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    Bleach fanfiction

   Masked Afterlife
   Few words before the start. I do not owe bleach, nor am I getting any money from this fanfic.
   Pairings won't appear before chapter 7-8. If you have any suggestions please write me.
   Ichigo is a little OC now. couldn't stand his usual character (Japanese Good Guy).
   By the way, I didn't like that the supernatural element was forgotten in favour of battle scenes. I'll do something in this direction. Enjoy :)
   Ichigo looked with terror as monster sent the small soul reaper in the wall. He tried to ran to her, but stumbled at the chain still connecting him to the body, he was thrown out from, and fell again. "Don't pull it Idiot, you'll transform in hollow!" yelled Rukia. 'Hollow? So if I tear this chain I'll become a monster?' Ichigo looked at his chest. Being turn into the monster, or look as your family is eaten in front of you? For a decision of a lifetime, it was simple, he would do anything now for the ability to fight that thing. Ichigo gripped the chain tightly and yanked as strong as he could.
   The pain was terrible, but the feeling of emptiness, sucking hunger and fear was far more tormenting. After a moment, the terrifying scream could be heard.
   Rukia, Fishbone and humans all turned to the source. First to emerge from the cloud was the feeling of dread and fear, strong and oppressing presence leaving you terrified and looking for cover.
   Dust started clearing and new hollow slowly became visible. Small (compared to other hollows) frame, spikes protruding from shoulders, clawed foot, anthropomorphic body and long orange hear falling behind the mask. Swift, smooth lines of tattoos covering the body, large hole in the chest (Normal Ichigo hollow from manga), long tail with red tip and bleached white body. After a second of silence, former human fixed his eyes on the scene in front of him and let loose a terrifying, high pitched, scream. The next thing Fishbone saw was a clawed hand, last thing in his wretched afterlife. Newly created hollow just tore his whole head and swallowed it faster then the body could disintegrate.
   Rukia stared at the monster, a strong warrior as she considered herself , was terrified beyond believe. The reatsu levels of this hollow just matched that of the captains!
   Ichigo stood still and sucked the ear. He feel strong, incredibly strong and incredibly hungry. He wasn't even sure he would be able to keep himself in check if not the stray meal he just had. The feelings were overwhelming, Hunger, anger, hate and this intoxicating scent of fear from three girls. He bent down to the closest one and lifted her with throat. Testy, there was something very tasty about the girl. He opened his mouth and let a portion of his power wash over the girl. She closed her eyes and started trembling stronger. "Ichi nii... please save me..." with this she lost her conciseness. Ichigo stumbled 'Ichi nii.. Ichigo? My name is Ichigo... Yuzu?' Ichigo let his sister drop to the ground. 'I'm Ichigo, Ichigo Kurosaki. Fuck... I was just about to eat my sister!' He carefully picked both girls in his hands and turned to the house. That was when he saw the shinigami. She too smelled tasty, even tastier then his sisters. It was really difficult not to give in to the urge. He picked her up with the newly attained tale and reached inside the house in one jump, through the hole in the wall. He carefully left his now unconscious sisters on the sofa and dropped the shinigami on the floor.
   " I think you owe me some explanation..."
   Rukia was stunned, she expected to be eaten and in her current condition there wasn't much she could do against it. Looked like the hollow still has his memories. This was not unique (remember Sora?), but it was definitely strange he didn't killed everyone for the reatsu.
   "Yo! you heard me? I feel like crap right now, if you don't talk I'll simply eat you! You smell teestyyy... What happened!"
   Rukia flinched. Talking or not, that thing was a hollow and a really powerful one. So, she decided to answer, at list to buy some time.
   " As I said this monster came to eat you, your high spiritual powers attracted it. It is called a hollow. It is born from a soul of a human which lost his heart and turned into the monster, forever hunting for a souls to sate his eternal emptiness. The one could turn into the hollow in a lot of different ways. You for example, tore the soul chain off by your own will."
   "So I'm a monster now? " Ichigo asked quietly.
   Rukia couldn't help her tears from pouring. She remembered her lieutenant, first men she loved. Shiba Kaie, turned hollow and been killed by her own hands. Now the other human suffered nearly the same fate. Again because of her. She braced herself for whatever words would come her way, or a clawed hand more probably. Surprisingly the reaction she got was somewhat (really) unexpected.
   "Wow! I newer thought that will happen to me. this is even cooler than in the games or manga!"
   Rukia stared at the boy with the wide eyes. 'He... He is glad he turned into the hollow? WTH?' "Am, so you aren't really angry about being turned into the hollow?"
   Ichigo looked at her quizzically "Well, that was really painful and I am painfully hungry, but it is really cool! I mean my life is going to become so much interesting! Honestly I am so fed up by school, crazy dad, no girlfriend, annoying spirits and Keigo. How could it be worst? Besides, looks like I'm immortal now! Ha-ha-ha-ha! (long hiss)"
   Rukia couldn't believe what she was hearing. This human was glad he turned hollow. She actually screamed at him, "Are you a retard! your family nearly died! You turned into the mindless monster! And you are glad!" Only after her angry tirade Rukia realised, that screaming at the hollow is not the cleverest thing to do. The atmosphere instantly grew harsh. Yellow slits of his eyes narrowed and hollow moved his mask to her face. "You don't have a place to speak...(rukia gulps ready for death) Midget." Ominous mood instantly disappeared. Rukia grew red, really, now even hollows will mock her being short? "My family is alive, thanks to me by the way and I have my self-conscious. Sounds good enough for me!" Then he suddenly vent silent and asked in a unusually quiet voice, "Can I do something about the hunger? I really don't want to eat humans". Ichigo stared at the soul reaper with the hope, the feelings he was experiencing were annoying to say the least.
   Rukia blinked a few times, she nearly forgot that even the hollows with memories were experiencing the same torturous hunger that their mindless brethren. "Quick, try to get back to your body! This would calm down your reatsu, somewhat."
   Ichigo was apparently surprised, "I can go back in my body?". Swinging his tale excitedly he got to upon-mentioned body and tried to fit in.
   Rukia found really strange and somewhat funny, three meter (9 feet) tall hollow trying to possess a normal human body.
   Ichigo crawled back in the body and petite soul reaper carefully approached the boy.
   Suddenly he opened his eyes, which turned yellow, the skin got ashen and the tattoos appeared on the hands, which now ended in white claws. Slowly new features faded away before the eyes of surprised Rukia. Ichigo slowly got to his foot, "Damn, its really difficult to get into body this smaller than yourself! Newer thought about this actually." Then his eyes rolled and he fell to the floor face down.
   Rukia had a really big temptation to plunge her sword through the body to purify the wretched soul. There were only two things that stopped her. First, despite being a hollow he kept his mind and saved his little sisters, that was something worth of appreciation (and didn't eat her).
   The second one was her condition, with shoulder practically bitten out and probably poisoned from the hollows' reatsu, it was little she could do right now. What was the worst she couldn't call for a backup. The punishment for such a failure would be really high, she could even be reduced to an unseated officer again.
   She reluctantly lifted the heavy body of the newly born hollow and dragged him to his bad before she left. Next was a memory clearance and finally she could have time for herself. Rukia just knew where to get medicaments and gigai, without alerting the Soul Society. The Urahara shop.
   Chapter #1
   Change We Can Believe in
   Ichigo wake up with a startle. Why? Well he was hungry, really hungry... He looked at the clock, it was nearly the time to get up and go to school, that meant...
