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Secrets of the universe

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    Английская версия научного бестселлера "Тайны мироздания в современной науке и религии".

S.E. Voronin

Secrets of the universe in modern science and religion

Russia - 2018

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   Preface from the author  
      All the time, while there was a "titanic" work on this book, I did not leave lingering doubts: and whether it is necessary to undertake a "very heavy" theme study, besides the risk of incurring the wrath not only on the part of all existing religions, but much too serious scholars - these arrogant representatives of the modern scientific community? And in general, whether it is possible in principle - to reconcile modern science and religion? And only when the work on the book was completed, and its electronic version, I sent some well-known Russian scientists and theologians, it became clear that, after all, it was a right decision - to write this book.
      Here is what wrote in his review of the monograph "The Mysteries of the universe in modern science and religion," Academician, outstanding scientist - physicist and famous Russian journalist Sergey Kapitsa: "Dear Sergey Allow me to express my gratitude and admiration of your labor supply your point of view. It opens a whole line of research, and I hope that the publication of the monograph will open to readers to their own conclusions. I wish you success. Sergei Kapitsa. "
      I do not disappoint us with the assessment of this scientific work and the well-known Russian scientist - theologian of Nizhny Novgorod, with a deeply religious man, Igor I. Malin: "Dear Sergey Eduardovich Thank you for your wonderful book, all with the growing interest I read the help of Christ to you. creativity and work! Guardian Angel to you and your home! Sincerely, Igor Malin. "
      Soon the book "Secrets of the universe in modern science and religion," with virtually no cuts, was published in the Journal of Zoroastrian "Mitra" (N11 in 2011), whose editor is a well-known Russian astrologer Pavel Pavlovich Globa. "Mitra" magazine is the official organ of the Zoroastrian community in Russia, currently registered in the Department of Justice of St. Petersburg. With the assistance of Pavel Pavlovich Globa, as well as the editor of "Mitra" Galina Sokolova book was translated into Persian language and ubyla its "historic" home - in Tehran.
      This monograph is dedicated to my first and beloved teacher - Elsa Grigorevne Ryan, which is one of the lessons of the Russian literature in 1977 drew our then still completely scattered, children's attention "semiklashek" on the most mysterious in the world history of art icon by Andrei Rublev "Holy Trinity ". Something tells me very strongly today that without this great lesson of esoteric literature, teaches at the still young varmint Elsa Grigorevnoj back in 1977 in Karaganda steppe, this monograph would have never came into being. So, enjoy your reading, dear reader!
       "If you look long time into the abyss, then sooner or later the abyss looks into you!"
   Friedrich Nietzsche
      Chapter 1: The Mystery of the origin of the universe
      "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God The same was in the beginning with God Through him all things were, and without him nothing was made that was made.." - Once flatly told the Apostle and Evangelist John Theologian, thereby putting many centuries forward in a very difficult situation of many philosophers, theologians, and sometimes simply to ponder the meaning of life.
      So, what the Bible means by the term "word"? This question haunted mankind for millennia. There are many diametrically opposed hypotheses about the semantic meaning of the biblical concept of "the Word." However, the conceptual approach used in this study allows us to conclude that the authors of the Bible, the term "word" is likely to imply the divine plan of the universe, the so-called Divine Providence, the ultimate purpose of which, as we know, was the creation of the Divine Man in the image likeness of the Lord. God created man so that he will know and transform the world, and the apex of human knowledge should be the Lord Himself. For him, it is certainly a welcome and long-awaited actions which are subject to all stages of the Divine Plan.
      Already beginning in the genesis of the cosmic relationship provides a strong two-way relationship of God and man, the culmination of which will be a transition of God in man (the Incarnation), and vice versa (deification). The creator has a very strong desire to fully express his divine essence in man, as a man to become God. Witnesses of this great event in the near future, obviously, we are with you, and let us, dear reader. In our work we try to justify our assumption of the future events, as this will make the state of modern science and religion. Note that this book is, of course, does not claim to ultimate truth, but like everything that is written on the topic proposed, may well serve as a working hypothesis for further studies of this problem is so exciting mankind.
      So, if the first was a divine plan or, as he called Hegel, the Absolute Idea, the logical question - where to take the start of the universe, that is, what is the initial stage of implementation of the Plan? This is the main question, the astute reader, the answer to which depends on the correctness of the construction of our further conclusions. We believe that the beginning was the time - this is the first creation of the Creator, from whom originates all the Universe.
      It seems that time - a synergistic (ie, closely related to other physical phenomena - the space - the value that does not exist without it) substance, which determines the amount of volume and space boundaries of the physical universe.
      Figuratively, you can imagine it like this: a kind of ultra-light gas, for example, lepton, seeks to fill the dimensionless reservoir. Number gaseous substance existing in this case, will determine the amount of space occupied by it. In other words, the gas volume determines the boundaries of the virtual tank. As it is the case and over time. Number of selected synergetic substance Time will determine the amount of space it occupies the physical universe, which appears simultaneously with the times and without which the essence of time is unthinkable. In this how - once manifested sinergetizm, ie genetic relationship of space and time in the philosophical sense of the word.
      Or another, in our opinion, a very good way to support this thesis. Imagine a vast ocean of sand - a lifeless desert outside space and time. Someone then put sand in a glass flask in the form of two communicating vessels, and here it is already dead desert finds its hourglass their individual time. Desert space so limited volume glass flask with necessity generates time, which in this case are within the sand from one tank to another. New substances are not formed as a result, but it appeared a new quality - flow.
      And now the most interesting question, dear reader: this is where the "fun action" and who produces the light of day this substance? The answer, at first glance unexpected and paradoxical - Ocean. This, of course, literary image, a metaphor. We are talking about is inaccessible to human consciousness the form of intelligent life.
      As it is known, in the esoteric literature highlighted three forms of intelligent life: energy, plasma and biological. Official science operates with only one concept - "biological form of Reason." This is understandable, since science relies only on facts and experimental data, and their first two forms of Mind there is little, apart from the numerous facts accumulated by science rational behavior of ball lightning - also today still insufficiently studied natural phenomena - plasmoids. Why they were in the discharge of esoteric knowledge, which is often all that can not yet scientifically proven. The ocean is a plasma-energy form of intelligent life. It's a giant Matrix, Absolute Mind, which exists beyond time and space.
      It is clear that the essence imagine, much less explained in terms of physics and other natural sciences, it is very difficult. But, using artistic images - is quite real. What is not in a position to make a metaphysical way of thinking, ie, realize the infinity of the universe from the point of view of physics and other natural sciences, it is quite capable of imaginative thinking. Describe the infinity of the universe by means of pictorial art - today it is solvable problem for artists.
      For example, the cult films of Andrei Tarkovsky's "Solaris" and Stanley Kubrick's "Space Odyssey: 2001" could create a very convincing image of the Absolute Mind - Ocean - plasmoid. The "Solaris" Ocean produces on the surface of land islands, causing humanity to this contact. As it resembles the biblical picture of the Creation! We believe that in this way the reality of the oceanic plasma was created a solid substance, which has become the material basis for future stars and planets.
      In addition, the film Kubrick's "Space Odyssey: 2001" contains a direct reference to the fact that the ocean is beyond the universe, and access to it is possible through the "mole hole" or "black hole" (by the way, there is a scientific hypothesis that it is in "black hole" in its infancy, is generated antimatter - building material for future stars and planets) in the curved space of the cosmos, and where the protagonist - an astronaut. Especially exciting and mysterious submitted footage of the film, in which the ocean sends the Messiah to the earth as a baby in a capsule, and most likely - of the human embryo in the uterus. All this is a religious rite on the screen Kubrick accompanies the theme of the Savior of the symphonic poem of the German composer Richard Strauss' "Thus Spake Zarathustra", composed by him in 1896 and became known around the world thanks to this cult film, as well as the popular television show "What? Where? When?" in which this music is used as background wallpaper.
      But it is unlikely all the images on the screen created exclusively visionary artist. I think that before the end of Stanley Kubrick did not realize that what he takes. One feels the presence and management of responsive Chief director and screenwriter - the ocean.
      By the way, the idea of ??messianism is easily visible in the novel by Stanislaw Lem, "Solaris". There astronaut Burton watches in horror on the surface of the Ocean 4-meter smiling baby with blue eyes, rocking on the waves. Back on Earth, Burton sees exactly the same baby, only in life-size, was born in the family of the deceased recently in the study of ocean astronaut Feknera.
      So that part of the ancient sages were right in their early conception of the universe as an infinite ocean on which makes his perpetual motion planet Earth. This - the sacred knowledge of the Creator, perceived by them as something like an axiom. By the way, God as the Spirit of the Ocean featured in Hinduism and partly in Islam. Ocean of Light mentioned in Zoroastrianism - in its holy book "Avesta".
      In the mid 40-ies of the last century, the famous Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev put forward and substantiated the sensational theory about the nature of time, which is still a matter of fierce debate in the scientific community. According to this theory, time is the flow of energy that permeates the universe and nourishes the stars, including our sun. That Time of our star derives energy, which, in turn, nurtures all life on earth and is present in every human being. Only the presence of a particular form of energy Time, according to NA Kozyrev, can be explained by the fact that the sun has not yet been extinguished as the potential energy of the star, definitely not enough for billions of years of life.
      Around about the same words of the famous Austrian scientist Anton Mesler. In 1776, in Vienna, he obtained a doctorate in medicine, "On the influence of the stars on the human body." Mesler argued that "... the stars due to the force producing their mutual attraction, have on living beings influence, which is nothing other than a change of universal gravitation. This effect is accomplished by the thinnest liquid that fills the whole world and to penetrate into all the body" .
      The guess that time is a substance, such as liquid, at the time expressed by Plato and Heraclitus. "Everything flows" - Heraclitus never tired of repeating, identifying the main modality of time - fluidity. As philosophers held a direct analogy with the liquid, the ancient sages emphasized that time can change the fluidity, consistency may be more viscous, more attenuated. Investigating the properties of time, Heraclitus saw in it "a subtle perversion of being in non-being and non-being into being." The same was said and Plato, who opened state time, seeing their "supreme trinity," that is a union of three, when of them - past and future - are inextricably linked with this; Recently, "I have them in a single soklyuchayuschaya connected, which herself is one of two in soklyuchaet".
      In this context comes to mind beautiful Soviet film "Spring turncoats" in which the boy protagonist of the picture, suddenly saw time simultaneously. I saw, of course, not literally, but simply felt the endless manifestations of causality of natural phenomena energy density Time: bird fluttered from tree branch swung from branch fell reveal kidney, etc. As if someone had launched a gigantic cosmic pendulum, and all the world in motion.
      Of particular scientific and practical interest, dear reader, is for us "doctrine of time and space," the Russian philosopher A. Sukhovo - Kobylin (1817-1903), better known as a playwright, author of the play "Wedding Krechinsky". The concept AVSuhovo - Kobylin, which is called Vsemira teachings, says that in nature there is nothing, no temporary stable state: the past are gone, the future yet, but now every second tends to be provided in the past, means and it also is not. The present - a "flickering past in the future." It is in the phenomenon of time most fully reveals the causal relationships of the universe. Furthermore, AV Sukhovo - Kobylin with brilliant insight first formulated the thesis of the bi-directional flow of time, to which we shall return later in this paper.
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      To expand the energy essence of time, my perspicacious reader, we need to define the category of "torsion fields", which has firmly taken its place in the conceptual apparatus of modern science. Despite this problem of torsion fields in science today is one of the most controversial, causing a fierce debate scientists. Some respected scientists such as Academy of Natural Sciences Shipov and Akimov, seriously dealing with this problem, the official science declared charlatans, exposing the rigid obstruction. Meanwhile, they stubbornly continue to argue that there are certain "torsion fields" in nature, through which you can extract energy from the vacuum, and instantly transfer information from one point to another universe. This theory was developed by a group of Soviet physicists back in the mid-1980s. Under her institution provides "defense" money has been created. In 1990-ies. Financing for obvious reasons, it stopped, and Russian Academy of Sciences announced the theory pseudoscientific and still considers it the personification of quackery. However, the authors of the concept - Academy of Natural Sciences Shipov and Akimov still claim that they created torsion generators capable of improving the properties of the alloys, and heating devices - to give more energy than is taken from the mains. Their theory is also ready to explain telepathy and other psi-phenomena.
      What is torsion fields - ask you, dear reader, and you will be right? It is known that every elementary particle has the option, which physicists call "spin", which is the quantum analog of rotation.
   It is this parameter determines the occurrence in nature of one more field that in 1922 justified the French mathematician E. Cartan, suggesting that in the universe there must be a field generated by the angular torque, ie, rotation around its own axis. Everything revolves around the atom, and the atom also rotates around its own axis. And before him at the end of 1 century Italian scientist John Ritchie wrote an equation that describes the rotation of a massive object, like a star. These scientists call torsion fields.   To compare the intensity of manifestation of various physical factors that are information-field nature, physicists have introduced the dimensionless parameter - constant interaction. For one, they took the most powerful - nuclear interactions.
   To compare the intensity of manifestation of various physical factors that are information-field nature, physicists have introduced the dimensionless parameter - constant interaction. For one, they took the most powerful - nuclear interactions. Thus torsion fields are so miniscule value of the constants that were seen by scientists as a very insignificant element of building the universe. By the way, today the attitude towards them in the majority of scientists, to put it mildly, rather "indifferent."
      Modern science has proved that all particles - atoms, electrons - have rotational angular momentum, that is rotate around its own axis, and, moreover, even atom itself rotates on its axis. Every material object every second creates and maintains its information, ie torsion field. All of the processes occurring in the material, the physical universe are under the strict control of the Ocean - Uniform information field of the universe.
      Torsion field surrounds every elementary particle, but it does not mean that it is enhanced by a simple summation - adding fields of these particles. In a sense, the torsion field of elementary particle is torsion field of the universe, our sun, planets and of man himself. The quality of the field of any object in the universe - that's his main strength. The quality depends on its information support. To understand this, you need a good grasp of the universe and the divine device to realize how data fields are formed, creating a substance Physical Universe. It is necessary to understand how the formation, including torsion, gravity (ie logging) fields and why the Bible says that "man is created in the image and likeness of the Lord." And it means that a person is a copy of the microscopic universe.
      Gravity is derived from the torsion field of the universe. Torsion field, in turn, is derived from the stabilization of the field of ocean energy creation. It seems that time by torsion fields are closely associated with gravity. And this influence is mutual.
      Thus, the rate and time course of vector depends on the speed of rotation and the vector torsion fields. In addition, it has a certain value the interaction of torsion fields with different modulation, which in turn affects the force of gravity flows, and shrinks or expands time and space. In our opinion, this influence is also mutual, as the gravity is able to influence the speed and direction of the flow of time.
      All of these fields are not observed either in nature or in the course of the experiment. It is known that atomic nuclei consist of positively charged protons and neutral particles - neutrons, protons and neutrons are built from 12 different quarks and leptons. Between them can be strong interactions that lead to the emission of electromagnetic waves of hard radiation, to the emergence of new particles have other properties (for example, photons and electrons can form short-antiparticle) or the complete annihilation of matter. We know that in order to capture on film the elementary reaction of interaction between the atoms would require a camera with a shutter speed of only 10 - second degree or 1 femtosecond. To imagine that it is for the time necessary to imagine such a relationship - at 1 second placed many femtoseconds as 32 million years old - seconds. Furthermore, already invented apparatus, the fixing reaction.
      In fairness, dear reader, it should be noted that torsion fields are not only discovered in 1900, but has learned to control their energy great Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943.). Even during his lifetime, he invented an antigravity device, revealing the secret of torsion fields, which is the same, and buried himself as mankind has, in his opinion, was not ready for such an opening, getting into the hands of the most powerful weapon in the universe. In the journal "Senture" ( "Century") in June 1900, he published an article "The problem of the rise in energy consumption, with special reference to solar energy device", which created a furor in the scientific community. His biographer Margaret Storm has repeatedly stressed that Tesla spoke with the higher powers. This power of the thought process, of course, belonged to another world. Nikola Tesla himself has said repeatedly that his invention does not belong to him, and are given from above. And in the dosage form, the dosage clearly Creator. Obviously, Nikola Tesla belongs to the category of the Chosen. He assumed that they invented the device once and for all put an end to wars. It was able to generate a field of extraordinary strength around the state, so that the country would be protected from attack by land, sea and air. Details of these findings were never presented publicly.
        It is no accident that in the Nikola Tesla hunted all the intelligence agencies of the world, wanting to get into the ownership of the discovery made by him. And for Alexei Tolstoy, he became the prototype of Engineer Garin in the famous novel "The hyperboloid of Engineer Garin". If Einstein was able to get to the heart of the matter, ie, solve the problem of torsion fields, perhaps as early as the beginning of the twentieth century, mankind would have been the answer to the question of the origin of the universe. But he could not do so at the current state of science and technology, and Nikola Tesla, unfortunately, was a great practice, but not a theoretician. Learning to use the torsion fields, collect them in a directed energy beam, however, he is a fan of Applied Physics, hardly would make out his discovery in a scientifically sound doctrine, there is little interest in the problems of fundamental science, at least for reasons of security of mankind.
      Another, no less intriguing scientific mystery - the emergence of anything solid universe. In our opinion, this case is also not without its "divine power" - torsion fields. At this indirectly indicated by the latest scientific data.
      So, at the end of the last century in Magnitogorsk talented inventor Anatoly Vachaevym installation was created, which allows to get out of the water iron, manganese and other elements of the periodic table. Vacha is supplied to the jet of water two sharpened copper electrode and is passed between them current. Emerged discharge formed an artificial ball lightning, which holds the coil inductance. And then the miracle happened - a water-jet output is a gray powder, which consisted, as shown by analyzes of the mixture of iron, manganese and other elements. Though water to electric discharge machining, and if it contained impurities of these metals, in quantities disproportionately smaller than the outlet. Moreover, the process of transmutation of elements accompanied by a huge release of energy - thermal power plants, hydro and nuclear power are doomed to go into the past. Here are a few numbers: from one cubic meter of water (or one tonne) obtained 214 kg of iron, manganese and 20 kg allocated 3.2 megawatt - hours of electricity (enough to heat a residential district). As calculated Anatoly Vacha, the reaction of cold fusion, he spent 5 kilowatts, and the output was ... 25 kilowatts. He tried to change the electrode materials, water is passed is not distilled, and deliberately contaminated. All the same in all cases, the output was pure metals and energy sea.
      Modern science still can not explain this phenomenon, which is contrary to all the laws of physics. Meanwhile, scientists claim that cold fusion allows any amount to obtain not only tungsten, platinum, or, say, rhenium, which is 10 times more expensive than gold. It is possible to synthesize any of the periodic table elements, including those not yet open.
      In this case, the person turns to the Creator, in Bogosotrudnika. But it is hardly modern rulers and oligarchs allow him to do it in full - this discovery destroys all the foundations of the global economy and the knock out from under the feet of the basis of their world domination!
      So, my dear reader, summing up the above, we can conclude that the time - a kind of synergistic substances, plasma, consisting of fibers of subtle energy of torsion fields, which changes its density and the direction of energy flows under the influence of the force field of the Ocean - Absolute Intelligence, the there is a Creator.
      That time has a bi-directional flow, ie, can change the direction of flow from the future to the past, confirmed by numerous facts of people falling into the so-called "time loop".
      So, in 1982, while still a student at the university, I was visiting my father in Khabarovsk. One summer day he and I went to his friend the archivist police department of the Khabarovsk Territory, the pensioner Interior Ministry, who told us that the police archive has a very interesting criminal case, rather savoring of mysticism - namely, the case of the rank and file of the Red Army Terekhov, who moved from 1941 to 1948. Then my father looked at him with obvious skepticism, writing off a speech on the fantasy of an old man. I imagine my surprise when, about this case, I read in the book of famous Russian scientist Victor Kandyba.
      The story took place in July 1941 near Orsha. During reconnaissance ordinary Terekhova stunned mine explosion, after which he came to Germany in the dugout. Seeing an enemy machine gunner, he immediately pounced on him. Embittered act captive Germans decided to shoot him. When the average was taken to a nearby forest, the sky lit up with a sudden blinding light and a shrill whistle. Opening his eyes, a Soviet soldier found himself lying on a green grass among the trees, and next to his unconscious guards. He quickly gathered their machines, shook them, and ordered to raise his hands up, the Germans led in the direction where our unit was supposed. Soon, to the amazement of Terekhova, I ran out of the forest and on the road he saw the approaching cart, in which sat an old man and a girl.
      - Hello, Father! - Greeted the soldiers when they arrived quite blizko.- Our far? I immediately got in trouble, but, you see, got out, three reptiles lead.
      At these words the old man's eyes widened, became furiously baptized and slurred mumble.
      - What are you, deaf? - Sympathetically I asked the soldier. Here I come to the aid of the girl, saying that he, along with captured Germans ... is on the Far East, and in the yard - summer ... 1948 ... And then almost speechless Terekhov ...
      Enkevedisty, suspecting some sort of provocation, carefully studied the dossier soldier and found that it actually took part in the ill-fated reconnaissance near Orsha and was then listed as missing. In Vladivostok have been caused by a few fighters from the part in which he served Terekhov. They identified his colleague and was surprised to have noted that for the past seven years he has not changed and looked like "preserved in alcohol." Tireless security officers in one of the camps for prisoners of war on the Volga spotted an officer of the company, which in 1941 served Terekhov captured Wehrmacht soldiers. He confirmed their statements.
      Despite the fact that the investigation is conducted for a long time, the best "specialists", to answer the question of how a Soviet soldier with three Germans "transported" to the Far East, where all four of them were as much as 7 years old, it was not possible. In the end, the case was closed: the Germans sent to a camp for prisoners of war and ordered Terekhov hard to hold his tongue, which he did more than 50 years.
      Bi-directional traffic flows Time, largely explains the phenomenon of clairvoyance, which allows people with vivid psychic abilities with the help of consciousness to penetrate into the finest threads of torsion fields, making a virtual journey into the past and the future.
      And now, dear reader, for the sake of objectivity, it is necessary to bring the official view of modern science to the problem of the origin of the universe.
      As we have seen, time - is a form of existence of matter in which most naturally implemented causal relationships. Therefore, complexity of our understanding of time associated with a more in-depth knowledge of the principles of construction of the material world, can not help but reflect on the understanding of causality. The space is a form of existence of matter characterized by properties such as length, structural, coexistence and interaction. The concept of time as there is a comparison of the different states of the same object, which is a result of the duration of its existence, inevitably changes its properties, and from the fact replaced by a sequence of different objects in the same place. Time, therefore, is a form of existence of matter characterized by such properties change and the development of systems, such as the length of the sequence of states change.
      The concepts of "space" and "time" are correlative: so, in the concept of "space," reflected co-ordination of various external to each other objects in the same time, and in the concept of "time" affects the coordination of successive objects in the same place space.
      Until now, scientists did not cease debate around these concepts and in this regard there are two official theory, in varying degrees, to explain the nature of these phenomena - the substantial and relational. According to the first of them, established in line with the classical Newtonian mechanics, there are independent from the matter of absolute space and time, which has made itself the material events and processes. Absolute space and time - is the net length and net length, are placed in the material objects, they are immutable and constant. You can remove all spaces from the body, but still remains space, and its properties are preserved.
      The same happens with time: it flows equally throughout the universe, and it is for neither of which is independent; time - this is pure duration, a continuous stream of the world, a constant cosmic scale for measurement of specific movements. The second concept, which originated in the bowels of the dialectical tradition, was formulated in Einstein's theory of relativity, hence its name. Space and time are conceived not as a singular entity separate from matter, but as a form of existence of matter. From this understanding, it follows that space and time, in the first place, the essence of the objective properties of matter and, secondly, as such, are universal. Along with the general properties of time and space inherent in each of them specific properties and quality. For the space will be as follows: three-dimensionality, symmetry and asymmetry, shape and size, the location, the distance between the bodies, distribution of matter and fields. Specific same time other properties, namely one-dimensionality, asymmetry, irreversibility, ie, direction is always from the past to the future, the rhythm of the processes, the speed of change in the state. They should be considered in unity. The idea of ??absolute space and time to meet certain physical world: a system of views on the matter as a collection of atoms that have the same volume and inertia (mass) and acting on each other instantly or at a distance or by contact. Changing the physical picture of the world and changed the views of space and time. The opening of the electromagnetic field, and a refutation of the theory of instantaneous action at a distance revealed the failure of the classical picture of the world, and hence the failure of the above concepts of Space and Time.
      A huge contribution to the development of scientific concepts of space and time due to moving matter introduced NI Lobachevsky, who had come to a very important, not only for the geometry, but also the philosophy of the conclusion that the properties of space are not always and everywhere the same and unchanged, they vary depending on the most common properties of matter. Lobachevsky's ideas about the unity of the space with moving matter have been confirmed and specified in modern physics.
      Einstein's theory of relativity has revealed a direct relationship of space and time with a moving matter, and with each other. The fundamental conclusion that follows from this theory is as follows: Space and time do not exist without matter, their metric properties are distribution and interaction of material masses, ie, gravity. Einstein himself, answering the question about the essence of his theory, he said: "The bottom line is this: once thought that if by some miracle all material things disappeared all of a sudden, the space and time would remain the same According to the theory of relativity with things had disappeared. to space and time. " It turned out that the presence of metric properties of space and time is a function of the gravitational forces acting between the moving masses. If it were not for the masses, there would be no gravity, and if it were not for gravity, there would of Time and Space. Therefore, Space and Time is not matter there. And since the matter is in constant motion, space and time change their properties depending on the movement.
   One of the expressions of communication of Space and Time with the movement is the fact that the simultaneity of events is not absolute but relative. To understand this fact should be borne in mind that the space-time description of the phenomena is impossible without a reference-system benchmark against which monitored. It turns out that the distance between any bodies located in the space on the finite distance from each other differently in different inertial motion. With the increasing speed of the body length is reduced. In the world there is a permanent body length: depending on the reference system it changes. Similarly, the time interval between any event in a variety of different moving material systems. With increasing speed it decreases. According to the general theory of relativity, in a very strong gravitational field slows down over time. Because black holes do not come out of any radiation, nor any particle and reacts it with the world only through the force of gravity. Thus, a single continuum space - time of the universe is a manifestation of its existing gravitational forces.
      The identity of gravitational and space - time phenomena reflected in the equivalence principle, according to which the observer, located inside the closed system can not be inside of the system to determine the nature occurred since it changes as the outer parameters of gravity, on the one hand, and accelerated motion systems with other causing, as is known, change of space - time characteristics coincide. Hence - the gravitational field and the field generated by the accelerated motion, physically indistinguishable, are equivalent.
      Thus, in Einstein's theory of relativity found its natural-scientific proof of the dialectical principle of unity of Space and Time with moving matter. The unity of space, time and matter in motion can be expressed as follows: studying the matter in different forms of its manifestation, we will certainly study thus space and time in their organic connection with the movement and, on the contrary, exploring the spatial and temporal parameters, we are thus we are studying the matter and its motion.
      This unity is already suspected the ancient sages, who imagined the space as a stretched string in different ways, that is, with varying degrees of intensity, condensed and discharged. Here and energetic space, and its organic connection with the matter, with its endless activity and understanding of space as some very fine tuning of the medium, the full potency of the mighty. Ancient philosophers anticipated the opening of torsion fields, filling the space of the universe. The wisdom of the ancient rejected the clean, empty and completely homogeneous space: she took it with all the density moments, curvature and plastic curly, which after many centuries of scientific thought has become inherent in bodies themselves, and not to engage in their space.
      Space and time are due to matter as the form of its content, because each level of motion of matter has its own space-time structure. Spatial organization of a crystal other than a form of "stretch" blooming roses. Living structures also have special properties of space and time - their geometry becomes more complicated, and changes the rhythm of time. Here we are faced with a biological characteristic of time and space: all organisms have their own biological clock. Its special structure has time and historical events, which are the subjects of master of time and space, organizing these events, and also experiencing them. Consequently, the historical time - this is another characteristic of the time compared to physical time, for example, the movements of the heavenly bodies.
      When we say that time is accelerating its pace, we mean that events are flowing faster, that is, increasing the intensity of all forms of social life. Socio-historical time is calculated by generations, centuries, millennia. Its special feature is that the historical events are stored in the memory of mankind. It as a starting point to certain events, even legends can be taken. The problems of time in literary creativity (artistic time) is also subject to special study. For example, it turns out the ratio of time intervals in interpersonal relationships or heroes in their biographies. The unity of artistic time with the art space is called the "chronotope" (a term introduced by MM Bakhtin). There is also a psychological time, connected with his subjective experience.
      For suspense "stretches" and experience the pleasure and joy "shortens" time, making it a "compacted", while to "shrinks". Well known for the phenomenon of "compressed" time, faced by people who have been in a state of clinical death. For a split second before his mind's eye the dying person goes through his whole life, and especially highlighted the good and misdeeds committed by an individual for life.
      We believe that physical death - is the transition of man (or rather, its existence) through time in a parallel dimension. Daylight, I must say, very painful, but how do you imagine, dear reader, painless dissection of a single living organism into two distinct parts - the living and non-living natural astral body? Obviously, with the manipulation of Ocean Energy Time can be explained by the phenomenon of myrrh-streaming icon, and amazing fact of disappearance from the tomb of the crucified body of Christ. In the first case, myrrh substance appears as a result of the translation under the action of torsional and gravitational fields invisible plan of the universe in the visible plan. In the second case, the body of the crucified Christ with the help of Energy Time "catapulted" into a parallel dimension, thereby transferring the visible plan of the universe in an invisible plan.
      So, with respect to time and space, their connection with the quality of the material filling the structures, from which it is substantially dependent, today beyond the boundaries of theoretical physics and is used in virtually all areas of human knowledge.
      The theory of relativity uses the concept of a single space - time continuum, or, as some say, a four-dimensional space in which the three familiar spatial parameters is added and time. This is done in order to more accurately than can be implemented in a conventional three-dimensional space to fix any material object. Einstein himself said that he was surprised that alertness, which often relate to four-dimensional space, even though it says only that the body with certain spatial coordinates were there at this particular point in time (the fourth dimension).
      Another thing is multi-dimensional Hilbert space. It is intended to reflect the existence of the object in any not the spatial properties that are expressed only as a "space - like" using a variety of mathematical operations. Thus, if the three familiar spatial coordinates of the object contains three additional coordinates, expressing, for example, the three components of the momentum of the same object, to refer to the totality of all these data suggest six-dimensional phase space, although the actual spatial coordinates here, as usual, three. The concept of the six-dimensional phase space, so that there is a mathematical abstraction, and it is not intended to replace the concept of three-dimensional space.
      Multidimensional space - not fiction, but not space in the truest sense of the word. Religious thought, in our opinion, have long found a more successful language to describe this natural phenomenon. It is written in the Scriptures that God's world is divided into visible and invisible world. Then, in accordance with the laws of dialectics, we can assume that our gross material world of the physical universe is opposed to the spiritual world of the Universe - The world of high-energy, delicate matter, is not available to sensory perception and modern appliances fixation.
      By the way, mathematicians fully managed by its own means and methods to describe the multi-dimensional space. The mathematical science uses the term "potential infinity" and "actual infinity". "Potential infinity" is an infinite series of numbers, leaving nowhere. To make any - or mathematical operations with the "potential infinity" is absolutely impossible.
      In contrast, the "actual infinity" is already a number series, limited conditions of existence of differentiated geometric equations describing multidimensional space. Thus, mathematicians were able to their scientific methods and means to express the great cosmic paradox - "finite infinity"!
      Much earlier it was possible to make the ancient Iranian prophet Zoroaster - the founder of Zoroastrianism. In its holy book "Avesta" the universe is presented in the form of 4 areas. The first sphere - is the original light. It shipped 3 remaining sphere of the Universe: the stars, the Sun, Moon and Earth. We believe that the original light - not that other, as the plasma oceanic world of subtle energies, which are shipped in the sphere of gross material world. And in his "Avesta" Zarathustra describes the universe in the form of eggs, which is placed in the center of the "yolk" - planet Earth.
      Incidentally, in the form of a chicken egg, i.e. extending along the axis of the sphere, I imagine the Universe and the famous Hermes Trismegistus in his wonderful and very mysterious "Emerald Tablet".
      The use of multi-dimensionality of space is one of the methods of quantum physics, forced to describe the "inaccessible" sense-perception, and therefore make visible the phenomena of the microworld. It is especially acute problem of an infinite universe. In different historical periods, there were different approaches to the issue of scientists in general, and the infinity of space in particular.
      In ancient Greek philosopher Archytas conceive infinity as follows: take the spear and throw it away; We go to the place where it fell, and then throw it in a straight line even further; and no matter how much we do not repeat this procedure, we are nowhere and never come across the border, for which can not be had even throw a spear. Consequently, space is infinite - it's so simple and clear. So the concept of infinity Hegel called "bad", "How far away I do not move a star, I can still go on the World never boarded up.".
      However, the true infinity - is a process of permanent go beyond the final, but the output is not only quantitative, but also qualitative, even essential: a system for determining the measure goes into a qualitatively different - both in great and in small. Any arbitrarily large system is finite in space and time. But as we move from one "level of hierarchy" of the world in a different one system properties and relations transferred to another, possessing its measure, ie qualitative and quantitative determination. And in this sense, it acts as an infinite qualitative diversity of hierarchically organized systems of the universe. True infinity - it is a process of continuous quality neoplasms including the infinity of space and time, a dialectical process of finding a drop-down boundaries and loss, balance and achieving at the same time striving for breach thereof, ie, constantly, intensely pulsating process of unity of opposites. Endless "web" relations of things, the world of phenomena, their energy-informational interactions is a continuous going beyond the individual final.
      Infinity time of existence of the world is expressed in the concept of eternity. Eternity is inherent only in the world as a whole, of which each individual system is transient. In religion, the concept of eternity is associated with God or the Absolute Spirit. God - is infinite and absolutely perfect being, dwells not in time but in eternity. In Zoroastrianism is - Zeroana, which is understood as the Absolute Time and Absolute (in our understanding of the ocean). Accordingly, the most sacred doctrine for the initiated in Zoroastrianism is called zervanizma. Zeroana, in turn, creates a higher spiritual personality - Ahura Mazda (God - an android), which, according to Zoroastrian teachings, and is the direct Creator of the Universe and Man.
      Thus, from the above it follows that the ocean itself, itself, can not create the universe in the form we know it, is the Creator and the Creator - the Lord our God, which actually is the intermediary between man and the Ocean!
      The problem of the finite and the infinite is closely related to the modern interpretation of gravity. The theory of relativity has given the concept of curved space "non-Euclidean". Einstein considered the gravitational fields of different bodies as the curvature of space in the areas surrounding these bodies. But does the curvature of the entire global space? The curvature is determined by the curvature of its world lines passing by massive bodies. If, for example, to take a set of world lines of all natural bodies, then these lines are more curved near the center of gravity: the planet causes a weaker curvature than the stars. Slightly attraction in the intergalactic region where the world lines are straightened. If all of the world bent line, then we can talk about the general curvature of space. Naturally, that understand its infinite space does not coincide with its immensity. Einstein taught his son: "In fact, my son, imagine a blind beetle crawling over the ball Moving indefinitely on the surface of the sphere, it does not meet any boundaries:. Limitless scope in two dimensions Beetle doomed forever to creep over the ball." . This is clearly at one time world tour proved Magellan.
      In a nutshell, the theory of relativity wittily explained eminent American physicist John Wheeler: "Space tells matter how she move, and matter tells space how to bend it." The curvature of space is a necessity Time warp, and vice versa. Obviously, this explains the so-called "hronomirazhi" - scantily modern science a physical phenomenon in which people in this watch the historical events of bygone years.
      Today it is difficult to imagine what a revolution in the minds produced while relativity. Two centuries the basis of all material science was the Newtonian mechanics. Suddenly, Einstein said that time can flow differently, object size depends on the speed of its movement and the speed of light - conceivable limit. Even the cleverest contemporaries doubted these innovations. It took many experiments to confirm the correctness of Einstein. But now scientists are cranks who is haunted fame Herostratus - some ambitious physics foolishly spend life trying to disprove the theory of relativity.
      As is known, Einstein's genius on this has not calmed down. A deeply religious man, of course, knew of a more complex structure of the world, than a device of the visible, material world. Not by chance at the end of life, though in vain, he tried to construct a unified field theory explains the origin of the universe. This information was not available to him, "file" was blocked by the Creator. And the level of development of modern science and technology to Einstein did this problem clearly impossible. Apparently, humanity was not yet ready for such a discovery. If he succeeded, perhaps as early as the beginning of the twentieth century would be to unravel the mystery of torsion fields. But the discovery of nuclear energy and the invention of the atomic bomb have shown what can cause premature discoveries for mankind has not yet matured.
      Now let's talk about the curvature of space of the Universe. The fact that the curvature of the global space has different interpretations in modern science. Some tend to interpret it as proof of the isolation and the sense of limb-like limbs of any spherical surface. The movement in this space in a very specific direction will not necessarily be the distance from the starting point, but by virtue of the internal curvature of space can be completed return to the starting point on the opposite side. This problem is similar to that discussed before Magellan's voyage around the world: whether it is possible, sailing in a very specific direction, for example to the West, to be, in the end, at the initial point, returning it to the east and covering with a finite distance. Infinite space does not mean it indefinitely. Others argue that the curvature of space does not follow his limb: an enclosed space - a private and idealized (assuming a uniform distribution of matter in the universe) in case of its curvature. Most likely, the curvature of space can be explained is inexplicable from the point of view of science the fact that the rocket had left long ago our solar system, again find themselves in it, carrying ballistic loop. Obviously, existing in the Universe "mole holes" let you effortlessly fall into the scope of the various points of the curved space, the speed of thought to overcome its hypothetical center.
      Very good in this matter helps to understand the concept of "entropy". The term "entropy" (from the Greek entropia -. Twist, turning), first introduced in 1865, R. Clausius. Statistical physics considers the entropy as a measure of the probability of staying in the present state of the system (the Boltzmann principle). In addition, the concept of entropy is widely used in physics, chemistry, biology and information theory. With regard to the subject of our study, it is appropriate to talk about the entropy of human thought. Entropy thought allows for a fraction of a second a few times round the globe of the universe. That is, the speed of thought, dear reader, in this world with nothing can not be compared even with the speed of light.
      No matter how resolved this question in the natural sciences, in terms of the dialectic of the concept of infinity is primarily a qualitative rather than a quantitative sense, the more that the very concepts of space and time are relative.
      We believe that the physical universe still is a sphere with a hypothetical center inside. Not by chance, astronomers around the world are a globe of the starry sky, where there is a hypothetical equator, parallels and meridians. This sacred knowledge that ancient people got over and, in contrast to the modern man, was seen as an axiom. Obviously, our ancestors were closer to God and Nature than we are. Accordingly, this area, such as dolls, placed in the space of spiritual (Divine) universe - in energy plasma Ocean. Universe in the form of a crystal ball imagined and Leo Tolstoy.
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   By the way, the proof of the Poincare conjecture, presented recently by a famous Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman, also determines the shape of the universe in the form of an ellipsoid. The essence of the topological problems over which fought scientists around the world for over 100 years and which has successfully resolved Perelman, just lies in the fact that any three-dimensional space without holes is equivalent to a stretched sphere. To people who are far from mathematics to understand the global significance of this statement, consider for a moment the magician - a magician, who because of his black cylinder pulled the whole world, our universe, and then I turned back again. So, Perelman in 2002 proved that it is possible. In other words, an atheist Perelman mathematically (and mathematics, in my opinion - it is a universal language of God) proved the greatest possibilities of the Creator. "Figuratively speaking, it is indirectly proved the existence of God, - admires opening Perelman Professor of Mathematics Vladislav Malahovskiy.- By the way, six centuries before the Christian era, the Greek scientist Xenophanes Kolofonsky suggested that only God has the image of the eternal spheres He reasoned that God -. - spheroid, because that is the best form to represent a deity "!
      Now, dear reader, let's talk about the Big Bang theory. At present, there are three varieties of the Big Bang theory. Maybe they were right or wrong to confirm the Large Hadron Collider that scientists launched in late 2009. The main purpose of the collider - to discover the Higgs boson - the particle responsible for the emergence of mass in the universe. With a light hand of journalists dubbed it "a piece of God." I guess bosons discovered in 1964 by the Scottish physicist Peter Higgs - not that other, as the torsion waves that make up the energy fields in the universe other than on the parameters of gravity. The torsional wave, which is pervokirpichik universe has a spiral shape and is very similar to a helix of the DNA molecule - pervokirpichik biological life. It is not surprising, as both in one and in the other case we are dealing with the same kind of Divine Energy Creation. In fact, the torsion wave is precisely the "God particle", the primary cell of his huge body. Compressed to the size of a singular point at which the hypothetical Megavzryv, giving rise to the universe, torsion fields relieve a huge amount of energy required to convert to the Creator of the invisible into the visible universe plan plan, material. So, almost maternal agony of the spiritual universe is born a physical universe.
      By the way, Collider, have done such a stir, especially among respectable housewives appeared only because of the very Creator wanted that encourages any directed not at the destruction and the destruction of their own kind of human research activities. Just for humanity, for the Lord's opinion, it is time to answer the question about the origin of the universe. And, incidentally, the first result of the collider work was the discovery of the quark - gluon plasma (state of matter at the time of the birth of the universe). Perhaps this is the plasma of the Ocean, in which universe is submerged.
      Returning to the Big Bang theory. According to the first viewpoint of the scientists, the gravitational attraction between the slow "of galaxies is so strong that at some point it will make them start to converge, until the return of compression (collapse). According to the second position of the scientists, the galaxy" scatter so fast that the gravitational force I will never be able to stop them, and the universe will expand forever. Finally, according to the third - gravity close to the critical value, which prevents deployment of the universe as the infinite in space and its inverse compression (i.e., avoids it).
      How did they solve the problem of finite or infinite space? The first argues that space is finite but without boundaries, the other two - it is infinite. However, in all of them is a problem of time, which "rests" at the moment of the Big Bang (and in the first - and at the moment of the Big Crunch). Does the fact of explosion the beginning of time, and compression fact - it end? The answer offered by the scientists, but still has not found its confirmation, is that space and time "running out" at the time of the explosion and compression, but only in the sense we know it. Before and after the alleged explosion there are other compression of space and time, previously unknown to science. Yet, that could mean this "new state" of space and time? Scientists are trying to find the answer in the creation of a quantum theory of gravity. In due time before the creation of quantum physics we were almost similar to the problems associated with the stability of the atom. Emitting energy, electrons inevitably would have to "fall" on the nucleus of an atom (the analogue of the Big Crunch). However, this does not happen, and quantum physics explained this by saying that if the electron fell to the core, it is at this moment would have very definite position and velocity, it is impossible to open positions in quantum physics, the uncertainty principle.
      Hope physicists to build a quantum theory of gravity consist in the fact that, perhaps at the points of the Big Bang and Big Crunch properties known to us the space - time change in the sense that they are instead a continuous flow (space and time) decay into photons, in other words, as well as the field acquire quantum features. Already it is impossible to say that the point of explosion and Squeeze - a border of Time and Space, but will have to say with certainty that the spatial - temporal forms of existence of matter acquire in this case a special character quality. But at the same time physics forget that there is a reasonable gravity, skillfully controlled absolute mind that the Universe has a clear goal, which scientists - materialists simply do not see and do not want to see, and, consequently, they never fully understand the meaning and significance taking place in the universe of physical processes. Meanwhile, the scientist as anyone else should be obvious, Who created this world! The physicist is faced with such mysterious things, such as universal constants "Planck's constant", the number "pi". But someone these constants constants are set!
      Or take the so-called "anthropic" principle of the universe. After all, if we compare all the physical and chemical parameters of the universe, it turns out that human existence has a very narrow corridor: a little hotter would have been in the world or a little younger than the Sun - and all the universe would consist of one electron, it would not be of humanity.
      For example, scientists at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently stated that in the universe discovered 80 strange objects, which are called Rokos. It - radioobekty with continual (continuous), optical spectrum, which look like stars, but they are not. A member of the Institute Gregory Beskin suggested that "it is certain beacons set by powerful civilizations for some of their goals." Academic added his colleague Sergei Yazev: "A couple of decades," knock "on the extraterrestrial civilizations intervention in the structure of the solar system could have only a scientist, not caring about their reputation, but the facts do not argue Suppose we study the solar system.." From the " with one of the solar systems. And what is thinking, seeing we have a lot of "strange laws?" For all these oddities, astronomers have noticed for a long time. it was found that the parameters of the solar system, where the planet suspiciously exactly "fit" to create an environment suitable for life. This is the Earth's rotation speed, and the angle of inclination, and distance from the Sun, the presence and mass of the moon, and a huge Jupiter nearby, which, due to its weight, captures a huge amount of flying by comets and asteroids. Chance accidental - one in a billion.
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The most incredible discovery in recent years - so it was christened astrophysicists - discovered orbiting NASA space telescope "Hubble" (see photo of NASA). With the help of pictures were obtained, in which the scientists spotted a clear outline of the white floating city. The American scientist Robert Harrington, Dr. Astrophysical Sciences, said: "This is what is called, is inexplicable, but the fact is when we watched the orbital images, at once noticed a dark spot on the two of them, I am armed with a powerful magnifying glass and could not believe my eyes..: speck was a shining structure, reminiscent of the city. The only difference is that he sailed! " Sky Land, which found heaven Kitezh-grad, remade with a maximum for "Hubble" resolution. Floating city reappeared. Computer analysis of the photos showed that the movement of the mysterious structures coincides with the movement of the surrounding galaxies. However, when the three-dimensional modeling of this part of the universe, astronomers were shocked even more. It turns out, not "city" is removed from us, and we him. The image clearly showed that the galaxy is on the run up to the point where it is located. So, he is the center of the universe.
      However, in the world of miracles, no less. Application of the methods of the exact sciences (eg, physics, probability theory, computer science) to the study of biological objects yielded stunning results. Having considered the probability, the scientists came to the conclusion that for the random origin of life on our planet was not one chance in a billion.
      The first cold shower for atheists become the data shown in 1 of the International Conference on the problems of communication with extraterrestrial civilizations in 1978, which cosmologists have actively discussed the problem of the origin of life in the universe. Simple protein can consist of 100 components, called amino acids, of which 20 - necessary for life. Therefore, the probability of accidental association in an appropriate manner, to form a protein molecule, which consists of 100 amino acids is 20 to the minus 100-degree, or about 10 to minus 130 minutes. Scientists estimate that all elementary particles in the universe, interacting billions of times per second for the whole of its existence, however, may not form the protein. Even more startling number - the required number of combinations for the occasional formation of enzymes, which is equal to 10 minus the 40,000-th degree. Fairly well-known cosmologist Professor of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy at Cardiff University (Wales) N.Ch. Wickramasinghe in "Reflections astronomer biology", commented as follows: "Most hurricane swept through the cemetery of old aircraft, will bring a brand-new superliner pieces of scrap than the life of its components arise as a result of random processes."
      No, dear reader, do not give birth to the dead. With the help of torsion fields and reasonable gravity Ocean supports and nurtures the fragile life on Earth, as the fire in an oil lamp. In this regard, we believe, needs serious updating and well-known definition of life as "a form of existence of protein bodies", this once Friedrich Engels.
      Firstly, the definition operates perfectly - undefined values ??that give rise to the researcher further questions: what form of existence and what is it? And then, based on the concepts and logic of our scientific studies, it can hardly be limited only to the protein form of the body, which may be accompanied by life. We believe that life - is a form of existence of the Absolute Energy in protein and other body.
      Thus, we can conclude that science is not in any way does not contradict belief in God; on the contrary, they help and complement each other. Not coincidentally, a neuroscientist Pavlov, a war surgeon - Yasenetsky, Tupolev aircraft designer, who know about the physiology, the device of the human body and aerodynamics combined with the physics and mechanics of many, many more than the vast majority of people of that time, with all this, allow themselves to be people who believe in God . Anyway, we believe in God, scientists like Einstein, Planck, Lemaitre, Bohr, Heisenberg, Spemann, Buzeskul and many others. Practice shows that the orthodox materialism together with the "stubborn" atheism makes even the most harmonious scientific theory completely unfounded or greatly flawed.
      For example, Darwin's theory of evolution - of course, slim, scientifically sound theory, confirmed by a huge amount of empirical data and having a sufficiently strong methodological foundation. For objectivity's sake it should be recognized that in the world today do not have enough compelling alternative to Darwin's theory, and all scientists proposed the concept of the origin of life on Earth have the character of a working hypothesis. However, the most famous "Achilles' heel" of Darwin's evolutionary theory, its most vulnerable point is the lack of a transitional link from ape to man, is Darwin, an Orthodox atheist, and could not explain.
      It seems that the evolutionary leaps and changing directions of evolutionary processes in biology is due to the active participation in the Evolution of the Absolute Mind. They are one of the many genetic experiments Creator. The entire course of evolution under its strict control. It is God who determines the vector and the speed of evolutionary processes, conducts the selection of the most viable species at the DNA level. And this is a digital technology of the Cosmos, which Darwin at the level of scientific knowledge, of course, could not take into account in their theory. Evolution - it is an experience of God. The same hard path of His knowledge, his method of trial and error, like people, only a universal scale. Only, unlike the latter, the Creator is absolutely not limited in time in the process of acquiring this experience, knowledge and creativity. God is Great breeder - geneticist, my inquisitive reader! He can easily change the direction of evolutionary processes, changing the poles in the chain of evolution, for example, from ape to man, and vice versa. By the way, this hypothesis confirms the discovery recently made in Germany. Found the skeleton of an animal the size of a cat that lived 47 million. Years ago, had at each extremity the five fingers with nails and foot, like a foot ape. This made it possible to consider it a transitional link between primitive apes and anthropoid. However, not all scientists agree. So, paleoanthropologist Alexander Belov said: more logical to assume that on the contrary, more ancient monkey has degenerated into such a small animal, saving some advanced features.
      We believe in Darwin's theory, there is one major drawback, which turns it into another dogma Metaphysics - the lack of the ultimate goal of evolution. You say, the goal of evolution - creating perfect form? And why, if, under the law of evolution, even the most perfect form, is doomed to give way to a more perfect? Some "labor of Sisyphus" it turns out! Or, perhaps, the principle - there is no limit to perfection? n our view, the removal of the divine principle of the process of evolution, that is, that rash did Darwin in his theory, completely dilutes the great goal of the World evolutionary process - creation and spiritual development of the Divine Man, "Vitruvian" (named after the Italian architect Vitruvius, open right "golden section") of the universal man by Leonardo da Vinci - The Fifth element Universe, brilliant Italian open. Evolution for every kind of evolution is losing meaning and very similar to the senseless, but very hard work idiot who is moving, but it is not clear - where and why.
      The same applies to the teachings of VI Vernadsky the noosphere (the noosphere, from the Greek "noos" -. Mind and sphere). This new evolutionary condition of the biosphere, in which a reasonable human activity becomes a decisive factor in its development. IN AND. Vernadsky developed the idea of ??the noosphere as a qualitatively new form of organization arising from the interaction of nature and society, as a result of transforming the world of human creativity, which is based on scientific thought. Undoubtedly, a very pretty coherent theory, but religious thought for a long time and very successfully described the noosphere, the sphere of the Absolute Mind. She dome covers not only the earth, but also the entire universe (hence the dome of the Orthodox churches), both from inside the objects animate and inanimate nature (pantheism). Vernadsky was right when he said that intelligent human activity produces energy that accumulates on Earth, forming layers of the noosphere. Here in fully manifested the law of conservation of energy: anger, envy, aggression spills galore mankind, certainly will not disappear and are transformed into the dark essence of living next to us in a parallel world. One can not help to recall the words of St. Ignatius of the Russian Orthodox Church Brianchaninov (1807-1867), who said: "All - again, this is - a great happiness that the Lord partially deprived of human vision, and we can not see creepy disembodied creatures that surround and swarm around us. otherwise, people would go mad from the constant contact with the forces of Darkness. "
      By the way, the essence of a parallel world from 1974 to 1996. successfully observe and document on film the Permian psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev. Using a mask for snorkeling and creating with the help of complete darkness between the eyes of the patient and the camera lens, he was able to produce more than 500 photos of entities from the world of subtle energies in the form of animals, devils, snakes, and vampires who attended 117 (I think it is sufficiently representative empirical data for sound scientific findings) patients with schizophrenia during their hallucinations. The images of these creatures, or "guests" as they are called himself Gennady Krokhalev, on the film in full compliance with verbal description of his visions patients who are in remission, which proves their material nature. In addition, in the course of experiments Krokhalev put patients in a completely isolated from external electromagnetic radiation room where these entities instantly disappeared. As soon as the patient out of the room, the spirit appeared again. This allowed the researchers to conclude that these creatures are fed by energy from the environment and parasitic brain of schizophrenic patients who have their own protective biofield for some reason is weakened and can not withstand the outside. Obviously, it is hardly a coincidence can be considered is the fact that alcoholics around the world during an attack of "delirium tremens" (delirium) see the same thing: snakes and devils, and, green. These incorporeal creatures are gaps in the natural "space suit" a person weakened by alcohol, and the defense mechanisms of the mind are powerless against their onslaught. Gennady Krokhaleva Research is very interested in the intelligence services of several countries, and in 1998 he tragically died under mysterious circumstances. It is believed that the cause of death has become a taboo developed by scientists of the research topic.
      By the way, the essence of a parallel world, namely: poltergeist phenomena, luminous aura of various material objects - have successfully learned to fix with the help of the device, which is a two electrode skip between current, submerged in water - Professor of Biophysics, St. Petersburg State University, Dr. technical Science Konstantin G. Korotkov.
      These intelligent creatures, dear reader - products of our higher mental activity. We ourselves, of its vital functions, and, namely, the active release of negative energy, causing the invasion of the Others on our planet. Other - is everything, blood, blood, flesh, taken together, form antitsivilizatsiyu astral bodies that actively intervenes in the life of human civilization, making it a powerful destructive elements - war, disease, crime. These antibodies, a part that is not available to the human eye of reality, consisting of fine fibers energy, are cosmic war for the conquest and the complete destruction of the human soul and the body. Mankind has for centuries fosters their eschatological expectations attack from alien aliens, stubbornly oblivious to what has long been attacked inside the dark beings from a parallel world. With the help of alcohol, drugs and "golden calf" of these active and passive parasites destroy the natural Earth "suit" of man, his body - this divine vessel; are actively fighting unnoticed and therefore very successful, inspiring man that he - a true master of his fate, the real God; I impose his own destructive style of behavior, thereby paralyzing his mind and will. The film "Star Wars" George Lucas, which shows a very convincing egregornaya this war - a perfect illustration of the eternal confrontation between the cosmic forces of Light and Darkness. Note that in accordance with the best traditions of Zoroastrianism in the film Good always triumphs over evil. Otherwise, it can not, dear reader - otherwise life is absolutely meaningless.
      In addition to the above, and in support of our vision, let us say a few words about the so-called "theory of drive" an outstanding Russian historian and philosopher Lev Gumilyov. In our view, this doctrine, which is, in fact, a very successful social interpretation of the evolutionary theory of Darwin, is directly related to the rational activity of the Ocean. Gumilyov - the historian speaks of the nations that have passed and not passed the evolutionary selection. He convincingly shows the evolution of the development of peoples, the reasons for their relocation, flowering and dying. However, he failed to fully disclose the mechanisms that trigger global migration processes, explaining that only the forces of nature, compelling the nations to move to other areas. But the fact that all these processes are focused on developing and sufficiently rigid scheme, allowing to conclude that a reasonable guide the beginning of this global movement - Lev Gumilev, unfortunately, not seen.
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Incidentally, a prominent Russian biophysicist, an archaeologist and founder of Alexander Leonidovich heliobiology Chizhevsky (1897-1964) went much further in their studies LN Gumilyov. He established a strict relationship between the cycles of solar activity and many phenomena in the biosphere, in particular, the impact of positive and negative ions in the air (air ions) on living organisms. According to AL Chizhevskogo, there is an 11-year cycle of the Sun, which influences the behavior of people, provoking wars, revolutions and other social cataclysms. However, he failed to consider all of these phenomena of the activity of the Absolute Mind.
      It's very simple, dear reader: the evolution of the development of peoples is included in the Single Plan for the Creator, whose purpose, as we already know, is the creation of the Divine Man. Selection peoples directional migration processes subordinate to this great purpose and are part of the Divine Providence. With the help of torsion fields, reasonable gravity Ocean not only drives the stars and planets, but also controls the behavior of entire nations, as well as each individual. Being Great existentialists, God controls the vector and velocity of migration of peoples, with the help of natural forces, creating for them the extreme situations, overcoming that nations and peoples are moving in the right direction to him of the evolutionary development. So it was with the Atlanteans, as was the case with arias, as was the case with "God's chosen" Jews, etc. Fortunately, only the Creator knows what people will play a key role in the final part of God's plan, otherwise it would cause such a chauvinistic speculation that the ideology of the Third Reich against this background would seem childish prattle. Thank you, God, but that we have already passed, and no desire to step on the same rake!
      So, summing up the above, we can conclude that the ocean, Absolute Mind is a powerful generator of torsion fields, in fact, Energy Creation of the physical universe. We can confidently state that the ocean is in the broadest sense - is the spiritual universe which Hegel called the Universal Spirit, which exists beyond time and space. This - the plasma - energy form of Reason, plus a huge database information necessary for the creation of the physical universe. In modern language of science, ocean - this information - the energy matrix, which determines the origin and development of the physical universe, through which is realized the great plan of the Universe. The physical universe is also limited by time and space material worlds, which, like dolls repeatedly invested in a multi-dimensional, is outside of time and space, the world of the spiritual universe. Rights, Hegel was absolutely right when he said that the Absolute Spirit governs and reigns supreme over the world.
   Chapter 2: The Secret of the icons by Andrei Rublev "Holy Trinity"
      "He is the Mahdi, will extract the Torah and other Divine books from a cave, and will judge among the faithful of the Torah according to the Torah, the believers of the gospel according to the Gospel among the believers of the Koran according to the Qur'an," ...
      "There will come a time for my people when there will be nothing of the Qur'an except its appearance, and nothing of Islam except its name and they call themselves such names, even when they are away from it all. Mosques are full of people, but there is not will present the truth in those days, religious leaders (fuqaha) will, for the most part, evil;. they will spread rebellion and disagreement, which to them, thanks to the Mahdi, and will return "...
      "He will do the same as the Prophet, destroying as destroying He rituals of ignorance period. It will re-establish Islam. Mahdi will repair mosques and reconstructing their Mecca. Mahdi will bring a new order, a new book, the new legislation and a new tradition. More religion, also abandoned and corrupted, will be restored to its Truth and Purity force Mahdi "(Ibn Babin, 129, 1/162; Ibn - Ayyash Mugtad - ab).

