One page of the book "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part Ii. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons". In English language. A diary note
Аннотация: One page of the book "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part II. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons". In English language. A diary note.
One page of the book "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part II. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons". In English language. A diary note.
In the context of large-scale destruction of a national book market and in conditions of an increasingly dense control over information flows, the author, which preserves the desire to be guided by own individual conscience when writing works, can to receive information about the popularity of his work only on indirect features.
The literary agents-activists with which the author faces are trying to form in him (1) the feeling of inferiority, (2) the impression of absent of any reader's interest regarding the author's creativity, (3) the opinion about false high level of self-assessment and about false high level claims (requests).
But using a number of indirect signs, the author can see that in reality the situation is completely different.
For example:
(a) two (three) radio stations, which the author more or less regularly listens, with different degrees of activity use his content,
(b) electronic platforms with a huge reluctance and with maximum inefficiency are fulfill author's legal requirements to stop using his works (for the author in the established economic and organizational conditions is simpler directly to provide his works to readers - without transferring works to intermediaries who have the opportunity (i) to receive income from works of the author, but at the same time, (ii) they make it difficult to access readers to the works of the author; a dialectical situation!),
(c) Electronic sellers of books persistently and on a mass basis use the works of the author in their activities - with direct and obvious violation of copyright ...
So, using many indirect signs, I was convinced that for the readers are interesting as the figure of Heinrich Schliman and so my book "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part I. Heinrich Schliemann and his lessons ", 180 p., ISBN 978-5-4483-3250-0 (9785448332500).
The reader's interest encourages me to produce in English a some volume of text of my book "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part II. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons, "270 pp. (ISBN 978-5-4483-3252-4).
Most likely, Part II was written simultaneously with Part I. Therefore, we can assume that in Russian, the text of the book (Part II) was written in November 2015 - September 2016.
What goals to put?
Translate the entire book (Part II) is a huge work. Moreover, this book exceeds the volume of Part I by 90 pages.
A huge work, more then in twice, - is to break through the slingshots (fences, barbed wire) of a digital censorship. This censorship makes every second entrance to the Internet a kind of a huge ordeal, a colossal hassle, a large additional lost time (or there is no connection, or a wide variety of problems with connection, or a meager access speed (insufficient to work), or problems with downloading files or something else ).
A rather difficult task is to send an additional part of the book in English to the Internet every day.
Apparently, a much more realistic task is to direct readers' attention to the figure of Heinrich Schliman and to the book "The textbook of writing success. Part II. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons. "
If to put such a task, then the minimum program will be performed when even one page from Part II will be provided in English .
The frequency of text additions will not be specify in advance. Let this activity be carried out in the "Hobby" format - in the presence of desire and free time. There is no fundamental objection against the daily add text.
If the events will develop such a unique way that at some point the entire text of Part II in English will be available to readers - it will be fine.
So, there is a goal to provide for readers one page (or more) of "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part II. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons".
[MMСCXCVI. The book about Heinrich Schliemann. In English language. A diary note. - August 2, 2021.].
August 9, 2021 04:44
Translation from Russian into English: August 9, 2021 08:06.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Одна страница книги Учебник писательского успеха. Часть II. Генрих Шлиман, Николай Гоголь, Максим Горький и их уроки. На английском языке. Дневниковая заметка'.