Zhuravlyov V. N.
New realities of modern human life
St. Petersburg
Health is when everything hurts, but still there are forces not to go to the doctor.
We make a final choice of a vector of the life
People were created on a planet Earth by representatives of civilization very far from us "Children of stars" - so they call themselves. These are very beautiful high-spiritual people of high growth, with blue eyes and a thick red hair. They have presented us in the form of one of numerous forms of life, by the way, similar to itself, created by them on Earth by means of that general vital force - micropower which they considered and consider as a basis and a source of all real in the world. It indeed actually - after all using this force, they have achieved everything.
These are the handsome with whom it is necessary to fall in love at first sight. They simply shine from the benevolence. They for communication at all don't need language. They transmit the thought over any distance. Their thought becomes material in any of our worlds, only at the correct submission of necessary information, and it is pure physics.
This force we, people of Earth, call manifestation of Divinity or God. Such force is present at each of us equally and therefore we are similar to god and we can practically everything, but not all this understand due to the lack of experience and introspection in the thinking and therefore not only lag behind in self-development, but also gradually self-destruct. And though this divine part exists as the all-powerful Divine in all Universe, but she isn't incarnate in any concrete image.
On their representations the Divine is called as Light of the Universe or the Highest Beginning of all real. Probably, therefore when they think, start shining directly from the head. As for modern mankind, that, in opinion of "Children of stars" or the red-haired handsome with blue eyes, it has to regenerate spiritually, having found light of the existence to avoid further degradation and, eventually, full self-destruction. I would translate it as development of spirituality and full internal improvement.
Only provided that people of Earth will manage to become one of space civilizations, and in the subsequent to come into contacts with other civilizations similar to us. In his present state the space community doesn't want to establish connection with mankind and it is quite logical, after all from our unstable psychoemotional state one problems even on Earth, and why to transfer them to Space community.
Implementation of this rule watch, I will conditionally call them so - "Grey" which are one of controlling civilizations behind all transformations happening in the Universe. All civilization "Grey" quite so estimates us modern people of Earth and considers hope for our self-improvement by absolutely unreal task. Even, recently, the same doubts in spite of the fact that I have achieved a certain progress in situation mitigation on our planet too began to overcome me and they are visible not armed look to any inhabitant.
On their belief, present inhabitants of Earth represent negative result of their experiment on breed removal - the Homo sapiens. After all putting, at the level of DNA, in consciousness of ancestors of mankind those principles and standards of behavior which, apparently, have served, a basis of bible Ten Precepts, "Grey" assumed that they will work and that the mankind won't fall to present level of spiritual decomposition and full self-destruction.
In their opinion, it is impossible to correct here already anything, and an exit one - to destroy all inhabitants of Earth while they haven't destroyed Earth. Process is already started, and only in our joint forces to stop it in spite of the fact that "Grey" don't want to leave on her what traces of existence of a present civilization and then "to start" everything anew.
"Gray" consider that, being responsible for creation of unfortunate mankind, they have the full right to arrive so. Moreover him so far back in the past, as it not the first their unsuccessful attempt to occupy Earth already was necessary to arrive. "Gray", in coordination by the red-haired handsome have determined final date of a carrying out of the plan and it has already come. Simply look back back, carry out the analysis of the latest events from the life, and, having drawn a conclusion from all comprehended, you agree with me.
The chance to bring to reason mankind already almost has ended with a failure, there were last attempts of Children of Stars, and in behavior of people of Earth there are no positive shifts. "Gray" start universal elimination of our civilization through radiation by special frequencies of the power centers in our backbone, changing endocrine and immune systems in our organism. Listen to itself, and everyone will understand that I am right. Use the last chance!
The energy potential put in each of us, without exception, is really boundless as at him there is a truth of Divine Fire, but not all realize it. The majority of people, having lived the life full of terrestrial passions and vain hobbies, only on a threshold of death start realizing that there is other, Highest Reality and she can't be avoided. But, alas, enlightenment to them comes too late. And after all if it has occurred earlier, their all life would develop in a different way.
All of us live in great times of quantum jump and considerable changes of our internal psychoemotional state. Changes happen nearly an every day and so quickly, what not each person manages to realize them and to follow Time command. Especially as for this purpose, first of all, it is necessary to change in itself, having changed own Consciousness.
Fundamental conclusions of new physics show that any reality is created by the observer, and as authors ourselves are involved in her creation. Recently scientific physicists has been compelled to recognize that the Universe represents a "mental" design that the stream of knowledge moves to nonmechanical reality, and the Universe starts resembling more grandiose thinking, than the enormous mechanism.