   "Ichigooo..." Isshin kurosaki jumped straight in the room of his son, ready to punch him in the face (-_-) but stumbled at the entrance. His son just reeked of the hollow reatsu.
   Next thing he knew he was just grabbed by the collar and tossed through the window with alarming ease.
   Ichigo stared at his hands. Did he just threw his dad through the window like a rug doll? So yesterday was not a dream? He rushed downstairs, demon or not, his family came first.
   Yuzu was positively surprised to be hugged by her brother, such a display of affection was really unusual. "Yuzu, are you all right?" Asked Ichigo scanning his sister for any injuries. "Oh, you are talking about the track? Yeah, it is so strange, car broke our wall and we even didn't woke up!" Now that was strange. Ichigo was sure that he would wake up if such a thing happened.
   Then it struck him, shinigami could have erased the memories of his family. Wasn't she talking about the 'Spell' yesterday when she bound his hands? Again, it could all be a dream and the track was real. He let out a sight and proceeded to the table. He'll deal with crazy staff on a full stomach.
   In the middle of breakfast Isshin joined them. However, he was unusually quiet and kept a close eye on Ichigo, like he was suspecting him of something. It only went worst when Ichigo ate not just his usual portion but everything Yuzu prepared and snatched a chunk of row meat from fridge when he sought nobody was watching (the most spiritually enriched food, aside from specific plants *_*).
   Actually, Ichigo went only half way to the school. Before he could meet with his friends, he decided to go to the outskirts of the city. School was important, but the events of the last night mattered more, so he took a bus to the place he could be alone and think quietly.
   The river outside of the town where it wasn't enclosed in the stone borders was even more beautiful. Ichigo sat at the shore comfortably and looked around. Why didn't he came to this place earlier? It isn't like it was too difficult to get outside the urban city.
   However, after the death of his mother he didn't do much, drowning in the sorrow and enclosing himself into the small and colourless world. How would his inner world would look like now? A bleached and empty town would be possibly appropriate.
   He sight again, 'was it all real? The demon, the soul reaper, the pain of transformation?' Ichigo decided to try the trusted Japanese method for such a frustrating event, meditation.
   Few minutes vent just to relax and concentrate properly, but then it went easily. Honestly, it was difficult to ignore. The power, compressed, boiling and hungry. The source of his excite and hunger. It was not just an energy, it was alive, active and demanding. Ichigo halted for a moment and then dove into the centre of this turmoil of power. The view change was sudden and dramatic. One moment he was at the shore meditating and the second he appeared in this strange world. Ichigo looked around, he was standing at the side of the skyscraper, black, with broken windows and cowered with the wild plants. The full moon shone brightly in the sky. 'Wait at the side?' ichigo screamed and hugged the surface with all his might, claws sharp enough to cut a steal edging deeply into the surface. '?... Oh great, I have a claws now. Interesting, looks like I turned into my new form. What was it called? Hollow If I'm correct'.
   Ichigo tried to move and surprisingly discovered that he was able to stand at the side of the building without falling. He got to his feet and start observing his new body. Tall, humanoid and apparently predatory lizard, with skull-like mask and red markings.
   Not the worst form you know. He could looked like a giant bug by now. Ichigo shuddered at the thought. However, he was distracted by some new voice he was previously too occupied to hear. The voice of something moving and grunting.
   Ichigo leapt to the direction of the commotion and carefully looked over the edge of the building, to see the hollow, he previously ate, grinding and devouring the remnants of the building and green plants. The bustard was eating his inner world!
   Enraged, he jumped to his side and crashed his left foot with the fist, then slumped his spiked shoulder in the side tripping it over. The claws crashed now exposed mask ending him the second time (ichigo was on the side of the building and the hollow was on the top).
   Ichigo looked to the sides. looks like right now he had nothing to do here, or rather he had no idea know what to do. So, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to slip from his inner realty.
   The real world was nearly unchanged, the sun definitely just as hot as he remembered. Time moves differently in the inner worlds Ichigo guessed (common knowledge actually).
   What was more important he needed information, about himself, about the world hidden from humans and the knowledge how to use and control his new power. The shinigami had disappeared, unfortunately. Besides, she was hunting hollows, which included Ichigo too. So, he needed a reliable source of information.
   Where can a teen find a big amount of information of supernatural (If he don't have an excess to the store-chambers of the London Library) ?
   I don't know about the others but Ichigo decided to go to the internet cafe, the one located far away from his house. Fortunately, he didn't noticed the shadow following him the whole day with the extreme skill and precision. If he had caught a glimpse of it, the day of the unusual behaviour for Ichigo Kurosaki would be over.
   Stalkers POW.
   He was acting differently and at the same time he was the same. He reeked of hollow reatsu, but it was weakened.
   It was diffidently Ichigo, but he was now probably a hollow. Was it possible? Was it possible, to turn into the hollow and retain the sanity and memories of ones mind? May this happen because of his heritage?
   Isshin Kurosaki didn't knew the answers to his questions, but he knew, that his son was still with him, even if now he had every right to be called a monster. He simply didn't care about the laws of sole society anymore. Till Ichigo won't hurt his family and friends, he would be welcomed in his home.
   Ichigo Again
   ichigo didn't knew abut the unusually reasonable thoughts of his father, he had enough problems on the hand, he was actually getting incredibly hungry again. So, he decided to go for food first, the internet could wait.
   The owner of stand just had one of the most unusual costumers in his life. The boy with orange hear just ate 2 Okonomiyaki (pie of different ingredients) and 3 bowls of katsudon (fried rice topped with a deep-fried pork cutlet, egg, and condiments). The food enough for 4 people. It wasn't like it was the first such case, some people could eat unbelievable amount of food. But the boy wasn't fat, or huge. He has a slim built. It shouldn't even fit in for kamis'' sake! However, he even had an energy to cheerfully run out of stand (with a happy smile on his face) mumbling something about shinigami, internet and midgets.
   Poor man shivered, there are a lot of the crazy people out there. he simply decided to close the stands and go home earlier.
   Ichigo, on the other hand, was feeling as happy as he possibly could in his situation. Well, he really had no idea how the hell did he ate all this staff, but it was really pleasant to feel full. The hunger tormenting him till the morning even subdued somewhat. It didn't disappear, but from a nearly painful need it turned to a dull sensation at the corner of the mind. It was in the middle of this thoughts when he heard a terrified scream. Seeing that nobody noticed the voice besides him, he harried to the source. It appeared to be only few minutes away.
   When he arrived at the scene, he witnessed as a large frog-like hollow was chasing a soul of a middle-aged man in a business suit.
   "Hey you what do you think you are doing!" The shout caused instant reaction.
   First, the people in the allay start looking at him like he was crazy, and the hollow turned its attention to him now. Ichigo finally realised that he couldn't fight him in his body. He didn't know how to use the his abilities like this, nor he wanted to be sent to the asylum or secret research laboratory. So he did the first thing he could think of, he ran to the nearest chair and tried to pull out of his body. The hollow used the time to get to him in one powerful jump. He looked like an oversized monster frog from Silent Hill movie, except the white mask of course.
   "I smell a hollow in you" It speak in a husky voice. "Why you hiding in a human?... You week now... Me hungryyy..."
   It opened the mouth and shot out a tongue to drag Ichigo to his mouth. That was the last straw, the burst of panic allowed Ichigo to separate from his body, it felt like he just felt and moved only his soul, his energy. The moment he moved out of the body his other form appeared. The tongue didn't even touch him, it was caught by the white, clawed hand.
