid gland, and it is possible also vilochkovy. Therefore any changes of a condition of skin it is an occasion to address to the doctor. If skin was before normal, but literally for few months you sprinkled with spots, or skin became dry as parchment, or has appeared a causeless itch, it means, your bearing has obviously strongly suffered and has created a system problem in an organism, but as not the cosmetic. Urgently to the endocrinologist!
   Decrease in an inclination it too something not and always in sacral area of your backbone. At all the requirements, but they are never broken, if everything is all right. And all of us have moments when there is no wish for anything because at work have tortured or the relations with the partner have deteriorated. However if all as earlier, and you don't want many weeks in general anything, that, probably, matter in hormones and therefore do the analysis of the last actions and correct the made errors, correct a way of life and everything becomes on the place. - Of it be always sure.
   The person has to live at least for the sake of curiosity.
   Myocardial infarction
   The myocardial infarction is clinical the syndrome, resulting damage of a cardiac muscle at discrepancy between need of a myocardium for oxygen and possibility of his delivery. Thus at the same time there is a necrosis кардиомиоцитов in a damage zone that distinguishes this process from other forms of miokardialny damage.
   The main factors of risk here are the hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, arterial hypertension, low-mobility, the family anamnesis, tobacco smoking and other problems connected with not the correct way of life of the person and with violation of his bearing.
   All that it here is listed above and there are direct questions sew not attentiveness to itself favourite. All of them are connected with the wrong condition of a spine column and mainly because we too start themselves "loving", and to create "conveniences" which in a result and lead us to reduction of vital term.
   In this process it is considered to be the starting mechanism the atherosclerosis of coronary arteries including a gap or a deendotelization of an atherosclerotic plaque, thrombosis, the vazokonstriktion which are often occurring against any hidden inflammatory process, but all this depends on position of a backbone and muscular blocks operating on muscles from shift of vertebras in a backbone. That is there is the muscular block creating fabric violation of local blood circulation that leads to an inflammation further as to popisanny.
   Violation of coagulability of blood as by backbone scoliosis at the level of hips the spleen from what there is a change of a coronary blood-groove and its insufficient compensation by collateral blood circulation, and also violation of an exchange of prostaglandins, functions of kallikrein-kininovy system and immunological violations can be clamped, at the same time, here starts playing an important role.
   Irrespective of the main reason, the myocardial infarction is characterized by occurrence of irreversible death of cells of a myocardium of that local fabric blood circulation is strongly reversed or broken by muscular blocks which to find priborno, without knowing physics of space and human physiology, at the same time, simply it isn't possible. From here, the zone of a heart attack which is initially covering a subendokardialny layer of a myocardium, starts extending and on deeper layers, going to эпикарду.
   But even at total occlusion of the coronary vessel supplying a zone of a heart attack, всёже some roundabout antegradny blood-groove that is able to afford to remain in a zone of defeat viable кардиомиоцитам is observed. Therefore it is considered that there is a time period till 6-12 o'clock when it is possible to affect the size of a zone of a necrosis by increase in a blood-groove in the damaged site if in time to remove available muscular blocks by correction of a bearing of a backbone.
   All manifestations of a heart attack accurately types at inspection of the patient by the healer long before the real heart attack. Such work intelligently becomes and ingenuity, namely the head, instead of hands therefore even to touch the patient at all it isn't required and even it is possible to be from him at as much as far distance. The main thing that someone from relatives in time would call and has asked about the help.
   Here, at once, to the patient it is sent, despite the distance, only one powerful information message, to the region of a solar plexus. This message, usually goes on specially twirled spiral and is so strong that is capable to transform instantly all person in all parameters existing at him. Such message is usually applied only in case of emergency as it takes away a lot of energy and forces from the spiritual healer, but his action usually suffices for a long time while the person again to himself won't do much harm, having ceased to do the analysis of the internal state, and will cease to watch quality of a bearing of a backbone.
   I have specially developed him and have applied for the first time long ago, to rescue of one known person two weeks being in a coma. Local doctors, its subordinated at all didn't know what to do though before have tried practically everything that were able and knew. Then, me to him in chamber haven't let. It was the general the head of the department of neurosurgery in our medical academy. I then worked in NIIVM and me have invited to help it his friends from Moscow.
   In critical situations I develop similar techniques of healing as at inspiration, quickly and directly, using only subconsciousness, after all in consciousness such problem of only 1,5% of cells of a brain never to solve. But with subconsciousness, at statement of any not solved task the internal inspiration comes, and the solution is found at once. I with such helps never argue, they are shown instantly in the space necessary to me, and then simply I do, that is offered and instantly I receive required result.
   Such techniques, for all long tselitelsky practice, I have acquired a set, and all of them differ the concreteness, a szhatost in time and always 100% result of influence. But, recently and it it should be noted, only some last years, in our world everything have sharply changed.
   The magnetic background of our vital space has strongly changed, the climate has changed, radiation frequencies have changed that significantly disturbs work with people and from here often it is necessary to compare very large number of various stirring factors what to achieve that occurred practically in the machine gun earlier.
   At a half of patients total coronary occlusion develops in areas of earlier existing atherosclerotic plaque. From here occlusion develops in proximal segments of large arteries more often that subsequently on an electrocardiogram is shown by a pathological teeth of Q. In the absence of total trombotichesky occlusion of a coronary vessel there is Q - not forming myocardial infarction more often if to judge according to the maintenance of an electrocardiogram.
   Development of a disease is usually accompanied by violation of systolic and diastolic function and remodeling of the left ventricle. Violation of systolic function is caused by that the nekrotizirovanny site of a myocardium doesn't participate in heart reduction whereas in the intact next zone there is a compensatory giperkineziya.
   Diastolic dysfunction is connected with decrease in elasticity and myocardium tensile properties. As a result диастола the left ventricle it is defective, the myocardium isn't enough релаксируется and final diastolic pressure increases. These violations arise at defeat less than 10% of mass of a myocardium of the left ventricle.
   Remodeling of the left ventricle is caused by thinning of a myocardium and decrease in a tone of a myocardium in the field of a necrosis, compensatory expansion of a cavity of a ventricle, development of a condition of hibernation in a periinfarktny zone, activization circulating and local a renin-angiotenzinovoy and simpatoadrenalovy system, hyperproduction эндотелина.
   Heart remodeling after a heart attack can have adaptive and dezadaptivny character. Adaptive character is shown in reduction of the sizes of the left ventricle, maintenance of his satisfactory sokratitelny ability, stabilization of a miokardialny stress. But the favorable form of the left ventricle remains гемодинамически and his satisfactory sokratitelny ability, and also stabilization of a miokardialny stress is maintained.
   Dezadaptivny nature of process of remodeling of the left ventricle is in the progressed dilatation with transition to гемодинамически to an unprofitable spherical shape of heart that leads to development of restrictive type of diastolic filling of a ventricle. This type of dysfunction is a powerful predictor of cardiovascular mortality.
   There is a wish to add that terms here it is listed much, and the essence one - at the specific person simply isn't present a bearing, but there is not the correct pose of a dream, a pose when sitting and at loading. So it is better to have, solve owes everyone. Though recently to reach consciousness of people practically there is no opportunity - people are in complete prostration and their psychoemotional state changes in the parameters every day.
   Manifestations of a myocardial infarction have a set of options, after all each organism has a huge mass of features. They differ from a simple asymptomatic current and incidental discomfort in heart to the developed painful attack with various violations of a rhythm and conductivity.
   To thicket they are described by feelings of "pressure", "weight" and "burning" in the central part of a thorax with irradiation in a humeral belt, a hand, a jaw, epigastralny area. The patient becomes uneasy, starts pressing a hand to a breast. And here for the elderly patient, with multiple accompanying pathology, the myocardial infarction is often shown in symptoms of heart failure at increase of short wind, hypostases, emergence of heartbeat and an atipichnost of stenokardichesky pain.
   The most significant symptoms of a heart attack in an electrocardiogram for the doctor are changes of a segment of ST - lifting with camber up. At the bottom localization it is necessary to fix an electrocardiogram on the right half of a thorax in V3R or V4R assignments. For bending-around occlusion changes in so-called back assignments of V7-V9, a thicket in the form of emergence of a pathological tooth of Q are characteristic. Thus the above signs don't consider 100% obligatory. In most cases typical changes of an electrocardiogram are absent that can be caused by violation existence in ventricular conductivity or the isolated depression of a segment of ST.
   Diagnostic accuracy the KG Echo already depends on quality of the received image more. Absence of pathology at the Echo of KG can't form the basis for an exception of coronary heart disease or a necrosis of a cardiac muscle. But the Echo of KG doesn't allow to distinguish the fresh center of an asinergiya from a zone of a postinfarktny cardiosclerosis. Research is irreplaceable for an exception of complications of a heart attack and accompanying pathology.
   For achievement of the maximum positive result treatment of the patient has to begin as soon as possible, since the first hour of a disease that will allow to have considerably the best forecast. Reperfusion therapy by a way тромболизиса or primary ангиопластики has to be as soon as possible carried out.
   It is considered that early the begun treatment leads to essential decrease in mortality at all forms of a disease. Primary ангиопластика on a heart attack - the associated artery at the first o'clock of a disease allows to restore natural perfusion of a myocardium in a zone damage. The later the reperfuziya is carried out, the mortality is higher. Now availability ангиопластики remains low.
   As you understand, for me as for the skilled healer, such problems aren't present. By my technique already published on my sites, at least two times, each diseased or felt the getting sick can independently restore himself in 2 minutes. It becomes very simply through restoration of a bearing and full balance of systems in an organism.
   For now, our medicine lives in "Stone Age", it is so simpler to live though already there are advanced, absolutely fantastic techniques of modern times, but people aren't ready to them because physicians don't want to be retrained, and druggists are afraid to remain without work. Their consciousness lags behind in perception of existing reality and therefore they don't trust in the opportunities sleeping till a time. And could if have included introspection and became on a way of own development.
   Therefore in our medicine the pain syndrome, is essential, both for doctors, and for the course of all heart attack as diseases. The vyrazhenny and the pain syndrome is more long, the it is more danger of development of heavy complications. In the absence of contraindications from haemo dynamics for knocking over of an anginozny attack at us use a sublingual form of nitroglycerine.
   And, if doctors knew simple fundamentals of study of the strength of materials, could having put the person before itself and having inclined him in the necessary pose, at an angle 45 degrees, to take so few minutes and by that completely to correct a bearing - having removed hearts stirring to work muscular blocks and having redeemed position of a backbone of 7-8 chest vertebras where before there was a rigid change from an inclination of the right shoulder. It allows to completely change all work of heart, to counterbalance pressure, to receive regress of sharp ischemic changes on an electrocardiogram though when using nitroglycerine it not always works well. Thus NTG should use with care at the bottom localization of a myocardial infarction as heavy arterial hypotonia can develop.
   In difference from my, purely mechanical change of position of a backbone, NTG can cause vascular collapse and a sharp urezheniye of a warm rhythm - vazovagalny reaction. When receiving effect from sublingual NTG usually apply intravenous infusion of this preparation in low doses - 5-10 mkg/min.
   NTG application, absolutely, doesn't exclude use of analgetics. At the same time, use of powerful vazodilatator, for example, antagonists of calcium because of emergence of heavy hypotonia and reflex tachycardia here isn't recommended.
   In the absence of fast anesthetizing effect from NTG usually appoint narcotic analgetics - morphine a hydrochloride in/in to 10 mg with repetition of introduction of a preparation before full knocking over of a pain syndrome though using my method, it is possible to do without it freely. Besides the main effect morphine promotes reduction before and post-loads of heart, pressure in vessels of a small circle of blood circulation reduces. From side effects the main are hypotonia and relative bradycardia, oppression of the respiratory center, nausea and vomiting. For the purpose of anesthesia use also Promedol.
   For strengthening of anesthetizing effect, the medicine still uses a morphine and neuroleptic combination, is more often дроперидола, possessing also strong antiemetic effect, but for patients of advanced age these schemes need to be used with care because of accompanying pathology as violations of function of breath are often possible. For this age group of patients application of a combination of a narcotic analgetic and a tranquilizer, for example, Fentanyl of 0,005% 2 ml and Seduksen of 0,5% 2 ml is recommended to a thicket.
   From here, epiduralny blockade which broad application became big achievement in anesthesia of not being stopped anginozny attack, for medicine, is complicated because of development of specific complications and existence of technical difficulties at her performance.
   Application of inhalation means of an anesthesia is used now seldom, only according to certain indications - carrying out the cardioversion, artificial ventilation of lungs, performance of painful manipulations.
   Blood-groove restoration - the rekanalization on a heart attack - the associated artery significantly reduces the sizes of a zone of damage of a myocardium. Efficiency of thrombolytic therapy - TLT directly depends on time of an initiation of treatment. It is desirable that time of the request for the help and the beginning of TLT didn't exceed 90 minutes.
   The indication to TLT is considered existence of shift of a segment of ST up from the isoelectric line more than 0,1 mV not less than in two adjacent assignments of an electrocardiogram or blockade of a leg of a bunch of Gis at the patients who have arrived for the first time of 12 hours after emergence of symptoms of a myocardial infarction. However at preservation of pain and the changes stated above on an electrocardiogram carrying out TLT and in later terms is considered expedient, up to 24 hours after the disease beginning.
   Blockade of a leg of a bunch of Gis is meant again arisen or allegedly as again arisen total block of the left leg of a bunch Gisa complicating interpretation of an electrocardiogram. With the proved efficiency it is considered the most available a preparation streptokinase.
   The preparation makes active плазминоген in the indirect way. It isn't necessary to appoint a preparation to patients who have had earlier heavy streptococcal infection or by which this preparation was entered within the last 5-6 months. Fast introduction of streptokinase can cause sharp decrease in arterial pressure. The recommended dose of streptokinase makes 1500000 PIECES within an hour.
   Urokinaza is the direct activator плазминогена, has the short period of semi-removal, causes faster restoration of passability a heart attack - the associated artery, than an equivalent dose of streptokinase. A recommended dose of 2000000 PIECES bolyusno and 3000000 PIECES in/in kapelno within 90 minutes.
   Fabric the activator плазминогена - TAP is considered fibrin - the specific activator плазминогена. In comparison with streptokinase and urokinazy TAP earlier restoration of passability is promoted by a heart attack - the associated artery, probably, this factor is caused reduces mortality at his use.
   Mode of purpose of TAP of 100 mg in/in within 3 hours: 10 mg bolyusno, further 50 mg within the first hour and 40 more mg within the next 2 hours. At the body weight of the patient less than 65 kg are appointed a preparation in a dose of 1,25 mg/kg - in 3 hours, thus 10% of the general dose have to be entered in the form of primary болюса. Application of higher doses (it is more than 100 mg) is associated by TAP with risk of intra cranial bleeding. Eventually other TAP with a bit different molecular structure have been synthesized also: ретеплаза, тенектеплаза.
   Contraindications to application of TLT are defined by risk of emergence of serious bleedings, in particular the intra cranial. At the same time there are absolute contraindications when it is shown: active internal bleeding, any vascular episode within the last 2 months, a new growth of the central nervous system, a heavy trauma, surgical intervention within 3 months, pregnancy, heavy arterial hypertension.
   To relative contraindications also refer suspicion on aorta stratification, cardiovascular reanimation within 2 weeks, malignant new growths, stomach ulcer in stages of an aggravation, hemostasis violation, system diseases, an endocarditis and some other diseases. It is necessary to resolve individually an issue on carrying out TLT at patients of advanced age, in connection with existence of a large number of accompanying pathology.
   It is necessary to appoint aspirin everything sick with suspicion to a myocardial infarction, in the absence of contraindications. His positive influence on survival, frequency реинфарктов and ischemic strokes is shown both when carrying out TLT, and in her absence. At a combination of Aspirin to TLT efficiency of the last considerably increases. It is considered that Aspirin inhibits aggregation of platelets and accelerates фибринолиз. Therefore all patients should appoint by HIM Aspirin immediately in a dose of 160-325 mg.
   Heparin at intravenous administration together with activators плазминогена promotes passability acceleration a heart attack - the associated artery, especially when using TAP. When using streptokinase intravenous infusion of heparin isn't so necessary.
   The standard scheme of a geparinterapiya offers initial bolyusny introduction of 5000 PIECES of unfractionated heparin, and then infusion with a speed of 1000 PIECES/hour while activated partial tromboplastinovy time - AChTV won't increase by 1,5-2 times in comparison with the initial. Due to the difficulties of an exact titration of this form of heparin, it is recommended to use low-molecular heparins - NMG with dose calculation on kg of weight of the patient.
   β-блокаторы reduce risk repeated IT at the patients treated with thrombolytic therapy. β-блокаторы reduce risk of death, modulate neurohumoral and hormonal systems, slow down remodeling of cardiovascular system, cause normalization of a functional condition of platelets.
   Usually, at a heart attack THEY are recommended to apply preparations of this group for the first time 12 hours after the beginning at all patients who don't have contraindications in the form of bronchial asthma, diabetes, bradycardia, hypotonia. Daily allowance a dose метопролола, propranolol is used.
   Inhibitors angiotensin - turning enzyme - IAPF. Heart failure - SN is frequent complication and one of the leading causes of death during the sharp period to THEM and in the remote terms after his development.
   Emergence and SN progressing at the patients, transferred HIM, is connected with process of remodeling of a myocardium of LZh which pathophysiological process is started already for the first time hours of a disease. Damage of cellular and structural components of a myocardium and expansion of a zone of a heart attack contributes to a dilatation and dysfunction of LZh which defines high mortality of patients Of.
   Changes in LZh structure for the first time 3 days, and in the subsequent proliferation фибробластов and synthesis of collagen lead to progressing of remodeling of heart. The active participant of these processes is the angiotensin II causing a spasm of coronary arteries, increase in work of heart, increase of consumption by an oxygen myocardium, and in the subsequent proliferation фибробластов.
   Thus, there were theoretical bases for IAPF use at Of. APF inhibitors, reducing synthesis of the angiotensin II causing a vazokonstriktion both of arterial, and the venous vascular course, normalization of the central and peripheral haemo dynamics promote, thereby prevent development of cardiogenic shock, reducing load of heart it is essential, suppress process of remodeling of LZh.
   Thus IAPF application in the sharp period is limited to HIM risk of decrease in system arterial pressure - the HELL. In this regard, despite the proved efficiency of IAPF, I haven't lost the relevance search of safe preparations of this group suitable for application since the first days HIM in combination with TLT.
   To the preparations not causing of sharp decrease the HELL, belongs лизиноприл - Diroton. Diroton's efficiency as the means interfering remodeling of LZh and development of SN, and also reducing risk of death after development by HIM, is shown in experimental conditions and clinics.
   Unlike the majority of IAPF Diroton doesn't need biotransformation in a liver for formation of active metabolites, and also doesn't contain the sulfgidrofilny group which is the reason of a number of side effects. Lack of a hepatic metabolism at Diroton allows to recommend him to patients with liver pathology.
   Diroton reduces risk of interaction with other medicines which biotransformations in a liver are exposed. Research of efficiency of Diroton at patients with HIM and in the early postinfarktny period has shown decrease in mortality, SN reduction. Diroton has proved the efficiency also at patients of advanced age.
   Antiarrhytmic preparations are at the same time applied and it is a question usually of use of Lidocaine which, was appointed earlier everything with the preventive purpose of knocking over of ventricular violations of a rhythm, but subsequently it has appeared that the rekanalization a heart attack - the associated artery reduces probability of development of such arrhythmias, and is proved that routine application of a preparation only promotes increase in mortality. It is necessary to appoint lidocaine only at ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation of ventricles. Magnesium sulfate - magnesia sulfate can be applied in the presence of laboratorno proved gipomagnemiya or other specific indications, for example, polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
   But as I consider, in our medicine there are no medicines without collateral actions therefore I recommend not to poison the weakened organism with various drugs which have been listed above, and to try to correct by force of thought a bearing to the patient with a heart attack. That becomes very simply. If heart hurts, scoliosis right-hand means, then it is necessary to lower by force of thought to norm left shoulders of the patient and if a liver, left-side, but it happens much less often and only under certain conditions, it is necessary to work on the contrary.
   To touch the patient at this treatment - at all it isn't required. I always improvise and here once at me was formed the necessary case when I have driven into a corner of relatives of the patient supposedly I can't work, do everything that they, seeing hopelessness of situation, with me didn't argue, and simply by force of thought have made for me that was required. And then long were surprised, on what are capable when them will force.
   And here a new case from opportunities of human will and thought. Somehow the other day, I leave to the yard and I meet the hockey player, the neighbor in a platform. We greet, and he has all hand damp. The guy he young, but the decent person and therefore I always help him.
   I speak to him, you have again scoliosis and heart is strongly overloaded that is very hazardous to health. A technique how to correct - you remember, I gave you half a year ago - I remember, answers. Give work when you are at home also itself I have gone on the affairs.
   But, bypassing the house around, has decided to glance a little forward on time how there he will correct scoliosis? I look forward, will start working, but not up to the end will carry out a technique, he is distracted by the wife on household chores therefore I have decided to help him and start the program on correction from scoliosis in five minutes after that. While I watched all this and did, my neighbor, still hasn't reached the apartment, and I already have cured him in the future.
   Next day have again met, and I ask him, how are you doing? He answers normally, but I have felt that you me have corrected it after I was distracted by the wife. As well as last time on a body the warm lightning has run, and at heart it became somehow very easy and pleasant. Right there is a rhetorical question and why all of us such "stupid" why we don't want to include the head and start living in harmony with the nature.
   All that now happens to us when our mood and health changes on ten times in the course of the day, says that we have gone on not to the correct way of development. Magnetic storms from the planets next to us work, irradiating Earth continuously, rise on frequency to 100 Hz! Solar storms were absolutely beaten out from the schedule, don't concede to them on force, and to tell something about their frequency certain in general it became impossible even for the most skilled experts.
   Therefore curators of our civilization from the top worlds - the Grey and Red high handsome with blue eyes - aliens, seemingly, create a situation on cleaning of our planet of us! And if we don't collect remained forces and we won't change a way of life, we won't be absolutely, once and for all and even memory from us doesn't remain as about several previous us to civilizations living on Earth, and they will create new race of people of deprived our many mistakes. And us it won't be simple though we and lived before any more less than 8 thousand years.
   People in that negatively loaded psychoemotional condition of very high own resonance in which they are now, even dying and going to a better world, in him don't pass and remain between the worlds in the platform. They become vampires of power of the relatives by the nature of and destroy him all without the rest. That is to be born in the future there will be nobody. And then on a pure place will create new race which forms a new civilization on our planet which they call already in a new way.
   Choosing from two evils, the pessimist will choose both.
   Computers, gadgets, smartphones and not the motivated aggression directed after the relation to healthy people
   Recently asks people for the help after absolutely not not provoked aggression from people around absolutely healthy people more and more. It was necessary to understand and here that has become clear as a result of this research.
   The people long sitting at low installed monitor of the computer or reading the text on the screen of phone, have sharp violation of brain blood circulation from an inclination of a neck and head shift in the Atlas forward. Their vertebras of cervical department are developed by in pairs top part forward and back, and press the carotids passing on a neck and feeding a brain with blood.
   From it the bearing of the person is sharply broken and constant stoop develops, and people gain special brain activity with very intense features, колючимы evil eyes and own resonance to 12 Hz. Their body from considerable violations of system of the general blood circulation becomes almost stone and if such person incidentally touches someone, the impression as from blow about a brick wall is made.
   Then at such people, on subconsciousness, tendency with pleasure develops to scoff at physically healthy people as those have perfect immune system which as it seems to them, suppresses them. From there are all spontaneously arisen quarrels as write then in police protocols.
   Even if the healthy person, only was protected, without giving itself to destroy, he always for such patients remains guilty as not to occupy resourcefulness by such patient, their situation vision in space of our world is displaced forward on time and the special brain activity directed only on a negative. And than such people becomes more increasing in our environment. It also frightens society.
   Their center of pleasure of a brain hides a zone which is responsible for, whether the person will be inclined to cruelty and other forms of unmotivated aggression in relation to other people. For them mockeries and persecution of other people activates a chain of nervous cages in the main center of pleasure. It does similar pastime very pleasant for people with full violation of brain blood circulation as they are simply adjusted on that all round them suffered. It is such interior of fascism which simply hates all stable and harmonious.
   This option of a disease of mentality doesn't give in to medicamentous treatment, but for me there are no problems to make this work without being at all near the diseased. After all I work not with "a soft place", and the head. Therefore using only power of the concentrated thought directed to the necessary space instantly I reconstruct the person, even so, what he in a few minutes with astonishment asks and how I here have got and what here I do?
   The technique of such restoration perfectly influences work of all cages in the center of pleasure and allows to change aggression in behavior of the person, to long sensible thinking while he again won't roll in the computer and won't go on an inclined plane to final full degradation.
   But operation of the computer on a brain of the person, scientists still completely isn't studied. And here negative results are already received. For example, frequent text messages in a special way influence a brain and bring his work to a new rhythm, but already with a frequency of 5 Hz which is densely tearing off consciousness of the person and taking him aside from existing reality.
   Electronic devices became an integral part of our life, and here people to care of safety measures, yet haven't learned. A roof takes down and then already to think there is nothing. Scientists have simply found out from dense work with smartphones and tablets, in a brain there is a rhythm new and dangerous to consciousness.