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      In the spiritual world and the physical universe, everything develops according to a single plan Creation of the World, according to the same laws of the universe. Society Development Programme and the nature of long-written and change it in a state of only the author - Absolute Mind. Creation Plan are the manifestation of divine predestination, which in science is called philosophical determinism. One particular cases of deterministic laws, in our view, is just the icon of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity", written between about 1425 and 1427 years, which is nothing more than a coded message of the Creator of the human civilization. In fact, we are dealing with a program of spiritual development of mankind, designed for the Millennium, so this icon has a truly cosmic significance. Rublev Icon - This is the story of three Great Connections humanity with the Universal Mind. Three people depicted on the icon - the three immediate earthly contactee with the Ocean, come to Earth at different periods of the history of mankind to perform individual programs of the Cosmos; in other words, the Messiah. It remains to be seen who personally painted on his icon great master Andrei Rublev.
      From this position the icon by Andrei Rublev is one of the most mysterious in the world history of painting. There are at least eight versions about the one who is still depicted on the icon. All this variety of points of view can be roughly summarized in three main points of view.
      According to the first officially recognized Orthodox Church version, the icon "Holy Trinity" shows the three persons of God the Father - God the Father - Son and Holy Spirit. It is appropriate to recall the history of the icon. It would seem that one of the most revered icons in one of the most revered monasteries have always been on the mind. The culmination of the pilgrimage to the monastery for many like - once was the prayer before the miraculous, written "in praise of Sergius of Radonezh" icon. But, paradoxically, really "Trinity" No one had not seen: this prevented gold salary, which covered her in 1575 by order of Ivan the Terrible. In 1600, already under Godunov, it was replaced by an even more magnificent salary. However, and without it to see the icon to its original splendor it was impossible: each icon when the painting was covered with varnish, as it were, "brighten" the paint. But over time, linseed oil darkened, so the icon periodically to "renew", simply copying over the darkening of the film. And by 1904, when Basil Guryanov dared to touch his scalpel icon painting of Andrei Rublev was indistinguishable under numerous renovations. Such is the life of the icon: created for the temple, the temple she grows old. It is noteworthy that the final top layer was removed from the icon in the tragic 1918, when most of the icons and temples were destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The astonished gaze of the Bolsheviks appeared icon abounding obscure faces and animals. What is surprising: the Bolsheviks, who without any regret destroying any religious objects, declared a national treasure painting and took zealously protect it by placing the national Tretyakov Gallery, where she is to this day.
      In the canonical story of the three angels heralded the birth of Isaac, Andrei Rublev extra compartment: bustling small figures with dishes in hand (close to the actual Trinity portrayed Abraham and Sarah the house, bringing the bread). Three angels as a symbol of the triune God appeared in all its purity supramundane. Only the earth signs: oak, table, bowl.
      It is believed that the Savior symbolizes the central angel, for his hand was closer to the cup, meaning the atoning sacrifice. To reinforce this version usually refer to the answer Hundred Chapters Council Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Togo wondered which of the angels is the Christ and who, therefore, befitting a halo with a crosshair? Council said that Christ - the average angel sitting above the other, and a halo with a crosshair befits him. The answer is as ridiculous as it is a question of: halo meaning with crosshair - the superiority of honor, we have the Saviour before the apostles and the saints. Hypostasis as the Trinity are equal.
      Fathers Hundred Chapters Council overlooked that seated the Son in the center and separating thus the Father by the Holy Spirit, they made the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son, which is contrary to the Symbol of Faith (not by chance that the Byzantines have preferred death and the Turkish slavery Catholic filioque - formula, added Catholics in the Creed, in which the Holy Spirit proceeds "and from the Son"). Creed also with the utmost rigor to remind, that the Son is seated "at the right hand of the Father" (ie, the right of the Father, and to the left for us). And all it is doubtful that "the inspired master" Rublev placed below the Father's son. Middle angel as it hovers over the joy and of suffering, of all that can be called. Half-turn to the left (what is "right hand") to the angel, hand, as if to move the sacrificial bowl to him ... Perhaps it is more appropriate image of the Gospel of the Father, gave His Son as a sacrifice?
      right angel half-closed eyes. It is entirely immersed in the contemplation of the Kingdom of God, which is revealed in the Spirit. The slope of the slope of the head repeats the middle of the head of an angel, as if doubling his face his. And the position of the palm is the same as that of the medium. And the angel of the right (assuming that his head was covered with a handkerchief) it is possible to imagine the Mother of God, waiting for a passionate message.
      Left as an angel has visited entirely and leaves it. His hand is really far away from the cup, than the other two, but the situation is typical for its palm-taker. In the eyes, glancing at the world of the earth, softly, a sad, but unbending determination. If someone from the angels - a word, it is he. I think now it will stand up and speak. And all, all become a verb of God.
      In my opinion, with this interpretation of the great works hard to accept. These mountain - "fallosofy", sorry, philosophers from the official Orthodox Church (forgive me the reader the pun) seriously believe that Andrei Rublev, this ardent supporter of the Byzantine iconographic tradition, could venture into notorious heresy at that time, depicting on its icon of God - Father. Even more unprecedented audacity when there was an attempt to portray the image of a particular person of the Holy Spirit. This immediately provoked a legitimate question of the Church fathers: who was this man, who was honored during his lifetime to serve as a kind of the Holy Spirit? It is obvious that in the process of working on the icon of Andrei Rublev sitters are not used. Images of all three characters were given to him from above. Most likely, the artist until his death and did not know whom he depicted in the icon.
      We believe, hardly a law-abiding and God-fearing artist quite adequate man could himself decide to perform seditious known for icons of time in advance in anticipation of a flurry of indignation on the part of ministers of the Church and the King, as was the case in reality. The answer suggests itself here is quite simple and obvious: it was a Divine Order, where God spoke simultaneously the Principal and author of the composition. Only God could inspire Andrei Rublev to perform such a dangerous, almost impossible task even for the genius of the artist - to portray the icon infinite cosmos, that is the Ocean, who is the Lord, in the image of an unknown person using ciphers and codes, which will be opened only after many century. Otherwise, such "advanced" icon would never have acquired a sacred meaning, and the more, the miraculous power, which, according to legend, has the "Most Holy Trinity". It is still revered as a miraculous and she made numerous lists.
      Another interesting fact, dear reader. Prominent Soviet physicist, Academician Boris Rauschenbach well-known to the general public, not only as one of the creators of the space orbital station "Mir", but also as a researcher Russian iconography, successfully applied mathematical methods in the study of pattern geometry and the so-called method of "reverse perspective", used painters in the writing of almost all Orthodox icons. According to BV Rauschenbach, their strange, illogical compositional structure, often contrary to all known laws of painting, the broken proportions icons characters associated primarily with distortions of spatial perception of artists, observing and trying to capture on canvas objects parallel spiritual world, constantly present beside us all within reach arms. Distorted proportion - this is just an attempt iconographer with limited human perception to solve global geometric paradox - connect objects visible material and the invisible, but actually there is a spiritual world, or "angels of peace", as he called it BV Raushenbakh in one whole. As a lifelong staunch atheist and visited in 1982 in a state of clinical death, Boris Rauschenbach once came to the conclusion that all the icons are not just works of art, and casts a different, actually existing around us the world of the highest order, opening icon painters only in certain ecstatic state - it is a kind of immersion of the artist in the transcendental abyss that opens his inner vision.
      By the way, the ability to see objects invisible world had Jesus Christ, who has successfully taught his apostles.
      But back to our picture of "Holy Trinity". The fact that the writing of the icons involved higher order power can be illustrated by a simple experiment. Take a digital camera Canon A-430 and will produce a few fragments of photographs icons, changing only the focus and angle of incidence of light on the painting "Holy Trinity". On the computer the pictures to maximize how allows it to make the resolution of the camera. The result is that the image does not blur as it should be done with all the pictures written by oil paints. On the contrary, we have opened sufficiently clear outline of figures of animals (mostly dogs) and the faces of the same man shown in profile and full face poluanfas. The explanation of this optical effect can be only one - Andrei Rublev never drew these animals (which prohibits the Byzantine tradition of icon painting), and these images are applied to the icon of a much later by digital spraying. Who did it and why - we learn later, dear reader.
      According to the second version, the icon shows the canonical biblical story, based on the biblical story of the phenomenon in the plains of Mamre to Abraham and Sarah, God in the form of three men (angels), which it received under the shade of an oak; one of them foretold the birth of a son to Sarah (Genesis 18, 1-16).
      In Byzantine iconography of this subject image is called "Abraham's Hospitality". According to the theological interpretations in the form of three men - travelers phenomenon occurred three persons of the Trinity-God. Illustrating this theme, the artists or the time of Abraham emphasized hospitality, representing the set of household items, or the phenomenon of the three angels, the phenomenon of the Son of God, accompanied by two angels. The authors of this view believe that the icon "The Trinity" by Andrei Rublev depicts three angels (without Abraham and Sarah), sitting around the table with the meal-sacrificial bowl in the center; the image of the central angel symbolizes God's Son, Jesus Christ, bringing himself in sacrifice for the salvation of people from original sin and death, the hand of the angel with the cup of blessing which lies in its head sacrificial bull (symbol of the Eucharist); Angels as a sign of mutual consent and love to each other incline of the head (the symbol of world harmony). The composition of the icon is a circle, which unites and connects into one of three images of angels, clearly expressing the idea "nesliyannosty" and at the same time, the inseparability of the three persons of the one God. Above average angel - wood, depicting, according to the biblical story, the Oak of Mamre, while the tree of life. Above the angel on the left - the building: the house of Abraham, and the symbol of the divine dispensation of the world. Right - Mountain: a sign of spiritual ascent.
      Here the question is: why should the canonical biblical story about some very strange and incomprehensible hospitality Abraham suddenly found expression in Andrei Rublev's icon "Holy Trinity", which became the main spiritual symbol, a kind of standard of the Faith in the Holy Orthodox Russia? The answer to this question, the reader, we will obtain in the course of our further research.
      And finally, the third version: the icon shows three real characters in world history, three real people, three of the Messiah, which were revealed by God to mankind. The central character icons - Adam, the first man in the world, the second (on his right) - Jesus Christ, but the third person, for whatever - reason is encrypted.
      We believe that the third version presented above is closer to the truth, and most consistent with the concept of our esoteric studies. But she is in serious need of refinement and adjustment, especially with regard to personalities: one, all - still, depicted on the icon "Holy Trinity". The answer, in my opinion, lies in the detailed analysis of the details of the icon, which, inexplicably, somehow escaped the eyes of researchers.
   The first thing you should pay attention that has eluded researchers view icons - the ship is encrypted in the folds of the green mantle Eastern Messiah (orienteering convenience in describing the details of the picture in the future we will use the part of the Light). As you will understand, the astute reader, later, Messi names assigned to them by the compass, our work will become an independent semantic meaning and additional sacred meaning. Ship in the religious and esoteric literature has always been a symbol of the new faith. In fact, this is - a direct reference to the Apostle Peter barge. Judging by the vessel configuration, we are dealing with a two-masted barque. The question arises: Where could see such a vessel from the 16th century, "the inspired master" Andrei Rublev, who has never seen the sea in his lifetime? As the study of the icons there are new questions of this kind.
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So, continuing naval theme, the artist in the lower part of the icon from the West of the Messiah put Dirk Marine officer just above the face is unknown to us humans (see. Dirk photo frame on the icons). Identification characteristics sea dagger - twisted handle and a characteristic in the form of a snake, the locking strap. Referring to the literature on oruzhievedeniy, we learn that the sea dagger in service of the Russian Imperial Navy appeared only in 1803. How or in what prophetic dreams, and, most importantly, why it saw and depicted in the icon is very far from the war theme Andrei Rublev?
      We believe that the genius of the master still managed to portray the icon of the Lord God is the best by showing His power and comprehensiveness by applying in painting Aesopian language and using the image of the boundless ocean. This platform is green, which contains all three character icons - the platform of the same color as the gown Eastern Messiah. Notes that this is, indeed, the ocean - are abundant in the lower part of the icon. It is - strange fish peeking out of the water; boats; islands with palm trees, etc.
      Of particular interest, dear reader, is the tree, above the central picture the Messiah. Most researchers believe that this - the fig tree. In our view, it is possible to agree with this opinion, but should pay attention to the following item: any item shown on the icon "Holy Trinity" has a deep sacral meaning.
      By the way, Jesus Christ himself, in his address to the Romans encouraged the students to look for the meaning of it in this amazing tree on which the fruit, unlike conventional trees appear, bypassing the stage of inflorescence - Christ is seen in this natural phenomenon a sign of the coming of the kingdom of heaven.
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   We believe all the fig trees in a deep sacral meaning not to be found in the fruit, and in the arrangement and configuration of the branches. We see how the two branches grow from the main trunk of the tree. The right branch is obviously drooping withered, dead-end. The left branch, on the contrary, gave abundant growth, replete with leaves and stems; fun, playful bent, rushing to the sun. If you look closely, you guessed the right branch head of the snake, whose body encircles the central trunk of the tree. The head of the snake is directed toward the right of the Messiah; obviously, she attacks him.
      Images animals dominate throughout the web. This artist uses the original pictorial technique: "nested doll" image principle of the animals in which the image of the animal repeatedly nested in another. The brightest "matryoshka" Andrei Rublev placed over the head of East Messiah. In the image above it the mountain contours dragon distinctly different (monitor lizard), as if pressed against the body of the rock. In the body of the dragon we see a brown bear with a cocked face, and the body bears the artist has placed a dog howling, and the position of the bear and the dog's head in exactly repeat each other, as well as the position of the head of the Central and Eastern Messiah.
   Why such an abundance of animals on the icon? - You ask, perceptive reader, a question and you will be right, because it is, of course, requires an explanation. A hint is found in the upper part of the icon - namely, in the central branch of the fig tree. If you look closely at the central branch of the tree eagle head can be seen clearly, and directly beneath it - a snake writhing body, most likely a snake. No doubt, this is Zoroastrianism, for a long time unjustly forgotten by religion, and the central figure of the Messiah - is its founder Zarathushtra (Zoroaster). Snake (Oh) and Eagle, as well as their union and opposition has always been exclusive symbols of Zoroaster's teachings. Only I do, as opposed to the poisonous snakes in Zoroastrianism is a sacred and highly revered God's creation. 0x01 graphic
      Especially good figure of Zarathustra seen in the folds of the blue mantle of the Central Messiah (see. Photo 1. Zarathustra). Prophet sitting in traditional Persian garb and blue turban on his head (probably just about the blue turban future Messiah wrote Nostradamus in his quatrains). Moreover, a careful examination of the fragment of the icon on top of the head of the prophet seen another person, so that the figures together form a sort of two-headed Siamese twin. In addition, quite clearly on the icon drawn ten fingers of Zarathustra, which he tightly squeezes the beam. What does this song - look at a little later, the reader.
   Figure 1. Zarathushtra
   Zoroastrianism - the religion, which appeared roughly between the 10th and first half of the 6 - th century BC, common in antiquity and the early Middle Ages in Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, and a number of Middle East countries. Until now preserved in the Parsis in India and algebra in Iran. The name of religion was the name of the prophet Zoroaster (Iran. Zoroaster). The sacred canon - "Avesta". Basic principles of Zoroastrianism: opposition of two "eternal principles" - good and evil, the struggle between which is the content of the world process; faith in the ultimate victory of good, as embodied in the image of the supreme god Ahura Mazda. The main role in the ritual fire Zoroastrianism plays.
      Consider the union of eagle and snake from a position of Zoroastrianism. Mix in a sequence of separate parts of an eagle and the snake - as covered with scales reptile is able to fly, and feathered gets forked tongue and jaws with a lot of (possibly) toxic teeth - resulting in a dragon. In this circumstance, by the way, at one time I called attention Symbolist Andrei Bely. Being a constant companions of Zarathustra and his symbol, an eagle and snake combined (ie, the dragon) clearly point to the "Dragon" and the essence of Zarathustra. Indeed, Zarathustra is very often identified with the dragon. For example, in the episode with the snake (it "snake bites"), bit him while sleeping, he scornfully says the serpent: "And when the dragon died from the venom of the snake?" (It is clear that the serpent here is not related to Zoroaster snake - a series "creeping reptile" and nothing more). But then in what sense of self-determination should be understood Zoroaster dragon? After all, in the mythology of the dragon it has always unequivocally negative value. The more that a little earlier Zarathushtra in his first speech "About three transformations" itself defines dragon just that spirit, "strong and hardy", should be overcome. Under the great dragon, who is called "Du sollst" (You must) means the prohibition to build, create something new. Win this dragon must be the spirit of a lion "I will" (I want). It is noteworthy, however, that the most important thing, the third turning on Zarathustra - is the transformation of a lion in the child. "But tell me, my brethren, he says his disciples - that can make a child, which can not even lion child is innocence and forgetting, a new beginning, a game samokatyascheesya wheel, a first movement, a sacred word of approval?". It is this game of creation, typical of a child, clean, nothing uncomplicated energy of childhood, according to Zarathustra, is a more effective weapon in the fight with the dragon, the strength and the power of the lion.
      The apparent at first glance a contradiction - Zarathustra urges to fight the dragon, but at the same time he is a dragon - is due to all the same formula of Nietzsche's philosophy: if you have an enemy, he must be worthy of you. "When a man wants to be a hero, the first snake to become a dragon, otherwise he will not have the proper enemy" - Nietzsche proclaimed in his earlier work, "Human, All Too Human", aphorism 498. Zoroaster - the hero, in the mythological sense of the word (including in the sense that it passes in succession initiation - conversion) it must always fight someone. But as his equal on the enemy force does not exist, the hero has to fight with yourself - with Zarathushtra - the dragon. That is why Zarathushtra almost always in seclusion - no one should interfere with this fight. That is why Zarathushtra and unbeatable for the people - none of the encounters in his enemies and detractors can not overcome it, as it is impossible to win the one who himself is a battlefield. By the way, the mythological story drakonoborchestva very successfully applied in his play "Dragon" Soviet playwright Eugene Schwartz. There he was the hero of the glorious knight Lancelot calls on citizens not to look confused external enemy, and, above all, defeat the dragon in itself, which is certainly much more complicated.
      Thus, we can see that Zarathustra is an ardent advocate, agitator drakonoborchestva as a prerequisite for the present life - life creates. All human life is filled with continuous internal struggles and "samosrazheniem" is nothing else but spread over many years, the initiation rite of the "heroic" type at which a person attains immortality. Everyone should have a decent dragon. The worse your enemy, the higher your level of initiation - and vice versa. "The enemies you have to be such that you hated, - says Zarathustra his disciples - but not such that they despise is necessary that you were proud of your enemy: then the success of your enemy will your progress Rebellion - a prowess servant.. . your valor shall be obedience! Needless commanded your yes be obedience! For a good warrior "thou shalt" sounds nicer than "I want to." and all the things you love, you must first order itself. So live your life of obedience and war! What is the use in long life! What soldier wants to spare him! I'm not sparing you, I love you with all my heart, brothers in war! "
      Understanding of Zarathushtra both as a dragon and fighting with him the hero and anti - hero is none other than the incarnation of the formula of unity and struggle of opposites, only this time it was in the prophet. Thus Zarathustra - not just a prophet or founder of a new doctrine, but the word of the Absolute - God. Absolut in Zoroastrianism - is the sun, which symbolizes the many solar signs. The main solar sign - the cross, which itself symbolizes the sun and who did not hesitate, arrogated to itself the Christian Church. Cross - is the ancient Aryan runic symbol that embodies divine life-giving energy of the sun, so it was not completely no need to defile the pure symbol of the crucified body of Christ, the more worship him, thereby multiplying the evil and violence in the world.
      "Go, Zarathustra! Be with you
      And my help and protection:
      Shining Cross - a symbol of life Holy,
      Banner My, my image of Truth!
      Go! - Open before thee
      The road - on it after you go
      Perceive the true words of the people "- so said Zarathustra.
      Despite its "toxicity", a serpent in Zoroastrianism is also a solar symbol. After all, the well-known dependence of the snake from the Sun: it likes to bask in the sun, coiled, and dies before the sunset lights. And, of course, the most beautiful in the Zoroastrian solar sign of the Eagle - only he is capable to soar so high in the heavens, and look directly at the sun.
      Before moving on to study the next character icons by Andrei Rublev, a few words should be said about the personality of the prophet Zoroaster.
      Zarathushtra (Zoroaster) - appearance, covered secrets, leaving us in the mists of time. There is no reliable information on either the time or the place of his birth. There is a hypothesis that Zoroaster was born in the Urals and has Slavic roots. By the way, the Persians and the Indians, that is, representatives of the Aryan group, believed to be descendants of Hyperboreans - the mysterious inhabitants of the north of the country Hyperborea, located in present-day Siberia. Oriental legends say that Zoroaster lived in Bactria during the reign of Darius Hystaspes (end of the 6th, the beginning of 5 th century BC). Western historians believe that he lived for 600, 1000 and even 6000 years before Christ. On the death of Zoroaster also known little. Greek historians tell us that it was destroyed by heavenly fire, and then taken to heaven; Eastern same writers say simply that he died after 77 year of his life in his homeland, where he had returned after treatment Hystaspes. There is a very beautiful version of that name - Zarathushtra (Zoroaster) - means "seed Istar" (ie the planet Venus).
      The first information about Zoroaster is found in the holy book "Avesta". According to "Avesta", Zarathushtra came to earth when good and evil are brought into balance. This was the era of brutal wars, bloody sacrifices, the power of wizards and magicians, the loss of the ancient belief in the One God. Great Prophet future was predicted to his mother in a dream in which she saw a beautiful young man emerged from the glare with a staff and a book in his hands and won all the evil forces trying to snatch the unborn child from her womb. According to tradition, the birth of Zarathustra rejoiced all of nature, and the child was born not with weeping, and with a joyful laugh, welcoming world that came. Childhood and adolescence Zoroaster were full of miraculous events. The evil forces were trying to destroy the child who was destined to a great future, but always defeated. In 20 years, Zarathushtra left the worldly desires, embarked on the path of righteousness, it is time to self-knowledge and spiritual quest. In 30 years, he left his home and embark on a journey. In Iran, it was the good spirit that led him to the Supreme Lord Ormuzd, in the presence of which Zarathustra "did not see his own shadow on the ground due to their bright glow." Here he received a divine revelation, as well as answers to many questions troubling him. Ormuzd gave his handpicked holy book "Avesta" with orders to go to the palace of the king Hystaspes and preach the new doctrine. The extraordinary wisdom and a strong belief in the truth, and a number of miracles performed by Zarathushtra Hystaspes persuaded to adopt new doctrine that was, ultimately, the most important event of his reign. On the day of the adoption of new teaching Hystaspes Zoroaster planted cypress, as a symbol of the new faith. I must say that the new religion is completely captured the Ancient Iran and other countries of the East, completely displacing the Old Testament Abraham. According to tradition, Zoroaster was married three times and had three sons and three daughters; of his sons took class of priests, warriors and farmers. There are numerous testimonies of contemporaries that Zarathushtra has repeatedly said that through the centuries reappear on earth to judge people by their actions.
      Until now, the existence of Zoroaster personality itself is controversial scientists. We believe, for the modern man, "the best proof that Zoroaster was a real historical figure, no doubt, is his religion - this is strictly an elaborate system probably could create only the genius of a great man, even though he enjoyed, of course, already pre-existing data which are then merged into a single unit. "
      To sum up, we can say with certainty that Zoroastrianism, dear reader, in his time made a giant leap from pantheism (God is everywhere, in every blade of grass, rocks, insects, etc.) and paganism (polytheism) to monotheism (Tawheed) , with Zoroaster, of course, it is in the philosophy of religion, one of the first great dialecticians, declaring the main source of the development of nature and society unity and struggle of opposites. That is why in addition to the good God Ahura Mazda Zeroana - a single Creator of spiritual and physical universe, by which in Zoroastrianism understand time, Absolute Absolute (in our understanding of the ocean) - consciously creates a God of Evil - Angra - Mainyu (Ahriman) - the fruit of serious doubts Zeruana - with whom Ahura - Mazda comes into everlasting cosmic confrontation and involves people in this struggle. Obviously, absolute projection of the wars in the world is the struggle between Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. Without God, Evil, by Zarathustra, the source of life would be exhausted. Zarathushtra - active fighter, a warrior spirit, courageous Chosen and the conductor will of the Lord. Not a drop of humility, passive indifferent attitude to what is happening around - all this distinguishes Zarathushtra and from Jesus Christ, and of the Buddha, which, incidentally, is similar in it. The epithet "warrior Allah" fully applies to Zoroaster, for example, it is not applicable to Jesus Christ, although divine nature is the same. In Zarathushtra - Conquest active position in life, it is - a real warrior spirit. Persian genes, dear reader, as you know, are very different from the Jewish gene. The main battle egregornaya (egregor - is the soul of the ancestors of the best to help the people living in the cosmic war between good and evil), according to the teachings of Zarathushtra - a struggle with the man's own Dragon. Win it - the most difficult task that requires the tension of all the spiritual and physical powers of man. But an absolute victory in the fight with his own Dragon in the philosophical concept of Zoroastrianism can not be achieved, as in this case, the source dries up the Divine Energy of Creation, the source of all that exists on Earth. This ensures the eternal human desire for self-improvement, to their spiritual development, the Absolute; achieving harmony within yourself and in the natural environment, although it is very similar to me, dear reader, running on an endless track runaway. The universe presented by Zarathustra - a single sensible body; people, as part of the body is created free. Each of us has a will of its own, everyone has the right to make mistakes and do stupid things to the extent that it can even go against the laws of the universe. Simple Life, the Universe itself of all human actions will choose the best, discarding unnecessary side. In addition, for the first time in the philosophical - religious system of Zoroaster proclaimed human knowledge of the greatest spiritual value, thus opening the path to mankind the knowledge of the Absolute Nature.
   Figure 2. Jesus Christ
   We now turn to the study of the second character icons of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity". It - West Messiah, who, according to most researchers icons, is Jesus Christ. The main feature, indicating that it is - it is Christ, is shown above his head house of the Lord - a symbol of Christianity, though the architecture of the temple depicted by the artist raises a lot of questions for researchers. This structure is more like a medieval castle with battlements and drawbridge than a religious building. And images on the icon two columns with arches, after all, to a greater extent are the attributes of a palace or theater than a church. And if you mentally remove the building of the second floor, it is a very unusual structure is very similar to the famous Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Perhaps we are talking about the Third Temple of Solomon, which, according to the predictions of the prophets of Israel, will soon become the spiritual center of the whole of humanity, and which is usually associated with the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah.
      At that shown to the right of the figure of Zarathustra on the icon - the Christ - indicates clothing and West Messiah. The colors of his robe Rublev chosen so that immediately come to mind meager Palestinian landscapes; parched banks of the Jordan; red - brick land of ancient Judah. In addition, on the right sleeve tunic of Christ image resurfaces fish - the exclusive character of the Roman Catholic Church (an allusion to the origin of fishing apostle Peter).
      From the other two characters on the icon of Jesus Christ distinguishes and pained expression on his face. Of course, the figure of Christ is a pity and sympathy - after all, he is not guilty, that fate has prepared him such a thankless, tragic role in history, change that not even the Lord God. In the behavior of Christ, described in the Gospel, betrays the spirit of doom and the inevitability of the coming tragedy. The play, in which God - the great director and screenwriter in one person, has long been written, roles are distributed, the final is a foregone conclusion; as they say, "from the words of the song will not throw out." And Christ and the traitor Judas (by the way, the beloved disciple of Jesus) knew perfectly well what the role has prepared them to the Lord, but they do not even try to change fate, with fatal resignation taking the subsequent course of the unfolding tragedy in ancient Judea. In this thinking, and it suggests that after Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, Pontius Pilate put it on the first night in the basement of his palace unguarded, secretly hoping that he will run away and save him from having to take unpleasant decisions. But Jesus, knowing about the impending execution (evidenced by his words, repeatedly said to the apostles) rejects the very idea of ??escape, completely surrendering to the power of Destiny.
      Ocean Program, dear reader, no one can change, and no one can resist it. Jesus knew this very well and could not stand at the end of the inhuman torture on the cross, could only, that perplexity and desperation turn to God with the words: "Father, Father, why have you forsaken me ?!" Creator - not a man, it is difficult to understand the human pain and physical suffering, he is guided by the views of the Supreme cosmic order of justice, the direction and the course of historical development of human society, the role of personality in history. Understand and evaluate the logic of the Creator by our limited human mind sometimes quite impossible. But we should not forget that the Great Book of life He has long been written, the ocean has long been a living witness has not yet come of historical events, so of course, he could see from space, when, by whom and in what direction to guide human history. In such a situation, and Zoroaster, Christ, the Messiah, and others - just cogs in a complex universal mechanism of the Creator, the pendulum swinging time in all directions, but persistently advancing humanity to Him is only comprehensible purpose of Genesis.
      Now try to imagine, dear reader, what would happen if Christ were alive today. We specify that we are talking about the life of the material, ie the physical body of man. The fact that intangible sense of Christ for a long time gained for his atoning sacrifice of eternal life, no doubt about it. In heaven between God and man entered the sacred contract, the terms of which are tightly controlled by the Creator of the world and must be respected by both parties. God - not his wife and a friend, he will not betray and will not disappoint. Comply with the terms of the contract - receive accruing to you in full. Violate a treaty - getting back - namely sanctions in all possible and impossible versions of reincarnation.
      So that would see Christ in his second coming to Earth? Very ugly, bleak picture. First of all, I think, in a deep depression he would have plunged the state of modern Christian Church.
      Thus, the Catholic Church has been mired in scandals associated with pedophilia and homosexuality of priests and corrupt connections with the mafia. Protestant church completely disgraced numerous exactions from his flock, and his church activities have reached full insanity - the consecration of homosexual marriages.
      Not far behind them and the Orthodox Church, although in fairness it should be noted that in the context of Catholic and Protestant outrage modern Orthodox Church is the embodiment of chastity and virtue. In addition, all three branches of Christianity are in a state of permanent confrontation, low intensity war. Although the patriarchs of the Orthodox Church periodically attempting a rapprochement with the Catholic Church on the diplomatic passes it does not go.
      By the way, Zoroaster hated priests. One day he gave a sign to his disciples and said to them these words: "Here the priests; and although they are my enemies, among them there are heroes, many of them too have suffered, so they want to make to suffer and others I feel sorry for these priests They disgust me.. but they are still the lesser evil for me, since I live among the people false values ??and words of madness -. this is the worst monsters for mortals and look at these homes, which they call the Church on this fake light, this stale air.! ! Here the soul does not dare to take off at its height! "
      Christian church with some ill-concealed glee watching over the continuing fall of man; say, look at this "god-like" creature; how disgusting man in his lust and carnal pleasures! Especially to work thoroughly on the Christian religion in order to ultimately pervert, ispohabit sorts of representations of society about the intimate life of a person. In this regard, above all raise questions rite Catholic priests from celibacy and complete sexual abstinence Orthodox hieromonks. It is necessary to remind them that the organization of human sexuality Lord to work hard, putting a lot of effort and sexual fantasies in the process of evolution.
      For example, the hymen of all primates, there is only a man. What for? To highlight the exceptional importance of the cosmos since the beginning of the intimate life of a person. That person should be treated as an act of defloration as relates to this Lord. In addition, the mechanism of sexual arousal in humans has no analogues in nature.
      For example, only a person in the penis is not a bone, like other mammals, allowing reproductive organs always be in the "battle" position. All the mechanisms of arousal, triggering jewelry work corpus cavernosum of the penis, placed by the Creator in the human cerebral cortex. Therefore, a full sexual intercourse, a decent man, is only possible after the preceding his painstaking work of Mind, processing a huge amount of information about partner data and the adoption of the final decision - whether or not to do it. No wonder Sigmund Freud called the human head is the sexiest organ. Scientists have known what he was talking. All human body, unlike any of the animal body, is a solid erogenous zone. This stimulates a person to know his body in order to achieve the highest pleasure. In this case, celibacy in the Catholic Church and complete sexual abstinence celibate priests of the Orthodox Church, it is that: disrespect for the work of the Creator, belittling God's gift or an ordinary pride clerics? Another rhetorical question hangs in the air. In our opinion, dear reader, all this is very similar to the behavior of "rebellious man" Albert Camus, that is suicide. It also shows a complete disregard for the Creator, rejecting His most precious gift - life itself.
      We believe, in no small part to this attitude to the intimate sphere of the person contributed to the Christian legend of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Meanwhile, let us "slightly" to doubt the fact of the "Immaculate Conception" (we are against the term "blameless" - can not be determined "vicious" conception, the name of God giving life to new people). And "if the boy was a" dear reader, or is it - just a beautiful legend, fairy tale, as required under the historical conditions of humanity that through the efforts of the Church until now, in the age of information technology, shy of his sexuality - God's gift, comparable only that love? Most likely, Mary, like any healthy oriental woman lived a normal sex life with Joseph, as, of course, he was able to do so. Anyway, check out this fact alone will not succeed.
      Near the ocean there is a long-proven processing circuit fetus in the womb of information - an energy beam with a corresponding program of human behavior, and it performs a mission in the world. These rays are in the hands of the Messiahs we can see and the icon "Holy Trinity". And the ends of the beams are directed to the Ocean (green platform on which sit the Messiah), which determines the fate of the Chosen and via beam leads them through life.
      By the way, only in the East of the Messiah at the end of the beam at the top of the two arrows are depicted - two vectors directed to each other, underlining the bilateral nature of the relationship between it and the ocean. Here, the reader should pay attention to the fact that all picture icon is polismyslovoe value.
      As indicated by the arrow icon in the aggregate form, which is used by contemporary musicians and sound engineers around the world to refer to stereo - surround sound propagating simultaneously from both sides. Probably, it is understood that the sound (voice of God) comes both from God in heaven and the East of the Messiah on the earth. This symbol is clearly emphasized and the special role of music in the life of the Eastern Messiah (this was also indicated by the other characters in the icon, which will be discussed below), because the music, according to a famous soothsayer Max Heindel, is the shortest way to the throne of the Lord God.
      In addition, the symbolism of the global combination of the triangle and the circle on the end of the beam is either a woman or a child in a nightgown, but here inverted upside down. If you rotate the icon 180 degrees, then everything falls into place - the ocean - Space is, as it should be, on top, and a ray from heaven pierces the top of the baby's head.
      Every genius has ever appeared in the world, it is the result of energy - information "exposure" Ocean. In fact, the appearance of Christ in the world - it's brilliant creator legendirovannoe planned event (similar to the existing operative - search activity), where as a basis for operational implementation acted very beautiful from an aesthetic point of view, the legend of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Very nice, but, alas, all this is very far from reality, and has, at least, and the Divine, but it is a materialist explanation.
      By the way, this "beautiful" fairy tale provoked the delicate situation in which the Earth were a woman with a "normal" conception - in fact historically the church relevant to them, to put it mildly, as a second-class beings. In the Christian, and especially the Catholic Church has blossomed to full flower male chauvinism, which manifested itself in ceremonies and religious doctrine. Christian orthodoxy stubbornly ignore the fact that a healthy, undistorted sex Love without negative consequences for body and soul as God, like everything else in the universe created by Him, and therefore can not be dirty.
      "To the pure all things are pure" - used to say Nicholas Roerich words of the Apostle Paul.
      "Eros - do not have a love for a particular living being - wrote Berdyaev, - there is a mixed (mixture of the world of ideas and the world of sense), it is the love of beauty, the supreme good, the divine perfection Love erotic has the attraction of height, upward movement. , admiration, filling flawed creatures, creatures enrich the poor. This element defines the love of a man and a woman, but is mixed with other elements. Sex is flawed, and it creates a longing to fill, movement to the fullness, which has never been achieved. " Not without reason, the basic postulate of the Orthodox Church and the solemn sounds so poetic: "God is Love!"
      Trying to solve the space problem of sex exclusively through restrictive means - it means to drive deep into the unsolved problem. Nothing good is never led. Here and now: here and there artificially restrained Church energy Libido erupts in ugly forms out, shocking the public consciousness, such as homosexual and paedophilic scandals in the Catholic Church.
      We believe very good solution sexual problem a long time ago found in Islam. Here, a man having an increased libido and which is able to support a large family can afford to have several wives (though no more than four). Sexual life in Islam, which takes place in clear consciousness and with full responsibility for the consequences - perfectly pleasing to God, integrated into the overall harmony of the world. Even in such a delicate matter, Islam is a natural religion than Christianity. For polygamous families alpha - males (pride of lions, a hierarchy of males in the wolf pack) - a common occurrence in nature, centuries-old practice proven procreation and preservation of the species. The main thing that distinguishes the sex life of man - it is a reasonable start. It brings to mind the human element of sexual life the great pleasure and the responsibility for its consequences.
      Very respectful attitude to love life in particular and women in general can be seen in Zoroastrianism, where women in their rights as much as possible equalized with a man. It is not surprising, since, according to the Zoroastrians, woman is the main collaborator of God on earth, giving his name from birth to new people.
      Sexual life, dear reader, like a razor's edge on which there is a person, balancing between cosmic pleasure and responsibility for their own destiny and the destiny of the sexual partner. This is what distinguishes us from the animal and closer to God. God conceived the act of love as a merger of cosmic energy "yin" and "yang" (the famous Chinese Monad). Man that immediately stood out from the animal world, rising to an unattainable height for all. And vice versa - omitting an act of love to the level of the physiological act of intercourse, the man thereby blurs the distinction between them and animals.
      Thus, the reader can conclude that proper sex life - it's libido satisfaction in clear consciousness and with full responsibility for the consequences of sexual intercourse.
      If correct sex life more - less all clear what is the correct life in general - a question that still does not contain a clear answer. The religions of the world there are different approaches to this issue. The Christian religion does methodological support to the well-known, time-tested Christ's Sermon on the Mount, which contains 10 basic precepts for pious Christian. Undoubtedly, these commands give an idea of ??the good life man, but in themselves calls to "Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt not steal" - are not new, they are already present in the Old Testament, the Testament of Abraham. Christ only supplemented and filled their new sound. But for modern life with its sophisticated psychological undertones commandments of Christ - "dead" schemes that do not contain an answer to the question, what is the proper life for a law-abiding person, which is already, by its nature, "do not kill, do not steal and do not commit adultery" .
      Modern philosophers - esoteric went further, proposing an alternative model to mankind the good life, which is certainly worthy of attention. In this regard, some research interest is the teachings of Carlos Castaneda, which is a complex mixture of Zoroastrianism, Zen - Buddhism and Indian mythology. As a perfect illustration of the synthetic teachings give the dialogue between Don Juan and Don Carlos Castaneda described in the first book of "The Teachings of Don Juan":
      "I thought about what you saw last night is no doubt that Mescalito (ed Mescalito - God, the Absolute Spirit, which can only be felt in a state of deep trance;.. It is a state of" satori "which turned out to be Don Carlos under heavy psychotropic influence of hallucinogenic plants from the family of cactus "Mescalito," has long been used in their rituals of Native American shamans) playing with you, here's the thing. It was a clear sign.
      - What kind of sign, don Juan?
      - Mescalito pointed me to you.
      - Indicates what?
      - At first it was not clear to me, and now I think I understand. He said that you are "elected". Mescalito pointed me to you and let them know that you are the chosen one.
      - What am I, elected for a purpose or something like that?
      - No, I mean that Mescalito told that you could be the person I am looking for.
      - How did he told you that, don Juan?
      - He told me that the fact that he played with you. This means that you are elected; you elected me. "
      "The teaching is always not what was expected of him each step -. It is a new task, and the fear the man is experiencing growing steadily and relentlessly His goal is a battlefield..
      And so it appears first natural enemy in front of him: Fear! Terrible enemy treacherous, unforgiving. He lurks around every corner, stalking and waiting. And if a man wavering in his face, turned to flee, his enemy will have put an end to his quest.
      What is going on with this person?
      - Nothing much, except that he will never learn. He will never become a man of knowledge. He can become a talker or a harmless, scared man; but in any case it will be defeated. The first enemy is put into place.
      - And what to do to overcome fear?
      - The answer is very simple: do not run away. Man must overcome his fear and in spite of him to take the next step in learning, and another step, and another. It can be completely intimidation, and yet he must not stop. This is the rule. And the day will come when his first enemy retreats. Man feels confident. His intention to strengthen. Education is no longer a daunting task. When will this happy day, a person can not hesitate to say that defeated his first natural enemy.
      - It happens once or gradually?
      - Little by little, and yet the fear disappears suddenly, in an instant.
      - A person can re-experience it, if you happen to him something unexpected?
      - No. One who has overcome fear, free from it for the rest of his life because instead of fear comes clarity that dispels fear. By this time, people know all their desires and knows what to do with them; he can discover or to take new steps in learning and all his actions permeates sharp clarity. One feels that there are no secrets for him.
      And so he meets a second enemy: Clarity! This clarity is so elusive, dispels fear, but it also blinds. It causes a person to doubt himself. She makes sure that he clearly sees through everything. Thanks to the courage of clarity comes to him, he did not stop at nothing. But all this is - misleading: what it's like - the incomplete ... If a person succumbs to his imaginary power, then he defeated second enemy and will be in training to stagnate. He will rush forward, when to wait, or it will wait, when you can not hesitate. And so he will mark time until out of steam and would lose the ability to learn something else.
      - What happened to him after such a defeat? Did he die as a result?
      - No, do not die. Just a second enemy cut off his path; and instead of a man of knowledge, he can become a brave warrior, say, or a clown. However, the clarity for which he has paid so dearly will never change again in darkness and fear. He will see clearly to the end of his days, but he never learned nothing and nowhere will not seek.
      - What to do to avoid destruction?
      - Same with fear: to win clarity and use it only to see, and wait patiently, and before each new step to weigh everything carefully; and above all - know that his clarity is essentially illusory. And one day he will see that clarity was only a point before his eyes. The only way he will be able to overcome its second natural enemy and achieve a situation in which it nothing can damage it. And this is not a delusion, just a point before his eyes. It will be true power.
      At this point it becomes clear that the strength of which he had so long chase finally belongs to him. He can do with it whatever he wants. His desire - the law. He sees through everything. This means that before him the third enemy: Power!
      This is - the most formidable enemy. And of course, the easiest - just give up; because, in the end, its owner is really unbeatable. It is the owner who is first calculated risks, and ends in that lays down the law, because he - the owner.
      Here, people rarely notices the third enemy, which has loomed over him. And he does not suspect that the battle has already been lost. He turned an enemy into a cruel, capricious man.
      - It will lose its power?
      - No; neither clarity nor the power, he will not lose ever.
      - What does he will be different from human knowledge?
      - A man who is defeated by his own strength, die, and not really knowing what to do with it. Strength - a burden in his life. Such a person has no control over himself, and can not say when and how to use their power.
      - Is the defeat by any of these enemies a final?
      'Of course. Since man once defeated, he can not do anything.
      - And can, for example, the one who is defeated by force, to see his mistake and correct it?
      - No. If the person surrendered, finished.
      - But what if he was temporarily blinded by power, and then abandoned it?
      - Well, then, all is not lost; it means he is still trying to become a man of knowledge. A man is defeated only when he left all attempts and renounced himself.
      - But in this case it turns out that a person can deny ourselves and to feel fear for years, but finally conquer it.
      - No, it's not. If he gave in to fear, it will never win, because it will avoid the teaching and never dare to try again. But if for many years he was even in the midst of his fear does not leave attempts to learn, then sooner or later overcome fear, because, in fact, he had never yielded.
      - How to win the third enemy, don Juan?
      - He must win his understanding. Man must come to understand that the force, which he seems to be subdued, in fact, it does not belong and can not belong to never. He must establish itself in constant self-control, a sober and disinterested using all that I learned. If he is able to see that without self-clarity and force worse illusions, then reach a point where everything is subordinated to it. Then he will know when and how to use their power. This will mean that he has won a third of the enemy and came to the end of his journey in learning.
      And here, without warning, it catches up with the last enemy: Old age! It is the most cruel enemy that you can not win, can only delay defeat.
      This time, when people get rid of fear, of unbridled and insatiable of clarity, it is time when all his power at its disposal, but also the time when they possessed an irresistible desire to relax, lie down, to forget. If he will give him if he was tired lull, then he misses his last fight, and crept up his enemies at once, turning to the old tiny creature. The desire to retreat will eclipse its clarity, negate all his strength and all his title.
      But if people shake off tiredness and live their own destiny to the end, then it really can be called a man of knowledge, a little while, if only for the brief moment when he will be able to ward off the latter and invincible enemy. One of the moments of clarity, power, and knowledge is enough. "
      We believe in their strength and importance for the modern man, living in difficult conditions destructive of the world, the above is far superior to the Mount of Blessing. Christ did not say anything that will not be known to mankind. Is it not known to humanity since biblical times, it is impossible to kill, steal and commit adultery? Castaneda also offers a specific program of regular human life, which is fully consistent with the divine laws of existence. "Correct life, - says Don Juan - is a life lived in full consciousness and with full responsibility, good, strong life."
      A life lived in clear consciousness and with full responsibility for the decisions made - in my opinion, are two perfect criterion, eloquently describing the active life of the individual position and its relationship to society.
      Of course, Castaneda built his teaching is not from scratch. All the above is very similar to Warrior 10 qualities that are in poetic form in its ghats (sacred hymns) lists Zoroaster and that it is vital to adequately pass their way to the end. In this way the teachings of Castaneda called stalking, and walking on this road warrior don Juan called a stalker.
      Incidentally, the "Song of the Falcon" Gorky also made in the best traditions of Zoroastrianism. "Madness of the brave we sing a song!" - So said Maxim Gorky. "Courage - Best lethal weapons, courage Forwards: for in every attack there winning music Music wins even dizziness on the edge of the abyss, and where the same person is not standing on the edge of the abyss: perhaps look to himself - not to look into the abyss of Courage kills.! . it scored even suffering, even death to death, for it says: "So it was a life? Well! Once again! "But these words loud sounds victorious music. He who has ears let him hear!" - Thus spoke Zarathustra.
      So, dear reader, it is easy to imagine the state of Christ in his second coming, when he clearly sees as the collapsed deal of his life on earth has multiplied the evil and violence, and the promised Kingdom of Heaven did not come. Consequently, Christ's sacrifice was in vain? The icon of modern state of the Christian Church is depicted in the form of dry up, dead-end branches of the fig tree of Zoroaster. The suffering of the crucified Christ were compounded by the fact that the Prophet clearly knew that in the second act of the play of the Great will be used entirely different, unknown actor, who is destined to bring the case before the end of the Creator. "There will be you another Comforter" - not, sadly, not sarcastically said Evangelists Christ to the Apostles Peter and Paul. Of course, they did not write in his Gospel, these words were spoken with some sense, but for some reason - it seems that they were spoken by Jesus with bitterness and envy. Of course, he was jealous of his successor, who, apparently, in the distant future will develop a much more interesting and good fortune than that of Christ.
      This psychological drama masterfully displayed great painter Andrei Rublev, whose hand is obviously led by the Lord, the icon "Holy Trinity". Zoroaster is depicted sitting practically back to Jesus. By loving or loved one, we do not turn our back on it - obviously. On the sleeve of the right hand of the prophet depicts a dog, a Rottweiler is likely that very seriously, but at the same time quietly looking to the side of Jesus Christ. Rottweiler - a very ancient breed of dog, the ideal guard, well-known in ancient Iran and had served in the Roman army. It should be noted that dogs in general, which in abundance are shown in Rublev's icon, are the favorite animals of the prophet and make up the so-called mythical legion of Zarathushtra. This is - his warriors of the Spirit to help him in his struggle with the Dragon. It is no accident that the Rottweiler Club in Moscow is an exotic name "Black legion of Zoroaster."
   0x08 graphic
Zarathustra calls 8 dog qualities, making it sacred and most beloved creature to him: the dog - the priest (simplicity in food and delicacy in communicating), the dog - a warrior (courage), the dog - a cattle rancher (diligence), a dog - the beast (aggressiveness), the dog - a thief (its natural thievery), dog - whore (concupiscence and domestic untidiness), a dog - the servant (slave submission and vengeance at the same time), the dog - the child (children's playfulness and ease).
      Christ with offended expression on his face looking towards the East of the Messiah, Jesus, and the right arm is bent in the shape of a snake, and is directed towards the opponent. But the artist in his conception goes even further: in the crease of the mantle of Christ near the legs of the chair, where the Messiah sits Rublev places camouflaged image feature with horns (see photo "devil's face."). The right knee of Jesus put bat artist image - Vampire - another very eloquent symbol of darkness. Thus, the icon contains a direct reference to the rebirth of Christ in the Antichrist. God and the Devil - it's two sides of the dialectical process. As there is no joy without sorrow, there is no life without death, and love - the great mediator between life and death. The process of creation is at the junction of the two conflicting energies of good and evil, light and darkness. Not for nothing, most literary critics - scholars of Mikhail Bulgakov agree that Woland (Satan) and Jesus Christ in the novel "The Master and Margarita" - is one and the same person. It is no coincidence that all the devilish Woland environment respectfully addresses him "Sir" (almost the Messiah). Perspicacious Mikhail Bulgakov was certainly correct in his intuitions. Even much earlier to the same conclusion was reached by the ancient Sumerians.
      It is known that the ancient Sumerians Senary computing system. 600 - this Geshu 60 - gesh, 6 - isheash. Connect, get the name of the beast 666 - Geshugeshiasheash. Christ in Jewish transcription sounds like Joshua, just as if turned inside out: Christ - Antichrist. Thus, the name of the beast of the Apocalypse - that is an anagram of the name of Jesus.
      Thus, over two thousand years of human history, Jesus Christ is at the level of the spiritual essence turned into its antipode - the Antichrist, what, judging by the facial expressions of Zoroaster, very upset with God - the Father, which is clearly seen in the picture of Andrei Rublev. It is no coincidence that the crucifixion of Christ is a must-have accessory in the ritual Satanists, and the service itself the sectarians are often abandoned in the Orthodox churches. Raises questions and satanic symbol "Jolly Roger" - skull and crossbones, sometimes placed on top, and, most of all, under the crucifix. Priests worked taldychat about some of Adam's skull, allegedly found under Golgotha, but it's the same - complete nonsense, and even consider this version is not serious.
      I think, "Jolly Roger" on the cross - is a "black mark" of God, which He "zashelmoval" Jesus werewolf and his poor church! Modern Church of Christ, unbeknownst to all turned into a real stronghold of the Devil, but not terrible, and blasphemous sounds this tragic truth to our lost civilization. The famous Russian religious scholar Igor Malin generally believed Christianity was originally a marginal religion, historically doomed to failure in the fight against Satan. And the devil, of course, is deliberate and elaborate character of God in human history. That is continuous, constantly fight with the Devil comes the progressive development of mankind.
      Devil - is the same dragon in Zoroastrianism, which is certainly a work of genius creator. Humanity needed a symbol of Absolute Evil, and he got it. So it is easier to mobilize to fight the dark energy, anti-energies of destruction that has always existed, along with the energy of Creation. This, too, the two sides of a single dialectical process - Life and Death. To paraphrase a famous saying of Voltaire, we note that if the devil does not really exist, it certainly ought to invent. Right, a thousand times right was Nicholas Roerich, when he said that this great happiness - to know the enemy in the face. This statement is especially true now, when, after 2000 years in heaven and earth was complete agreement and replace the individual personality of the Devil Jesus Christ.
      It should be noted, the reader, that the signs of vanity and excessive pride Jesus showed during his lifetime. "I - your Lord!" - With great pathos in his voice, Jesus said to his disciples, who obediently like a flock of sheep to the slaughter, followed the Messiah in anticipation of the next miracle, the right to which, obviously, has delegated to Christ the Creator. Some of the sayings of Jesus called, to put it mildly.
      That's what, one wonders, did he mean when he said in the Gospel of Luke to his disciples: "Hate your father and mother, his sisters and brothers; Hate all my life otherwise you will never become my disciples." (Luk.V1, 35)? All that being said, we have come - there's nowhere! And for good reason because Friedrich Nietzsche in his infamous, very shocking product of "Antichrist. Christianity Curse" called of Jesus Christ "... a real idiot, completely lost the sense of reality, besides the initially deprived of will, freedom of choice. The instinctive hatred of Christ vs. Reality - this is a consequence of its extreme sensitivity to the suffering and irritation, avoiding at all of any "touch" an alarming, gross reality. "
      Of course, this is - a very strict definition of Nietzsche, (essentially, a brilliant German delivered a ruthless clinical diagnosis of Jesus Christ), but - in my opinion, is very accurate; they say, "the nail on the head!"
      By the way, the Christian religion - the only one of all existing religions in the world who dared to call his prophet (which, by the way, was enough in the world) by the Lord God. Perhaps in the world there is only one such pseudo-religion, which also confidently calls its permanent and very "charismatic" spiritual leader, Lucifer, the Lord God - this is Satanism. We believe such a coincidence here - is also not a coincidence!
      Interestingly, Jesus was able to perform his miracles of the Bible without God !? Once a person has enough conscience to compare themselves with the Creator of All That !? After all, during his short life, Jesus could not or did not have time to create even their own kind, not to mention anything more (except for his deficient in all religion). His divine origin, a close family relationship with God, of course, also did not give him the right to compare yourself with the Ocean, to put themselves on a level with the Creator of the universe, but rather eloquently characterize the moral qualities of Jesus Christ as a person. But God, who is the Time, of course, was aware of this development, but the script Divine drama still did not change. This proves once again his wisdom, understanding the complexity and contradictions of human nature (let us recall the reader, Ahura Mazda, translated from the ancient Iranian means "Wise Lord"), and his complete indifference to praise and flattery, servility and deference rejection. No, our Lord never expected, not waiting and will not wait on human gratitude for his titanic work!
      More precise, the reader, that in our work, we absolutely did not put the problem to detract from the divine essence of Christ (that is, in principle, have happened), which, unfortunately, did not survive the test of evolution, involyutsion (degeneration) for centuries, largely due to the efforts of orthodox Christians and their inordinate pride, of divine essence in the Devil. Without denying the cosmic significance of all that Jesus Christ did during his lifetime and after his death, we will, however, call into question its exclusivity, which the clerics fanned to hypertrophied dimensions, creating the ugly phenomenon of idolatry ("cult of the person of Jesus Christ") and completely forgetting Creator of all things. And the question of the exclusivity of Christ, not just up and clergy environment.
      The well-known Christian church elder Arius, who lived in Alexandria in the 4th century BC, marked the beginning of the so-called Arian disputes in Christian theology. He, in particular, argued that Jesus Christ - the second person of the Trinity - not consubstantial with God the Father, but created them. The doctrine of Arius - Arianism - was condemned as heretical by the Ecumenical Nicea (325) and Constantinople (381) cathedrals, and the Arius in the same cathedral for his seditious remarks against Christ publicly he received a "turnip" by the Bishop of St. Saint Nicholas (the Miracle Worker).
      We believe Arius was very close to the truth. All men are created by the Lord, they have the same divine origin, differ only in the individual programs of the Cosmos. There are programs for most of the ordinary people of the earth; There is a program for people of extraordinary space, where the ocean has a special historical mission in the various periods of human development. In the broad sense of the word Messiah is the Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, Lomonosov, Mozart, Napoleon and many others. However, Andrei Rublev painted the icon on its only three of them - the three great contactee with the Ocean, which brought to Earth three world religions, abruptly swung the wheel of history.
      Esoteric philosophers have long expressed the idea of ??the existence in space of a giant 'incubator' of souls - astral bodies, consisting of the finest fibers Energy Creation Ocean. In connection with this comes to mind cult film the Wachowski brothers' "The Matrix." Brothers - directors, probably not even aware, at whose request they took this landmark film. Ocean - Matrix millennia produces information - energy cocoons (astral body) for the future of people who are using energy cosmic - ray information (they are depicted on the icon of Andrei Rublev in the hands of Messiah) are laid in the physical body of the human embryo. The program is being contained in the cocoon forms of human personality is tested life situations and is adjusted according to the individual's behavior. In the case of Jesus Christ laid the cocoon into the fold of the Virgin Mary, probably occurred prior to conception by Joseph that gave rise to the legend of her Immaculate Conception. There is no mystery: a cocoon, waited for their time in the womb of Mary, harmoniously and completely transparent to the mother entered the physical body of the embryo of the future Messiah. Although, it seems that God - the Creator of All That Is to conceive Jesus without the help of Joseph - is not a problem.
      That is almost 2 thousand. Years ago, describes the work of this cosmic "incubator" Greek philosopher Hermes Trismegistus (in translation from the Greek. "Thrice Great") in his treatise "Hermetic corpus". Once Hermes dreamed of meeting and talking with God Osiris:
      - How is the human journey through the world of visible and invisible? - Osiris asked Hermes God.
      - You see, - a voice of Osiris, - glowing crop, which falls outside of the Milky Way in the seventh sphere of Orion? This - the germs of human souls. They live like light clouds in the realm of Saturn, happy, carefree, but not conscious of his happiness. But, falling within the scope of the scope, they are clothed in a shell all the heavier. In each incarnation they acquire a new sense of physical corresponding habitable environment (apparently, it is just a question of sealing material under the influence of a "reasonable" gravity and torsion fields, the process of the appearance of the solid matter in the universe). Their vital energy increases; but as they enter the body more dense, they lose the memory of their heavenly origin. Since the fall of souls is committed, emerging from the divine ether. Increasingly chained to matter, the increasingly intoxicated by life, they are cast, like a rain of fire.
      - Can the soul die? - Hermes said.
      - Yes, - said the voice of Osiris, - many die going down into matter. If the soul, in its unbridled love of matter lose the memory of their origin, taivshayasya it divine spark that can turn into a shining star, returns to the air space, and the "soul dissipated in eddies gross elements."
      The question is, is my astute reader: where, at what point in the universe is the space "incubator" of future astral bodies of people? Numerous artifacts collected by archeologists in the last century, a clear indication to this sacred place, which says Hermes Trismegistus - it's equatorial constellation of Orion with a very bright stars Rigel and Betelgeuse, as well as three-star 2-th magnitude, forming the so-called Orion's belt. With this constellation, dear reader, involves a lot of secrets and mysterious discovery.
      So, in 1993, Japanese archaeologists made a sensational discovery in Giza 4 mines were discovered aimed at the 4 stars of the constellation of Osiris - Orion.
      The first mine - to Sirius - Isis, the second - in the Phallus of Osiris (the biggest star in the constellation), the third - on the biggest star of the Little Dipper bucket and the fourth - at Tut star in the constellation Draco. The ancient Egyptians believed that the souls of the pharaohs flew it there, becoming a star. It should be noted that all of the pyramids at Giza dominant - it is an exact projection of the constellation Orion. This Nile looks like the Milky Way - the galaxy in which our solar system is. Time flooding of the Nile as possible consistent with the convergence of Sirius Orion's belt. And indeed the resurrection of Osiris in Egyptian mythology - is the maximum rapprochement of the star Sirius (benevolent God) with three stars in Orion's Belt.
      In a similar vein, that is, with a clear orientation to the three belt stars of Orion built and the ancient Arkaim - the city of the sun, open the Southern Urals in 1987 archaeological expedition of the South Ural State University under the direction of GB Zdanovich. To the surprise of the scientists proved that the archaeological site of the Bronze Age on the territory of modern Bashkortostan, on the river Big Karaganka, in the foothills of the valley on the eastern slopes of the South Urals, nearly 100 years older than the Great Pyramid in Egypt. The complex includes a fortified settlement and adjacent shopping area, a burial ground, a number of unfortified Villages. Refreshment round shape with a diameter of about 170 m. The two each refined ring embankments, which are the remnants of defensive walls, built of soil, raw blocks and wood. Arkaim complex is part of a group of fortified settlements in the Southern Urals, called the "Land of Cities" and located to the south of the district. Uy. "Country of cities" is made up of two dozen complexes, separated by a distance of 50-70 km. Complexes Arkaim (Sintashta) type with their hierarchy of settlements and cemeteries. According to one hypothesis, the city built the Indo-Europeans, ancestors of the Eastern Slavs, descendants of the legendary Hyperboreans living in Russia. Archaeologists use the term political correctness for the Indo-Aryans, stressing the special character of historic artefact. By the way, if the origin of the Ural Zarathustra hypothesis is true, then it is likely that the arch is its "small" homeland.
      More and more there is evidence that the ancestors of the Eastern Slavs are the ancient Aryans. Aria (Aryans) - the name of the peoples belonging to the Indo-European (mainly Indo-Iranian) language community. The fact that we are the descendants of Indo-Aryans confirms the finding of the so-called made by archaeologists of Altai State University "Kadyny Scythian princess" in 1993 in one of the Scythian burial mounds Tracts Ukok in Altai Mountains, which has caused great public interest, giving rise to numerous speculations chauvinistic wing. Complex genetic studies were conducted in Novosibirsk. Altaians, the indigenous people of the Altai Mountains, demanded to return them to the princess Kadyny, which they regarded as their ancestress and sacred relic. However, the results of genomic expertise discouraged them. It turned out that the Scythian princess does not belong to the Mongoloid and Indo-European race, ie, all to the same Aryan group. And the closest that modern princess DNA people were Azerbaijanis, who rightly consider themselves descendants of the Persians.
      Paleoastronomov affects the level of knowledge Arkaima builders. The structure of the city is an accurate representation of the sky maps, being, in fact, the oldest observatory. This observatory, which was with the Aryans, we are unlikely to be built in the next century. Of course, we are dealing with a sacred knowledge of ancestors who are on high. The observatory also has a clear orientation to the constellation of Orion.
      The constellation of Orion is also quite often appears in the mythology and religion of the Maya and the ancient Sumerians. It is also reflected in the Zoroastrian religion.  Ritual belt and belting their shirt - worn on sedre Zoroastrian boy or girl on the day of the age of majority, ie 15 years and 3 months after birth (16 years after conception)... Belt - Kusti turned around three times around the waist over the shirt right - sedre that symbolized the 3 stars of Orion belt and constant communication with God. Furthermore, according to the Zoroastrian tradition Belt - Kusti meant three principles of living a true believer: good thoughts, good words and good deeds.
      A logical question is: why did you choose Orion of billions of stars in the universe? Maybe it is a hypothetical center of the universe? And maybe some special role in the universe plays The Great Nebula in Orion - cosmic cloud of glowing gas (diffuse nebula) located below Orion's belt? Unfortunately, modern science can not answer this question, the available scientific data allow us to build a working hypothesis.
      Despite the fact that for many centuries, the ministers of the Christian church fairly "worked" on the image of Christ, making it an integral part of its speculative construction and completely overshadowing this pained figure bright image of God - the Father, the Creator of all things, we can say with confidence, dear reader, that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, yet was not in vain. Inscribed in the divine plan of the Creator, Christ's history was necessary, absolutely justified from a historical point of view, a milestone in the development of human civilization. As if we did not belong to the person of Christ, the reader, the whole history of mankind over the last 2,000 years it has passed under the banner of Christianity. Moreover, it can be stated with certainty that the history of Jesus Christ, according to the Creator, has acquired a truly cosmic significance, entailed changes not only in the history of mankind, but also the whole universe. Just at the moment we are not able to understand the determinism of a past event. After all, it is written. "From the rose petals fall worlds tremble, and bird feather wing creates thunder in the far-off worlds" - what a great, great responsibility, and does not wrap thunder, born of thoughtlessness on the land being "This is the essence of one of the legitimate expression . Universal and interdependence, which along with other laws of dialectics is also in the foundation of the world apparently has not yet been time to assess the extent of this great cosmic event - the coming of Christ to earth.
