Журнал "Самиздат": Миниатюра

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Интервью про "Самиздат"

Рождественский детектив-24

 Алябьева Я.
 Анкудинов К.Н.
 Арр Е.Н.
 Афонина Ю.
 Бадичева А.С.
 Бахтиев Р.
 Бойко Т.В.
 Борзенко А.М.
 Валевко Д.Г.
 Василисова А.
 Вербицкий А.
 Вульфсон Б.Л.
 Джавидан Г.
 Доронина Л.С.
 Дьяконов Д.И.
 Золотова М.
 Иванова А.А.
 Игнатюк Я.
 Иоктон М.
 Каримов Р.Н.
 Кель Н.
 Клубков В.
 Коврижко М.
 Коннор М.
 Коновалова Е.С.
 Коротина Д.В.
 Косых Т.В.
 Кот Л.
 Кузнецов Д.А.
 Ладыжец Е.А.
 Ланской Г.А.
 Ларина М.
 Либерман А.Ш.
 Литвяков Д.В.
 Мацюх Н.
 Москалева А.
 Мостовой А.А.
 Мохова Л.Н.
 Мурашкевич Э.Г.
 Остальцев В.Ф.
 Пушкарева Л.М.
 Радно А.В.
 Рид Т.Г.
 Рогаль А.Н.
 Ромодановский П.А.
 Скородумова Е.
 Табаков В.А.
 Требухин Р.К.
 Фомин О.Н.
 Фомичева В.Н.
 Цурихина Ю.В.
 Цыбулов Л.А.
 Шулятьева Е.
 Ясиновер С.
 Ayanami R.
 Chon L.
 Christian E.
 Gron G.
 Montreal G.
 Sirena A.
Страниц (696): 1 ... 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Ruble of Prince Menshikov (1859). An antique note 5k   Переводы
    The Ruble of Prince Menshikov (1859). An antique note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Ruble of Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov (1736). An antiquarian note 6k   Переводы
    The Ruble of Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov (1736). An antiquarian note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Rubles (of 1885, 1890, 1891) from the honorarium of Ilya Repin, that was paid out for the portrait ... 6k   Переводы
    The Rubles (of 1885, 1890, 1891) from the honorarium of Ilya Repin, that was paid out for the portrait of Leo Tolstoy. An antiquarian note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Russia digital transformation (beep-beep presentation). A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 2k   Философия
    The Russia digital transformation (beep-beep presentation). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Russia digital transformation (Federal Information System of Stsi on December 18, 2021). A work of ... 2k   Философия
    The Russia digital transformation (Federal Information System of STSI on December 18, 2021). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Russia digital transformation. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    The Russia digital transformation. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The same Ip address is used in different places. A diary note 2k   Переводы
    The same IP address is used in different places. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The sceneries in the Media House of Mr. Karabas are falling ... A note on the transformation of media ... 2k   Переводы
    The sceneries in the Media House of Mr. Karabas are falling ... A note on the transformation of media reality.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The second suborbital manned flight of the New Shepard spacecraft; the creation of a super-heavy rocket; ... 5k   Переводы
    The second suborbital manned flight of the New Shepard spacecraft; the creation of a super-heavy rocket; the prospects for the RD-180. A note on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The situation has stabilized. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    The situation has stabilized. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Sock Hub (in a special historical period). A prognosis story 5k   Переводы
    The Sock Hub (in a special historical period). A prognosis story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The solution to the housing problem: a corridor for every person. Решение жилищной проблемы: коридор ... 4k   Философия
    The solution to the housing problem: a corridor for every person. Решение жилищной проблемы: коридор для каждого. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Space Program of Russia in the international economic context. A note on a history of space exploration ... 4k   Переводы
    The Space Program of Russia in the international economic context. A note on a history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The speed of spending the state financial reserves. An economic essay 4k   Переводы
    The speed of spending the state financial reserves. An economic essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The spinning process. Крутит. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 5k   Философия
    The spinning process. Крутит. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The stupid. The one-act-play 4k   Переводы
    MMMCCXCIII. The stupid. The one-act-play. - June 11, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The sudden unexpected success of the Martian helicopter "Ingenuity" and the prospects for the project. ... 5k   Переводы
    The sudden unexpected success of the Martian helicopter "Ingenuity" and the prospects for the project. An essay on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The task of uniting the Pension Fund and The Fund of Social Insurance. An essay 4k   Переводы
    The task of uniting the Pension Fund and The Fund of Social Insurance. An essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The text is temporarily not published. A diary note 13k   Переводы
    The text is temporarily not published. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The third meeting in the Moscow format on Afghanistan. The note 2k   Переводы
