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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 29, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 29, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 29, 2019
  1) Information on works on elimination of the natural dam on the Bureya River.
  "9:01, on January 29, 2019 ...
  Military by means of explosive are clearing away the blockage [the natural dam] on the Bureya River now. And the new volley became one of the most powerful. More than 35 tons of TNT were used for blasting a blockage. After the explosion at the place immediately put to work heavy equipment, which is shoveling the debris.
  The military works three shifts.
  Now they managed to break through practically to the frozen surface of the river.
  And by the end of the week they plan to create the first channel on which water will go to a reservoir." []
  "Today, 15:05 ...
  ... To the venue of blastings from the field camp along a crest of a blockage the dirt road is paved.
  Explosives (shaped charges and TNT) is now transported to the site of the explosion with the aid delivered to the area of the collapse [the natural dam] the two trucks "KAMAZ", which significantly reduces the time of preparation for the blasting. The two trucks "KAMAZ" were delivered by the Mi-26 helicopters of army aviation" []
  2) Forecasts for a subject about prospects of the decision to "The Bureya problem".
  ""Habarovsky Krai Segodnya" news agency
  January 28, 2019 ...
  On the morning of January 28, military engineers made the third explosion at the narrowest point of the dam on the river Bureya. According to the Ministry of defense, the sappers thus expanded the cut [the channel] in the resulting dam after the landslide to a depth of 11 meters, reports ""Habarovsky Krai Segodnya" news agency.
  - According to my sources, this time sappers blew up 18 tons of TNT, - the Officer-in-Charge of department of water management of the Amur Basin Water Administration Nikolay Yefimov says. - For January 28 the level of Bureya below a blockage was 247.25 meters, level at Chekunda above a blockage costs the fourth day on mark 253, 76 - a difference between pools about 6.5 meters. According to estimates, to reach the ice level, the sappers remained about 4 meters, after which the work will be already in the conditions of flooding of this slot [the channel]. I hope the military engineers have the equipment and ideas on how to continue working in such conditions.
  According to the defense Ministry, army helicopters over the past two days delivered to the landslide about 60 tons of engineering ammunition. More than 500 people and 46 units of military and special equipment were involved in the operation to punch the slots [the channels] in the giant landslide.
  - Several pieces of equipment have passed to the place of blockage by winter road. Military created the road in the forest with a length of 75 km from the station Ushman to the mouth of the small river Chelpachi for four days. Just amazing speed, - says the head of the Verkhnebureinsky area Alexey Maslov. - engineering cars of a razgrazhdeniye [vehicle of engineers for removal and pass of obstacles], the excavator, the bulldozer already reached the place of landslide. In Chekunda I was the day before yesterday, no panic among citizens there, everyone is convinced that the military will cope with the blockage before the start of the flood.
  Scientists specified earlier a soil volume in a landslide, now this figure makes about 24.5 million cubic meters, thus initial data in 32 million cubic meters were overestimated..." []
  3) Additional information
  "Today, 09:29 ...
  Military personnel paved the new way to the place of a landslide on the Bureya River in Khabarovsk Krai. Reported about this TASS in administration of Verkhnebureinsky district ...
  "Military opened the way to a jam [the natural dam], using the old winter road. It can be used for cargo delivery" - told in administration.
  As it was reported, heavy machinery through the wood on the winter road was conducted by the hunter who is well knowing this area.
  According to the Ministry of Defence, the engineering and road group of department paved the way [the road] to the place of collapse from the settlement of Ushman, its extent was 80 km. Two engineering cars of a razgrazhdeniye, the excavator and the bulldozer were involved in construction of the road.
  Works on elimination of a jam are now continued on the place. The next upblastings of soil are planned for Tuesday, according to committee of the government of Khabarovsk Krai on civil protection of the population. "Blasting of explosives, weighing 56 t, is planned" - told in committee.
  In January several blastings, the last - last Monday, were carried out already.
  As reported to the agency in administration of Verkhnebureinsky district, new descents of soil after blastings the day before, did not occur. Scientists, as it was reported earlier, warned that explosive works can cause the collapse of the hill, from which came down a landslide, or of the rocky ledge being near ...
  In detail on the website the Far East ..." []
  On January 29, 2019 14:20
  Translation from Russian into English: January 29, 2019 15:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 29 января 2019 г.'.
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