      Well, now, my dear reader, it is time to deal with a third party to the religious drama depicted in the icon of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity".
   Figure 3. Saoshyant - Mahdi
      The main opponent of Jesus Christ on the icon - East Messiah. East looks at the Messiah Jesus "the beast", sullenly, with obvious displeasure, expressing a willingness to roll. Postures and facial expressions all three Messiahs clearly indicate a serious conflict that took place between them. This is - the conflict of the West and the East, Western and Eastern civilizations, the war of religions and cultures. East Messiah attacked twice on the icon of animals reptiles - a snake out of the sleeve of Christ and a snake on the right branch of the fig tree. Zarathushtra But remember: it can make the snake dragon? The dragon (lizard) over the head of East Messiah camouflaged under a rock artist. Using the "nested doll" principle, as we have already mentioned above, Andrei Rublev placed in Dragon image bears and dogs. This means that the symbols of Zoroastrianism fully corresponds with the way the Eastern Messiah.
      Depicted on the icon of animals, obviously, represent the natural qualities of the Eastern Messiah. Incidentally, it is consistent with the existing at the time of writing, painting Rublev European medieval bestiary ("beast" in Latin means "wild beast"). Animals, including symbolizing the devil, in abundance adorn the famous Catholic churches in Europe of that time. According to the famous Russian scientist, Doctor of Philology Alexander Paton Macha, a medieval bestiary - are the manifestation of the Divine semiotics, through which European artists and architects have passed various traits of human nature.
      So, the Dragon - the personification of intelligence, wisdom and cunning. Bear - the personification of power, natural power, the will and the general soul. Dog - a symbol of loyalty, unconditional love, the flame of faith in the Lord. By the way, the dog on the icon represented in abundance. Apparently, the Creator of the natural qualities of the Eastern Messiah attaches utmost importance. In addition, the dog in ancient Iran is a sacred animal, guarding the home, not only from evil people, but evil spirits, dark energy, since, according to the Persians, had an exceptional ability to see the parallel world and confront him. Roaring Tiger (depicted on the frame of the icon to the right of the East of the Messiah) - the embodiment of agility, indomitable courage and aggression. It should be noted that in the holy Zarathustra "Avesta" describes these and other animals such as hedgehogs, "my dogs". In addition, this "matryoshka" may have a different sense of the sacred: the Dragon can mean that the future Messiah would be born in the Year of the Dragon. Bear - a traditional esoteric symbol of Russia, and the brown bear - and even Siberia - may mean that the Messiah would be born in Siberia. It is no accident, the famous American forecaster Edgar Cayce has repeatedly pointed out in his brilliant prophecy that in Western Siberia is the accumulation of light energy, and from there come the salvation of the world. Finally, the dog is the Messiah belongs to the army of Zarathushtra, that is, all his future activities will take place under the banner of Zoroastrianism.
      There is another, quite unexpected version shown on the icon "nesting dolls" - the artist's hand, God portrayed the true evolutionary chain of human development: a dinosaur - a bear - a dog - man. I believe it is on a sequence of evolutionary processes can indicate a number of interesting facts:
      1. The human embryo in the early stages of embryonic development is very similar to a lizard.
      2. Each hunter is well known that in split carcass of the bear (and this - a very unpleasant associations for any observer: as they say, not a sight for the "faint of heart") is very similar to the body of a naked woman. Also, bear meat as human flesh, sweet taste is due to the high glucose content and blood sugar bear and humans.
      3. Genetic relatedness and spiritual closeness of man and dog, I think, no need for additional comments.
      By the way, the famous Russian paleantropolog Alexander Belov ready arguments to prove that the dog and the bear - the descendants of the person. For example, a bear does not come from small animals such as raccoons drevolazayuschih (deemed paleoanthropology). And the monkeys he was not a relative, though outwardly a bit like them. Bear Foot resembles a human and a lot better than a monkey: it is no hint of the retired like a monkey thumb. Obviously, some degrading human being never climb trees and fatten fat staggered through the trees, first on two feet, then four. His legs bear ancestor shortened to make it easier to step on the whole foot. That is, in other words, we are not dealing with the evolution of ape to man, and the person in the involution bear, dog and other species. It turns out there was a bear of a man?
      Thus, according to paleantropolog Belov, a person has nothing to do with the monkey; it is - a completely different evolutionary branch. The hypothesis is, of course, quite controversial, but in my opinion, also has a right to exist.
      Particular attention, the astute reader, should be paid to garment Eastern Messiah. He wore a robe of green (or rather, aqua). The same color and the platform on which people sit. This can only mean one thing - that the platform is the ocean; East Messiah is under the protection of the Ocean, and he represents religion (as indicated by the ship of faith in the crease of the mantle of Messiah, as we have said before) - it is a religion of the Ocean, which in the near future will be the world religion of the universe.
      And now, my dear reader, it is time to make the identity of the Messiah Eastern conclusions. Green, the color of Islam, says that before us the Mahdi (translated from the Arabic "slave of Allah".) - 12-th hidden, long-awaited Imam, the prophet and the Messiah all rolled into one. Specify that contains information about the Mahdi is not in the Koran and in the hadiths - legends about the deeds and sayings of Mohammed. The main part of the hadith emerged at the end of the beginning of the V11- V111 centuries. The collection of hadith recognized as valid, is the Sunnah. According to some researchers, Muhammad is a direct descendant of Zarathushtra, and Mahdi - a descendant of Mohammed. Obviously, Zarathustra is a spiritual forerunner of Mohammed, Mohammed - spiritual precursor of the Mahdi. This leads to the continuity of Zoroastrianism to Islam. Particularly well this continuity of Zoroastrianism can be seen in Sufism, practicing the so-called tariqa (Islamic mysticism).
      Statement Mahdi Allah on the icon of Andrei Rublev is indicated very beautiful and eloquent symbol - a kite. It is encrypted at the bottom of the mantle fold Mahdi from flowing to the bottom of the blue ribbon. The shape of the kite resembles a five-pointed star (human character) blue, which launched a God and run with the help of strings - beam guide and simultaneously restraining the rush snake. In addition, the air element of the paper reptile means that the Mahdi will likely air is the astrological sign. And the image of a kite boyish emphasizes the essence of the future Messiah. Mahdi - the eternal child, as evidenced by the Prophet Mohammed, which will cause women almost maternal feelings. Thanks to this ingenious plan of the Creator, the Mahdi will have the support of an absolute majority of the women of the Earth, and it is - more than half the world's population, my dear reader.
      The same sacred meaning and contains the word "Allah" written in Arabic script (see. Photo 2. "Allah"). It consists of two spirals, one, big - is Allah himself; the second, located just above the large spiral, its exact small copy - is the Mahdi. To the right is a beam in the form of a large unit with which Allah guides Mahdi life.
      By the way, it has the same meaning and Orthodox Christian cross: a large cross in the middle of the bar - it is Allah, the little top - is the Mahdi and the bottom bracket at an angle, which is a vector of convergence in Hell - Jesus Christ - rejected and cursed the son of God. Thus, the Orthodox cross, rotated 90 degrees clockwise, is an exact projection of the Holy Trinity, its graphic representation. 0x01 graphic
      Statement Mahdi Allah contained in another symbol on the icon "Holy Trinity". All three characters have the braids on her head is a "mentally - power cord" linking these cosmic identity with the Ocean. Only Christ tied the umbilical cord - obviously, the relationship with God for a long time and is hopelessly broken.
      Certain differences in the understanding of the essence of the Mahdi are the Sunnis and the Shiites. According to the Sunnis, the Mahdi - a descendant of Mohammed, a man of his age, but not the Messiah, which is Issa (Jesus Christ). The Shiites, on the other hand, are convinced that the Mahdi - the Messiah, the 12th Imam awaited hidden. Despite these differences, and the Shiites, Sunnis and fervently believe in the inevitability of the coming of the Mahdi, who will fulfill the will of Allah, realizing its Divine Plan (Arabic for "Islam" means submission to the will of God).
      So, what do we know about the identity of the Mahdi Hadiths of Muhammad?
      Mahdi - the name of the last of the 12 imams. The first imam was Ali, son of Muhammad. According to traditional sources of Islam Mahdi will come during the Last Judgment (Kiyama) and establish Tawhid (Monotheism). The modest presence of the Mahdi in the Islamic concept completely prevails on the question of Imam during the period of their disappearance until the expected return of the Saviour in Kiyama.
      According to the hadith, at the time of the birth of the Mahdi light pierce the top of the baby's head and reach the depths of the sky (it is the same energy-information Ocean beam with a directional vector, which is depicted on the icon "Holy Trinity" in the hand of the Mahdi). This baby - Mahdi, who fill the earth with equity and legality, as it is now filled with oppression and lawlessness. Note hadith on a baby Mahdi very much in common with the faith of the ancient Iranians - Zoroastrians in appearance Saoshyant (translated from the Iranian - Saviour). That's how he talked about Saoshyant Zarathustra:
      "Saoshyant, Shining Hero
      The Holy Sacrifice of God! -
      Our world is at your feet How mound of sand in front of a mountain -
      Sand Well God has many,
      Do not the victims of such.
      But you in it, Shining, thou shalt
      From the top of the universe
      Not as a hero and king,
      And as a child, and will gain experience,
      A sad fruit of knowledge,
      Like all earthly creatures.
      To combat the proliferating evil
      God's Messenger,
      You will become like all of us:
      Not Lord with a radiant face,
      A - Lone Wanderer,
      Wandering in the realm of darkness.
      And darkness You suffocating ring
      End of sensing is correct,
      Surrounded menacingly growling ...
      But you - you Word - Sword of Truth! -
      Cut defilement network
      World Fallen Truth teaching.
      But before it is done right the Court,
      False prophets shall rise,
      To steal your crown.
      All the filth of hell lushly flourish
      Loved the world vices,
      The beast's mouth will reveal.
      And then, among the pitch darkness,
      Your sword smashing sparkle,
      And they shall see thee:
      Spring at the end of a ruthless winter
      And the world will rise again sleeping
      Dream death, God loved. "
      Do not you think, dear reader, how much in common the information about the identity of the Saviour in Zoroastrianism and Islam. Zarathushtra continually tells us that Saoshyant is under special protection of Heaven. And in the hadith of the Prophet also says that the invisible hand of the Lord will protect not only the Mahdi, and all his family.
      Despite the fact that Saoshyant is under the special patronage of God, Zarathustra warns him of impending dangers and gives an indication of how to behave with people to win:
      "Flee, my friend, into your solitude:. I see you bitten by poisonous flies Run to where blows harsh, fresh air you have lived too close to a small, pathetic people Flee from their invisible vengeance Do not raise your hand against them they!..! - innumerable, and not your destination mahalkoy from flies.
      You are not a stone, but you've become already fallen on many drops. You will still broken up, and the building is cracked from many drops. I see you weary from poisonous flies, bruised and bleeding, I see you in a hundred places; and thy pride will not even angry. Your blood if they would like for all the innocent blood their bloodless souls crave for - and because they bite in all innocence. But you deep, you suffer too deeply even from small wounds; and before you are cured, the same poisonous worm is already crawling on your arm. You seem to me too proud to kill these gourmets. But take heed lest he become your appointment make them poisonous violence! They flatter you as a god or a devil. Well! They - and flatterers Squealer, and nothing more. Also, there are often kind to you. But it has always been a cowardly trick. Yes, cunning cowards! They think a lot about you narrow your soul - you seem suspicious to them always! Everything about what many people think, becomes suspicious. They punish you for all your virtues. They are quite forgive you only - your mistakes. Even when you are lenient towards them, they still feel you despise them; and they return to you your blessing hidden violence. Your pride without words is always contrary to their taste; They rejoice aloud when you come in humble enough to be vain. What we learn in person, we are flammable in it. Beware the little people! Before thee, they feel small, and their baseness and smoldering flares up against you in invisible vengeance.
      Have you noticed how often they became silent when you approached them, and as the power left them like the smoke leaves the dying fire? Yes, my friend, you are a reproach of conscience for their fellow men: for they are unworthy of you. And they hate you and would gladly suck your blood.
      Your neighbors will always be poisonous flies: that is, in your great - should make them more poisonous and more like flies. Flee, my friend, into your solitude, where harsh blows fresh air! None of your destination mahalkoy from flies. - Thus spoke Zarathustra. " 
   These words, great in strength, sincerity and love, Zarathushtra addresses through many centuries to his distant descendant Saoshyant - Mahdi, which the destiny of a very important and responsible role to play in the finals of the Apocalypse. Marks the return Saoshyant - Mahdi will be the global dominance of evil on earth, the victory over the forces of evil forces of good, which will require the arrival of the last and final Savior. If this does not happen, the result will be of mankind, completely absorbed by darkness.
      Here are the signs of the time, which describes the outstanding figure of Islam Abu AB Abi Tali: "During the arrival of the Mahdi people will neglect prayer and divinity bestowed upon them, legalize untruths, practice usury, accept bribes, build huge houses, sell religion to win this lower world , employ idiots, to communicate with women, disrupting family ties, obey passion and treat minor vows Generosity will be considered as a weakness, but sin is glorified Princes will be corrupted, and the ministers will be oppressors, intellectuals will be traitors, and the readers of the Koran vicious and evil perjury will be... be presented openly and immorality proclaimed in a loud voice. The sacred books are not clear, the mosque of hypocrisy, the minarets extended. Criminals will be praised, battles framework will be narrowed, the heart will be in disagreement, the contract is avoided. Women, greedy for the riches of this lower world, will involve in the business of their husbands, the vicious human voice will be loud, and it will be listened to. The most despicable of people will become leaders; The Libertines will believe because of the fear of evil, the cause of which they will be; Liars will consider Pravdivtsev and traitors - trustworthy. They will resort to singers and musical instruments; women ride the horses, they will be like men, and men will become like women. People prefer to act this lower world affairs Supreme and will hide under the skins of lambs hearts of wolves. "
      Mahdi will restore lost sense of holiness. First of all, it is based on an updated Zoroastrianism, revive Islam in its original purity and integration.
      Here is how describes modern Islam in the hadith, which gives us Ibn Babuyya (Thavab ul-ASMA): "The Apostle of God (Muhammad) said:" There will come a time for my people when there will be nothing of the Qur'an except its appearance, and nothing from Islam except its name and they call themselves such names, even when they are away from it all. Mosques are full of people, but there will not be present truth. In those days, religious leaders (fuqaha) will, for the most part, evil; they will spread the rebellion and disagreement, which to them the same and return. "
      And here is what the emergence of a new religion, the great soothsayer Nostradamus in his "Epistle to Henry":
      "Then will come from the branch of that which was considered such a long time barren (ed. Zoroastrianism), will come from the 50-th degree, who will update the whole Church Christian. And it will be arranged the greatest peace, union and harmony among several children, hostile, erring and separated because of the different boards, it will be awarded a world that will remain bound in the underworld ringleaders and instigators of war, using religious differences, and these will be merged kingdom Rabiytsev: remake is wisdom. "
      In this connection come to mind lines from the poetry of Omar Khayyam:
      "There are many faiths, and all the dissimilar ...
      What does it mean - a heresy, a sin, Islam?
      Love to you, I chose God.
      Everything else - worthless rubbish! "
      But really - the Creator of us do not need rituals and religious ceremonies (though of course they are important), and love and respect for his work.
      "I am, I am one. And no one ever
      It can not be compared with me.
      All created by me: the man and the star,
      Earth and Fire, Night and Day, and Water,
      And the buffalo, and fish, and poultry.
      And those who glorify you as gods,
      All created by Me from the beginning of time "- the Lord by the mouth of Zarathustra says Our Lord does not care what will be the worship rituals of man in this matter given the absolute freedom of choice: although baptized, though do namaz, even meditate In the end, the quality of sexual intercourse... , a kind of hymn His inventiveness and universal harmony - it is much more close and dear prayer to the Creator than sanctimonious preaching Catholic priest, steeped in homosexuality and corruption scandals of the Vatican.
      You do not need to communicate with God and a special room (this, by the way, they say, and Muslims - Sufis, known worldwide for its magical, mesmerizing ritual dance - rotation and practicing the so-called "silent" prayer in nature), as the human body, It is the divine vessel is the temple of God in which the soul of an enlightened person - a piece of God, a piece of Ocean Energy Creation - feels very comfortable and cozy. The main thing that man lived by the rules established by the Creator, ie, I am living good life. After all, he has the legal right to require compliance with their unreasonable creatures elementary order in the world, in his house, the House of the Lord. But, by the way, these religious ceremonies and rituals are just the main cause of inter-confessional conflict and religious wars.
      It's amazing how smart thing churchmen replaced longtime scholastic dispute monotheistic religions - the trinity of God - ritual minutiae, which whirled and utterly confused believer to distract him from the main thing - the true, based on love and understanding of faith in the Creator. Disorient the human mind in such a situation becomes a very attractive target for manipulating the consciousness of the believer than the religious leaders are very adept in all sorts of psycho active use today.
      But back to the Prophet's Hadith. Expected Imam Mahdi will prepare the ground for the Court and the last Sunday, Kiyama. The battle marked the final victory of the Mahdi "faithful followers" and Universal, the final establishment of "pure religion." "He will do the same as the Prophet, destroying as destroying He rituals of ignorance period. It will re-establish Islam. Mahdi will repair mosques and reconstructing their Mecca. Mahdi will bring a new order, a new book, the new legislation and a new tradition. More religion, also abandoned and corrupted, will be restored to its Truth and Purity force Mahdi "(Ibn Babin, 129, 1/162; Ibn -Ayyash Mugtad - ab).
      The Prophet Muhammad said: "It will extract the Torah and other Divine books from a cave, and will judge among the faithful of the Torah according to the Torah, the believers of the gospel according to the Gospel among the believers of the Koran according to the Koran." This universal Imam dedication of all the people in the secrets of the origin and the beginning of their own religions, and this knowledge is without a doubt, it is well described by the term "Mahdi" ( "master", named so because He is the one who will lead us to the Truth "(Al ... My, mani, fav Ave, 342, "Kua, they (the Mahdi)" Note reader, and Zoroastrianism, and Islam proclaim the human knowledge of the highest spiritual values ??and knowledge of the process - the Divine Act that also integrates Zarathushtra and the Mahdi .
      Apparently, God loves man - explorer, scientist, can not tolerate stupid idolatry and adulation, hypocrisy and despondency. He was very popular with brash in his indefatigable curiosity of scientists, stubbornly trying to lift the veil of the Divine Truth.
      Divine Truth - is the most accurate, most reliable reconstruction of the painting creation of the world and man. This Truth is the fruit of human knowledge will always be relative. To know the absolute truth of the human mind is impossible, for this has never fully will miss the initial empirical data. Therefore, the human truth will always be truncated in comparison with the divine, but human desire for the Absolute will remain forever.
      In addition, in the arsenal of search - cognitive means at man are still sacred knowledge, which are given to him as a gift from the Creator and mankind who accepted a priori as an axiom requiring no proof.
      God encourages the person to search for and study of the unknown in the universe. Moreover, it allows you and wants us to and scrupulously studied from a scientific point of view, based on the physics knowledge, philosophy, and has not appeared on the light industry General Psychology-teopsihologii (symbiosis between theology and psychology), which studies the nature and psychology of God , complex psychological processes and the state of the Creator, in the image and likeness of which, obviously, is arranged a microcosm of the human psyche.
      In my opinion, in the framework of this science can finally - that the conflict is overcome scientific and religious knowledge. A "mediator" will perform an object, it is the subject of scientific research - the Creator Himself, Ocean. We say that God - is a special plasma-energy form of life other than biological. But God is the energy - information matrix for the biological form of reason that causes the common laws of thought, common mental processes and the human condition. It is surprising that Spinoza, and native Australian and African cannibal in different corners of the Earth at the same think the same laws of formal logic in the form of four figures categorical syllogism, without even knowing it. Because the laws of formal logic and dialectical thinking himself the Absolute.
      Therefore, the Lord God, nothing human is alien, he is able to experience the love, joy and anger, that gives the opportunity to study his mental state based on the analysis and interpretation of natural phenomena (it is no wonder we say that the nature of anthropomorphic, that is humanoid in its manifestations), and the human psyche, which is a mirror image of the Divine psychology, a reduced model of the macrocosm.
      The first section teopsihologii likely, my perspicacious reader - is "Psychology of the Absolute", where the direct object of the research is the psychology of the Creator, common laws of thinking and course of mental processes in the universe.
      The second section - a "psychology of the religious state" - is directly related to the field of the human mind, the essence of which is revealed through the mental states of believers - Muslims; Wahhabis, including suicide; Buddhists (the state of "satori", "samadhi"), Christian sects (ecstatic states) etc.
      As you know, God - man, the ancient runic symbol "8" - a twisted and turned inside out spiral in esoteric indicating the transition of the divine into the human essence.
      The number "88" - a double rune symbol of the ancient Aryans, meaning mutual transition of God in man and man in God. Man in God, God - in man - is, in fact, is twisted and turned inside the double helix. It is no coincidence that the figure "88" in the Nazi symbols of the Third Reich - the Aryan sign - means a superman, a demigod. Swastika in the form of a double helix depicted in ancient Iran Aryan God - Zeroana under which the Aryans understand time. The ancient Slavs Supreme Deity Kolovrat is also a spiral - the swastika, which is none other than the well-advertised eight.
      Incidentally, the number of constellations in the heavens, too, is the esoteric number "88", which is hardly the theory of probability can be regarded as a mere coincidence. Milky Way Galaxy, which is our solar system, also has a spiral shape. The mathematical sign of infinity and has the shape of an eight.
      Surprisingly, in the Qur'an the word "Satan" and "Angel" are used exactly 88 times.
      By the way, a person's DNК, this model of the macrocosm and pervokirpichik from Biological life on Earth, too, is a twisted and turned inside out double helix - all the same sacred number "88", my dear reader.
      In a study of the psychology of the Divine we go from God to man and vice versa, from man to God, because human psychology - this is one of the most important for Creation of faces of the Divine Diamond - Absolute Mind, which in conjunction with other diamond facets creates a dazzling God shining - the sun. Baruch Benedict Spinoza in his "Ethics," writes: "The mind is like a diamond, where the verge of reason - facets of the diamond, which constantly need to cut three infinity.: Mind, Love and Light." Only the infinite can accommodate infinite. Only the mind can grasp and understand the infinite Absolute. After 300 years after Spinoza to the same conclusion was reached by Albert Einstein. He believed that light - is the original and primary physical reality. Approaching the speed of light, even time and space are compressed, becoming zero. The light, according to Einstein, - a thought, a thought - is the Light.
   Thus, the Supreme research human task is the quintessence of the knowledge of God in man and the human element in God. In other words, the knowledge of the Creator of psychology, created man in His image and likeness. Then, as a result of scientific extrapolation fully open and human psychology. It is this divine in man, a particle of his energy in every individual meant Jesus Christ, when he said to the apostles, it is not necessary to wait for the kingdom of heaven from the outside - it is just in us. God - is the nature of all things, and, above all, the man himself. Contrasting himself to God, man, so, opposes its own nature, it goes against the law, becoming a classic "rebellious man" Albert Camus, that is suicide - active or passive depending on the situation.
      The Great Creator's plan, man - this is the highest value space, 5th (main) element of the universe, therefore, no coincidence that the fifth (central) dome of the Orthodox Church - a man. Religious leaders are not even aware that the Leonardo da Vinci believed undisputed - that his "universal Vitruvian Man" is the center of the Universe.
      Recall that the man - the highest spiritual values ??and the teachings of Zoroaster. And rightly so, the reader, as the Cosmos without man loses its meaning; it is - just a dead soulless space, the way in which all of humanity is now fallen, losing the meaning of life, changing his life landmarks and performing substitution eternal universal (ie, space) values ??of momentary values, perishable.
      But back to the Mahdi. Allah says: "O Muhammad, they - My friends, My pure choice, My testimony after you for mankind They are your ambassadors and the best of my creations after thee in His glory and His greatness, I'll be through them my religion.. and my Word. and the last of them, the Mahdi, I will make the land clean from my enemies. I will give him the forces of the wind and will belittle for him the stubborn clouds. I will help him with my army, and support him my Angels, until until he raises My Name and creation unaware of My Oneness, and then I extend his kingdom, and I will ensure the success of my friends all the time, until the Day of Resurrection. "
      The esoteric number of the Mahdi in the space of digital code system - a figure eight. That is why about a new Russian tsar Wang said repeatedly that comes eighth. Asked scientists: what does it mean? - It is not nothing really could be explained as the information provided is always locked.
      The explanation for this phenomenon, in our opinion, the following: mankind known 7 major religious systems - Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. Mahdi will create eight, synthetic doctrine, based on the scientific and religious knowledge, which will play a key role Zoroastrianism and Islam. That is why the new King of Kings forecasters Russian monks Abel and Basil Nemchin and Nostradamus called the Great Gonchar. Like the potter, the Mahdi will mix all religions in a heap as the clay and blindly fundamentally different vessel renewal of faith. Thus, the Mahdi will be a "man - bridge" between mankind and God, which also repeatedly mentioned in his quatrains great Michel Nostradamus.
      By the way, this symbol is also present in the icon by Andrei Rublev. Mahdi pleated gown, next to the two-masted ship, clearly visible cable-stayed bridge with two towers, like the Crimean Bridge in Moscow.
      Another very interesting Exercise for your mind, my dear reader, in the subject of our research - interpretation of the sacred number "999" in the Qur'an.
      It is obvious that the 99 names of Allah, of which the prophet Mohammed said, and the so-called "SАК" - a special manifestation, the discovery of God (Theophany) in the world when 999 people of Hell will be shown out of every thousand in the Day of Judgement - this figure is inverted "666". It is logical to assume that if the number "666" is an anagram of the name of Jesus, as we have already mentioned earlier on page 72, then, in all likelihood, the number "999" contains the coded name of the main spiritual opponent of Jesus Christ - the Mahdi. Especially since Mohammed pointed out that the 100th name of Allah know only dedicated during Kiyama (Doomsday), t. E. There is a direct indication of the Koran on the long-awaited arrival of the Messiah. Hence the logical conclusion: if Christ - is the number "666", then "999" - is the Antichrist, the Mahdi.
      The Hadis repeatedly emphasized that the Imam Mahdi will create a world order that it will make the ruling nation to pay for the crimes against society. Its activities will be wearing clearly subreligios, humanistic character, as the Mahdi will bring the benefit of all mankind, regardless of sectarian and national differences between people. He will find a wealth of hidden land and distribute it fairly among the needy. He will teach the humble accommodation and subtle meditation. He will make it clear that dignity - is the internal state, which is in the middle between the two extremes, and that is based on equality and justice. He will restore the teachings of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world will ignore them.
      It will protect the science and higher education knowledge and will to use them. Control him on it is complete. He will appreciate the higher knowledge and always with reverence will use. His mind will be free from the desire to harm humanity. Higher knowledge when it will be like a kind of property, which in the past misused, but that right now he gives permission to use repeatedly and correctly.
      In the beginning, it will be like a poor stranger inglorious. And Islam is in a hopeless and helpless, like a camel emaciated with bowed head and languidly swinging tail. But then he will establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world. He will teach all the proof of God's mercy - His desire to give the man spoken of the good life "(Hadith Abu Dawood, Nadzhul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187 (Shia Islam).
      The great alim Nursi wrote that the Mahdi will lead many activities and in policy and management. He will ascend to the highest public office. His work, both in the political and spiritual spheres, as well as the powerful preaching mission will have a huge success. Activities Mahdi will cover the whole world, not just limited to a certain circle of people or region. He will lead a great ideological struggle in all areas and, Allah willing, will make Islam the dominant religion in the world. If any person claims to be the Mahdi himself, it is the most obvious proof that he is an impostor. Mahdi will not deal with populist appeals. He has no need to resort to this: his actions and personality will be illuminated by the divine blessing. Not he, but people will see themselves in favor of his accomplishments (Barakat) and Allah's mercy for the people.
      As reported by us in the hadith of the Prophet, irrefutable proof of the truth of the Mahdi will be that with his direct participation in all the land to establish dominance of the divine morality of Islam. Mahdi will not come up with any instructions or statements. Is not he call himself the Mahdi, but people with unquestionable clarity recognize him mercy and a sign from Allah. His greatest achievements and deeds will be the most vivid proofs and signs that have appeared person and the long-awaited guests. In an authentic Hadith of the Prophet says that "people will swear allegiance to the Mahdi, although he will not want it." Atheists, atheists, blasphemers, the materialists take all possible measures to stop the Mahdi. That is why the Mahdi has already come, but still hidden. Allah protects him from political pressure and any kind of physical violence on the part of the aggressive forces of evil, atheists and materialists.
      The whole Islamic world - is the army of the Mahdi Army of mercy and love, but not the bloodshed. The main feature of the Mahdi - all sorts of ways to avoid bloodshed, violence, cruelty and terror. Mahdi will establish on earth the divine morality through education, knowledge and culture. Allah Almighty, he reveals the incarnation of His beautiful names and Kahhar Jabbar, establish dominance on the ground of morality and faith. And it will happen by the will of God, only through love, mercy and goodness, spiritual strength and power of the Lord. The Prophet said: "The Ummah (Islamic world) will rally around the Mahdi as honey bees gather around their ruler He abound in the world of justice, which had previously been overwhelmed by violence and brutality, the people seemed to be back again in the time of Mohammed.".
      Mahdi fight against ungodly ideology is the spiritual and ideological. He is wise and righteous methods be victorious over all atheistic and perverse systems. According to a Hadith, a great spiritual struggle of the Mahdi will be so quiet and peaceful planned that even "sleeping person will not feel its power." Mahdi will call people to the mercy, patience, goodness, and beauty in everything, for this is the commandment of true morality of Islam. His righteousness and personal morality, deep faith and the height of the spirit will become an example for all people. As can be seen from the hadiths, during the reign of the Mahdi even among the nations, where today there is hatred and conflict, to establish peace and brotherhood, all disputes and conflicts will be replaced by peace, friendship and love. Mahdi will provide the conditions that the true faith of Islam, as the most tolerant, modern, wise and civilized models of existence of society, with its light illuminates the whole world. This will lead to great cultural breakthrough and sincere treatment of people around the world to Islam of their own free will and sincere desire.
      Another interesting fact. In Sanskrit, "Primordial Mother" sounds like "Ma Adi". If interchange sanksritskie words, get "Ma - adi" or "Mahdi". There are prophecies in Buddhism, who say that the world will save the woman, the embodiment of motherhood. Savior in Buddhism - the Buddha Maitreya - Sanskrit for "mellowness" - in religious symbolism carries equally signs of male and female, ie hermaphroditism. As used herein do not recall Leonardo da Vinci, which is considered a manifestation of the Supreme divine hermaphrodite in man. Our Lord - Great Hermaphrodite, dear reader. The ocean can be a thousand years old man, setting the patriarchy in the world; Thousand years it may be a woman, respectively, establishing a matriarchy. So Our Lady of the icons, in our opinion, has nothing to do with the Virgin Mary - ordinary earthly woman, although chosen by God: it is - all the same our Lord, beloved and loving ocean! And it does not matter whose face he chooses this time - the Virgin Mary, or Zoroaster. As you know, dear reader, for the Creator of all things to change the appearance is not difficult.
      According to Buddhist teachings, the Buddha Maitreya in its Golden Age will bring humanity matriarchy. The word "matriarchy" has two roots. The first root - "Maitri" (translated from sanksrita means "love", "mellowness" The second root -. "Arhat" means "worthy" Thus, matriarchy -. Are worthy of love, the expected period of human history, when the world, women take finally, to restore order to our troubled planet.
      June 3, 2009 in Krasnoyarsk Orthodox Fair, timed to coincide with the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, I saw a very interesting icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Cup", written by an unknown Siberian artist - painter. It shows a baby clearly Slavic origin - blond with blue eyes, sitting on a belt in the holy grail. Of particular interest to me caused the position of the hands of Our Lady and the infant. They sat in a pose of pre-Aryan God Shiva, in the so-called pose of "lotus", combined to form a multi-armed figure poluzhenschina - polumuzhchiny, "animal owner", menacing look that embodies the cosmic energy. Baby with piercing eyes and his divine mother is depicted on the icon with sync-set towards the hands. Thus, the composition reproduces multi-armed Buddhist deity Shiva, but here the question arises: what does all this have to Orthodox subjects, and even in snowy Siberia, very far from the Eastern spiritual practices and Buddhism? The answer to this question fully provide us with Nicholas and Helena Roerich. They believed that the Buddha Maitreya will appear in Russia, namely - in Siberia. No wonder the legendary land habitat Maitreya Shambhala Roerich sought, albeit unsuccessfully, in the Altai. Nicholas Roerich believed that Maitreya comes from the Altai, where he made several expeditions in search of Shambhala, which did not give any results. This is natural, since it is a serious methodological error was made. The legendary Shambhala - a "akacha", which translated from Sanskrit means the space. We believe that Shambhala - a spiritual space in which he was born and lives Maitreya - the future Savior of the World. Nicholas Roerich, in principle, could not find her, as Maitreya at the beginning of the 20th century was not born yet.
      Another brilliant hunch Nicholas and Helena Roerich: Maitreya Buddhism, Saoshyant in Zoroastrianism, Islam Mahdi, the Messiah in Judaism - one and the same person. Yes, actually, and descriptions of the Savior in all religions is almost identical.
      But back to the icon of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity". The same tilt heads Zoroaster and Mahdi clearly indicates that the "Holy Trinity" they are absolute brothers - twins. It follows that the Mahdi - an energetic counterpart of Zarathustra. However, in their arguments, we dare, dear reader, to go even further: to assume that the Mahdi - the reincarnation of the soul of Zarathustra. Painfully it looks like the Mahdi in the icon, as well as the descriptions contained in the hadith, on Zarathushtra - the character and appearance, and its eastern origin. In addition, they are absolutely identical points and eloquent gesture on the right hand of Zarathustra, which seems to be saying to us with the icon: "The two of us, me and the Mahdi, and we - are united." Zoroastrianism and Islam - two brothers - twins, the two most closely related doctrine of the universe. Moreover, the gesture refers to the period of the Middle Ages, the time of the English King Richard the Lionheart and Arthur (late 12th century), and belonged to the so-called Order of the "Knights of the Round Table", bringing the oath of allegiance. It is this order of King Arthur crusaders engaged in search and clearing of the holy grail. Arthur - the perfect prototype of the Christian king. Another interesting fact of the birth of King Arthur. According to legend, the birth of Arthur was marked by the appearance of a red comet in the form of the Dragon, from which two beams fell: the first beam passed over Gaul and touched the baby's head (where there is a clear parallel between Arthur and the Mahdi), the second, which, in turn, divided into 7 rays - over the Irish sea.
      It is known that at the coronation of Arthur attended by monarchs throughout Europe, with a ceremony that is remarkable, dear reader, held at Whitsun. This fact is attributed his legendary blood Pendragon dynasty (Pendragon in translation from Celtic means "dragon's head") with higher knowledge, descended from heaven, as the Trinity holiday - who had a special significance for the Templars - celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. The icon "Holy Trinity" God in the face of Zarathushtra brings pledge of allegiance to his son, the future King of the World - Mahdi. Mahdi right hand and takes an oath of fidelity to God, just that - hand piano, chord taker.
      Incidentally, an interesting fact for our study: the name "Arthur" lends itself to different interpretations, but the most likely one is the one that elevates him to the Celtic word "arthos" - a bear and "viros" - people. This means virility, which inspires terror, and refers to the idea of ??a central or "polar" royal function. Bear - is one of the sacred symbols of the ancient cult, and at the same time, in astronomical symbolism it represents one of the "polar" constellations - Ursa Major. Here is where does the icon of Andrei Rublev esoteric symbol of human-bear Mahdi.
      Now about the Holy Grail. The same tilt heads Zoroaster and Mahdi clearly indicates that the "Holy Trinity" they are absolute brothers - twins. It follows that the Mahdi - an energetic counterpart of Zarathustra. However, in their arguments, we dare, dear reader, to go even further: to assume that the Mahdi - the reincarnation of the soul of Zarathustra. Painfully it looks like the Mahdi in the icon, as well as the descriptions contained in the hadith, on Zarathushtra - the character and appearance, and its eastern origin. In addition, they are absolutely identical points and eloquent gesture on the right hand of Zarathustra, which seems to be saying to us with the icon: "The two of us, me and the Mahdi, and we - are united." Zoroastrianism and Islam - two brothers - twins, the two most closely related doctrine of the universe. Moreover, the gesture refers to the period of the Middle Ages, the time of the English King Richard the Lionheart and Arthur (late 12th century), and belonged to the so-called Order of the "Knights of the Round Table", bringing the oath of allegiance. It is this order of King Arthur crusaders engaged in search and clearing of the holy grail. Arthur - the perfect prototype of the Christian king. Another interesting fact of the birth of King Arthur. According to legend, the birth of Arthur was marked by the appearance of a red comet in the form of the Dragon, from which two beams fell: the first beam passed over Gaul and touched the baby's head (where there is a clear parallel between Arthur and the Mahdi), the second, which, in turn, divided into 7 rays - over the Irish sea.
      It is known that at the coronation of Arthur attended by monarchs throughout Europe, with a ceremony that is remarkable, dear reader, held at Whitsun. This fact is attributed his legendary blood Pendragon dynasty (Pendragon in translation from Celtic means "dragon's head") with higher knowledge, descended from heaven, as the Trinity holiday - who had a special significance for the Templars - celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. The icon "Holy Trinity" God in the face of Zarathushtra brings pledge of allegiance to his son, the future King of the World - Mahdi. Mahdi right hand and takes an oath of fidelity to God, just that - hand piano, chord taker.
      Incidentally, an interesting fact for our study: the name "Arthur" lends itself to different interpretations, but the most likely one is the one that elevates him to the Celtic word "arthos" - a bear and "viros" - people. This means virility, which inspires terror, and refers to the idea of ??a central or "polar" royal function. Bear - is one of the sacred symbols of the ancient cult, and at the same time, in astronomical symbolism it represents one of the "polar" constellations - Ursa Major. Here is where does the icon of Andrei Rublev esoteric symbol of human-bear Mahdi.
      Now about the Holy Grail. It is decorated in the center karbunkulom- jewel symbolizing the energy of love coming from the heart of God. At high magnifications and icons turn 90 degrees clockwise gem guessed miniature bear head, a bit like the famous Olympic Mishka sample 1980. In a bowl, we can see something resembling a human embryo. If you deploy the icon clockwise by 90 degrees, in the face of the cup men resurfaces. The artist used a unique technique of iconography, managing to portray the mouth, rather thin facial features, even the human eyebrows. Whose face - we already know: that Saoshyant - Mahdi, which itself is dedicated icon of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity". This is the seed of God, a part of the Divine Energy, which he put at a certain time in the bosom of his chosen woman. Grail stands on the table rectangular, its shape reminiscent of the famous "king Solomon's table" of the temple of King Herod. It is unfortunate that Andrei Rublev painted the legs of the table are not in the form of lion's paws - bright identifier of "Solomon's table." But even so the geometric features countertops made of 150 kg of pure gold, enough to recognize one of the most sacred objects of so-called "gold Yahweh" - the altar of God. Only instead of the Holy Grail, two thousand years ago in the "table of King Solomon" in the temple of Herod was menorah (called Menora), now adorns the coat of arms of the state of Israel.
      For over two thousand years Kabbalists around the world are struggling with solving the mystery of the Menorah. According to the official version of the 0x01 graphic
Jewish, Menorah symbolizes the seven days of creation. However, the reader, let us not agree with this version. According to the text of the Torah, Yahweh, God told Moses to make a menorah in the form of a tree with a central trunk, which is believed to symbolize Judaism, giving rise to the six emerging from his symmetrical branches of world religions. Stand menorah decorated with images of dragons and winged lions (one of the interpretations of the dragon - as we already know, the exclusive symbol of Zoroastrianism), which is contrary not only Jewish, but also the most religious traditions prohibiting images of animals, especially on sacred subjects. Only Zoroastrianism not only does not prohibit, but to actively encourage such images. Hence, a logical conclusion - the Menorah symbolizes the history of world religions, in which the decisive, crucial role to play Zoroastrianism.
      Three left-wing branch of a tree, growing from Judaism, symbolized by the three Western branches of Christianity: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. Three eastern branch menorah - respectively three Eastern religions: Zoroastrianism, Islam and Buddhism. But what about Hinduism - ask you, the reader? Hinduism - religion, derived from Zoroastrianism, with strong elements of Buddhism, however, is unlikely, it can be considered an independent religious system, as well as Taoism, Zen, Lamaism, etc. In addition, the three parabolas Menorah invested in each.. another on the principle of dolls, not only reflect the symmetry of the religions, but their continuity.
      For Orthodoxy symmetrical Zoroastrianism. Fire, as you know, is the object of worship of the Zoroastrians. And only in the Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem each year there is the descent of the Holy Fire that does not burn and is sacred. Schema, austerity and asceticism of the Fathers of the Russian Orthodox Church is nothing other than the experience drakonoborchestvo (against dragon) Zoroastrians (Incidentally, dervishes and notorious in Sufism, and Islamic preaching asceticism), adapted to the specific conditions of the Russian religious life. And the orthodox icon of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity" with the contents of Zoroastrian, of course, also leads to similar reflections.
      Catholicism, apparently corresponds to Buddhism, as Catholics and Buddhists cultivate the image of Our Lady - a symbol of the feminine principle of the Universe.
      Finally, Protestantism, Islam is symmetrical, since both religions condemned idolatry, and in the decoration of churches lacking any images not only God, but also of all things. In addition, the support of the Protestant Church in the services, mainly done on the Old Testament, and the Koran, in fact, is its updated eastern interpretation, only performed in Arabic. It is no accident that the characters of the famous biblical scenes in the two literary and religious sources of the same Abraham - Ibrahim, Solomon - Suleiman, David - Dawood, Moses - Musa Issa - Jesus, Mary - Mary, John - Yahya, etc.
      And yet, in addition to the above. In the capital of the Jewish Autonomous Region Birobidzhan at the Theater Square is a wonderful sculpture of the Menorah, made in the shape of a treble clef (see. Photo 4. "Menora"). Author sculpture managed simply and brilliantly express the main ecumenical idea of ??modernity - the union of all religions under the flag of Art. In the center of a menorah instead of Judaism, the sculptor has placed the treble clef, which is a hefty eight (figure Mahdi, as we already know) wound around the six branches of the tree, and on the stand under the Menorah, instead of dragons and winged lions, the artist has depicted the figure of the musician.
      But back to the icon by Andrei Rublev. "Holy Trinity" is replete with the faces of the Savior - Mahdi. The frame in the lower left corner from the right under Christ's dagger, which we have said before, men are depicted full-face. Its the same profile, only this time in a tiara - headdress of ancient Oriental, including the Persian kings - is shown in the lower part of the icon, right under the chair on which sits the Christ.
      The platform on which sit the Christ and the Mahdi, angled at 45 degrees to each other, and form a symbolic sacred grail, which bear muzzle resurfaces. Bear - the esoteric symbol of Russia, which means that the Mahdi will appear and will carry out its activities in Russia. This is indicated by the fact that the icon was written by Russian painter Andrei Rublev. The ship of the new faith in the mantle of the Mahdi, two-masted barque, sails two updated religions - Zoroastrianism and Islam - proudly and majestically went to his space voyage in Russia. To do this, ripe all the objective and subjective conditions. Here's how he wrote about this great event in the history of mankind Nostradamus 9 th Centuries, 100th quatrain:
      "Sea battle, darkness will be defeated.
      The fire on the ships to the West ruin;
      New Religion, the great ship colored,
      Anger vanquished, and victory in the fog. "
      The same was said a well-known predictor of H1V-century Rano Reno. "The ancient religion of the Sun and Fire - the religion of Zoroaster in the XX1 century knows winning streak Prop yourself it will acquire in the northern country Hyperboreans (Russia), where it will be revealed in a completely new quality (Agni Yoga) place its main temple -.. Green island" Erin. "The island" Erin "will shine the sun, and from there come the Savior."
      It should be noted that the Russian people are spontaneous, natural Zoroastrians. Ideas of drakonoborchestvo (against dragon) and purifying fire typical of Zoroaster's teachings fully reflected in the Russian fairy tales and epics. Like other peoples of the world, in the Russian epic has a fire-breathing dragon, only three heads - Dragon with which the Forces of Light - Russian heroes are eternal egregornuy (spirit war), and in which, again, in the best traditions of Zoroastrianism, Good always triumphs over evil. Russian people in general is inherent in the mystical consciousness of the Zoroastrians and the Sufis in Islam (the so-called "tariqa"). The parallel world is teeming with Russian human,s demons, water, mermaids and other evil spirits that he is afraid of, but which belongs to the same tenderness, coaxing at every opportunity. Brownie - so do a full member of every Russian family.
      Surprisingly, the main symbol of Zoroastrianism - the eagle, and even two-headed "Siamese twins", so gently and firmly entrenched in Russian heraldry, decorated with a coat of arms of the Russian state. The Orthodox church has also long been prepared by the Creator to the emergence in Russia of a new religion. Symbol of Zoroastrianism and Christianity (the cross) and the crescent moon below the cross (symbol of Islam) - we are not thinking about the significance of this phenomenon, for many centuries are witnessing an almost over each dome of the Russian Orthodox Church. This largely explains the fact that, according to Nostradamus, "the most most Christian King of Kings will come from Russia, it was under the sign of the crescent." By the way, and a crescent moon, as one of the earliest symbols of Christianity, which came from Byzantium, he was a symbol of royal and absolute spiritual power of God, later borrowed by Islam. Here we should pay attention to the fact that Islam generally forbids any symbolism as a manifestation of idolatry and only the crescent moon, why - what the Muslims accepted unconditionally, and as the main character of religion.
      To sum up, we can conclude that the icon of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity" - a story told by an artist of three world religions, in which the main and decisive role to play Mahdi. That's it - the Messiah who will put an end to the religious wars in the world, will bring peace and prosperity to mankind in the Golden Age, will be saving a bridge between God and humanity.
      With regard to the identity of the Mahdi, the researchers made repeated attempts to "calculate" his "personal" data and the approximate date of occurrence.
      Suffice detailed psychological portrait of the Savior give in his book "Decoded Nostradamus" Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. "It is not an Arab, but he will act under the banner of Islam - Crescent Merry, swinger, a joker, which Fate save from drinking man it relates to science:.." Physics of the great King left, Destiny, and not the ability of the Drunken be alive, he and his family in a state highly raised, the pardon is given to people who are jealous of Christ "(Centuria 6, quatrain 18) The fact that the Russian Saoshyant comes under the sign of the crescent -. not a coincidence.
      We believe that only Islam with its zero tolerance to alcohol and drugs are now able to save the Russian people from the final alcoholic degeneration and extinction. We believe that the Eucharist and other church ceremonies, or relating to the use of wine - a direct path to alcoholism nation legalized the Christian church, fully supplied under this ideological platform and the beautiful rhetoric of "worship". And indeed the Eucharist, to be honest, is very similar to the rite of initiation of vampires. "Drink wine, this is - my blood!" - Jesus told his disciples that they are doing so far through the efforts of teachers. Creator is absolutely no need in such abominations. And even on the contrary, very condemns it and on earth and in heaven.
      We can add to our portrait is also the fact that the Mahdi was born in the Year of the Dragon - most likely in 1976 (the image of the Dragon over the head of the Mahdi and the indication of the Prophet Mohammed that the Mahdi at the beginning of his spiritual activity would be about 40 years old) on the territory of Western Siberia (picture brown bear in the icon) has a mark in the crown of the head in the form of birthmark (according to the hadith of the prophet Mohammed). Its activity is likely, it will start in the Year of the Ox (bull's head on the frame in the lower left corner of the icon under the face of the Mahdi dirk). Apparently, it was in the year of the Ox will be a new religion in Russia.
      It should be noted that Bull, according to "Avesta" in general has a special and very honorable place in Zoroastrianism. It is a sacred animal, one of the most favorite creation of Ahura Mazda, it is under the special protection of God. Obviously, in the form of a bull well is a direct analogy with the personality of the Saoshyant - Mahdi.
      Mahdi has any relation to the military service (based on the symbolism of the icon, probably - to the fleet) and plays the piano (this indicates the position of the hand of his right hand). In addition, the icon contains a direct reference to the month of the birth of the Mahdi.
      It is obvious that Andrei Rublev painted three twins. This is - a direct allusion to the zodiacal constellation of Gemini, and the fact that the Mahdi could be born under that constellation, ie in the period from 22 May to 22 June. Let us try to prove that, at first glance, an unexpected hypothesis.
      According to the sacred "Avesta", Zoroaster was born under the constellation of Orion. Orion - this is a transition between the zodiac sign Taurus and Gemini. This means that a person born under this sign, has a date of birth between 18 and 22 May. That is Zarathushtra could well be twins in the astrological meaning of the word.
      With Jesus Christ, everything is much more complicated. Officially, Jesus Christ is the Capricorn in the astrological sense, ie the date of his birth in the Gregorian calendar - December 25 and in the Orthodox (Julian or so-called "old" style) - on 7 January. But the fact is that the established date of Christ's birth on December 25 was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church arbitrarily, based on calculations of the ancient Greek philosopher Dionysius the Areopagite. Dionysius, in turn, tried to find a compromise in the existing at that time numerous dates of birth of Jesus Christ, to bring the most sacred date in line with the text of Scripture. However, studies of a number of foreign scholars from the US and the UK led to the conclusion that Christ was physically unable to be born in the winter months.
      Firstly, an indication in the Gospel that the first to welcome the Christ Child in the cave directly from the pasture shepherds came. And although ancient Judea is a warm country, scientists believe that the lush grass for the flocks of sheep, even in such a hot country, was only possible in the spring - in the winter it is almost not grow, and in the summer completely burnt out under the merciless sun.
      Secondly, according to the ancient manuscripts of the Roman historians, the massacre of the innocents by King Herod of Judea, which caused great dissatisfaction of the Roman Caesar Augustus, happened in May 4 BC. And according to the legend, this brutal event took place immediately after the Persian Magi also visit the cave of Christ, told Herod that the new born King of the Jews. By the way, it is well established that the Jewish King Herod died shortly after the Innocents summer 4 BC According to tradition, on the eve of the event, he appeared to Joseph in a dream the angel who told him that the death threat had passed, and they can leave the cave. The angel also told Joseph, together with Mary and Infant Jesus go to Egypt.
      Third, the Star of Bethlehem that led the Magi to the cave, where the Divine Infant Jesus, according to most researchers, is none other than the birth of a supernova flash which meticulously recorded the ancient Chinese astronomers in his treatises on the same May 4 BC By the way, this star of Bethlehem so far can be observed by astronomers all over the world, only this time as a weakly flickering pulsar. All this allows us to admit in theory that Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Trinity is also a Gemini in the astrological sense.
      And finally, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Holy Spirit, the third person of God, on the 51th day after Easter, that is, at the end of May - beginning of June (Day of the Holy Trinity or "Pentecost," says the church on the 50th day after Easter). It also allows to make the logical conclusion that the third character icons Mahdi, which actually is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit, born just in the same period.
      For example, in 2008, the Holy Spirit fell on the Day of June 8 to the Orthodox calendar (Holy Trinity Day, respectively, fell on June 7).
      And in addition to this. Judging by the fact that its icon Andrei Rublev dedicated to St. Sergius of Radonezh, Saoshyant - Mahdi is likely to name Sergey. This is consistent with the prediction of Nicholas Roerich and the monk Abel that Saint Sergius three save Holy Russia - from the Mongol - Tatar yoke (the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo - refers to the key turning points in history Russia), Polish (unsuccessful siege of Poles Trinity - Sergius Lavra), and the most terrible yoke of Mammon in our own unfortunate time.
      There is another extraordinary version, according to which the crescent moon in Islam - is the initial letter of the name of the encrypted "Sergei". Then the crescent and star on the national flag of Turkey and Azerbaijan (Azeri DNA are closest to the people, the Persians) can mean "Sergey - man". Incidentally, this explains the fact that Nostradamus often in his quatrains called the Great King selenium, t. E. Moon. This, in our opinion, once again showed tremendous sense of humor of our Heavenly Pope - Great symbolist who knitted in strong knot Christianity and Islam, showing nadreligiozny character of the future Messiah. "Only you alone are worthy of the title of King Christians having the highest authority in matters of religion" - refers to the future Messiah Michel Nostradamus in his famous "Epistle to Henry."
      Shortly before his death, the great prophetess Vanga said at the meeting with the Russian writer Valentin Sidorov, that St. Sergius already living among us. "He - Russian for some reason I can see Siberia and has two bodies!" - With the triumph in her voice told a Bulgarian clairvoyant. By the way, about "two in one" in the body of the future King of Kings Ogmiya (Hermes) and of his two fathers (father of the earth and the Heavenly Father) in his quatrains repeatedly mentioned and Michel Nostradamus.
      No less eye opener March 22, 2009 at HXXIV "Siegel readings" in Moscow made a member of the Academy informatsiologicheskoy and Applied Ufology Yuri Grigoriev: "God has been living among us, He came to earth 10 years ago, in August 1999 -11..
      This digital number - 11.08.1999 - Academician brought deciphering cryptography ancient biblical texts (in the simplest representation of each letter in the phrase corresponds to a certain mathematical symbol). He argues that the key to unlocking the mysteries of the Second Coming has served well-known phrase from the Bible: "The rich is just as difficult to get into heaven as for a camel to go through the eye of a needle." The search phrase all makes sense: the number of letters, words and even the alternation of vowels and consonants. The abundance of these figures Grigoriev found in the films "The Arrival", "The Second Arrival", "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and many others. According to the researcher, the directors even had no idea that they have someone from the outside runs, causing the shoot such iconic paintings.
      -I God ordinary earthly name, - said Grigoriev, - and he has a passport. Who knew of his coming, he pretended not to notice. The living God is not needed nor our religion nor our science. His name is known only favorites. All the people will know about it only when it recognizes the president and the patriarch. And the crisis will never end if we do not take God "- the speaker said.
      It should be noted that the August 11, 1999 was unique in its own way a solar eclipse - the last in the second millennium. Sacred number "999" in the date of the eclipse may well be a kind of Rubicon space, as well as a bright sign of the arrival of the Mahdi in the third tysyacheletii-- in this Academician Grigoryev rights.
      And here is what the Savior Tamara Globa: "The whole world knows that the future - for Russia, the new Saoshyant will rule in Russia (Saoshyant - ruler of the world), that the light of Russia will go around the world is one of the reasons that over. us and Russia erupted egregornaya battle - they all want to have our territory, minds, souls and fate of our people. If mankind does not come to its senses and not be abolished splash out aggression, malice, strife in Space and on Earth, we are waiting for the total global spiritual and ideological crisis, . number of catastrophes and earth changes shape Active and passive parasites Earth will destroy the Earth and the universe A huge number of people in the world see, feel and understand the world differently, their vision - is another reality:. gnomes, elves, spirits, soul of plants generally. those who know a different reality - a real warrior, free from human passions of the world, for such is their way - the way people will know the truth in the Aquarian age all the secret becomes clear, and the concept of good and evil polarize the world:. and the people and the country and the earth, even the invisible world and nature. Welcome will be at the head of the Law of the New Era. Anyone who "muddying the waters" of human consciousness, experiencing the agony: their time is over. This they call doomsday "According to the predictions of Zarathustra, his teachings will return from whence it came -.. In Russia third savior appears exactly in Russia in the Age of Aquarius (after 2003) By the way, in the esoteric sense Age of Pisces, which recently ended. It is directly related to the Christian church.
      In general, I must say that the attempt to "calculate" the Mahdi - a thankless task. That's why he and the hidden Imam, in order not to appear before the time designated by the Creator. By the way, the Mahdi himself to unite all religions and faiths and to make special efforts would be required. The very appearance of the Mahdi - Saoshyant - Christ - Maitreya - the Messiah in human society is a wholly religious artifact of the existence of God, which is unlikely any of the priests, even the most rabid orthodox at this time (in the sense of after the coming of Jesus Christ) dares to challenge. The main condition for the appearance of the Mahdi hidden - it was his idea to mankind by the Creator directly. He never finds himself without this representation Mahdi. This is - an absolute condition for the appearance of the Mahdi, the rigid program of behavior, prescribed to him by God - do not be put out before time. And this time, apparently, has not yet arrived.
      In conclusion, my dear reader, let me remind you that the Creator, our Lord One, loves man, why so long suffered all his ugliness, and periodically sends to Earth people such as the Mahdi. On earth and in heaven for a long time got into the so-called Holy Man affair with God, through which just made the connection between spiritual and material world, visible and invisible universe plans. Compliance with the 10 Commandments "correct" life should be a man, not for the guarantees of the future kingdom of heaven (it is also a form of self-interest), and for the love of the Creator. It is clear that failure to comply with the commandments hurt his loving Father's heart, who has put in his creation so much love, effort and diligence. It is necessary to think before to steal or kill, you interrupt the act of this spiritual connection with God. But the guarantee of the heavenly kingdom - is an exclusive problem of God, his exclusive right to decide whom to give these guarantees, to whom - not.
      Man differs from biorobot choice behaviors, freedom of will. He can choose the path of the main Genesis program, and therefore part of its program to change Destiny. God absolutely does not need a slave and his servile submission. "Freedom, which is the result of necessity, not true freedom, it is the only element in the dialectic of Hegel was necessary, in fact, does not know real freedom, -. Nicholas wrote Berdyaev.- exteriorized consciousness, there is always alienating servile consciousness God -. Sir, man - servant, church - lord, the man - servant, and the state - lord, the man - a slave; nature - lord, the man - a slave, object - lord, the man - the subject - the slave bondage source always is the objectification, ie alienation.. It is slavery in all - in knowledge, in morals, in religion, in art, in the life of political and social. "
      That is why Islam and Zoroastrianism, the religion of the Spirit Warrior, not slaves and servants - by far the most loved by the Lord, among others. Through these beliefs It encourages the active position a fighting man, inspiring him to spiritual fulfillment. Complacent humanity forever enclosed in the Garden of Eden, this is truly a golden cage for a reason, of course, it would be doomed to spiritual degradation. No stimulus without a fight is something to learn, to change the world around them, to build, that is, man is likened to a plant. That's why Buddhism is not caught on and never take hold in the Nordic countries, where it is necessary to survive in the struggle with the harsh nature, not to meditate on the "open air". A man, as a result, was unable to fulfill its mission by God the Great Creator of the Universe and Converter. What do you mean - I see nothing, I hear nothing and say nothing? Who needs such a "creator", "silent servant of the astral plane?" And how does it differ from the plant? Why then do we need a human brain, mind? And how to be in harmony with the surrounding nature, you, when you, he is an integral part of it collapses from hunger and cold? After metabolism - another no less brilliant creation of the Creator, the basis of existence of protein bodies - no one has canceled.
      Creators - musicians, artists, scientists - are the true creators of the spiritual, the divine universe on earth. His inspired work they multiply the light energy of the cosmos, the energy of creation. A spiritual multidimensional universe, what VI Vernadsky called the noosphere, in turn, transforms the physical universe, our limited four-dimensional material world. This relationship is two-way, and cause and effect in this dialectical process of constantly changing places.
      For example, the human mental health causes its physical health and vice versa. In a healthy body healthy mind. Men sana in corpore sana!
      Thus, the meaning of their lives - in its "active" site, accessible ways and every day without thinking of earthly glory, as part of their natural capacity to know, spiritually enrich and transform the world with the help of knowledge, beauty and harmony, thus increasing most spiritual space of the universe - the Divine World.
      Too proud and pompous phrase sounds that people make history. This is not true. God - the one and only Creator of History. People - just the actors in his theater, where only one chief director and playwright. Actors can be brilliant, talented and just totally incompetent, but the overall dramatic works will not change. And that is great. The world practice shows what happens when the course of history is given at the mercy of human passions.
      God - The great improviser, he is never repeated. Therefore, the second coming of Christ will occur entirely different scenario, which showed remarkable humor Creator. The beast in question in the Apocalypse - it's not terrible offspring of the Devil, and charming and gracious East Messiah depicted in the icon - a collective image of the Warrior of Zarathustra, the main symbol of Zoroastrianism.
      "Talking icon of the Beast" in question in the Gospel - is not television, which, like parrots, persistently repeat the ministers of the Christian Church, and the living icon of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity". It was she who, in God's plan, will be the main sign of the coming of the Mahdi in the Earth.
      Evolution - the greatest creations of the Creator. The evolution of religions, as a special case of the evolution of the universe - a manifestation of the essence of the dialectical law of transformation of quantity into quality, unity and struggle of opposites, the negation of the negation. The icon of Andrei Rublev's "Holy Trinity", just shows this evolution in this coded message to mankind. The new religion based on the updated Islam, without denying the basic tenets of Zoroastrianism and Christianity synthesizes the best qualities of these religions, the best achievements of the religious consciousness, eventually giving rise to a new spiritual quality, a new spiritual phenomenon - the world religion of Light, designed to definitively resolve the global problems of mankind.
      It is time to sum up the results of our study, dear reader! A deep sense of the sacred icons of Andrei Rublev is that God, at least two times in human form visited Earth - once as Zarathushtra, the second - as Jesus Christ. Third, the last incarnation of the Creator - it is the Mahdi, with the arrival on Earth of humanity which binds its old eschatological expectations and hopes for a happy life. Thus, the Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev is - not the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and Zoroaster, Jesus and the Mahdi - three views of God in man and his best creations. The new reading of Andrei Rublev history of the great conflict that is described in the sacred "Avesta", filled with new sounds: the Creator of all things Zeroana (ocean), under which in Zoroastrianism understand Time and Absolute Absolute, creating God of Good Ahura Mazda (Zarathushtra) and God Ahriman Evil (Jesus Christ), to combat which creates and sends to Earth last Saoshyant Savior (Mahdi). Moreover, apparently God Zeruana - face Zarathustra, which is projected in the guise of Christ and the Mahdi. Although, on closer examination the icons are clearly visible differences in terms of persons submitted by the master (eg a scar on his lip, crook and a birthmark on her nose Mahdi), which suggests that all three characters - a vivid personality, not mediocre clones Ocean.
      By the way, a well-known historical fact - one of the monasteries ordered Andrei Rublev icon of the "Last Judgement", but he refused the order. "Why scare people for nothing?" - I liked to repeat the artist wrote to the Trinity - St. Sergius Lavra icon "Holy Trinity", full of light and religious drama. This amazing icon with prophetic content inspires timid hope that the end of the world all - again, not, as God gives humanity a second chance for salvation.
      Even to the Lord God for all His loving space is very difficult to love mankind in general, especially in its current form, but through the love of God to the person - namely, his three sons of men - it is quite possible!    
   Chapter 3. The mystery of the "Lost Book" by Michel Nostradamus
     The "lost book" of Michel Nostradamus, as some researchers believe, was written by him in the 16th century, although there is practically no reliable data on the work on it. It is known that in 1625 this book was handed over to Cardinal Barbirini, whom she was horrified, as a result of which the book was hidden from the public by the Roman Catholic Church for many years. And only in 1888 (again tripled sacral figure "8", dear reader) "Potery Book" was discovered in the public library of Rome. What turns this book into one of the riddles of the millennium, over the clue to which scientists have been struggling for more than a hundred years?
   Firstly, the book is an album of beautifully executed watercolors, although Michel Nostradamus was not noticed in the talents of the painter during his lifetime.
   Secondly, even with the naked eye you can see that the given aqua-religions predict a very unenviable future for the Christian church, that is why the reaction of the Vatican to this "work" of Nostradamus is quite understandable.
   And, finally, Michel Nostradamus wrote about his "Lost Book" and the cosmic significance of the creative work of his whole life in his last quatrain, which we want to bring in a remarkable translation of Diana Mercury below:
   "What has opened the world - there is Heaven Flowers,
   And in mortality there is no need,
   What was hidden - now it will be clear,
   Prophets come as it becomes dangerous.
   Victory of the Prophecy Saves the Earth,
   And the word of the Heir world shakes,
   He is the Chief Judge, He will not deceive the people,
   And the book of the deceased (Nostradamus) will be collected.
   In chteni success, the content is disclosed,
   It is seen in the book that was concealed,
   There the data of the Prophet's Son was hidden,
   So He was not tracked before the deadline.
   With the care of Vestalok, the war stops,
   The confluence of Dame's troubles conquers everything,
   The End and the Beginning, The Oracle is exalted,
   Now He is heard from the past by many. "
   Thus, Michel Nostradamus in his quatrain himself says that all his watercolors and Centuries are dedicated to the coming of the future Messiah. Since the icon of Andrei Rublev "The Holy Trinity" is devoted to a similar theme, we dared to assume: does not the "Holy Trinity" keep the universal key to the cipher, which can also go to the secret codes of the "Lost Book"? When carefully studying watercolors, we were able to detect certain patterns, namely: the repeatability and continuity of symbols on the icon of Andrei Rublev and in the watercolors by Michel Nostradamus.