   All mobile devices and other gadgets demanding a ducking forward from lazy people not got used to hold the head are directly capable to cause presenilation as the head at a neck inclination forward too is displaced forward down and results in flabbiness of skin and an obvisaniye of cheeks. Besides, it leads to emergence of various signs of aging of an organism, such as lowering of corners of a mouth down, wrinkles on the face, a neck and bags under eyes.
   Scientists have already faced this syndrome and even called it "tech nec". According to experts, at people who often bend over the electronic devices, the risk of premature emergence of wrinkles, developments of autism and the general intellectual degradation is increased.
   They say that if the person often bends down forward, there are degradotsionny changes in all the backbone, causing strong stoop, sinew pain and all muscles. All such pose becomes absolutely unnatural and at once gives out very sick person. At frequent use of all modern gadgets muscles of a neck and a humeral belt are reduced, what even our physicians start advising people, more rare to use electronic devices for the safety.
   The world will disappear not because that there are a lot of people, and because that there are a lot of bad people.
   The earth - occupation, laboratory or the general house?
   Numerous UFOs, and the newcomers having the operational tasks act on our planet for a long time and continuously, connected with any universal questions which to us it isn't let know yet. Some researchers believe that part of aliens are adjusted to us friendly, others - is hostile, the third - is double as on Earth there are representatives of several extraterrestrial concessions. Unites them while only one - they don't want to come to us into direct contact though there are certificates that contacts with the governments of leading powers already are available for them.
   The majority of guests of other worlds arrive to us on UFO in the form of plates, disks though other means of transport, having in themselves various crews on structure meet also. Other, smaller ships, are under remote control of larger objects, and are directed from the ships or directly from the radio, astral or mental world. Invisibility for our world is reached by shift on the frequency and a spiral with an exit for dimensions of visibility of our range of frequencies.
   Management of such ships very simple if not to tell the primitive. - Under a floor of each UFO of the ship there is a thin disk similar to a big top put on a short axis. He rotates in vacuum with a huge speed, as a gyroscope operated by an electric magnetic field.
   Such engine the specific joystick executed in the form of two horizontal screens on which hands of pilots though this design allows management and only one hand settle down copes. Engine management happens from contact of a palm and force of her pressure, to shift forward rendered on the panel or in any necessary direction around. All parameters of management are designated on shining vertical screens, as ship walls from within the absolutely transparent.
   The disk of a top is capable to bend of axes in that party where it is required to move. Speed, copes the speed of rotation of a top. But there are some moments allowing to move on frequency, and not just in space therefore from one world doesn't cause to move in other difficulty.
   The system of positioning of the ship in space simply fantastic, the ship hangs in space over a planet as it is shown only in animated cartoons. It is visible all space simply "утыкан" by various satellites which are in not visible, for our perception a range of frequencies, and on Earth around there are any transferring coordinates of station.
   Externally, management by the ships UFOs, seemingly simple, but algorithm of action in performance of many teams not to understand at all as it is organized on the principles absolutely new to our world. Though the physics of processes proceeding in them is absolutely identical and by me is perceived correctly.
   Dangers in management of an UFO aren't present any as all processes are controlled by the computer. I don't know, how many in this computer of processors located in one squared crystal and the small size, but reaction to all actions instant and is carried out only at full safety of maneuver.
   Their mission, mostly has peace character when inhabitants of other worlds are engaged in studying us during emergence in our world. Guests are similar to the person, but is much larger than people by the size as they are natives of the own world where even time parameters absolutely others.
   All UFOs in the form of plates or disks possess the laser weapon capable to be reconstructed on the frequency and a range of influence of radiant energy. They aren't natives of any other planets, they live here on Earth, but in our perception are invisible as live in the radio, astral and mental plan which aren't crossed at all with us and therefore us as objects, aren't perceived.
   Bodies of guests, and also their ships, automatically materialize at an entrance to a frequency corridor of our world (these are frequencies from 0-13,5 Hz) or, it is possible to tell at an entrance to the vibration speed of our dense matter. At return they change again the frequency or density (and it depends on the world where they move - frequencies from 15 - 20 Hz, 22 - 30 Hz, 32 - 39 Hz), and for us simply disappear and become completely inaccessible to our perception.
   Many scientists ask a question - from where such interest to our planet, after all location of Solar system in the Universe, according to astronomers, the most attractive though such data can be and wrong is far not.
   According to confidential data which filter into the Internet, newcomers never travel in the Universe as we imagine it, that is, overcoming huge space distances. For this purpose there are special portals of instant movement, to tell - a network of such portals more true. And here in this network of temporary and spatial portals our Solar system represents peculiar "a silk way", very much even attractive to many extraterrestrial civilizations.
   To Earth and the most probable places where newcomers can be based, Mars, Venus a reverse side of the Moon though it isn't excluded is the closest that their ships and bases are everywhere and even on Zeml, simply they have own resonance, for example 15 Hz that for us does object absolutely invisible.
   If to consider the Moon, but it all more is suitable for these purposes as in all respects even it is similar to the huge ship of newcomers and artificially created base. First, has unreal for the satellite ideally round form. Secondly, her soil differs from terrestrial soil that too it is unnatural. Thirdly, researches of this soil have shown that the Moon is much younger than Earth, not casually in the most ancient sources about her there is no mention.
   Ufologists constantly incline to thought that the Moon it either the ship, or base of aliens. Indirectly it was confirmed also by the American astronauts who have landed on the satellite of Earth. Having landed on the Moon, they have seen a set of UFO and even the whole space portals. Late all video records were secret, and for people of Earth the video of disembarkation to the Moon, removed in Hollywood which has caused so many disputes and doubts in that has been mounted, and whether there were Americans there.
   It is remarkable that after the first disembarkation of Americans to the Moon, to the natural satellite of Earth have suddenly grown cold both the USA, and the USSR. Moreover, now it seems there are all technologies of conquest of the Moon, creation there transshipment terminal for further advance in space, but all attempts of scientists to promote in this direction someone are stopped, as well as many other inventions of mankind which could make life of people much better. Behind it there are certain circles to which such situation isn't pleasant.
   It not only allows to assume that newcomers cooperate long ago with the leaders of great powers, but also control space development on our planet, as well as interest of people of Earth to UFO. For this reason everything, as for this subject, is strictly secret, and the scientists who are too interested in ufology, are under continuous supervision of intelligence services and very often simply completely disappear without message.
   People read out from an extreme antiquity that gods, and for them newcomers and were the real gods, arrive from the Sun. Most likely, it is connected with that just behind our star there are other bases of aliens. The matter is that the Sun, in comparison with Earth, very big, it as huge apple and a small poppy kernel. And therefore we can't see in one of telescopes, and therefore know that is behind the Sun. Namely behind him, astronomers speak, the planet which is very similar to Earth which is constantly hidden from our eyes by a huge star settles down.
   Certainly, people of Earth aren't capable to send yet space expedition to check it though there is an opinion that such technologies already are available, but besides someone doesn't allow to use them to us. And who, if not newcomers for whom our knowledge of their bases and the more so the whole planets occupied by other reason, it is perfect to anything especially as they consider us dangerous to their comprehensively developed civilizations. We among themselves can't agree that to speak about highly advanced people from other worlds.
   I repeatedly wrote that the mutual understanding at people occurs only between adjusted on one frequency or a wave, and our people have dispersed on all scale of frequencies of our world. Here, I have walked recently on the central street of the city and have met only three healthy persons to whom it is possible to talk on any subject and they will understand you! All other people from the crowd which is continuously passing on Nevsky Avenue, had various problems, first of all with mentality, and then and a set of other problems with health. Here not to understanding - simple to remain not beaten and live.
   Many astronomers, thanks to calculations, for example, on changes of force of magnetic communications which fix devices, are sure that behind the Sun there is a double of Earth, and that on him there are approximately same conditions for life, as on our planet. And if it so why our planets still haven't come into contact? I consider, we are simply dangerous to guests from space.
   Ufologists are sure what exactly on that planet it is worth looking for the main place of basing of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. And most likely, there quite a lot, much more, than we even can assume them to ourselves therefore they can be everywhere and even among us.
   In 1980 the 32-year-old Canadian Granger Taylor has completely disappeared. In principle, in it there would be nothing outstanding - every day in the world hundreds people disappear. However the man left a note in which reported that goes to travel by the self-made spaceship. Here thirty six years Taylor's destiny remains to the unknown.
   But, despite it his own resonance both was, and remained equal 3 Hz. The immune system on all bodies, both was, and remained in absolute safety. If he has died or was lost, for example, at start of the rocket, corresponding changes would be found, but it hasn't occurred that I would see at once. Here everything is all right, so he is live, and is healthy. The world in which he now is, has own resonance of 15 Hz, and it says that he is in the world parallel to us, in the next to us on the frequency that is, he nevertheless has moved in space, and can even in time.
   Granger Taylor has grown up on the island Vancouver. The boy was very talented and developed. Already in the eighth class he has given up study as by this time I have completely mastered the school program. The teenager especially was fond of mechanics and electronics. In 14 years he has constructed the single car, and in seventeen has managed to repair the old broken bulldozer found on a local dump.
   Most of all young man space interested. He was literally obsessed with unknown flying objects and extraterrestrial civilizations. Eventually, Granger has constructed "aircraft" in the yard of the house. He had a form of the flat cylinder. There was a device on four legs, two antennas departed from it, but also, it has been equipped with a window in the form of a human eye.
   Taylor spent the whole days in "ship". Native looked at it as on harmless hobby until he wasn't gone. There was it on November 29, 1980. In the note addressed to parents it was said that he goes to space travel. Meanwhile, all clothes, money and documents of the man remained on a place - probably, he hasn't taken with itself(himself) anything from things. But the most important - together with it his "ship" has disappeared also!
   How I see his ship? - He has been made not in a type of the spaceship habitual to all of us, and that was capable to move in space the opportunity to change frequency in the ship due to change of frequency of a resonance and vortex spiral streams of a magnetic field.
   Subsequently companion Teylora has remembered that approximately a month before disappearance that told him that has come into contact with newcomers from space. Those communicated with him telepathic and even have deployed in his consciousness the card of manned planets of the Universe. And after all, it was possible to achieve those the peace, only using so-called "the mole holes".
   At that time Taylor was engaged in finishing of the device "to mind", according to instructions of aliens. He even has fallen down no more than two hours per day quicker to finish a postoroyka.
   Searches of the gone genius to anything haven't led. And only in March, 1986 there was any trace. In the wood near the house Taylor foresters have found a funnel, as if remained after explosion. Part of trees round a funnel have been tumbled down around, at many trunks have scorched. Experts whom have called on a scene, have found one scorched human bone in a hole. But today it hasn't been established to whom she belonged.
   Therefore and to this day Granger Taylor is registered as the missing person. He already isn't present parents in live, and here brothers and the sisters who already fairly have grown old, still hope that sometime he will be found.
   The emigrant living in the USA from Poland claimed that in the sixties flied to space by means of the alien aircraft. Here so his history begins: George had a rest outdoors with friends in desert vicinities to Modzhava. Unexpectedly the company has seen in the sky of UFO who was pursued by military planes. From this object the smaller object has taken off, a disk-shaped form and has gone towards witnesses. The device has landed at distance of 0.4 km from them. George could make out and remember him well: The UFO was similar to the flat sphere and a big dome in the center on which perimeter "windows" were seen.
   George has got into the car and has gone towards object, friends remained to observe from outside. Having driven up to UFO, he has seen the newcomer who is very similar to the person, that has blocked him a way. The alien had white hair to shoulders, big blue eyes, the person was as human, except white as swept skin. Odette he was in fitting aluminized suit without seams which shone from the sun.
   Friends of George observing from outside said that saw how he communicated with the newcomer, actively gesticulating hands. He has reported that the newcomer communicated with him and telepathic. So they talked about ten minutes.
   During conversation the alien has told that their civilization watches development of terrestrial mankind and they as founders in the answer for us, but openly to interfere while it is impossible for them. He has expressed concern concerning a radiation background of Earth, the nuclear weapon, wars. The newcomer also has told that Earth is visited by other extraterrestrial civilizations, but they don't contact to people, it is forbidden.
   He also has reported that there are types of civilizations which break the general ban, and kidnap people. These civilizations influence mankind in the negative plan, corrupting and stultifying generations of our inhabitants, as conducts mankind from a unification to wars, as it in their mercenary interests.
   Eyewitnesses have told that after the UFO has risen up and has departed they have found traces of the newcomer on sand. They have made a picture of traces on which there were symbols in the form of hieroglyphs.
   The known ufologist D. Carpenter, is a lot of years dealing with a problem рептилоидов, says that practically all eyewitnesses describe them equally.
   These are orthograde beings. Their growth - from 1,8 to 2,4 meters. The head - something average between the head of the person and the head of a pangolin. The same can be told and about the person. Skin scaly, her color - from greenish color to brownish, happens even spotty. Eyes convex, golden or light-red, with a vertical pupil, are similar to the cat's. From the top to a mouth there is a crest. The body could seem human, if not sticking out edges on a breast. Hands - tetradactyl, with membranes, come to an end with claws.
   Contacts practically always happen on an initiative рептилоидов. Carpenter claims that in all cases of such meetings people never saw spaceships. It has given the grounds to some researchers to assume that the homeland of separate types рептилоидов is our mother Earth and that now they live in her subsoil.
   It not so, they, using physics laws, simply, are capable to reduce the resonance which is a little higher than ours and it is equal 15 Hz and therefore we simply don't see them, though actually they near us. We can observe objects with own resonance not higher than 13,5 Hz, and that above already out of a field of our sight.
   According to conclusions of some experts, рептилоиды there were on Earth about 60 million years ago as a result of evolution of one of species of pangolins.
   The civilization рептилоидов has reached extremely high level of development. She left in space where has entered the competition to representatives of the alien races mastering Solar system. Apparently, рептилоиды were not the strongest in this competition. They have conceded control over Earth to race which we call "Nordic newcomers" - white - gods. Subsequently these last in cooperation with other aliens have taken care of emergence on Earth of people.
   Wars for Earth between рептилоидами and "Scandinavians" was much, and the most ancient civilizations of people have held in remembrance fights of gods in the culture. Such mentions of wars of gods contain in "Mahabharata", the Indian epos.
   Vimana - the flying ships have come nearer to Earth with an inconceivable speed and let out a set of the arrows sparkling as gold, thousands lightnings. The roar published by them, was similar to a thunder from one thousand drums. It was followed by furious explosions and hundreds fiery whirlwinds.
   Burned by heat of the weapon, the world was unsteady, as in fever. Elephants lit up from heat and wildly rushed there and here in search of protection against awful force. Water became hotter, animals perished, the enemy has been slanted, and fury of fire brought down trees ranks. Thousands of chariots have been destroyed, then the deep silence has fallen by the sea.
   The speech about WARS of GODS goes and in the myth about battle of the Greek god Marduk with a dragon Tiamat, also fight of Slavic god Perun against the Snake tsar, and fight of Ancient Egyptian god R with a dragon Apop.
   In all myths it is still said that Dragons having suffered defeat in war, are expelled under the earth in the kingdom. Presently scientists have found a set of multikilometer underground tunnels and mines in all corners of the world. In some tunnels there are the walls made of an unknown material, allegedly, closing an entrance to the underground world.
   During infinite wars "white gods" have decided to leave for a while a planet and to return with more powerful weapon. Having returned, they have destroyed Mars on which too there was a life, and a colony рептилоидов having shown that the power. When in solar system there was only one fertile planet suitable for life, and the civilization рептилоидов has been compelled to reckon with conditions of "white gods", the main condition which there was "not an intervention" in development of people.
   The American expert in physics of plasma particles John Brandenburg has come to a conclusion that life on Mars has been destroyed by a nuclear attack from space. The scientist had access to analyses of the atmosphere of Mars, handed over by the orbital ship NASA.
   In these samples Brandenburg has found a large number of isotopes of the xenon-129, similar to concentration of isotopes on Earth after accident on the Chernobyl NPP, report RIA Novosti news agency. According to the scientist, nuclear explosions on Mars have been planned and carried out by advanced beings - possibly, aliens.
   In 1972 the American station "Mariner" has reached Mars. Having flown about the Red planet, the station has made 3000 pictures. From them 500 it has been published in the wide press. On one of pictures the world have seen a half-ruined pyramid, one and a half kilometers high and a sphinx with a human face. Other 2500 pictures of NASA has coded, referring to that they should be deciphered, allegedly.
   When Founders left Earth, рептилоиды it were presented to people by gods. In mythology of ancient Maya, Aztecs, China, India, Egypt it is mentioned about the yashcheropodobnykh gods to whom they worshipped and made the sacrifice. Mankind рептилоиды haven't exterminated because it was more convenient to them to leave it as cattle. For people worldwide built the cities with architecture of mainly pyramidal form in which they lived, grew up food and gave the lives when time came.
   It is supposed that Aztecs, fearing the gods, especially Huitzilopochtli, made human sacrifices with unprecedented scope in all world history. Under terrifying roar of sacred drums of Huitzilopochtli, captives force to climb up top to sacrifice them there.
   Also every day zmeepodoby gods accepted blood of animals. People too had to offer the blood. Not many avoided this painful duty, even to babies pierced ears for these purposes. Usually for a krovopuskaniye used a thorn ma-guyeya.
   Indians made the sacrifice and in caves. For example, the cave "El-Duende" that means "ghost" long was a place of sacrifices. El-Duende represents an extensive network of chambers and the transitions dug in a foot of the hill which has been outside given a type of a pyramid.
   Caves of Dos-Pilasa too were esteemed as a sanctuary, in their gloomy depths people went down for conversation with gods.
   In a civilization рептилоидов very much loved snakes, they considered them beautiful, sacred. Owning genetic engineering, they created hybrids of the look and a snake. From mythology these beings are known as "are nude". Were nude half рептилоидами, and instead of feet they had a snake tail.
   Over people too put genetic experiments. Many ancient mythical monsters, such as centaurs, mermaids, half people half snakes, Minotaurs are results of their experiences.
   The eyewitnesses contacting to newcomers, say that and нагов they left mermaids and those exist still. Are nude take a place of honor at a civilization рептилоидов, and mermaids live in the ocean and disappear from people on their order because people will guess at once how they are created.
   According to "Mahabharata" some of them нагов were small, precisely mice, others were in an elephant trunk, the third resembled elephants. All terrible snakes possessed huge force and were such enormous size that when rose on tails, reminded mountain tops. Some of them reached length in whole йоджану, and some even in two йоджаны.
   Were nude from Vasuki's family of blue, red and white flowers - all of them possessed huge, a disgusting look the trunks overflowed with deadly poison. Their names - the Cat, Manas, Purna. Their images are available on Angkor's bas-reliefs in Cambodia, on bridges нагов in the temple Pkhimai in Thailand, in the temple Pkhn Rang and in other places.
   Some people of our time tell that met these mysterious beings. Here one of stories of eyewitnesses: Victor S.: "I have gone to a hike to the gorge the Cook asanas in the Crimea and have decided to spend the night on tourist's parking, have settled in a sleeping bag and long admired stars while one of them hasn't increased to the huge sizes.
   The object has over me hanged. Beautiful UFO, the huge. And me starts involving there. I have appeared in UFO. There were strange beings. One of them speaks "You want to do some flying with us?", I "yes, want". I look already from there from above as we move away from Earth, I see that glade where lay, I see already the Crimea entirely, the sea.
   I have appeared by the round ship with the central control panel. And various compartments. The UFO has been poorly shined and filled in, any slime. But the being who have met me were even more surprising. The image human, a figure too human, but was lower than a waist at them a snake tail, there is enough long where that 2,5 meters, still they had three breasts. The main female snake telepathic has addressed to me. She has offered the long-term relations for allegedly studying of the person. But I have refused, and me have returned back."
   Reptiloida have the special advanced technologies and mental capacities by means of which can influence mentality of people. They left on Earth surface a set of the artifacts, the most known of which - the pyramids constructed in a large number in different parts of the world.
   Scientists can't still understand how people of that time built these monumental constructions without application of high technologies which we and now haven't mastered. For рептилоидов the pyramidal form was perfect, any land construction had a pyramidal form and even on Mars they are. Also some ships of this civilization have a pyramid form. According to stories of eyewitnesses, such ships in width reach 15-20 meters, shine or mask, becoming translucent.
   Practically all people have legends of the beings living in a gloom of vaults. From legends of Indians of Peru it is said that ways of cave system Chinkanas conduct to the underground world where there lives a powerful civilization of the zmeelyudy. On the appearance they are similar at the same time both to the person and to a snake. In the 20th century some tens adventurers were gone in these caves. The few people managed to get out from there. From their incoherent stories it was possible to understand that in earth depths they met strange beings.
   Doctor Raul Rios Centeno has tried to repeat a way of one lost expedition. He had a modern equipment and research group. They have gone down in vaults through secret passages of the old temple, near Cuzco. At first they have come across the round tunnel similar to a huge air duct of ventilation. The doctor said that his walls didn't reflect infrared beams, because of the high contents in their composition of aluminum and when the tunnel was narrowed to 90 centimeters, archeologists have turned back.
   In 1949 in the Rostov region at local cannery there was a collapse of the floor which has fallen in any ancient vaults. Later military have become interested in the Rostov catacombs, having wished to construct in them the confidential bunker. Works have stopped, after death of two soldiers. Bodies of victims have been cut in two by something like the laser. After that case the entrance to a vault has been closed reliably up by reinforced concrete.
   Many years ago the father has told that has come it is time to learn to me secret which inhabitants of our places long since transfer from the father to the son. And secret of this is the hidden entrance to a vault. After that we, silently, have approached to the bottom of the Woman's mountain from the Slovak party, the father has again stopped and has pointed to me to the small rock acting from a hillside at the height about 600 meters. We have pulled hard on the rock together, it has suddenly trembled and has unexpectedly easily moved aside. The aperture in which the cart freely could drive has opened.
   Before us the tunnel leaving abruptly down has opened. The tunnel similar in section a flat circle, was direct, wide and high that in him the whole train could be located freely. The smooth and brilliant surface of walls and a floor seemed covered with glass but when we went, our feet didn't slide, and steps wasn't audible almost. Having looked narrowly, I have noticed on a floor and walls in many places deep scratches. Inside it was absolutely dry.
   Our long way on an inclined tunnel proceeded until has brought into the spacious hall similar to an interior of a huge barrel. In her some more tunnels met, some of them were triangular section, others - roundish.
   The father has again started talking: - On tunnels which disperse from here, it is possible to get to the different countries and on different continents. Here that at the left, conducts to Germany, then to England, and further, on the American continent. The right tunnel lasts to Russia, to the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there - to America where connects to the left. It is possible to get to America and on other tunnels laid under poles of Earth - Northern and Southern. On a way of each tunnel there are the "junctions" similar to those in whom we now are. So, without knowing an exact route, in them it is easy to get lost.
   The story of the father has interrupted the remote sound similar at the same time to a low rumble and a metal clang. Such sound is made by the tyazhelogruzhyony train, starting or sharply braking. Tunnels which you saw, the story the father has continued, people, and the powerful beings living underground have constructed not.
   These are their roads for movement since one end of the underground world on another. And they move by flying fiery cars. If we have appeared on a way of such car, would burn down alive. Fortunately, the sound in a tunnel is audible at a great distance, and we had enough time to avoid such meeting. Well, but also, these beings live in other part of the world, and in our corner of the world appear seldom.
   Friends made the habitual route in Sonor's desert lasting 24 hours and on the middle of a way have decided to stop to celebrate need. At this moment he have seen, how a strange being where that two meters in height possessing unstable, swinging gait and moved on a footpath.
   The further description of the humanoid simply shocks. Having stopped, and having stared at one of cyclists, he have allowed to consider itself. The eyes similar to snake, with a yellow-black strip in the middle, red and green lines on length of the person, face skin as though created from sand.
   The humanoid had no nose, only 2 black hollows. Red mouth similar to a strange pattern. In a moment creation of darkness has raised sharp-clawed paws and has made a strange gnashing sound then has disappeared in a twilight.
   Johnson, one of fans to travel by bicycle says that the being wasn't result of tired imagination as he was seen by all three. From this point friends have started believing that write the Internet of editions as they happened to face the unknown on pages.
   "I don't condemn those who will consider my history as an invention, but now I know well that there are creations, about which very few people say in fear of that you can consider as the madman, or simply the liar" - Johnson in the interview" speaks.
   "I am Ole of K. from Sweden officially I certify that this interview absolutely truthful information. I was also skeptical as 99% of ordinary people and also thought that it is a fantasy and inventions of my friend who periodically reported to me about the contacts with the newcomer - also female individual - I simply didn't trust him and sneered. While on December 16 in the city in the south of Sweden in a small lodge I haven't seen really not the person. It is the fact! To trust it or not - to solve it to you!"
   QUESTION which was asked by me: - Whom are you? You - a terrestrial version, or have an extraterrestrial origin? ANSWER: - As you could see your own eyes, I - not the person. I - the reptile of a feminine gender belonging to very old race of reptiles. We are natural people of Earth, and we live on this planet millions years. We are mentioned in your religious texts like your Christian Bible, and some of ancient human races knew our presence and some worshipped to us, for example Egyptians and Inky and many other old tribes. Your Christian religion has misinterpreted our role in your creation so we are mentioned as "an angry snake" in documents of people. If you ask me that I am an alien, - that I have to answer - No. We are natural people of Earth. We had, and we have some colonies in solar system, but we occur from this planet.
