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The rules of Soviet geniusness for a descendant of the ancient Romans. Frunze, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin. A historical sketch

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    The rules of Soviet geniusness for a descendant of the ancient Romans. Frunze, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin. A historical sketch.

  The rules of Soviet geniusness for a descendant of the ancient Romans. Frunze, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin. A historical sketch.
  The biographies of Mikhail Frunze mention his geniusness, which was evident even in his childhood years, and his hypothetical origin from the ancient Romans (his father was a Moldovan).
  One of the interesting moments of Russian history is the trap that was set for Emperor Nicholas II in February-March 1917.
  The trap ended in renunciation. One of the elements of the trap it was the blocking the movement of the imperial train at the Dno [Дно - Dno - bottom, underworld] railway station and redirecting the train - not to Tsarskoe Selo, but to Pskov, to General Ruzsky. Mikhail Frunze is credited with one of the key roles in this case.
  Similarly, Mikhail Frunze is credited with one of the most important roles in stopping the movement of General Kornilov's troops towards Petrograd (in August-September 1917 during the reign of Alexander Kerensky).
  Mikhail Frunze was at that time, figuratively speaking, somewhere on the level of a Bolshevik major. In general, the Bolshevik infantry.
  His genius was enough to organize a trap for Nicholas II, to stop the troops of General Kornilov, but for such matters as supplying Lenin with finances, as cooperation with Kaiser Germany, Mikhail Frunze was not suitable.
  Frunze reacted negatively to the Brest Peace (1918). When voting on the ratification of the Brest Peace, Mikhail Frunze abstained. (Not absolute loyalty to Lenin).
  Frunze was not admitted into a circle of the Bolshevik generals, they kept him in the provinces, on the periphery.
  The catastrophic situation for the Bolsheviks during the Denikin and Kolchak offensive against Moscow gave Mikhail Frunze a kind of chance.
  Finally, Mikhail Frunze's genius manifested itself in the most obvious way.
  Mikhail Frunze developed and carried out a successful flanking strike against Kolchak in May-June 1919, after which Kolchak's offensive collapsed and a strategic retreat began. It was during the planning and implementation of a victorious flank attack on Kolchak's troops that noticeable friction between Frunze and Trotsky began.
  If we consider the history of the civil war from the angle of the biographies of Mikhail Frunze, it turns out that with the participation of Trotsky, the Bolsheviks went from defeat to defeat, from the Brest Peace to the Peace of Riga ... And, finally, Frunze came ... And he corrected everything ... Mikhail Frunze was developing relations even with Turkey - Turkey of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (November 1921-January 1922) ...
  Denikin was stopped in October-November 1919 near Orel by the troops of the Southern Front (on the part of the Reds, in particular, were commanders: S.S.Kamenev, A.I. Yegorov (members of the RVS [the council] of the Southern Front I.V. Stalin, G. Ya. Sokolnikov ), Gekker, Ubrevich, Primakov ...). On March 27, 1920, part of Denikin's troops were evacuated from Novorossiysk to the Crimea.
  Wrangel replaced Denikin on April 4, 1920 - after the evacuation from Novorossiysk to Crimea on March 27, 1920.
  After victories over Kolchak, Frunze's successes in Central Asia followed.
  On August 7, 1920, the Polish government announced its readiness to begin negotiations with Soviet Russia.
  The defeat of Soviet Russia in the war against Józef Piłsudski in 1920 (Frunze did not participate in this war) brought the entire Bolshevik top into a shaky, unstable state.
  It was necessary for the leaders of the Bolsheviks, after the defeat in the war with Pilsudski, to establish relations with Frunze, who knew how to win. Lenin and Kalinin maneuvered around Frunze. Trotsky's decline began.
  After the Kolchak's defeat, Frunze provided the Wrangel's crash on November 14, 1920.
  The Riga Peace Treaty with Poland was signed on March 18, 1921. On March 18, 1921, the participants in the uprising against the Bolsheviks in Kronstadt were defeated. (If Frunze did not defeat Wrangel in November 1920, how would the Kronstadt uprising and the negotiations with Poland for peace ended?)
  Lenin and Trotsky were at the head of all military affairs in Soviet Russia.
  Lenin was sent to (Leninskiye) Gorki [a settlement], and Frunze replaced Trotsky at all military posts.
  If Frunze's activities in Minsk, in the provinces - concerning the organizing a trap for Nicholas II and blocking the movement of General Kornilov's troops to Petrograd - were obscured by events in the capital, Petrograd, if this activity remained without recognition and awards, then Frunze's victories over Kolchak and over Wrangel brought him awards and noisy fame.
  For a short time, Mikhail Frunze had to lead the military development of Soviet Russia as People's Commissar [minister].
  On January 25, 1925, Frunze was appointed People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs (he replaced Trotsky), and on October 31, 1925, Mikhail Frunze died after the medical operation (in a hospital).
  As Stalin ironically remarked during the Great Patriotic War, "we have no Hindenburgs in reserve." Alexander Vasilevsky (Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR since 1949) told the readers about this.
  The geniusness of the hypothetical descendant of the ancient Romans, although it was indisputable, although it proved itself by real victories in critical situations, - this geniusness turned out to be a difficult project into (the borders of) Byzantine Soviet Russia.
  Mikhail Frunze defeated Kolchak and Wrangel. For less than a year, he led the Red Army as People's Commissar (instead of Trotsky, who was dismissed from this post). Then he followed Lenin and Trotsky. Or did Trotsky follow Lenin and Frunze?
  A few more comments should be added to this. Mikhail Frunze's appeals to the enemy to surrender with a promises to save lives - ended in a number of cases very doubtfully ...
  In the biography of Frunze, written by V.A. Runov, there are independent information components. The author - in regime of background pictures - speaks about the unsuccessful battles and supernatural losses of huge masses of Cossack troops who fought on Denikin's side, about the circumstances of the evacuation of Denikin's troops from Novorossiysk (in March 1920) and Wrangel's troops from the Crimea (in November 1920). One gets the impression that it was the Cossack troops who remained on the shore after both evacuations (Denikin from Novorossiysk and Wrangel from Crimea) to test the humanity of Soviet functionaries ...
  Huge, sub-state [level of sub-states], Cossack regions, not having their own projects of the future, were completely unprepared for political cataclysms ...
  In preparing the sketch, the following books were used:
  Vl. Arkhangelsky "Frunze" (1970) [Вл. Архангельский 'Фрунзе' (1970)],
  V.A. Runov "Frunze: the secrets of life and death" (2011) [В.А. Рунов 'Фрунзе: тайны жизни и смерти' (2011)].
  November 18, 2020 06:39
  Translation from Russian into English: November 18, 2020 21:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Правила советской гениальности для потомка древних римлян. Фрунзе, Ленин, Троцкий, Сталин. Исторический очерк'.
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