P. Tchaikovsky `The Queen of Spades`. Arya of Hermann `What`s our life? A game!`is sung by Mikhail Didyk. Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, 2010 П. И. Чайковский. Опера "Пиковая дама". Ария Германа "Что наша жизнь? Игра!" Герман - Михаил Петрович Дидык. Gran Teatre del Liceu, ...
These lines were discovered after Tchaikovsky`s death in his personal papers and published in the literary journal Русский вестник (Russkiy Vestnik - Russian Herald) in 1894. The poem was written in Italy. In the letter to brother Modest the great composer confessed: `For the first ...
А вот кому страшную месть? Все в моих лучших традициях - взял и превратил душевную песню Юрия Антонова "Крыша дома твоего" (вы ее знаете по "Ну, погоди!") вот в такую мрачную историю.
Вся беда ВМФ Украины состоит в том, что в его истории нет кораблей, подобных "Варягу", "Корейцу" и "Меркурию", а ,соответственно нет и героической песни, которая бы вдохновляла моряков на борьбу с противником. Я постарался исправить это упущение...
Латышская народная песня "Громко лаяли собаки" - Dogs kept noisily baying - Lettish Folk Song https://youtu.be/raNEFgF9KKw Manok-mieskuoro Karjalasta Мужской вокальный ансамбль "Манок" из Карелии https://youtu.be/yJ0WpnCIL5I с 14:00 до 16:01 Original Lettish variant: https://youtu.be/5D1tUV3UpXQ ...
Для одного из возможных эпизодов "Зимних сказок" мне понадобилась песня подходящая для Снежной королевы (или кого-то другого, схожего по силам и характеру). С удивлением обнаружил, что ничего подобного в принципе не существует. Разве что песня Эльзы из "Холодного сердца", но там совсем ...
(Честь и слава японской роботизированной автоиндустрии, способной создавать по себестоимости недорогие авто и продавать их во всём мире по крутым ценам)
La Valse des Officiers russes, le 31 juillet 1974 chante en Russe par Serge Gainsbourg https://youtu.be/n0Gwch5FgYI IN A FRONT-LINE AREA`S FOREST https://youtu.be/D4ic7KEKG8Y
RUSSIAN MATCHISH РУССКIЙ МАТЧИШЪ Matchish #1. Performed by the dancers of the Kamenny Most (Stone Bridge) Studio of the Historical and Traditional Dances in Voronezh, Russia (2016) https://youtu.be/x6O26bvIOyY Matchish #2. The same studio https://youtu.be/mzV23FpujLI Russian La ...
`The Leningrad` The Gulf of Finland "Ленинград" Финский залив (Sung by Sergei Shnurov, Yulia Kogan, Alisa Vox (Burmistrova)) https://youtu.be/CR4rkYGtTrQ
Oh, this is a real hymn [hɪm] of the glamorous moggies, a true mirror of them. The song was written and composed, and sung by a nice Russian pop singer Sveta Kolibaba http://kolibaba.ru/tv Initially, this song was a number of the soundtrack of the motion picture `Boomer` (Boomer ...
They are all about men and women, I mean his songs. Kai Metov whose real name is Kairat Erdenovich Metov (born in 1964 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan) was an iconic figure in Russian pop music and Russia on the whole in the 90s of the 20s. He seemed to have appeared from nowhere. But he"d ...
Kai Metov refused to remain only a part of the past, he still exists and acts as a succesful pop singer, a living icon still able to gather the full house http://metov.ru/ He`s a symbol of the 90s, and you can`t kill the symbol. Was he a first post-Soviet sex idol? Abso-bloody-lutely! ...
Слушал прекрасную музыку Юхко Курамото и вдруг написалось! Честное слово, оно само!!! Спел и записал сам, как получилось. Я не профессиональный певец, не судите строго!!! К сожалению не смог закинуть сюда сам романс с музыкой, не знаю как! Можно послушать на моей страничке https://author.today/u/alexkallina ...