The reason any more doesn't look the called guest who has incidentally intruded in area of a matter, on the contrary we should proclaim him her the founder and the master. We still should get used with the indisputable conclusion that the Universe has not material, but the spiritual and mental nature.
We have passed into the mental world, and now if you change own Consciousness, everything will be subject to you that you will wish, after all the nuclear structure of the world has changed, our body was loosened, and power of thought has considerably amplified. Therefore you become the lord of the Universe and you can operate thought any processes in our world if you do the things positively. - For you there are any more no obstacles.
Perhaps, therefore, people especially often began to address to me from all country and even much from abroad, with a huge request that I have taught them to the skill, and has given the chance to them to work as the spiritual healer. Thus specify absolutely different reasons which have induced them to address to me. Probably, part from them consider that to work with power of thought, instead of physically, it is very easy work.
Therefore I want them to warn as the expert, is a lot of years engaged in the help to sick, suffering people, I want to tell what will follow me that they have chosen very difficult way, and he won't bring to them neither glories, nor honor. And all of that in our country is too much technically competent people, but too little spiritually developed, as makes their choice the very difficult.
All of us long and peculiar brainwashed on materialism after revolution of 1917 that proceeds and still. People are too limited to technical knowledge, but are absolutely not familiar with the spiritual sphere though this knowledge would allow them to achieve considerably bigger success in life if they owned them.
It is good that still there are people who choose the help to other people the main vital work and the main profession. But they start understanding soon, due to full immersion in process of the help to "neighbor" that their initial motivations suffer crash.
Those to whom they helped and even have really helped, through short time lose a vital positive as lead a former life ruining personal health. They don't watch at all the bearing, and another it isn't necessary to speak about something at all.
These former patients don't want to change the addictions and aren't ready to new transformations of the organism. They don't want to change anything and at all in those quantities recommended to them what it would be desirable. These "drowning" somehow doesn't hurry to grab a circle which to him incessantly throw. Then the rescuer reconsiders the belief and, most likely, comes to such conclusions: Rescue of the drowning - work drowning. Is useless to help the person if he doesn't want to help itself(himself).
It becomes noticeable quickly enough on lack of positive changes in life at this person and even if you have quite recently made him absolutely healthy - he all the same comes to the illness. The matter is that when you have helped him, especially when it occurs free of charge or for purely symbolical payment, he considers that always can address again to you, and you will help him again.
Therefore I advise you that your work would be fixed, and your patient held it "teeth" restore to him the psychoemotional sphere and take a high payment for the work. It doesn't mean that the sum of money has to be ultraboundary, simply it has to be estimated as real by the patient. Then, having estimated your work he will hold your councils and recommendations after his head will join him will reach that he has paid with the work for the health. And the work appreciate all. He has time the head on shoulders, let him and use it.
But if you haven't restored his psychoemotional balance, he won't be able to use the head. He will consider, why to put on the head on shoulders if long ago I didn't use it. You will help both next time, and again and again. You give the time, money, health, hope, and results can be or scanty or in general any. And after all efforts you could spend all this personally for yourselves.
Understand, it is his life and he has chosen it. If she isn't pleasant to him then for a long time everything would change but if doesn't change even with your help, so you haven't helped him or he wants nothing, and you don't potter with him more, here already not to help in any way from outside. It is his personal choice, let and such strange, but it is necessary to recognize it.
The brain of the person has very difficult and mysterious structure for physicians, and it with an ulterior motive - after all he controls work of all bodies and systems. And even short-term shutdown of brain activity is fraught with terrible consequences therefore persons of no character I call people with sharp violation of brain blood circulation, and to put it briefly, autists of different forms and states.
For appearance of such patients in society parents or other relatives who haven't tracked change of their state have to assume responsibility, and have subjected all to huge danger as they have grown up the power vampire and very hazardous to health of people around.
To recover health after autism and to rescue the person from intellectual degradation for me very simply, but to track further performance of my councils and recommendations owe the native. They will have to specify to already vyzdorovshy person a safe way of life and to warn that can't be done what again not to ache.
Autists from that and weak that they have no forces there is no will and desire to change something inside they are empty, they constantly become reserved. This process is eternal. Helping such people without experience, the person himself only огребёт big problems to the own harm, than than will really bring benefit to other person. Persons of no character are always the hidden power vampires, him always will be only a little: your attention, time, money or forces.
They consider "donors" no more than a resource, let in whole or in part and don't realize it. Remembering it, don't allow the person of no character to parasitize on itself and don't confuse itself to Mother Teresa. It she had absolutely unique mission on Earth from what she and has suffered, having remained in our world the publican. If to you God personally wasn't and didn't give such mission, it means at you another.