   After this it was not difficult to get out of the body. Ichigo just jumped the surprised hollow, tugging at his tongue to make him loose his footing. After the it fall, he just crashed his had in one powerful swing.
   The white, humanoid figure let out a scream of victory. The allay was cowered by the feeling of dread and fear by now, people subconsciously hurried to leave as fast as possible, animals and birds run long ago. Suddenly Ichigo felt an incredibly tasty smell coming from his left. In one second he tore hand off the male spirit, without any conscious thought. Thankfully, he was able to stop himself before he start eating. In a burst of panic Ichigo flew bak, trashing violently to fit back into his body.
   Numb body jolted Upwards, startling several people still present in the allay. Ichigo sat straight, trembling and panting heavily.
   'That was close. If I leave my body for any significant amount of time I will go crazy! I need to find a way to fight those things while in my body but invisible for humans.'
   Ichigo got to his feet and left the allay in a hurry. Looked like he really had a lot of things to do.
   Chapter #2
   Family Secrets
   It was already noon, when ichigo left the Internet cafe. Information obtained was scarce. It wasn't that it was difficult to find something about the supernatural. However, 90% of it was an useless blubbery and other 5% was useless for his case. Though, he was able to got something useful. Like those 10 printed pages he held in his hands. It wasn't anything astonishing. Few exercises to calm the mind, a simple technique to manipulate raw inner energy, visualisation manual and a strange seal, which he took out of curiosity and because it said it was to hold against the demons.
   Ichigo was in a surprisingly good mood. Despite some difficulties everything was going unusually smoothly. It seemed his life just became a lot more interesting. It was even better when he took care of the frog hollow spirit in his mind, without any problem. Now he only needed to stay in his body and not go berserk on humans. Hey, it wasn't all that bad!
   Distracted by his thoughts Ichigo didn't noticed how he got halfway to his house and was now crossing an empty and darkened street.
   'It is really dark here, I guess I can try something from my notes. It isn't like I'll have any opportunity at home and I certainly don't need another hole in my room.'
   He looked around carefully to check on any passer-byes. To tell the truth, Ichigo was very interested to try his new capabilities. If he understood correctly he was some kind of a spirit/demon now and that meant he should be able to do some interesting things. He put the papers in his pocket and stood straight, foot at the shoulders length. He start breathing deeply with his stomach and tried to relax body and mind as much as he could. After that, he concentrated on the power within the chest, where the energy swirled and boiled (abdomen for the human, please don't try the chest it's a balancing chakra, not an energy storage :) ). He imagined how two streams of power made their way to his palms. When the centres of his palms started to burn, Ichigo brought his hands in front oh his chest, 6-7 duims apart, starting to concentrate the energy in the ball in between them. He imagined as an energy parted from his palms, gathered in centre, swirling and turning, gathering in form of ball. Then he stabilised the structure by forming the shell of more calm and stiff power around it.
   When Ichigo finally opened his eyes he was greeted with the sight of dimly shining and swirling ball of fiery red light, en-composed in a black smooth layer, keeping it under control.
   Yes! He did It. 'Am, what did I do?' Ichigo looked around to see if anyone was watching and send the ball into the trash can.
   Small remark. You can repeat the technique, thought I doubt the energy will even become visible (for a first 100 tries at list). If you don't add the outer layer and constantly supply the energy it is nice for healing. Removes pain, generally increases healing rate. Be careful, the technique is very simple, you just support the wounded area with your own life force, consequently you spend it real fast. Usually after 30 minutes you'll feel like crap. Ichigo's reatsu is very violent, so it will work like an explosive that way.
   The reaction was immediate, in the explosion of wild red light the can and a large portion of wall got reduced to the smouldering, melted, rabble. The wall got a fire as well.
   Ichigo stared disbelievingly at the results of his exercises. He didn't even felt a drain! How mach energy did he put into?
   His musings were cut short by the panicked screams from the upper floor of the building. Crap! He definitely didn't want to get caught, so he ran as fast as he could.
   Appeared that Ichigo could ran real fast now. He got home in just a few minutes and he didn't even felt tired yet. He tried to calm his breath, straightened messed up clothes and headed to the door. Hopefully his dad didn't got the news of him skipping the school or he'll think about something ridiculous of him. Like joining a gang or becoming a train molester. Unfortunately his hopes weren't going to last.
   "Hello san, I believe we Talk to do" Following the voice, Isshin Kurosaki stepped from the shadows, wearing unusually stern expression. However the feature which caught the attention of Ichigo was the black burial cloths, similar to certain soul reaper, accompanied with a strap of white cloth over the shoulder.
   "D... dad? What the hell is going on?"
   Isshin sighted heavily, "Ichigo, lets take a walk, I'll explain everything to the best of my ability."
   Still startled, Ichigo let his father take him by the shoulder and went for a stroll in a park.
   "Dad, why are you wearing those clothes?"
   Isshin looked even gloomier now. "You see Ichigo, I'm a soul reaper, shinigami in other words. The beings like me help spirits to pass to afterlife. Also, we purify hollows, the souls who got transformed into the spirit cannibalising demons. Ones like you."
   Hearing this Ichigo vent stiff, "So you know. And what now are you gonna fight me?"
   Isshin smirked, keeping his serious expression. "No of course not. If I do, you'll go to souls society. Essentially saying you'll die. I can't have Yuzu and Karin sad, can I. Bur be careful, as I understand you are keeping your sanity by staying in the body?"
   Ichigo was dumbfounded, both by the news and by the attitude of his usually crazy father. "Yes... This is true, when I got out of body I had nearly eaten the human spirit. I was able to return in time though."
   Isshin nodded in agreement. "under any circumstances, do not leave your body. If you do, you may go for your friends or family. You understand that I will have to and you in that case." Isshin turned and stared in the eyes of his son.
   Ichigo actually shivered. " I understand dad if I go berserk you shall kill me. I will just go to the afterlife. By the way you should know what happens there don't you?"
   Isshin, who actually brightened a bit at his sons understanding, went deadly serious again. "Listen carefully Ichigo, After purification souls go to the world of Soul Society. It is essentially the same existence. You live your life with other people, most like this world. You most likely loose you memorise. if you got spiritual powers you'll become shinigami. Shinigami defend souls both in Soul Society and on the Earth. There are 13 divisions of shinigami, commanded by 13 captains." Isshin looked at the Ichigo again. "As I can sense, you are a very strong hollow. You can defeat even the lieutenant easily at your current level, but if you meet a captain... ran." Ichigo looked offended at this point and even opened his mouth to retaliate, but Isshin silenced him, raising his hand. "Listen first what I have to say. Each of captains have an overwhelming level of power and some of them are centuries old. To be more precise captain of first division has been in charge for the last 5000 years. Besides that, each of them have achieved the technique named bankai. The release of the sword. They are usually powerful enough to level this city to the ground. Do you understand now"
   Ichigo nodded. Level the city? Even in his spirit form he was no way that powerful. "Okay dad, but how do I recognise a captain IF I meet one? And How I can become stronger? And what rank are you? And how do you leave on earth? And..."
   Isshin actually laugh at this, interfering the flow of questions. "Hey cool down son. First of all, captains wear white cape over the usual uniform.
   I was a captain too you know, that (points at the white strap) is all is left from my uniform. You know that I love your mother (he has the giant placate of his deceased wife in the dining room), so I left my post to leave with her. But, as you understand, one don't just leaves such a high position in the military organisation. If not me, she might be executed. I sealed my powers as thoroughly as I could. Even now I don't have power to fight something above the average hollow and there are some really powerful ones. For your second question, hollows evolve by eating souls. No matter would they be humans, hollows, shinigami or any other being of spiritual nature. The highest level of hollow is Vasto Lord (Greater King in translation), the being needs at least two captains to subdue. They look nearly human and can keep their sanity."
