Пряхин Андрей Александрович
Complete Works By Andrew Alexandre Owie

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  Copyright: Андрей Александрович Пряхин (Андрюханссон))(Россия), он же
  Andrew Alexandre Owie (UK), он же Al(caeus) Byron-Omnipotentassis (Greece),
  он же Bob Lokhar (Боб Лохарь)(US), он же Henri Henri, он же Commissaire
  Juve (France), он же Мамору Юкио (真守 雪雄 (まもる ゆきお))(Япония),
  он же Job подробнее>>

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 Пухов А.Ю.
 Р-Ин В.Г.
 Резцов А.В.
 Севасту-Батищева О.М.
 Сёмин Б.Д.
 Симакин А.А.
 Соколов А.Н.
 Старцев А.Н.
 Суханова Е.
 Таранович Н.И.
 Тверская Е.
 Толстопятова Г.В.
 Трифоненко В.
 Фаэрли Р.
 Федяева К.Ю.
 Филимонов Е.
 Хакимова Д.М.
 Шестакова Т.А.
 Школьник Э.А.
 Юдина Н.
 Южная Ю.Ф.
 Яновицкая С.А.
 Watergrove M.J.

Сборник рассказов:

  • Huss In Boots   31k   Переводы
  • A parler obscénité   8k   Переводы
    Vas-tu me parler de ta manière obscène et me séduire à nouveau, n'est-ce pas? GONNA TALK BAWDY AND WOO ME AGAIN?
  • Talk Bawdy And Woo 扯谈,讲庸俗的故事   12k   Переводы
    我会扯谈,讲庸俗的故事,再次骚扰 你! GONNA TALK BAWDY AND WOO YOU AGAIN!
  • Рассказ:

  • In a style of Arkady Averchenko В стиле Аркадия Аверченко   5k   Юмор
    "ЭЛЕГИЯ" ("ПЛАЧ ПО НАЦИОНАЛЬНОСТИ") В СТИЛЕ АРКАДИЯ АВЕРЧЕНКО Фёдор Шаляпин "Элегия" https://youtu.be/66_WCh79TW8 Творчество Гензбура необозримо и разнообразно. Кое-что из раннего: Serge Gainsbourg - Le poinçonneur des Lilas (1959) https://youtu.be/eWkWCFzkOvU?list=RDEMFC3zuf_9fcgrpH-PTl2pDw Laetitia https://youtu.be/n_rpie61L70 Serge Gainsbourg et Philippe Clay "L'accordéon" https://youtu.be/Q3gul6eIpSs Serge Gainsbourg & Jean Claude Brialy - Un poison violent, c'est ça l'amour https://youtu.be/UnRIxW3uOj0 Serge Gainsbourg singing "Requiem pour un con" (from the French movie "La Pacha" (1968)) https://youtu.be/ELxr5asAe-4 Serge Gainsbourg "Initials BB" https://youtu.be/h-KMD-18o3o Bonus! La Poinçonneur Des Lilas English and French Lyrics https://youtu.be/WlfnoBPXMgQ Children`s Choir - Le Poinconneur Des Lilas https://youtu.be/VRGVttNE2RA Kenzo Saeki - Le poinçonneur des Lilas https://youtu.be/P-8QucDjiRg "Le poinçonneur des Lilas" de Gainsbourg en russe (Translated and sung by Alexei Makarov) https://youtu.be/Cy2fy7Xp0Nw Le poinçonneur des lilas - La Cigale de Lyon (Teenagers` Choir)https://youtu.be/e9M-B6ONNm4 Le poinçonneur des Lilas (Serge Gainsbourg) - Piano cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXJUOWB4tLM Le Poinçonneur des lilas. interprété par l'orchestre d'harmonie d'Aix les Bains https://youtu.be/ZPrTzHE08dc L'histoire d'une chanson: Gainsbourg, le "Poinçonneur des Lilas" https://youtu.be/KXVAe9eWek0
  • Dunno The Poet   6k   Переводы
    On the 23th November falls Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov`s Birthday. Nikolai Nosov (1908-1976) wrote The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends, Dunno in Sun City, and Dunno on the Moon (1964-1965) as well as other stories about Dunno, the first of those was the Vintik (lit. Screwlet), Shpuntik (lit. Groovelet) and Vacuum Cleaner https://youtu.be/QEAQp94bxtI The below story is in my translation.
  • Letter `you` Буква "Ты"   2k   Переводы
    YOU OR I? From Alexei Panteleyev`s short story `Letter `You` (1945)
  • A Sailors`s Shelter   4k   Переводы
    Рассказ Дмитрия Добродеева A short story by Dmitry Dobrodeyev
  • The Spring Of Oblivion Kлюч забвения   5k   Переводы
    Рассказ Дмитрия Добродеева "Ключ забвения"
  • To Moscow! В Моськву!   22k   Переводы
    This short story written in Russian by a Japanese student Endo Masashi in 1998 in Yeltsin`s Russia and first published in 2001 made a strange impression upon the Russian instructors in the University. The theme was quite new and not trivial, the foreign students drink, the Russian hooligans abuse them in the streets, etc. But later this short story was defined as an exotic Oriental flower of the modern Russian literature despite its irregular grammar, slips of the pen, moreover that short story was recognized as one of the best Russian literary works describing the hero of our time. Endo Masashi who learned in Tokyo and in Moscow is a specialist in the Russian literature. His short story was written in the Japanese Russian, it contains much humour, love of Russia and the Russian. `TO MOSCOW! TO MOSCOW!` relates to the Chekhovian traditions of the Russian literature. But the initial title of the short story that read as THE STROLLING ALONG MOSCOW had also something in common with the Russian poem and lyrics by Gennadiy Shpalikov set to music by Andrey Petrov for the motion picture of 1963 `I am strolling along the Moscow streets`. The hero of our time is also a pure Russian motif originating from the Mikhail Lermontov`s same name novel. But that very Russian `hero of our time` (late 90s of the 20th c.) in the short story is a Japanese teenager. No doubt, there`s a gap between the literary character and the author of the story, it`s une œuvre littéraire indeed rather than non-fiction or journalism. There exist also allusions to The Catcher in the Rye and A Clockwork Orange. The description method is that of a bildungsroman.
    A propos, the irregular grammar, etc. of the English translation imitates the Russian writings of a foreign student. Strictly speaking, it`s a literary device, a trope too.
  • Поэма:

  • Alexandre Reznikov Martian Canals   22k   Переводы
    By Alexandre Reznikov THE WAR OF THE MANDATE OF HEAVEN. INTERLUDE-1. MARTIAN CANALS Александр Резников ВОЙНА ЗА НЕБЕСНЫЙ МАНДАТ. ИНТЕРЛЮДИЯ-1. МАРСИАНСКИЕ КАНАЛЫ. http://artofwar.ru/r/reznikov_a/nebesnii_mandat.shtml
  • Монголия Mongolia   29k   Переводы
    Фёдор Сваровский "Монголия" (поэма, литературная манга-анимэ, написанная 16 августа 2011 г.) MONGOLIA By Feodor Swarowski (a long poem, a literary manga anime written on 16th August of 2011) Feodor Nikolayevich Swarowski (born 6 April, 1971, Moscow) is a Russian poet. He emigrated from the USSR to Denmark when he was 19 years old. He lived in Copenhagen. After he had been admitted to citizenship of Denmark in 1997 he returned to Moscow to work as a TV reporter and journalist. He started writing Indy poems. Soon he had them printed. The Russian critics consider him to be just an interesting author of the distinctive, quasi-modernist romantic ballads full of uninvented feelings. Besides Dostoyevsky and Homer, he is under strong influence of Jack London, David J. Salinger (`The Catcher in the Rye` and short stories), American sci-fi movies, modern culture of Far East (Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea). Besides, he is fond of robots!
  • Mongolia By Swarowski Монголия Фёдора Сваровского   38k   Переводы
    Фёдор Сваровский "Монголия" (поэма, литературная манга-анимэ, написанная 16 августа 2011 г.) MONGOLIA By Feodor Swarowski (a long poem, a literary manga anime written on 16th August of 2011) Feodor Nikolayevich Swarowski (born 6 April, 1971, Moscow) is a Russian poet. He emigrated from the USSR to Denmark when he was 19 years old. He lived in Copenhagen. After he had been admitted to citizenship of Denmark in 1997 he returned to Moscow to work as a TV reporter and journalist. He started writing Indy poems. Soon he had them printed. The Russian critics consider him to be just an interesting author of the distinctive, quasi-modernist romantic ballads full of uninvented feelings. Besides Dostoyevsky and Homer, he is under strong influence of Jack London, David J. Salinger (`The Catcher in the Rye` and short stories), American sci-fi movies, modern culture of Far East (Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea). Besides, he is fond of robots!
  • Сборник стихов:

  • Cards & Harts   3k   Переводы
    CARDS & HARTS To Christine Dunhill "КАРТЫ" и "ОЛЕНИ" Кристине Данхилл
  • A Clubfooted Bear Мишка Косолапый   1k   Переводы
  • Erotic tankas by Ruboku Sho Эротические танка Рубоку Шо   63k   Переводы
    The Erotic Tankas by Ruboku Sho
  • Holmsiesques   2k   Переводы
  • A little fir tree in the wood В лесу родилась ёлочка   12k   Переводы
    A LITTLE FIR TREE IN THE WOOD В ЛЕСУ РОДИЛАСЬ ЁЛОЧКА The famous Russian carol song about a little fir tree that was born in the woods (В лесу родилась ёлочка) https://youtu.be/O9IEvXbJPmI (A classical cover of the children`s Fir Tree Song) Christmas Song- Nu Tändas Tusen Juleljus- Carola. The melody of the song by Kudasheva-Baeckmann is very much alike to the Sweden carol https://youtu.be/JfT06kHnHQM and even Delta Rhythm Boys - Flickorna i Småland (1951) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7kt_COpWhU (this black gang was more known in Denmark, Finland and Sweden rather than in the US. `Wir hatten gebauet ein stattliches Haus` (`We have erected a sublime house`) https://youtu.be/U5wKYbSz3oM Cover version of the of the Fir Tree sung by Maria Kodrianu, a Soviet and Russian pop diva from Moldavia. One of the best, by the way! https://youtu.be/fvNv5y3A3bk A guitar, slightly jazz version by Sergei Rudnev https://youtu.be/2llmOVICA4k
  • Сергей Александрович Есенин Персидские мотивы From the Persian Tunes minstrelsy By Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin   7k   Переводы

    Сергей Александрович Есенин Из стихотворного цикла "Персидские мотивы" From The Persian Tunes minstrelsy by Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin.

    2019-04-20_220212 (643x358, 553Kb)

    The Poem `Nowadays I asked a money-changer` ("Я спросил сегодня у менялы") from the Persian Tunes by Sergei Yesenin https://youtu.be/YM_ywZOrIJs (the music in the background of the video is not Persian but Arabic!) The same poem recited by a Russian film star Sergei Bezrukov https://youtu.be/0W1UuKKo810 Another variant of the poem recited by Sergei Bezrukov plus another wonderful poem of the cycle `You`ve enlightened that Saadi ...` ("Ты сказала, что Саади ...") https://youtu.be/KouT87FY-ZY See also Bezrukov`s reciting of the poem in here: https://youtu.be/5ozkSnxRKGw The variant offered by Artyom Pir-Budagyan includes a second stanza having been unfairly treated as an omissible passage https://youtu.be/jCb1R9QuXkI
  • Poetry of Freemasonry Масонская поэзия   9k   Переводы
    Authentic poetry of Freemasons - Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Аутентичная масонская поэзия (первоисточник) - Древний и принятый шотландский устав
  • Another Portion Of The New Russian Haikus   13k   Переводы
  • Sappho Miscellania   11k   Переводы
    SAPPHO KUNOPIS KAI MANTIS SAPPHO, BITCH AND PHILOSPHER Saying Sappho (invocation) https://youtu.be/K1fy45_YpEg 薔薇よ、薔薇 サッフォー On Sappho in Japanese https://youtu.be/yVMdKnhHlTA Show Ballet `Virginia` performing a comical and sensual Ancient Greek dance in a nightclub (from 2:12). The dancers are professional, they are just moonlighting on the side https://youtu.be/hpnNJRSsD-Q This is a documentary of real Isadora Duncan dancing in the Poseidon temple in Greece in Athens on the Cape Sunion in the Aegean sea. Further she is shown with her Russian husband Sergei Yesenin, the greatest poet of Russia of the 20 c. https://youtu.be/OXU6vEYjlxg Ballet `Isadora` by Tamara Rojo https://youtu.be/FcqzmFl0DhI Et Dieu... Créa la Femme https://youtu.be/vbRNrNo0YWE Greek Music - Greek Goddess dancing Zeibekiko! https://youtu.be/E5Mu6jynJ_g
  • Still Night Тихо В Лесу   5k   Переводы
      STILL NIGHT, FRIGHT NIGHT DOUCE NUIT, NUIT DE LA PEUR 平安夜,恐怖夜 The couplets `Still nights in the wood` https://youtu.be/4xea_G8PJFc are sung to the tune of an old Russian waltz `On the hills of Manzhuria` https://youtu.be/sQz3HRpGz6s (On the hills of Manchuria` by Ilya Shatrov. Performed by the Russia`s Defence Ministry Central Military Band. Conductor Andrei Kolotushkin).
      Many favourite, excellent songs often cast their not always printable shadows. This shadow, their informal unprintable versions and covers, removes the patina of affectedness from the masterpieces which not rarely become victims of the bombastic officiality. It"s the people (not `people`) who invent the `bad` versions of the evergreen works of art. Most often it"s the children"s and teenagers` informal folklore that accompanies a person during the lifetime, and from time to time is remembered and mentioned in a different situations.
      But this very fact does not spoil and doesn"t do any harm to the beautiful originals. Just imagine, a tough guy has been moved by a melody but he can"t afford to sob like a dame, and to conceal his real feelings at parties, when he"s around, he would rather quote something unprintable, vulgar but funny and classical in connection with the performed music. This healthy `cynicism` prevents the theatrics. Shadow lyrics are sometimes the congenial masterpieces in spite of their vulgarity. The mediocre works don"t cast the vulgar shadows. The shadow is not a parody, mocking though it"s funny (ha-ha!). It"s a psychological defense and a good way to relax. Listen also to The Peanuts (ザ・ピーナッツ) sisters https://youtu.be/U7smeXaoKEY
  • Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin Сергей Александрович Есенин   13k   Переводы
    SERGEI ALEXANDROVICH YESENIN (1895-1925) The No 1 of the Russian poetry of the 20 c., one of the greatest poets of the Russian literature comparable only with Alexandre Pushkin. Besides, he is often presented in a rather lop-sided way as a singer of wooden Russia, Russian village and peasants (as well as Leo Tolstoy). They were in some sense though not all the way. By the way, Sergey Yesenin, one of the Russianest of the Russian poets though he liked to be jocularly addressed `Sergey Duncan`, was one of the Baudelaire`s Russian literary grandson. Baudelaire played the same part in the history of the so called Silver Age of the Russian Poetry that Lord Byron had played during its Golden Age in the 19th c. Videos (in order of appearance): The Russian TV series `Sergei Yesenin`. Sergei Yesenin - Sergei Bezrukov (Russia), Isadora Duncan - Sean Young (USA) https://youtu.be/tlEKFFBNxHQ Sergei Bezrukov incomparably reciting the Sergei Yesenin`s poem `I"m tired of my native land ...` https://youtu.be/QLbQcUNq0aw Poem `Witch` by Sergey Yesenin to the music by Zara Levina against the background of the photos of Theda Bara (Theodosia Burr Goodman) (1885-1955), the Vamp of the silent era of cinema. Sung by Nina Isakova. https://youtu.be/ABL6TcQvXKA Yesenin`s poem `To Pushkin` is being recited by Andrei Guriev, a pupil of the 3rd class of the Classical School #4, 9 years old, Kursk City (Oct. 2015) https://youtu.be/0lZItvDI0X8
  • Стихотворение:

  • `i am going out on the road` by Mikhail Lermonov. М.Ю. Лермонтов "Выхожу один я на дорогу"   6k   Переводы
    `Once in presence of Irakliy Luarsabovich Andronikov I called a popular poet a genius. He immediately objected: `He`s too complicated to be considered a genius. All great is simple and clear. It is `I am going out on the road ...` that`s great. That sort of poems seems to contain nothing, but they include all: solitude, Universe, road ... `Night is still. The waste attends Sabaoth`. (from the Memoirs by Anatoly Alexin) (Irakly Andronikov was a leading Lermontov expert in Russia in the 20c.).
    `I am going out on the road ...` By M. Yu. Lermontov recited by Mr. Artyom Pir-Budagyan (Armenia) https://youtu.be/ckExkRNaobA
    The poem by Lermontov `I am going out on the road` was put to music several times, by Piotr Bulakhov (1854), Konstantin Vilboa (1857), N. Chrztianowicz (1875), K. Davydov, Nikolai Ogaryov, N. Dmitriyev. Yet the most popular variant composed in 1861 belongs to Elizaveta (Elisabeth) Shashina (1805-1903).
    `Alone on the road`. Music by Elizaveta Sergeyevna Shashina. Sung by Nicholas Grushko (acc. I. Basilevsky) - Колумбiя Рекордъ http://www.russian-records.com/details.php?image_id=11168&l=russian
    Alone on the road`. Sung by Polish singer Anna German in pure Russian as it was a language of her Siberian childhood https://youtu.be/Bl9VDbRwOxo
    Romance song `I am going out on the road` ("Выхожу один я на дорогу") by E. Shashina. Sung by actress Natalie Gundareva (Russia) and actor Andrejs Zagars (Latvia). They played Marina Zotova and Stepan Kutuzov in the Russian TV Series of 1987 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090552/ based on Maxim Gorky"s novel `The Life of Klim Samgin` https://youtu.be/0a_1_I5r1eY
    Interpretation by a great Russian operatic singer Sergei Lemeshev https://youtu.be/aDnJ88PMqQE
    `I am going out on the road`. Sung by a Russian cossack choir (Evgeniy Bagrintsev, Maxim Sasov, Arseniy Simatov, Mikhail Kalinin, Ivan Lapin, Ilya Chekunov, Mikhail Zamorin, Dmitry Matvienko, Evgeniy Kovalev, Rostislav Kononenko) https://youtu.be/xDKUPoKX2jg
  • Overture by Igor Severyanin   6k   Переводы
    The iconic poem `Overture` (`Ananas au champagne!`) by Igor` Severyanin (Игорь-Сѣверянинъ)
    `Overture` Recided by Valeriy Zolotukhin (from 0:40) AnMComm: Пожалуй, лучшее чтение этого стиха, что я слышал. Очень хорошо передаёт суть истероидного стиха.
    Maybe, the best reciting of that poem I`d ever heard. The actor managed to express the very essence of the hysteroid poem in a very exact way. https://youtu.be/IoXtEVAW8Wo
    `Overture` Sung by Jeanne Bichevskaya & Gennady Ponomaryov https://youtu.be/s10dqTpWIks
    `Overture` (Performance) https://youtu.be/hTqoi8W0EWE
    RECETTE 179: ANANAS AU CHAMPAGNE http://www.cuisinetoo.com/recette/ananas-au-champagne
  • How The Dance Took Its Toll Об Искусстве и Жертвах   2k   Переводы
    HOW THE DANCE TOOK ITS TOLL. A `Scottish` poem by Andrei Khabrov. The Litsedeyi - Theatre of Clowns led by Slava Polunin, Moscow, Russia. The comic (and comical) Celtic Dance https://youtu.be/yWw-ScF7msg
  • Atal Matal Tootooleh اتل متل توتوله   5k   Переводы
    Atal Matal Tootooleh اتل متل توتوله An ancient Persian counting-out rhyme. Une ancienne comptine persane. 古老的波斯童谣。https://youtu.be/0a1ZwhMti-w
  • The Atomic Age Fairy Tale Атомная сказка   2k   Переводы
    The poem which is in the Russian school curriculum relates to a plot and some characters of the Russian fairy tales. The plot is the same as is in the Sleeping Beauty, as to the characters they are noble Prince Ivan and ordinary Ivan the Fool whose traditional roles were reconsidered by the author in a sinister way that enabled to combine them as a single modern character.
  • Autumn Dream Осенний сон   2k   Переводы
    The waltz `Autumn Dream` by a British composer Archibald Joyce (1873-1963) the Russian consider to be their own, because it sounds in a very Russian way. `Autumn dream` sounds as the best illustration of the Chekhovian epoch. Listening to it you feel like reading Anton Chekhov or viewing pictures by Isaac Levitan. https://youtu.be/0D0gNvmbg-4
  • Baby, shoo!   2k   Переводы
  • The belle of the roads Королева дорог   2k   Переводы
    THE BELLE OF THE ROAD The author`s original title is "Блондинка за рулём - это обезьяна за рулём". See http://www.hohmodrom.ru/project.php?prid=39056. I didn`t like it. Therefore I changed it. As a Russian uncle Vanya would say, `И вагина рулём!"
  • Berem Kramle Melting into thin air   4k   Переводы
    Berem kramle (Melting into thin air). A music video fragment from the Czech feature film `Kouř ` (`Smoke&Steam`) https://youtu.be/4h-eGQa-REc (The Tomáš Vorel landmark feature film `Kouř` (`Smoke & Steam`) (Czech Republic), 1991)
  • Big Ben Биг Бен   4k   Переводы
    This poem has been written by a Russian author whose pen name is Andryukha, i.e., informal from Andrei, but his real name is Andrei TROKHIN (Андрей ТРОХИН), born 1971. Interestingly, the author considers his poem to be `weak`. I wish I could write such a `weak` poem!
    ZuPPymTTclI (200x281, 41Kb)
    Andryukha Андрюха
    (Andrei Trokhin
    Андрей ТРОХИН)
  • Let Us Eat Cake! She Says ...   0k   Поэзия
  • Words Are Like Birds С Ними Птички Со Синички   1k   Переводы
  • Blow Up And Puncture An Epigram   0k   Поэзия
  • To Hieronimus Bosch   1k   Переводы
    Variation on the theme of the `To Hieronimus Bosch` by Eugene Mitchkov
  • Brittle Beauty Хрупкость Красоты   2k   Переводы
    BRITTLE BEAUTY By Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey Генри Ховард, Граф Суррей "ХРУПКОСТЬ КРАСОТЫ" Японо-мать, неужели этот перевод сделал я? А то! Ни фига-се! Шакеспир! Ну, раз пошла такая пьянка, режь последний огурец! Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey Two Sonnets "Set Me Whereas the Sun Doth Parch the Green", "Alas, So all Things Now Do Hold Their Peace" https://youtu.be/ohWQTPoGf6k
  • British Journalist Британский журналист   1k   Переводы
    A poem by Humbert Wolfe called British Heinrich Heine by Henry W. Wells.
  • Valeriy Bryusov The Mason Валерий Брюсов Каменщик   2k   Переводы
    Хотя сие стихотворение и подразумевает не просто каменщиков, а кивает на "вольных каменщиков" и имеет политический подтекст, на самом деле к масонству имеет малое отношение, и в большей степени связано с реалиями русской общественной борьбы начала 20 в.
  • Канцона о любви и лихорадке   1k   Поэзия
    Стихотворение от лица Джакомо Казановы (Giacomo Casanova) как главного героя возможного в будущем сериала. Не обращайте внимание, я так прикалываюсь! Ведь это - чистое сю-сю! Разве мужчине можно так? Он должен быть добрым и ... свирепым! Впрочем, этот стих можно использовать как вставной музыкальный номер в пьесе на театре для характеристики героя.
  • Александр Пушкин "Похититель"   1k   Переводы
    When Sasha Pushkin was just six years old, he wrote his first play l"Escamateur in the French language and staged it for his sister Olga. The sister did not appreciate it, and Sasha wrote the epigram and made fun of himself in a self-derogatory way.
  • Meet Cheburashka Знакомьтесь, Чебурашка   1k   Переводы
    dd2b01270752ce64d2a94112f1a111e5 (563x494, 377Kb)
    Voilà! A Russian body print! A manga!
  • Oh, You Chilling Frost Ой, Мороз, Мороз   2k   Переводы
    The song `OH, YOU CHILLING FROST` is a main table song in Russia. It`s a story about a guy coming home in a severe snowstorm in the Russian steppe. It seems to have been existing for ages. But it was created in 1954 and became the national hit in 1968. https://youtu.be/ywGebiBjJr8 , https://youtu.be/yujdRd-0LG8
  • Comic In Verse   3k   Переводы
  • Двустишие "Крик"   0k   Переводы
    Двустишие "Крик"
  • Członkowie serce królem obrali Члены тела на царство Сердце посадили   3k   Переводы
    Mikołaj Rej or Mikołaj Rey of Nagłowice (1505-1569) was a Polish poet and writer of the Renaissance in Poland, as well as a politician and musician. He was the first Polish author to write exclusively in the Polish language, and is considered (with Biernat of Lublin and Jan Kochanowski), to be one of the founders of Polish literary language and literature. The Russian translator of the poem is Assar Isayevich Eppel (Асар Исаевич Эппель (1935-2012)), an outstanding Russian translator of the Polish poetry and prose and a remarkable poet and writer of the excellent original prose. The oral works of the urban folklore, poems, songs, funny stories of a Russian city were just `the excellent witnesses` of time for him, and they were being transformed into the facts of the lofty, even tragic poetry in his own books. It was a right and natural approach. It answers the cultural traditions of the Eastern Roman Empire also known as Russia. Besides the arse is a not rare work of art unless the work of art is the arse. We oughtn`t to mix up arse for art`s sake with art for arse`s sake, i.e, arse house.
  • Damme And Dame Дамм и Мадам   3k   Переводы
    JOY AND FIRE! WOW! Chinese pop star and beauty Ms. Jeannie Hsieh (Republic of China, Island of Taiwan) came upon a snag during her performance. That `snag` was ... see above! It`s really funny! I would hire him as a dance backup for me if I were a singer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHyvcIaPVpQ&list=PL12018C86ED451608
  • Dandy & Didelot   4k   Переводы
    In the Stance XXI of the 1st Chapter of the `Eugene Onegin` Alexandre Pushkin depicts the exact morals and manners of his time. The democratic public claps demanding to start the show. As to gentlemen the then theatrical good tone (bon ton) required to enter the hall at the last minute. The very appearance of gentlemen required the performance of etiquette: exchange of greetings, ritual of bows and conversations. People stood in the stalls, there were just several rows of seats for the High Society men. Ladies were only in the boxes. Onegin forced through twixt the rows which was a deliberate demonstration of the shocking negligence and impudence permitted to the young dandies and rakes. Besides, they had to simulate myopia and use opera glasess. It was not quite appropriate for gentlemen to look at people through the lenses, to lornette them, especially to examine young ladies and it was twice as inappropriate to look at people askance. It could be a pretext for a challenge. But Onegin was a rake and dandy and behaved according to the unwritten rules. The young men of that stratum were also required to express indifference and coolness. They copycatted `byrons`, `childe harolds`. The were all Anglophiles. However, Pushkin who was a replica of Onegin in the described time did not agree with him in his attitude towards Didelot. In his commentary to his novel in verse the author explained his hero`s behaviour like this: `A trait of a damped down temper worthy of Childe Harold. Mr. Didelot`s ballets are filled with a lively imagination and extraordinary delights. One of our romantic writers considered them to contain much more Poetry than all French literature does`. The common mistake of all English-speaking translators of Pushkin is their intention to use an excess of the lexical wealth of the language. But Pushkin was a poet who could get the highly-artistic results with the use of very simple expressive means of language and colloquial speech of his time. He was one of the main creators of the modern Russian language. While writing his `Onegin` he was being transformed from a romanticist into a psychological realist. And `simplicity`, economy on expressive means of language when tropes and lexical abundance were not required psychologically was his deliberate choice and aesthetic principle.