At us, people show full illiteracy in questions of existence of the person in the thin worlds to which he gets after the death, and it is advisable to know that them expects for behavior here - after all everything not so simply! It appears, after death life not only proceeds, but also her quality and duration directly depends on the frequency of own resonance.
If the person led a dissolute life, and respectively didn't watch the bearing therefore he broke brain blood circulation that he simply couldn't notice, and the mental state which immediately increased his own frequency respectively changed. And when this frequency of a resonance increased higher than 3 Hz, after death his further life any more didn't cost not a stiver, after all the condition of a personal resonance considerably affects a state of mind, her psychoemotional state and quality of further existence.
The worlds where we can get after death and a choice of forms of further life great variety. Everything depends directly on soul burdening by her actions in a material world. Even the small difference in own resonance is a considerable obstacle, for achievement of visible or notable desirable action in any of the close worlds. After all all of them nearby, nearly one in one. But it is possible to pass through them, and only the low worlds are strongly isolated from others.
The person, with a high resonance any more doesn't pass to the thin worlds as all healthy people, and remains the publican, that is incorporeal essence which without body couldn't recharge the internal battery" being in our material world. And therefore his soul starts "getting" differently remained to live relatives and relatives what to be loaded again. Mostly it becomes when they sleep and therefore many don't attach any significance to it, and it is advisable to reflect after all always it is possible, something to think up.
That place where the soul of the dead gets, depends on her own resonance, that is frequency on which it is adjusted and from here that she does there and as exists, directly depends on it. This frequency of own fluctuations of thin power of soul lies in very small limits from 0 to 2,6 - norm that allows to pass to the thin worlds and to continue the further existence. Frequency from 2,6 to 3 Hz - allows to make same with a delay before fall of a resonance and from 3 to 13,5 Hz - pathology - when the soul remains in our world as the publican and exists at the expense of the live relatives or close acquaintances, thereby killing them.
After death they too become publicans, and exist before full dissolution of the power, testing hell torments, and perish very slowly and painfully. Below I give an example of this state constructed on experience of my long and quite successful work with people.
Similar cases at me in practice met much, but I will give only one example of one my patient whatever to load you excess information: - "At me the grandmother has died 10 years ago. We with her lived in the different cities. She has died on hands of the patients of the son and the granddaughter. At o'clock and day of her death she has dreamed me, having recovered consciousness to me, in a dream and has told that I am necessary to her as the most healthy person, capable to help her.
Before we a little very much communicated and that is casual as she always was ill and me wasn't so interesting. I lived from her far and when has married, have left further away. According to mother, the grandmother has lived very difficult life as by the nonsense I became the disabled person then her character has deteriorated finally.
When we happened to mother at her on a visit, she lay all the time therefore we communicated with her a little. And here she to dream me, as the live and close grandmother. Tells me that dies week, can't leave. That to her it is very heavy that native not to hear her groans, have closed a door to her room and don't bring neither waters, nor food, with her it is very lonely and sick.
I felt very sorry for her and when she has gone to a better world, I have told that will come still, has asked to remember her and to regret. The grandmother for 10 years periodically came to me in a dream. I told how lives what there to be very terribly, and she constantly experiences moral oppression, probably, therefore after such dreams I felt broken.
Dark souls which have seized Earth in the thin world, have constructed prisons for those who here gets. In them phantoms of the died people are stored in any cases in dark boxes from which let out only for mockery at them. Here are engaged in a constant sadism - torture, torment, burn and even revive, for further torments, (as here all aggressors are adjusted on the frequency of 5 Hz, and their slaves much more therefore they more weakly).
The grandmother explained that when them torture and torment, from them take away energy of life experience, and memory of last embodiments, taking away them to itself then there is only a fear. When they will finish this process of all release, leaving without will, without sensibleness of the personality that is the most terrible, after all they simply thaw in space forever.
When the person dies and flies by on a ridge being bent tunnel on bright light, much manage to avoid this prison at once as soon as they from the platform will see this distributor in which them tightens. The matter is that it is necessary to go not here, and on the lightest, gentle and pleasant light, instead of to turn ahead of time and not to listen to others enticing actions. But, only more advanced souls which remember experience of dying from antecedents can make it.
The same who, with high frequency, passes this terrible turn, in 40 days could start living in our incorporeal world and when they finish own energy, they start being connected to bodies native while those sleep. That is they become power vampires, differently completely would be lost, having gone to the earth.
Though vampires kept the consciousness, but all the same without others power couldn't live any more, and relatives suffered from them, got sick and then, dying with a high resonance, repeated a way of the previous generations. Generally vampires are connected to a backbone at the level of a waist, to adrenal glands, kidneys and on the sexual sphere. Where they stuck, that body and suffered most of all".