   QUESTION: - What can you tell about the age? ANSWER: - We measure time not like you in astronomical years and developing of earth turns round the sun because we usually live below a planet surface. If to apply to me the scale of your computation of time - to I am about 28 years old.
   QUESTION: - You have "work" like us? ANSWER: - Yes, being put by yours into words: I am a student of social behavior of your version. For this reason I here also speak with you for this reason I have shown my real nature of existence. For myself I will observe how you react as other individuals of your look react.
   QUESTION: as you haven't allowed me to take the picture - that would be very useful to prove your real existence. You can describe yourselves in more detail? ANSWER:-You, people, big sceptics. Even if you would have such photos much of your look would say that they - a fake.
   Well, I will try to describe myself: - Imagine a body of the normal human woman. Like you, I have the head, two hands, two feet, and the sizes of my body - are similar to yours. As I a female, I have also two breasts. My skin has mainly green-beige color, and we have some brown spots on our skin and in our person - samples are various for both floors, but women have more, especially in the lower part of a body and on a face.
   Color of eyes at us red or is more rare the greenish. Pupils vertical. Our nose is more sensitive and is bent between nostrils which have allowed ancestors "to feel" temperature.
   Our lips are created like yours - at women more, than at men, but pale brown color. Our teeth very white and strong and longer and sharper, than your teeth of mammals.
   We have no various flowers of hair like your individuals, but we have a tradition to dye hair at various age in
   initial color similar to mine, olive-brown color.
   Nails gray and in general are less long, than yours. It because I - a female. Men have the sharp directed nails up to 6 centimeters long. The following feature if you concern the back party of my body, you will feel the firm bony line. It is very strong uniform external structure of skin and fabric. The main task of these plates - regulation of our temperature is simple.
   Than still we differ from your look? Oh, we have no navel because we have been born in a different way.
   QUESTION: - What clothes do at you, and whether in general carry it? ANSWER: - I wear these clothes of your individuals every day when I am among people. Frankly speaking, it isn't really convenient for me to carry such fitted things. If we are in our own underground house or in our big artificial areas of the sun and if we - together - we usually in general are naked.
   QUESTION: - Whether there is at you a tail like usual species of reptiles? ANSWER: - You see him? No, we have no visible tail.
   QUESTION: - What do you eat? ANSWER: - In general various products like you: meat, fruit, the vegetables, special species of a mushroom from underground farms and other products. The main distinction between you and us that we have to eat meat because our body needs proteins. Many of us eat crude meat, but personally I prefer the meat which has passed thermal treatment.
   QUESTION: - You can report me something about natural sciences and development of your version? What age - your version?
   ANSWER: - Oh, it is very long and difficult history. I will try to explain it shortly. About 65 million years ago much of our old ancestors from race of dinosaurs have died in big global cataclysm. Notes the nuclear winter has ended in 200 years and despite the cataclysm, some versions were capable to a survival: fishes, birds, a few terrible mammals - your ancestors, various reptiles are similar to crocodiles, and there was a special look small, but a few developed dinosaurs who have developed together with the last big animals of a reptiliansky version.
   This new reptile went on two feet, with some humanoid features - the changed structure of bones, a big skull and a brain, a hand with the thumb, more developed eyes in the middle of the head is similar to your eyes, and that is the most important - a brain with new and best structure. It was our immediate ancestor.
   These beings were rather intellectual not to die in the following millions years. In 50 million years after the cataclysm, only three subspecies of reasonable reptiles have promoted in development. Through natural and artificial selection these three versions have been integrated to one reptilian-version by means of gene manipulation. What you see me now - I have been created by means of genetic engineering. It was about 10 million years ago, and our development has almost stopped in this point.
   About 1,5 million years ago, other extraterrestrial version I have reached Earth. Interest of this humanoid version - wasn't raw materials or copper, and Elokhima, to our surprise, the developed humanoid monkeys.
   I understand that it has to seem to you absolutely improbable because you are young and genetically designed version. Your historical horizon comes to an end on the scale of only eight thousand years, and you think that it is correct. But it - not so.
   Reflect, within this small period of time, a being similar to you could be created by nature? 148 million years are necessary for development of animals similar to you - mammals. And 2 million years from this time for development of intellectual beings like you?!
   QUESTION: - You speak sometimes about the underground cities. ANSWER: - When I speak about our underground house, I speak about big systems of caves in the depth of the earth from 2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, connected by many hidden tunnels to a surface. And we live in the big and developed cities and colonies in such caves. The main sites of our caves - Antarctic, Internal Asia, North America and Australia.
   QUESTION: - Back to your and our, actually, stories. You have mentioned race "Elohim", those who have created our human race. From where they where they arrive and how them mention? What precisely it happened when they have arrived? They our "God"?
   ANSWER: - Yes. Elokhima of profit from the system called by you by "Aldebaran". They were very high level of development. Usually had hair of very light color блонд, and they have very white skin. They avoided a sunlight because it injured their skin and their eyes. They, appear, were intellectual and peace in the beginning. But later they have shown their real intentions and plans - they wanted to develop monkeys to level similar to them, that is to lodge there the colony, capable to live on our planet.
   At first, they have caught 20,000 of your monkeys ancestors, and were absent on a planet during some one hundred years. Elokhima had access to their consciousness and have increased their brain. Have changed their structure of a body, and they were capable to use now tools and fire. Elokhima, arrived, during 23.000 years, seven times and have accelerated the speed of development of some individuals of your look.
   After several centuries interest of aliens to their first creation has been removed, and they accelerated evolution of the second and best test look and so on, and so on. The truth and that your modern human civilization - not the first Earth on this planet, but already the seventh. The last creation of the seventh civilization of your row has been begun only 8.500 years ago, and this only creation which you can remember and to which your religious letters address.
   There was a long war between us and Elohim. The last battles in this war were conducted about 5.000 years ago in an orbit and on a surface. Aliens used the powerful sound weapon to destroy our underground cities, but, on the other hand, we were capable to destroy many of their superficial constructions and bases on their place. People of your look have been very frightened when they observed these battles, and they have written down it in the form of religious myths.
   E. Kalacheva's story, residents Simferopol. Everything has begun at the end of August. Nearly an every night in a row something was created strange.
   Beginning hours from 11-12 nights. I woke up with strange feeling, I to horror wanted to go outside or at least to approach to a window and to look out in him. That night I had just the next attack.
   I have woken up at midnight. Through a curtain there was strange this world. I have looked at a window and have told myself that all these nonsenses will suffice from me that I was tired and I want to sleep. I haven't managed even to lay down when has failed in darkness. Then has found itself standing near a window, and giving a hand to a curtain to open her.
   Light became where is brighter. Besides, I heard two voices. Voices strongly differed. The first voice said to me that I have to go to a window, open a curtain and not try to resist. The second voice told me opposite things. But he was weaker, and I couldn't obey to him. I looked at the hand and saw how I open a curtain against the will. The second voice was unexpectedly gone.
   When I have regained consciousness, lay on something seemingly operating table. Over me there was a bright lamp. The clothes weren't. I haven't been attached, but couldn't move. I have looked down and have seen that I have cut a stomach, and someone costs near any thin metal medical tools what I never saw before, and something there with my stomach does. The fear wasn't, as well as pains. I could turn the head to the right and have seen that beings was a little, more than five.
   These beings were very high growth, above human. Probably, meter 3 growth they were. Reminded pangolins in white overalls and the white raincoats similar to protective suits. Green hilly skin, red eyes with black slit-like pupils. Skin at some has been covered with brown spots. Very broad-shouldered. Stood on two feet if it is so possible to be expressed. As there were two hands. Well, like hands. Similar to human hands, in my opinion, fingers was more, and they were longer. Instead of a nose two holes, the mouth too is almost imperceptible, and he small was. A hair or something similar wasn't. The heads were rather cylindrical form, not really big.
   Then it seemed to me that two or three stood to the right of me, one or two at the left, two or three in feet and one or two behind the head. The following that I remember, it that I have regained consciousness on the bed in the same pose, that is, semi-lying on one side. I have looked at a window - this world has disappeared.
   The joint group of planetary detectives has found something strange in an orbit of a far star. Or megastructures of aliens that is improbable, or a massive cloud of comets, most likely.
   The hunter for экзопланетами, Kepler's space telescope, has spent four years, attentively studying the same site of the sky in search of changes of brightness of stars. These changes, blackouts, happen when before a star there passes a planet, and measurement of the sizes and terms provide astronomers with data on a planet. In what a charm of the latest discovery?
   The majority of data of Kepler are processed automatically by algorithm which looks for repeating patterns, but the site Planet Hunters allows civil scientists to study data independently in search of something unusual.
   Given one star known as for KIC 8462852, were so strange that people have started marking them as "strange" and "curious". Rotating planets block light of the stars at some o'clock or days with regular intervals which correspond to duration of their orbits. But this star had two small blackouts in 2009, strange blackout lasting a week in 2011 and a number of numerous blackouts within three months in 2013 is asymmetric, some of which reduced star brightness already by 20%.
   "It was simply improbable to realize that it is real data", - Tabeta Boyadzhan from Yale university who headed team of the astronomers studying a signal speaks. But after checks and rechecks of that something not so with a telescope, they have decided that the signal is real, and have started looking for other explanation. "We simply scratched napes. On any offered idea also found a set of arguments against".
   Land supervision have helped astronomers to exclude variability of the star or a hindrance of other next stars. They have decided that the star is closed by dust congestions. But from where the dust undertakes?
   Collisions within a belt of asteroids round a star or collision of two large bodies like that has generated Earth and the Moon in our Solar system, can't explain all failures in the light of a star.
   Having worked the mass of other options, scientists have come to a conclusion that blackouts are explained by family экзокомет which have turned close to a star and have been broken by its weight, having generated a huge number of a dust and gas in this process. If comets are in the excentric orbit passing before a star each 700 days or about those, further dissecting and distribution them can explain all blackouts in data.
   There is also other explanation: these are space megastructures of aliens. But astronomers have agreed long ago: in case of anomalies to explain all with aliens only in the latest turn.
   KIC 8462852 is 50% more than our Sun therefore if an explanation with participation of comets correctly, the cloud of a dust would be considerable the big. Something similar in our Solar system would deprive of us a significant amount of light. When Earth passes through the clouds of garbage left in interplanetary space comets, we receive meteoric rains. In KIC 8462852 system there are no confirmed planets but if someone was in this world and has passed through such cloud of a dust, it would see indescribable light fireworks, Boyadzhan speaks. Space fireworks of space scales.
   Additional data will narrow searches of true nature of this strange signal. Kepler has ceased to work correctly in 2013 therefore at astronomers it won't turn out to resume shadowing system so quickly as it would be desirable. In April, 2015 of supervision of a star wasn't, then there could be the next blackout, but in May, 2017 astronomers hope again to turn the look to system. However, this signal also becomes a point of close attention of search of extraterrestrial activity of SETI. And suddenly not comets?
   Each of us consists of atoms which once were part of a blowing-up star, including atomic carbon, nitrogen and oxygen - fundamental ingredients of life. For billions years, these ingredients were condensed, forming the gas clouds, new stars, planets that says that all this, so and potential life - exists outside Earth, scattered on all Universe.
   A number of the latest discoveries not only allows to assume surely that we aren't lonely in the Universe, but also assumes that our Solar system can teem with the life reasonable and not really. The question already not so much in, whether exists outside Earth life, how many in that, we will find her sometime.
   At the beginning of this year, the group of scientists has assumed that 4,5 billion years ago at least the one fifth Mars has been covered with the ocean more than 100 meters in depth. Any signs of life which floated in these waters, can be found in the Martian soil. And recent confirmation of existence on Mars of streams of liquid water allows to do more courageous assumptions: probably, life still nests on the Red planet.
   It isn't enough one water. Time is necessary. Last August there was the research which authors have come to a conclusion that water on Mars was on 200 million years more long, than believed earlier. Besides, life on Earth was at the same time, as the last lakes on Mars.
   Asteroids and comets it is a key to formation of life on Earth, scientists believe. In particular, collisions of comets, as appears from the work published last August probably have led to association of amino acids and formation of construction bricks of life. Recognizing that we know about formation of Solar system, other comets in other planetary systems continue, probably to create the fruitful affairs.
   The tiny moon of Jupiter Europe is covered with scars with brown streaks which as believe, can indicate places in which warm, dirty, liquid water from a cloak of the satellite filters through his bark. Europe can have more water, than Earth therefore America and Europe put hundreds millions dollars in projects of future missions directed on search of water under a surface of Europe.
   Besides Europe there is a satellite of Saturn Entselad, and scientists have confirmed this month that he hides the huge World Ocean under the ice crust. Like Europe, Entselad's ocean - an ideal place where there could live life besides Earth.
   Search of possible evidence of existence of life on Entselada proceeds. The satellite has powerful hydrothermal sources - like what could start formation of life on Earth - which lie at an oceanic bottom.
   In addition to Europe and Entseladu, underground oceans, at least, ten objects in our Solar system can possess, planetologists suspect. A problem of detection of life on these bodies what to reach the water cloak lying at a depth of hundreds kilometers, quite difficult.
   Except Earth, the largest moon of Saturn - the Titan is the only body in Solar system with lakes on a surface. These lakes weren't able to afford to develop terrestrial life as consist of liquid methane, instead of water. However, at the beginning of this year, the group the kornelskikh of scientists has shown that on the Titan there can be a cellular life on the basis of methane.
   It is quite possible that life could be formed and prosper only on planets of terrestrial type; it follows from this that we have chances to find life only outside our Solar system. Last July scientists have found a planet of terrestrial type in 1400 light years from us. Her size, an orbit, a star, and age lead to possibility of development of life on her surface as there are all ingredients necessary for life and a condition.
   Drake's well-known equation allows us to estimate as many alien civilizations could exist in the Milky Way. It looks so - N = R * (fp) (ne) (fl) (fi) (fc)L, interpretation of each variable is lower. Proceeding from the elementary statistics, it is easy to count that somewhere there can be thousands, even million alien civilizations:
   R*: speed of formation of stars in our galaxy.
   fp: percent of the stars possessing planets.
   ne: number of planets of terrestrial type round each star having planets.
   fl: percent of planets of terrestrial type which have developed life.
   fi: percent of planets with life on which reasonable life has developed.
   fc: percent of reasonable types which have reached creation of technologies which can be found forces of an external civilization like ours. For example, radio signals.
   L: average of the years necessary for the advanced civilization to mark detectable signals.
   Many ask a question - if somewhere there are reasonable civilizations why we from them haven't heard anything? Probably, our own galaxy the Milky Way far not the most hospitable galaxy for life, according to the scientific message published last month. Research has shown that other galaxies in the Universe can have in 10000 times more suitable planets for dwelling, than the Milky Way.
   All of us consist of the heavy atoms created as a result of explosions of supermassive stars. It not only connects us with the Universe, but also emphasizes possibility of existence of others life. These ingredients became part of a gas cloud which was condensed, коллапсировало and has formed the following generation of solar systems - stars with planets in an orbit. And these planets too have a starting set of the young founder of life.
   At the same time, new data confirm that "stolen by newcomers" the woman who has drawn the celestial map of the sky, has been really kidnapped by UFO. According to statements Bettie and Barney Hill from Portsmouth - New Gempshir, on September 19, 1961 they have been stolen by newcomers.
   After that Bettie has drawn the map where has specified an exact place, from where these newcomers were to Earth. Scientific, matter of course, seriously her words haven't taken and over the card only have laughed. They have declared that the constellation similar to represented, in drawing of Bettie, doesn't exist. It and the truth even close wasn't similar to one star education known at that time.
   And now, years later, one specialist statistician has paid attention that Dzet Setki's double star represents exact reflection of a star in Bettie's drawing. He has come to a conclusion that stealing by aliens was valid.
   Bettie and Barney told that went on one of streets in Lancashire - New Gempshir when have noticed strange flying object of an oval form coming nearer from the South which then has hanged directly over their heads.
   After that there were some "humanoids" who watched them through the shined window of the ship. And the last reminiscence - some beings became in the middle of the road, blocking Bettie and Barney a way.
   The following that they could remember - as have appeared in the house in Portsmouth. Any of spouses first couldn't remember details of that evening - according to them, three hours have been erased from memory absolutely.
   However before the death in 2004 Bettie has told something that never I spoke earlier: "Us have lifted aboard the ship. Me have placed to one room, and Barney in another. The one who surveyed us, called itself(himself) the Examiner. At first they have seated me on a stool and began to study my eyes, ears, a nose, a throat. After that me have put on a table and have told that are going to investigate my nervous system. They have tried to enter any tool similar to a needle into my navel, but to me it became sick, and they have stopped. With Barney they have done approximately the same, only in their his case the bone structure" interested more.
   Besides, before Bettie's death I have remembered conversation with "Leader" during whom she has asked, from where newcomers a sort. "I have told that I know that they not from our planet and have asked, from where they. He has shown me the celestial map and on it a place, from where they have arrived".
   Under Bettie's hypnosis I have reproduced this card - on her there were twelve large stars, connected by lines and three stars are less, forming a triangle. She has told that the stars connected by continuous lines symbolize "trade ways", and dashed lines - less popular interstellar routes.
   The expert in mathematical statistics David Saunders considers that in the center of key structure of drawing of Bettie there is Dzet Setki's star. In his opinion, probability that the woman has reproduced a real-life arrangement of stars, incidentally equals to zero. That is Bettie told the truth. Saunders is completely convinced that Bettie's such information could receive only from aliens.
   Among other strange certificates connected with alleged stealing, it is necessary to mention Bettie's broken-off dress and strange pink powder on her body which origin experts couldn't find out.
   On a luggage carrier of the car of spouses strange shining circles and when to them have brought a compass have been found, the arrow has started rotating, without stopping.
   Some time after kidnapping of the spouse suffered nightmares, they observed symptoms of the strongest stress. Barney even was required medical care. Physicians surveyed spouses, and doctor Benjamin Simon has carried out with them some sessions of hypnosis. Then the history with "stealing" has emerged.
   Later memory began to come back, and spouses have started remembering details of "adventure". One more surprising drawing has drawn Barney - he has tried to give appearance of the thieves. This drawing became the first known "nonfictional" image of the alien. Later the local artist has created three-dimensional model on the basis of this drawing.
   Barney has died on February 25, 1969, at the age of 46 years, as a result of intracerebral hemorrhage. Bettie considered that the premature death of the husband is connected with the stress endured during stealing. Bettie Hill has died on October 17, 2004, and all life was proved by the validity of the words about stealing by newcomers from a far-out planet.
   The new fact - it is amazing, but production of similar subjects from the same material is almost impossible for us even now, at all technologies available at our disposal. But in that case who could create these artifacts, and for what purpose and where they have been made?
   I investigated the frequency at which they have been made and these are 15 Hz, that is any more our world, but they are transferred here and their frequency is harmonized with our world and is equal now 0,001 Hz. Therefore it is clear why we see them and we feel.
   Colombia - the country storing a set of ancient secrets. Exactly here researchers have found some mysterious and difficult artifacts made by means of the unknown to us, probably, ancient, and it is possible also the stranger, for our world, technology.
   Age of these artifacts, according to experts - not less than six thousand years. As finds don't fit into traditional ancient culture of Colombia, researchers have assumed that they have been created by an unknown ancient civilization which, probably, possessed alien technology that and is in my opinion.
   Experts puzzle over that, as well as such difficult carving on базаниту during this period when the person yet didn't possess neither modern knowledge, nor a microscope why has been made.
   All of us read classics and we remember how once moved over all country, extorting and begging for the help, Karl Marx's false grandsons, Friedrich Engels's nonexistent nephews, Lunacharsky's brothers, the cousin Klara Tsetkin, descendants of the well-known anarchist prince Kropotkin and other "Children of the lieutenant Schmidt".
   Over time one heroes were succeeded by others, and kropotkinets and engelsovets were replaced by stalinets and gorbachevets, and also "children", "grandsons" and "great-grandsons" of other characters of national and world history. But every time kids were selected any small, greedy, obstinate and crude.
   30 on June (17), 1908 in Siberia there was the phenomenon known for all under the name the Tungus meteorite. A certain object has flown by on the sky and has blown up with such force that still it is possible to find traces of the fallen trees in the Tungus taiga. Someone says that it was the meteorite, someone is sure that there was a gas explosion, there is also a version that it was falling of the alien ship.
   Therefore no wonder that after a while there were people who called itself the survived pilots from that ship. Or their descendants. With a big share of probability all of them were impostors.
   Last Russian "relative" of alien zvezdoletchik appeared in 1990. He was the strange Evenk by the name of Nikolaev with genetics of indigo people, physically and mentally healthy person with very sped up work of a brain. He claimed that is the son of the first pilot of the spaceship of Others. He has seemed strange because at that time the majority of space programs has been curtailed also very famous there were names absolutely other heroes.
   Clients of Kashchenko of that time and other "grief houses" usually gave out themselves for Gorbachev' couple - together or separately, for Boris Yeltsin, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, the general Noriega or, at the worst, for Nelson Mandela.
   Nikolaev son has shown to the become stupid Khabarovsk correspondent the bent piece of corrugated metal, claiming that it is a fragment of an internal covering "fatherly корабл". The corrugated fragment to pain reminded the kolchugalyuminiya, used for a covering of the DB bombers of a design of Tupolev and his civil options which were issued in northern execution.
   Meanwhile "Nikolaev father", that is "the first pilot" ship, was as though in hiding, having replaced citizenship and a surname. Now him called D. Schuman, and there was he the absolute American. It appears, the Siberian climate didn't suit him categorically therefore he has been compelled to move for the territory of the USA at means of an individual iskrivitel of space.
   Schuman-Nikolaev was with the same fine data of DNA and went across all America with lectures about the homeland - far the Centaur. These lectures, probably, had a great success. The former astronaut decently earned, and here about taxes has forgotten absolutely. It also has ruined him. For his lattice tax services have sent, and still during the investigation it has become clear that the first pilot in five years after the Tungus explosion was born.
   "The second pilot" who in the parameters was similar to two previous - вмиру the Frenchman by the name of Alan Rocard! - trustful inhabitants of Spain and Italy, filling packed houses fed and gave to drink during his public lectures about a terrible space disaster after which he remained the one and only survived crew member of the ship. Having escaped in Siberia, the Frenchman wasn't saved in Algeria where he has left with the next series of lectures about Vnezemelye and was lost during frequent there street riots in 1956.
   "The third pilot", with usual parameters for the person - Brazilian Zenzyyu, the Indian of a tribe be in a stupor - guarani, I insisted that the spaceship has arrived not about Centaurs, and from the planet Troak which is in the 42nd measurement. Along with stunning details about Earth which as it has become clear, passes from the fifth measurement into the sixth, he has reported and about the device of confidential engines of the ship uterus.
   Piloting was carried out by means of 11 special tubes consisting of crystals. All of them have been facetted and had on 64 corners everyone. They helped to operate the bent stream of microwave particles of light, straightening them and turning as though into the heavy-duty laser.
   "the Chetvery pilot" - the only woman with usual data, among all crew of immortal intergalactic expedition by anything remarkable hasn't proved, probably, because at all was born in some decades after accident and special trust and sympathy in public didn't cause.
   So, the list of the Tungus crew is known long ago?! Confuses only that not numerous crew never knew about each other and calls each time various scenario of explosion, the disembarkation purpose, starting and even a final point of the expedition and all the rest - with the same degree of reliability.
   There is a set of versions about a mankind origin, besides the traditional Darvinian theory about evolution of primacies. Theories that we are descendants of alien newcomers, hybrids of aliens and the most ancient natives or in general individuals artificially removed by the same newcomers are very popular. But there is one more hypothesis - "underground".
   Not any amateur ufologist, and the venerable scientist, the geologist, the corresponding member of several academies Mikhail Buranchuk became the founder of this theory. There was it in far 1927. In the works professor Buranchuk wrote that life has come not from the ocean of an archaean era, and from a hot subsoil of Earth. And only the part of a terrestrial civilization lives on a planet surface - there are still inhabitants of vaults whom he called "magmatic beings".
   According to the researcher, these underground inhabitants were capable to maintain high temperature of hot magma. Mikhail Buranchuk also claimed that they can rise and by a surface and even to fly by air. They leave mysterious circles which often connect presently with UFO and newcomers on fields.
   It is clear that colleagues haven't apprehended this peculiar theory. Professors secretly declared mad and have quickly sent to pension. Having lodged in Kostenki's small selets of the Voronezh province, he has continued the researches. Soon he had an adherent - the local teacher Solomon Naffert who actively interested was in archeology, myths and legends. Solomon Naffert has told to Mikhail Buranchuk about the mysterious people "slightly".
   In the Urals and in Western Siberia many legends about a tribe of the black people possessing magic abilities go. They as if have built underground the cities and live there still. Sometimes in caves and mountain adits find their traces. And other people even happened to visit the underground cities of the country Behave in a queer way about which they told then surprising things.
   On one of versions, lived slightly in Altai, in modern Kolyvani's territory, extracted there ore. The part her went for melting, and of her did the weapon and still any mysterious things. Other ore was simply scattered around. When to these regions messengers of the tsar began to visit, have slightly left under the earth: "The earth was closed over them". According to other version, slightly occupied the region of Upper Pechora, and I have disappeared in caves.
   But Mikhail Buranchuk was we will gain searches "magmatic beings". At first he has constructed a balloon which thanks to constant heating could be long in the sky, and thus chances welcome guests from under the earth increased. However local authorities have confiscated the device, having motivated it with that it is necessary to get permission for flights.
