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Ivan Ivanovich works in retirement and saves his rubles. A humorous economic and wellness story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDLXXXVII. Ivan Ivanovich works in retirement and saves his rubles. A humorous economic and wellness story. - December 19, 2024.

  Ivan Ivanovich works in retirement and saves his rubles. A humorous economic and wellness story.
  A few months ago, Ivan Ivanovich met his former chief of workshop: it turns out that their plant is functioning, and their plant needs employees.
  Now Ivan Ivanovich is working as a worker (turner) again at his newly opened enterprise, receives a salary in addition to his pension (sixty thousand rubles per month) and deposits forty thousand rubles in the bank after each salary at a high percentage.
  A life is good, and a living is well! Life has become better, life has become more fun!
  But with the onset of winter, Ivan Ivanovich began to feel restless, periods of exhaustion and anxiety. It's all kind of called "depression."
  Disturbing thoughts persistently haunt Ivan Ivanovich: How much does a ruble cost? It's good if the real exchange rate of the ruble is fifty rubles per dollar! And if...?
  Sometimes, after a strange state of half-sleep and complete exhaustion, Ivan Ivanovich rushes to run somewhere, to do something with his savings. But what to do?! What is the right thing to do?
  On Sunday, Ivan Ivanovich went out into the yard to the table and benches, - to the place where he sometimes plays dominoes with his friends.
  "What should I do, guys? I don't know how much a ruble costs! Maybe some measures need to be taken?"
  Pyotr Petrovich looks at Ivan Ivanovich calmly and confidently: "Ivanich, don't be nervous! We are not bourgeois to juggle our rubles. And we are not rentiers to run around banks to search the highest percentage! We are working people, proletarians! Have you read Karl Marx's Capital? Do you know what our Gennady Andreevich says? It is necessary to insist on the advanced indexation of pensions and salaries, on the payment of the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth pensions every year! This way we will maintain our living level!"
  Ivan Ivanovich stands there, remembers who the trade union leader is at their enterprise...
  Meanwhile, Fyodor Fedorovich confidently explains: "My grandson is a volunteer, he helps to preserve nature! He reads smart websites on the Internet every day! The economy is booming! The ruble will grow! That's for sure! So don't worry, Ivanich!"
  Pavel Pavlovich is coming out of the entrance into the yard.
  "Palych, where are you going?!"
  "To the polyclinic, there is a special room for help against depression. It works on Sundays."
  Ivan Ivanovich was delighted: "Palych, I'm with you!"
  At the end of the day, Ivan Ivanovich took another valerian pill. He looked at the fitness watch with pedometer he had bought that day. Today, in the afternoon, he walked six thousand steps - it really helps against depression.
  "A beautiful watch! Useful thing! A good investment!"
  December 19, 2024 10:15
  Translation from Russian into English: December 19, 2024 10:51
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Иван Иванович работает на пенсии и сберегает свои рубли. Юмористический экономико-оздоровительный рассказ. '.
  { 3616. Иван Иванович работает на пенсии и сберегает свои рубли. Юмористический экономико-оздоровительный рассказ. - 19 декабря 2024 г.
  MMMDLXXXVII. Ivan Ivanovich works in retirement and saves his rubles. A humorous economic and wellness story. - December 19, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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