Due to the beginning of quantum jump, there was an unexpected transformation for me the negative worlds to a resonance in 2 Hz. All inhabitants have been moved, to a new semi-material world where remain, vegetating at the level of ghosts, dragging the pathetic existence, but without opportunity to revive and to correct something.
In this world, generally people having scoliosis of various degree, not had opportunities to rise above. This world is enclosed with a high wall and is protected by policemen similar appearance on robots. Guards without emotions, but have calculation to live at the expense of live as they haven't developed the left hemisphere.
From here, our ancestors who have gone to a better world very much ask us to help them as there strongly suffer because of deprivation of force, lack of experience and opportunity to correct something in the life. But it concerns only for souls with a resonance higher than 3 Hz, and all opportunities to gather further experience and to improve development are open for another. Only here, in our material world, it is possible to help them and too. We here possess force, the knowledge hidden in subconsciousness and more many than about what at all we don't suspect.
We have even a church, doesn't own these questions, and it is a pity. After all there are a lot of died people, for the terrestrial affairs are canonized though absolutely them don't become. More often they vampires both on life and after her. Well, imagine if the person suffered all life, had a serious illness, had a deviation of mentality and a high resonance where he will get? - He simply publican, and we sympathize with his vital sufferings or external aspirations to god, we do it by an icon and he starts us discharging when we mentally opening to him, we ask for the help. The help here any, and problems at us constants.
Here example. I possess good power as constantly I watch a bearing therefore it is easy to find my power (immune system) at distance of five kilometers. At me big church almost in the yard therefore I often come there. And as soon as I come to the room, to me to a waterway, at once, is attached a whisper of years 19 and follows me to the exit from church. But, after his power contact with me my feet are poured by such weight that I fir-trees-fir-trees come to light.
Once I even has turned back to it and has asked that from me it is necessary for it, and he has answered the truth: "It is warm and easy for me when I follow you". This guy with sick mentality and it is visible not only on the person, but also on a figure and all depression. He very full from diabetes of the second type and at average height weighs not less than 150 kilograms. I have seen him, the live place isn't present, all sick. He because of mother of a skolioznitsa had a patrimonial trauma of cervical department of the backbone, brought to autism therefore he is such patient and was.
I even have talked to the priest and have asked him, - why he holds the fellow at church, after all that does irreparable harm for many healthy people and to these отваживает them from god. And as the priest was a skolioznik, he hasn't understood me - absolutely and such happens to many priests.
Last summer I went on monasteries and everywhere the same picture. Are sick not only monks, but also many priests conducting constant service in the temple. And it means, they transfer the problems to people who come to them behind psychoemotional balance or health.
- I have got to talking with one of monks, with a linking of ancient keys on a belt, about their life in a monastery, - the father Gleb, fifteen years in a monastery. He from the neighboring village, lived uncomfortably and therefore has come to a monastery. On the infirmity guards any ancient building and gate to his yard.
Would speak quicker to die, I was absolutely tired to live. Looks really nasty. I have come to a monastery behind simplification, but became even worse, and now and there is no place to leave. And such it is full. I have helped him and while we told about half an hour, he has recovered, has thanked me, and has told that now will ask for other work.
So your future, my readers, depends on understanding of today, all in your own hands though our transformation still proceeds, and even I can't tell, than all tonkomaterialny reorganization will end. Take care, you watch a bearing and then life in a physical body won't terminate for you tragicly.
The master, wiping hands, hands over the car to the client and in passing with him stirs:
- And here you with whom work?
- The surgeon, I perform heart operations...
- And pay much?
- 300 000 thousand for operation
- Here pancake... after all in fact same we do, you touch cursors also I too... and only 20 000 rubles pay to me...
- Want just as to receive I?
- Certainly!!!!
The surgeon gets a roll of money from a pocket and starts the motor...
- Touch...
Whim - an initial basis
serious mental disease
In behavior of each of people any strangeness or whim which as we think, is peculiar to only the certain person will always be found and we are mistaken because, according to the science, each our small whim, a habit or "an easy dash of madness" it is possible to find the strict scientific explanation. I almost always did it when at the correspondence diagnostics which is carried out by phone, I emerged any forgotten фактик from life of my patient.
Here characteristic example. The man with scoliosis and own resonance of 5,4 Hz. - I was born from mother with strong scoliosis and a resonance of 7 Hz, that is the patrimonial opening in pelvic bones of mother has been strongly blocked and therefore at the birth the child hasn't begun to breathe at once, having been traumatized at reanimation of all sacral department of a backbone. You, probably, guess as it becomes still when the surgeon, the shaggy paw, beats on buttocks of the kid that that would begin to breathe.
