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The Space Program of Russia in the international economic context. A note on a history of space exploration

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    The Space Program of Russia in the international economic context. A note on a history of space exploration.

  The Space Program of Russia in the international economic context. A note on a history of space exploration.
  Recently, we wrote about the statement by Angela Merkel, who compared the China's GDP and Germany's GDP.
  It seemed interesting to us, and we found relevant indicators concerning Russia:
  GDP of the Russian Federation in 2005 - 817.752 billion dollars,
  GDP of the Russian Federation in 2020 - 1.47 trillion dollars. (
  The corresponding miniature was written on October 24, 2021.
  And on the evening of October 25, 2021, we got acquainted with the news:
  "New York, October 25 [2021]. / TASS /. Tesla's market value (company created by Elon Musk) has exceeded $ 1 trillion mark on the New York Stock Exchange." [unofficial translation] (Https://
  We have been searching: what is the market value of the SpaceX company?
  "24.10.2021 10:10 (...) Now SpaceX costs about $ 200 billion." [unofficial translation] (
  (In addition to companies of Elon Musk, in the world space industry the other companies operate: for example, companies of Richard Branson and of Jeff Bezos).
  The comparison the market value of the Tesla and SpaceX companies with Russia's GDP is not entirely correct.
  How to compare Tesla, SpaceX, Roscosmos?
  On October 2, 2021, we made an attempt to understand the economic situation of Roskosmos:
  "What is Russia's share in the global space market?"
  ... The report has a diagram "Revenue structure by customers, %. 2020, fact" (page 101). According to this chart, off-budget revenue in the foreign market is 11.9%.
  "In 2020, sales revenue amounted to 337.1 billion rubles." (page 101). [unofficial translation]
  We divide 337.1 by 72.67 (the dollar exchange rate against the ruble of the Russian Federation on 02.10.2021), we get 4.6 billion dollars.
  11.9% of 4.6 billion is equal 0.55 billion dollars.
  The UK space sector earned 16.4 billion pounds ($21 billion) in 2019, which is not comparable with 4.6 billion dollars, more so, especially, with 0.55 billion dollars."
  So, we can focus on an unofficial and unconfirmed digits of $ 4.6 billion (Roskosmos revenue from sales in 2020).
  In addition to Roskosmos, we also have Ivan Turgenev.
  "In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, only you is my pillar, my the prop and my support, oh the great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! If not you, my Russian language, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But I cannot believe that such a language it's a gift from Above to not the great people! " (Ivan Turgenev. Russian language (Poem in prose)). [unofficial translation]...
  [MMСCCСXLVIII. They have ballerinas, spinning, and we have economic experts, rotating. An economic sketch. - October 24, 2021.
  MMСCCС. UK National space strategy (2021), the ROSCOMOS Corporation report for 2020, qualitative and quantitative indicators of the development of the space industry. An essay. - October 2, 2021.].
  October 26, 2021 00:43
  Translation from Russian into English: October 26, 2021 06:42.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Космическая программа России в международном экономическом контексте. Заметка об истории освоения космоса'.
  { 2482. Космическая программа России в международном экономическом контексте. Заметка об истории освоения космоса.
  MMСCCСLII. The Space Program of Russia in the international economic context. A note on a history of space exploration. (English). }
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