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   So, in Figure 1 (see photo) three women are depicted. This is the exact projection of the figures on the icon "Holy Trinity". A woman in the price-three, dressed in a blue dress, personifies Zoroastrianism. The woman in white from the left is Christianity. And the image of a pregnant woman in a green dress on the right in this figure of Nostradamus clearly indicates to us the birth of a new religion, derived from Islam. Figure 2 (see photo) shows a snake with the head of Jesus Christ. The snake crawls away in horror from the angry Sun. But this flight was unsuccessful. Christ is struck by the blow of an acute dagger, similar to the admiral's dagger, which was presented to me on my 50th birthday. (see photo below), directly to the head; at that, on both ends of the fixing lath of the cortex, Nostradamus invented lotus flowers. The crescent horns are fatal to the neck (and again an eloquent indication of the Islamic origin of the future Messiah - Mahdi). As they say, comments are superfluous. On the left, right under the Sun, two wheat spikelets and a lotus flower are depicted, and the left spikelet, symbolizing the current state of the Christian church (Jesus Christ on the icon "Holy Trinity", sitting "at the right hand of God the Father"), withered and withered hopelessly. Particular attention, the reader, should be turned to the lotus flower on the right. In esoteric and philosophy philosophy, Lotus is extremely important. "The spirit is bright and pure,
   It is not subject to dirt or silt;
   The lotus in the dark pond - and not marvelous,
   What dew flashed on the leaves with pearls! "- wrote the famous Japanese poet Hedze. The cosmic lotus appears as an image of creation, the emergence of the world from the original waters or from emptiness. This is a special universal principle that governs the world and develops into the Lotus - this is the result of the interaction of the creative forces of the Sun and the lunar forces of water, it is the Cosmos, rising from the water chaos, like the Sun that ascended at the beginning of time.
   According to E.P. Blavatsky, "lotus symbolizes the life of man, as well as the universe," while its root, immersed in muddy soil, personifies matter (the physical body of man); a stalk that tapers through the water - the soul (the astral body), and the flower, facing the Sun, is a symbol of the spirit (mental body).

