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The Egyptian cultural values. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva

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    XII. The Egyptian cultural values. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva. - March 29, 2024.

  The Egyptian cultural values. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva.
  July 29, 2024 03:51
  Today, in a cafe, one of the visitors took a coffee, a pie, looked at me and recited a poetic lines with a smile:
  "A honey in the store,
  A light in the door.
  I drink coffee and I see the beauty at the tenth underground floor."
  He looked at me and said:
  - Impromptu!
  I tell him:
  - Are you a writer? Or a poet?
  He smiled and said with a satisfied look: "Thank God, it's not difficult for us to shine with a poetic words."
  He's asking me:
  - How did you get here?
  I say:
  - I lived in a settlement near the forest. I came to study at college. Then my parents and I got into trouble. I need to work to pay off the loan.
  He says:
  - I saw you at the supermarket. Do you work there, too?
  I say:
  - That's how the circumstances turned out.
  He says:
  - The Sun is bright today. Take a day off, let's go for a walk. The weather is good now, it's warm and pleasant. You will lose a part of your salary, but this issue will be resolved - no loss for you will be.
  I looked at him, estimated his age, and said:
  - I have a young boyfriend.
  He read another poem:
  "There are secret invisible connections between the smell and the shape of the flower.
  The diamond could be discovered, even it with velvet is covered."
  He thanked me for the coffee and left the cafe.
  It's nice to hear poetry with a mention of a "beauty", but if I work here, underground, for a few more weeks, I'll turn into an Egyptian mummy. I'll look like I've spent three thousand years inside an Egyptian pyramid. Maybe I'll have to pay off an educational loan in addition?
  { 12. Египетские достопримечательности. Из дневника Даши Лаптевой. - 29 марта 2024 г.
  XII. The Egyptian cultural values. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva. - March 29, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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