    The third meeting in the Moscow format on Afghanistan. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Three Little Pigs and The Three Fat Men. The story about the literary creativity 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCIII. The Three Little Pigs and The Three Fat Men. The story about the literary creativity. - June 20, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Three Rubles (of 1896, 1898, 1613-1913) of Sergei Diaghilev, used by him to pay the honorarium to ... 6k   Переводы
    The Three Rubles (of 1896, 1898, 1613-1913) of Sergei Diaghilev, used by him to pay the honorarium to Richard Strauss (in 1914). An antiquarian note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The top-level meeting on 29 September 2021 on space issues; its themes. The note 3k   Переводы
    The top-level meeting on 29 September 2021 on space issues; its themes. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The travel to Johannesburg. A story for children about Seryozha 8k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXLVII. The travel to Johannesburg. A story for children about Seryozha. - August 22, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Uk National Space Strategy and the Impact on the Worldview of the Population. A note 4k   Переводы
    The UK National Space Strategy and the Impact on the Worldview of the Population. A note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The unique properties of a digital painting. A "digital locking" and the authorization. Reflections of ... 5k   Переводы
    The unique properties of a digital painting. A "digital locking" and the authorization. Reflections of the cultural observer Vladimir Zalessky. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The unpaid (in full) taxes on Kosti-Nf. A story 12k   Переводы
    The unpaid (in full) taxes on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The unpleasant neighbors. A story for children about Seryozha 2k   Переводы
    The unpleasant neighbors. A story for children about Seryozha.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Upper Chet and Chervona Glinska. An essay on geographical and historical associations 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. The Upper Chet and Chervona Glinska. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The useful Medinsky. A political sketch 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. The useful Medinsky. A political sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The violation of the constitutional right of ownership and of the constitutional right to petition. A ... 13k   Переводы
    The violation of the constitutional right of ownership and of the constitutional right to petition. A diary legal note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: The Vyzov and Medinsky. A culturological note 3k   Переводы
    The Vyzov and Medinsky. A culturological note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense ... 12k   Переводы
    There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941. An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: They Did Not Expect Them. A creative copy of Ilya Repin"s painting. A work of the East-Republican fine ... 3k   Философия
    They Did Not Expect Them. A creative copy of Ilya Repin"s painting. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: They had protected media freedom from digital giants. The note 1k   Переводы
    They had protected media freedom from digital giants. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: They tear a hats off a heads. A note about an incident 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXXIX. They tear a hats off a heads. A note about an incident. - August 11, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Three aces. A politological note 1k   Переводы
    Three aces. A politological note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Three Cranes - a strange walk. The story about Seryozha (En) 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXIV. Three Cranes - a strange walk. The story about Seryozha. - July 23, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Three periods of the military journalism. A subjective note 4k   Переводы
    Three periods of the military journalism. A subjective note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Three prose portraits of Leo Tolstoy by Ilya Repin. A literary note 12k   Переводы
    Three prose portraits of Leo Tolstoy by Ilya Repin. A literary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Throweres. Spinners. Rollers. Кидалы, крутилы, каталы. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art ... 3k   Философия
    Throweres. Spinners. Rollers. Кидалы, крутилы, каталы. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Titian and Venice. An essay on the European culture of tolerance 5k   Переводы
    Titian and Venice. An essay on the European culture of tolerance.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To be more patient. A story for children about Seryozha 4k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXIII. To be more patient. A story for children about Seryozha. - July 3, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To be stronger. Adventure story for children about Seryozha 6k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXII. To be stronger. Adventure story for children about Seryozha. - July 1, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To be the backbone of the family. A drama from the life of a schoolboy Seryozha 11k   Переводы
