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The Coin of Vladimir Vysotsky (1978 commemorative ruble dedicated to the Olympic Games). An antiquarian story

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    The Coin of Vladimir Vysotsky (1978 commemorative ruble dedicated to the Olympic Games). An antiquarian story.

  The Coin of Vladimir Vysotsky (1978 commemorative ruble dedicated to the Olympic Games). An antiquarian story.
  In 1981, I went to a youth sports camp (on the Black Sea coast) with a good new item in clothes.
  But I didn"t have new jeans with me, but a new beautiful red T-shirt of foreign production.
  A new T-shirt lay in my backpack, waiting a happy hour.
  One evening, at a time when dances were (usually) held in the camp, a certain connoisseur of the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky arranged an interesting review of Vysotsky's work. This connoisseur not only commented on the songs and talked about Vysotsky, but also launched Vysotsky's songs through tape recorders designed for dance music.
  Everyone was impressed.
  The youth camp was widely known, the times were comparatively safe. Around the camp, many amateur tourists with their own tents were placing. They were arriving from various cities, including Moscow.
  The next morning we headed to the beach in a small crowd - my buddies from the sports camp and those vacationers who lived in the vicinity of the camp in tents.
  I put on a nice red t-shirt. One of these vacationers said something positive about the T-shirt - it looked good, it looked fashionable. Apparently, he understood brands and manufacturers of sportswear and wanted to show his competence.
  I answered something - in the sense that this is a gift from one of the parents (father), a gift made before my departure to the camp for rest. (Where the T-shirt was bought, and for what price - I did not know this. It was impossible to buy such a T-shirt in a store then).
  We came to the beach. The conversation switched to Vysotsky.
  The connoisseur of T-shirts turned out to be a Muscovite, a resident of Moscow.
  After a concert, he once approached Vysotsky with a request to sign two copies of Vysotsky's book.
  Vysotsky signed, but returned only one book. He needed the second for an unplanned gift to someone.
  Vysotsky joked: "I'm taking this book for myself - in exchange for my autograph."
  Then he took out some money and gave it to the T-shirt connoisseur.
  A couple of days later, a Muscovite bought two more books by Vysotsky on the book market with this money and profitably attached [settled] them.
  Among the money, received by the connoisseur of T-shirts from Vysotsky in exchange for a book, was a commemorative 1 ruble of 1978 "Olympic Games-80. Kremlin".
  The Muscovite made it a rule to carry this ruble with him, because he believed that this coin brings good luck.
  He took out Vysotsky's book from the bag he had taken to the beach. An envelope was pasted into the book, and the ruble of 1978 was in the envelope.
  I jokingly said: "I"m changing my T-shirt - for this ruble!"
  Neither Vysotsky nor commemorative rubles interested me then. But I liked the image on the ruble, I liked that this ruble brings good luck, that the coin is associated with the name of Vysotsky.
  The T-shirt connoisseur seemed to be thinking about something, or to be counting something.
  - I agree! - he answered and handed me the ruble.
  Next to me lay a T-shirt taken off before swimming in the sea.
  It was a bit of a pity to give the T-shirt away, but the ruble looked great...
  It was allowed go to and from the beach in swimming trunks, and in my backpack there were other things that could replace a beautiful T-shirt.
  Then I put this ruble to somewhere. And, recently, he reappeared from the distant past.
  Looking at this ruble, I imagine how Vladimir Vysotsky touched it, - just as Heinrich Schliemann, discovering ancient artifacts on the Greek islands, imagined how Odysseus (and other heroes of Homer) touched them.
  Add this ruble to The Rostov collection of coins (1723 - 1935)?
  It's not silver, of course. It was made of copper-nickel alloy.
  But this circumstance has its advantages. There is no question of the authenticity of the silver, no question of the authenticity of the coin. There are no extra experiences, emotions.
  Let this coin, which I have kept since 1981, be included in the Rostov collection - not definitively, but "under a condition". I will not change the name of the collection for now. If the buyer wishes to purchase a collection (together) with the Ruble of Vladimir Vysotsky - it is a real and affordable option. If he doesn"t want to, nothing prevents the independent sale of this coin...
  In addition, the possession of a coin that brings good luck, and which is associated with the name of Vysotsky (I have already explained this in this story) is a positive factor in itself.