   Then professor has begun to wander about caves, even spent the night there, having wrapped in a bear skin. Once Mikhail Buranchuk and Solomon Naffert have together gone to a cave under the name "White Sun", located to Divnogorye, - more them anybody never saw.
   Many years later some to Mikhail Buranchuk's statements have been found indirect confirmation. So, it was succeeded to imprint on video of strange beings who couldn't be seen with the naked eye. For example, in 1994 the journalist and the researcher José Eskamilya has photographed a chamber long and thin objects of cigar-shaped and cylindrical forms which he called "darts".
   Subsequently in a different doomsday have been recorded soaring in beings air with own resonance of 10 Hz, the most various - geometrical, spiral, the zmeeobraznykh of forms. Some of them had something like wings or fins, others were similar to myriapods.
   The sizes reached them from several centimeters to hundred meters in length. It has become clear that they "are found" and in water. Kritter moved - so them later began to call with a huge speed, possessed ability to pulse and change the body, human bodies could get freely through firm subjects and even, and also instantly disappear.
   Most often they could be observed in the infrared range. Perhaps it also is "magmatic beings", leaving for a while a constant place of the dwelling?
   The facts about existence of an underground civilization were reported to ufologists by infamous Edward Snouden. According to him, he managed to copy a number of the documents which are at the disposal of CIA and if to trust them, "UFOs" belong to these representatives of the advanced race living underground. This race has arisen 65 billions years ago and has considerably outstripped mankind in development. Her zone of dwelling - an Earth's mantle where living conditions remain stable throughout billions years.
   Generally, it isn't excluded that Mikhail Buranchuk nevertheless was right, at least in some things. But it is absolutely clear that the official science hardly recognizes existence of similar "parallel" civilizations as power on our planet is seized long ago by aliens and everything will be as always. - In any case, soon.
   Neither our Milky Way, nor close galaxies don't contain advanced civilizations. Such is a conclusion of the Netherlands professor of astronomy of Leiden university Michael Garrett. To it points the low level of heat proceeding from our "neighbors". After all in principle the reason which has outstripped us for the millennia, has to operate the most powerful energiya of surrounding stars.
   Really it and we one in the Universe? Or we simply don't understand something in a structure of a visible Metagalaxy? What if our neighbors so effective power users, what at all don't litter space with thermal waste? Alas - from the point of view of modern physics it can't almost be realized. Where it is simpler to assume that we at all don't understand a structure of alien communities.
   After all we in the terrestrial communities can't understand among themselves and therefore have completely lost international law. After his Gaadsky court it became simple not though the UN also exists, but also this organization already is near death.
   And to whom such "civilizations" are necessary when even among themselves the mutual understanding isn't present. We are capable to wave only a nuclear cudgel and to tell beautiful words behind which it is possible. All our politicians have rotted through from within and therefore to them too anybody has no trust absolutely. Well and how to us to talk to alien reason or to other civilization?
   In 1957 the British astronomer, the writer and the popular writer of science Fred Hoil has put forward in the science-fiction novel "Black Cloud" idea about existence of the reasonable creation occupying space, comparable with distance from Earth to the Sun in the form of the organized fog of "live" black gas.
   According to the plot, the similar space newcomer has intruded in Solar system and, having come nearer to the Sun, has brought incalculable disasters to people of Earth. Fortunately, he has understood in time that on a surface of the third planet there are reasonable inhabitants, and was hasty removed in space distances.
   The black cloud of Hoil had very strange structure from particles of a dust and the organic molecules acting as peculiar biological cages. The improbable organism ate electromagnetic radiation fluxes and for this purpose constantly traveled from a star to a star.
   Representing a certain kind of a kremneorganichesky form of life, the Black cloud was steady against space radiation, ultralow temperatures and products of star thermonuclear reactions. In principle such quasibio-logical essence has to be almost immortal. Here only it is very difficult to assume about her rationality - even in the science-fiction novel.
   Today similar ideas Fred Adams - the American astrophysicist from Michigan develops university which considers that the certain reasonable structures similar to the Black cloud of Hoil, hide in the dark gas-and-dust streams penetrated by radiation of dying stars, such as red giants. What can represent similar forms of quasilife?
   We will imagine that our brain has expanded to the sizes of Solar system, and in it information extends with velocity of light. Then only on transfer of the thoughts wandering every minute in our head, hundreds millionoletiya would be required! It is natural that on evolution of a similar brain slowcoach of time at all wouldn't remain.
   It is even more difficult to imagine brain work of the size of our Galaxy. For all the time of her existence of time would suffice only on transfer of ten thousand of messages which could do a way from one edge of the Milky Way to another.
   Therefore for not in cybernetics it is very difficult to imagine experts of reasonable star creations, comparable on complexity with a human brain and if they and existed, they hardly would have time enough for creative activity.
   But it only from our party, when we too "materialists". And here if to do it through quantization, quite another matter. Therefore sooner or later we will come to quantum communication to long distances when messages can be transferred where you will want, and not to be afraid at all that you will read or will overhear.
   The flora and fauna of our planet are limited in sizes to its gravitation. For example, the highest tree can't exceed one hundred meters, differently moisture won't arrive in his krone. After all for life it is required not only heat, but also cooling.
   This fact still in the thirties was established the last century by the scientist Max Klayber. The physiologist from Switzerland has noticed that for the vast majority of animals the speed of the main exchange - the minimum quantity of energy spent by an organism for maintenance of activity at rest is proportional to the mass of their organism in degree 3/4.
   In a word, if the mass of a cat is 100 times more the mass of a mouse, the main exchange at a cat is only 32 times more, than that at a mouse. Elementary calculations show that the safe temperature mode on our planet can sustain a being with body weight no more than one thousand tons, what even there is more than a weight of absolute champion of Earth of a blue whale.
   In principle it is possible to imagine a being much more bigger by the size. For this purpose it is necessary to assume that power sources of a supermassive, superinert organism are engaged in only slow reproduction of the cages.
   Then we will find out that the weight of this "multicellular amoeba" will reach several thousand tons. However, and she will have a mechanical factor of restriction of growth. Especially as it is absolutely not clear how there will be a similar creation and as it will eat and develop at a full immovability.
   Or perhaps it will be the certain reasonable ocean similar to the ocean, covering a planet the Solaris in Stanislav Lem's novel? This conceiving boundless chasm appears at us as result of dialectic development from solution the slaboreagiruyushchikh of chemicals to a final stage of "the homeostatic ocean".
   Under the influence of the external conditions menacing to his existence, the Solaris passed all stages of education one - and metaphytes, flora and fauna evolution. In other words, he didn't adapt hundreds millions years as terrestrial organisms, to habitat to top evolution by reason, and I became the owner of the nature at once and forever. And why also isn't present?
   And here the Australian physicist Redzhinald Cahill from Adelaidsky university considers that the Universe is arranged as well as a brain of the person. The consciousness is initially inherent in her and she develops because realizes itself. All her structures from microparticles to a universal network of galaxies is a similarity of the neurons making gray substance of our brain.
   In Cahill's hypothesis the world represents an infinite network with knots of primary elements, or monads. Cahill's monads for the first time the moments of the Big Bang which has generated our world, have formed eternally evolving extensive network. Mathematicians call similar educations fractals.
   However not Cahill's all fractal structures fill space entirely, stretching this infinite network. Many as though become isolated on themselves in the form of distortions, forming "defect" of space. These "defective" fractals also form that we call a matter. If to compare a fractal network to the boundless ocean, "defects" are islands.
   According to Cahill's theory, the Universe is born and develops on canons of Darvinian evolution. Monads in her are born, grow, grow old and die off. Space, certainly, has a reason - gray substance for which designation the Australian dreamer offers a little strange term - "noise". But, as they say, though a pot call, only in an oven don't put. The main thing that this noise is a product of evolution of the Universe and our brain is filled with consciousness in the same way, as well as.
   Cahill's fantastic universe is the infinite Universe which is gradually born from anything. Thus separate monads, like neurons, influence at each other, like "sympathy" and form more and more difficult structures.
   And now simply choose information necessary to you, from offered above the text, and live according to your mirrovozreniye. But never impose the opinion to another, after all it can be not only wrong, but also dangerous to you.
   Who has no children, well them brings up.
   High own resonance of parents the highest danger to the child
   Annually about 150 thousand children in the country are born with the increased risk of development апноэ because are born the prematurely born. This disease state at which for some seconds there is a full respiratory standstill that is accompanied by critical falling of level of oxygen in blood and bradycardia.
   The such occurs only at parents having sharp violation of brain blood circulation from the wrong way of life and according to having high own resonance, as forces mother to take away subconsciously power of the child at his birth. It is such type of power vampirism about which our medicine actually knows nothing.
   During incubation the woman should worry not only physiological changes, but also emotional and they can get the best of consciousness and be shown in the form of tearfulness, vulnerability, differences of mood and many other, especially when the magnetic component at magnetic storms sharply changes. Sometimes such state develops into that future mother starts perceiving the fact of pregnancy as a factor injuring mentality.
   Usually such phenomenon is especially widespread among who has mnozhestenny violations in a bearing of a backbone and who becomes pregnant at very early age. It quite is explained by lack of the correct education in a family, poor quality of life and not palatable prospects in social and economic development. All this pours out subsequently in serious psychological problems and even in hatred to the child.
   I even conducted research and polls among various people on the Internet if in families at parents with violations in bearings healthy children and it has become clear that there is no healthy child twice. Usually all family was in constant sores, and parents saw only an illness of one child and treated only him one though, at first, it was necessary to treat mother and the father, and already then the child.
   If to start treating on the contrary only the child, all efforts are useless, as though you didn't try. Not to destroy communication of mother with the child, even having separated them, and she and destroys him, even being far from him. It is such type of power vampirism that doesn't suffice mother - she takes from the most expensive - the child subconsciously as it works in skyty from consciousness a mode. And here to do nothing.
   But if mother вампирит the child she never on anything doesn't complain, the self-assessment is switched off and she considers herself healthy and if something and aches, it for fatigue, loading or from any moments not connected absolutely not with her life. And so always problems sees only at others.
   At the same time, there is a wish to notice, even reception of widespread paracetamol during pregnancy increases risk of behavioural frustration not only at mother having violations in a bearing, but also creates problems at the child. Recently data on the increased risk of development of asthma at children have been submitted, whose mothers during pregnancy accepted paracetamol. By scientists it is revealed that in case of reception by the pregnant woman of paracetamol asthma most often develops at children at the age of about three years. Thus if during pregnancy paracetamol was appointed more than once, the risk of asthma at the child increases even more.
   Here danger is aggravated not only an underdevelopment of lungs in a uterine state, because of critical condition of mother, but also actually muscular blocking of lungs, after all prematurely born children have no in a reserve of a large amount of oxygen. Then at sharp decrease in oxygenation and an urezheniya of a warm rhythm there is an ischemia of fabrics that can lead to damage of lungs, eyes, cardiac nerves and a brain, and negatively to affect endocrine system. As at such muscles at the child many vertebras are developed on the axis, it isn't necessary to speak about any healthy condition of a backbone of the child any more, it strongly increases risk of development of diabetes of I and the II types.
   Symptoms of a stroke as to avoid it without application of drugs
   The stroke - sharp violation of brain blood circulation is the very serious pathological condition menacing to all further human life. The disease begins at the weakened state of health, for example at colds, from not the correct pose of a dream, and overloaded from high or from a low pillow muscles and arising from this tension in a neck. Usually occurs in a dream after the transferred evening psychoemotional overload, when lowering head down a chin and a prevailing distortion of the head on the right side.
   In most cases after a stroke long rehabilitation is required. But it is rare when the patient can return to former life as the head in the Atlas remains a little with an inclination that the simple, not trained sight not to find, and to return to the place of her none of physicians don't guess. Therefore a half of those who has had a stroke, forever remain disabled people, and 30% from them can't even serve themselves and need a permanent care.
   The forecast at this disease depends on that, how fast the patient will receive first aid. Physicians have such concept - a therapeutic window. It is a time interval in which it is necessary to take emergency measures that the illness hasn't caused an irreparable loss.
   At a stroke when cells of a brain remain practically without food by blood, this time during which it is necessary to restore a blood-groove in a brain not to allow their death. It makes 4,5 hours. If in this interval of time to the patient don't deliver the head in the Atlas perpendicular to an axis of a backbone and won't remove stress in slanting muscles of a neck or, as a last resort, won't enter a necessary preparation, rassasyvayushchy blood clots, his health completely won't be restored.
   It is clear that to get to a therapeutic window, it is necessary at once, at the first symptoms of a stroke, to call the ambulance. And everyone has to know these signs to be able to help itself, the relatives or simply person who got to trouble and has appeared nearby.
   Especially attentive it is necessary to be at the factors promoting this disease are violations of a bearing of the person and scoliosis existence, and also the age is more senior than 65 years. Further as an important factor hereditary predisposition serves - someone from relatives already had stroke or a myocardial infarction.
   All other factors - the raised tromboobrazovaniye, the atherosclerosis, the raised content of cholesterol in blood, existence of diabetes, a heartache, arrhythmia, a hypertension, obesity, excess weight, addictions - alcohol intake, smoking, periodic ischemic attacks completely depend on a condition of violation of a bearing in separate departments of a backbone and the related violation of brain blood circulation.
   It is possible to consider as the earliest symptoms of a stroke also weakness, dizziness, headaches. Later there can be a nausea and vomiting. Besides, symptoms of a stroke blood inflow, perspiration, violation of the speech and coordination of movements, feeling of a sleep, usually on the one hand bodies will suit.
   It is required to check the bearing daily in front of a big mirror by my technique with subconsciousness shutdown, differently you never the real will see her. As it is necessary to remember that the left shoulder under any conditions is required to be lowered by 1 millimeter, and for preservation of a bearing to carry a bag only on the right shoulder lifting him or below, but only in the left hand, then your safety will be ensured.
   If it is already convenient to you to carry a bag on the left shoulder, you subject yourselves to very big danger of development of various diseases about which you learn too late and you need to be retrained urgently. You remember it. About 60 years ago living conditions of people were absolutely others, but today after long nuclear tests in the atmosphere the situation has radically changed. And the physics of space affects a backbone almost immediately.
   If you want to lose judiciousness and to become a sheep in herd like the most part of the Ukrainian people, do everything on the contrary and then your life will end tragicly quickly and at all won't allow you to revive after death as she will be the last and final. After all such people, dying, to the thin worlds any more don't pass. So the Universe protects itself and the harmonious stability and it everything is more accurately shown presently.
   As we live and as though it is necessary
   Now people, in the majority, widely-read and many know or simply guess that the person not only a material body, but also a set of mikroenergiya, and also the sum of microprograms of managing directors of our organism through subconsciousness which is never disconnected in a consciousness counterbalance. With other people we perceive our reaction to various interactions subconsciously and we react change or one mood, or change of a physical and psychoemotional state by together taken.
   If we are with people surrounding us or interlocutors in one frequency own a resonance, we can even keep silent together, but all the same it will be easy and pleasant to us, and to us will be about what to keep silent, so the power exchange at us is adjusted perfectly and we feed each other and everyone from it wins. But if we feel irritation, sharp loss of forces, alarm or even sudden pain, so near us there is a power vampire. And after all bioenergy is necessary for everyone, for the correct functioning of our organism, but sometimes it catastrophically doesn't suffice.
   The reasons of similar shortage can be a little. It is a high-frequency magnetic situation owing to solar or what other storm, a serious illness because of loss of a direct bearing, strong fatigue. However anything so doesn't exhaust people, as negative emotions. - Irritation, anger, greed, rage, sense of guilt, jealousy it everything derivatives and a consequence of violations in a bearing and as a result of change of a psychoemotional condition of the person.
   The matter is that thus imperceptible change of brain blood circulation, and already further when the brain ceases to react correctly to events always follows, in an organism there are changes of a psychoemotional state. But we already become not capable somehow this state critically to weigh or estimate, the sore brain of isn't capable to test.
   It occurs approximately in 4 hours, after the negative impact had on you therefore measures of rescue of it is necessary to take the will during this period. The thought figuratively presented, materializes instantly, but you will be able to feel her action again only in 4 hours, not earlier than and you remember, each person is capable of it, if he not a sexual rag on character.
   And by rags on character we are done by the birth through Cesarean section at the birth at mother of a skolioznitsa at whom the patrimonial opening is blocked by the lowered right shoulder, but doctors of it don't see and therefore can't fight and childbirth becomes complicated. From here our medicine brings into this world spineless "weather vanes turning on a wind" on all the life on which the remains of their hlyupky health will suffice.
   Probably doctors do it deliberately then to earn on treatment of these people who for itself can't stand and therefore will resignedly swallow of tablets from which health won't arrive, but there will be a good income that who makes them and appoints.
   Remember how the simple morning trip in the bus or the subway is sometimes capable to exhaust. Tens aggressive and tortured by the illiteracy, but aggressive and self-confident citizens, standing near you, only also wait on whom to pour out own irritation and at whom "to intercept" vital energy lacking for.
   And the more you are subject to the general mood and you don't control yourself, the you risk more to be "picked" by your companions in misfortune. Besides 4 hours you feel the general catarrhal state, and then you become same, as well as they, the vampire, but you bring in the income to the pharmaceutical companies and illiterate physicians of our country where the materialism is put always more important than real truth. Look as our leading materialists in dark suits "have started singing" in anticipation of elections estimate a situation and make a right choice.
   People with a direct back and highly raised head have always an order with personal health, it is pleasant to look at them - they are always quiet, sure and counterbalanced. Their person causes an arrangement at first sight. But if the person is strained, and eyes prickly, on him the mask is put on and under it deception and the hidden violations of the psychoemotional sphere disappears only. And simply speaking, this person is sick, sick mentally and isn't capable on anything.
   Last thought was to that a good example - laws accepted in minority, and automatically, without getting acquainted at all with them. Deputies also spoke about it, repeatedly. The part of deputies, lived abroad, actually only was registered, didn't go for work, the part worked against the country, but got paid regularly and nobody has brought up a question of their assignment.
   The people have already reflected and the power feels it fully. The full and unconditional confidence isn't present to anybody, from here even more often you hear from people, it is necessary what to vote for experience, that is per lot pensioners.
   If everything goes as was before, at us all become a zombie, and all of us will live as in Ukraine, but for certain with it we will have full understanding among themselves and to go with two sticks of the Scandinavian walking as all we will become power vampires. Only not clearly from whom we will take power if healthy people doesn't remain.
   Many elderly people think that these sticks give them health, but it not so, here occurs self-deception, you are sick with autism, you don't hold a bearing, but you consider yourself healthy, you go, apparently, directly, but it only masks a problem essence at violation of brain blood circulation. And actually you the patient also are very dangerous to all healthy people as always with them you are in opposition, in turn, considering as their patients because of a big difference in own resonance.
   Presently, when, how is the weather, and a magnetic field of environment unstably, any manifestation of sympathy to such people brings only to that you him open and to full loss of the health therefore my council you keep at from such people. Still quite recently it wasn't, and power vampirism wasn't such aggressive, but now it is big danger practically for each family and all people who are round such patient.
   In special group of risk it is possible to allocate children till 4 years, they have a weak power protection therefore they strongly depend on mood of people surrounding them. But, they are capable to restore the power balance quicker than adults. Children and teenagers aren't recommended to spend much time with the elderly people especially sick and weakened as by an old age, with rare exception, all test big shortage of vital energy and automatically pull her from there where it is easiest to get her.
   From here, it is necessary to watch the energy potential constantly and regularly to fill it, and for this purpose to control the emotional sphere and psychoemotional loadings, to care of that at you constantly were though small, but positive impressions.
   Protection against vampires mental leaving in a point as all bodies at the same time can serve and to place this point somewhere behind dimensions of the body. And the more accurately you represent it, the your protection is more reliable.
   The door to other worlds - reality of our life, becomes more and more open
   From an antiquity people claimed that unexpectedly arisen dense impenetrable fog greenish or another, same not color natural to fog is a door to other worlds. As confirmation that is served by ancient legends of the people of all our world. But it is much known of secrets of fog and today. So, the small Spanish settlement La-Moussara became popular thanking this natural phenomenon.
   All the year round from all over the world there come here fans of extreme tourism to admire as in a certain time of day on La-Moussary's suburb dense greenish-gray fog starts curling. Sometimes this haze leaves the strange procession consisting of monks, wrapped up in wide raincoats, with the faces closed by hoods. Heads procession the high priest bearing in hands a huge crucifixion. Having passed some steps before eyes of the amazed eyewitnesses, monks go again to fog and are dissolved in it as is unexpected, as well as have appeared.
   All of them have own resonance of equal 15 Hz that says that these people are already in other world remote from our world on the whole 1,5 Hz. After all our world has own frequencies from 0 to 13,5 Hz!
   All these people before transition to other world had noticeable violation in a bearing, that is - scoliosis and own resonance from 5 to 6 Hz that speaks about their hard physical work, as has helped them to switch over quickly to higher resonance at hit in an abnormal zone. And now they have got stuck in hard times, at all without realizing it. All of them are live, but time for them doesn't exist and therefore they realize nothing, and simply go, continuing the march begun by them in centuries.
   As long it will proceed to tell difficult. The circumstance can change only at change of own resonance of this place where there is a fog. To change his resonance, without leaving at all into place, for me it is possible, then their own resonance will go down, and they will appear in our world again, but to assume this responsibility while, I can't.
   It is necessary to tell that the procession of illusive monks was seen at different times by a great number of the eyewitnesses, however any of them hasn't risked to start talking to newcomers as, according to preventions of locals, this contact threatens with deplorable consequences. One of local legends says that these ghosts it is knights Templars who, disappearing from prosecutions of the authorities, could open special spells a door in parallel space and now wait for a right moment for return to the world. - It certainly the simple myth, after all the event has occurred not at will of monks, and in connection with the developed circumstances.
   Several decades ago La-Moussara was quite brisk town, but soon the locals frightened of frequent emergence "newcomers from uncertainty", have hastened to find quieter places for accommodation.
   And here tourists willingly visit it already almost thrown settlement. The matter is that not only mysterious monks, but also fog can fine tickle nerves of thrill-seekers. After all some daredevils, having stepped in a magical haze, were lost there at some o'clock, and having come back, assured friends, as ten minutes didn't wander in a dense veil.
   It is necessary to tell, as we in Russia have places where thanks to fog there are inexplicable things. One of such places is Voices the ravine on the suburb of Moscow. "Bad" reputation he has deserved several centuries ago, when a greenish haze curling at his bottom suddenly телепортировало to gate of the capital of guests from the past.
   According to records of 1620, from fog the small group of the Tatar soldiers left and has attacked locals. When unlucky invaders have twisted and delivered to court of local authorities, captives have told that are in the service of the khan Devlet Girey and have been a few days ago sent to Moscow for strengthening of the Tatar army bossing in her vicinities. It has appeared that through fog valorous hansky soldiers made the way nearly four eyelids and have come to the Russian capital when neither their military leader, nor army for a long time and didn't exist.
   After that locals tried to steer clear of Golosov of a ravine, but nevertheless there were men of courage who had enough courage to step in fog at his bottom. 200 years later after capture of "the Tatar troops" two peasants came back from Moscow to the native village and, having been late, have decided to reduce a way, having passed through a "bad" ravine. As a result this their travel "has lasted" for the whole 20 years, and, having come home, little men have found there the grown old wives and the matured kids.
   One more unclear history has occurred in this ravine in the 30th years of the last century when one of local militiamen has faced here with strange, shaggy, a humanoid more than two meters in height. Having seen a monster, the guard has snatched out the gun and was going to enter fight with a fright, but that, at all without having paid attention to the unintentional opponent, has passed into nothingness in the greenish fog creeping on a bottom of a ravine.
   Today this "time machine" situated near Moscow is part of the memorial estate "Kolomna", but in recent years any strangenesses there hasn't been noticed.
   Stories and cases when people provoked fog are known, forcing it to punish the person for rash acts. So, three centuries ago the rich merchant Stroganov from Veliky Novgorod has organized on islands of Novaya Zemlya a colony on production of a sea animal. But hasn't passed also years as all her workers have disappeared wonderfully. To understand this incident, the industrialist himself has gone to the north, but results of his investigation were unfavourable. Locals have told to Russians that their companions were absorbed by the yellow fogs weaved from souls of the dead, the people not accepted by the Pole star.
   Judging by stories of natives, so newcomers have been punished for that began to look for in the rivers treasured "netlennitsa" - the green pearl, shining by bright color. These pearls have once been sent to the earth by the Pole star, and he chooses to itself(himself) the owner, and the one who breaks a taboo and tries to take control of him against will, goes to the region of the dead and remains there forever. But it only the legend serving for protection of curious from possible problems if they suddenly want to go to fog.
   Anyway, but neither live, nor dead the first stroganovsky colonists haven't been found, and mysterious fog and to this day from time to time appears on lands of the North, hunting for souls of the people who aren't respecting customs of ancestors.
   Here any more one decade scientists try to solve phenomena of strange fogs, but have achieved during this time very modest results, after all they investigate it from purely materialistic positions, and absolutely other approach here is necessary.
   It is noted that the unusual haze or fog of greenish color with own frequency - 15 Hz, lilac - 17 Hz, claret color - 20 Hz or yellowish color - 23 Hz arises only on a place of abnormal zones or in places of mass death of people where in big scales there was the emission of the negative energy which has opened portals in other worlds of our Earth. After all in such situation the mental and emotional condition of people was very intense and it has led to substantial increase of own resonance and has respectively opened a door in other space.