From here, my patient, suffered the parurezy - fear of an urination in the presence of other people. He even at first didn't admit it when I have asked him for the first time, and only after my explanations, has given the affirmative answer. He considered it as a whim and therefore at all didn't consider this fact as any disease.
I remember, at the several first cases I even had to conduct small research. And here that has become clear. If near such patient, in a toilet, there was a person with the weakened immune system, he always, even against the will, was connected and hung on foreign immune system just in the field of a sacrum, than completely blocked an urination of the patient. After all power emissions in this area of a sacrum always opened for it "door".
Over time experience accumulation I began to protect the health and have ceased to speak by the cell phone and as to prove something to people long. Simply I did the part - cleaning all problems found by me an organism of the patient, without being pointed at all at "unimportant details" though if to tell the truth, in any organism anything unimportant isn't present. Each factor is essential and plays large role in our life.
The next moment, to me meets more and more, especially recently, this mechanical obkusyvaniye of nails. Such fact, sometimes, at all isn't fixed or justifies and transferred by consciousness of the person to something another. Onikhofagiya is one of the most widespread mental disorders of the present who is expressed in a persuasive obkusyvaniye of nails, approximately at 46% of aged people from 10 to 18 years.
And occurs for very simple reason - lack of a bearing when a neck of teenagers it is long it is inclined forward, for example, at infinite conversations of youth by phone that forces the seventh cervical vertebra to leave the top part back, and forces out the first chest vertebra the top part forward. From it blood circulation in finger-tips of hands is broken, they grow dumb, freeze, and nails dry and break.
Too, as well as in the first case, has very much bothered to convince people about this fact, and especially teenagers - they don't agree at all and constantly argue, from here I report about a problem only to parents or other family members, let will track as such mental "a little" will surely affect and their personal relations. I am always right in such questions as really I see any organism as whole debugged "mechanism" in interaction.
Aleksitimiya - inability of the person to realize or express the psychoemotional state. It too the disease also develops it at violation of a direct bearing of the person. People understand the interlocutor without words if are adjusted on one wave of own resonance. When it isn't present, there is a misunderstanding. For example, if the difference in a resonance more than 1,5 Hz, occurs misunderstanding and if it is more than 3-4 Hz, such picture when the girl declares "is drawn" that her beloved insufficiently with her is sincere. - He never shares with her the experiences, he any eternally detached, him at all doesn't excite that occurs at her in soul, and so on.
You can trust, you can not trust, but two of three similar complaints can be explained with the medical phenomenon named by "Aleksitimiya". This term means inability of the person to realize and put into words own psychoemotional state.
To some extent each of us has Aleksitimiya, after all hardly anyone from us can brag of the excellent bearing. However in the most hard cases this state can make the life seriously of us miserable. I assure, Aleksitimiya prevents to live about 20% of people, and among them it is more than men, than women.
Violent emotional expression or psevdobulbarny affect. - Present: the chief lectures you for any serious miss, and you feel that a second more - and you will burst out laughing, and you can do nothing with yourself. You try to get it together - you understand, than it threatens you, but, as though you constrained yourselves, the guilty look is gradually replaced by the silly smile, then the squeezed snicker, and soon from you the real loud hysterical loud laughter escapes.
Such state happens at strong scoliosis and own resonance of the person not less than 8 Hz. Business here that the logic is switched completely off, and imagination is so intensified that itself operates the person, speaking to him: "you are a player on life and always you risk".
Intolerance or not approval of certain sounds. Practically each of us doesn't take out any sound: polyfoam on glass, chalk on a board, a scratch of a swing, champing and many other things. Normally it or not, depends on that it for sounds and as far as they prevent you to live.
And here the mental disorder under the name "mizofoniya" is already a state when irritation cause usual, nothing remarkable sounds. For example, sounds which are made by other people when eat, breathe, cough or are engaged in another absolutely usual and not noisy matters.
Here one disease of mentality is imposed on another. That is a mizofoniya on a narcolepsy when the brain absolutely in a stopper also reacts practically to any, even not loud sound.
Oppositional disorder of disobedience. In big collective always there will be somebody with scoliosis which perceives everything in bayonets that there is "from above", especially when the chief a balanced and healthy person. Because of a resonance in 5 Hz it considers as the main goal to undermine authority of the administration in the way most noisy and unpleasant for last. He altercates and argues in each insignificant occasion and it turns out that the chief suffers him for the time being.
When there is nothing to do, are accepted to great causes.
We analyze mistakes, we avoid them and we aspire
to personal happiness
People start making all mistakes only when our imagination comes off a projection of own body in space, and the resonance raises higher than 3 Hz that is if the right shoulder becomes lower left and besides there is it on one of thin plans. This situation becomes possible only then when the physical body loses the correct bearing for long term, and the person doesn't take any measures to her restoration.