  I will make an advertisement for the sale, will place it on the Internet ...
  ... I compiled the text of the sale announcement:
  "Coin of Vladimir Vysotsky (1978 commemorative ruble dedicated to the Olympic Games). Made of copper-nickel alloy.
  Coin Condition: This coin looks satisfactory.
  [Information from the Internet:
  Description of the coin:
  The Obverse: the coat of arms of the USSR ...digit "1", under it is the word "RUBLE"...
  The Reverse: a stylized image of the Moscow Kremlin, at the base of the Spasskaya Tower is the emblem of the XXII Summer Olympic Games of 1980 in Moscow ...]
  Price, RUB: 5 000
  The Literary Certificate included [attached].
  Pickup, mail.
  The level of the price may be discussed.
  (The authenticity of the silver and the authenticity of the coins have not been verified and cannot be guaranteed by the seller. The seller makes judgments and estimates, expresses opinions as an ordinary, a regular (simple, average) participant in the commodity turnover; the seller does not have special knowledge about coins, he is not an expert in a (sphere of) numismatic sciences and issues.)"
  [MMMCLXII. A small antique experiment on the sale of the coronation ruble. An antique note. - October 2, 2022.
  MMMCLXIV. Alexander Suvorov's ruble. Tsarist rubles as a tutorial products. An antique note. - October 4, 2022.
  MMMCLXV. A selling of the film (which was shot in 2017). A semi-antique note. - October 6, 2022.].
  MMMCLXVI. Alexander Pushkin's ruble. Tsarist rubles as a tutorial products on a history of a culture. An antique note. - October 6, 2022.
  MMMCLXVII. I am selling the Pushkin's coin (of 1836). An antique note. - October 7, 2022.
  MMMCLXVIII. A small experiment to sell a hundred-year-old document. A semi-antique note. -
  October 7, 2022.
  MMMCLXX. The Ruble of Peter the Great. An antique note. - October 9, 2022.].
  MMMCLXXI. I am putting up for sale a document on the return from evacuation in 1944 of the defenders of Rostov-on-Don (who participated in the defense of the city in November 1941). A semi-antique note. - October 9, 2022.
  MMMCLXXII. The Ruble of Prince Menshikov (1859). An antique note. - October 11, 2022.
  MMMCLXXIII. A Literary Certificate for the Ruble of Prince Menshikov. An app-antiquarian note. - October 12, 2022.
  MMMCLXXIV. The Rubles (of 1885, 1890, 1891) from the honorarium of Ilya Repin, that was paid out for the portrait of Leo Tolstoy. An antiquarian note. - October 13, 2022.
  MMMCLXXV. The Three Rubles (of 1896, 1898, 1613-1913) of Sergei Diaghilev, used by him to pay the honorarium to Richard Strauss (in 1914). An antiquarian note. - October 14, 2022.
  MMMCLXXVI. I am compiling a list of (rare) things for sale. An app-antiquarian note. - October 15, 2022.
  MMMCLXXVIII. The Ruble of Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov (1736). An antiquarian note. -
  October 16, 2022.
  MMMCLXXIX. 5 Reichsmark of General Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist (1935). An antiquarian note. - October 17, 2022.
  MMMCLXXX. The Rostov collection of coins (1723 - 1935). An antiquarian note. - October 18, 2022.
  MMMCLXXXII. The Coin of Chekhov (10 kopecks of 1902). An antiquarian story. -
  October 18, 2022.
  MMMCLXXXIII. The Coin of Kazimir Malevich (10 kopecks of 1906). An antiquarian story. -
  October 19, 2022.
  MMMCLXXXIV. The Coin of Leo Tolstoy (10 kopecks of 1909). An antiquarian story. - October 20, 2022.].
  October 20, 2022 15:12
  Translation from Russian into English: October 20, 2022 16:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монета Владимира Высоцкого (памятный рубль 1978 года, посвященный Олимпийским играм). Антикварный рассказ".
  { 3214. Монета Владимира Высоцкого (памятный рубль 1978 года, посвященный Олимпийским играм). Антикварный рассказ.
  MMMCLXXXV. The Coin of Vladimir Vysotsky (1978 commemorative ruble dedicated to the Olympic Games). An antiquarian story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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