  • Подарите мне "Дартс"   1k   Поэзия
    Подарите мне "Дартс"
  • Denmark by Humbert Wolfe Дания Гумберт Вольфе   8k   Переводы
    Humbert Wolfe was an Italian-born English poet. He was one of the most popular authors of the 1920s.He was also a translator of Heinrich Heine. His career was in in the Ministry of Labour. By 1940 he had a position of high responsibility. Wolfe's verses have been set to music by a number of composers, including Gustav Holst in his 12 Humbert Wolfe Settings, Op. 48 (1929). See: https://youtu.be/J7tUKMOPGjs
  • Diamonds & Girls   0k   Поэзия
    DIAMONDS & GIRLS Epigram
  • Do It Yourself! Сделай Сам!   1k   Переводы
  • Сон Dream   3k   Переводы
    HEARTBRREAKING IDA Boris Pasternak fell in love for the first time rather late when he was 20 years old. He fell in love with Ida Wissotzkaya, the daughter of a wealthy Moscow merchant. It was love at first sight. The parents sent Ida to learn abroad. By that reason Pasternak asked his parents also to send him to learn in Germany. He declared his love in Marburg and was refused. Later he wrote the same name famous poem dedicated to Ida. In 1913 Boris Pasternak transformed his love into the yellow-purple tints of autumn in another poem of his `The Dream`. As to Ida Wissotzkaya, she was a daughter of the Wissotzky Tea Co.`s owner who was an exclusive supplier of the Russian Royal Court. That Russian tea company was the largest in the world that time. After leaving the Russian classical school Ida learned in England, in Cambridge. She was infatuated with Shakespeare as it was obvious from her letters to Pasternak. Although a Jewish girl, she was a tall blonde. Later she married a banker Feldzer and died in 1979. By then the company of her late father, David Wissotzky, became the leading tea company in Israel. Of course, there was an abyss between Boris and Ida in a financial respect. Ida considered him a prospective friend for any chance; she could never expect that he would become a world-famous poet. Did she regret her refusal? Hardly ever. Poetry is poetry, but life is life.
  • Drinking English   1k   Переводы
  • Making The Dust Fly   0k   Поэзия
  • El arabe hambriento Несчастливый араб   1k   Переводы
    Juan Eugenio de Hartzenbusch (Мадрид, 6 сентября 1806 г. - 2 августа 1880 г.) - австрийская кровь испанской поэзии. В испанском произношении Хуан Антонио Арсенбуч (а не Харценбуш)
  • Endymionic Instinct   0k   Поэзия
    Selene, the goddess of the moon, loved the mortal Endymion. She asked Endymion"s father, Zeus, to grant him eternal youth so that he would never leave her. Zeus granted her wish and put him into an eternal sleep. Every night, Selene visited him where he slept.
  • Tee au lait Я предложила чай и тортик   1k   Переводы
    Erotic epigram by an unknown author about two jugs of milk https://youtu.be/XrWRLLWHB3k
  • Extinction And The Bee   1k   Поэзия
    No tiny animal and thumb suffered during writing this fictional horror episode!
  • Extreme Love   0k   Поэзия
  • Fabulita (Analisis)   2k   Переводы
    Joaquin Maria Bartrina y de Aixemus (Хоакин Мария Бартрина)(Реус, 1850 - Барселона, 1880)- двуязычный испано-каталонский поэт и драматург, предшественник испанского литературного авангарда. Чудак Бартрина хотел примирить физику и лирику. Он выдумывал и вставлял в стихи странные формулы: C=pir2! Но анализ не приносил счастья и полноты, поэт отчаялся и разочаровался в анализе, и написал замечательное стихотворение-басню, последние строки которого стали афоризмом в испаноязычном мире и в Альбионе: " If you want to be happy, as you say to me,/you do not analyze, boy, not analyze".
  • The Fallen Angel Падший Ангел   3k   Переводы
    Vadim Stepantsov THE FALLEN ANGEL Вадим Степанцов ПАДШИЙ АНГЕЛ Замечательная стилизация Вадима Степанцова под подростковую лирику и неумелый, но искренний стих. Исповедь хулигана! Позволяя себе быть хулиганом, он надеется встретить ангела. И это ангел, представьте себе, в его понимании есть девушка, женщина. Но эта конкретная его разочаровала! Лирический герой ищет совпадения внешней красоты с внутренней. Таков его скромный идеал. Но вот найдёт ли? Вспоминается стихотворение Николая Заболоцкого "Некрасивая девочка" http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/uglygirl.shtml
  • Figure Skating Фигурное катание   1k   Переводы
  • Firm Evidence   1k   Переводы
    FIRM EVIDENCE This is a parody of a poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky about the Soviet passport. It"s its substandard, lower, folksy variant. It"s a doppelganger. In Russia many classical and iconic poems and songs cast the obscene shadows sometimes more durable and lasting, but sometimes forming a double star system with the original poems.
  • First Prison - First Reason   0k   Поэзия
  • Four Variations On A Theme By Та Самая Танука   3k   Переводы
    FOUR VARIATIONS ON A THEME OF A POEM BY ТА САМАЯ ТАНУКА Original: http://www.stihi.ru/2011/02/10/9319 Translation: http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/gothdress.shtml
  • A Ballad Of Vixen And Bunny Баллада О Лисе и Зайце   4k   Переводы
    A poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov. A GOOD NEWS! AUTUMN WON`T COME BACK AGAIN! The song sung by Chinese pop star Wang Qiang (People`s Republic of China) What a beautiful song! Where`s my handkerchief, girls? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLL8329B7x0&feature=player_detailpage Fuchsgraben Polka (`The Vixen`s Grave`) by Karel Vacek http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=cxarzqaxQPQ
  • Fragrant Arseholes Попа бизона   2k   Переводы
    A humorous, jocular poem by Pauline Sibagatullina
  • The Fugitive Беглец   2k   Переводы
  • Gentleman And The Thames Джентльмен И Темза   1k   Переводы
    Vladimir Repin, born in 1950 GENTLEMAN AND THE THAMES
  • A Very Good Girl Whose Name`s Lida Хорошая Девочка Лида   5k   Переводы
    Yaroslav Smelyakov was a `small` classical poet of Russia. His poetic career and success reached their climax in the 60s of the 20c. The youth of that time accepted him as one of their mouthpieces despite he belonged to the generation of their parents. Yevgeniy Yevtushenko, #1 in the Russian poetry of the 2nd part of the 20 c., rather impudently, but quite exactly described Yara as his immediate forerunner and called him `Yevgeniy Yevtushenko of the 30s of the 20 c.` Yaroslav Smelyakov recites his own poem "Хорошая девочка Лида" (rare record of the 50s): https://youtu.be/uvZpACnAb9s
  • Gothic Lolita`s Dress Костюм Лолитки   6k   Переводы
    GOTHIC LOLITA`S DRESS КОСТЮМ ЛОЛИТКИ By Та самая Танука (That very Tanooka). Source: http://www.stihi.ru/2011/02/10/9319 (See also http://zhurnal.lib.ru/p/prjahin_a_a/fourvarlol.shtml). Gothic Lolita Transformation https://youtu.be/sfCRfb1Hbms Modern Princess Gothic Lolita https://youtu.be/-lKltAq0tss
  • A Girl Puzzle Загадочная Девушка   3k   Переводы
    A GIRL PUZZLE ЗАГАДОЧНАЯ ДЕВУШКА A marble sculpture Die grosse Liegende (A big girl in a reclining position) by Willi Schmidt (1924-2011) in a pedestrian zone of Frankfurt am Mein, Germany. Her legs are enveloped in woolen leg warmers. Partially, it"s a result of pity and compassion, but mainly it"s an artistic action in a style of the knitted graffiti (so called Strick-Guerilla, Guerilla Knitting, Urban Knitting, Yarn Bombing, Radical Stitching). Amadeus - Don Giovanni Scene https://youtu.be/kBXt9Bn4qns
  • A graffito lyric   1k   Переводы
    В общественном парижском туалете есть надписи на русском языке. Владимир Высоцкий
  • How to grasp the volatile temper?   7k   Переводы
    How to grasp the volatile temper? Mikhaïl Lermontov - To a portrait. Recited by a Russian movie and theatre star Alyona Babenko https://youtu.be/TnuC-0HJn4U
  • Hands Off!   2k   Поэзия
    Children`s poetry!
  • Hard Day'S Night   2k   Переводы
    Leonid Kaganov Леонид Каганов HARD DAY'S NIGHT https://lleo.me/
  • Perpetuum Mobile   2k   Поэзия
    Charles Ives (1874-1954) `The Circus Band` (Michael Tilson Thomas, San Francisco Symphony & San Francisco Symphony Chorus) https://youtu.be/gGHi4WWreOw
  • Health is industry   0k   Поэзия
  • The Hellenic Author Елена в тунике прозрачной   1k   Переводы
    A door to a woman`s bedroom has been opened by a cockscrew! Cock-a-doodle-doo! A nice poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov (Марат Самсонов)http://maratsamsonov.ru/, https://www.stihi.ru/avtor/werro1
  • Hey, Dude!   2k   Переводы
    HEY, DUDE! A poem by a Russian author! I doubt my being that author, but who knows? I wish I`d been! At night woman picked up a man just to spend a night together, but he fell in love at dawn and got ready to marry her! The woman behaves as a tough man, and it makes the whole bed scene funny! Yet I admit that such women may exist! The Beatles-Hey Jude https://youtu.be/361KDFtzDiY
  • Гимн Улиганштадта Hymn of Hooligania   2k   Переводы
    Oh, yeah! The Feodor Dostoyevsky School`s Republic ("Республика ШКИД")(1926) by Grigori Belykh & LEONID Panteleyev (also true is ALEXEY Panteleyev, as his real name was Alexey Yeremeyev) is a classical book for teenagers in Russia. Their pupils once played in the Revolution and Civil War and proclaimed Kupa (one of them, a boy nicknamed Kupa (from Russian `kupiets` (a merchant), the second Napoleon of their Hooligansburg (as a capital of their self-proclaimed state of Hooligania). They honored him with the following hymn of their own composition. (There were no computer games that time, in the 20th of the 20 c. The real name of Kupa, by the way, was von Offenbach, and all images of the book`s heroes had got real pre-images).
  • House Of Lords Палата Лордов   6k   Переводы
    Personally, I find his poems very amusing and entertaining. Julien Stebeau is an Indie poet from Magnitogorsk, Siberia born as Andrei Yevgeniyevich Mantel in 1965. Mr. Mantel is a physician by profession. Strictly speaking, he is Doc Mantel (Docteur Manteau). As a gifted humorous poet Julien Stebeau is more interesting than an andrei yevgeniyevich. There are one million of dull and ageing andreiyevgeniyevichs in Russia, i.e, persons satisfied with their own lives, wives, shish kebabs and themselves (my sincere congrats!), but there`s only one Julien Stebeau the poet, an unaging, daredevil and joyful youngster. No doubt, I like the latter one best! This is a case when schizophrenia, double identity of a single personality, is only welcome.