`The guy dreams of Tambov` ("Мальчик хочет в Тамбов") sung by Murat Nasyrov https://youtu.be/lX843w3mtIo (watch as well https://youtu.be/yTG4oH5qm4U) is an excellent Russian cover of the Carrapicho Band`s song TIC TIC TAC. However, the original lyrics by Braulino de Lima (1996) ...
The Ballad About Stierlitz by Arkady Ukupnik Баллада о Штирлице Аркадия Укупника He sings and plays in this music video https://ok.ru/video/1844839762 Maximillian Otto von Stierlitz is a well-known Russian character of the TV serial `17 Instants of Spring` from the same name novel ...
People in Russia often think that this song is a traditional one. The title of the song is even used as a Russian proverb. But it was written, composed and for the first time sung by Oleg Andreyevich Anofriyev, a popular Russian actor, in 1972 https://youtu.be/B3WYL2zKZ1s He was ...
Semyon Sergeyevich Slepakov (born 1979 in Pyatigorsk) slepakov.com is a Russian producer, script writer, comedian, author and performer of his own comic songs. Are you ready for that? Where to get a woman? ("Где бы взять мне бабу?") https://youtu.be/Hyy8i45oh-c Slepakov`s other songs: ...
Lyrics of the song THE LILAC-COLOURED HAZE (СИРЕНЕВЫЙ ТУМАН) was written by a poet Mikhail Matusovsky as a lyricist in 1936 when he was a student in Moscow. But its music was composed by Jan Sashin (Yakov Levin), his mate, another student of the institute, who also became a poet. ...
A very nice children`s song - "Поезд мчит издалека" `Train is going from afar` (Jedzie Pociąg z Daleka)(Polish tekst-karaoke) https://youtu.be/_YRgbUNJtB8
F&F E&E You can see a mysterious abbreviation of the E&E on the T-shirts of the Pled members. It`s but a title of their song below. Well, the Pled`s lyrics are sometimes cocky and shocking but true-to-life and highly artistic. Pled - E&E (F&F) (Red Curtains Session) https://youtu.be/FQc2zG6- ...
The Pled Group (Плед, lit. Plaid) - The hairy buttocks. The group`s frontwoman Dasha Davydova https://youtu.be/kbtfgLNm5Pk I`ve been their fan. O yeah, baby! Live version https://youtu.be/qNiXPWUFF78
Перевод бретонской песни Ar Soudarded Zo Gwisket e Ruz - с помощью Mevisen, lady Aurum, Marie и французских друзей Мари, которые помогли с одним предложением, потому что никто из нас не знает бретонского. За что всем помогавшим приношу свою глубокую благодарность)
NAKED AIN`T ALWAYS SEXY, SEXY AIN`T ALWAYS NAKED. Chałupy welcome to sung by Zbigniew Wodecki, Poland https://youtu.be/wqXWVPP0Pmc Chałupy (Khaloop-ee) is a popular Polish sea side resort located between Władysławowo and Kuźnica on the Hel Peninsula on ...
Текст песни к этой очень известной музыке: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=13&v=NuLV_LHY7mk Написана в далеком 2002-м для друзей, почти дословно отражая их судьбу. Кстати у них все сложилось просто замечательно
A Song of Crocodile Ghena (`Jumping clumsily over...`) from a Russian animation film `Cheburashka`(Lyrics by Alexandre Timofeyevsky, Music by Vladimir Shaïnsky, Sung by Vladimir Ferapontov) https://youtu.be/EbAPd1491X8 Also Song of Gena (ゲーナの歌) ...
DON`T WET YOUR PANTS! HAVE NO ANTS IN`EM! JUST WEAR YOUR MOUSTACHE! Igor `Bulldog` Kharlamov & The Lips Group - Гарик "Бульдог" Харламов - Группа Губы https://youtu.be/wAQ-0HSebLA
For the first time `A glass of vodka on my table` was performed by the `Major Sergeyev` group led by Evgeniy `Zheka` Grigoriyev. The the song was sold to Grigoriy Leps, another singer, Zheka`s crony, just for $300. In the 90s both musicians were not the pop stars, they were the ...
Initially the song `It`s snowing, it`s snowing` ("А снег идет, а снег идет") was a number of the score of the feature film `The Career of Dima Gorin` ("Карьера Димы Горина") (1961), but then the film was forgotten unlike the very song. An unforgettable song was written within three ...
