Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya, the investment community and a rating

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    Senya, the investment community and a rating

  Senya, the investment community and a rating
  The morning began with the whimpering of the kids.
  Thus Senya went to the store and called off the main dude: 'Gather friends!'.
  The store was empty, as before. - A buyers avoided to visit it. The cash desk was empty.
  Senya briefly addressed his friends ('every minute is precious now!'):
  - 'The main dude stands on the street in front of the entrance to the store. You go out alone one by one with an interval of 10 minutes and give an assessment to the store! We will make a rating!'
  The work began immediately.
  The main dude - in the end - drew up a paper saying that Senya has a colossal rating.
  Senya, without delay, visited a bank (took a loan under the rating), a business support fund (received the subvention), an election commission (received the registration).
  Then there was a great banquet at the restaurant with the dudes. The mood wasn 't bad. Leaving the restaurant, they released inflatable balls.
  Then in the utility room of the store discussed prospects, outlined plans. Divided the received money.
  Dudes went away.
  Senya left the store and began to close the door to the lock.
  At this moment, - where did he come from? - one of the suppliers with documents on unpaid deliveries appeared. It is the pity that the friends went away ... Now is not the period to be petty, to be trifle. Senya gave the remaining money to the supplier, and he fell behind.
  It was a late evening, and Senya headed home.
  Although the kids kept whining, Senya was optimistic:
  - "Do you know what my rating is?"
  The kids were silenced for a second. Senya used the moment:
  - "All to sleep and not to whine!"
  "And whom do they look like to, whom do they similar to?" - Senya thought, falling asleep.- "How to raise them properly - so that they do not whimper?"
  Senya remembered the major achievements of today and fell asleep with a good mood.
  February 9, 2020 08:28
  Translation from Russian into English: February 9, 2020 09:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня, инвестиционное сообщество и рейтинг'.
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