   "Infinite" fight in Kursk region where on a place of the well-known tank battle from morning fog from time to time there are fighting vehicles, people in a military uniform and even staff tents is an example of that. These pictures of the past were seen by many eyewitnesses, and scientists investigating a zone by means of the special equipment even have made some pictures long ago the died-down fight.
   It agrees one of versions, and personally I consider her as the most true. - Abnormal zones bend space of time of our world due to penetration of other world into our world, and even open an entrance to other measurement, and fog in this case acts as a door to the transitional platform between the worlds where time is stopped, and this door can be opened as on an entrance, so on an exit.
   Today even the physics has come to the scientific proof of existence of the parallel worlds but while even physics I haven't guessed yet that they - the worlds are divided by only own frequencies of objects of each world, that is own resonance of objects of components this world, instead of distances between them.
   Many of the worlds exist in one space, but are sharply divided by own resonance and therefore are never crossed among themselves though their objects under certain conditions and can move to other worlds and spaces if know and are able how to change physical capacities allowing to change the resonance. And if earlier similar theories were perceived as nonsense, namely existence of a set of the worlds with different events in at one time, now this subject seriously study. But while scientists haven't understood that simply own frequency of their objects, потуда divides the worlds and will be trampled down on one place.
   At the same time at magnetic storms, especially the last time, portals to the parallel worlds which are formed in abnormal zones even more often began to be shown. There frequencies of one world for some reason comes nearer to the frequency of other world and the transitional portal is formed.
   The people who have got there it is casual, disappear forever or появлются in other places of a planet, or appear in another dimension. But before very few people I heard about the parallel worlds. And to tell sense, all the same didn't trust. And only with development of information technologies, there was an opportunity to collect more and more a similar material.
   It is interesting that the parallel worlds were used for a long time by our ancestors who are closer to the nature and were familiar with action and properties of spirals and labyrinths. Whether not therefore they in a set are found by scientists in the most inaccessible parts of a planet.
   Also very often find the description mysterious and unclear the practician, connected with this phenomenon. They can be met in various esoteric literature. People reflected on possibility of existence of the parallel worlds long ago. The Italian thinker Giordano Bruno speaking about other manned worlds, even has fallen the victim of sacred inquisition - so his representations contradicted the picture of the world accepted then.
   Today not the Middle Ages, and scientists don't burn on fires. But also now reasonings that our reality can be far not only, often cause if not a sneer, mistrust and concealment it is exact. The speech, we will emphasize, goes not about existence of an alien live matter that many allow, and about hypothetical existence of alternative reality round us.
   If the parallel worlds exist with what they can be and that mankind from them to wait? There is a point of view that the riddle of alternative life is connected with certain "the fifth measurement". Allegedly besides three spatial measurements and "the fourth measurement" - time there is one more. I think, it was thought up by visionaries, with strong scoliosis and therefore very developed imagination, but the deprived logicians and therefore they are absolutely not right in the reasonings, as well as always on the life. They speak beautifully, impressively, but is never real. They simply don't see her and therefore I don't trust them.
   To open a portal not so simply, but I consider it, and it isn't necessary to open. Simply change own frequency, having raised or having lowered own resonance, using internal abilities, and you already in a portal. Though it is possible to use and already available portals, data about which are available in preresidual quantity.
   As soon as own frequency will change, to possibility of an exit to the platform between the worlds you will understand at once it on the situation which has changed round you. But don't hurry to move further - thoughtlessly, and simply look round and draw a conclusion, whether it is necessary to you there, after all the local situation can be simply unacceptable for your organism and such worlds meet often if you at home weren't on friendly terms with own head. There are also such moments when portals not only between the worlds, and and through the whole worlds are artificially created. But it becomes always artificially and with any certain purpose.
   As far as I know, we are studied practically by all worlds which exist on a planet Earth and on the next planets, doing it in different degree of interest. But we the most backward and practically children against their knowledge therefore us and treat. I know one such world which, there are on Earth already more than 65 million years, here and compare to the 8 thousand years of development. We reralno practically children.
   Near us live both people and any other beings absolutely not similar to them, but all of them defend the peace from invasion of strangers therefore сбя there it is required to a message very much kindly and carefully.
   By the way, our world it not only our life in a physical material body, but also his subsequent embodiments in other thin worlds, and this all our the world, and we practically know nothing about him. If someone has an interest to this subject, read my site the Server the Abroad, there all this is in detail described.
   The more developed imagination at the person, the more fantasy is brought in other worlds with a mass of various measurements. It reminds me medicine where each new theory always crosses out old and if in her something is found unclear, it always throw on genetics which rather nobody understands.
   At one time I had the friends who have sat down on foreign Gurus to whom they trusted to imprudence. They such deiform, but always demanded more and more money for empty and nothing meaning performances.
   And here, after such lectures, the majority of listeners got to clinics with neurosises or psychoses, and I from there pulled out them at the request of their parents, but it didn't tell anything to them and they continued through frame antenka bought for currency to swing "Energy" to uneducated people of our planet. Result only the undermined health and the bent mentality.
   People the question most of all interests, whether it is possible "to feel" or see these parallel worlds. And even repeatedly come to return requests them to the past to correct the mistakes made there by nonsense. And so I don't do it, and I speak to all, protect a bearing, especially a neck, you hold vertically, and you at all don't need to do it. And senselessly to send somewhere such people. They here live brainless therefore here won't be capable to return at all, but also there are necessary to nobody. Therefore such "shots" surely I get stuck in the platform and it forever.
   Satya Si of Bab has a few years ago died, here he could do such things as I accompanied everyone personally on such travel as the phantom, but I am engaged absolutely in other area and therefore I own opportunity in very narrow framework of only the specialty. Si Baba hasn't passed to the thin worlds because of burdening of the soul by big money and has died much earlier the term specified by him, but I have found opportunity to help him, now will return through ten years again, will grow up, and ask him. It was necessary to wait not long.
   Existing laws of physics don't deny even the courageous assumption that the parallel worlds can be connected by quantum tunnel transitions. It means that it is theoretically possible to pass from one world into another, without breaking the law of energy conservation. However such transition will require enormous quantity of energy, as much won't be gathered and in all our Galaxy.
   But there is also other option. There is a version that courses to the parallel worlds can be and in so-called black holes - they and can be some kind of funnels which are sucking in a matter. But black holes, according to the assumption of cosmologists, can be actually certain "the mole holes" - ways from one world to another and back.
   For example, in the nature there could be connecting one world with another existential structures as the mole holes. In principle the mathematics allows their existence. Possibility of existence of "the mole holes" isn't denied also by other scientists. They подтвердаются that is one of movement options of one point in another with an infinite speed. However, there is one moment: while nobody saw "the mole holes", they still should be found.
   Disclosure of secret of emergence of new stars could confirm this hypothesis. Astronomers puzzle long ago over the nature of an origin of some celestial bodies. From outside it looks as substance emergence from anything, and after all the similar phenomena can be a slopping consequence in the matter Universe from the parallel worlds. Then it is possible to assume, as any body is capable to move to the parallel world, so, there is an additional opportunity to use this reality.
   One of a set, absolutely improbable for simple human perception, examples of work of the spiritual healer or that simple human strength of mind and a self-confidence can create
   I will begin with the most important, such what we him represent our world in the imagination. Probably many people don't know it therefore in the everyday life don't use opportunities of the thinking. From here people on life have the continuous obstacles, one enemies around and failures on all "fronts".
   Here with everything power of thought of the person fills. After all the thought which has been figuratively presented by imagination and it accurately formulated in space finds a certain material basis! And though the thought, at the very beginning of her formation has not really greater effect or weight, but at a certain increase in time of the application it becomes capable to embody any concrete reality or any your desire. It is already proved by all my practice of the spiritual healer when the person is capable to work with one power of thought real wonders. And it doesn't concern only medicine or healing, it concerns all your life. Therefore any task or result of people can receive using only one it properties of the organism.
   I too, at the very beginning of a way, was the specific rested materialist but as everything subjected to the constant analysis have felt that here something not so. Then I began to observe even more attentively that occurred round me.
   Finally the casual hobby for ancient methods of treatment of people and animals has helped to break my wrong idea of the world, the benefit behind these examples far it wasn't necessary to go, we a family, spent always summer in the country. It was necessary to look back simply, after all they round you it is constant. Books, meetings and conversations with people and simple observation have considerably helped.
   Then, when my new outlook has already started being formed, new knowledge was necessary and I began to look for where to learn according to new requirements and have come to a conclusion - it is necessary to study cybernetics. The biomedical cybernetics hasn't brought me and has very seriously helped with advance of my passion to medicine.
   And now everything that I do fully is based on physics and cybernetics, the main thing not to put myself in any not the necessary framework, to work always positively and not than to limit. From here, I constantly develop the opportunities of improvisation in work and have learned to restore full human health a set absolutely different than the ways not connected among themselves in which normal, that is even to present to the average person difficultly not that to believe.
   The address by e-mail - Dear Vladimir Nikolaevich, hello has arrived. I apologize to you for concern, but I can't but use chance for the address to you for the help. In our family there was very difficult life situation. At my younger sister the son Danila was born 8 years ago. At first all was very good: the boy was quiet, razumnenky. But at the age of about six months I began to shout very much at night with horror expression on a face. The look hasn't been limited by any subject, and has been focused in space: there was an impression that he sees something such that not seen by us.
   He and now very often looks at something in space. We notice it within the apartment. The boy began to go in 10 months, and at the age of 1 year and three months became on "nosochka". He still goes that on "nosochkakh", on full foot. By this time he already started muttering, but since a year and three months has gradually stopped speaking absolutely. Very long saying only "iiiiya".
   Now says many various sounds, but articulately doesn't speak. The most awful for us, it that he becomes aggressive: tries to knock all who will turn up under a hand, beats without rage, without scope, but it is very sick, as his hands very firm, cold and on feelings - as iron.
   Any improbable, inexplicably he always hits the most painful nail. But the most terrible for all of us, it that he beats also itself(himself). Beats fists on temples, on cheekbones, reaches a back in kidneys. Beats to bruises.
   Carried several times to dolphins to Sevastopol - any I pound. Various inspections not connected among themselves were constantly surveyed also have shown that he very much has developed the part of a brain which is responsible for intelligence. From here alpha rhythms read off scale. I am not the physician therefore, probably, I write something not so.
   Doctors offer only the range of neuroleptics, to choose necessary of which Danila's mother has to itself the tyka method, and give in that dose which on her supervision, makes positive impact on the boy. Therefore we didn't give neuroleptics to him, naturally.
   Danila very harmonous, is well developed physically, very dexterous, careful. For example, if gets on any height and jumps off from there, provides all factors for a successful jump. Very beautiful that is however natural to us. It is similar to the father, but, it isn't clear in whom, I was born with red hair, white.
   For the first time I have a little sunbathed, only this summer though I spent a lot of time on the street. We are inclined to consider that all our troubles have happened against inoculations. Especially against AKDS. Though the district children's doctor I have declared that against AKDS I happen only cerebral spastic infantile paralysis or epilepsy. Vladimir Nikolaevich, I have incidentally learned about you and there was a hope for Danila's treatment. Help, please.
   I carry out diagnostics on the phantom which I recreate in space before myself - instantly and therefore I see that the child has no immune system on all bodies at the same time. The endocrine system, and is a hypophysis, гипоталамус, a cerebellum and their projections in thin bodies, is made too active that leads to a brain hyperactivity. On a personal resonance of equal 13,5 Hz I make the diagnosis the Narcolepsy.
   Therefore at once I define a sex of the person, this is the woman aged, and then I look for those who вампирит the child, usually it someone from his immediate environment. Such disease in itself doesn't arise, that for this purpose is always necessary at who is ill autism and who even if unconsciously, but brings the child to such state.
   I do by the following step diagnostics of all possible or probable relatives but as I don't know about this family absolutely anything, I improvise looking through all and I come to opinion that is the aunt of the child and one of sisters of mother. After that I write the response letter, I state the version of a situation and I propose marriage on her correction, and at the same time I add external signs for confirmation of my words.
   Every other day I receive the work permit and I will see off her instantly as I have developed information program which is capable to correct completely a situation in this family already last afternoon. She represents mental information taken far back in the past these two organisms unfamiliar to me of people when they were absolutely healthy and therefore she is capable in all respects and to restore in the best way them, is perfect without drugs and at any distance from my city.
   We mankind on the earth live rather not for long - all any 8 thousand years and therefore to take information on any person absolutely not difficult, and to transfer her anywhere and that it is simpler. - Now it was necessary to start only it in space and it having reached subconsciousness of the necessary people will correct their state forever!
   The necessary result comes at once, but becomes visible and is perceived by the patient only in 4 hours. After that all systems, bodies and communications between them are restored, the genetics changes, and the main thing starts tracing a brain and correctly to operate all organism as a whole. Here such state also is called as HEALTH!
   Our organism is calculated on 300 years of life,
   we don't live because we don't study!
   All our life study in world knowledge,
   you don't develop - you degrade
   Already how many years I write that the mankind is immortal and here I was supported at last by scientists from University of Northern Carolina (USA). - After death people get to the parallel world they have declared.
   The author of this theory - professor Robert Lanza who is sure that both people, and animal after death waken in other reality. According to him, the fact of existence of microparticles which can be in two various states at the same time testifies to it. The most surprising that in the parallel world it is possible to meet even dinosaurs, Lanza considers and I completely agree with him.
   The scientist explains that process of regeneration is similar to blossoming of plants. A flower, having existed some time, withers, but then the plant blossoms again. Almost same happens to the person. - rosbalt.ru
   Whether and not therefore each of us starts understanding once that the world is arranged far not as he is described in school textbooks and the nature doesn't share on live and not the live. And those who has got used to subject everything to the analysis and these searches start understanding lead them to science of all sciences - magics of life.
   The Universe is an embodiment of magic of life, and already from her there is everything that have - languages, figures, music, science but who has high own resonance with it will be never agree and will constantly prove the return, they are simply underdeveloped, degrade and therefore it is more convenient to them there is nothing not to think and not anything the nobility.
   Therefore I constantly work over myself, I develop and to me the Magic of life has opened is that with what I live and I breathe, without her I have no sense to be here, in this wonderful world. I see and I understand of what the bird who is flying by over me thinks, I am more exact even I hear her thoughts. I know and I understand reason of Earth and other planets. I hear tomorrow in today's, even I know that there were many millennia back as now in reality, and it is interesting to me to live. I develop!
   I don't go down stream and I don't float against it, I simply float there where I need to be today, tomorrow or in centuries and I do that I need to do, to it points my subconsciousness. It is a watercourse embodiment, but I consciously operate this process.
   You still don't trust in miracles?! And correctly you do, I too don't trust therefore as miracles aren't present, but there is a Great Magic of Life that penetrates everything and it not the miracle is the most real reality where you the Creator and the Founder of the inner world and all that that is round you.
   After that to you with ease it is given the chance to understand other worlds, to learn to live in this world and then a question in what meaning of the life won't arise any more in general - you simply know everything beforehand!
   Recently I have made travel on monasteries of the Northwest and this travel has set me thinking on much. Here an example - among the mysterious phenomena surrounding us, the special place is taken by images which call not made by hand.
   Scientists puzzle over their riddles for many years, but materialistic approach to the matter of research doesn't give the chance to achieve required result though the researches conducted by scientists unambiguously specify that these pictures couldn't be created by people. About it tells everything - materials of which they are made, by eyelids are stored without any damages, and the icons of dyes used for writing simply don't exist in the nature.
   The most known of similar not made by hand images - Turin shroud. According to a bible legend, in this piece of a cloth the size approximately 4,4×1,1 meter have wrapped Jesus's removed from a cross the body. On a cloth there was a double image: - on one half an image of the man with the hands put ahead, on another - drawing of the same body from a back.
   On a shroud details well differ: beard, hair, lips, fingers. Also the cloth has kept blood traces from wounds, their arrangement in accuracy corresponds to that is described in bible texts because of what a shroud sometimes call the fifth Gospel.
   Now the relic is stored in Turinsk John the Baptist's cathedral. She is locked in a massive chest on three locks keys from which are stored at different priests, and access to a relic can be provided only on their consensus.
   Thus the Catholic church officially doesn't recognize authenticity of a relic.
   Moreover - the radio-carbon analysis carried out in 1988 has shown that fabric has been created approximately in the XIII century, besides on my research it had own resonance of 15 Hz that corresponds to the world parallel to us рептилоидов at production. We live on Earth about 8 thousand years, and they live near us, on one planet already 65 million years, only their world is shifted concerning ours on frequency.
   Our world lies in frequencies of own resonance of 0-13,5 Hz, and them in the frequencies of 15-20 Hz! And therefore he isn't visible for us. They too don't see us, but are able to do it voluntarily as know as to transform the resonance for an entrance to our world. The majority of UFOs flying in our world is objects from their world.
   Besides and emergence of a shroud in a cathedral is shrouded in secret: according to one version, it was brought by a certain knight crusader, on another it was once stored in Constantinople and has got to Turin through France.
   The separate science called a sindologiya - from Ancient Greek "синдон" - a thin cloth is engaged in studying of the Turin shroud and other not made by hand images. In 2005 the Discovery TV channel has shown interview to the American chemist Raymond Rogers who took part in researches of 1988.
   Rogers has assumed that samples for the radio-carbon analysis have been taken not correctly - not from the main fabric, and from the patches imposed during one of repairs of a shroud, and her dating can quite belong by the time of Christ's crucifixion.
   At once some not made by hand images reflect other biblical scene about Veronika - the pious woman who when Jesus bore a cross to Golgotha, has allowed him to get drunk and has wiped his face the scarf then on fabric there was Christ's shape.
   Type of the image of Christ representing his face on a scarf, it is accepted to call the Vernicle.
   Now Saint Veronika is the patroness of photographers, and in the world there are three relics which call "Veronika's payments" or "Veronika's veil" - and each of which, according to churchmen, can be original.
   Veronika's one payments it is stored in the Roman St. Peter's Cathedral. On a fine fabric Jesus's face - as well as the image on a shroud is well visible, it is somehow put without the aid of paints. However, now it isn't possible to ordinary person to consider him: in 1628 the Pope Urban VIII has allowed public display a payment only once in a year - in the fifth Sunday вечерю the Lent when him show from a high loggia of the Pillar of Saint Veronica, and it is allowed to come nearer to him only to attendants of a cathedral.
   The second relic which more often call "Veronika's veil", is stored in a monastery of the small Italian city of Manopello. At the beginning of the XXI century the German priest, the teacher of the Gregorian university in Rima, Franck Heinrich Feyfer has published results of the researches of this veil. - She represents a piece of transparent fabric the size approximately 17×24 centimeter where the man's face with a beard which, depending on under what corner sunshine fall is imprinted, appears, disappears. The image has unusual similarity to image on the Turin shroud, thus Feyfera didn't manage to be found any traces of dyes.
   The third relic is the rectangular piece of a cloth from linen lawn with spots of blood and Jesus's face, he is stored in a monastery of the Sacred Face of the Spanish city of Alicante.
   The known scientist-sindolog Jan Wilson, studying these images, I have come to a conclusion that original Veronika's payments it is stored in Manopello, and fabric from Rome and Alicante - later copies of a relic created in X or XI centuries.
   On my researches all relics stated above initially have been made in other world with a frequency of own resonance = 15 Hz but only then are transferred with fall of own resonance to 0 Hz to our world. Besides all manufacturing techniques, materials and paints were too not our world and had initially the frequency of 15 Hz.
   All this has forced me to address to subconsciousness, to make brain storm and to return to the past to a source of the described events. As a result of it it has become clear that in the world parallel to us there are six representatives of that world who have created Christian belief on Earth and constantly supervise our orthodox church, three their representatives - Catholic church and on one on all other churches which create all these "miracles".
   They have created Vera on Earth for harmonization of consciousness of people and fall of their own resonance for the safety as all previous civilizations came to an end with the nuclear conflicts that threatened even to an underground civilization рептилоидов. They have drawn for themselves the correct conclusion and began to look forward, after all they live already 65 million years and to much have learned.
   In Latin America the most esteemed shrine is not made by hand image of Virgin Mary Guadeloupe.
   On a legend, the Mother of God in an image of the smuglolitsy woman four times was to the 17-year-old Mexican peasant Juan Diego Cuaujtlatoattsin in December, 1531.
   She has asked the young man that on the hill Tepeyak where passed their meetings, have constructed church. Juan Diego has transferred these words to the local bishop Juan de Soumarrague - but that hasn't believed the peasant, having told that the Virgin has to confirm the words with any sign.
   The young man has again come to the hill and has transferred to Virgin Mary opinion of the bishop. The virgin has made so that on the fruitless rock of the hill in the middle of winter roses have blossomed. Juan Diego has wrapped flowers in the raincoat and has carried to the bishop. A raincoat have developed in the presence of a large number of people, roses fell to the ground - and all have seen that on fabric the image of the swarty Mother of God which began to designate Virgin Mary Guadeloupe was imprinted.
   Now Virgin Mary's temple Guadeloupe is visited by million pilgrims from all over the world, and results of researches of not made by hand image nonplus scientists.
   In 1947 this image of the Mother of God was investigated by the German scientist, the Nobel winner in the field of chemistry Richard Kuhn. He has come to a conclusion that the image hasn't been created by the person: - on a cloth there are no traces of any pigments, and each shade of an image is a chemical compound with fabric.
   In 1976 the Mexican researchers Roberto Palasios and Ernesto Pallares have defined that the cloth of a raincoat has been weaved from cactus fibers айяте.
   Such material is usually stored no more than 30 years. But the age of a raincoat makes already nearly a half of the millennium - and thus his fabric doesn't decay and doesn't spoil. On her there are no bacteria, and to her the dust doesn't stick. As it is possible to explain such, scientists simply don't know.
   Moreover - the image of the Virgin has bright eyes! Researchers have found out that pupils of not made by hand image react to light, extending or being narrowed.
   In 1929 the photographer Alphonso Mark has found an image of the bearded man in the right eye of the image of Virgin Mary. Modern scientists, having created the computer image of eyes of the Virgin increased in 2,5 thousand times, have defined that in Virgin Mary's both eyes there are images of two men.
   On the remained portraits it has been established that one of them is Indian Juan Diego Cuaujglatoattsin, and another - the bishop Juan de Sumarraga. Thus deformation of images completely corresponds to refractions of a cornea of a live eye!
   Already presently Guadeloupe specialists of NASA were engaged in research of not made by hand image of Virgin Mary. They have established that the cloth of a raincoat has the constant temperature of a live body = 36,6 degrees on Celsius scale. But there is more to come: it has become clear that fabric pulses! Frequency makes 115 beats per minute - approximately the same pulse at the child in a belly of mother.
   Therefore all Divine miracles with manifestation of crucifixions, faces sacred on various subjects, the phenomenon sacred in our world, emergence of various icons - like mysterious disappearances and manifestations of an icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God in various places and many others, a convergence of Fertile Fire in Jerusalem, the phenomenon of crying icons in temples worldwide are connected with curators of our world living with us a row and protecting the world from our destroying influence.
   Thought up and recreated by them for us Vera on Earth, allows to harmonize soul of the person and to adjust her on a positive peace harmony, then we start understanding not only similar, but also all live on a planet as ourselves. Having created for us such internal point of support they have achieved a goal.
   But the wrong way of life of people, even believers, raises their own resonance and does them by fanatics to whom problems of belief already mean nothing - the main thing to destroy dissidents, even if they and one belief with you. For them it is important that you would have same high own resonance as well as at them, and then they will understand you and will accept, but it already will be not development, and degradation. So affairs are, for example in Igil, in a ruling clique of the USA and Europe.
   And after all our main task to merge with the Absolute upon transition to the thin worlds that it will never be carried out if your resonance is higher than 3 Hz! With such frequency you not only won't pass to the thin world, on any low level of further development, but you will simply get stuck in the platform and never more at you will be any shanets in general, you won't be dissolved yet gradually on separate molecules.
   Our neighbors - Reptiloida are simply taught by the previous experience of a set of various civilizations of people which reached the highest points of the development and still couldn't find the general mutual understanding with similar and finished the existence by nuclear wars. Today we as are in a similar situation when critical condition of mentality of the top management of the USA which doesn't reflect at all on that threatens the peace to what can lead them not conscious actions.
   And than him to think when no soberminded good head on the shoulders for a long time have. They at all, judging by their reaction to normal people, have a sharp violation of brain blood circulation. And after all the trezvomysly it is always connected with a certain measured and controlled consciousness a way of life and therefore the trezvomysliy the person with a good bearing and a healthy backbone, especially cervical department can possess only. - They don't have it if to judge on a bearing and on their schizophrenic behavior.
   I live consciously, I watch myself almost hourly therefore it is capable not only to change, but also harmoniously to transform world around one power of thought and to give unique medical help to people living even over the ocean in Thailand, Australia or the USA already even after when they have tested all delights of the most modern and technological medicine in the homeland and there with their disease could make of nothing, and at me everything turns out, besides - instantly and without personal contact with the diseased when relatives of the diseased address to me only.
   Without applying any medicines to me it is possible to change instantly the situation, what critical it wouldn't be up to this point and to restore completely long ago the demanded health even at a terminal cancer or to stop process of change of a sex of the person resorting to any operation. To me all the same what problem exists at my customer: - change of sexual orientation, a serious disease with which can't consult modern medicine or houses the poltergeist was brought. I cope with everything. All process of "treatment" consists in drawing up necessary information program and implementation of her further instant transfer in subconsciousness of the patient where he wouldn't be.