    135284 (263x175, 58Kb)
    Andrei Yevgeniyevich Mantel, a rank-and-file citizen of a happy nation.
  • If I Ever Fall Ill Если Я Заболею   3k   Переводы
    Yaroslav Smelyakov wrote many iconic poetic texts that made him immortal as a classical Russian poet. The Soviet hippies and yuppies of the 60s loved not only his `Lida` but also his poem `If I ever fall ill ...`. `If I ever fall ill ...` (Если я заболею...) excellently recited by A. Pir-Budagyan https://youtu.be/7j6ltbBrDOY
  • If To Love, Then ... Коль Любить, Так Не ,,,   1k   Переводы
    This poem is a self-portrait of the very author, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy (Алексей Константинович Толстой)(1817-1875)
  • Invisible Nose   0k   Поэзия
  • Kenzelle by Igor` Severyanin   10k   Переводы

    Igor Vasiliyevich Shenshin-Lotaryov (1887-1941)(penname Igor Severianin) is a poet of the Silver Age of the Russian poetry (first decades of the 20 c. before the Revolution).

    Igor Severianin preferred to write his pen name like Igor the Severianin (lit. Igor the Northener) but it never took on, all considered `Severianin` to have been his real family name. He sided with the literary group of futurists led by Vladimir Mayakovsky. Mayakovsky used to taunt him for his style which was defined as `ego-futurism`. Even among the ego-futurists the poet was very special, seemed very funny for them, and was often laughed at. They must have envied his bankable success and tremendous popularity if not his fame.

    Severianin became an All-Russia`s celebrity quite occasionally, Feodor Sollogub, one of the Russian minor classical poets, gathered the poems of unknown Severianin and had them printed just for fun, to amuse the reading public with the `foolish` verses. Lev Tolstoy read the collection of those poems and showed his rage and fury. As a result Severianin became a literary star overnight! `Jupiter, you are angry, therefore you are wrong!`

    It was a formidable success! He satisfied the intimate desires of the educated readership. Like other futurists Severianin used to intendedly `broaden` the language, invented new words, new word stresses, widely used French vocabulary, he was afraid of writing `primitively, without the new metaphors and words`. He liked `beautiful` words. He wanted people to read his poems and feel almost physical, sensual pleasure and delight. Despite his form and content experiments, neologisms, occasionalisms, his poetry is very natural, it`s bizzare but easily understanable, not artificial at all. No doubt Severianin is now a classical poet.

    Kenzelle is an Igor Severianin original poetic verse of 15 lines being usually divided into three five-line stanzas where the first line repeats itself as the 8th one (the central one) and the 15th (the final one) to create the `reflectivity` of the verse. Later this verse was often used by Andrei Voznesensky.