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   It is not difficult to guess that under Lotus, in this case, Nostradamus means the child of the Ocean-Mahdi. By the way, the flower of the lotus resembles the cup of the Holy Grail, which can hardly be considered an accident. The image of the lotus we see in figure 3 directly under the red deer is also the image of the future Messiah, a proud and majestic image - a symbol of spiritual exaltation and nobility. The deer is a favorable symbol, associated with the sun, sunrise, light, renewal, spirituality and creation. Because of the similarity of the deer horns to the branches, the image of the deer is inextricably linked with the Tree of Life. Like a lion and an eagle, a deer is a perpetual enemy of a snake; symbolically it is connected with the sky and light, whereas the snake is associated with night and life under the earth. In addition, according to the Sumerian tradition, the deer is the main mediator between the no-bomb and the earth, the messenger of the gods. And an adult deer - a male - is, moreover, also a solar emblem of abundance (due to the similarity of the horns to the sun's rays).
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   And now, pay special attention, dear reader - a very interesting watercolor by Michel Nostradamus (see the photo above). The angel puts on the mask on the young guy sitting on the throne. Again, we can interpret this as a well-illustrated Avatar,s idea in Hinduism and modern Christian life. In his quatrains Michel Nostradamus repeatedly said that the Messiah has two bodies. One physical (obviously male) and the second - plasma (obviously, female), since God and his son are absolute androgynes (hermaphrodites). To the right of the throne we see a lamb in the crown and a crowd of frightened people in pink hats. Nostradamus with the help of non-intricate visual means showed the Divine Lamb, as well as the idea of ??Christian and Islamic sacrifice from God.
   At once five lotuses - the five ends of the star, the five limbs of the human body (the symbol of the Man with the heart of God in the middle) - are depicted above the tortoise in Figure 4 (the symbol of the slowness of humanity in the cognition of the nature of all things), which slowly, but, all the same , moves forward along the path of knowing God. The ring depicted to the right of the turtle as a closed circle symbolizes integrity and unity. It has no beginning and no end, therefore it often associates with eternity and infinity. Its central opening is the place of passage of heavenly power, divine breath. In addition, the ring symbolizes the connection, union or vow. Obviously, in the image of the ring in Figure 4, Nostradamus portrayed God giving a vow to mankind (tortoise) to send his son Mahdi, represented in watercolors in the form of 5 lotuses.
   In Figure 5, we again see the image of a snake thrice spitting Holy Communion (the image of the Grail in the center of the watercolor). It means only one thing, that the Holy Communion is no longer such, but comes from the Devil. And the emergence of the Devil on the biblical proscenium, as we already know, the shrewd reader is the result of an operatively tactical combination (so-called provocation) brilliantly executed and carried out by the Lord, in order to test their creations for strength. The battlefield, the front line in the cosmic war of God with the Devil is certainly the Man himself.
   In Figure 7 (see the photo below), we see a very touching scenario of the meeting of God and the Mahdi. The half-naked God with the figure of Apollo sits on a mountain very reminiscent of the multi-layered rock of Peter Gronsky, located in the Urals, 3 km from Iset station. By the way, not far from this place were found the remains of the royal family, shot on the night of July 16 to July 17, 1918 in the house of the merchant Ipatiev in Yekaterinburg. On the elbow of God, the bearded face of Zaratha-stria clearly appears, which looks straight at the Mahdi. Here we see an obvious hint of Nostradamus on the Urals origin of Zarathushtra, the image of which the Lord God took on the icon of Andrei Rublev "Holy Trinity". The naked torso of God emphasizes that He is Spirit and, unlike the Mahdi man, does not suffer from cold and does not need clothes. The Mahdi, by contrast, is rather warmly clothed and well-wrapped from the wind, which is not surprising, given the Siberian origin of the future Messe. The Mahdi is dressed in the costume of a minstrel - a medieval wandering mu-zikant, like Till Ulenspiegel. As you know, Till Eulenspiegel was a cheerful joker and severe, just ruthlessly exposing churchmen - obscurantists, as well as greedy rich people in the Netherlands of the 16th century. Apparently, for the Mahdi God himself is about to have a similar role in the coming world events. In this remarkable illustration of Michel Nostradamus, every detail has a very important semantic meaning.
   So we see God with his left hand covering his ear. So do all professional vocalists to synchronize your voice with the accompaniment during the performance. Simply put, this is done in order to better hear your accompanist, in this case the Mahdi. The icon "Holy Trinity" also contains several symbols indicating the musicality of the Mahdi (an icon of a stereo sound on his spear and the hand of a pianist taking a chord). On the heads of God and the Mahdi, a divine crown is placed (the same as the characters on the icon "Holy Trinity"), and the Mahdi also has a star in the forehead, symbolizing the Divine seal of chosenness (according to the hadeeth of the prophet Mohammed). God with his right hand, with a characteristic gesture - folded together with two fingers - brings an oath of loyalty and love to the Mahdi, who has a similar gesture on his right hand - an oath of loyalty and love to God. The Mahdi's left hand is the hand of a guitarist clamping the ak-cord on the guitar's fretboard, accompanying God-the singer. Hence the Divine formula of happiness: being happy means singing in unison with God!
   And one more amazing fact, dear reader. Some investigators (for example, AN Zakurdaev, NA Kirienko, Birobidzhan) believe that in Figure 7, the Angel-God face of Sergei Yesenin. May be, you can agree with this opinion. Indeed, too hozh to consider it a mere coincidence. So there was no doubt that before us the great Russian poet Michel Nostradamus painted on the Angel's forehead a characteristic wound that is clearly visible in the posthumous image of Sergei Yesenin.
   I believe that Michel Nostradamus could geniusally depict the tragic death of the great Russian poet. The angel makes a character gesture, understandable for all people on the planet, somehow familiar with firearms. This gesture denotes a revolver. You-Angel's return brush means that the poet's hand turned off the hand of the murderer with the revolver in the course of the struggle, as a result of which the involuntary fatal shot was fired. The bullet along the tangential trajectory passed through Yesenin's forehead and came out to the right, destroying the parietal and temporal bones.