    To be the backbone of the family. A drama from the life of a schoolboy Seryozha.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To catch a creative wave. A note on the creation of thousands of new high-tech jobs in a field of aviation ... 4k   Переводы
    To catch a creative wave. A note on the creation of thousands of new high-tech jobs in a field of aviation and space.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To freeze ears - to do contrary to mom. A children's story about Seryozha 2k   Переводы
    To freeze ears - to do contrary to mom. A children's story about Seryozha.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To give out a free two-room apartment to each owner of a "personal office". An economic sketch 9k   Переводы
    To give out a free two-room apartment to each owner of a "personal office". An economic sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To push through a content for the reporting on results. To create mirages. The note 4k   Переводы
    To push through a content for the reporting on results. To create mirages. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To straighten a back. Разогнуть спину. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 4k   Философия
    To straighten a back. Разогнуть спину. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: To the Vitebsk Bazaar for purchases. На Витебский базар за покупками. A work of the East-Republican fine ... 3k   Философия
    To the Vitebsk Bazaar for purchases. На Витебский базар за покупками. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Today - a waiter. Tomorrow - An Inspector General. A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCVIII. Today - a waiter. Tomorrow - An Inspector General. A story for children about Seryozha. - June 26, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Tomato juice lover Gesha found a friend. A story 3k   Переводы
    Tomato juice lover Gesha found a friend. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Tourism in the Dominican Republic. Туризм в Доминикане. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art ... 4k   Философия
    Tourism in the Dominican Republic. Туризм в Доминикане. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Toward the Moon. A letter from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (Moscow). A diary note ... 4k   Переводы
    Toward the Moon. A letter from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (Moscow). A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Toward the Moon. A state official. And an intermediary broker. A diary note 7k   Переводы
    Toward the Moon. A state official. And an intermediary broker. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Toward the Moon. The Ministry of Finance and the tax interests of the state. A diary note 10k   Переводы
    Toward the Moon. The Ministry of Finance and the tax interests of the state. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. "Conversation of the Mute with the Deaf" (at the Russial Foreign Ministry) or Whether ... 6k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. "Conversation of the Mute with the Deaf" (at the Russial Foreign Ministry) or Whether the Rostov Oblast is under the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. A compensation for the termination of my property rights by the state. A diary note ... 9k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. A compensation for the termination of my property rights by the state. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. An application has been sent to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation ... 15k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. An application has been sent to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for compensation and for protection of the tax interests of the state. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. An application has been sent to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation ... 16k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. An application has been sent to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for compensation and for protection of the tax interests of the state. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. By the Front Door. A diary note 4k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. By the Front Door. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. I pay taxes. A diary note 4k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. I pay taxes. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. I'm concerned. I would like to pay the unpaid tax. A diary note 8k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. I'm concerned. I would like to pay the unpaid tax. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. Mirrors of replies. A diary note 7k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. Mirrors of replies. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. Reflections before the applying to the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation. ... 8k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. Reflections before the applying to the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The 3rd application to the Rf Ministry of Finance is ready to be sent. A diary note ... 10k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. The 3rd application to the RF Ministry of Finance is ready to be sent. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The 4rd application to the Rf Ministry of Finance was sent to Moscow. A diary note ... 15k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. The 4rd application to the RF Ministry of Finance was sent to Moscow. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The amount of unpaid tax is being specified. A diary note 13k   Переводы Комментарии