    Unlike many poets he paid much, if not special attention to the clothes in his poetry.
    Moire dress is a rustling watered silk frock.
    Watered silk, moire, tabby are names of the same tissue. Also tabby is a tabby cat with mottled fir like that of a jaguar.
    Talma is is an article of ladies` wear of the XIX-early XX cc. - loose sleeveless mantle named after François-Joseph Talma (stressed is the last syllable), the great French actor and its creator (1763-1826).
    Mackintosh cloak is a waterproof raincoat made of rubberized cloth invented by Charles Macintosh (1766-1865) in 1823.
  • Alexandre Pushkin To Kiprensky & Dawe   2k   Переводы
    One of Pushkin`s uncles came from Moscow to see little Pushkin for the first time. The uncle was red-haired and pocky. After glancing at his nephew he couldn"t help exclaiming: `O my! He is a real little blackamore!` The five-year-old Pushkin was quick to answer: `Yeah! Not like you, you pitted ginger scarecrow!` Two poems dedicated by Alexandre Pushkin to the Russian and Brithish artists.
  • Knight & the Gravity   4k   Переводы
    БОГАТЫРЬ СВЯТОГОР И ТЯГА ЗЕМНАЯ KNIGHT SVYATOGOR AND THE EARTH GRAVITATION I know two ancient texts that use terms of the modern physics. The first is the New Testament, the second is a collection of the ancient Russian `true stories` (shaped as folk ballads). Light, force and vector (three components of a force used as a metaphor of Trinity), information, gravity, etc. The Russian knight of sacred mountain Svyatogor met on his way Mikula the Villager (Mikula is an old form of Nicholas) who had got a bag that contained the source of gravitation. The way he moved and the way these movements were being percepted illustrates the principle of relativity. Wow!
  • Lavernock   7k   Переводы
    LAVERNOCK by Saunders Lewis A poem in Welsh Стихотворение С. Льюиса на валлийском (языке Уэльса) с переводом на русский, китайский и японский (разумеется, с разной степенью успешности). Но английский перевод не мой, а Harry Gilonis`а. Bonus!Чайковский П. И. "Детский альбом", Љ 22, "Песня жаворонка" - исп. Яков Флиэр https://youtu.be/bJGHtJMBvNI Чайковский П. И. "Времена года", Љ 37b, "Март: Песня жаворонка" Chant de l'alouette - исп. Владимир Ашкенази https://youtu.be/Wpv4ZZJ4LdA Глинка М. - Кукольник Н. Жавронок - исп. Сергей Лемешев https://youtu.be/gu867xYbbMI Глинка М. - транскрипция для ф-но Балакирева - исп. Евгений Кисин https://youtu.be/cxlf-ZmE8JI Жаворонок 1964 год. КИНО СССР (В основу фильма положен подлинный факт) https://youtu.be/H83-nRZdavI Жавронок. Пьеса Жана Ануя. https://youtu.be/cu9jBX37inM L`Alouette sung by Gilles Dreu https://youtu.be/VIGQwpYHBxU Skylark, skylark,//Don`t worry//Skylark, skylark,//Summer will be back again. Paul Mauriat arranged this song as a suite https://youtu.be/uHltOUhrLCs In its turn, both Dreu and Mauriat borrowed this song from the Xmas oratorio Navidad Nuestra by Ariel Ramirez & Felix Luna (Argentine). That part was titled by them as La peregrinacion https://youtu.be/9-P32QIohQ4 Last but not least! Alouette, gentille alouette https://youtu.be/L_hFw_cWg9U Tom & Jerry Alouette Song https://youtu.be/3ujUPoVoZck ALOUETTE The Delta Rhythm Boys (Original 1958) https://youtu.be/wEvkpleC3Zw
  • Is there life on Mars? Есть ли жизнь на Марсе?   6k   Переводы
    Julien Stebeau IS THERE LIFE ON MARS? Жульен Стебо ЕСТЬ ЛИ ЖИЗНЬ НА МАРСЕ?
  • On Sirs And Lipton Tea - О Джентльменах И Чае Липтон   4k   Переводы
    On Sirs And Lipton Tea - О Джентльменах И Чае "Липтон"
  • A Little House in Kolomna Домик в Коломне   1k   Переводы
    A LITTLE HOUSE IN KOLOMNA ДОМИК В КОЛОМНЕ A strophe from Alexandre Pushkin`s `A Little House in Kolomna` written in ottava rima, an eight-line stanza developed in Italy. The Ottava rima is usually associated in English with Byron, and in Russian with Pushkin and Lermontov. The standard rhyme scheme is a-b-a-b-a-b-c-c. The ottava rima`s lines are usually iambic pentameters in English.
  • Lyrical Digression By Paul Kogan Лирическое отступление Павел Коган   8k   Переводы
    A frequently suppressed, droppable fragment of `A Lyrical Digression` by lieutenant Pavel Davidovich Kogan (1918-1942), young Russian knight and poet, Soviet Russian patriot, author of the eternal `Brigantine`. He was a commander of the reconnaissance party in the WW2 (the second Russian Great Patriotic War) and was killed in action near Novorossiysk. I feel pity of him most of all to tears in my eyes. See also his immortal poem `The Brigantine`! http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/brigantina.shtml Прекрасная Маркиза (1933) https://youtu.be/5_ljurA338g Tout va très bien madame la Marquise https://youtu.be/WqKMZvJ_d9Q
  • Going To The Skating-Rink With My Mom С Мамой На Катке   3k   Переводы
  • Moscow Womanfolk   5k   Переводы
    Moscow Womanfolks (Trains are rushing to the South) by Evgeny Yevtushenko https://youtu.be/AV6D7X7v4cg
  • My Granny   3k   Переводы
    Comic verses, just comic verses. I couldn`t find the Russian original. Sorry!
  • The Girl From Nagasaki   6k   Переводы
    THE GIRL FROM NAGASAKI A Russian Shanty Girl from Nagasaki Sung by Gemma Khalid https://youtu.be/DjTv2cv_yto The girl from Nagasaki . Sung by actress Paulene Agureyeva https://youtu.be/qApesSgbPCI I love both covers, both by Gemma Khalid (Джемма Халид) and Pauline Agureyeva (Полина Агуреева). The first is a singer, Agureyeva is an actress, she plays a part of Girl from Nagasaki. Elle est si sexy, after all. Both covers are perfect, the best ones. A propos, M-lle Agoureyeff performs lyrics that follows the poem by Vera Inber very much!
  • Nikita`s Tverse   1k   Поэзия
    NIKITA`S TVERSE The word of `tverse` (`t` plus `verse`) is a parody for the word `twerk` in choreography. The poem consists of Nikita`s unexpected self-describing phrases during the U.S.B. Shows on TV.
  • Nocturne Ноктюрн   3k   Переводы
    Vadim Stepantsov has been one of the biggest modernists of the Russian literature, author of the quasi-naive and simple, but rather sophisticated and elegant erotic poems in a style of the courtly mannerism. (The poems written in that manner are supposed to be a combination of refinement and cynical humour or sometimes barefaced cynicism.
  • Hokku by Matsuo Basho   3k   Переводы

    Hokku by Basho Matsuo.
    It makes me remind a Russian funny story. A farmer`s yard. Night.
    Famer`s wife on the porch hearing a sound of wild pissing in the dark and asking rather terribly:
    -Who is pissing over there like a cow?
    -It`s me, mommy!
    Farmer`s wife (endearingly: `Well, go on, go on, my little girl!`
  • On A Naked Old Lady Про Голую Старушку   1k   Переводы
    POETRY IS NAKEDNESS! Source: http://drugoy.net/razvecheniya/poeziya/
  • On Blondes   2k   Переводы
    ON BLONDES A poem of a Russian author. By this time I`ve failed to find out its source!
  • On Perishability На Тленность   11k   Переводы
    The poem `On perishability (To transience)` (На тленность) by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin (Гаврила Романович Державин) had been written three days before the last day of the Russian poet. While writing it the poet was looking at the then famous emblematic picture `The river of time`(`Der Strom der Zeiten oder bildliche Darstellung der Weltgeschichte von den ältesten bis auf die neuesten Zeiten`(`The stream of times or pictorial representation of world history from the oldest to the newest times`) by St. Petersburg"s artists Friedrich Strass, Johann Kristof de Meyr and Karl Friedrich Knappe.
  • Pandora And The Box Пандора и Жлобьё   1k   Переводы
    PANDORA AND THE BOX ПАНДОРА И ЖЛОБЬЁ Source: (с) Desperado http://pandoraworld.su/index.php?/topic/9-%D1%81%D...D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%83/
  • Part For The Whole   0k   Поэзия
    PART FOR THE WHOLE (Epigram)
  • Peace of Arse Лицо спросило как-то ...   1k   Переводы
    No comments! Без комментариев!
  • Pink Of Perfection   0k   Переводы
  • Polite Conversation   3k   Переводы
    >`A Polite Conversation` by Vadim Levin Вадим Левин "Вежливый разговор"
  • Le Printemps Et L"automne Par Pierre-Jean de Béranger   6k   Переводы
    LE PRINTEMPS ET L"AUTOMNE Par Pierre-Jean de Béranger (1780-1857) SPRING AND AUTUMN By Pierre-Jean de Béranger Пьер-Жан Беранже ПРОЩАЙ, ВИНО, В НАЧАЛЕ МАЯ
    `Aria of Béranger` from the musicle `The Heart of a Poet` (from the Pierre-Jean de Béranger`s poem `Le pintemp et l`autumn`.
    `Aria of Béranger` Lyrics by Pierre-Jean de Béranger. Music by Nikolai Mikhailovich Strelnikov (Nikolaus von Mensenkampff). Sung by Alexei Alexeyevich Pheona `Aria of Béranger`. https://www.russian-records.com/details.php?image_id=20269&l=russian
  • To A Privilegioner Привилегионер   3k   Переводы
    ВЕЧНАЯ КЛАССИКА Falernum - how to pronounce https://youtu.be/IeJjVk5T6js
  • Вдоводел Непокорный The Rebellious Widow-Maker   5k   Переводы
    ЛИРИЧЕСКОЕ ОТСТУПЛЕНИЕ из Глава 28 "Вдоводел Непокорный" Третьего тома "Вдоводела Непокорного" Александра Резникова. A LYRICAL DIGRESSION from THE Chapter 28 `The Rebellious Widow-maker` of the Third Volume of the THE REBELLIOUS WIDOW-MAKER by Alexandre Reznikov http://artofwar.ru/r/reznikov_a/nebesnii_mandat.shtml#P3
  • Samaniego La Zorra y el Busto   1k   Переводы
    Испанский баснописец из страны Басков. В баснях Саманьего, как и в баснях Ивана Крылова, чувствуется влияние (и напрямую заимствуются сюжеты) античных (Эзоп, др.), французских (Лафонтен ( La Fontaine) и др.) и английских ( J. Gay и др.) баснописцев, что, тем не менее, как и в случае с Крыловым, не лишает их творческой и национальной самобытности и мощи.
  • A Day At The Races In Samphoro   0k   Лирика
    "A Day at the Races" (1937) Groucho Marx Dance Scene CHANGE YOUR PARTNER! https://youtu.be/QccO0pvSqgU
  • See More Glass!   6k   Переводы
    Agniya (ἁγνὴ) Lvovna Barteaux (born Ethel Leibovna Volova (1906-1981)) was an outstanding Russian children`s author, satirist, excellent screenwriter, influential presenter. She was born in a Jewish family before the Russian revolution.

