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My faith is you

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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You appeared to me so fast.
It was nice and quite long ago.
And you went away as the past
So swift, as we come into sorrow.

You come back, I was happy that day.
And I finished my thinking of you.
But all happiness went far away
And I thought that my love come not true.

But you entered again with the sun
When I was at the very brink
And you brought me a little bit fun
And my grief started slowly to shrink.

Couldn"t I understand that was chance?
Yes I could. It was fortune for me.
I began to destroy my old fence,
Which I built when I wanted be free.

But forgive me, we always are fools,
Don"t know it"s dear for us,
In the hands of the fate we are tools,
We continue to love and to trust.

Now I know that you are my all,
And you help me when I"m nearly lost.
Don"t let me so painfully fall
Once again and my heart to be frost.

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