   For this purpose that the person would realize the actions and acts made by him his own resonance there have to be not higher than 3 Hz! And at the American top for a long time the resonance is on the opposite side of our world and = 12 and 13,5 Hz! It is intellectual degradation - autism and her derivative narcolepsy. They one foot stand in other world and therefore everything harmoniously developed and sane having a low resonance perceive negatively as him don't understand, but feel his pressure on and perceive it as threat to the existence.
   Not made by hand images can be not only divine.
   In 1971 in the Spanish village Belmez-de-la-Moraleda in the house Maria Gomez of Pereira on a tile has unexpectedly appeared a man's portrait.
   It wasn't succeeded to wash him, and the woman has asked the son to bring down a tile and to lay another. But after a while the portrait has appeared again. Inhabitants of the village have identified in him the man long ago died and buried on an old cemetery on which place houses including Maria's dwelling have been built later.
   The specialist in the paranormal phenomena Herman de Argoumossa investigated tiles with portraits and has come to a conclusion that the substance which drawings are made, isn't similar to any known paint. At the request of the hostess in the house have opened a floor, and at a depth of several meters have found human remains. After their reburial portraits have ceased to be shown on a tile.
   The similar phenomena were noted and in other places.
   In 1897 in Wales John Vogkhen, the prior of a local cathedral Llandaff has died. Two weeks later after his burial on a wall of a cathedral there were an outline of the face of the dead and his initials of J and V. The image remained some days then has disappeared.
   In 1923 on a wall in Christ's located in English Oxford the cathedral, there was a portrait of the died priest Henry Liddell. Later since 1926 near it it was possible to see images of several more died priests, during lifetime of holding services in this cathedral.
   Mrs. Hyuvet Mackenzie, the then president of the British Society of physical researches, in 1931 investigated these portraits and has come to conclusion that they couldn't be created by the person. - Many researchers express for a long time opinion that not made by hand images serve as the proof of existence of other world, in which ours life goes on after physical death and where thoughts can find a material embodiment. But is it the answer while by scientists it isn't found.
   But I have long ago the opinion in this respect which has already been provided in the majority of my 45 books. It speaks what exactly has so put and is. We here live exactly for this purpose what to learn to operate the thoughts which we will use for a materialization of the needs in the thin world, after all there our hands to make something material won't be able, and time we and there live not bad - it means somehow it is necessary to do.
   We not one on our planet, we simply one of many
   The archaeological and historical researches conducted in different parts of the world, even more often encounter strong evidences of that else many millennia ago our ancestors mastered air space and used aircraft heavier than air. To it not to consider examples.
   In 1929 the card of the Turkish admiral Peary Reys dated experts of 1513 has been found. The western coast of Europe and Africa, the Caribbean Basin, South America and Antarctica have been rather in detail reflected in her escaped part. That is long before 1820 when the Russian expedition led by Bellingshausen and Lazarev has opened the Southern continent, ancient geographers knew about his existence!
   But the most surprising was that on the card of the Turkish admiral (which he, according to him, has copied from earlier sources of times of Alexander of Macedon) Antarctica has been deprived of an ice armor, and some topographical details in her image could be considered only from air!
   It is possible to meet a similar phenomenon and by consideration of drawing of the Eternal city of times of board of the emperor Neron (about 64 g AD) where Rome is represented from height of bird's flight.
   In 1999, on walls of the Abydos temple erected in Ancient Egypt at the time of the Pharaoh of the Network I, governing more than 3000 years ago, images of quite identified aircraft, including absolutely modern by sight planes and helicopters have been found. The wooden image accepted by archeologists for a figure of a bird was also revealed also. However an arrangement of wings and the tail, the attention which has drawn to of engineers, has allowed to assume that "bird" actually is executed with observance of laws of aerodynamics by model of the certain aircraft similar to the modern plane.
   Laboratory tests have shown that this model is capable to fly and that her parameters completely correspond to all laws of creation of cases of planes! Besides, in found in the same place "Texts of pyramids" it is spoken: "The Pharaoh travels by air and flies about the earth ... He possesses the knowledge allowing him to rise in the sky".
   Incredibly? It is impossible? But the world folklore has kept many images symbols of flying means: air chariot, flying ship, wooden eagle, carpet plane and others. However on the wave of mania of UFO which is warmed up by ufologists, them in most cases identify with alien spaceships. Whether so it? But, maybe, it is worth going down from stars on the earth and to look for ancient subjugators of air space in the north where Giperborey's legendary country once settled down.
   Reasonable question: whether can be such that ancient inhabitants of the Arctic owned aeronautics equipment? And why also isn't present? That our far ancestors used many centuries something like balloons back, doesn't raise doubts. As confirmation it is served by rock paintings near Lake Onega where aircraft of the ancient are represented in great variety. In the same place there is also an image of giperboreyets flying by a balloon.
   Memories of such flights have for many years undergone some changes and in the simplified form have reached up to now in the form of folklore images. In legends of the northern people of the technician of flight it was described very simply: the fire from shavings was kindled, covered with a wet bast mat, everyone could sit down on a bast mat, and his heat lifted under heavens to the Lord. By the way, on other end of the earth natives of Oceania have a similar myth about travel to the heavenly country of ancestors by means of a smoke stream: "Iolofat has sat down on a stream of a smoke and has risen in Lang" or "the woman has entered a smoke column and has risen with him by the sky ..."
   Probably, such way aeronautics has served as a prototype for "the flying ships", mentions about which are not only in many fairy tales and myths of people of the world, but also in quite documentary sources. As the Roman historians have reported, in 215 g BC something "similar to the ships" saw in air over Rome. And in British "To Dzherveyz's chronicle from Tilberi" it is reported that in Greyvsende, Kent County, in 121 g parishioners of local church saw the heavenly ship floating by air. - planet-today.ru
   Once, miners of the city of Moberli located in the State of Missouri, during development of a coal mine incidentally have come across "the wonderful city", buried underground at a depth about 360 foots. With similar news newspapers of 1885 dazzled.
   During further excavation numerous artifacts have been found: stone benches, bronze and silicon knifes, stone and granite hammers, figurines from metal, fountains, it would seem filled with the purest water though more detailed survey has revealed the return.
   About the fountain remains of a human body have been found, the The Daily Globe newspaper reports. - "Judging by the sizes of bones, figures of the people occupying this place, were three times higher than the average modern person, also they possessed enviable muscles and speed." - the TheSemi-WeeklySouthKentuckian Edition has published results of measurements: - The femur - about 1,4 meters, tibial - is slightly less, 1,3 meters. Bones of a skull are divided into two parts, sagittalny and coronary seams have been destroyed. The found city has been buried under a thick layer of a lava. It seems that there was even own road network. Also the hall with benches on which instruments of labor of various mission lay has been found.
   Researchers who have spent twelve hours in search of new opening, have been compelled to give up searches of any end of the find only because of a lack of oil of own lamps. Anyway, it is quite enough found artifacts to draw conclusions on high development of this civilization. - MixStuff.RU
   The world perceived by us including our own personality is only a vision created by consciousness which seems real thanks to our desire to take him for reality. We create him. He directly depends on the frequency of our own resonance and changes at his increase or fall. Therefore one person has not life, and a continuous problem, and another - has every day a holiday.
   The consciousness is an understanding by us the I, the analyzer of all our feelings, emotions, desires. From the point of view of materialism, human consciousness - a matter product, generation of biochemical processes. From the point of view of idealism, consciousness - an ego, I, spirit, energy, soul, information traveling in "space from a set of existing options".
   From here the people living in each of the Universes created by the imagination, can claim what exactly their Universe is real, and all other only imagined or not existing. But these parallel Universes - not efemerno the existing illusive worlds. In each Universe we see so real and objective subjects both so real and objective concrete events, as well as in any other.
   And even now scientists believe that in the far future we will be able to connect the consciousness to our robotic achievements by means of the advanced DNA engineering, nanotechnology and a robotics, and the civilization will be able to try to simulate actions of the nature and to send "seeds" through a portal, using the most perfect nanotechnology.
   Recently, near the Greek island Antikiter the team of underwater archeologists has found a human skeleton among fragments of the sunk ancient ship, reports the Nature magazine. Allegedly the person who possessed remains, operated the antikitersky mechanism which is considered the most known hi-tech device of our antiquity.
   On the sunken vessel,
   On April 4, 1900, the Greek diver behind sponges - Likopantis has come across. He has seen a skeleton of the antique Roman ship which has sunk in the Aegean Sea between the island of Crete and the peninsula of Peloponnese near Antikiter at a depth from 43 to 62 meters.
   From November, 1900 to September 30, 1901 divers have lifted on a surface from a board of the victim of a vessel a set of artifacts: statues from bronze and marble, jewelry, coins, products from glass and ceramics. All this has been transferred to the National archaeological museum in Athens.
   In 1976 expedition of the French researcher Jacques-Yves Cousteau has found the coins dated on the 85th year B.C. by the sunk ship. Scientists have assumed that the vessel has sunk on the way from the island Rhodes. According to an initial hypothesis, by the ship could carry from Athens part of repayment which Greeks paid to the Roman dictator to Sula. Especially, at Lukian the mention that one of Sula's ships has sunk near these places meets.
   Later the radio-carbon analysis of wood of which the vessel has been made, dated it 220 B.C., a plus-minus of 43 years. However the ship could make of old wood, or it could be constructed much earlier, than was wrecked.
   Still on May 17, 1902 the archeologist Valerios Stais has paid attention that fragments of the bronze covered with corrosion and sea deposits, are fragments of a certain mechanism. But only in 1951 the find has got to the English historian doctor Derek John de Solla Price. That also has come to a conclusion that is the difficult mechanism consisting of 32 bronze gears.
   Sideways this device there was a handle with four dials specifying the provision of stars in the sky. As researchers have found out, the device, most likely, was used for celestial motion calculation, and also allowed to learn dates of 42 astronomical events in advance. In 1959 the Price has published the detailed description of the device in the Scientific American magazine, and in 1971 at last his full scheme has been published.
   Nakhodka began to call the antikitersky mechanism. According to some experts, it was the analog computer oldest in the history. By the way, in Rhodes in the II century the known Greek astronomer and the mathematician Gipparkh Nikeysky lived B.C., it and could become the author of this computing device.
   In 2002 the specialist in mechanical devices from the London museum of science Michael Wright has conducted additional radiographic research of the device and has confirmed the conclusion of the Price about his astronomical appointment.
   In 2005 under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of Greece the Antikythera Mechanism Research project in which professor Mike Edmunds and the mathematician Tony Frith from Cardiff university - Britain have taken part, and also their colleagues from two Greek universities has been started. New fragments of the mechanism owing to what it was succeeded to reconstruct it by means of a computer tomography have been the same year found.
   By June, 2006 it was succeeded to read 95 percent of the inscriptions made on details of the device. Their interpretation has confirmed that calculation of configurations of celestial bodies and planets, including solar and lunar eclipses was the main objective of the mechanism.
   In 2010 the engineer of the Apple company Andrew Carrol by means of the designer of LEGO managed to create modern analog of the antikitersky mechanism.
   Whom there was an ancient user?
   - And here it, seemingly, was succeeded to find - remains of the one who used this astronomical computer!
   From ancient "programmer" nowadays there was a skull with several remained teeth, bones of hands, edges and hips. The skeleton fragments, which age are made by about two thousand years, that is this person was the age-mate of our era, have been buried under a half-meter layer of sand and ceramics splinters.
   Archaeological works were conducted at a depth of 55 meters. Divers had to use isolating respiratory devices that allowed to see off on a seabed till three hours in a row. Now the group of the scientists who have found remains, has appealed to the Greek government to carry out the find analysis, and also has asked about cooperation Danish палеогенетиков.
   Experts hope that careful researches will help to receive more information on the user of the ancient hi-tech device. Especially productive there will be results if from remains it is possible to take DNA.
   And here the Iraq minister claims that ancient shumer, have found and have visited Pluto by spaceships thousands years ago. - So the Minister of Transport of Iraq Kazem Findzhan, has told to journalists that the ancient civilization has constructed the first-ever spaceport in Iraq in the 5000th year B.C.
   Shumera represent the most ancient known civilization which existed in the territory of Iraq and I have reached the peak with 2.700 to 2.400 g to N. It is considered that they have lodged in historical area - the southern Mesopotamia which is now the South of Iraq. Here they developed agriculture, trade and crafts, such as weaving, production of ceramics and metal products.
   The New Arab writes that Findzhan claims that the spaceport served as the center for space exploration, and Pluto has been open as a result of space travel. However shumer in a false manner claimed that Pluto is "The twelfth planet" Solar system, but also she has been recently found by NASA.
   And here ufologists declare that the whole race of aliens disappears in underwater depths and decades wages war with Russia. At the time of the Soviet Union captains of the Russian submarines faced the inexplicable underwater phenomena. Documents with information on meetings with, so-called, unknown underwater objects and now are under a signature stamp "confidentially". But some details of meetings with deep-water creations and inexplicable huge objects nevertheless have filtered into mass media. Received information opens shocking information that occurs in depth.
   Ufologists Paul Stounkhill and Filip Mantl open history of the secret conflict in the new book. Researchers consider that the Soviet government tried to hide the truth, giving out for silly imaginations of the indication of those who tries to tell that actually occurs deeply under water.
   Stounkhill and Mantl claim that people already faced both new forms of life, and the whole unknown ships thrown into the sea. They say that as soon as people tried to open the public about seen, they at once became a target for any jokes and sneers. Unknown creations which else the most surprising call "Swimmers", perhaps. These beings represent humanoids about 3 meters in height. They live at a depth of 50 meters, in ice waters of oceans and the seas near Siberia.
   According to Stounkhill and Mantl, one of captains of the Russian underwater fleet, the general major Demyanenko, warned the crew about possible meetings with improbable creations, after all such already happened in 1982. There are data and that the Soviet military divers tried to catch one of beings who has been allegedly dressed in a silvery suit and a helmet. However operation didn't manage to be finished: as soon as members of expedition have got networks to catch the creation unknown to science, all team from seven people has been thrown out on a surface by any improbable force.
   Other cases of collision with unknown objects are known also. So, in 1965 through the Red Sea the command of the Soviet steamship "Rainbow" crossing at that moment the Red Sea, became the witness of the huge fiery sphere which appeared from the ocean and has hanged in air at the height about 150 meters. However, to tell that the sphere simply soared in air difficult, after all he was as though in a water column. After a while the sphere has again plunged into water.
   The Russian admiral V. A. Domislovsky, the chief of service of the Pacific investigation, claims that saw a certain object which soared over waters of the Pacific Ocean. The object was about 900 meters in length. At some instant from him small parts which, having plunged into the ocean have started separating, soon again have returned on the places. After that the object has dropped out of sight team.
   The counter admiral and the commander of the nuclear submarine Yury Beketov claims that more than once witnessed inexplicable activity in waters of the Bermuda Triangle. A radar of his submarine fixed more than once unknown objects which moved under water with a speed of 250 miles to hour.
   In the conversation with the British edition "The Mirror" Mantl has declared that the Soviet government intentionally hid information on meetings with unknown natatorial objects. Mantl believes that all Soviet officers who met such objects, have been simply compelled to be silent, otherwise the stream of ridicules would fall upon them from the public and the press.
   Quite recently researchers have found some unusual skeletons in Bolivia. Two of them represent exclusive interest as they have abnormal deformation of a skull: terribly big, extended shapes of a skull.
   According to researchers one of skeletons had the extended head which exceeds proportions of artificial cranial deformation. And it brings up a question what could cause such atypical lines?
   Skeletons with the extended skulls are found in Bolivia.
   The Finnish archeologists working near the village of Patapatani in Bolivia, have found recently remains of, at least, six people buried under a ritual tower of the people of Aimar which has been constructed thousands years ago for people of royal blood in patrimonial culture.
   It is interesting to note two skeletons are of special interest. One belonged to the woman, and another to her child. In them there is nothing outstanding, except that fact that both of them had terribly big extended heads which weren't result of artificial craniocereberal deformation.
   The young girl had the extended head which exceeds proportions of artificial cranial deformation. And this bringing up a question what could cause such atypical lines? In addition to a skeleton of the young girl, in a grave there was a fruit as believe, he has died, having from nine to seven months of life. It is quite probable that the fruit has died together with mother at the time of delivery.
   On the website Bryan Ferster notes that if it appears so, it is very probable that the child would be born also with the extended skull, and it means, as mother and a fruit similar physiological data had.
   Bryan Ferster specifies that consequences of a find are huge as it means that we, probably, have found subspecies of ancient people who have died thousands years ago. Their extended skulls have been found on all globe, and this phenomenon isn't isolated by only North and South America.
   Among the most interesting examples of the extended skulls - so-called "skulls from Parakas", found in Pisko's province in the field of the Monk on the southern coast of Peru. It is interesting to note that from Parakas it is 25% more and 60% heavier than a skull, than a skull of ordinary people.
   But not only to these they differ. - Skulls from Parakas are also structurally excellent as have only one parietal plate while ordinary people have their two, that is it too people, but with absolutely unique opportunities of the brain as are lineal heirs and the last of Atlases.
   You probably know what tops in the development they have reached and you remember than they have finished the existence. Probably therefore the "Grey" aliens supervising us of modern people of Earth consider hope for our self-improvement absolutely unreal. On their belief, present inhabitants of Earth represent negative result of their last experiment on removal of breed of Homo Sapiyens - the Homo sapiens.
   Putting - at the level of DNA - in consciousness of ancestors of mankind those principles and standards of behavior which, apparently, have served, a basis of bible Ten Precepts, "gray" assumed that they will work and that the mankind won't fall to present level of spiritual decomposition. But it hasn't come true, people have shown nothing reasonable self-confidence and self-confidence and even the help in support of our belief from the next neighbors - рептилоидов to us hasn't helped. And everything has been conceived finely!
   Now in their opinion, it is impossible to correct here already anything, and an exit one: to destroy all inhabitants of Earth while they haven't destroyed Earth, not to leave on her what traces of existence of a present civilization and "to start" everything anew.
   "Gray" consider that, being responsible for creation of unfortunate mankind, they have the full right so - to arrive. Moreover him so far back in the past, as it not the first their unsuccessful attempt to occupy Earth already was necessary to arrive.
   They in coordination with other our curators have determined final date of a carrying out of the plan and it already works. That is why the slightest magnetic storm created by them specially, unsettles huge part of the population and the people "шизеет" directly in the eyes, loses judiciousness, and can understand nothing. Therefore recent firm arrangements cease to work, and yesterday's judiciousness and understanding of each other thaws directly in the eyes. And so everywhere both in a family and in business both in policy and in the international relations.
   Not the secret that a fire of nuclear war could inflame more than once in the period of monopoly of the USA for a nuclear bomb in the late forties, during the Caribbean Crisis in October of the 1962nd, and also in some other situations when our world was on the verge of new war. It is considered what to avoid accident wisdom and composure of politicians help, but it is necessary to specify and on those who can be a real master of the situation in this question.
   In 1982 in the USA in The National Enquirer professor Robert Yakobs serving in 1963-1966 in a rank of the lieutenant on rocket base Vandenberg in California has shared the memoirs. In September to 1964th it have charged to film by means of a powerful telescope Atlas ballistic missile tests.
   Start-up has taken place successfully, and in field-glasses observers haven't noticed anything unusual. But then when viewing film in the slowed-down mode it was possible to see how from above any object has come nearer to a warhead of the rocket in the form of a plate with a tower acting in the center a semicircle and I have started it accompanying.
   Changing a position, he four times has shot at a warhead a bright beam then it has lost the set course and has fallen to the Pacific Ocean in one hundred kilometers from the planned point. The air newcomer right there at a huge speed has soared up up and has disappeared. Year earlier on the American rocket range in Texas at test of an underground nuclear charge over a place of future explosion there was an UFO.
   Some seconds having hung in air at small height, he has left. Explosion at the time of lag has tried to make polygon calculation - the red button has been pressed, but the device has worked only 3,5 minutes later after UFO disappearance. Experts couldn't explain a delay - the equipment had no damages...
   One more certificate was heard six years ago at press conference of several former officers of the U.S. Air Force who kept watch on rocket bases. They have declared that more than once saw UFO over a location of nuclear charges. The captain Robert Salas has reported that in his watch on the basis of intercontinental ballistic missiles Malmstr in the State of Montana the object has appeared on March 16, 1967.
   The UFO had a form of a cigar and let out a beam of red color. Having appeared in four mornings, the object on half an hour has hanged over mines with nuclear missiles, and in 15 minutes after disappearance of the heavenly newcomer it has become clear that launchers are faulty. And the experts called from the Pentagon couldn't establish the reason of malfunctions.
   Here pertinently to remind of the situation which has developed in Vietnam in 1967. There after two years of armed intervention of the USA have suffered a number of failures. Americans have started consideration of possibility of a nuclear attack by forces of the Air Force.
   Experts of the Pentagon considered that this measure as in due time in Japan, will allow to demoralize armies of the National front of release of Youzhny of Vietnam and will provide success of further operations. But as a result the leadership of the USA hasn't decided to take this step, despite his seeming need.
   Why? There are all bases to assume that the aliens who have come into contact with the government and, probably, the president Lyndon Johnson have tabooed.
   And they have shown that will occur if Americans don't refuse the plan: besides the mentioned shutdown of launchers in Montana, at the same time were it is indicative are brought out of an efficient condition of the rocket on two bases - over them UFOs too hanged. Probably, therefore, despite losses and low fighting spirit of armies, the USA have refused nuclear bombing.
   In favor of that aliens obviously against use by people of Earth of the nuclear weapon, tells also incident in Great Britain on November 27, 1977. This day on a half of the territory of the country TV viewers could hear as the certain "metal" voice which has put for three minutes in translation of one of channels, on behalf of the galactic management Ashtron has warned against use of nuclear energy.
   It could descend for a joke, but in the studio of strangers wasn't, and it is impossible to get into an air on so huge square without the most powerful sending devices - such technical means then simply didn't exist. - noindex, "Secrets of the XX century"
   From here, I as the person possessing information urge you to show judiciousness and I ask to address unconditionally to God that will rescue you, or simply and unconditionally to start watching the bearing which will rescue your judiciousness and life, and will allow to live further, after all move away from our planet only those who doesn't develop - degrades and doesn't understand that destroys space round itself, and after all it belongs to all people, and not just you!
   Here example: - Now on TV there are a lot of addresses, various charity foundations, for the help to the children which health is in a critical situation. As I find, having understood in this situation, real productive help to them modern means all the same here won't give - because, it purely informative.
   That is it is initially necessary to correct distorted initially - in a womb - information, and the modern medicine doesn't want to do it - therefore isn't able. Physicians because of a lack of education or lack of mind simply don't want to glance on the world on the other side of them so stupidly learn, and the population suffers from materialistic approach which, seemingly, spreads the authorities absolutely deliberately!
   Any power - is the device of suppression of dissent from outside as it protects only the personal interests, and the rest does all by the same need and does it first of all in the again - mercenary interests. From here, from us from everyone personally if he is mentally healthy, the active living position is required and nobody will manage to sit out in any remote "entrenchment"!
   As all of us see, our problem with ill children doesn't change at all despite that, how many efforts and money was for it wouldn't be spent, it becomes only less noticeable, but health remains such what was. Here a problem usually in parents and most often in a dissolute way of life of mother and her personal health. They give birth to children injuring them in a womb, and then energetically вампирят them and live at the expense of them - not health, it is necessary therefore to treat always mother, and already then to correct the child as I and do by the technique and always I receive expected result.
   And business here is also that mother - in such situation when she unconsciously вампирит the child, the patient never considers! To her always arrives - not the, and already from outside, new energy from quickly being updated and growing cells of the kid and her it is good. The child perishes, and to her it is good. - Here therefore she wants to be treated never and to understand it doesn't wish! More healthy friends or healthy parents of mother that happens very seldom can rescue business only. Therefore addresses to me, on such questions there is, not a lot of, though my opportunities and abilities have no restrictions. astroguide.ru
   Critical errors of medical science of the countries of the West and all medicine of the world as a whole, at treatment of tuberculosis and many other diseases as a whole
   Probably the medicine in the West entirely depends on a small number of people created to itself a name in science and on their oppressed consciousness of an event from too big communicative overload existing in their antagonistic society.
   The narcolepsy is the name of a syndrome of chronic fatigue very similar on the state on a condition of the person at HIV or AIDS when in the person there is no healthy body or the intact system. And mainly, at this disease the mentality displacing consciousness of the diseased to opposite border of our world is surprised. Here considerably the personal resonance to 13,5 Hz raises and therefore all actions of such patient overturn for him all world around on 180 degrees and put him practically on "ears"!
   The name - A narcolepsy it is thought up in March, Americans, a few years ago, characterizing person when he is completely exhausted, his immune and endocrine systems are switched completely off, and the consciousness is displaced in space in the opposite and most distant end of our world. A state it is very similar to a condition of addicts during narcotic waste, it is possible therefore it and is called such word.
   The perception of reality of the person who was in him is completely distorted and such person in everything sees only a negative, and in people only enemies. From here he everything is afraid that does him dangerous to people around as he starts acting in all the manifestations, both against healthy people, and against all our world which completely ceases to understand.