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    After leaving the classical and ballet schools she performed as a ballerina, wrote poems which were made a special mention by minister of culture Anatoly Lunacharsky, then married an ornithologist and children`s poet Pavel Barteaux and dedicated all her life to the Russian literature. What can be said about her classical poems and creative manner? She thought clearly and she wrote clearly. During the WW2 she worked as a turner in the Urals and was a military reporter on the frontline. She lost her 18 year old son after the war who was damaged by a lorry when he was riding his bycicle. She had been leading the program on the radio `Mayak` for many years. The program helped to re-unite the families whose children were lost during the war (after Luftwaffe`s train bombings, in particular).
    2016-11-18_210457 (396x303, 160Kb)

    She was married to a Russian scientist Andrei Shchegliyaev for the second time and had a daughter.
    barto (201x264, 25Kb)
    She was buried in the élite cemetery of the Novodevichiy Monastery that speaks a lot about her achievements and services to her country. The broken glass by Agniya Barteaux https://youtu.be/oC3ho1OC6vg Однажды я разбил стекло". `The Broken Glass` Recited by Oleg Fomin https://youtu.be/wJCmahSE-vI Stevie Wonder - Village Ghetto Land (1976) https://youtu.be/Tk2R7pVWFVo
  • Epigrammatizing About Herself Эпиграммы Полины Сибагатуллиной   1k   Переводы
    EPIGRAMMATIZING ABOUT HERSELF Pauline Sibagatullina reciting one of her epigrams http://www.youtube.com/watch?
  • At the town skating-rink На городском катке   1k   Переводы
  • Creative Friendship, или Читайте Меня   1k   Переводы
    Alexandre Skiba, Commodore Preceptor of the Order of Courtly Mannerists
  • You cannot grasp the guys all right Умом мужчину не понять   1k   Переводы
    An epigram about males by a Russian author.
  • So Do I! Как и я!   2k   Переводы
    A poem by Anna Lemert-Dolgaryova (Анна Лемерт-Долгарёва) from St. Petersburg. Her penname also was Alonso Quijano Don Quijote de la Mancha.
  • The Song Of Songs Яблочный Спас   3k   Переводы
    Svetlana Plakhutina lived in Vladivostok before she`d moved to Moscow. This is her poem from the collection of poems `An Apple on my Palm` issued in Vladivostok in 2002
  • Standing Naked Стою голая   2k   Переводы
    THANK YOU FOR KEEPING YOUR CLOTHES ON Source: https://www.chitalnya.ru/contest/35/374/   05.07.2011 Anna Aaron
  • Хочешь, Подарю Звезду? The Star Gift   2k   Переводы
    Мира Шамвэй ХОЧЕШЬ, ПОДАРЮ ЗВЕЗДУ? THE STAR GIFT by Myra Shumway. Myra Shumway is a character of the novel `Miss Shumway Waves a Wand` (1944) by British writer James Hadley Chase.
  • Coming To A Sticky End   0k   Поэзия
  • Striptease Стриптиз   3k   Переводы
    Striptease by Marina Terentieva Стихотворение Марины Терентьевой "Стриптиз" (2010 г.) https://www.stihi.ru/avtor/poltava1 https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/streglova/post233377838/ https://mylove.ru/groups/stihi/striptiz-ya-v-glyancevom-jurnale-prochitala-chto-obojaut-vse-mujya-striptiz/#window_close
  • Pouchkine Succomba Par Louis d`anthès   6k   Переводы

    Alexandre Pushkin is a great Ruissian poet. To be be exact, the greatest one. Yet he was a famous bedhopper, and as every single male slut he was morbidly jealous. He was killed by a Horse Guardsman, young French man Georges d'Anthès whom Pushkin after receiving an anonymous abusive letter challenged to a duel https://youtu.be/_4gQvDjVKEc Georges d'Anthès was a bridegroom of his wife`s sister at the moment of the duel. Despite this Pushkin imagined d'Anthès had tried to seduce his wife Natalie.

    GEORGE~1 (600x460, 269Kb)
    As a man Pushkin must have suffered from the complex of inferiority. Pushkin was elder, 37 years old, just 166 cm tall and dark-skinned while Georges d'Anthès was a very tall blonde guy about 20 years old.
    In his youth Pushkin would seduce the batallions of the married ladies, but he couldn`t bear an idea of having been a cuckold himself. By the way, he wasn`t. He preferred Hormony to Harmony and died in vain, though in his youth he was warned by a gipsy fortune teller to avoid conflicts with le grand blond (see `Le grand blond massacre Mozart et Brahms` https://youtu.be/uexGhKoG4WM).
    The descendants of Pushkin sometimes meet one another in Russia, but they refuse to forgive Georges d'Anthès, IMHO, in vain. In any case they are all one big family, the Pushkins-d`Anthèses. Their feud, their strife reminding of that of d'Capuleti and Montecchi is senseless. All in all, there are 240 descendants of Pushkin in the world. None is a poet or poetess unlike the descendants of Georges d'Anthès.
    After the duel Georges d'Anthès came back to France with his wife Ekaterina, Pushkin widows`s sister and many years later he became a Senator. His daughter was a poetess and philologist specializing in ... Pushkin. His grandgrandson French Baron Louis de Heeckeren d'Anthès, an owner of the waste incineration plant, is a poet too. He lives in the same estate to where Georges d'Anthès returned from France. The Baron had a book of poems issued. He was illustrated by his own pictures. The first poem is dedicated to the duel. It explains the version of the d'Anthès` side, their view-pont of reasons of the fatal conflict. A propos. On his deathbed Pushkin forgave his brother-in-law. The fact which is still being widely igonored. The real killers of the poet were neither High Society nor his own brother-in-law but, if to judge by the grammar mistakes of the abusing letter (`The Certificate of a Cuckold`) written in French, his Russian enemies, people of not noble birth, probably, irritated by the then Pushkin`s wife ardour for Catholicism. The case needs a new objective re-investigation.
  • The Sweet Beauties Of Russia Милые Красавицы России   4k   Переводы
    In 1945 Yara wrote a poem `Sweet Beauties of Russia` ("Милые красавицы России") where he expressed his gratitude to all the women of the USSR who sacrificed everything to victory. Yeah, he was a true gentleman, and he never joined men who several times after the war attempted to defame the female participation in the war. He was well aware of women"s contribution and said that men had owed a lot to them and must recoup their losses. Speaking for all men in his poem he promised to dress the postwar females with mink, lodge them in palaces, and sing them in poems full of adoration and admiration. And he really sang them in his poems. Yaroslav Smelyakov - The sweet beauties of Russia. Recited by Anastasiya Gulina, 17, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovskaya region, Siberia https://youtu.be/EYbtIuR-NTc
  • There is a grey-stone house on the island На острове моих воспоминаний   2k   Переводы
    Taffy was extraordinarily famous in Russia for her short stories full of humour. Fewer knows as well that she was a poetess. Of course, she was not as great as her sister Mirra (Maria) Lokhvitskaya-Gibert who was an immediate predecessor of Anna Akhmatova, Xenaida Gippius and Marina Tsvetayeva and who was considered to have been Russian Sappho. But all the same her poems were neither weak nor amateurish ones. She died in 1952 in Paris, having outlived her contemporaries. By the way,her works were published in France too. Small wonder, `cuz in the end of her life she was a perfect French lady.
  • Taltsetl Талцетл   1k   Переводы
    Стихотворение Александра Викторовича Фаустова A Russian author`s poem. A poem by Alexandre Viktorovich Faustov. A good addition to a sci-fi drama like the Aelita by Alexei Tolstoy. https://www.stihi.ru/2010/10/09/5795
  • Three Ravens Три ворона   2k   Переводы
    I`ve kept untouched the old vocabulary of the original text and chose the equivalent, intelligible words in Old Slavonic that are still being used in the Russian poetry.
  • The Titsanic Shipwreckage Шёл "Титяник"   3k   Переводы
    `E la nave va` is an allusion of a Federico Fellini`s feature film of the same name that translates into English as `And the Ship Sails On` (1983) https://youtu.be/PIFxpgg6A1Q
  • To Thomas Mann   0k   Поэзия
    A not very modest attempt to correct an English verse in the Thomas Mann`s Buddebrocks.
  • Among His Toys   0k   Поэзия
  • Twelve Things Not To Do On A Plane   1k   Поэзия
  • An Ugly Girl Некрасивая девочка   4k   Переводы
    WHAT ON EARTH IS BEAUTY? OR ON THE NATURE OF THINGS Nikolai Zabolotsky An Ugly Girl. Read by Ekaterina Samarova https://youtu.be/hHgpE3GzUVc
  • What`s wrong with me .. Yevtushenko   3k   Переводы
    Евгений Евтушенко "Со мною вот что происходит" (Evgeny Yevtushenko `What`s wrong with me, I don`t know` The poem was set to music by Mikael Tariverdiyev. It`s sung by Sergei Nikitin https://youtu.be/fZV4Ga0N_Jw
  • The Whispered Words Ты мне сказала шёпотом   2k   Переводы
    The poem by Evgeniy Yevtushenko that I dared to translate has got an alliteration of `sh-sh` in the original that I replaced with the sound of `w-w` in English.
  • There shows up white a sail so lonely ...   1k   Переводы
    There shows up white a sail so lonely ... Белеет парус одинокий ... The most famous poem by Mikhail Lermontov in Russia. It was put to music several times. In 19 c. it was done by a Russian composer Alexandre Varlamov. Sung by Sergei Lemeshev (record of 1942) https://youtu.be/4FKEsTZuNKY
  • Germany. A Winter Fairy Tale Германия. Зимняя сказка   1k   Переводы
    From `Germany. A Winter Fairy Tale` by Heinrich Heine Из "Германии. Зимней сказки" Генриха Гейне
  • What Do Women Want?   1k   Переводы
  • Xena & Pos Зина и говно   1k   Поэзия
  • Zig Heil! Ай да Зигги   1k   Поэзия
    When in Germany they greet sportsmen, winners, they are used to shout: Heil! Heil! Heil! (in English: Hail! Hail! Hail!). And it`s nothing to do with Hitlerian Germany. So Zig Heil means Long live Zig! (i.e., Sigmund, in this very case Dr. Freud). By the way, the Nazi greeting is being written like this: Sieg Heil! (Long live the victory!).
  • Эссе:

