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A painting by Caravaggio "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599). A diary note

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    A painting by Caravaggio "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599). A diary note.

  A painting by Caravaggio "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599). A diary note.
  When news releases brought information about the participation of influential people in the Gaidar Forum, the work "Participants of the Gaidar Forum are discussing a painting by Caravaggio" arose by itself.
  However, for a long time I could not make a decision on the placement of this work.
  I tried to get out of the situation with the help of the work "Virus specialists at the Gaidar Forum. Специалисты по вирусам на Гайдаровском Форуме".
  Nevertheless, the work "Participants of the Gaidar Forum are discussing a painting by Caravaggio" reminded of itself.
  I tried to convince myself using the argument that some participants in the Gaidar Forum might be interested in the painting by Caravaggio "Vocazione di san Matteo", and that they would discuss not the content, but the artistic merits of this painting.
  Is this possible? Yes, it's possible.
  Having allowed myself to be convinced with this argumentation, I overcame my own hesitation and posted on the Internet the work "Participants of the Gaidar Forum are discussing a painting by Caravaggio".
  Participants of the Gaidar Forum are discussing a painting by Caravaggio. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art plus Caravaggio's painting "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599). Author: Vladimir Zalessky.
  Участники Гайдаровского Форума обсуждают картину Караваджо. Произведение восточно-республиканского изобразительного интернет-искусства плюс Картина Караваджо "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599 год). Автор: Владимир Залесский.
  [used for the access to a web resource by inserting into the browser address bar]
  [используется для доступа к веб-ресурсу путем вставки в адресную строку браузера]
  Длительность хранения - 2 месяца (размещено 14 января 2022 г. 03:56). Storage duration - 2 months (posted January 14, 2022 3:56 AM).
  January 14, 2022 4:15 AM
  Translation from Russian into English: January 14, 2022 4:28 AM
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Картина Караваджо "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599 год). Дневниковая заметка".
  { 2713. Картина Караваджо "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599 год). Дневниковая заметка.
  MMDCLXXXIII. A painting by Caravaggio "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599). A diary note. }
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