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   We see in the figure Michel the destroyed skull of the poet, which is clearly visible and on the posthumous photograph of Esenin. There is a clear view of a fragment of exfoliated bone with a scalp, which someone hastily pasted to the head of the corpse before forensic photography. By the way, this version was also considered a preliminary investigation among the others in those far-off 20s of the last century.
   As is known, the NKVD staff of that time were armed with a revolver of the Nagan system. This pistol with a large slaughter force has a blunt lead bullet of 7.62 mm caliber. This bullet, the reader, has a large striking force and at the exit from the body is quite able to spread half of the skull. The forensic expert during that ill-fated inspection of the scene also suggested that the killers, in order to hide the trail of the gunshot wound (the entrance hole), struck the heavy chandelier in Esenin's forehead, smashing his frontal bone. Subsequently, forensic expert, for some reason, completely abandoned his original expert version and soon died under very mysterious circumstances. The criminal case instituted on the death of the poet Sergei Yesenin is still strictly confidential and is kept in the archives of the FSB of Russia. This is more than strange, the reader, considering that, according to the official version of the authorities, we are dealing with either ordinary criminal acts or with the suicide of the poet! The naked Angel on the watercolor of Nostradamus is slightly covered with a medical blanket, like the one that, usually, is hidden by the dead in the morgue!

