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Financial well-being of creative personalities (using the example of Vladimir Vysotsky). A culturologial essay

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    MMMDCV. Financial well-being of creative personalities (using the example of Vladimir Vysotsky). A culturologial essay. - January 21, 2025.

  Financial well-being of creative personalities (using the example of Vladimir Vysotsky). A culturologial essay.
  At a certain stage of his life, Vladimir Vysotsky gained a wide popularity and the "right" to earn money by performing behind the masses of listeners.
  One summer, while vacationing on the Black Sea coast, he arranged for two performances in cooperation of the local Philharmonic (type of organization [institution] for helding of concerts).
  A few days later (unbeknownst to Vysotsky), flexible vinyl records of these two concerts were widely releasing. Vysotsky's songs were played in all the coastal kiosks and shops.
  At the same time, Vysotsky's biographers recorded rumors that allegedly Marina Vladi provided financial support to Vysotsky.
  Apparently, Soviet citizens, well aware of the customs of Soviet life, assumed that a super-popular singer could not be rich enough to live without Marina Vladi's financial support.
  How could the results of creativity be converted into financial resources in the era of socialism?
  I recall some stories by Vladimir Vasilievich Zalessky. He explained to me the difference between patents and copyright certificates (he had received several copyright certificates for some of his inventions).
  As I understood then, both patents and copyright certificates are issued in relation of certain creative results in the field of science and technology.
  A patent entitles to receive a reward, but it is difficult to obtain a patent, and the probability of receiving a reward is extremely low.
  The copyright certificate records the very fact of the invention, becomes an element of the scientific reputation of a creative personality, but it does not give the right to reward.
  Many people looked at Vladimir Vasilievich with interest: he himself, practically without any acquaintances, went to Moscow, to the Military-Industrial Commission at the Council of Ministers, organized a scientific business. Even though this scientific business was taken away from him: such action took several years, the People's Control Committee and the Regional Committee of the CPSU were involved in the action, and logically thinking (the case was related to work on a defense), most likely, a "roof" (cover for robbery) was organized from the level of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
  And he, in turn, with surprise told me about some his buddy who invented a certain powder for a film (strips) processing (developing photographic films) (or something similar), achieved the introduction of his creative result into production and received a reward in the amount of 4,000 (four thousand) rubles.
  Another time Vladimir Vasilievich mentioned the interesting concept of a "financial well" - it was an intellectual development of another his buddy. Its meaning was this: a person can work a lot (and/or effectively), but in the end get nothing. And if the same person defends a candidate dissertation, he will create something like a "financial well". About one hundred rubles will be added to the monthly salary of such a person, and this person will pump money like from a financial well. In a year, he will pump out 100 multiplied by 12 is equal to 1200 rubles, and in twenty-five years 30,000 rubles.
  What if Vysotsky had lived to our days? What would we see in his biography?
  He probably wouldn't have written the song "Malaya Zemlya - Velikaya Zemlya". Could he write "Hot days of Donbass"? "Kursk Nights"? "Birds of Anapa"?
  Then perestroika, the "holy nineties."
  Most likely, he would have survived them more or less safely, would have earned a lot of money. He would have been robbed, like many other creative personalities, with the help of the 'Vlastelina' office.
  Alexander Pochinok, calls for famous singers to pay taxes...
  Some later he would marry some energetic woman from circles close to television. There would be a palace in the village of Gliny.
  He would probably have started a "channel" on some social network. After 2022, he would have problems withdrawing currency from a bank account. But still, would he have gone somewhere (via Turkey)?
  During his next vacation on the Black Sea coast, would his financial means have been stolen from a safe deposit box of some "Universal Depository"?
  Would he then start selling his palace in the village of Gliny? And get other "pleasures"?
  One can only assume.
  One thing is clear, the life is always difficult for creative people (even if they do not serve totalitarianism).
  But even if they serve totalitarianism, but at the same time (1) believe in official chatter and/or (2) do not belong to some social strata that have created algorithms for obtaining significant financial resources, - then (even) in this case their chances of financial well-being are not great.
  January 21, 2025 07:07
  Translation from Russian into English: January 21, 2025 08:22
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' О международной конференции по вопросам противодействия тоталитарным тенденциям в демократических государствах, основанных на разделении властей. Заметка. '.
  { Финансовое благополучие творческих личностей (на примере Владимира Высоцкого). Культурологический очерк.
  MMMDCV. Financial well-being of creative personalities (using the example of Vladimir Vysotsky). A culturologial essay. - January 21, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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