   Ichigo's mind was in a turmoil. so much information received so suddenly.
   It was really too much.
   "So, san I see I tired you. What do you say we go and train a little? Not sleepy yet I hope."
   Ichigo smile evilly at that, it was a great possibility to cool his had a bit and to beat his dad for not telling him for so long. 'I hope he likes my new trick.'
   "Sure dad, why not. But go easy on me I don't even know how to use my power yet you know."
   "We are here Ichigo. Since you can't leave your body, this abandoned warehouse is under a barrier. So we can train a bit here. I'm gonna teach you how to use the reatsu without leaving your body. Shinigami can use spells called kido. Usually hollow will be unable to perform those, but you still have your mind intact (mostly). So, I'll try to teach you few of them."
   Ichigo crocked an eyebrow at that. He clearly remembered as unseen force bound his hands, making him helpless as child. Also he remembered wall reduced to smouldering remnants. this was going to be fun.
   "But first, Ichigo If you learned something could show me? Then I'll teach you 'Shu' and 'Sai'. If you can do them I'll explain as mach of first ten kido as you can grasp."
   "Ok dad, but I learned only that." With that Ichigo started concentrating the energy, which was a lot easier now.
   "Oh, so you learned 'Bala' ? Impressive, send it to the garbage over there. Let's see how strong it is."
   Ichigo properly sent the dully glowing ball to the pile of junk. resulting explosion nearly caused the floor to collapse. It was good that he put even less amount of energy in it. Isshin stared wide eyed.
   "Son... This is not 'Bala'. Looks like a wicked version of Shakkah? to me. Looks like you have a thing for kido. So lets start.
   The training continued till the midnight. In approximately 3 hours, Ichigo was able to grasp several kido. Sai(like handicaps, #1), Hanoi(rope of energy, #4), Geki(paralyses, #9) and H?rin(controllable rope, advanced Hanoi, #9) from bakudo.
   Sho(force push, #1), Himuchi(whip of energy, #2), Dokutsume(hand covered with poisonous reatsu, #3), Byakurai (concentrated beam of lightning) and Kiriken(blade made of energy) from hado section(Take into consideration he was taught by the captain and he has enormous amount of spiritual power, for normal hollow that is).
   For more information about original kido mentioned earlier and further visit:
   Ichigo and Isshin were both heavily breathing after the long and tiresome training.
   "Splendid son, if you use those spells correctly you will be able to deal with nearly anyone below lieutenant. Or a Menos. You should practice more, even during the day. Remember that humans can't see the spells themselves, just the results. Just please don't go destroying the town.
   You did pretty well as for a beginner, now go home."
   "What about you? You gonna just disappear or what?"
   Isshin grinned with an evil gleam in his eyes. "Watch closely..." And disappeared. Ichigo just blinked, staring. 'Damn, looks like he still got some skills. That was cool.' He understood that he will need a lot of practice to keep up with his old man.
   After a long and boring walk he finally got to his home. Watching as his father run to complain to the giant poster of his wife about "Ichigo becoming a delinquent" he understood that the short period of Isshin's' sanity came to an end. Clearing every bit of food from table, ichigo properly went to his room.
   Despite feeling tired he wasn't sleepy at all. He entered his room and properly flopped on the bad, sighing. 'Today was crazy' Ichigo just lay unmoving. Then he realised that he already heard some noises, several times, coming from his closet. When he concentrated his attention on it he felt a week presence in there. Some cool, but testy aura.
   Immediately getting on his foot, Ichigo spent several seconds to prepare his signature attack. With a dimly glowing ball in one hand, he sneaked to the drawer and carefully got a good grip on the door. When the sound from inside repeated, he hang the door open (or rather tore the door open with his raw strength), ready to incinerate every possible threat.
   He was ready, he really was ready for anything. Hollows, shinigami patrol, special forces, clowns... What he wasn't ready for was a half naked girl in the process of changing in his sister's pyjamas...
   Both of them froze, staring at each other, illuminated only by the dim light of Ichigo's weapon... then all hell broke loos... Ten minutes of shouting and one beating later, Ichigo and now fully closed Rukia sat on his bad (Ichigo wearing the red imprint of the small hand on his cheek).
   Ichigo sight and robbed his offended cheek. "So, again, why are you here? Didn't you returned to the Soul Society?" Rukia shifted un-comfortably before answering. "Well, I can't return idiot. If I return and report about what happened here I'll be punished (Rukia greeted her teeth imagining the reaction of her brother), severely. Also I'm in no condition to defeat you (She shuddered remembering the dreading and powerful reatsu. she wasn't sure she would be able to handle him even in her top condition). So, I'll be leaving with you to keep an eye on your behaviour, the moment you touch human soul you'll be a dead meat."
   Ichigo actually chuckled at that. 'yeah right, in your dreams', " Don't you have a healing spells? i thought you should be able to handle the injuries..."
   Rukia cringed "yes, I have, but looks like the hollow had some extremely poisonous claws. I was able to neutralise it but I'll need to stay in this fake body to fully heel (Urahara's lie to destroy the huogioku). By the way I'll be attending the school with you." She got up and stretched "I'm going to sleep now. don't ever open the door without knocking or I'll kick your balls next".
   Ichigo just scratch his had in annoyance, 'what an annoying... midget. Well it's not the worst possibility, but why me? However I'll need to keep my father's identity in secret, as well as my skills with kido.
   Any ways it's time to go to sleep'.
   Well there was a problem with that. no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't sleep. At last, using the relaxation technique he was able to go in some type of half slumber half trance.
   Good enough to rest properly.
   It was going to be an interesting day tomorrow.
   Chapter #3
   School Violence
   Sometimes you feel that you changed. Maybe slightly, may-deeply, but you changed and now everything would be different and the seemingly mundane life of yours will show some unexpected features of yours.
   Actually it was easier for Ichigo. He didn't have any fuzzy feelings. He knew, with a 100% certainty, that he changed and the changes would be inevitable. Being awakened from the trance-slumber by the kick in the face didn't helped at all.
   So, he was here now, at his way to the school, tuning out the chatter of his new friend (?) and trying make his bondage hand more comfortable.
   What's with the hand? Well, in japan you need a serious reason to miss a school. Considering his dad knew why he missed classes and that it was serious, ichigo was expecting some properly written explanation from him (the guy was a military general, it should be easy for him).
   All he got in realty a dumb face. Ichigo was eventually able to beat the letter out of him. Which confirmed that he slipped and broke his hand. Unfortunately, it came with a necessity to bondage his hand and it was getting itchier.
   Fortunately meeting with his class went well. No weird questions or suspicions. Now Ichigo was sitting on his desk and enjoying the view outside the window.
   being in school was somewhat relaxing, especially after all of those events happening in his life. I mean, he was practically dead.
   Rukia has joined the class without any problems, though he had no idea how she get the documents .
   Of course he wasn't going to tell his friends about what happened. Even though he could present the evidence, it would be better for them to stay oblivious.
   Engulfed in his thoughts, Ichigo didn't even heard the bell. When he came back to realty he was already being dragged by Rukia to the exit.
