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Greshnyakova, Poklonskaya and a path of Lukashenko. A political essay

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    Greshnyakova, Poklonskaya and a path of Lukashenko. A political essay.

  Greshnyakova, Poklonskaya and a path of Lukashenko. A political essay.
  A new political figure has appeared on the federal political arena - Elena Greshnyakova (from the ranks of the LDPR), a member of the Federation Council, who was appointed by the former governor Furgal.
  She was the only representative of the federal level of power, who managed to meet and briefly (and, in general, without a great sence) talk with the residents of Khabarovsk on its streets.
  In part, she resembles Natalia Poklonskaya during the protests against the film "Matilda". Poklonskaya was a symbol of some incomprehensible mass of close-knit people. Collective prayers were a something new. And Poklonskaya really strained those in power.
  In fact, Poklonskaya's position was very rational - just like the position of Greshnyakova.
  "Matilda", financed in part with government money, was completely out of place in time, when the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution approached.
  Greshnyakova's actions are an attempt to conduct a dialogue with the protesters. An attempt to implement an active real effective responsible policy.
  If there is a politician at the federal level who is capable of dialogue with protesters, then what will be his fate in a normal European country? It all depends on his abilities, his potential. For example, we can to look at the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the First World War, David Lloyd George ...
  At first, the leaders of political parties call on Greshnyakova, who capable of dialogue, for consultations - what does she think about the situation that has arisen? Perhaps, a coordinated active position of political parties is required in relation to the events in Khabarovsk?
  Then she is summoned to beautiful corridors. There she is appointed an adviser and sent to the points of protest to collect information and prepare proposals.
  Nothing like this!
  Greshnyakova sees an anonymous injection of information - she allegedly plans to move from the federal level to the regional.
  Greshnyakova is very surprised ... (
  But don't be surprised. Remember up Poklonskaya!
  Almost the entire State Duma was sent to the screening of the film "Matilda". But what about Poklonskaya? It looks like a kind of isolation ...
  Yes, isolation is a complex notion ...
  The Crimea in which Poklonskaya grew and lived may no longer exists, now ... There is a completely new Crimea, and it is not known, whether is the new Crimea happy to see Poklonskaya ...
  Life in Moscow is not easy ... It seems that something was mentioned about the fact that Poklonskaya began to build a house ... He, naturally, is modest ... But new construction is a risky situation from a financial, economic point of view ...
  The daughter becomes an adult, and you need to think about her future ...
  In general, Poklonskaya politely criticizes herself and actively compliments those in power.
  All! There is no former ... (like him, this actor? Efimov? Trofimov?)
  Greshnyakova is a more complex object to influence. She is adapted to life in the modern Russia. But to be alone in opposition (in isolation) to a huge omnipotent system is a colossal test.
  Affectionate people will come and they will explain that Greshnyakova has no political prospects after the term of office of a member of the Federation Council. But life does not end. Wouldn't it be better to take care of the future in advance - and be guaranteed to move to the regional level - while maintaining the financial and social level. I do not know if Greshnyakova has a house under construction and young relatives whose career, whose future needs support ...
  A little effort, and ...
  All! There is no former ... (what is his name?) ...
  In general, the political system stubbornly is keeping the old views and concepts. No effective political dialogue with disgruntled residents of Khabarovsk!
  Huge wheels are spinning, but they transferred to a mode of relatively invisible, moderate repression ...
  This is the Lukashenko's path before the elections ...
  August 14, 2020 11:30
  Translation from Russian into English: August 14, 2020 12:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Грешнякова, Поклонская и путь Лукашенко. Политический очерк'.
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