    Towards the Moon. The amount of unpaid tax is being specified. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The appeal has been redirected, the application has been registered. A diary note 8k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. The appeal has been redirected, the application has been registered. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The application was sent by affiliation. A diary note 4k   Философия
    Towards the Moon. The application was sent by affiliation. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The optimal variant of the address to the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation. ... 9k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. The optimal variant of the address to the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The recovery in the tax base is approaching. A diary note 7k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. The recovery in the tax base is approaching. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The state provides compensation for the damage caused. A diary note 17k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. The state provides compensation for the damage caused. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. Unpaid (in full) taxes and trips to the taiga. A diary note 5k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. Unpaid (in full) taxes and trips to the taiga. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. While listening to the Valdai Speech. A diary note 7k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. While listening to the Valdai Speech. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. While reading the G20 Rome Leaders" Declaration. A diary note 5k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. While reading the G20 ROME LEADERS" DECLARATION. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. Keyboard and email. A diary note 10k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. Keyboard and email. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Towards the Moon. The creative potential of Vasily Nebenzya encourages reflection. The note 5k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. The creative potential of Vasily Nebenzya encourages reflection. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Transactions with historical surnames on Kosti-Nf. A story 6k   Переводы
    Transactions with historical surnames on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Transfer paid tourist tours, not cancel them. The boy goes to Azov, the girl goes to Istanbul. Переносить ... 4k   Философия
    Transfer paid tourist tours, not cancel them. The boy goes to Azov, the girl goes to Istanbul. Переносить оплаченные туристические туры, а не отменять их. Мальчик едет в Азов, девочка - в Стамбул. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Transformeton. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Transformeton. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Tree planting, afforestation and a privileged construction business. The note 4k   Переводы
    Tree planting, afforestation and a privileged construction business. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Triumphaton (I erected an acheropoietus monument to myself). A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 1k   Философия
    Triumphaton (I erected an acheropoietus monument to myself). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Triumphaton in the Art Nouveau style. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 2k   Философия
    Triumphaton in the Art Nouveau style. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Tsivilyov wrote that seven hospitalized mine rescuers are preparing to be discharged [from a medical ... 1k   Философия
    Tsivilyov wrote that seven hospitalized mine rescuers are preparing to be discharged [from a medical institution]. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Turkey launched on December 19, 2021, the Türksat 5b satellite with 3 military X-band transponders ... 5k   Философия
    Turkey launched on December 19, 2021, the Türksat 5B satellite with 3 military X-band transponders (global coverage). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Turkey, 2022: how to get out of the "crisis"? A note 7k   Переводы
    Turkey, 2022: how to get out of the "crisis"? A note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Turkey. A new technological idea "Radar Surveillance System for the Coastal Zone" (Sgrs) and a possible ... 5k   Переводы
    Turkey. A new technological idea "Radar Surveillance System for the Coastal Zone" (SGRS) and a possible economic benefit. An essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two car episodes from the history of interpersonal relationships. An autobiographical note. (With the ... 13k   Переводы
    Two car episodes from the history of interpersonal relationships. An autobiographical note. (With the autobiographical story as app).
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two city buses. From the diary by Lena Likeeva 8k   Сказки
    XIX. Two city buses. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - April 20, 2024.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two classes of great space powers. On the question of the classification of the great space powers. A ... 3k   Переводы