   "Hey what's going up? Where are you taking me?" Rukia didn't even slowed down. "Hollow is nearby. As a shinigami I got a hollow detector. 10 minute ago it went off. I'm still too weak to fight it so it's up to you. I suppose you will help me... For your own good..." At this point she turned with glare heated enough to actually send shivers up his spine. "Ok, OK! I'll do it... Just don't beat me." This little joke eased them a bit.
   It was easy to find a hollow. It was near the school anyway, chasing a spirit of a kid. "Go get him Ichigo!" Rukia shouted. "I'm not a dog dammit!" yelled Ichigo jumping inhuman leaps towards to the hollow. 'I can't show her I know the kido and I don't have time for my own technique. Besides, I don't want to blow up the street in daylight.' So the best Ichigo thought was to gather as much energy in his hand as he could and punch the monster in the face. Results were unexpected. Hollow was blown to bits and the stream of red energy nearly turned the people on the other side into fish-sticks.
   "Wow that was close." Breathed out Rukia, "Baka! Be more careful! You nearly made barbecue from the innocent bystanders!" Ichigo who actually paled at the results of his shot, became irritated. "How am I supposed to? I can't leave my body, I don't know any spells and it was you who harried me to start with!" Rukia felt a bit ashamed at this. But it was still against hr better judgement to teach kido to hollow. Also, there wasn't a case when some mindless hollow would be able to recreate the spell which needed concentration, control, visualisation and determination. The high level ones which had regained their intelligence already had their own fighting stile and abilities, closely resembling those of the shinigami, like Sero and hierro.
   "Fine, fine I'll teach you some spells. Now get the kid!" Ichigo smiled in satisfaction and concentrated the part of his wild reatsu on a spirit who was scrambling away. Small guy was immediately brought face down. Ichigo effortlessly lifted him by his collar and despite the whimpering and straggles held upwards face first. After that it was fairly easy for Rukia to summon her sword and tap his forehead with the hilt, performing Soul Burial.
   "That was all? I feel disappointed..." Rukia glared at him again "Shut up prank. Come, we are going back."
   "Yeah, I'm hungry..."
   "By the way do you know how to open this thing?" Ichigo stared unbelievingly at the juice box,
   While explaining (and demonstrating) difficult and tiresome process of opening the juice box, duo reached the school roof where Ichigo's friends usually hung out during the lunch break.
   Ichigo sight in delight opening first of his lunch boxes. While in his new condition he newer felt tired, or sleepy, or ill. On the other side the hunger was now persistent. Well it wasn't like it was unbearable, if he ate in time it is. Caught up in the process he didn't noticed neither the looks he was receiving from his classmates, nor the watchful eyes which shimmered with a the murderous intent mostly unusual for middle schooler.
   The end of the day came quickly. Ichigo was excused of his absence, the day before, thanks to the alibi from his father (which he had a decency to provide). While not being too enthralled to sit in all the day, Ichigo discovered that now he could easily zone off. His head just went empty allowing him to nearly slumber through the day, while staying in a full awareness (trait of reptilians).
   Surprisingly, with all the bizarreness, it was refreshing.
   After the last bell they went to the school stadium, where Rukia put up some barrier to keep people out.
   "Listen here, now I'll be teaching you the high art of kido. You'll be doing whatever I tell you, if i tell you bark you only ask how loud. Got it?"
   Ichigo was wearing a full sized grin now. "It's actually about jumps, not barking you know."
   "? Really? Whatever, It is tiring to remember all the news in living world for the last century you know."
   'Century? Hell, how old is she?'Ichigo thought, but knowing that it is unwise to bluntly ask woman about their age he just kept quiet.
   "So what are we starting with?"
   Rukia now put up a face which she thought was intimidating, but with her features (short, young, in school uniform) it was rather funny.
   "The first thing I will show you is the same spell I used on you Bakudo #1 -"Sho", simplest bounding spell. Now, to cast the spell... What?" Rukia's speech was interrupted by the white arrow sticking out of her chest. After the moment of startled silent arrow simply evaporated and she fell to the ground, wounded and unconscious.
   "What the hell! Rukia are you all right! Wait, she's unconscious... Nice." Ichigo run to her prone form, but restrained from moving her (Really it may be a bad idea to move an injured, if you had no knowledge of what's going on). 'Who did this?Where from?... It proved to be a good idea to be alert as he was able to sense and avoid the other arrow coming from... Above...?
   "You was able to sense me... You are cleaver then most of your kin." Ichigo frantically looked up. Above his wary head, standing in the ear, was a boy nearly his age. It was his 'not so well known' classmate, Uryu Ishida.
   "You know, I didn't expect the shinigami and hollow to start working together. No matter how lowly shinigami are, even I didn't expect to see one working with a hollow."
   It was clear he wanted to say something more, but Ichigo didn't listen. It is really silly to talk to the enemy if you aren't trying to deceive him. So in exchange he started to realise the sudden idea that stuck him.
   "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat! H?rin!" Yellow sparkling tendrils shot out and obeying the movements of his hands tightly wrapped around the chest of rukia, effectively closing the wound. It was a battle Kido, but in this situation this should also do.
   "What's your problem four eyes?" All he got in exchange was another two arrows. This time he wasn't fast enough to avoid both of them. Ichigo stared in terror at the white rod, sticking out of his stomach (by the way if you ate at list two hours earlier-you'll die horrible death of slow and painful intoxication). As the arrow dissipated, Ichigo clutched his shirt in despair
   'Is this the end?... I don't wont to die... a virgin...' Surprisingly, the pain suddenly disappeared. Startled he tore the shirt open, under the blood and cloth, thin scar was quickly disappearing. "Stop lying, you can't die so easily, didn't you know?" Ichigo was just fast enough to roll out of the arrow aiming at his had and caught another in his chest.
   Even if it wasn't deadly, it was extremely painful. Besides, his cloths were now ruined. Ichigo pointed at the floating peer and shouted "Byakurai!"
   Unfortunately Ishida disappeared out of the way even before the lightning left his finger.
   Cursing, Ichigo jumped out of the next arrow aiming for his head and tried to close the distance. However Ishida vanished before he made it and instantly appeared even further from him. "Looks like you are powerful, I need to stop fooling around." With that he started concentrating the reatsu in his arrow.
   The arrow, previously dim, started burning with the bright light, stronger with each passing second. Now panicking Ichigo used first he could remember "Sai!".
   Spell worked momentarily, braking the concentration of the archer and bounding his hands behind him. Unfortunately It wouldn't last for enough at the spiritually strong being, so Ichigo shouted the next spell "Sho!". With disgusting pop/crack Ishida's knee broke backwards. With a pained scream he topped over some invisible edge in the ear and properly fell down.
   Not loosing any time, Ichigo leapt to the fallen figure and kicked it in the ribs. With a resonating crack, Ishida was thrown thirty feet (10 meters) away. If not for the reinforced body he would already be a dead man.
   Breathing heavily Ichigo slowly approached unmoving body. ' I hope I didn't kill him. Rukia will go berserk. Or worst, she will read a monologue with those horrible mutant bunnies.' He shuddered at the last thought (those bunnies are evil I tell you!). Lost in the moment he didn't noticed a little shift of the body. When a blazing white sword plunged in his stomach it was already too late. Ichigo stumbled backwards, clutching the wound and gasping like a fish. Even for him the pain was unbearable. This sword didn't just cut him, it practically roasted his innards. Believe him, it was VERY unpleasant.
   Ishida straightened up, bright blue strings attached to the wounded body, disturbingly resembling a puppet. A puppet with a broken leg and blood leaking from his mouth.