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   By the way, the reference to the rock of Peter Gronsky and the station of Iset, near which the remains of the royal family were found, in my opinion, have one more explanation of this whole strange story with the murder of Yesenin. According to one version, Sergei Esenin was killed for some kind of a robust telegram sent from the link by Nikolai Bukharin to Konstantin Romanov in connection with the abdication of Nicholas II from the throne. Allegedly, at one of the drunken parties, Sergei Yesenin boasted that Trotsky and Bukharin are now in his hands, since he owns this dangerous telegram. This fact explains a lot in the behavior of the Chekists, who initially clearly did not want to kill this way.
   The fate of Mahdi is mystically connected with the life and fate of Sergei Yesenin. Firstly, they are both Russian, and both are called Sergei (this is indicated in particular by the Latin letter "S" on the left foot of the future prophet, and on his right knee, his face is clearly visible).
   Secondly, they both went through drunkenness - the main national the trouble of Russia (Nostradamus writes about it in his quatrains), and in general are very similar in character - both impulsive, passionate, prone to aggression.
   Thirdly, the Mahdi, like Sergei Yesenin, seems to have the most direct relation to Art. This, in particular, indicates the figure 8 Michel Nostradamus (see the photo above). It depicts the priest Mahdi, surrounded by two lions on a rotating platform, which is nothing more than a turning mechanism of the theatrical scene depicted by Nostradamus in the cut-out. On the left shoulder of the Mahdi, in the folds of the red robe, the face of the future Messiah is also quite visible. The head of the priest depicts a lotus flower - the symbol of the Divine Man already known to us.