    Two classes of great space powers. On the question of the classification of the great space powers. A theoretical essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two days in November 2021. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 2k   Философия
    Two days in November 2021. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two lucky suitcases with money. Alexander Khanzhonkov writes about the events after 1914. A literary ... 7k   Переводы
    Two lucky suitcases with money. Alexander Khanzhonkov writes about the events after 1914. A literary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two memories about the Gorbachev 's reign. A memoir note 3k   Переводы
    Two memories about the Gorbachev 's reign. A memoir note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two photographs of participants in the battle on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. An archival note 6k   Переводы
    Two photographs of participants in the battle on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. An archival note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two singers on central radio. A culturogical note 4k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXXXIX. Two singers on central radio. A culturological note. - October 28, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two top-level meetings on cosmic development (April 12, 2021, September 29, 2021). The strategic task ... 4k   Переводы
    Two top-level meetings on cosmic development (April 12, 2021, September 29, 2021). The strategic task of modern Russial cosmic policy. Our personal opinion. An essay on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Two versions of the sharp fall in the exchange rate (of imperial currency): a naive and a conspirological ... 5k   Переводы
    Two versions of the sharp fall in the exchange rate (of imperial currency): a naive and a conspirological . A fantastic economic essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Uk National space strategy (2021), the Roscomos Corporation report for 2020, qualitative and quantitative ... 5k   Переводы
    UK National space strategy (2021), the ROSCOMOS Corporation report for 2020, qualitative and quantitative indicators of the development of the space industry. An essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Uncle Sanya (a Delphic Oracle of the Xxi century). A story for children about Seryozha 6k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXLIV. Uncle Sanya (a Delphic Oracle of the XXI century). A story for children about Seryozha. - August 18, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: United power with Minma on Kosti-Nf. A foreign policy sketch 11k   Переводы
    United power with Minma on Kosti-NF. A foreign policy sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Unlucky designer, darling of fate Viktor Fedorovich Bolkhovitinov ("patron"). Secrets of the scientific ... 12k   Переводы
    Unlucky designer, darling of fate Viktor Fedorovich Bolkhovitinov ("patron"). Secrets of the scientific business in the USSR. A biographical sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Unnecessary talks. A story for children about Seryozha 6k   Переводы
    MMMCDX. Unnecessary talks. A story for children about Seryozha. - December 8, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Updated blogger Kanya. A story 7k   Переводы
    Updated blogger Kanya. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Upper Saltovo, Kunersdorf, Saltarello. A toponymic essay 4k   Переводы
    Upper Saltovo, Kunersdorf, Saltarello. A toponymic essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Utility debts. Some methods of their creation. A diary note 8k   Переводы
    Utility debts. Some methods of their creation. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Valentin Serov's poster for the "Saison Russe" with the image of the ballerina Anna Pavlova (1909). A ... 3k   Переводы
    Valentin Serov's poster for the "Saison Russe" with the image of the ballerina Anna Pavlova (1909). A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Valery Bryusov. The last pages of a woman's diary. A talented innovative literary work (1910). A literary ... 8k   Переводы
    MMMCDXLII. Valery Bryusov. The last pages of a woman's diary. A talented innovative literary work (1910). A literary essay. - February 7, 2024.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vanya Zhukov is going to the Internet elections and is looking for a place for a two-day vacation. A ... 6k   Переводы
    Vanya Zhukov is going to the Internet elections and is looking for a place for a two-day vacation. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vasily Alexandrovich serves in the army (before and after October 1917 - until 1926). An archival essay ... 12k   Переводы
    Vasily Alexandrovich serves in the army (before and after October 1917 - until 1926). An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vasily Alexandrovich studies in the North Caucasus State University, Vladimir Vasilievich writes a book ... 8k   Переводы
    Vasily Alexandrovich studies in the North Caucasus State University, Vladimir Vasilievich writes a book about piezoelectrics. An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vasily Alexandrovich writes a certificate for the Nkvd. Archive essay 9k   Переводы
    Vasily Alexandrovich writes a certificate for the NKVD. Archive essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vasily Alexandrovich writes the autobiography. An archival essay 11k   Переводы
