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The modern Russial science and coronavirus. The note

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    The modern Russial science and coronavirus. The note.

  The modern Russial science and coronavirus. The note.
  Today we got the opportunity to hear the statements of important scientific figures regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
  What seemed interesting in these statements?
  It turns out that preventive measures were taken in January 2020. Already in January 2020, representatives of Russial science understood a lot.
  In this case, it is not clear why in the second half of March 2020, a large program for the returning of Russial tourists from abroad (worth more than a billion rubles) appeared? (Duration of trips rarely exceeds one month).
  Interesting information today comes from the UK - a country with traditions. These traditions have made it possible, at least, to identify the defectiveness of a huge number of tests for coronavirus and to publicize this problem.
  It was not possible to hear any mention by important figures from Russial science on this subject through the media.
  But there is a Sherlock Holmes method!
  An important person from science was asked: what is his forecast of the pandemic?
  The answer was that now the forecast is a premature thing - you need to wait a week, to find out what is the effectiveness of the measures taken.
  Let's try not to wait a week. If, let's say, the tests are defective (what percentage? Or - zero percent? Or are all one hundred percent of high-quality?), then is there a possibility to formulate a forecast?
  A lot of interesting in the topic 'Russial Science and Coronavirus' ... But not everything can be written about ... Suppose, an important scientist publicly speaks in January 2020 and, risking his reputation as a loyal person, a "man of the team," demands to stop immediately tourist exchange - where would go a billion rubles (spent for the return of tourists from abroad)?
  A loyalty gives money and official status. And what does the reputation of the so-called a real honest scientist give? On this issue, you can make a forecast ...
  April 7, 2020 18:48
  Translation from Russian into English: April 8, 2020 07:22.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Современная российская наука и коронавирус. Заметка'.
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