Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Resistance. From Lermontov to Solzhenitsyn. A culturological sketch

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    Resistance. From Lermontov to Solzhenitsyn. A culturological sketch.

  Resistance. From Lermontov to Solzhenitsyn. A culturological sketch.
  If to follow the title of the essay, then it's necessary to start with Mikhail Lermontov.
  However, let's start with Alexander Radishchev.
  Catherine II glued to Radishchev the badge "A rebel is worse than Pugachev." And she crushed Radishchev like a fly in complete silence (if not to take into account the approving comments).
  Chaadaev. He had to cry, he had to show a tear. "It is necessary, my darling to protect the skin" (Mon cher, on tient á sa peau)" (D.S. Merezhkovsky. Chaadayev).
  Pushkin was entangled with (into) debts, he was surrounded with friends (with buddied), his wife was invited to balls, he was given access to archives, they attracted him with the help of the perspective of position of a historiographer of Russia (like Karamzin's status) - an honorary intellectual position with awards, high status, literary fame, with a free, irregular working day and a good salary (a position, which slightly resembles an "archival young men", but at a higher level).
  "Boris Godunov" ... "The Iron Horseman" ... "" Battle of Poltava "...
  Nicholas the First did not appreciate ...
  Gogol discovered a distancing as a method of opposition and emigration as a form of distancing. He tried to drift from the "The Government Inspector" and "The Dead Souls" to "The Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends." But Nikolai the First did not appreciate it. However, this attempt was noticed by Maxim Gorky.
  The brilliant young man Lermontov came under investigation for poetry. Under threats, he was forced to name a friend. Psychological dissonance haunted him during the rest of his short life. He formulated a poetic curse, which in less than a hundred years reached its goal.
  Dostoevsky. He, seems, was crushed ... He did not betray anyone, he went to hard labor, then into the soldiers. It turns out that you can survive, you can return, you can become successful after all this ... It was a revolution in the picture of the world ...
  Tolstoy. Moral continuous opposition. They tried to find a keys for (to) him through the members of family. A sudden break with everything and everyone. Another innovation in the forms of resistance.
  Chekhov. Somewhere in the sky, on the rainbow - Chekhov, he writes something ... What can he write? In the stories about Bruce Lee there are legends about the mysterious slight blows at the right moment in the right points (dots)... "Ward No. 6" reaches Vladimir Lenin, Lenin brings down the monarchy ...
  Gorky. Gogol's methods, but at a new level. A third of his life in exile, in Europe, in Italy. Effective cooperation with the authorities. After all, after his return, Dostoevsky was on very good terms with the regime ...
  Bulgakov. Creativity plus maximum away from the peasantry and the Socialist-Revolutionaries plus "direct contact". Albeit a phone one.
  Sholokhov? A distancing. "Direct contact" - through letters, through personal meetings ...
  Solzhenitsyn. The story with Vitkevich and the arrest ... Or, on the contrary, with the arrest and with Vitkevich? The experience of Radishchev, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gorky, Bulgakov was taken into account and used ...
  Was Chekhov's experience taken into account (in the sense of the legends associated with Bruce Lee)? Or did it happen by chance? Solzhenitsyn slightly touched, pushed Yeltsin when there was the history with the order (awarding) - and what happened ...
  December 12, 2020 06:34
  Translation from Russian into English: December 12, 2020 07:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Резистенс. От Лермонтова до Солженицына. Культурологический очерк'.
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