The person continues to sleep not on one side, and with an inclination on a stomach when the top foot comes for dimensions of the bottom foot forward. From it the backbone of the person is developed on own axis, there are multiple muscular blocks and tension that directly changes brain blood circulation, completely changing the world round him and his internal feelings.
Here all logic, a logical reasoning is considerably extinguished, and the imagination considerably escapes forward. The person becomes a player on life when absolutely ceases to come to desirable, but always to notable and so close and desirable result. When his arrogance, cockiness and aggression increases because it, more and more, people not adjusted with it on one wave cease to understand.
This characteristic of behavior is inherent in all poets, musicians and artists of all times and the people. These are people with active imagination who live torn off from healthy society and to which constantly envy, but with further violation of their brain blood circulation start clashing openly. Such process, degradations of consciousness of people, infinite and it can proceed before consciousness elimination as that.
But don't consider that you have already missed the chance. In life of each of us there are various take-off and falling depending on a situation in which we are also our reaction to her. Our reaction to any situation always will be true and accurate if we control a bearing of the backbone. In a bearing laws of physics and health our head and marrow, and as all correct work of all systems and bodies of our organism are strongly connected.
Life in a material body, is study, we behind it here and have come to these severe conditions what to get experience for use him during lifetime already in the thin worlds. There without him we have nothing to do. Therefore life such, also consists of falling and take-off.
But don't consider that have missed the necessary time. Each situation lived by you brought you to that moment in which you are now. And every moment your life, including present, you begin anew.
If in you there is a courage to recognize that to you it is terrible when you can smile even through tears and speak when your voice shivers from indecision if in you it is enough to ask confidence about the help when she to you is necessary, and wisdom to accept the help when to you her offer, you have all to make your life much better.
Correct a bearing in front of a big mirror. As to make it I already in detail described. You remember, the bearing improves by rules of study of the strength of materials. If one shoulder is lower, it is necessary to raise it at the expense of an inclination of the top part of a trunk and lowering of an opposite shoulder. The technique takes only two minutes.
Further, never use the unsuccessful personal relations as excuses. Life not always reduces or acquaints us with people whom we want to meet. But at times, she presents us people whom we need to meet and which have to give us help.
Never change to please to other people, if it not ideally healthy and comprehensively developed person. As far as opinions of other people were loud, let's them choose whom you to be. Listen to the subconsciousness, and it never will deceive you. If certainly at you a good bearing and your subconsciousness it is available to consciousness.
Don't wonder at, than you aren't pleasant to them, ask better why you spend the time, worrying that they think of you. If you harm to nobody the actions, know, all of you do correctly. Continue to go forward. Be happy. Be itself. And if it to someone isn't pleasant so to that and to be. You aren't obliged to please all around.
You don't suffer negative people and negative thinking. They have a high resonance and from them one troubles. - An indicator of a negative is tension in the person, the stiffened rigid eyes, brick complexion and allergic reaction on skin. The curve bearing, the warped figure and the chin lowered down or a back a wheel.
Has come to set aside time aside all unnecessary quarrels and a negative together with those who causes them. You simply cease to notice them and to react to them. And in order that you didn't knock out from balance gather in a point somewhere behind dimensions of the body and from there watch a situation.
Surround itself only with those who forces you to smile. You love those who treats you kindly, and you pray for those who doesn't do it. Forget about a negative and be adjusted on a positive. Life is too short to be unfortunate. We make mistakes and we stumble, and it is a part of the life, but after we rise and we continue to go further because it is meaning of the life.
Don't soar the thoughts in other places and times, and for this purpose keep a good bearing. Then your day more never will repeat. Enjoy of. You appreciate each his second. Often we simply don't understand the value of that moment in which we live while it won't turn into memoirs. And once we can understand that that we considered as insignificant trifles, actually was the most important in our life. You appreciate that you have while you hadn't to remember that you had.
Think of you don't have what, and more that you have less, using force of figurative representation. Then you will have everything that you will imagine. On it no more than half a year will leave.
The majority of people deceive both, and others first of all they give much more attention to what allegedly doesn't suffice to them, than that they have. Instead of thinking that lacks you, think of what doesn't suffice to another and then you will be able to choose and materialize necessary personally to you.
Don't live that you not in forces to change though at the correct thinking you can do EVERYTHING! If you never fell, couldn't learn to get on feet. If you hadn't to release someone and to go further, you never would understand that in you there is enough force to stand alone. If you didn't lose hope, wouldn't find belief. And at times the best in your life follows at once the worst. You can either go further, or continue to remember that you not in forces to change. But you remember, life all the same will leave forward, with you or without us. And any pain does you stronger if you don't allow it to destroy you.