   Most often this disease is formed when near the healthy person there is a person close to him, practically any age, ached with autism, for example from the wrong pose of sitting at the computer when the backbone bearing suffers, and the diseased starts taking away healthy power of people around and to live at the expense of their immune system as his own power is already completely destroyed.
   From here, when the person gets sick with a narcolepsy his own resonance reads off scale to the limit. He оторывается from reality and his attitude is strongly distorted. Such person becomes capable to transform negatively the whole working collective in which is and puts him on "rails" and here to that the proof:
   - Tuberculosis this chronic infectious disease caused by a mikobakteriya of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Mikobakteriya has been opened in 1882 by the German bacteriologist R. Koch therefore it often call Koch's stick.
   The mechanism of infection with tuberculosis occurs only at strong stoop, especially when the person long is in an inconvenient pose - having bent, the top part of a trunk that leads to shift by the top part back 3,4 and 5 chest vertebras. Sometimes some more vertebras join them, but also these quite suffice what to fall ill seriously and for a long time.
   Here the immune system in lungs is completely switched off that sharply weakens all work of lungs and then a tuberculosis mikobakteriya which are widespread in environment easily reach the unprotected place and starts becoming more active there.
   Carriers and infection source most often are sick people and cattle getting sick under the same conditions and total absence of immune system in lungs. Infection generally occurs through airways, that is through penetration of a parasite into an organism of the owner through a nose less often - an alimentary way that occurs at the use of the infected food or water, and also through the polluted hands of the person.
   After penetration into a human body at absolutely not not working immune system - mikobakteriya infect macrophages, forming further mikobakterialny фагосомы. Mikobakteriya counteract further transformation фагосомы, breaking processes лизиса a bacterial cage. Such mechanism of protection, again at not working immune system, allows mikobakteriya to survive in cells of the owner. But it is worth including immune system in lungs and the problem at once is easily solved.
   Being in a macrophage, mikobakteriya actively breed. After death of a macrophage, a bacterium get on extracellular Wednesday and further existence of bacteria already depends on immune properties of an organism - activity of macrophages and T-lymphocytes.
   Some tens types belong to a sort of mikobakteriya. The main threat for human health is born by mikobakteriya of the person (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and a mikobakteriya of bull type (Mycobacterium bovis). Except them, pathogenic properties mikobakteriya of Mycobacterium africanum, M. microti, M. canetti, M. caprae, M. pinnipedii possess.
   These types carry out to development of tuberculosis of the person with his typical clinical and morphological features. The listed mikobakteriya make, so-called, a complex of tubercular mikobakteriya (MTVS). Allocate also Mycobacterium avium complex - M. avium, M. avium paratuberculosis, etc. The bacteria causing disseminirovanny processes of extra pulmonary localization in the person enter him.
   All mikobakteriya are extremely steady against environment. For example in the dried phlegm and at stay in a dust they can be about one year, and in the soil before half a year. Their high stability creates considerable difficulties in fight against this infection.
   Important feature of mikobakteriya is their property long time to be in a human body in latent, sleeping, a state. At certain situations the latent phase proceeding without clinical manifestations, can pass into an active form. The hidden course of an infection and a stertost of clinical manifestations significantly complicate early detectability of a disease.
   For this reason diagnostics of latent tuberculosis is the extremely important for all world medicine, but not for me. I can tell that danger appears at once as soon as the immune system in lungs is lost. And right there it is necessary to notice - at an excellent bearing of a spine column of tuberculosis never happens.
   I worked much with such patients in China and treated to 20 people at the same time, in a second, but then spent some minutes what to explain them as it is necessary to behave after that treatments and me everything perfectly understood. The result of such instant treatment of people without use of medicines consisted in knowledge and use of laws of physics for space of the northern hemisphere of our planet!
   In other hemisphere all this becomes absolutely in a different way but as completely eliminating any methods of bacteriological research borrowing to a lot of time and without use of medicines having one collateral action for any, even completely healthy, an organism.
   And recently the new statement of physicians from the USA has got to me - experts have come nearer to a victory over the tuberculosis, steady against antibiotics. It is declared that by means of a combination from seven antibiotics it is possible to cure tuberculosis with multiple medicinal stability in only 9 months. I such yet didn't see though itself I fly tuberculosis in some minutes together with an explanation of all useful information to a further way of life of this person.
   They write that now on tuberculosis treatment at them twice more time leaves. One of antibiotics, клофазимин, was generally used until recently for leprosy treatment, transfers New Scientist. During the research, proceeding two years, 821 persons from 1006 patients with tuberculosis with multiple medicinal stability have recovered. According to the experts, the new method of treatment not only is more effective, but also is cheaper. Efficiency of a method allegedly has been confirmed still earlier during small researches.
   It is at the same time declared that the method won't work for people with resistance to the preparations of the second line used for treatment of tuberculosis. This form of stability seldom meets in Africa, but she is widespread in the former Soviet republics. Nearly 50% of cases of tuberculosis with multiple medicinal stability are the share of India, China and Russia. Meddaily.ru
   My opinion - here it is necessary to include the head, instead of to think an opposite place, after all the tuberculosis reason not in any unknown reasons, and quite known - an exit the top part back 3 chest vertebras that breaks local blood circulation and completely extinguish immune system in lungs.
   And if to return them, having put on the place, and the illness won't be, and here nobody is able to put vertebras into place or simply doesn't want because to earn on it big money by it any more it won't be provided possible. After all all such work is carried out only by the concentrated thought and almost instantly as the thought extends in space with a speed quicker than velocity of light!
   The research group of university of Montreal which was in the same critical condition - a narcolepsy, too has made the discovery and has revealed dependence of obesity of the person not from diabetes of the second type as occurs usually, and from work of the enzyme Alfa-6/beta-gidrolazy (ABHD6) localized in a gipotalamus - department of the brain responsible for development of hormones. As by them it has been revealed, blocking of enzyme leads to incurable obesity which can't be cleaned neither exercises, nor drugs, diets.
   Now they consider that if the person can't get rid of excess weight in any way, and after cruel diets fat comes back again, it not always a consequence of weakness of character. Probably, it is bad work of special enzyme. Why it is so difficult to them to twist the thought, it is possible to think that obesity is weakness of character. Probably they don't work in medicine and don't know that such diabetes of the second type, and simply any casual people.
   As professor of university of Montreal Thierry Alkyer has declared, researches in public yet haven't begun, however it is already clear that the person who can't throw off weight in any way, most likely suffers violation of work of ABHD6 protein. The most surprising that ABHD6 protein blocking not in a gipotalamus, and in peripheral bodies and fatty tissue, protects both from obesity, and from diabetes 2 types.
   Therefore for development of effective therapy of obesity long-term researches are required. Development of effective treatment of obesity demands several years, - "the coauthor of research Stephanie Fulton has noted, - but we already now know that obesity really begins in the head, and it can be not connected in any way with will power". riaami.ru
   From here I have an offer - I can show to these experts from medicine as it is possible to work, at all without seeing the patients - absolutely and at the same time to relieve people of obesity simple change of a way of life and bearing correction, let will write to me on mail and I will make it without direct contact with their patients, that is at all without knowing names, let they will designate them simply conditional numbers 1,2,3 ... And they can take glory of treatment of patients to themselves.
   Here one more example of "competent approach" - a conclusion of the psychologist Mark Griffits from University Nottingham Trent. "The Russian newspaper" provides his words: "During horror film viewing we endure that hardly it was succeeded to test in real life. It has effect of a catharsis, providing an exit to emotions and the collected disappointment". Probably he tells it only about itself(himself) and claims that horror films give splash in activity of immune system.
   But it is strange that about same the staff of University of Coventry speaks. Experts took on the analysis blood from volunteers to, in time and after viewing of horror films. As a result after viewing of "horror films" in blood concentration of leukocytes increased. The similar situation is observed at hit in an organism of the infectious agent.
   According to researchers, the horror film initiates something similar to the reaction known as reaction of fight or flight. A large amount of adrenaline which will mobilize immune system jumps out blood and even can promote weight loss. However, if the person has the heart troubles, similar splash in adrenaline is potentially deadly to him. Whereas them to understand Meddaily.ru I?
   But if to consider that such movies considerably load mentality, weaken nervous system, adjusting an organism on a negative and strongly raise a personal resonance of the viewer that sharply reduces his immune system, I absolutely and completely don't agree with their arguments and I consider the statements of the Western scientists given above as pure rubbish, instead of as statements of those people who are responsible for society health in the countries.
   We create to ourselves problems, it is time to reflect
   The mankind has absolutely ceased to care of itself in reality, and all the actions and efforts directs on insignificant talks that it cares of ecology. It very much suits a certain class of people who even allocate huge money for these purposes what to distract the population from this problem.
   Business has reached before that to anxious for the future of a planet the big group of the American scientists of Stendfordsky, Californian, Hawaiian universities and university of Connecticut has adjoined. They, in the Scitnce magazine have depicted tragic destiny of the World Ocean to which the mankind spoils over any norm.
   For example, at the ocean garbage continents were formed of plastic in hundreds billions tons which force out fish and ruin all live round itself. All this muck doesn't sink at the ocean, floats and leads to extinction and full death of all marine resources. But on land of business are in any way better - since 1500 our world was irrevocably left by 320 species of vertebrata. This extinction is organized by mankind.
   To great happiness all previous extinction on a planet, certain animal species, didn't lead to full extinction and life on the earth hasn't disappeared, such as on Mars or on Venus. We have a life, by means of neighbors in the Ball, gradually revived though on it and millions years and the population left changed to full unrecognizability, but now danger has considerably increased and ourselves can be superfluous on Earth. Remember it everything!
   Work the head and problems at you will be never
   Information medicine developed by the author in the early nineties is the new complex direction uniting the theory of east, generally of ancient Chinese and Old Slavic medicine, and also based on base of physical laws and technology of biomedical cybernetics of modern Russia in which of the Western technologies it hasn't been used absolutely anything.
   Information medicine is capable to see even deeply hidden tonkomaterialny information processes occurring at the level of the separate cages, proceeding in a human body both in norm, and in a condition of pathology, and all in interrelation with information processes of environment. Therefore she is capable to carry out much more deeply the most detailed diagnostics and to find the smallest pathology which isn't found at all by modern types of the most advanced medicine of the West.
   At the same time this absolutely unique medicine most softly influences any live organism, after all here everything is carried out only by transfer of the necessary information made only by force of thought, at all without using any medicines or devices - everything is carried out only by power of figuratively formulated thought of the person. - So it is by force of thought carried out as any and absolutely full diagnostics as force of the sent information program makes full harmonious healing of patients, all this besides becomes for seconds of spent time.
   Further transition to such medical practice is around the world simply inevitable, after all the modern medicine has reached a deadlock for a long time and at her to treatment and emergence of diseases of people more questions than answers have collected!
   With a today's avalanche growth of the most dangerous diseases on Earth doctors simply should be retrained differently they and will die out the first. Get accustomed - we have doctors the most sick people, after all they work as well as in police in the most hostile environment where here about personal health to argue. - Simply here it is necessary to change a little approach to perception of realities of our world and probably a little in a different way to look at materialism which has completely become obsolete.
   It is absolutely not difficult to make it - it is necessary to want and reconsider simply the outlook, and it is necessary to want nevertheless, and here to break resistance of pharmaceutical firms making a poison it will be much more difficult for the population. Look with what work and what powerful resistance at our world gradually refuses oil, and the technology of use of water as fuels is invented in a century before last!
   Each body, each cage, in any biological object of our world has the structure, a form, the size, color, a sound, a field, and also the frequency of fluctuations which I called in the technique own resonance. This own resonance is most is information sated for object diagnostics by parameter. It is possible to determine by him instantly in what state there is your patient and what urgent medical help he needs to be given.
   We have a science and therefore all physicians, mistakenly consider that each person has all life, inherent only to him, the frequency of vibrations. In it their main mistake. Own resonance of each object of our world it isn't dependent on his internal structure changes very often. He changes at change of a magnetic background of environment, from violation of a bearing of the person, from мыслеформ the person, from influence of many physical factors and from a way of life.
   The internal system itself regulation automatically supports balance and unity of the person from all Universe, through him up to a backbone which is the antenna for communication and приемопередачи the necessary information. If there comes organism mistiming then there come power information deformations, own resonance right there raises and various diseases are shown.
   Information medicine, restoring and absolutely changing all internal deformations, field structure and power information reserves of an organism, absolutely without medicamentally can cope practically with all diseases in very short terms and it is perfect without complications.
   The expert owning such technique and opportunities of recovery information medicine, at all without using any additional resources, except the knowledge and will power can successfully treat even such diseases which in traditional medicine are extremely difficult or at all don't give in to treatment. It: - cancer, autism, leukosis, narcolepsy, tuberculosis, psoriasis, various tumoral and genetic violations, multiple sclerosis, diabetes of both types, various violations of mentality, difficult curable parasitic infections and many other things.
   Practically in all not most started cases treatment allows to avoid any operational intervention and by that to keep health and integrity of an organism. And here surgeons shouldn't be retrained, but they will get the most difficult patients but whom will be very little.
   All actions of methods of information medicine are directed on activization of process of reception and information transfer from the Universe through a healthy backbone which is the main indicator of physical, mental and emotional health of the person.
   As a result of such information therapy the maximum power information balance is reached, and information correction of available blocking in power information centers and channels helps to support high level of health. Thus the person becomes healthy as a unit! This main difference of information medicine from the classical.
   According to the Government offer in 2000 in Russia the new scientific and practical organization - the Interregional Association of Information Medicine (IAIM) which tries to solve effectively a problem of recovery of population health is created, but also she suffers last remnants of materialistic thinking and therefore practically marks time.
   It is considered that all activity of MAIM strictly scientifically, here therefore she and is based on the outdated bases of materialism which have become obsolete completely. MAIM - is lawful, licensed and has an appreciation at the level of the country and the world community, and from the moment of creation is under the auspices of the UN therefore it is necessary to regret only that such narrow framework seriously limits such ample opportunities.
   Heads this organization to. m of N, the doctor of the information medicine, the full member and the head of departments of the European academy of Sciences, Academy of informatization of the UN, Department of health care of the UN - N. I. V Eagles last N. I. Orlov headed 25 years a health service of armies of a special purpose, was the leading expert and the head of scientific center.
   I well know him - he is the good expert and simply decent person, but also to him no living man all things can. He is put in very rigid framework, but I hope that everything together we will improve our medicine to appropriate level. As MAIM costs on the materialistic base that certain circumstances force to do it, she uses the latest equipment and the advanced laboratory methods of diagnostics and treatment not only diseases, but also such heavy, unclear states for official medicine, as: "obsession", different types of "connections", "damage", "love spells", "damnations" and other types of works which in my techniques are solved on the account of times - two!
   In the MAIM centers expertize and certification of healers, and also all experts from the sphere of an occultism, magic, a shamanizm, clairvoyance and other is carried out. One ambassador of such checks obtain the state licenses, others study and make for new attempts to receive a worthy assessment, and some are made responsible toilet, up to criminal when forget that here not money to earn the main thing, and qualitatively to help eager people.
   New secrets of our world can make out and start be used
   Our world is in the range of frequencies of own resonance approximately from 0 to 13,5 Hz and everything that in him is has a resonance or own frequency of fluctuations only in this range of frequencies. Usually it is frequency in norm it is equal or close to 0. If any object, for any reasons changes frequency above limits of our world, he passes into an unstable state and can or disappear from our world or stabilize the frequency close to 0. Other steady state in time can't simply be.
   In 1972 in the American press I have reported about a hill monster Marpolf in the State of Louisiana. The being was the huge sizes and with the head similar to pumpkin. A monster, in the face of eyewitnesses, publishing growl, rose by the hill. Some assured that the mysterious monster had hand in which he held something red. Having risen by hill top, the monster has disappeared as if having thawed in air. Trying to find his traces, the police has combed everything around, but has found nothing, except a ground where the grass was as though scorched by fire.
   Correctly, you won't find him more at us if his own frequency, during a pursuit, from a stress, has sharply risen and I have returned a monster back out of limits of frequencies of our world. Who it was and for what purpose to us now not to learn, but that that will come still it is inevitable - development of the worlds proceeds and those who there has completely developed will inevitably come to us. After all development conducts to fall of own resonance, so and an inevitable exit with transition to our world!
   From here, to a final and exhaustive explanation of a phenomenon of penetration into culture, science and everyday life of mankind of the mysterious and hostile underground world still far though I about it already have a certain opinion and him it is possible to read on we wash a site - the Server the Abroad Authors - Zhuravlev.
   Nevertheless, I will risk and here to suggest that - such passes, are made not by internal energy of Earth through which the advanced inhabitants of an underworld or clots of information and power fields - get into our fragile world of proteinaceous creations, and simply further development of our Universe when the ripened essence rises in "top" in the development.
   And when she comes to us, has own resonance always above ours, and to these for us people having a low resonance, she becomes the enemy whom we and snub. Then at the arisen stress it is essence always comes back and waits for the following case for the growth.
   However, for sushchnost of other world there is also other probability if they are familiar with space physics - then they by force of thought using wave properties of the brain can lower the resonance to the necessary limit and for time or forever pass here. And here is how they will look it depends on extent of development of that essence and its personal desire. Them and so round us it is full, simple we aren't able to look therefore we don't see anything.
   The example, January-March, 2013 was very rich in radical discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics which fell down in abundance. In an orbit of Earth the German telescope Shpitser who is more exact than the well-known Hubble on some orders flies. He has seen ultrared radiations though we know infrared radiation, and here ultra - the new physical term, means that we could glance even more deeply in the Galaxy Matter. After all these new radiations are brighter ordinary and habitual to us by 60 times.
   This discovery has been made spontaneously. You judge, in December, 2012 about them it it wasn't known, and January, 2013 they have appeared. So doesn't happen! They or are or they aren't present, so there was something, what has forced to exchange the World? The ordinary electromagnetic scale which is presented in textbooks of physics and reference books, has increased by three octaves in the infrared range and three octaves in an ultraviolet.
   Now at us became six octaves higher and it the Matter which till 2013 wasn't has opened, it has been for various reasons not shown, and now was shown, and physical devices can record it.
   One more opening - till 2013 scientists knew, and us frightened that our Solar system moves to the Black hole. Scientists of Novosibirsk said that we go to area of absolutely novel energiya which wasn't earlier. And now the hole isn't present! And it is astrophysical object - it not small, but suddenly I was unexpectedly gone. In the center of our Galaxy now the Black hole isn't present.
   Scientists strongly were frightened and this opening have coded. There was such site "Membrane" where scientists published the finds, now this electronic magazine too isn't present. On the Black hole he has stopped the existence. What has happened?
   It has appeared that the Black hole is a door which we have opened, have passed, and the door has slammed. But instead of the Black hole there was other Object, it too a discovery, 2014 - Magnitar, that is a pulsing star, but not the Pulsar. This Star extensively sprays a liquid magnetic field. - It is a certain substance which while isn't present the name, but it not plasma. It reasonable, consists of granules. Granules at her happen small, at the level of elementary particles and big, for example, size about Earth.
   At first about this Magnitare we for the first time have heard in March, 2014 in radio frequency range and began to observe, and in May have already seen and Magnitar was lit by blue color. Thus, we have appeared on the first floors of the Thin plan, actually, "in the next world" on what and I congratulate you! I about this case already wrote articles as we have lost the rough bodies, and they can be seen on a site.
   In 2005 scientific neurophysiologists have opened in гиппокампе at the person a site which the blue or blue spot is called. He is known long ago, but on him didn't pay special attention, well you never know that in a brain at the person is. In the itself brain of the person, still, is a black box.
   In the summer of 2014 this blue spot in a brain too was lit, at all as гиппокамп it is projected on a point of Life and manages human life on the Thin plan above. This blue color if by force of thought to remove an eyeball in inside and to blink the eyes, is sometimes visible, as a silvery nimbus over the head of the person at stay him in complete equilibrium of the psychoemotional sphere. This our new organic Body, and it pulses conformably to Magnitar. It now and they have a uniform system one basic rhythm of equal 0,1 Hz.
   Basic rhythm of the Universe too same, but in other execution, in other octaves. It is an octave on which the blue spot and Magnitar in the Galaxy center execute a certain dance, works in a new scale, including already three new octaves. It turns out that the power range of new hydrogen is absolutely other than a range of old hydrogen. It is ultrared color, more deep, than infrared color. This range became now the leader.
   We all live still as before and at all we don't know that we perceive already absolutely other power ranges. It has come time about which we were warned by our ancestors - you will live here in the Thin World, and there - everything thought copes, has wanted - the chair has moved, has wanted - itself has flown up.
   But, for the present we haven't reached to such an extent concentration of thought and not to have realized myself. Though I personally have at once noticed it as it became much simpler to me to carry out my work on mental restoration of the human body, one simple power of the concentrated thought, after all I work long ago as the spiritual healer.
   In this regard different phenomena have begun. The first, basic phenomenon - a nimbus luminescence. Before Transition he was Golden, now silvery. The truth you will seldom see him, after all the person has to be spiritually advanced - to know a lot of things, it was possible to be able and understand and see him too only at the same advanced person, and you won't so often meet it.
   Earlier this vision, with shift of focus of own sight, masters, and now and mentally healthy person difficultly to find owned only! Then very rigid magnetic field round Earth constrained our genetic structure, and now this field upon has stopped being rigid, that is it is, but another is perfect.
   It became softer and gentle and nevertheless very strong as a web, on a gap it is stronger than steel. But now the way of life of the person and his bearing as communication with the Universe is carried out via antennas of our backbone and if she - the antenna is faulty very strongly began to influence our understanding of in vital space, and information correcting us is perceived by a brain with a certain distortion. Look back around and you will understand that I am right.
   We have now other nervous system, we have ceased to see in tridimentionality, we have other eyes. During the last thousands of years before Transition, at least 26 thousand years, we in an eye at all had a so-called blind spot. The optic nerve which goes deeply to a skull, shut up a certain proteinaceous fabric, as a cap.
   This blind spot closed three quarters of our spheric sight. We don't see the Black hole and as the brain levels different nuances, illusion is created that we see everything. Nevertheless, existence of a blind spot allowed us to live in 3-dimensional Space limited and rigid. It was the Experiment condition.
   We should have studied the dense Plan, and we have carried out this task. Now we have passed to other stage of development of the personality and our previous Experiment is successfully complete, and this blind spot began to be dissolved and disappear in an eye, and now to us access to multidimensionality vision opens.
   This discovery of Planetary scale, it was noticed by scientists of all countries. I have changed тимус, vilochkovy gland though she on herself is very sacral. Now in a timus that Proteus was located. Here he is localized, and then is sprayed on all our thin nervous channels. Solar, lunar meridians, everything here is involved and they too became others.
   Immune supervision over all system has changed if earlier the system of immunity was formal, now she traces each human thought, and now it became so important competently to be able to think correctly, that is to think before has thought. All comes true right there and now, and the main thing, is clear why ...
   The following change of an organism - an almond-shaped body. It too in the area гиппокампа and a cerebellum. It switches over to conscious perception. Before Transition it there was "a fear house", him the limbic system with the rule governed is beat or run, as at animals.
   Now it was changed already at the level of the cellular mechanism. Instead of - beat and run the conscious perception of a present situation starts being shown. - Reasonable. - Not to sit and be afraid, and to think - as there everything will be? - Now all in process of receipt - I will come and I will understand. To live Here and now. That is we don't need to know how to do it, our new organic chemistry does it itself and at all doesn't demand our control or understanding.
   Here it also is the Divine freebie. Earlier we were responsible for the acts, and we will learn to be responsible for the thoughts now! In a brain old packages of neurons are dissolved. How it is shown in a life? Old packages of neurons is the all materialized habits which have entered at the level of the autopilot our life, everything that we do mechanically - has taken a match, has put a teapot, has lit gas ... Everything to what we have got used since the childhood and that isn't realized by us any more, we often do actions and we don't notice - as.
   Now there comes pseudo memory loss. She comes when the person isn't exposed to any external influence. For example, sits on a shop or at home in a quiet state and suddenly - I remember nothing times ... It lasts moments, 3-5 seconds, and you again enter your current life. But thus you switch off any old packages and old knowledge.
   For example, old children's habits which already aren't necessary to you, you the adult, and the situation won't repeat any more. In the power plan they were in brain structure, and so the brain was exempted from these old habits. Now it already isn't required to you, and it is big power layer.
   Pseudo forgetfulness is the place for the new is released. It is filled with this new and, at the right time, I start knowing simply something new. The knowledge comes Clearly. Before Transition we didn't have it, we should have passed School, to gain experience, to be gathered knowledge, and now experience appears itself, as Gift!
   Till a certain moment you don't know still, than you possess, but on - the situation is and you start using ready experience. Time is saved, forces are saved, it is a lot of still that. And you see a situation not on the one hand, and at once from several parties, and you see not with the purpose to condemn, and simply you perceive it as information.
   When at you there will come pseudo forgetfulness or something like a sclerosis, accept it absolutely quietly and know that it not an illness, and Planetary Transition. Also it is only the first stage Time Has changed, energy has changed, our perception has changed. We become those multidimensional beings who have been initially conceived by all Highest Forces.
   Now many opening go on the account of only our thoughts, for example, connection between a depression and osteoporosis is established - the university of Jerusalem has made the whole series of opening. The more the person is in a depression, the more at him bones and not only they start being softened.
