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Two walks with a feeling of great respect. A humorous drawing

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDI. Two walks with a feeling of great respect. A humorous drawing. - May 31, 2024.

  Two walks with a feeling of great respect. A humorous drawing.
  Morning. I"am heading for a walk. I did about a hundred steps.
  A man is squatting in a completely ridiculous place behind the next house.
  About thirty years old. Gray-black clothes, a cap in the same style. A backpack is over his shoulders. The face is lowered, the face is not visible. He looks at his smartphone.
  A strange personality. He's sitting in a strange place.
  I'm moving on, because my plan is to throw out the trash.
  The garbage bag bursts a few steps away from the trash cans. The neck remains in my fingers, and the lower part falls to the ground.
  I decide to throw away the second bag of garbage, then to return to the one that fell.
  Immediately, out of nowhere, a certain woman appears with a question: "Is this your garbage bag?" she points to the bag that has fallen.
  I explain to her that her participation is not required to solve this problem.
  She mumbles something with a displeased look.
  I approach a public transport stop and pass several bus stops.
  I leave the bus. A man is located next to the bus stop. About thirty years old. Gray-black clothes, a cap in the same style. A backpack is over his shoulders. The face is lowered, the face is not visible. He looks at his smartphone.
  I'm moving on. After a few dozen steps, I see a signboard: "Funeral office."
  A man is sitting on a street bench. About thirty years old. Gray-black clothes, a cap in the same style. A backpack is over his shoulders. The face is lowered, the face is not visible. He looks at his smartphone.
  I"am moving forward. I have to walk (stepping by a lawn) around a woman - a representative of a country-a good partner, who sweeps the street with disgust on her face, waving a broom widely and raising clouds of dust.
  My expectations about the walk were fulfilled. I had a good time. I especially liked the microscopic dog with long hair, which boldly swam through open water for quite a long distance, and then, together with the woman-owner, took up a health-improving run.
  I'm going back to the main streets. On the way back, I see, from afar, a girl with long blond hair, it seems, dyed. She is standing next to a street bench and talking on the phone. I'm approaching her. She turns around so I can only see her back. Next to her, on the bench, is a medium-sized bag, with a small image of an airplane on the bag. I pass by, I go on.
  I walk half a block. Suddenly, the girl-owner of the bag (with the image of an airplane) jumps out from behind me, runs right in front of me and opens the door to some office right in front of my nose.
  "I think I've seen you somewhere," I say.
  "Yes, maybe," she replies with a smile.
  I manage to examine the battered, not quite healthy face of an overly experienced girl of extreme age.
  She disappears through the door.
  I have been wanting to buy one of the types of T-shirts for a long time. There are clothes on display behind the window of one of the shops. I raise my head. Signboard: "Women's underwear". Men's T-shirts are not for sale here.
  I go to the grocery store. I plan to buy a juice.
  After examining the shelves, I notice a certain person. She looks like an athlete, she seems to have signs of health.
  But the clothes are kind of strange: a baseball cap, some kind of ridiculous sundress, a small bag (for small things) in the unisex style over the shoulder. On slender legs - sneakers on bare feet. I have not seen such an outfit in Rostov yet.
  "Cool cap!" - I say.
  She's looking at me. The gaze is heavy, intent, motionless. This may be the way they inspect, - in certain offices.
  Almost without a smile, she replies, "Thank you."
  I'm not in the mood to continue talking to this strange creature.
  I pay for juice and other purchases, go outside.
  There are enterprising locals along the sidewalk who are trying to sell everything they can. Beautiful flowers of various types are presented in abundance.
  I'm approaching the traffic light. I'm waiting for the green color. Waiting, I look around. A sporty mademoiselle in a cap, sundress and sneakers approaches me from behind.
  Well, if that's the way the situation is... Let's take into account her sportiness...
  I direct my smile at her:
  - What do you want I will buy for you? A bouquet of flowers? Or something from women's underwear?
  Mademoiselle smiled, at last:
  - I have everything!
  At that moment, the traffic light turned green.
  The athletic mademoiselle rushes forward and into the space. It is difficult to catch up with such an athlete.
  Moreover, I have a rather heavy shopping bag in my hand.
  I'm heading home.
  I got myself in order, at home.
  I'm planning a little second walk.
  After leaving the home, I see several workers repairing the asphalt next to one of the neighboring houses.
  The worker closest to me is wearing work trousers. Instead of a T-shirt, he has "suspenders" of a work jumpsuit thrown over his naked body.
  It's hot. He doesn't have a headdress. The mechanisms raise a dust. A naked man in overalls is wielding in clouds of dust.
  I go to the grocery store.
  There are several people rushing around the shop in stale, shabby clothes, perhaps after a work shift.
  One of them does not want to stand in line, he loudly urges his comrades to stop walking around the store.
  He smells like alcohol.
  After leaving the store, I go into the pharmacy.
  There are already two visitors here: a man and a girl.
  The man finds out the availability of the medicines he needs. He brought a seriously ill relative to Rostov from the Okrainsk (a small town in Rostov Oblast; a conventional name).
  There are no such medicines in the Okrainsk.
  He chose medicines. The saleswoman tells him the price. Several tens of thousands of rubles.
  The man is at a loss, the price is unexpected for him.
  The saleswoman is waiting.
  A man rushes around the pharmacy, calls someone, asks questions about medicines, about prices, about money.
  The saleswoman looks at the girl and at me with a dissatisfied look.
  At last, I turn to the saleswoman.
  "I'm going to succumb to advertising," I tell the saleswoman, "she's been buzzing about possible diseases. I've seen "medicinal herbs" (like tea) here. Give me one package."
  It doesn't make much difference to me, a green tea to drink, or a "medicinal herbs". I can to try.
  I look sympathetically at the man from the Okrainsk, who continues to rush around the pharmacy and to call different phone numbers. I come out the pharmacy.
  Two of the people I saw at the grocery store are walking towards me.
  One of them comes to me as close as he can: may I give them two thousand rubles or one and a half?
  I reach into my pocket and take out some coins: about thirty rubles. I'm giving them this sum of money.
  They say they were joking about two or one and a half thousand, that the little sum suits them very well.
  There was no dialogue, but we part with a feeling of a sense of mutual respect.
  I walk on, in silence. The second walk was good. It was not in my plans to give someone a small amount of money, but I succeeded.
  May 31, 2024 02:05
  Translation from Russian into English: May 31, 2024 04:19
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Две прогулки с чувством огромного уважения. Юмористическая зарисовка ".
  {3530. Две прогулки с чувством огромного уважения. Юмористическая зарисовка. - 31 мая 2024 г.
  MMMDI. Two walks with a feeling of great respect. A humorous drawing. - May 31, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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