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   And more, in addition to what has been said. Most researchers of the life and work of Sergei Yesenin argue that his poetry contains amazing prophetic revelations. With this statement it is difficult not to agree, reader. All the objective data about our great national poet, "God's pipe" - as Yesenin himself called himself, they say that he was God's Chosen One. It is enough to read the amazing poem "Inonia" written by him in the beginning of 1918, according to eyewitnesses, in a state of deep trance, where he predicts the appearance in Russia of a new Messiah and his completely different, absolutely cosmic religion, this.

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   Go ahead. Figure No. 9 (see photo) is an alternate interpretation of the Blessed Trinity by Michel Nostradamus. The confrontation between the Mahdi and Satan in this figure takes on an all-dramatic character - already fighting. To the fact that in the image of Dame Nostradamus portrayed Mahdi points out the following: first, despite the fact that there are obvious female gender attributes, Yes, we still have a male figure - powerful arms and torso. And the breast is very similar to the developed pectoral muscles of a bodybuilder. At the same time, we should not forget that Buddha Maitreya, who, as we know, is the Mahdi, as the most real androgyne (hermaphrodite), in Buddhism has always been portrayed with a woman's breast. Despite the "impressive" figure in this remarkable figure, Mahdi has a completely childish face. The crown and the pigtail, through which the connection of the Mahdi with God is maintained - also the attributes "the Holy Trinity" (the idea of ??the Avatar in the world religion of in Buddism, recently found in James Cameron's fantastic "Avatar") on the icon of Andrei Rublev. The fact that the Lady is the Maitreya Buddha is indicated by the scales located right under the female figure - the ex-clusic Buddhist symbol of universal harmony and balance. We see an archer who, blindfolded - since he does not even imagine who he shoots on orders from above - is aiming at the naked Lady, but does not get it, because God with an invisible hand takes the arrow away from his child. By the way, Nostradamus in his quatrains has repeatedly written that there will be quite a few unsuccessful attempts on a certain Dam, including those on the part of the powers that be. Suppose that Michel Nostradamus in Figure No. 8 depicted precisely these future events associated with encroachments on the life of the Mahdi. Right under the archer is depicted a goat, he is Baphomet, he is also a demon of the Azazel desert, he is also the Devil. He, as you know, has many names, a dear reader, but the essence is always the same - the devil! So, in connection with the fact that the shooter belongs to the army of Satan, we have no doubts left.
   Go ahead. Figure No. 9 (see photo) is an alternate interpretation of the Blessed Trinity by Michel Nostradamus. The confrontation between the Mahdi and Satan in this figure takes on an all-dramatic character - already fighting. To the fact that in the image of Dame Nostradamus portrayed, Mahdi points out the following: first, despite the fact that there are the obvious female gender attributes, Yes-we still have a male figure - powerful arms and torso. And the breast is very similar to the developed pectoral muscles of a bodybuilder. At the same time, we should not forget that Buddha Maitreya, who, as we know, is the Mahdi, as the most real androgyne (hermaphrodite), in Buddhism has always been portrayed with a woman's breast. Despite the "impressive" figure in this remarkable figure, Mahdi has a completely childish face. The crown and the pigtail, through which the connection of the Mahdi with God is maintained - also the attributes "the Holy Trinity" (the idea of ??the Avatar in Cameron's " Avatar ") on the icon of Andrei Rublev. The fact that the Lady is the Maitreya Buddha is the symbol of universal harmony and balance. We see an archer who, blindfolded - he does not get it, because he does not get it, because God with an invisible hand takes the arrow away from his child. By the way, Nostradamus, in his quatrains, has been written repeatedly that there will be quite a few unsuccessful attempts on the certain Dam, including those on the part of the powers that be. Suppose that Michel Nostradamus in Figure No. 8 depicted accurately, these future events are associated with encroachments on the life of the Mahdi. Right under the archer is depicted a goat, he is Baphomet, he is also a demon of the Azazel desert, he is also the Devil. He, as you know, has many names, a dear reader, but the essence is always the same - the devil! So, in connection with the fact that the shooter belongs to the army of Satan, we have no doubts left.
   A lot of watercolors in the "Lost Book" Michel Nostra-damus dedicated to the struggle of Mahdi with the Roman Catholic Church. We remain only on some of them.
   In Figure 12, we see a priest who, with a smile on his lips and a white book - the Divine Revelation in his left hand, approaches the Dragon, twisting its tail and reliably defending the Tree of Life. In the upper right corner of the watercolor is depicted the head of a dog, which fiercely fights off five attacking snakes.

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   In Figure 13 (see the photo), the same priest is already merging with the Dragon in a single body. The resulting mythological creature with a cortex in its hands persistently pursues the Beast. Based on the knowledge we already have, we can confidently say that the image of the Dragon priest easily discerns the Mahdi (the symbol of the dual nature of the future Messiah, the astrological Twins, also born in the year of the Dragon), but in the image of the Beast - the modern Christian Church (the number of the Beast "666", as we already know, is an anagram in the name of Jesus Christ).

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   In Figure 14, we see a crowd of priests of various confessions, literally tearing apart the Roman Pope. At the same time, in the background on the left is the Mahdi, indifferent to what is happening, wearing green clothes and a Muslim cap-the 12th Imam, hidden until the appointed time by Allah.
   In Figure 15, the Mahdi's foot is shown tilting the column, like a pillar of faith discrediting itself-a transparent hint at the Vendome Column in Paris erected in 1807 in honor of usurpator Napoleon Bonaparte. April 12, 1871 during the Paris Commune, this column on the Place VendТme was destroyed as a symbol of undeserved fame and militarism. Nostradamus, in this case, obviously meant the undeserved fame of the "usurper" of Jesus Christ (through the efforts of orthodox Christians, Jesus completely usurped the Universal Power and Glory of God - Father on Earth) for 2 thousand years, which is depicted here in the same the sight of a snake biting the heel of the Mahdi. Applying the previously used artistic device, Michel Nostradamus lightly stroked again the face of Mahdi (the mouth, eyes and nose of the prophet are clearly visible), angrily watching the snake.

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   In Figure 16 (see the photo), we can observe a rather brutal massacre to the right of the Mahdi. And the soldiers of Christ from the bottom of the heart "wet in the outhouse" (in the figurative expression of President Vladimir Putin of Russia) of their own co-religionists - apparently, people of ina-conjecture. Sitting on the ground, Mahdi in a green shirt unsuccessfully calls to stop this slaughter. All this, the reader, is very reminiscent of the tragic events taking place on the territory of modern Ukraine in the sample of 2017 (Donbass). To the left of the Mahdi we see a well-organized Islamic army. Apparently, we are talking about IGIL and the threat of radical Islam for modern Western Europe and Russia.
   And yet, the watercolors by Michel Nostradamus, despite the tragic events of World History, portrayed in The Lost Book, are full of optimism and faith in the Divine Providence.
   Figure 18 (see the photo above) shows the victorious procession of Zoroastrianism on our planet. We see how the Wheel of History is rooted (which very much resembles a child's toy - a wheel on a stick), it rotates confidently (both clockwise and counter-clockwise) and at the same time brakes the hand of Heaven (presumably under this pod -the replacement of the Cosmic Cycles, the Historical Epochs) is possible. The supposed End of the World is not the end in the semantic meaning of this word, but the Beginning is the renewal of the spiritual and religious life of society. However, the natural cataclysm initiated by God at the junction of times and causing a temporary halt to the History Wheel (possibly appointed by the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012 - by the way, in the year Dracon - Mahdi) will certainly - do not go to the fortune-teller. The script of this "enchanting show" called The Apocalypse, promised by the Creator, has long been painted according to the acts in the Book of Genesis, and in a rigid chronological sequence known only to the Creator. Thus, it is clear in this figure that the Left Hand (obviously, the left-hander) of the Lord himself will start to operate in the "manual" mode at a certain stage of the development of society at a certain stage of the development of society. In this, he will be assisted by numerous beasts: a lion, a dog (in the figure, it is depicted on a short leash of the Lion God, which means that the dog is clearly a witch-creature that in Arabic sounds exactly like "Mahdi"), birds, including the eagle - the main symbol of Zoroastrianism. The warrior of Islam in green, pictured on the right, uses the tail of a lion as a "manual drive", which also rotates the wheel in the desired direction - clockwise. The top of the wheel depicts a peacock and a cock bent over an hourglass - hints at the traits of the character of the future Messiah - the eternal child who loves to "fluff up the tail" like a child, to impress the people around. Mahdi, like a boy, likes to fight, as shown by the image of a black fighting boy. The warrior of Islam, in which the personality of the Mahdi is also guessed, on the right leg above the knee is a modern special-purpose pistol holster. This is a clear allusion to the warrior's belonging to the Divine Islamic Spetsnaz, to which the Lord has a special mission in the coming events. On the back of the naval commandos there is a cross of St. Andrew the First-Called, which, we believe, has the following meaning:
   1) It is a symbol of the new religion that the future Messiah will bring to the World (as is known, Andrew the First-Called was the first Christian missionary among the Slavs).
   2) The Sea Andreev Flag, which symbolizes the cross of the An-Dreya the First-Called, once again points out to us the marine, cosmic nature of the Mahdi, behind which stands the Ocean (whose image we can also see "The Holy Trinity" on the icon of Andrey Rublev) - All-Mighty God. By the way, how interesting it turns out, dear reader! After all, it turns out that Andrei Rublev, as his great namesake An-Drey the First-Called once was, his "Holy Trinity" announced his Russia, and then the whole world about the coming of a new Messiah. At the top of the cross, Michel Nostradamus depicted the crown - a symbol of divine power. Then he is the Great King, the King of Kings is the Mahdi. In the lower part of the cross, half of the face (short blond hair, broad forehead, eyes and part of the nose) of the 12th hidden Imam can be clearly seen. This same person we can observe and on the highest building of the modern city, depicted inside the Wheel of History. On the left in Figure 18, we see how a warrior-a crusader dressed in the Spanish conquistador's clothes-is wrapped and strangled by a green snake (evidently, the alcoholism of Christians), which he "warmed on his chest" -a sad symbol of the modern state of the Christian church.
   In the center of the picture stands a man in a red dress - the same color as the cuff on the sleeve of God. This is the Mahdi, he is Ogmiy - the Celtic God of fire (for the fiery, divine origin of the Mahdi indicates the red color of his clothing, the Celtic origin is his long fiery reddish hair of the druid), as the eagle on the left gives him the royal crown. Mahdi lion's tail clears the blue ball of planet Earth from all kinds of filth. And he does this dancing, because he has wooden shoes for the steppe on his feet, and a bell on his neck. Look at picture 23 with a picture from the "Lost Book" of the great prophet.
   And, recently, dear reader, quite unexpectedly for myself, I came to the conclusion that this amazing watercolor from the "Lost Book" is an illustration of Michel Nostradamus to my esoteric novel - the wheel "Son of Ra" (See the cover to my novel). The hand of the author (by the way, he is just as left-handed as I am) rotates the Time wheel (on the top of the wheel) in different directions. Above: The wheels of the peacock and the black fighting cock (by the way, the beak is very similar to the crow - a hint of my name and childish "chased") - my esoteric symbols that pass through the whole storyline of the novel. Peacock paws the head of a man in an hourglass from the beak of a black cock. In many religions, the Peacock is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, that is, God, in essence. The Holy Spirit clearly protects the person, by the will of Destiny, who has appeared in the hourglass, that is, in Time. Inside the wheel - mosquito, boat and submarine - if you remember, also my persons in the novel. Special forces in the green hydro-ships of naval special forces from the squad of combat swimmers ("transparent" hint of the warrior's belonging to Islam) and with a special-purpose holster above the right-hand column is my rock opera Spetsnaz, which is also in full you - stated on Youtube (Sergei Voronin Rock opera Spetsnaz http://youtu.be/75ZkueSsVw8). Only in the special-purpose holster, instead of firearms, we see the face of God! A non-Russian man in Japanese shoes is dancing downstairs - my opera-ballet "Okini-san" begins with the Japanese steppe (see "Fragment of opera-ballet Okini-san Prolog" on Youtube).
   By the way, in this opera-ballet there is also a dance number with a step - "Okini-san Irish step", also laid out on Youtube. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICe0thOiuxs&list=RDICe0thOiuxs&t=17.
   Inside the wheel the tallest building in Krasnoyarsk is shown - the tower of the business center Medistal (on the wall of the tower - the face of a person you already know, probably, you know). To the left of the wheel at the top is the Krasnoyarsk jail, from which, in fact, our city began 385 years ago. To the right is an ancient tower on the Guard mountain of Krasnoуarosk, which eventually turned into a chapel and is now the main "brand" of our city.
   A Christian alcoholic warrior has the face of the deceased Beard (Yury Makarov) from my novel (he also tied his hair with white hieroglyphics on his head during our "epochal" repairs, "and he had a real cap of luxurious chestnut hair, like this warrior with feathers on the head, which he, moreover, for the shocking occasionally tinted in a red-greenish green.) On the pants of the Spanish conquistador we see the inverted cross - a symbol of Satanism in esotericism. can also mean a fall of the man from the height upside down, namely, the Beard tragically died in Barnaul in 1995. The black legs of the warrior just make it clear that we are dealing with the deceased. In addition, recently I developed the theme of the Spanish conquistadors in my short story " Love for Two. "In this novel, I tried to pro-lime reconstruction of the assassination of Fernand Magellan on the Philippine island of Lapu Lapu in 1521.
   The lion, the dog, the eagle are the symbols of the renewed Zoroastrianism, which soon will conquer the whole world. A Japanese with the appearance of the Celtic (Irish pagan) God of Ogmya and my facial features with wheaten long hair in his youth from the bottom, dancing, tries to peel the globe with his tail from a dead lion, which, apparently, was torn off by a naval commando, playing with death (and who else, except for special forces, can pull the lion by the tail?) - the ending of my esoteric novel, as you already know. I tried to at least clean our, let's say, unclean world from the bandits. And how many such "purges" are yet to come - only God knows! There, in the finale, there are also heartfelt words of the author about the Divine Special Forces. So, dear reader, everything for us has long been written by the Lord. We are left "just" to live our own unique life in every sense!
   And, finally, in the conclusion of the work, we note that Michel Nostra-damus in his drawing with the wheel gave quite detailed information about the city of the future Messiah - Mahdi. In the end, there are not so many ancient cities in Russia that began as Siberian wooden fortresses-jails, and in which the ancient guard tower, which is the main symbol of the modern city of Russia (see pictures on the left and to the right of the Wheel of History). It is enough to look at the tallest building in Krasnoyarsk and watch on the Guard Mountain in the same place to make sure the truth of this statement.
   And now, attention, dear reader! On a fragment of Nostradamus' watercolor on the building with a pointed roof, one can clearly see the face. As we already know, this picture shows the tallest building in Krasnoyarsk, called the Tower of the Business Center. But it turns out that the Creator is not the first time joking in this way.
   So, in the issue of the newspaper "Baku Boulevard" from 19.06.1999 an article by famous scientist and publicist Vagif Alekperov "Return of Zarathushtra" was published. This article discussed the architecture of the famous Girl,s Tower in Baku and the appearance of a mysterious portrait of Zarathushtra on it. The author justifies this mystical sign by the fact that the greatest spread and popularity of Zoroastrianism and the ideas of messianism contained in it were received precisely in Persia and ancient Azerbaijan. The author justifies his assumption that this is a portrait of Zarathushtra and 3 surahs of the Koran, "The Family of Imran": "Verily, the first house that was erected for people to indulge in worship is the one that is in Bakka. He is blessed, vein and serves as a guide to truth for the inhabitants of the worlds. In that House are clear signs for people. This is the place of standing of Ibrahim. "
   According to Vagif Alekperov, with whom it is quite possible to agree, the traditional interpretation by the Koran researchers of the word "Bakka" as a "phonetic variant" of the pronounced word "Mecca" does not withstand, from a scientific point of view, any criticism. It would be much more correct to call the Girl,s Tower in Baku the "House of God", which was once the center of Zoroastrianism. The "truth" in Koran was always meant science. As for the "site of the standing of Ibrahim," then, perhaps, this is the portrait of Zarathushtra, which appeared on the side of the tower. And now take a look at the enlarged picture of the Girl,s Tower. Under the face of Zarathushtra another person, very similar to the person from the figure of Michel Nostradamus at the Tower of the Business Center in Krasnoyarsk, is clearly visible. We already know that this man is the Mahdi. Apparently, this means the special historical role that Azerbaijan is called upon to play in the emergence of Zoroastrianism in Russia.
   Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the "Lost Book" by Michel Nostradamus in the form of execution and genre is a "Divine Comic", which, with proper addition and reading, you can tell the future history of mankind.
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   New life of Christ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJbGcK32f4g&t=6s


   [подпись] В.О. Кузнецов

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