   "Did you think it would be so easy to defeat me? This is a special quinsy technique invented by our elderly, whose bodies were starting to weaken. It allows me to manipulate my body with my reatsu directly. It seems you are stronger then I anticipated, But don't worry we will meet again." With these words he vanished without treys.
   Despite his cool face Ishida was on the edge of collapsing. The hollow was so strong, that his physical body regenerated in seconds. Also, those spells he used, were strong enough to easily tear his human body. As soon as he appeared in his room he properly lost conciseness.
   Only after several minutes pain subdued enough for Ichigo to straighten up and
   get Rukia. Despite his worst fears she was still alive. Her breathing was laboured and wound was bleeding, but her reatsu was still steady.
   'Dad will know what to do!' With that thought he scooped her up and run to family hospital as fast as he could.
   Chapter #4
   Hidden Colours of the World
   Ichigo was sitting in the waiting room and brooding. If not for his new ability to nearly shut his concise down, he would be pacing back and forth, thinking restlessly about the resent events.
   However, he was able to get himself in the motionless realisation on the comfy chair. In this condition he was now able to think clearly at last. Emotions like fear, anger, anxiety, even his hollow hunger, all became distinct. They didn't disappear, not at all, they just lost their importance. Yes, he was worried about the Rukia, angry about the unmotivated attack, but... It's not like it would do any good by unleashing his reatsu in the hospital, or triggering his already lax emotional balance. It was a new experience, as pleasant and useful, as it may be.
   'Who was this guy? He didn't felt like a shinigami, or hollow, or even ghost. Is it possible there are other creatures out there? Maybe some type of spirit? But he looked so solid and his reatsu felt too human. Maybe he is a human with a spiritual powers? That is possible. Besides the monsters and spirits there should exist humans with supernatural abilities, it's only logical. May he actually be one of those?
   However, one thing the most important is that, his abilities are concentrating on the destruction of souls. Furthermore, his weapon is a bow, ideal to fight opponent who is strong in close combat. but not smart enough to outsmart and lure in trap. Sweet evolution, another hollow hunter!' Ichigo mentally cringed. New headache-hurray for him!
   'I better got some info about the human magic, I would have died if he got me in the head! Thank god I can regenerate. Anyway, I'll get him for turning me into a human barbecue!'
   It was the moment Isshin choose to get out of the operation room. Ichigo momentarily sprang up.
   "Dad! How's she!"
   Isshin looked at him with a face of a kicked puppy. "I'm... I'm so sorry Ichigo...", Ichigo paled, "It is so sad...", Ichigo turned gray, "Your girlfriend's boobs are barely A size!". Ichigos' brain shut down. "You know I expected..." Isshin got kicked in the face by his very angry son. "You touched her you bustard!"
   "It's not my fault! (ouch) Stop that! (more ouch) She got a Quincy arrow in the chest! How was I supposed to help her without touching her breasts!"
   Ichigo halted the beating, 'that's probably right'. "You could have skipped the ecchi part! Now... how is she?" Ichigo finally let his father go, still scowling. "Of course she'll be all right. I am a doctor after all. Not to mention I happened to treat much worst wounds on the battlefield." Ichigo sight at relief. Despite being the natural enemies (in her opinion), he didn't want her to die. She was lively, smelled nice and looked nice enough. Ichigo reddened a bit at that. Nah, he didn't love her, but if somebody was going to eat her it would be him. 'Where did that come from?' Ichigo shook his head.
   Isshin didn't like the tone at all. "Yes, Son?"
   "You'll tell me everything you know about the so called 'Quincy' and I know you know about them. You just said it, despite me not mentioning anything about it. By the way you better start talking NOW, before I start using more forceful (cracks his knuckles) methods... "
   Isshin gulped. Even with his captain power level he would have problems, but now... he was simply screwed.
   "I'll talk, just don't beat me." Ichigo raised an eyebrow. Was It that easy? "Ok, but let's move in kitchen." Suddenly he halted. "Are the girls home?" Isshin breathed in relief. "No, they are out for an hour or so. We can talk freely."
   (New scene of action-Kitchen)
   Isshin and of Ichigo were sitting in their kitchen drinking whiskey... joking, just some tea. "So dad, who or what those Quincy are? Don't forget to tell me what they can do too." Isshin took a sip from his drink before answering. "Son, let as start from the beginning. I suppose you heard myths and tales. About ghosts, shinigami, you could even heard abut the hollows. Beside with that, you will see spirits, monsters and ultimately humans with supernatural powers.
   "At this Isshin took a break and went for another sip. What's unusual Ichigo kept quiet, instead shifting to seat more comfortably. "As you already know, ghosts exist, afterlife is real and monsters lurk in the night. However, most of the beings described in legends are also real." At this Ichigo caught up the tea he was drinking and stared at his father with soccer eyes.
   "What? Did you think that only ghosts were real? I know you didn't saw any other being earlier, but you haven't saw shinigami before either. Seriously, who would you expect to see in the urban Japan, in the middle of technological civilisation? kappa? Werewolf? A Dragon?" Ichigo fell from his chair. "Dragons! They exist!" Isshin sight with a remorse. "Not any more, the most of the powerful creatures got extinct by the hands of humans or went in immigration because of hollows. Yes, the WW2 and WW3 were very destructive for a spirit world too. Hollows were swarming in hordes, a lot of lesser spirits got devoured. The waters got polluted and the forests burnt down, humans forgot about spirits. How do you think, how many of those being who require nature and positive aura still walk the streets of modern towns? They still appear to some humans yes, but you have even less chances to accidentally locate one of them, then to meet a shinigami or hollow and you're not a shaman to call them yourself." Ichigo was freaked out at that point. Monsters? Spirits? What the hell? Unfortunately for him his father wasn't finished yet.
   " So, the Quincy. To put it shortly they are exorcists, they hunt hollows. However, their methods are..." Isshin shook his head disapprovingly at this point. "Usually exorcist drives the evil spirit away, or cleanse them much like a shinigami. But Quincy... They destroy the soul utterly. No matter who, or what, it was, good... bad... inhuman. Spirit is annihilated with no chances of afterlife. So, when their activity got high, we took measures and dealt with them. Well, not utterly of course, they live in Soul Society now, some even became shinigami... Err Ichigo?"
   Ichigo was now encompassed in a pitch black reatsu, with red edges. Energy was swirling and flaring violently, responding to the rage he was feeling. His animal snarl and low growling sound was enough to make his point clear. Ichigo was angry and had a reasons to. Do you have any idea how terrible is to be erased from the existence? Have you felt the fear of being no more? No afterlife, no Hell, no reincarnation, just The End. When he lost his mother, Ichigo wasn't able to see the ghosts yet. While thinking about his mother Disappearing he was able to get a glimpse of Nothing he imagined. He was terrified to the vary core with what he felt. To be able to get the proof of the afterlife was a huge relief. However, now he got the news that some idiots were doing just that, erasing the spirits, most of whom weren't even evil originally! Oh, and they were doing it on a regular basis and that guy wanted to do that to him and Rukia! "Ichigo! Ichigo! Calm down! You'll gonna blow the house up!" At this words Ichigo got back to self control. He was still angry but the reatsu wasn't leaking anymore. " Ok dad, thanks for the story. Guess I need to get some rest and think. Call me if Rukia wakes up, but otherwise let me think about the news."
