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From an air bicycle to an electric "helicopter scooter". An essay on the development of technique

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    From an air bicycle to an electric "helicopter scooter". An essay on the development of technique.

  From an air bicycle to an electric "helicopter scooter". An essay on the development of technique.
  From the note [MMDCCXVIII.] " ESTOL ELECTRA - a model of an electric silent aircraft using the roofs of skyscrapers. (From a high-altitude UAVs towards the urban mobility optimization)" readers could learn about the MIT Daedalus (Daedalus 88) model (human powered aircraft) and about one of its creators, Dr. John S. Langford.
  The Daedalus 88 was powered by muscle power. Therefore, we have the right to conditionally call it an air bicycle.
  This aerial bicycle, on 23 April 1988, flew a distance of 72.4 mi (115.11 km) in 3 hours, 54 minutes, from Heraklion on the island of Crete to the island of Santorini.
  What is the disadvantage of an aerial bicycle? Its use is risky due to at least three factors.
  The first factor. The pilot-driver of an air bicycle performs two functions at once: intellectual (he controls the air vehicle) and physical-energy (he serves as a source of energy for flight). However, since ancient times it has been noticed that the simultaneous performance by the same person of both intellectual and physical functions leads, as a rule, to negative results. (Operating as an aircraft engine on the Daedalus 88 model, the pilot achieves only about 20% efficiency, which means that when generating the 200 watts needed to maintain the flight of the Daedalus 88, almost one kilowatt of waste heat is generated - as while a small fire. The prevention of overheating and dehydration, therefore, becomes of great importance. )
  The second factor. The variability of the weather situation - in general. The variability of the air ocean - in particular.
  The third factor. The variability of a person's physical condition. Even trained athletes have "physical pits", that is, periods when the ability to reach a high athletic results decreases. This factor is difficult to predict. For flight conditions, the variability of a person's physical condition can be a critical circumstance.
  The combination of all factors gives a high level of risk when using an aerial bicycle.
  The Daedalus 88 model overcame 115.11 km kilometers in about 4 hours, but when landing (actually after completing the flight) a strong gust of wind threw off the air bicycle into the sea.
  The pilot-driver remained alive and well, but the air bicycle had breakdowns. The flight ended in the water (7 meters from the beach). The pilot swam up to the shore.
  John S. Langford, after completing his studies, engaged in the development and production of high-altitude UAVs. He is currently engaged in the development of hybrid electric aircraft to ensure regional mobility (including the Electra eSTOL model).
  However, let's imagine that instead of a human drive, designers install a rechargeable battery and electric motors with rotors (propellers).
  The resulting model - unlike a bicycle-airplane - can be called a helicopter-electric scooter.
  For example, let's look at the Jetson ONE model - a personal electric aircraft. ("Make your garden or terrace your private airport").
  On the website of the Swedish company Jetson ( /) the following information is provided.
  86KG / 190LBS
  maximum pilot weight
  95KG / 210LBS
  2480mm / 1500mm / 1030mm
  Width when folded
  Flight time
  20 minutes
  Top level flight speed
  software limited to 102km/h (63mph)
  Service Ceiling
  above 1500 feet AGL [30.48 centimeters multiplied by 1500 equals 547 meters]
  Flight controls
  3 axis joystick, throttle lever
  Battery type
  high discharge Lithium-Ion
  Charging Time
  1h on 220V, 2h on 110V
  Max total power output
  Chassis type
  all-aluminium space airframe
  Motor type
  high power output electric brushless outrunner
  The flight range is not specified. But we can multiply 102 km/h by 20 minutes (0.33 of hour); we get about 30 km.
  So, a flight with a range of 10-20-30 km ... what can such a model be useful for?
  Of course, it is suitable for sports and entertainment. Taking into account the risk factor.
  In practical terms, it can be useful as an air ferry [a vessel used to carry passengers] (for crossing a river, lake, swamp ...); in emergency situations - when flooding areas...
  The announced maximum total output power of 88kW is noteworthy.
  This value is much higher than the power of 200 watts, which was mentioned when describing the Daedalus 88 model.
  Maybe significant power indicators will make the air "electric scooter" more safer?
  The air ocean is not an easy environment...
  The Jetson ONE model is an interesting example of the movement of a design thought.
  Approximately 110 copies were sold by pre-orders. The cost of one copy is 92,000 US dollars.
  [MMDCCXVIII. ESTOL ELECTRA - a model of an electric silent aircraft using the roofs of skyscrapers. (From a high-altitude UAVs towards the urban mobility optimization). The note. - January 24, 2022.
  MMDCCXXV. A car-airplane, a car-helicopter, an electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft , a flying car AirCar. A note. - January 27, 2022.].
  February 9, 2022 09:50
  Translation from Russian into English: February 9, 2022 11:43
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "От воздушного велосипеда к электрическому "вертолёту-самокату". Очерк развития техники".
  { 2788. От воздушного велосипеда к электрическому "вертолёту-самокату". Очерк развития техники.
  MMDCCLVIII. From an air bicycle to an electric "helicopter scooter". An essay on the development of technique. }
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