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I search for the soldier

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    I search for the soldier


Hi, brothers and sisters!

   Colonel J.A.Firsakov - temporarily acting as the Military Commissioner of the Astrakhan area Has sent me the book Memory. We shall name by name. The Russian Federation. The Astrakhan area under F.D.Golikova's edition and G.I.Fed'ko, Volgograd, 1995 where on 296 page it is written:
   Stonogin Michael Filippovich, the private soldier, 1918 of birth., the Astrakhan area, Ahtubinsky district, village Sokrutovka. He is called by the Kirov Regional military registration and enlistment office. Was lost.
   Stonogin Paul Il'ich, the private soldier. 1904 of birth, the Astrakhan area, Ahtubinsky district, village Sokrutovka. He is called by the Regional military registration and enlistment office. 345. Was lost December, 28 1941. It is buried in the city - hero Sevastopol.


   I address to you with the request for the help in search of my relative who has disappeared during the second world war - the uncle -
   Stonogin Michael Filippovich, Russian, orthodox, 1918 of birth which was called on the second world war by the Kirov Regional military registration and enlistment office from village Sokrutovki, the Astrakhan area, Ahtubinskogo district of Russia (the postal index 416524) where he lived.
   The uncle where served was called for what armies and under what circumstances was gone to anybody! It is not known.
   I addressed in many instances of Russia: The Astrakhan regional military registration and enlistment office, Archival department of administration of the Astrakhan area, the Central archive of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation city of Podolsk, the central military archive of city of Moscow, the Central Moscow archive of documents on special carriers, the State archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian state military archive, the Central archive of social movements of Moscow, the Central archive of boundary armies, the Military-medical museum of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the newspaper Krasnogorskie vesti, Center of public organizations Krasnogorska, the Book of memory of city of Moscow, Service of external investigation of the Russian Federation, the Central archive of Federal security service of the Russian Federation, the State central museum of a modern history of Russia, the Russian State historical archive, the Commission at the president of the Russian Federation on interned and disappeared without a message, Archival management of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region.
   The reference have published in Internet on a site Continent USA, a site of the Moscow regional system of a supply with information of youth (the Source, information leaflet N1 (57/20.01.2000. Public organization Frjazinskaja youth league (http://www.mobl.ru/youth/IL1 (57) .htm), e-mail: fryaz@obladm.msk.su. The information gathers on particles. The data from archives of the National commissariat of internal affairs, Committee of state security, Federal security service of Russia anybody from to whom I applied about the help, may not give. For effective search the indicating of conditional number or the valid name of military unit is necessary, at service in which the uncle was gone.
   According to the military registration and enlistment Office of the Astrakhan area under the book called in series of the Soviet Army in a military commissariat of Ahtubinskogo district citizen Stonogin MICHAEL Filippovich does not appear. Under the book of Memory we shall Name by name on the Astrakhan area sent to me by colonel J.A.Firsakov from a military commissariat of the Astrakhan area, for what I am intimately grateful to it(him), volume 5, appears page 296: ordinary Stonogin MICHAEL Filippovich - 1918 of birth, the native of the Astrakhan area, Ahtubinskogo district, village Sokrutovka, is called by the Kirov Regional military registration and enlistment office, was lost. According to the Central archive of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation from May, 16, 2001 in documents of the account of irrevocable losses of sergeants and the soldier of the Soviet Army for the period of Great Domestic war 1941-1945 Stonogin Michael Filippovich of 1918 of birth among the victims died of wounds and disappeared without a message does not appear. Data on destiny of staff of navy Fleet, boundary armies, armies of the National military commissariat of internal affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs), Committee of state security and the guerrilla in the Central archive of the Ministry of Defence are not present. Employees of the newspaper the Russkij Vestnik have printed my letter on pages of the newspaper completely disinterestedly. Thank all of them. Reactions to the publication yet were not.
   There is no more that love as if who will put to douche the for friends of the (John. 15, 13)
   War is completed then when last soldier is buried - wrote Volter Вольтер.
   We for you and for you believed on a field of battle a stomach the. Whether and you remembered us, whether recollected us, whether prayed for us?
   If you will manage to find even particles of the information, convincingly ask to direct them to addresses:
   143400 Russias, the Moscow area, city of Krasnogorsk, street Railway, the house 28А - 24
   Stonogin Sergey Vasil'evich.
   Тел. 562 - 51 - 74
   E-mail: main70@stk.mmtel.ru

Whenever possible it is necessary to place my letter in international computer network Internet. +++

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