Пряхин Андрей Александрович : другие произведения.

Merry Gravediggers - Hamlet

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    MERRY GRAVEDIGGERS - HAMLET V. Savinov Drama Theatre, 2011. The song sung by the Clowns https://youtu.be/T_sOEOS_Slk in the scene (starts from 3:47) is a parody of lyrics of the song composed by L. Schwartz from the Golden Key feature film of 1939. The scene starts as it"s supposed to be: the 1st&2nd Clowns (Act V Scene I. A churchyard Enter Two Clowns, with Spades, & c.), but then it"s a little bit abridged as Horatio appears right from the words: `Hamlet: ... Whose grave's this, sirrah?`.

The lyrics of the Clowns` song read:

Далёко-далёко за морем
Лежит золотая страна,
Детей там не мучают в школах,
А все старики - богачи.

На розах растут сигареты,
На пальмах растёт шоколад.
И все, кто там снова родился,
Обратно попасть не хотят.

Текут там коньячные реки,
Озера с шампанским блестят,
И утки в зажаренном виде
Вам прямо на стол прилетят.

Far, far, faraway up above there
There is the fool"s paradise rule.
Where all the old people are wealthy
And kids haven"t to go to school.

The cigars grow out of roses
And chocolate grows on the palms!
The passed away, youngsters and oldsters,
They don"t want to get back to us.

There flow the rivers of brandy,
There glitter the lakes of champagne!
And ducks fried and juicy are ready
To fly to your table in train.

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