   Ichigo went to his room and locked the door before laying down. He was feeling empty and tired from all the stress. First the fight with the classmate, then choking news from his dad. 'It is a pity I can't sleep any more.' Ichigo sight and fall on the bad. He closed his eyes and tried to go numb, but with no success. With another frustrated sigh he sat back up. 'Guess, I can take a walk. It's not like I'll be able to calm down for some time.' In stead of going through the door he just opened the window 'I hope I won't brake my legs' and jumped down. Reatsu reinforced legs held well, absorbing the jump. Ichigo checked for any witnesses and slowly took off.
   He didn't noticed how he ended at the outskirts of the town again. As a hollow he was nearly restless and walking helped him to put thoughts at bay. He walked and thought, thought and walked. Apparently it took a lot of time to get used to the new picture of the realty. When he came to the outer world it was already way past twilight and he was in an unknown district. 'Uh hell, now I got lost. Just great! Now I have to get through finding the way home. At night. Grrr...' At those thoughts he remembered about the rumoured ability to sense the auras, or simply the spiritual energy of different beings. 'Well technically I should be able to do the staff, didn't I got the different feelings about the different people or hollows? Like when I want to eat them, they definitely don't smell that good physically(well except girls). Ok let's try this.' Ichigo closed his eyes and visualised his home, the feelings associated, the smell the touch. When he could already see it clearly in his mind he turned the attention outwards and sent something akin to a request-"Where are you?" And got the answer. Ichigo slowly opened the eyes "Gotcha." Now in a far better mood he started walking faster in the right direction. Normally, he would be a bit nervous to walk alone at night, in unknown territory. But now... come on, he could eat yakudza alive and get off with it. Yeah, now that would be a mayhem! The thoughts actually bringing a smile to his face.
   Automatically walking to his home Ichigo pretty much drifted to his thoughts again. He didn't doubt the words of his father, but how much of it was true? Destruction of souls-too barbaric. The other spirits-too unbelievable. 'No rest in death for me...'
   Ichigo let out a sight. Seems he'll need a bit more research to do. Oh and don't forget Rukia, she'll be pissed off when she wakes up. Kami save from the mutant bunny paintings. They can torture the innocent minds. Oh Evil...
   Ichigo heavily sight at the thoughts.
   However, maybe he can bribe the little closet dominatrix with plush bunnies? At that he finally burst out laughing. Surprisingly, his mood seemed to improved a bit. Well, he was the same scowling brat, but now he just went with the flow of situation sometimes. Something about the instincts unleashed. Actually, he could get angrier just as easily, but hey! he didn't killed anyone. Yet.
   However, his humour was short lived when he got a smell, a smell of something beautiful, tasty, refreshing, like a cold sake in a sunny day. The feeling was good enough to snap him out of his thoughts.
   Ichigo stopped in track and sniffed the ear. It was there, something he liked and it was pretty close too. Being a curious kid from the nature, he wanted to investigate what was happening. Thus, he got a dilemma at his hands, go home ,or go see what's up. What do you think he choose?
   Ichigo carefully crept along the darkened side of the street, ready to meet anything hostile with volatile Ballas, lightning and as a last defence-claws. Fortunately, no threat showed up this far (not counting several rats). Surprisingly darkness wasn't a problem for him any more. All objects seemed to be glowing a bit when he looked at them, some more, some less, some colourful and some neat black. It was interesting to say the least. By now Ichigo wondered through the really crappie district. The lights in street were mostly off, houses looked old and in a need of repair, some buildings were abandoned and street was empty. Surely, Ichigo wouldn't come here, at night at least. However, if something was able to beat him now, it would eventually visit him to kill and devour. Visit him at home probably, maybe taking hostages again.
   At least, his target appeared in view. Old, rundown apartment building, gaping with broken doors and windows. Adored with graphite and smelling like sewers.
   Also emitting this exhilarating reatsu of fear and pain he tasted earlier.
   Chapter #5
   Faces in The Dark
   Ichigo stopped and stared at the ominous building. He would never admit, but it was creepy enough even for him.
   Or, to be more precise, it was simply scary. Ichigo closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The air stunk, but reatsu which he inhaled was marvellous. Smell of blood, touch of death, bitter taste of pain, mixed with the shrilling aroma of fear creating an intoxicating mix, enough to lure him in there.
   Problems started by the search of entrance. Front doors were closed with chain and lock. Of course he could snap them, or use a kido, but it would leave a notable evidence that someone broke in. Fortunately, one window on the second floor was vide enough for him to fit in. Ichigo concentrated some reatsu in his legs and jumped, propelling himself with a moderate burst from his toes. Sadly, burst was too strong for his own good, so he jumped to the third store, hit the wall and got halfway inside the window. All that while sliding down.
   After some cursing and demolishing glass bits with wild flares of reatsu, he was able to climb in and straighten up. The room was a small chamber, nearly empty, with only a broken chair and some garbage inside. Nothing interesting. However, he still needed to brake the door to get out. That proved an easy task. Ordinary looking corridor which would be simply cramped in a daylight lay before him. It certainly looked as a scene from horror movie.
   Ichigo moved as silently as he could. Fortunately, he was able to see in the dark and by creeping in the shadows he had an advantage to his side. Moving was relatively easy, till he reached stairs to the second floor.
   Everything started with the feeling of dread. It was different from what Ichigo himself created. In his case it was a dread which took your hopes of winning, of running, the dread originated from his dark, overwhelming aura. It was a fear of predator. The dread he felt now was different. It wasn't predatory, or strong as his own. It simply was... tainting. Like the spiritual body of the host was consisted of dread. Ichigo was now mowing even stealthier, nearly hugging the walls. However, he wasn't ready to see what was awaiting for him. Despite being on alert he nearly missed the lonely figure standing in the hallway, in front of a window.
   He missed because it, or rather she judging from the remnants of the dress, was too surreal even for him. The lonely figure was unmoving, just standing in the shadows and If not for his new vision he wouldn't detect her at all. What was more important it looked terrible, even worst than hollows. The most noticeable part was her chest. In place of accurate hexagon or a neat hole, there was a rusted and jugged... something. Looking like a mass of steel roots growing in her chest and spreading in the body. The barbed chains were wrapped around her tightly, tearing into flash. Her body was shredded with the wounds old and new, exposing innards, and bones in the deepest ones. However, the most terrifying was her face. It has no eyelids, no nose, no lips and the cheeks were tattered. But, eyes were still intact and those eyes were now looking in his own.
   That was the scariest moment of his life, Ichigo realised. For a moment his innards turned into jelly and all hear on his body nearly turned white. Fortunately, he couldn't get a hurt attack (didn't got one any more) and his instincts kicked in. Before he could contemplate his actions poor spectre got kicked in the guts and then jumped by now clawed Ichigo. he was just about to tear that terrifying head off when he realised that the wraith wasn't even resisting. She/ it just went limp, laying like a doll. Ichigo horridly scurried back on his feat. He definitely didn't want to touch a rotting undead! He waited for a several minutes, eying it suspiciously. 'If that's an ordinary wraith then I'm a real berry! What the hell is going in here! It's like she was rotting alive. I better ask Rukia or dad. When I get back...'
   Ichigo carefully got past the unmoving figure. 'She looks worst then a zombie! I really hope she doesn't eats brains. If she tries I'll eat her for sure. Hell with the promises.'
   From there his journey got easier. The barbed chain was easy enough to follow. He met two more wraiths on the first floor. They both were female and one even naked. Considering the condition of her body Ichigo preferred to close his eyes and avoid looking at her as much as possible.
   The atmosphere became dense with spirit particles, really unpleasant particles. If he was still human he would never came close to this place.
