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Poetic Intoxication

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Poetic Intoxication

   The Activity which I am preparing to describe is of a hypnotizing and intoxicating nature. It is one of my highly cherished and valued activities that I approach only in times of complete solitude.
   Poems are leaves of the broken branches that mean to decompose and nurture the soil and the foundation of spiritual health and virtues. Once you are reading a poem, emotions begin to wander off, until disappearing and abandoning the soul. It is just like encountering an exquisite woman - the feeling of being drained of reasons while being hypnotized by her compelling beauty is overwhelming. When you are reading a poem, the reason evaporates, and once senseless, the body is paralyzed and the art of poetry begins. Notions of becoming a solid rock, alone in the desert, alien to yourself and your environment overtake the reader. While you are being stripped of emotions, the realization of handicapped existence, and the meaningless matter that has no understanding of the significance of an event, cracks the dense ice.
   These shocks condition the reader to have no choice but face the abundance, and continue absorbing poetry, and allow Nature to take its turn. What will happen next depends only on the ability of sacrificing the Ego, and transforming it into this other self who dwells on the edge of the infinite and boundless dimension.
   Foreign winds are touching the surface of the soul now. Those winds do not belong to a reader; they are the internal bawls of the poet. Monsoons of rhyme, avalanching the tsunamis of foreign emotions and the hurricanes of poetic images which melt away the iceberg of the soul, while planting the seeds of intoxication. If the winds are strong the soul will rise and in an instant it will be gone.
   It will merge into another dimension. Yet, remembering that this new universe was created by a different individual is crucially important for the future of the self. Despite the fact that, the poetry was created to experience, and to gorge on the abundance of emotions, with all the exuberance of the heart, it is essential to understand that this world must never belong to anybody. Like the nature of Time that has no owner, the poetry eternally remains in a parallel world. Thus, the knowledge of reality is, yet to be discovered. And as long as the soul lives it must never cease the search for truth and understanding.
   The voice of the poet, taking the reader through colourful paintings of the complexity of the human condition, different social structures and religions, seduce towards self-analysis and re-evaluation of norms. Winds of intoxication, bombarding the reader with internal conflicts and mind-blowing events, dismantle those restructured values, thus stripping the soul and disassociating the mind, and forcing the reader to forget himself. And this is when the invasions of spirits and entities of the poet begin to enter the soul. While rescuing self-awareness and understanding they embed new fears and sorrows and the courage to overcome all those challenges. They will teach how to love and live, as well as remembering how to die. Once the reader is fully reborn, the winds of the poet will become his/her winds and this is when the soul and the mind depart.
   Now, the poetry is left alone, and the book is closed, leaving the universe under a hard cover. Let it be there, let it slowly dissolves into a thin air and just let it be.
   And the readers may think that they have left those poems and the world is peachy and familiar, but, no, the poems have not left them. They may even think that the poet is in the past, but, no, he is here; the poet is in their world now and in their future. The reader is this poet and this is when the real poetry begins. How else can the readers explain that they are feeling the way the poet does, understanding the way he understands or loving the way he loves? They can even write poetry the way he writes. It is the sign that the readers are officially intoxicated on poetry. Even the body feels different as the reader wanders off outside of his/her house, everything smells different, and food does not taste the same. Feelings of being of a different gender, different virtue, and different religion, are signs of poetical intoxication. Those emotions from a new dimension can last a split second or an hour or more, and even when the readers are thinking that those emotions have left their soul, they are just becoming recognized by their consciousness as their own. Those emotions will not abandon them completely, so that they will be intoxicated for life. To conclude, before you even think of reading a poem, try to understand that you life could change in a split second, and if you are in doubt don't try and don't disturb poets because they will make you want to love and embrace the beauty of life.
   "So that you may not be the martyred slaves of Time,
you must get intoxicated, get intoxicated,
and never pause for rest!
With wine, poetry, or virtue,
as you choose!"
Charles Baudelaire (intoxication)
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