    Vasily Alexandrovich writes the autobiography. An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vasily Nebenzya. "Nicely thought up - to declare the greenhouse gas emissions to blame, and also the ... 1k   Философия
    Vasily Nebenzya. "Nicely thought up - to declare the greenhouse gas emissions to blame, and also the Sun and the Moon ...". A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Velikiye Prokhody (Great Passages). An essay on geographical and historical associations 5k   Переводы
    Velikiye Prokhody (Great Passages). An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Ventilator. Вентилятор. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 4k   Философия
    Ventilator. Вентилятор. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Virus specialists at the Gaidar Forum. Специалисты по вирусам на Гайдаровском Форуме. A work of the East- ... 2k   Философия
    Virus specialists at the Gaidar Forum. Специалисты по вирусам на Гайдаровском Форуме. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladik is training. On Kosti-Nf. A story 14k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXVII. Vladik is training. On Kosti-NF. A story. - July 25, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Bogomolov and Yulian Semyonov. Western Crimea is not Koktebel. A literary essay 8k   Переводы
    Vladimir Bogomolov and Yulian Semyonov. Western Crimea is not Koktebel. A literary essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Solodov. Container shipments are under the manual monitoring. A work of the East-Republican ... 2k   Философия
    Vladimir Solodov. Container shipments are under the manual monitoring. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Vasilievich and an employee of Smersh (in connection of the joint safeguard of the Chernobyl ... 8k   Переводы
    Vladimir Vasilievich and an employee of SMERSH (in connection of the joint safeguard of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Vasilievich and his friends in the yard - "guys from our yard." A memoir sketch 16k   Переводы
    Vladimir Vasilievich and his friends in the yard - "guys from our yard." A memoir sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Vasilievich talks about visiting the Nkvd in 1937. A story 5k   Переводы
    Vladimir Vasilievich talks about visiting the NKVD in 1937. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Vasilievich writes a letter to the patriot of the Soviet Motherland, comrade Vlasov A.V. An ... 16k   Переводы
    Vladimir Vasilievich writes a letter to the patriot of the Soviet Motherland, comrade Vlasov A.V. An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Vasilievich writes to the newspaper a story about the capture of Field Marshal Paulus. An archival ... 13k   Переводы
    Vladimir Vasilievich writes to the newspaper a story about the capture of Field Marshal Paulus. An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Vasilievich, navigator. An archival essay 12k   Переводы
    Vladimir Vasilievich, navigator. An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Vladimir Vasilievich, out of patriotic motives, works in favour of the Soviet Motherland. (The employment ... 12k   Переводы
    Vladimir Vasilievich, out of patriotic motives, works in favour of the Soviet Motherland. (The employment book and the party card of a member of the CPSU). An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Voevodyno is a settlement with an ancient history. A geographical essay 3k   Переводы
    Voevodyno is a settlement with an ancient history. A geographical essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Ward number 6. A farcical note in imitation of Anton Pavlovich 5k   Переводы
    MMMCDLVII. Ward number 6. A farcical note in imitation of Anton Pavlovich. - March 6, 2024.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: We say to our heroes "Thank you very much!". A dialogue about espionage 2k   Переводы
    We say to our heroes "Thank you very much!". A dialogue about espionage.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: We walk together, in a rows. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCXCVI. We walk together, in a rows. A story for children about Seryozha. - June 13, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: We will judge him according to the laws of the mountains on Kosti-Nf. A story 14k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXX. We will judge him according to the laws of the mountains on Kosti-NF. A story. - September 26, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: We, together with Catherine the Second. We carry out afforestation. A note 8k   Переводы
    We, together with Catherine the Second. We carry out afforestation. A note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: What are we here for? Зачем мы здесь находимся? A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    What are we here for? Зачем мы здесь находимся? A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: What kind of figure you are? In the Belarusian estate, the owner gives an interview to the Bbc employee. ... 2k   Философия
    What kind of figure you are? In the Belarusian estate, the owner gives an interview to the BBC employee. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: What was that? (After another geopolitical catastrophe). A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 2k   Философия
