Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Brezhnev, Archipelago, Frankfurt on Kosti-Nf. A buff-story

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    Brezhnev, Archipelago, Frankfurt on Kosti-NF. A buff-story.

  Brezhnev, Archipelago, Frankfurt on Kosti-NF. A buff-story.
  Mr. Wintertund, the second deputy general director of the Kosti-NF radio station, spent the evening of the working day in worries. Lots of international news. How to broadcast all this? The photo - Brezhnev with Valéry Giscard d'Estaing - remaind in memory.
  Mr. Wintertund came home, had dinner, and a photograph of Brezhnev continued to pop up in his mind.
  Some kind of strange, even unpleasant, photograph - Leonid Ilyich looked unpleasant.
  Mr. Wintertund began to read the book by Natalya Reshetovskaya "The Break" [separation of spouses] for comfort.
  While reading, he fell asleep. A good dinner worked.
  In a dream it seems to him that he decided to have a good rest, somewhere on the Adriatic, on some Archipelago.
  It's necessary to choose a specific location.
  Mr. Wintertund opens newspapers. Lots of information about the GULAG Archipelago.
  Both TASS news agency and all newspapers, for example, "Unsere Zeit", "Rudé právo", "Volksstimme", "Trybuna Ludu", write about this Archipelago.
  The advertisement is huge!
  Mr. Wintertund arrives at the Kazan railway station, buys a ticket, goes to the platform.
  The platform is remote, deserted one. There is not anyone. But the impression, - Mr. Wintertund feels it with his back, - that they are filming him with a video camera. And the long-range microphone is clearly working. All sounds are recording.
  Mr. Wintertund was walking around the deserted platform for a long time - there was no train.
  Upset - a rest breaks down.
  He returned home. He opened own computer, went to the Internet. A stream - a Moscow blogger expels a girl from Krasnodar onto the balcony. Maybe he, Mr. Wintertund, was filmed on a deserted platform too? And - directly to the Internet?
  It became scary. Just in case, Mr. Wintertund approaches to the door of his balcony and opens it. The girl's body infuses, falls into the apartment.
  Mr. Wintertund is seized with a horror!
  He is waking up. He takes sleeping pills and sleeps without dreams until morning.
  A morning. A native Kosti-NF radio station. A familiar office. Newspapers on the table.
  "A libel!"
  "An angry condemnation!"
  The Pravda newspaper. The author is a certain Soloviev. "The path of betrayal" ...
  First deputy general director of the Kosti-NF comes with a kind smile.
  A relief!
  A business trip to Frankfurt am Main. Tickets purchased. It's necessary to take off immediately. This is not the Adriatic, not the Gulag Archipelago, but this is Frankfurt! ...
  Mr. Wintertund is a journalist. According to the old Siberian journalistic habit, he, an experienced tundra dweller, always has a suitcase with his belongings ready.
  The suitcase is here, in the office.
  Mr. Wintertund takes a suitcase and immediately goes to the airport. He flies to Frankfurt! ...
  [MDCCXCIII. Journalistess from the province, the People's Ultimatum of Tsikhanouskaya, and metropolitan mortgage. A sketch. - October 27, 2020.
  MDCCXCIX. The balanced information. A story about a difficult media problem. - October 29, 2020.
  MDCCCIII. Day of National Unity and another Karamzinius at the Kosti-NF radio station. A story. - October 31, 2020.
  MDCCCV. Trishka's Kaftan. The Media sketch. - November 2, 2020.
  MDCCCIX. "Conditions" radio program on Kosti-NF. The story. - November 4, 2020.
  MDCCCXVI. The support for bloggers on Kosti-NF. A sketch. - November 7, 2020.
  MDCCCXXXVI. Elections in Moldova on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 15, 2020.
  MDCCCXLII. Brandenburg Gate on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 18, 2020.
  MDCCCXLVI. Mafia of a bearded frog on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 20, 2020.
  MDCCCLI. We know what will be tomorrow. On Kosti-NF. A story. - November 22, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXV. The dismissal of Chubais on Kosti-NF. A buff-story. - December 3, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXI. A new appointment to the post of great Tolik and a media pill on Kosti-NF. The story. - December 5, 2020.
  MDCCCXCIII. A great Tolik and the aid to the African state of Longo on Kosti-NF. The story. - December 10, 2020.]
  December 13, 2020 19:26
  Translation from Russian into English: December 13, 2020 21:15.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Брежнев, Архипелаг, Франкфурт на Кости-NF. Буфф-стори'.
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