Аннотация: Dialogue about the Human From the Past. Translation from Russian into English. Залесский Владимир Владимирович "Диалог о пришельце из прошлого".
Dialogue about the Human From the Past
Gorky has decided to take a small break, a little to distract himself from the librarian's duties, to drink a cup of coffee.
Having sat down for a little table, he heard a discussion by two readers, sitting at the adjacent table, about the recently read book "Среди красных вождей" ("Among the red chiefs") by Georgy Alexandrovich Solomon (Isetsky). This book has been for the first time published in Paris in 1930.
The Technical Designer was presenting his views to the Builder:
- And I see this Solomon (Isetsky), the offspring of a respectable noble family of Isetsky, on an elective office in the Republic of People's Nobles - Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), during era of "the Golden Age of szlachta". Around him the free, wealthy, religious people inclined to education, who are having a self-respect and a consciousness that "the state is we" ("we are the state").
- The szlachta ambitions! - the Builder uttered jokingly.
-A cult of education, effectiveness, honesty, respect for others, of the correct, competent, responsible fulfillment of duties, - the Technical Designer continued.
- Of course, the author looks like the human from the past, - the Builder has agreed.
- Pay attention that all this book can be divided into a number of short stories - with the similar plot, - the Technical Designer continued. - First, there is a complex problem that cannot be solved without an educated, widely thinking, vigorous, honest person.
Secondly, the author is persuaded to join the solution of this problem. Romantic motives are voiced: nation-wide, historical importance and so forth. Naturally, plays not the last role and aspiration of the author to self-realization... The person is inclined to self-realization, and besides, and in addition - they are persuading... He agrees.
Thirdly, the author organizes business-process, implements the project.
He integrates the project into the environment. He formulates, creates, tests an algorithms, a standard solutions. Generally, he solves the most responsible, difficult, creative part of work... After "debugging" of the project, the business in some sense can move in itself, by inertia.
It's like the inventor's job. If the steam engine in its efficient option was created by the genius of James Watt, - then production and use are already destiny of many people - having persistence and vigor, level of knowledge.
- To the inventor is always not easy, - the Builder has agreed. - What is interesting, - if you go back to the book "Among the red chiefs", - after the initial stage of each project the typical situation was following. The project from the author was "seized", was 'confiscated' and handed over to someone else. And the author some time was the object of "marinating". To make him easier to agree to the next project. A project which was demanding honesty, education, vigor, a broad outlook. And he (the author) was agreeing again and again...
- Curiously, - the Technical Designer said, - that the main stimulation for the author was an inspiration of an idea. His the main 'salary' was positive emotions from the embodiment of the idea. He wanted to see the results of his activities... Of course both for a ration, and for salary (money)...
But what the ration and salary mean in comparison to the optimization of work, for example, of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade, in comparison to the foundation of Gokhran ("State Administration for the Formation of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones") and the regimentation it's activity, in comparison to the creation and development of other institutions and branches? What does a moderate salary mean in comparison with the intellectual ability to organize the savings (the economy) of tens (hundreds?) of millions of gold rubles (in conditions of Russia's misery in the early twenties of the XX century)?
Won't be exaggeration to tell that the author was solving a problem after a problem - for the idea... Without earning either real reward, or distinct gratitude...
- Yes, - the Builder has agreed. And, having thought, jokingly, partly ironically, he have sounded rhetorical questions: "Tempered szlachta? The state is we?"
The interlocutors have eaten a pieces of bread, they have drunk coffee.
The Builder has continued:
- It is interesting that into the content of hypothetical short stories can be distinguished common features. If we shall analyze the conditions of the author's work in each project.
In each case that we see.
Firstly, hostile, in general, internal and external environment (including the "tops").
Secondly, a some - an insignificant - number of allies. Only such a quantity without which just it is impossible to start the project.
Thirdly, the conflict - the unsolvable and lasting from the beginning and before the termination of the project. For some reason, there is a wish to use a word combination "managed conflict".
And for some cases the word "the baiting" is applicable.
- It is quite clear and natural, - the Technical Designer has commented. - A certain share of the power, resources is handing over to the author's disposal in connection of a coincidence of circumstances. But with these powers and resources, it is necessary to guide the author along a certain trajectory. Wide recognition of merits or expansion of the sphere of competence aren't assumed.Therefore a role of the author - to solve a problem, to implement, to embody a project into reality, being immersed in a romantic moods.
And then - to transfer the made and the fulfiled to (for)the planned candidates.
It's necessary to escort, to direct the solver of problems. Or - into "another reality", or - upto the solving a new problem, a new project.
- Under "another reality" what you understand? - The Builder decided to find out the nuances.
- It I - is figurative, figuratively, - the Technical Designer has answered. - A bringing into a helpless, confused, bewildered, impecunious position. Though... You can assume the options and the tougher.
- According the memoirs of the author "Among the red chiefs", - the Builder has spoken, - his (author) the friend - the People's Commissar of Foreign Trade Leonid Borisovich Krasin - at return from London through Revel to Russia - expressed fear in Revel (Tallinn) that in Russia he (Krasin) will be arrested. Krasin has achieved the conclusion with Britain of the trade agreement. And Krasin had fears of arrest, execution constantly.
- Gorky has written and has published in 1926 about Krasin a biographic essay, - the Technical Designer has noted. - In this essay there are pre-revolutionary words of the millionaire Savva Morozov about Krasin: "First of all - the ideal functional employee, entrepreneur. He loves work and is able to force others. And - he is clever. He is extensively clever. He demonstrates the master's eye. At once sees the price of a business . (...) If there are persons thirty like he, they will create party more strong than the party in Germany ".
From himself Gorky in this essay has added: "... All saw that Leonid Krasin, - the outstanding person".
- Somehow prematurely Krasin has died, - the Builder has reacted. - He was born in 1870, and he have died in 1926. Of course, there are no healthy people. But still, but nevertheless...
Gorky has drunk up coffee and, without hindering readers to continue the exchange of views, has gone toward the librarian's rack.
July 18, 2017
Translation from Russian into English: March 2, 2018.
The translation adjusted March 17, 2020.
Залесский Владимир Владимирович 'Диалог о пришельце из прошлого'.