    What was that? (After another geopolitical catastrophe). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: What's the weather like? A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    What's the weather like? A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Where does the Don River flow to? (Geography lesson). Куда впадает река Дон? (Урок географии). A work ... 4k   Философия
    Where does the Don River flow to? (Geography lesson). Куда впадает река Дон? (Урок географии). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Where to put the monument to Saint Hubertus? The note 2k   Переводы
    Where to put the monument to Saint Hubertus? The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Who are Pesniary? A culturological essay 5k   Переводы
    Who are Pesniary? A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Who does the people love? "i erected a monument to myself not made by hands...". Historical story about ... 6k   Переводы
    MMMCCCV. Who does the people love? "I erected a monument to myself, which is not made by hands...". Historical story about a literary creativity. - June 22, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: With thoughts of children! За детей! A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 4k   Философия
    With thoughts of children! За детей! A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: With Vivaldi melodies. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    With Vivaldi melodies. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Yampil. The route "Balkans - Severskaya Land, the Don region". An essay on geographical and historical ... 10k   Переводы
    Yampil. The route "Balkans - Severskaya Land, the Don region". An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Yasynuvata (Yasinovataya). An essay on geographical and historical associations 4k   Переводы
    Yasynuvata (Yasinovataya). An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Yellow, blue, white. A political mosaic. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    Yellow, blue, white. A political mosaic. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Yuri Trifonov writes a story about the right of ownership of a house, lost during the revolution and ... 6k   Переводы
    Yuri Trifonov writes a story about the right of ownership of a house, lost during the revolution and the civil war (in the city of Novocherkassk). A humorous literary essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Zevaki on Kosti-Nf. A story 15k   Переводы
    MMMCCCX. Zevaki on Kosti-NF. A story. - June 27, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: \@elonmusk. thinking of quitting my jobs & becoming an influencer full-time wdyt (6:56 Am • Dec 10. 2021).•a ... 3k   Философия
    \@elonmusk. thinking of quitting my jobs & becoming an influencer full-time wdyt (6:56 AM • Dec 10. 2021).•A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Движение "бесценный флот". Иронический культурологический скетч 2k   Проза
    Движение "Бесценный флот". Иронический культурологический скетч.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: За Антоновским мостом. Beyond the Antonivskyi Bridge. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art ... 4k   Философия Комментарии
    За Антоновским мостом. Beyond the Antonivskyi Bridge. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Люди с миллионами (олигархи). Figures with millions (oligarchs). A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 4k   Философия
    Люди с миллионами (олигархи). Figures with millions (oligarchs). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Подсчёт. The counting. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 5k   Философия
    Подсчёт. The counting. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Посол слышит детский смех в Афганистане рядом со своим офисом. Интернет-картина 0k   Проза
    Посол слышит детский смех в Афганистане рядом со своим офисом. Интернет-картина. 13 октября 2021 г. 07:18 { 2452. Посол слышит детский смех в Афганистане рядом со своим офисом. Интернет-картина. MMСCCСXXII. The ambassador hears children's laughing in Afghanistan near the office. ...
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Пусть бегут неуклюже. Подготовка к новому песенному фестивалю. (Let run clumsily. A preparation for a ... 5k   Философия
    Пусть бегут неуклюже. Подготовка к новому песенному фестивалю. (Let run clumsily. A preparation for a new festival of song.) A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Цивилизация особого типа. Civilization of a special type.A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 4k   Философия
    Цивилизация особого типа. Civilization of a special type.A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Чувак узнаёт об Андрее и включает Аллу. Chuvak learns of about Andrey and turns on Alla [pugacheva]. ... 3k   Философия
    Чувак узнаёт об Андрее и включает Аллу. Chuvak learns of about Andrey and turns on Alla [Pugacheva]. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zaraia: А что у нас на сладенькое!!??)))) 1k   Проза, Юмор, Байки Комментарии
    Чем может закончиться банальный поход в магазин...)))
  • Zaraia: Здесь и сейчас 1k   Проза, Философия Комментарии
    Когда невозможно больше держать в себе...
  • Zaraia: Легенда о Звездной Деве... 3k   Фэнтези Комментарии
    ОСКОЛКИ МИРОВ 2 что-то чуть более позитивное...
  • Zaraia: Немного о советах и справедливости... 2k   Проза, Юмор, Байки Комментарии
    Дачные приключения
  • Zaraia: Ненужная правда 5k   Фэнтези Комментарии
    ОСКОЛКИ МИРОВ 3 ... что-то размышлительное ...
  • Zaraia: Ночь....Кладбище 2k   Мистика, Юмор Комментарии
    Было у меня и такое...