Lev Knipper (1898-1974) was a Soviet Russian composer and, by the way, a brother of the German film superstar Olga Chekhova. He became famous owing to his melody to an iconic Soviet song `Polyushko-polye` about the Red Army cavalrymen`s gallop in the wide steppe: https://youtu.be/RhutG7430uI ...
The Caramel - Poom-pum! (Карамель - Пум пам) The R-pop evergreen oldie related to the 2000s https://youtu.be/YdR1dmv-Gxw A nice, catchy melody and not silly lyrics as it may seem. The song sounds something like J-pop anime songs. The Caramel duo was comprised of Lyusia Kobelko and ...
`Faraway from home` ("Давно мы дома не были"), a Russian song created on the 8th May of 1945 in Koenigsberg. Lyrics by a Russian poet Alexei Fatyanov (1919-1959), Music by Vasiliy Soloviev-Sedoy, that very gentleman who composed music for the `Moscow Nights`. https://youtu.be/HdZS_ ...
Russian Jews Samuïl Pokrass and Pavel German, authors of the bravura Revolutionary songs and military marches which had been popular in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany for many years created an excellent Gipsy love song in the 20s of the 20 c. You can listen to the romance The ...
Sailor`s cap. Sung by Pavel Chekin. I find the refrain of The Sailor`s Cap especially attractive! https://youtu.be/UiQi64vEqyI Also sung by Chekin http://kkre-4.narod.ru/gak/bes.mp3 The other cover version - by Alexandre Zaitsev http://kkre-4.narod.ru/gak/bs3.mp3
SONG OF THE MOONSHINERS ПЕСНЯ САМОГОНЩИКОВ https://youtu.be/Ce1MPHBwsmo and potpourris from the Russian feature film `Operation `Y`, or the new adventures of Shurik` (film director Leonid Gaidai). See the full film in here: https://youtu.be/x_-ehagcrBg Vladimir Livshitz wrote ...
An evergreen Russian song The Puttana (La puta) ("Путана") by Alexandre Kalyanov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2Mt59xdV9A (Alexandre Kalyanov`s Album `The Museum of Love` - Track #7 (22:58 - 27:00) Sung by Alexandre Kalyanov. Alexandre Kalyanov is a remarkable ...
The DOLCE GABBANA composed, written & sung by Andrei Danilko https://youtu.be/YUBxGI1986Q The `Reading the songs`series. The Dolce GABBANA is recited (played) by Viktoria Savina https://youtu.be/49-ChYi3baU The actress changed not a word of the original lyrics! (Except for an ...
Now the Koi-no Bakansu (Love Vacation, VACANCES DE L'AMOUR) composed by Miyagawa Hiroshi (宮川泰) and written by Iwatani Tokiko (岩谷時子) in 1963 is but an evergreen oldie of the J-Pop first sung by The Peanuts (ザ・ピーナッツ) ...
BY THE SEA, BY THE BLUE SEA У МОРЯ, У СИНЕГО МОРЯ (AFTER THE JAPANESE GREATEST HIT `KOI-NO BAKANSU `恋のバカンス) The J-pop song KOI-NO BAKANSU performed by the Peanuts duet (Sisters Itō Amy and Itō Yumi https://youtu.be/rqCAd6AZYCo) ...
A poem-song by Vladimir Vysotsky from the `Mr. McKinley`s Escape` feature film`s soundtrack https://youtu.be/tg0tK193pgQ Of course, it`s more my own interpretation of the Vysotsky`s song-poem rather than my translation of it, my variation on the theme offered by the genius of the ...
WHAT MADE YOU FEEL LOVE OF YOUR MOTHERLAND? A Russian patriotic song written by Mikhail Matusovsky and composed by Veniamin Basner. First sung by Mark Bernes for an excellent Russian action motion picture The Shield & the Sword (film director Vladimir Basov, a war vet). He`s appearing ...