Never endow the happiness for the sake of happiness of others is their choice. Don't allow to die away to own happiness when you try to shine others life. Sense of your life not in doing others happy, and in being happy and to share the happiness with others.
Don't lose sight of own purposes and ideals. The nobility who you are this one but to believe in herself and to lead own life absolutely another. Society puts upon us such pressure that we at times forget that, first of all, we have to be faithful to ourselves. Don't lose itself on a course of life. Also try always and to be everywhere itself improbable, tremendous, delightful itself.
If you say that are going to make something, make it! If say that are going to be somewhere, be there! If say that have certain feelings, they have to be the presents! Live so that anybody even to mind would be not not come by thought to doubt your honesty that, remembering frankness, a spontaneity and integrity of the personality, people remembered and you.
Also remember, as though you tried, life never will be perfect while you don't reach perfection inside, that is in you there has to be a full harmony, foresight, a huge stock of knowledge and experience. Even if you enclose in her all your efforts without the rest, to her never to reach total perfection while you don't reach internal perfection. But having reached him, you will be able to operate the world of full harmony.
Though in life there will be short time of uncertainty when at you all will fall from hands, but it is temporary and connected with your further development. Therefore as you will go forward on your course of life, you by all means will understand that whatever black was day, once you smile, and he becomes though a little better.
All complain of lack of money, and for lack of mind - anybody.
The mentality is such thin piece ...
Understanding one event, I have found very interesting story with which I want to share with you. For this purpose I have made the whole investigation. At ten-year age at one child the great-grandmother who was the known artist has died. Before death she long was ill and as she has damaged mentality, she hasn't passed to the thin world, and remained the publican in our world in which the soul without physical body can't exist.
Therefore without having found the best option the great-grandmother, through dreams, it was connected to power of the great-grandson on the physical plan. And it first quite suited her. But over time she has got into thin structures and covers of soul of the child, and even has released a physical body, having occupied with itself his consciousness and subconsciousness. Over time the child has grown up and in him the talent of the artist was shown.
Externally, on the physical plan, the person was, seemingly, healthy, but on thin plans he constantly didn't have power, and he began to be connected during a portrayal of the face of the customer to those whom I drew. From here, after receiving the portrait the customer sharply and was seriously ill. And when he died, the artist found to himself the new victim, and so proceeded indefinitely.
Yes, pictures quite often become responsible for strange events. For example, the well-known reproduction, it not a cloth from a picture of the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin "Crying boy" has set fire not to one ten houses in the north of England in the mid-eighties of the XX century. Those years "The crying boy" unexpectedly has gained at fans of painting unusual popularity, despite too high own resonance of a cloth, though quite healthy people bought it. Of what they then thought, it is necessary to guess only.
One printing company on good paper has printed reproductions which as bore in itself a high resonance and were very hazardous to health of people, but have instantly dispersed, despite it. Simply, people buying the pleasant picture were absolutely not competent and didn't think at all of own safety. And then houses in which these reproductions hung have flared. The police has made investigation, and it has become clear that as model for "The crying boy" the son of the artist has served.
The kid refused to cry for credibility of a posing, and then mentally sick with autism, spiteful daddy began to light and burn down near match his face. At last the child hasn't sustained and has begun to cry with words: "That you would burn down!" Hasn't passed also month as the boy from a disease of a narcolepsy and a nervous overstrain has died from high temperature, and in few weeks in Bragolin's house where the picture hung, there was a fire in which was lost both the artist, and almost all his works.
Glory of a picture instigator the "Water lilies" of Claude Monet drawn almost under the same circumstances have deserved also. The first the artist has suffered from her - his workshop has almost burned down, only the last dab has laid down on a cloth. All owners of "Water lilies" - cabaret on Montmartre, the house of the French patron, and even the New York Museum of Modern Art burned also.
The Russian artist Ilya Repin was the great master on killing of the heroes also after has ached with autism. Almost next day after completion of work on their portraits the composer Mussorgsky, the surgeon Pirogov, the politician Stolypin have died, and the writer Vsevolod Garshin has rushed to a flight of stairs after Repin has written from him the etude of the head of the tsarevitch for the picture "Ivan the Terrible Kills the Son".
Almost all his friends whom he has imprinted on other well-known cloth "Zaporozhetses write the letter to the Turkish sultan", have for various reasons died how work has been for the first time exposed. Having been frightened of an event, the artist has immediately painted over on her the image of own son.
In spite of the fact that such pictures of artists causing concern and death of people, are carefully studied by "experts" him it is possible to find nothing. Approach to research too materialistic therefore anything also don't find.