   The characteristic of our time changes - you can do yourselves drugs. For example, you take a small bottle, you pour there waters from under the crane, either sacred, or ionized, any. You take a piece of paper and you write is my a depression medicine. Have written and have put under bank, and to bank have delivered at a headboard of the bed. Before falling asleep you speak to yourself - my subconsciousness will prepare for me in a night medicine and having drunk it in the morning I will become completely healthy. And so all also will occur!
   Remember that all this should be made with positive mood, then water will easily change structure and becomes such what to you will help, from a specific problem. Such and many other experiments, I have seen off repeatedly with the elderly neighbors in a communal flat. On my leading site you will find many details on this case.
   To me as to the expert in this case, twenty more if no more than years ago - by force of thought it was possible to change instantly chemical players of various liquids in a set of the soldered ampoules, besides their structure sometimes was so difficult that to me wasn't possible even to remember their name - I simply at the request of checking added that he to me called in structure. Everything was checked right there on a spectrometer and the result always was one!
   All this occurs at the level of children's perception - the easier you treat modern reality, the quicker and it will better turn out at you. Whether it is aware you, what the laughter changes consciousness? Easy as at children, the laughter goes for creation, it is the same low harmonious vibrations which resound with blue Magnitar in the Galaxy center.
   - To laugh - means with to resound with space. Remember that it can be applied to all aspects of your life - to the relations with children, to health, in the relations with state institutions, to transport, to on - to information lucheniye, to purchase of that is necessary - experiment! - pikabu.ru
   Mental problems of society modern, and in our history and their danger to all existence of mankind
   Presently such medical concept as epidemic - quite often causes association in the simple person with mass infectious diseases. However comparing a today's situation of mass schizophrenia and understanding in the history of mankind to me epidemics of other type - mental have started opening.
   The mention of mental epidemics can be found both in Herodotus and Plutarch's works, and in works of other philosophers. Such epidemics had especially wide circulation in the Middle Ages. Most brightly these mass hysterical phenomena were expressed in different convulsions known as dancing of St. Witt, national Italian dance тарантеллы and, at last, so-called quietism.
   Considering the frequency of own resonance of people of the diseased in the history - at me it has turned out here that - epidemics at the time of Herodotus and Plutarch the resonance was equal 11,5 Hz. Later = 11,6 Hz. In the Middle Ages own resonance of the diseased was already - 11,8 Hz. For example at active Fascists of Italy and Germany in 30-40 years of the last century he equaled already 11,9 Hz. Presently at people voting for Clinton he equals already 12 Hz! That is degradation of people having initial scoliosis brings them in a consequence to serious violations of mentality and as a result everything comes to an end with schizophrenia in an active form.
   And the most interesting here that all this began at people not watching the bearing, with change of a magnetic component to 5 Hz and with simple scoliosis, at own resonance in 3 Hz. In this point initial distortions in mentalities and perception of surrounding space because of an exit of thin bodies to the left side with a separation from a physical body, and also activization of imagination and simultaneous clearing of logic at noticeable violation of brain blood circulation begin.
   All this conducts to sharp activization of nervous activity of the brain, the increased touch sensitivity, excellent perception of the future, but loss of last life experience and the distorted perception of the present moment, and also new aggressive perception of healthy people and all surrounding space, occurring because of sharply raised own resonance moving consciousness in the opposite, dizgarmonichny side of our world.
   If to know physics, it is possible to notice that development of all live in our world happens on a spiral of a certain twist, and at degradation the main step of this spiral sharply changes towards increase in its diameter. I use this knowledge in techniques of information medicine for full and instant restoration of a state of health of the person, and also for change of frequency characteristics of various subjects from household use of people. So I manage to start the broken household appliances where electronics there is nothing doesn't react and as to start long ago not working computer, phone or the tablet which is at any distance from a point where there are I.
   It is possible to consider as other type of mental epidemics the religious epidemics taking place in many other places of a planet.
   As an example of this phenomenon it is possible to call the self-torture and self-flagellation epidemic which has extended from Italy across Europe in 1266 about which the historian reports the following: "The unprecedented spirit of a self-accusation has suddenly seized minds of the people. The fear before Christ has attacked all - noble and simple, old and young, even children of years of five wandered about streets without clothes with one only a belt round a waist. Everyone had a lash from leather belts which they castigated with tears and sighs the members so cruelly that blood poured from their wounds".
   Though the very first procession of samobichevatel known to stories belongs to 1260 and then a resonance of the diseased = 11,7 Hz. It then has arisen in Italy during internal wars between the father and the emperor. The hermit Ranier from Perugia has collected thousand crowds of excited people of all age and classes that "the word and an example to call people for a repentance and good deeds". They betrayed themselves to mutual castigation, mutually exciting each other, within 33 days, in "memory of the years lived on the earth by Christ".
   Then, the infection of self-flagellation has got further and has extended on the huge territory. According to the chronicle of 1261, self-flagellation was observed everywhere while, at last, the church to prevent dangerous consequences, together with the secular power hasn't stopped this epidemic.
   However the highest blossoming epidemic of castigation has reached in years "black death" - the plague devastating Europe. Under the influence of this terrible world disaster religiousness of the population of all countries that has led to emergence of a number of mental epidemics on the religious soil including epidemics of flagellant has sharply increased.
   The public opinion saw in plague epidemic the punishment granted from above for sins of people and found a way of their atonement in the form of rough, tremendous self-torture. - The whip came to an end with the sharp hook which was tearing out pieces of a flesh each time when adjoined to a body. People beat themselves so strongly that the whip often broke on part.
   - This description belongs to Heinrich Suzo, the medieval German mystic, and the speech in him goes about flagellantstvo experience.
   The matter is that because of strong change of system of the blood circulation, all blood flowed to feet and they became very heavy. In such state the body of sick people became almost sensitive to pain and blood at wounds came to a body surface very little. In the absence of blood in the majority of bodies and organism systems the body became so dense that to the touch could be perceived as a dry tree.
   So at the end of 1349 samobichevatel, or "krestovy brothers", masses began to appear in various countries of Europe. Their first processions have appeared in Austria and Germany. Passing from the city to the city, from the settlement to the settlement, they carried a mental infection about the country. Soon samobichevatel have started appearing masses in the city settlements of the Netherlands and France.
   It occurs just as at infection of people with any virus infection at communication of people at power level and amplifies, at that time when there is a peak of solar activity, at magnetic storms and other climatic changes of people breaking immune system. Then the resonance of people considerably rises and the person gets stuck in such state on long, if not forever.
   The administration of the USA is an example of that beginning from the President Abama and finishing those people who have probably and incidentally come to meeting with such sick speaker, but had initial scoliosis, that is a sore backbone and from it had no immune protection. They involuntarily catch his negative micropower and become the conductor of his sick ideas observing the world only as hostile and always aggressive for them personally.
   From earlier former, less large epidemics of self-flagellation it is possible to point to epidemics 1296, 1333-1334 taking place in Strasbourg and Bergamo. At last, the last procession of samobichevatel refer to 1414. However, it isn't absolutely exact. At Heinrich III (1551-1589) in France there were small epidemics of a flagellyation to which, allegedly, the king to whom the history attributes paederastic bents patronized. - Well if at the king a roof has demolished, he very well understood such people who are perfectly conformable with his sick mentality.
   From this like epidemics also American religious movements known under a name "Great American revival" are noteworthy.
   So, in 1800 the religious mania has extended practically over all country, having accepted the greatest scope in so-called "Kentuksky the vozrozhdeniyakh".
   The first meeting has open-air begun on May 22 and proceeded four days and three nights. Shouts, songs, prayers, exclamations, attacks of convulsions have turned this place into the huge arena. Trying to leave concourse or have been compelled to return as if carrying a certain mysterious force, or fell in spasms on the road.
   Here the matter is that also the space from such number of sick people raised the resonance and it became very difficult to leave him if not to tell - it is impossible as it there was already actually other world though also seen for our world. What to leave his circle it was necessary to lower the resonance, and it nobody was able to do and now actually isn't able to do. Simply people material values, instead of spiritual especially as garbage of people has gathered in America from all over the world which degraded interest more, haven't found house application, and now try to remake the world under itself.
   Therefore the ulcer of a lawlessness extended on states, raging with not ceasing rage. New families came from distant districts to be present on meetings which sometimes collected tens of thousands of citizens. Ordinary field meetings proceeded 4 days, from Friday to morning of Tuesday, and sometimes they were tightened for the whole week.
   One meeting quickly followed another. The people recovered the woods and the roads conducting to places of concourses. The tavern keeper gave up the work, the old man grabbed a crutch, the young man forgot the entertainments, the plow has been left in a furrow. All affairs have stopped. Courageous hunters and solid sailors, young people, girls and small children were flown down to the general center of gravity and "stuck in ecstasy" while the magnetic component of space hasn't started going down.
   Also big religious epidemics among the Jews, based on a prediction for secondary coming of the Messiah are known. The most considerable of such messianic epidemics is Sabbataysky epidemic.
   In 1665 one Jew by the name of Sabbatai Zevi - Schabtei Zvi in public declared himself long-awaited the Messiah. From it Jews have rejoiced and in the heat of belief and madness of religious intoxication ardently began to exclaim: "Long live tsar Judaic, our Messiah!"
   Maniacal ecstasy has seized their minds, men, women, children became hysterical. Businessmen threw the enterprises, workers - the crafts to be given to a prayer and a repentance.
   Day and night in synagogues sighs, shouts, sobbings were distributed. Such force was reached by religious mania that all rabbis opposing to her, had to rescue flight being afraid for the life.
   And here among the Persian Jews excitement has reached even before that all Jews grain-growers have stopped the works in fields. Even Christians who have resisted epidemic looked at Sabbatai with fear because the similar phenomenon has been predicted for apocalyptic year. The rumor about Sabbatai has dispersed all over the world.
   In Poland, in Germany, in Holland and in England the most serious Jews forgot the affairs at the exchange to talk about this surprising event on the historical homeland. Amsterdam Jews sent to Levant inquiries to the sales agents and received the short expressive answer: "It not who other, as He!" It doesn't remind you
   pre-election meetings of the applicant for the U.S. presidency of Hilary Clinton when her admirers it is almost universal cried with affection at a type of the mission.
   Everywhere, where Messiah messages came, Jews established posts on cabalistic manuals of the prophet Nathan, and then indulged wild fury. The Jewish communities of Amsterdam and Hamburg differed special absurd of religious wild behavior. So in Amsterdam Jews walked the streets with Torah rolls, sang, skipped and danced, as obsessed.
   Men and women, boys and girls coiled in hysterical spasms, crying out praise new the Messiahs. Many wandered in mad prophetical delight constantly exclaiming: "Sabbatai Zavi true the Messiah of a tribe of David, are given him a wreath and a kingdom!"
   Jews, appear, have absolutely lost the head. Rich men were from everywhere flown down to Sabbatai, giving to his order the riches. Many sold the houses and all property and went to Palestine. The number of pilgrims is so great that the cost of travel has considerably increased.
   In big commercial centers trade has absolutely stopped: the majority of Judaic merchants and bankers liquidated affairs.
   The belief in divine mission of Sabbatai became a religious doctrine, so important, as a doctrine about unity Bozhy. And when Sabbatai has been forced by the sultan to accept a magometanstvo, even then mystical messianic epidemic hasn't weakened.
   Many of Jews persistently denied the fact of apostasy: it not he, is his shadow has accepted Moslem. Even after death of Sabbatai his doctrine continued still long time to disturb minds of Jews, despite its obvious absurd as well as ruling minds of representatives of the European commonwealth have got stuck in a mezhvremeniye and don't know that to do when the people of the USA has elected the candidate without mental pathology which him not to understand, absolutely, at total absence of a brain in the head of Europeans. The matter is that at autism there is a fluidifying of a brain and it all becomes spinal liquid, well and where here to think logically.
   But even such global pathology is treated at the correct approach to it. - The mentality is instantly restored, excitement and a hyperactivity leaves, and then cells of a brain are gradually restored. I yet don't know completely as all this occurs and how fast the brain is completely restored, but according to members of families of such schizophrenics of relationship cured by me in a family are restored though any time him and was necessary to direct or correct often actions of such people in various household trifles.
   It is necessary to consider as a peculiar form of medieval mental epidemics and children's crusades.
   To emergence of a children's crusade in 1212-1213 I was the first incitement, according to some sources, religious the ritual made at that time across all France for kindling among the population of hatred against the incorrect.
   Other sources claim that the considerable part of business was continuous deception of east merchants pursuing commercial aims.
   Reporters believe that the foundation of the first children's crusade was laid by a certain Franciscan shepherd Etienne from the village near Vandom.
   To this shepherd allegedly once there was the divine vision which has given to him the letter to the French king. After that Etienne has started appearing in various districts and to sing songs in which urged children to rally together for return of the Holy Land from hands сарацин.
   He was adjoined by hundreds and thousands followers, and soon thus the army which number reached several tens of thousands children was formed.
   Despite the strict measures taken by Paris, it wasn't succeeded to extinguish this children's religious movement. To anything haven't led as well admonition of parents because the children's vozbuzhdennost has exceeded any borders.
   Movement gradually everything expanded, having chosen itself the direction towards the Mediterranean Sea. At last it has reached Marseille.
   Tell that two Marseilles merchants have put young crusaders on in advance prepared ships and have put out to sea. But near Sardinia these ships have crashed, the part of children was lost, and the others have been taken away by dexterous businessmen in Budzhiya and Alexandria where are sold in slavery.
   Almost similar phenomenon at the same time took place in Germany. The horde of children has gone from Cologne through the Alps to the Adriatic Sea, directed by the 10-year-old boy Nikolay - a resonance 12Гц. He managed by means of a number of performances and promises to attract on the road of one thousand children Man's and female the population at the sympathetic relation which saw sky command in this grass-roots children's movement.
   In Germany more than in France, adult men and the women pursuing various aims joined this procession and, mainly, opportunity to meet the sexual desires as the podklyuchka to their power from newcomers occurred from below, through the sexual sphere that raised their own резонанас already to 13,5 Hz and considerably made active, through increase of the general hormonal background their sexual inclination.
   It as at all prostitutes, occurs imperceptibly - somebody in a family has seriously fallen ill, having connected by him - healthy on the sexual sphere or they had the damaged sacral department of a backbone that most often occurs at childbirth at scoliotic mother or at an inflammatory state from a sacrum zastuzhennost.
   The outcome of the German crusade of children was so tragic, as well as result of the French children's campaign.
   The majority of children were lost on the continent from exhaustion, hunger and diseases. The insignificant part them has come back home at insistance of the father Innokenti III (1198-1216). Other part has reached Genoa and Rome, from where some have been returned home.
   When these children asked, why they went to a campaign, they assured that don't know it. The pernicious force of a mental infection was so great that the consciousness and mind have been suppressed in a root. Such occurs always, for example, when I correct mentally sick in the study, having reversed, in minutes it asks me: "And that I here do and as I here have got!" It is good that I have provided it in advance and at the same time with him have invited members of his family. Then all questions I disappear much quicker.
   The second children's campaign is considered a campaign of 1237. It has been carried on the manifestation to dancing epidemic. At last, it became known of the third campaign of 1458 from some Latin and German chronicles. The pilgrimage to St. Mikhail to Normandy was the purpose of this children's campaign. None of the children who were taking part in a campaign, haven't returned: the part was lost from cold and hunger, the others have been sold in slavery.
   In 1374 strange mass insanity has started extending and in Germany. It has existed about two hundred years and has disappeared as suddenly, as well as has appeared. People were captured by irresistible passion to dances. They gathered crowds and with wreaths in hair were turned in round dances with wild shouts and mad views.
   They convulsively twitched and in exhaustion fell to the ground. And then again jumped on feet, jumped, span, writhed and with such force banged itself fists up to a breast and to hips as if wanted to expel from the bodies of the demons installed in them.
   Foam acted from the mouths publishing terrible cries.
   Great number of the audience running together from all directions, keeping the eyes glued, watched terrible performances and therefore постепеноо were connected also. In different places madness took various forms.
   Descriptions of wild dancings remained in the published memoirs not doctors and not experts, and incidentally appeared on a scene struck seen people who have been convinced that only the evil spirit can bring to such condition of the person and, so the reasons of madness of dancers in devil delusion.
   About deranged the plyasunakh told the mass of fantastic stories, and all wanted to see them the eyes. For the sake of it peasants left the fields, and handicraftsmen - the workshops. Women stopped being engaged in a household, children left parents, the servant - the misters.
   Adventurers and swindlers joined to raging, dexterously imitating their gestures and behavior. Wandering with плясунами, they could live easily and nourishingly.
   In July, 1374 the raging have appeared in Aachen. In a month more than 500 people danced on streets of Cologne. From Germany dancing insanity was thrown to the Belgian cities. Generally raging were from poor people who had considerable injuries in a backbone, so and "holes" in immune system of an organism.
   As if being under hypnosis, they repeated each other that soon demons through them will be installed in bodies of noble people and princes and those will destroy hated him churchmen.
   And why churchmen and because those physically didn't work as peasants and were the most healthy people, in that far time. - It became almost impossible to suffer violators of public tranquillity and the power of the Belgian cities have removed raging with force in 11 weeks.
   Dancing fever of the XIV century was not the first in Europe. In 1237 in the German city of Erfurt the passion to dances and vagrancy has suddenly captured over one hundred children who have gone to the neighboring city of Arnshtadt. All road they danced and jumped and when have reached the purpose of the travel, in exhaustion fell on the earth. Here they were picked up also by the parents who have gone in the wake of the offsprings.
   As the chronicle reports, many of children have soon died, and at survived trembling of a body has remained to the death.
   The case which has occurred in Christmas night 1021 in church of a monastery, located near the German city of Bernburga has been many times described. There was a service to which stirred noise and shout of eighteen raging peasants. At last the priest Ruprecht has lost patience and has damned them, having declared that in punishment for the obscene behavior they will dance and shout the whole year.
   Then many spoke, as if this wish and has come true.
   The unfortunate danced and couldn't stop. Having lost forces, they fell to the ground, and then, having a little had a rest and having recovered, rose and again began to dance, as clockwork dolls.
   Only thanks to protection of two compassionate bishops who have regretted them madmen have been relieved of further dancings. All of them have fallen into the dream, proceeding three days. Then four of them have died.
   At the others trembling of extremities has for the rest of life remained. It occurs from that compassionate bishops have changed their state only on 6, more rough bodies, without having affected the last, the thinnest, but is information the strongest, divine body as were afraid to interfere with affairs of God. Though could make and it, time were able and understood an essence of the phenomena. It means that skilled and competent people were in various times, but their life and family education left on them the mark - always.
   The penultimate mass madness an event has occurred last century in fascist Italy. It has developed from inspirituality of part of society of that time, at long magnetic storms with a frequency of 3,2 Hz, and from increase from this own resonance of people on the last divine body to 12 Hz. That is, it were the same
   people, but already with other moral and ethical installations in the depth of the brain adjusted on подавлениеи that who thinks in a different way and has low own resonance subconsciously irritating fascists of 12 Hz adjusted on another wave.
   Gradually the fascism virus, in the thirties, was thrown on the negative soil sprouted in Germany and has developed there in dissatisfied part of society, on favorable circumstances where negative qualities of a superiority over more healthy people, because of their full not understanding and not compatibility on a resonance began to be shown.
   And here the last mass sumasshedstviye the most terrible and destructive of all that was in our history, in essence, develops directly before our eyes. It has revived on the basis of mass inspirituality in the USA and then has been widespread violently on Europe and the blizhy East and has been almost violently programmed the specialist by services of the USA in Ukraine. Here already and the frequency of magnetic storms has considerably increased, sometimes to 260 Hz, and the resonance of victims has increased to 13,5 Hz and the destroying factor on all 7 bodies of the person has taken roots.
   All this madness improves, as before, very easily - power of specifically directed thought of the person and his micropower, которцю materialistically conceiving people completely reject. But after that way of life another quieter and realized by the person is required to conduct corrections, and many simply don't want to do it.
   They speak: "The world round us too aggressive and so showing агрессю it is easier to live, it is so possible to have taking away necessary from those who is underdeveloped". And it also is fascism which is spread by a top of the USA and her satellites a top of the infected Europe and the most part is made mentally sick population of Ukraine.
   In their schizophrenic representation turned and put, actually, on ears, all sane world is underdeveloped and dangerous in all the manifestation. Therefore as our political scientists on television don't try to talk some sense into full idiots good words at them anything and when it won't turn out, and here to themselves they can create a huge problem and will catch, yet a virus of rage not seen for modern medicine! And then in our healthy society him it will be close and they will leave there where the same clients from психпалаты with lattices at windows understand them.
   Such of earlier decent and widely known people, especially from journalists, politicians and actors very much and many people in Russia them know, has gone to Ukraine with a concert or to relatives, has communicated long to the American journalists or politicians, giving them интерьвью and became such, and then has absolutely ceased to understand not only relatives in a family, but also in general all absolutely healthy people in our society therefore has found full understanding in the USA or in Kiev.
   All this is so dangerous as far as it isn't realized absolutely not by all international society that can lead to spontaneously arisen nuclear war. - So people remember that quality of private life and its duration depends on your way of life and your habitat - always and as she depends on your environment which, for example, can be network where in general there are no healthy people - initially! Therefore to be in a network it is possible - very short time and that only behind correctly installed monitor!
   For example, it is possible to lose absolutely family touches and mutual understanding if you have left by any need to Ukraine or have communicated in the yard to the infected same virus the person, and having come back home became the admirer of vakhabist, began to steal at the work money in space scales or to preach such things about which healthy people speak - the roof has moved down. All this can occur, absolutely, without your understanding of the process - transition to a new state. So take care and always you look, really estimating a situation, around, what then not to finish life in psychiatric clinic.
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   2. Zhuravlyov V. N. Tekhnologiya of health. Part 2. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2005.
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   4. Zhuravlyov V. N. Zhit long and qualitatively. New opportunities of bezmedikamentozny existence of the person. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2008.
   5. Zhuravlyov V. N. Information view of the reasons of mental diseases and methods of their successful treatment. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2008.
   6. Zhuravlyov V. N. Secrets of character and behavior of the modern person. Psychological features and anomalies in character of the person, his behavior in a family and relationship in society at various injuries of cervical department of a backbone and scoliosis. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2008.
   7. Zhuravlyov V. N. Knowledge developing consciousness of the modern person. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2009.
   8. Zhuravlyov V. N. Active way of life for many years. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2009.
   9. Zhuravlyov V. N. Reference book of the person successful and independent of circumstances. "Petropolis", S. Pb. 2009
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   13. Zhuravlyov V. N. Modern art of healing of soul and body. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2013.
   14. Zhuravlyov V. N. Tekhnologiya of a resolution of conflicts. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2013.
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   Zhuravlyov V. N. "Zvezdonutost" problems - the reasons of emergence and ways of disposal. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
   Zhuravlyov V. N. Reference book of the sane person. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
   Zhuravlyov V. N. New possibilities of existence of the person. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
   15. Zhuravlyov V. N. Great secret of life, learning, be transformed. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
   Zhuravlyov V. N. Psikhokibernetika - the theory of knowledge and development of the person. Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc, 1415 Limberlost Road, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6 CANADA1. 2015.
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   Internet materials
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   Table of contents
   1. We make a final choice of a vector of the life.
   2. A whim - an initial basis of a serious mental disease.
   3. We analyze mistakes, we avoid them and we strive for personal happiness.
   4. The mentality is such thin piece ...
   5. As it is necessary to help people.
   6. Specifics of work of a brain.
   7. Danger of high own resonance, both people, and things, various myths for the people trusting in them.
   8. Illiteracy of parents, the main reason for diseases and mortality of youth till 18 years.
   9. Clairvoyance gift godsend or persistent work on.
   10. Gastroezofagealny reflyuksny illness.
   11. Tendency to a depression and a pose of sitting are at the computer interconnected.
   12. Movements of the person can tell a lot of things about his character.
   13. Thousands of people live with boundary to autism a state.
   14. Consciousness shift in time and space quite real thing.
   15. Big depressive frustration - useless reception of energizers.
   16. Thought as the progress engine in information medicine and not only.
   17. Aging of an organism is a sign of internal degradation of the personality.
   18. Whether there are psychics actually or they were simply thought up by people?
   19. Treatment and prevention мелиоидоза.
   20. New representations what it is possible to do with DNA?
   21. The perception of a magnetic field as a way of orientation in space, and maybe something also is considerable the bigger?
   22. Work with the phantom.
   23. Violation of the law, crime, terrorism, reason of their emergence and ways of prevention.
   24. Prime causes of children's problems.
   25. Diabetes as it is.
   26. Hormones from what why and why, and it is better to know all this as soon as possible.
   27. Myocardial infarction.
   28. Computers, gadgets, smartphones and not the motivated aggression directed after the relation to healthy people.
   29. The earth - occupation, laboratory or the general house?
   30. High own resonance of parents the highest danger to the child.
   31. Symptoms of a stroke as to avoid it without application of drugs
   32. As we live and as though it is necessary.
   33. The door to other worlds - reality of our life, becomes more and more open.
   34. One of many and improbable for human thinking an example of work of the spiritual healer.
   35. All our life study in world knowledge, you don't develop - you degrade.
   36. We not one on our planet, we simply one of many.
   37. Critical errors of medical science of the countries of the West and all medicine of the world as a whole, at treatment of tuberculosis and many other diseases as a whole.
   38. As we create to ourselves problems - simply you are given to a miracle.
   39. Work the head and problems at you will be never.
   40. New secrets of our world can make out and start be used. .........
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