NICE WALK, NICE SMOKE is an evergreen masterpiece of the Russian folk rock music by The Zilch group. Один из нетленных шедевров русской народной рок-группы "Ноль". https://youtu.be/BEBmPj3Vojw A congenial music video was shot by Alexei Rosenberg as a director and produced by Bakhyt ...
An iconic Russian children`s song from a no less iconic cartoon https://youtu.be/7EVHdRk9e4g. By this very reason it is a frequent object for the various parodies and even new interpretations https://youtu.be/t7FtxBQapn4
THE SONG ABOUT A TRUE INDIAN is a masterpiece of the Russian folk rock music written and composed on par by The Zilch group frontman Feodor Tchistyakov and another rock musician Piotr Strukov (from the third stanza). A music video from it was shot by Maxim Katooshkin in an iconic ...
An iconic Russian drinking song `The Brigantine` (1937) by Russian poet Pavel Kogan put to music by his friend Georgy Lepsky. Though Pavel Kogan called his poem a joke, it relates to the certain poetic tradition, it makes us remember The Corsair by George Gordon Byron (`O'er the ...
`There`s but a blink` (1973). Lyrics by Leonid Derbenyov. Music by Alexandre Zatsepin. Sung by a great Russian actor Oleg Dahl https://youtu.be/AjP9wRMNQD0 http://kkre-25.narod.ru/dal/etm.mp3`There`s but a blink` is a song from the Russian feature film `The Sannikov Land`(1973). ...
Эквиритмический перевод Tanz mit mir в исполнении Faun и Santiano. Авторы: Frank Ramond / Hartmut Krech / Mark Nissen Текст песни "Tanz mit mir", Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
The Spacemen`s Song. Performed by Vladimir Troshin. https://youtu.be/EYK-sNNgce8 March of the Russian Aerospace Forces from the Song of the Spacemen https://youtu.be/6Q9d6UK-46A
SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE was written and composed by Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov from Orenburg, Russia, for the same name first Russian teenager pop band in 1986. The original version of the 80s https://youtu.be/BPsRX7m6CX4, and ...
Charlie`s ditties in the Russian folklore (based on the tune of the Titina). A music school pupil is playing a melody from a Charlie Chaplin`s film that became a part of the Russian folklore, and his respectable teacher Anatoliy Sudarev from the 29th art school and October Revolution ...
SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE is a golden oldie. The catchy melody, sentimental lyrics. And, of course, that song is not only about flowers. Listen to the Polish cover of the evergreen Russian song https://youtu.be/QJtMF0mG9oI
МУЖИЧОК С ГАРМОШКОЙ THE LITTLE MAN WITH ACCORDEON - ain`t they dandy, those catchy song, nice performance and excellent choreography? https://youtu.be/_ujUcFz10hk
Viktor Balthasar Emil Hoffmann (Виктор Викторович Гофман) (1884-1911) was born in a family of the Austrian German citizen who owned the furniture factory in Russia. He went to the Russian classical school and finished it with honours. One of his classmates was Russian poet Vladimir ...
`Napoléon, yes, Napoléon`. Russian folk song of 1812 dedicated to Prince Koutouzoff, Mikhail Illarionovich Koutouzoff, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army and guerillas. The song expresses a view-point of the ordinary Russians, peasants of that epoch. Sung by ...
Josie Carr-Harris, born from Russian mom and Canadian dad, then aged 11, sings `With Nanny` by Mussorgsky. Record of 2010. `With Nanny` is a song from The Nursery (Детская, literally Children's Room) cycle, composed by Modest Mussorgsky between 1868 and 1872 and set to his own ...
A great Russian actor Spartak Mishulin (1926 - 2005) in the classical staging of the Small comedies of the big house by Andrei Mironov, Arkadiy Arkanov & Georgiy Gorin, Theatre of Satire (1974). This number staged by a groovy choreographer Vladimir Manokhin was so popular that sometimes ...
September 28 is Brigitte Bardot`s birthday! She`s my idol!https://youtu.be/Bbkwrf5lMqc https://youtu.be/h0xUjsxwrkE (Sorry for my complicated relationship with time, I thought it was October, so I`d written Oct. 28 before). A propos, слово la madrague означает "сеть для ловли тунца", ...