   The building was big enough to make finding anything hidden very difficult at least. However, he could simply follow the chains, which were leading lower, where the centre of the emanations could be felt. So, he went lower, to the closed steel doors of the basement.
   Well, not his fault he didn't have the key. The lock was simply torn off with the chains.
   The basement was even grimmer then upper levels and rats. Kami, a foot long, fat rats! Through the maze of corridors he followed the lead, not by his eyes, not along the chain, but through the unique feelings of the predator he now possessed. He knew where it was coming from, like a smell or a constant malicious voice it emitted constantly.
   Finally his journey ended in front of a heavy, metal door. Too thick even for his enhanced muscles to tear through, hidden through the vast basement. ' Oh man, what now... I'm not gonna go back! But this thing will need to be cut through or blown! And I can't blow it up, how the ... Oh! ' Ichigo concentrated and used a weak 'Byakurai' at the edge of the door, parallel to the key hole. ' Cool! Who would knew I could use it like that. Anyway, better be ready before I go in. Explosive things won't do. Hmm...' After some thought Ichigo used two simple kido. First 'Dokutsume', or poison claw on the left hand turning it into an effective close range weapon and the most difficult hado he knew, Kiriken (Substitute Blade) in the shape of a large machete. The defence was neglected for moment, nothing short of a tank could hart him in the human world.
   Ichigo inhaled deeply and kicked the door with all his might. As soon as it hung open, crushing everything and everyone behind, he jumped inside with a knife above and a hand ready claw at the enemy.
   The room was empty, at least this was what he noticed first. The second was the smell. Smell of rotten flesh and old blood. Ichigo frantically looked around. The room was nearly empty, only in the centre was a broad wooden table and at the farthest wall there was a moderate steel cage. Ichigo tried to breath through the mouth. What was that? The terrible smell mixed with an exhilarating aroma of pain and fear. There weren't a lot of things able to create this combination and he really didn't want to see any of them. He may be a hollow, supernatural predator, but not sick, nether crazy (for now). 'Why did I came here again?'
   While looking around he noticed an interesting detail he missed earlier, trapdoor. Were there any enemies or simply a new room, he needed to investigate. Ichigo slowly approached the door. Chains holding it together turned in to the rust in his left hand. With a jolt he opened the door.
   Ichigo nearly lost the conscious from what he smelled and more importantly what he saw down there. He could have suspected something like that. But hey, he was Ichigo. Clueless (usually), stubborn, good in fight, but not too bright. His personality started to change, but it wasn't enough to ready him for this. The sewer was full of bodies. Most just bones, some rotten corpses, and on the top a few half eaten fresh ones. Add rats, rats, rats, swarming and shifting, having their little snack party. It was enough to make even hollow disgusted.
   "Like what you see? He he he" Ichigo properly whipped around. leaning on the door frame was a stylishly dressed young men. He had black hear, brown eyes and fairly handsome face. He stood somewhere around 5 feet, not too high and not too short. An average person on the streets. There wouldn't be anything unusual about him, if not a pleasant smile and a look of slight amusement. All in the middle of nightmarish scene. Ichigo looked at him puzzled by his appearance. If he had sensed him approaching, or if his demeanour was different he would have attacked him on sight. However, only answer he could manage was-"W... What?".
   The guy simply let out a sight. "I asked did you like the scene? I worked on it a lot you know? Ooh... You should hear them when I toss them inside. They are so funny. By the way, nice spell. It's not like it will help you, but It's shiny."
   At this comment Ichigo finally snapped out of him mind daze and actually started to get angry and annoyed. Like it or not, he was a demon and demons doesn't go without an action for long. "Why do you think so? You know it could cut you easily" Newcomer just smirked. "You modern humans have too mach trouble killing, even when your life depends on it. 'Oh no, it is immoral! Evil! I am a good citizen!' Besides, who said I'll allow you to use it?"
   At this Ichigo felt strong pain in his hand. When he looked at it, there was an oversized, one foot long, rat biting his elbow. Instantly pain flared in all of his appendages and he was scooped with rats like christmas tree with toys. "You see now? What an idiot would just stay there and listen to my rant? Like any other."
   Ichigo started to see red. While the wounds weren't that much painful for his new body, it was really annoying that he got played like a fool. His opponent started smiling evilly, "Now stand still, I want to kill you slowly, okay?" He shed his blue shirt, leaving only white pants and shoes on, advancing slowly. On the second step he started transforming. Teeth grew into fangs, gray fur cowered his body and the top half of his body expanded.
   'Gross!' was only clear thought in Ichigo's head. He turned his wrist pointing the tip of his sword at the advancing monstrosity and with a mental impulse transformed his weapon from a machete to the long trident just in time to get him.
   The thing skewered on a spear screamed and tried to back off, but hooks at the tip of weapon held him firmly. Ichigo growled and with an effort dragged him closer despite the living weight which would made any normal human helpless. The Thing screamed in high pitched voice and nearly got away leaving bits of a flesh on the hooks. Ichigo reached with his other hand and grasped his shoulder pouring large portion of reatsu into the poisonous hado he placed earlier. Green mist flared instantly killing rats on one side of his body and turning the half of creature into the swollen, rotting meat chunk. It screamed and trashed violently, dispersing the hado he was skewered onto. Ichigo grinned and with a few bursts of poisonous reatsu ('Dokutsume') cleared himself off the rats. than he walked to the trapdoor and used 'Hainawa' to seal it.
   After that he strolled to his enemy. To his awe the damage done by two kidos, which would kill weaker hollows on spot, was already vanishing. The left half of thing was regaining it's form, the damage from blade long since gone. The creature looked at him with hate and anger. "I don't know who you are but you won't get away with this. My... mxxx..." Ichigo didn't wait for the end of his speech, not again. Scowling he pointed his finger at its neck. "Byakurai" and moved it horizontally. With the severed head monster finally died. His soul was also killed as soon as he got out, it was looking surprisingly human.
   Ichigo scowled in disgust and left the room in hurry. 'Man, I really need to learn some fire hado and burn this place down.'
   Leaving in a harry he didn't noticed as the body started changing slowly, returning to its human form.
   Ichigo went to the nearest broken window, on second floor, and simply jumped out, his enhanced legs cushioning the fall. He dusted himself off, though he was unable to clear the blood marks. "Fuck, how am I supposed to get home at 5 p.m., wearing bloody rugs?" He sighted 'Do I really need to run all the way?' While thinking his eyes fell on a broken fire stairway. 'Maybe that will work... It did in the movie...'
   Ichigo closed to the nearest solid wall. He pulled on his reatsu, concentrating it in his fingertips until his nails whitened and sharpened, turning into claws. He jumped as high as he could, than he stuck his claws in between the blocks, using the momentum to hurl himself at the opposing wall. In four swipes he was already at the roof. 'Wow, it really works! now I just gotta jump, jump and jump!' After several blocks his mood lightened. 'Hey it's actually fun! though its good I got the claws. Is there a chance I can get...' On the next jump he slipped on the absolutely normal looking roof and landed face first. "Owww... So not doing this any more..."
   Getting closer to his home Ichigo realised that he was still in bloody cloth and even if his father could understand, his sisters will go frantic. 'Can I just sneak inside? Nah, they can catch me. Go to Chad's? Too late/early. What to do, what to do?' At this moment he he noticed some cloths hanging from one of the apartments. 'Should I took them? Commit a crime? Am I evil?' ichigo blinked at his last thought "Technically I am. Hello free ride..."
   Sorry for the long update time. Meanwhile, you can look through my other story.
   Chapter #6Monsters of the Past

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