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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   He wanted 2 drink so much, that he couldn't think of NEthing else. He didn't even wanted 2 open his eyes and search 4 some water, because he knew that everything he'll see will make him sick. Suddenly he remembered that it wasn't always like this. There were sun, trees, birds and other stupid happy things that remind U, how beautiful life can B. But that's what most people think about life. Somebody once said that life is a shit. That guy was so wrong. Life is the ugliest old woman U could ever imagine. Sometimes she smiles at you and it makes U fucking happy and sometimes...it's like she 4gets about U and the worst thing is - U cant do NEthing about it. Sitting 4 hours, days and weeks, waiting, 4 death to come. But it seemed death also 4got about him. He was glad only because he 4got the reason that made the love of his life leave him. Somehow he felt it was the same reason, which made his friends turn their back at him. That didn't matter now. NEway, he couldn't even remember their faces. Suddenly he died. No1 ever found out why, cuz no1 found his body. It was lying in his basement until he decayed and the putrefactive bacteriums ate his flesh with a big pleasure. At least they remembered about him...

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