  • Zaraia: Отпустить... 3k   Проза, Фанфик Комментарии
    Читательский постскриптум
  • Zaraia: Попаданка!? Жги! 4k   Фэнтези Комментарии
    ОСКОЛКИ МИРОВ 5. О тонкостях интерпритации. ЧЮ у написавшего специфическое,осторожно!;))
  • Zaraia: Привиделось... 2k   Фанфик Комментарии
    По следам прочитанного.ФТЛ.
  • Zaraia: Проклинаю... 4k   Фэнтези Комментарии
    Осколки миров... Мрачное ЗАКОНЧЕНО. НЕ ВЫЧИТАННО.
  • Zaraia: Точка возврата 1k   Фанфик Комментарии
    Еще одна зарисовка по мотивам ФТЛ
  • Zarius: Секрет дракона 4k   Фанфик
  • Zarnitsa&marisabella: Что надеть? =) 10k   События, Юмор Комментарии
    Если честно, то это просто спонтанный женский треп в qip'е на извечную тему, которая заканчивается совсем иной))) Кому-то это покажется вовсе не смешным, и даже убогим. Выкладываю это, просто потому, что нам было весело)) Пунктуация и орфография не сохранены и была осуществлена небольшая ...
  • Zashukovana: Тебе, Любимая моя... 1k   Проза
  • Zelbai: Омак по наруто 2k   Юмор, Байки, Пародии Комментарии
    Этот укуренный бред навеян комментарием и картинкой. Огромное спасибо Артёму за классную картинку
  • Zelenin Alexander Kirillovich: Лера 0k   Проза
  • Zergee: Благодарность 3k   Проза Комментарии
  • Zergee: Поймать его 3k   Эротика Комментарии
    Миниатюра написана по Первому Баттлу.
  • Zergee: Помни: ты не один. 1k   Проза Комментарии
  • Zergee: Священная Корова 4k   Проза Комментарии
  • Zerinten: Нужен... 2k   Проза Комментарии
    Loveless. Когда Соби нет рядом - Рицка скучает по нему. Рицка, Соби.
  • Zinguerr: В разбитом королевстве грез 0k   Поэзия Комментарии
  • Zinguerr: Весна запоздалая. 0k   Поэзия Комментарии
  • Zinguerr: Какой цвет - подлинный? 1k   Поэзия Комментарии
  • Zinguerr: Лимит красок 0k   Поэзия Комментарии
  • Zinguerr: После бала 1k   Сказки Комментарии
  • Zinguerr: Шорохи 0k   Поэзия Комментарии
  • Zinna: Фанфик по "Полосатым галактикам" Джейн Астрадени 13k   Эротика Комментарии
    Вот такое написалось... Читать между звездочками, кусочек авторского текста оставлен чисто для ориентировки. Текст полностью здесь:
  • Zlata Ivanova: Спасибо За Уроки. 5k   Лирика
  • zmey: Deja Vu 4k   Философия Комментарии
    Просто маленькая зарисовочка.
  • zmey: Избушка и вампир 4k   Философия Комментарии
    Еще одна зарисовочка от 19.06.09
  • zmey: Переделкин 1k   Пародии Комментарии
    А вот так... есть произведение, а я его выдаю на свой лад )))
  • zmey: Путешествие на звезду 3k   Проза Комментарии
    Из серии о Фиолетовом Зайце. Капелька очаровывающего абсурда...
  • zmey: Сказочка про Белого Бычка с лирическим эпиграфом 2k   Проза Комментарии
  • Zoaron: Большое слияние 4k   Фантастика, Постмодернизм
  • Zoaron: Паук в паутине 2k   Комментарии
  • Zoaron: Увидевший 3k   Фантастика
  • Zuikuri: Акимичи Кочи. Антигерой Конохи 6k   Фэнтези Комментарии
  • Zuikuri: Дейдара и Тоби. Забытый конфуз 4k   Оценка:6.00*4   Фанфик Комментарии
  • Zuikuri: Троллинг юных гениев страны Огня 2k   Детская, Фэнтези, Фанфик Комментарии
  • Zverski Pan: Гон чар 0k   Проза, Поэзия Комментарии
  • Zverski Pan: Механика сна 2k   Проза, Поэзия Комментарии
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