Chemists investigate paint and a canvas, physics - impact of sunshine on the image, parapsychologists go round cloths with a bioframework, and it is necessary to approach with the head therefore at them the result, as a rule, is zero and supernatural they don't find anything.
A few years ago in the Hermitage have taken an unprecedented step - have withdrawn from an exposition an ancient icon, with Christ's image loaded with someone to very high resonance. Employees complained that long stay near an icon causes feeling sick. Some inspectors from this hall have suddenly died.
The invited expert has carried out expertize and has established that the icon instead of very low frequencies extends round itself the energy forcing a human brain to vibrate at a big frequency. And mentally healthy person as he sharply breaks brain blood circulation can't take out it.
Other researchers came to similar conclusions also at different times: in the New and Old Picture gallery in Munich, in Louvre, in other galleries installed the devices fixing movements of eyes of the audience and time, spent at a picture. It has been proved that in a number of pictures obviously there is a certain energy when mentally sick artists put in them all the hatred to our world as it for them was too rough.
Putting a negative in a picture, they absorbed power of people looking at her, and it supported the existence, at first in our world, and then and in the world of publicans, supporting the existence. Such glut of a cloth by huge negative energy will inevitably lead any healthy person to death and besides he remains in the status of the publican, as well as the artist.
I have checked Ilya Repin's condition currently. - At him in spite of the fact that has died and besides long ago, still immune system in all bodies as at the live person. It means that the program put by subconsciousness in his pictures works still and he "undresses" people existing the publican, in our world, killing people and living at their expense. Therefore mine to you council, isn't pleasant a picture, urgently leave from it! Don't play with destiny.
The person realizing the shortcomings, is cleverer, than he thinks of itself(himself).
As it is necessary to help people
Our society always insists on need to help the neighbor. To us say that we have to help people just like that and even then when they don't wait for it. The help to the near person can be various, but the most effective help is the correct council, instead of financial support as can seem to much not expert in this question.
But national experience teaches us - never to give anybody unclaimed councils. The person can be with you not on one wave and therefore council can apprehend as aggression of you. From here don't try to help people if they about it don't ask - never. It not irresponsiveness, and simply life experience.
Stop to help casual people with very high own resonance who don't deserve it. They won't change a way of life and again become same as were earlier. It isn't always simple, after all us always taught that it is necessary to help people. And so, now it is necessary to forget, it to do.
Give help to only those people who it asks and always for any compensation of your downtime or the work enclosed in them. Then your efforts will bring essential help to asking person, after all for it is paid by the work! If your councils it is too expensive for someone, it is possible to suggest other way to compensate your efforts or time. And though many people very much want and it is pleasant to help, but stop to help people who don't appreciate your help.
In any of us the genius sleeps. And every day everything is stronger.
Specifics of work of a brain
Brain - the most important body of nervous system of any living being. In the cerebral cortex making an external surface of a brain, in the thin layer of gray substance consisting of hundred million neurons, feelings become conscious, all any activity is generated, and there are highest mental processes, such as thinking, memory and the speech.
For example, the brain of the person consists of water for 78%, for 15% from fat, and other 7% make - proteins, hydrate of potassium and salt. The brain is the electronic superfast computer therefore in the Universe there is nothing more difficult from this that we know that is comparable to our brain.
The brain of the person makes part of the central nervous system, consists of the bodies which are in a cranium surrounded protective membranes, brain covers between which there is the spinal liquid intended for depreciation at injuries. The human brain weighs about 1300. By the size and complexity this structure has no equal in fauna.
At a brain very complex structure, it includes million neurons, whose cellular bodies are grouped in several departments and make so-called gray substance whereas others contain only nervous threads covered with myelin covers, and make white substance. The brain consists of symmetric half, the brain hemispheres divided by a long furrow 3-4 mm thick which external surface corresponds to a layer of gray substance where the cerebral cortex consists of various layers of bodies of neurons.
The brain of the person consists from:
cerebral cortex, the most volume and important body as it controls all conscious and most part of unconscious activity of a body, besides, it is a place where mental processes, such as memory, thinking and to that similar processes proceed.
the brain trunk consisting from варолиева of the bridge and a medulla. In a brain trunk there are the centers regulating vital signs, generally a brain trunk consists of kernels of nervous cages, therefore he gray color.
the cerebellum which is taking part in control of balance of a body and coordination of movement, carried out by a body.
There is a wish to notice, what even at normal brain blood circulation of people no power over the brain has, it makes the decision always itself. And it puts us in very tickler. But mind has one trick: the brain itself makes all decisions, and in general everything does itself, but sends to the person a signal - you supposedly don't worry, it everything was made by you, and it was your personal decision.