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Someone like me...

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   Someone, who just like me...
   Report 2345Y/t7
   Top secret
   Military craft Diara
   Port - New England
   Destination - Terra 13
   Captain - J. Head Simmons (colonel)
   Navigator - T. Reaper Arstone (lieutenant)
   Doctor - K. Cutter Torronson (lieutenant)
   Technique - M. A. Anderson
   Cargo - classified
   Passengers - classified
   Mission status - active
  -- Hey you, smartass, come here! -
   Smartass, that is I. Alex Hike, 28, PL. The last one means that I'm a psycholinguist. Elite, like they say, in all that propaganda crap...
   What does that mean? I'm a freak. At least that's how other people call us, as they hate even this word -Psycholinguist. It has started in the middle of this century...
   In 2035 humanity actually made it to the space, and as we knew before, we were not alone...but we were only one aggressive. Conquest. Humans have destroyed more than dozen of species, when met they first serious enemy - Dra`hanty. Than, the War has begun.
   In two years, our scientists found something what they called Alpha gene. That was the day, when Perfect breed begun their existence. Warriors without fear, very skilled soldiers, who were executing their orders without any questions.
   Than Beta gene, and we are...
   When you're taking a deep breath to begin a conversation, we already know what will be your first word. When you are saying first phrase, we know what you are thinking about. After few sentences, we know everything about you. Telepathic? Shit no! Attention and analysis.
   After that moment, when you got Beta, if you managed to stay alive of course, your world is changing. First of all, you now got two more senses - Hyperperseption and Influence. This will make you able to read people verbal and not verbal information, and persuade them to do what you want them to do with a couple of words. Almost gods? I don't think so. Every one of us is under the Block - psychological set that simply will blow my brain if I will try to use influence on homo sapiens. But if you think, that that is all, you are really mistaken. Every my usual sense is upgraded to highest possible level. A gift? Rather curse I will say. I'm to feel every fluid of Hatred aimed on me, I'm to suffer bright light, I'm to eat only food with a mild taste.
   Those guys, the Breed, they hate us most of all...Nobody wants someone to read their mind, especially them. They're enjoying the killing. They know that we know that.
   Their reputation on the Earth? Hell, every one of them is a Hero there.
   Our reputation? People are afraid of us.
   Government made society believe that Earth is in a state of war with mindless evil aggressor, and they are, our-precious-Breed-soldiers, the ones who stand between civilization and chaos, blood and destruction. We are, secret and very closed club, who are supporting them. Key word is secret. Nobody, except chosen, don't have full information `bout us. People are afraid of anything, that they do not understand, they don't understand us, more that that, they know enough to envy our abilities.
   The most ironical thing is that some big shots from the Government decided us to work with A-gene bearers, like we will be a perfect team. Idiots. Now, sharing this small ship with a bunch of this cutthroats, I was cursing them...
  -- I'm talking to you, Freak! Get your ass from the seat, or I...- Screamed again sergeant Kalling, addressing me of course.
  -- Or you what sir? - I stood up and ask him in return - Kill me? And how will you than open the mission package? -
   Top secrecy mission pack D2 could be open only with the participation of the PL. He knew it, just as I did.
  -- That's why I'm asking you to come here Psycho, it's time to do it - He reverted his eyes from me, and put his hand on the scanner, computer clicked for a few seconds, and than requested my voice.
  -- Psycholinguist Alex 3452, Diary board, Confirmation - Said I
  -- Please look at the screen and enter the scripted password below the picture - That was the usual procedure of checking an identity, only someone who is a psyches, could find correct answer. I peered into the running symbols and printed Flamenco.
  -- Password is correct. Access granted. Thank you -
  -- You heard him, now step aside Mister Brain - Serg jostled me from the keyboard, I felt a punch into my back, and turned. Jorge Paletti, second in command. AKA Juice.
  -- Watch where you go jerk -
   I felt anger inside my chest.
  -- Hey, Paletti, have you told anybody, that you were dressing mommy's dresses in age of seven? -
   Eye trembling, temperature of his breath has changed, slight movement of his eyebrow, and I knew where and where he will try to hit me before he did. Evasion.
  -- Stop fooling around there. Everyone to the Briefing room -
   Paletti stood up, spited the blood and walk away without saying a word. I knew that he would finish me with the first opportunity, just like everyone on this ship...
  -- Gentlemen, I'm pleased to inform you that this will be mission just for us - began Kalling with a bloodlust on his face - Annihilation of a remaining forces at Terra 13. After a deep bombing operation few days ago, planet defense, most of the bases and research facilities were destroyed. In a few words, we here, to finish the businesses -
  -- Sounds like not to tough, why we serg? - Asked him Morgan, one of the veterans in this team. He was a walking legend - Space marines' succers could do it without interference of the Breed...-
  -- They could Jack, thy could. Second objective of the mission, is the recovering of the block6, holding at the industrial plant with heavy defenses -
  -- I see...- smiled Morgan.
   There were twelve of them, really happy men, anticipating blood and death. I was sitting in the corner of briefing room, and analyzing information. Something was wrong with that secondary objective, something really wrong...
   First of all, block6 is a code for any alien artifact, and this a jurisdiction of ID - Interplanetary Intelligence. Than, I saw the factual briefing on the screen, and I didn't like how the phrases were builded. I didn't like it at all.
  -- They gonna set us up...- I made a conclusion, and said it aloud
   Silence fell on in the briefing room, and than in a few seconds it blew up with screams.
  -- Shut up you Freak!!! -
  -- Let kill him right now!!! -
  -- Are you mad, piece of failed experiment!!! -
   Sergeant distinctly said, looking straight to my eyes
  -- We don't care PL, landing well took place in 32 minutes. Check the field information as soon as possible, report me your Conclusion, and...you gonna fly with us. You scared to death I'll say, and I will spare you of this fear -
  -- You can't do that sergeant - I knew that everyone will die on this planet - It is not in the instructions -
   He put out from his pocket devise - persuader.
  -- Do you know what will happen with you if I will active it? -
   I knew.
  -- So I suggest you'd better to perform my order, and begin the equipment.
   I was running through the dark path to nowhere.
   We were ambushed. Scanning the territory, I've found nothing that can be called a danger...
   After landing, enemy attacked, we were outnumbered, more than half of a team was killed including sergeant Kelling.
   They blamed me. They shot at me. Now, they were chasing me. HE was chasing me. Paletti.
   Turn to the right, to the left, run, run Alex, or they will find you and kill. Run if you want to survive!!!
   I found myself on the floor, looking onto alien. That was continuing for a minute, I tried to analyze him...
   Right upper tentacle moved to left, nose sniffed two times deep, and one time not, hand with a gun aimed on shaking, eyes...
   So we were sitting there, with two guns aimed on each other, without pulling the trigger - two PL from different species.
   Shadow appeared behind my back...
   I heard the steps somewhere near the alien...
   Reading him, I found only curiosity and no aggression, but how can this be? Drah`anty , my enemy?
   Palletti aimed the laser turrel to the Alex head...
   Drah`lanty trooper appeared from the other side of the corridor, and aimed plasma gun to rebel PL from his race...
   We were the same, me and my enemy, no, not an alien, but a friend. I've putted my gun down. He did the same.
   Trooper and Paletti saw each other, and pushed the triggers. Hate...Both, they fell dead.
   Drah`anty PL stood up, and gave me one of his hands. I took it, and than, we went somewhere.
   Where? Don't care. I was sharing the pass with someone, who understood me. Someone, who apart from my brothers who just tried to kills me, never would do that.
   Someone, just like me....
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