  • Acknowledgement Of Liability (Antidisclaimer)   2k   Политика
  • Never-Dying Day   12k   Переводы
    `There breaks solemn day of our victory,//Day that will never die` are the final lines of The Oriole written by Nikolai Zabolotsky in 1946. There are many excellent Russian literary texts dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of Russia 1941-1945. Some of them were even translated by me, not only Nikolai Zabolotsky`s `Oriole` http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/oriole.shtml http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-1VeIQq_M4&feature=player_detailpage but also `Sailor`s cap` by Nikita Verkhovsky http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/navyhat.shtml The Sweet Beauties Of Russia by Yaroslav Smelyakov http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/sweetbeautiesofrussia.shtml `Faraway From Home` by Alexei Fatyanov http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/faraway.shtml `La Valse des Officiers russes` by Mikhail Isakovsky http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/frontlineforet.shtml `What Made You Feel Love Of Your Motherland?` by Mikhail Matusovsky http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/motherland.shtml `Lyrical Digression` By Pavel Kogan http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/lyrdig.shtml `My Dear Man` by Yuri Herrmann http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/dearman.shtml and `The fate of a man` by Mikhail Sholokhov http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/fateofman.shtml It`s the Russian literature that the foreign translators are used to avoid, even to ignore through ignorance, of course. But ignorance can`t serve as an excuse for irresponsibility. Besides, `it`s impossible to throw lyrics from the songs` as a Russian proverb reads, the more so because many of the text I`d mentioned above became the famous and hearfelt Russian lyrical songs and some of them even the unexpected military marches. It doesn`t mean that I love all the Russian songs related to V Day topic. Tastes differs. Sometimes a new or fresh arrangement make me re-evaluate, re-open the song. For example, I could never bear that very `Katyusha`, but an excellent German arrangement and performance which I`d found great made me change my opinion https://youtu.be/ZYyEt8y1cDI
    The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is laying a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and 13 Stelae of the Hero Cities of the USSR. As soon as he enters the gates of the Alexandre Garden the brass band of the Kremlin regiment starts playing https://youtu.be/yLShHSaFTls
    15:19- 17:50 Iconic song `The Eternal Flame` from the feature film `The Military Officers`
    17:51-19:53 `The Little Blue Scarf` (1940)(Music by Jerzy Petersburski, Russian Lyrics by Yakov Galicki), the most famous heartfelt Russian-Polish wartime lyrical song https://youtu.be/VWSlJwP_xaE
    20:10-22:23 a dedicated funeral music `Adagio` by late Lieutenant General Valery Khalilov, the former Armed Forces Chief Conductor
    22:47-22:56 National Anthem of Russia
    The Сeremonial Parade:
    27:02-27:39 Iconic song `The Sacred War` Lyrics by Vasliy Lebedev-Kumatch. Music by Alexandre Alexandrov.
    27:39-28:08 Iconic `All We Need is but Victory` from the feature film `The Bielorussian Railway Station`. Lyrics & Music by Bulat Okudzhava. Arranged as a march by Alfred Schnitke.
    28:09-28:46 One of the Army marches PARADE`S CENTRAL & FINAL THEME:
    28:46-30:10 Iconic song `The Private`s Path` ("Шёл солдат"). Lyrics by Mikhail Matusovsky. Music by Solovyov-Sedov. https://youtu.be/S2MIoZeVpNw After the parade there go
    30:13-31:47 `Adagio` by Valery Khalilov
    31:48-35:33 Iconic Song `The Cranes` by Jan Frenkel This tune is a background for the pinks-laying by the number of Stelae of the Hero Cities.
    35:34 Iconic song `That V-Day!`by David Tukhmanov Of all those songs I only love the brass band covers of `The Eternal Flame`, `The Private`s Path` & `The Cranes`.
  • Очерк:

  • Comrade Pushkin, Advance And Be Recognized!   3k   Литобзор
  • Four Poohs In The Morning Pine Wood   20k   Переводы
    FOUR POOHS IN THE MORNING PINE WOOD, OR HELLO, MR. SHISHKIN https://vk.com/video377026951_456239019 `Hello, now it`s me, Olga Bars, on the the web site `MoscowGirls.TV. We continue our weekly cycle of programmes for those who are fond of fairy tales (see the translation of the story below). (Moscow-Girls.TV partially specializes in issuing very interesting videos combining the serious intellectual economic and cultural contents in the background of the very cultured strip-tease and soft eroticism).
  • Improbably French, Incredibly Russian   15k   Переводы
  • Life And Fate Of Poet Zabolotsky Житие Поэта Заболоцкого   8k   Литобзор
  • A Story Of A Nun-Whore История монахини-блудницы   11k   Литобзор
  • From Prussian to Russian   3k   Литобзор
    FROM PRUSSIAN TO RUSSIAN IS BUT ONE STEP Gen. Gremin from the Eugene Onegin by Piotr Tchaikovsky. Sung by Ivan Petrov https://youtu.be/6AbV0uUK4Xc Arioso of Field-Marshal Koutouzoff (from the War and Peace by Prokofiev). Sung by Ivan Petrov https://youtu.be/6bw8pnh1f70 Aria of Ruslan from Glinka`s opera `Ruslan and Lyudmila` https://youtu.be/2Q0-uUkAA18 Petrov Ivan Unforgettable voice https://youtu.be/ZparWkklta4 Documentary `Ivan Petrov (bass)`, 1968 https://youtu.be/6bw8pnh1f70 Petrov Ivan Masters of Russian opera https://youtu.be/MGE-0RBGcbQ
  • Fatal Salto Mortale From `red Banner` To `stars And Stripes`   25k   Литобзор


    Samuil Pokrass. White Army, Black Baron https://youtu.be/Sd-oorFc-Oo;
    Dmitry Pokrass. The Red Cavalrymen March https://youtu.be/d3jOCOh9Zrc;
    Arbeiter von der Wien https://youtu.be/nQaculP4vLo;
    Vi Bygger Landet https://youtu.be/-21lCuZKQns;
    Μαύρα κοράκια https://youtu.be/ot-JBJeJyNM;
    Bécsi munkásinduló (Munka hadának...) https://youtu.be/grAn9oI7U0A
    Avusturya İşçi Marşı https://youtu.be/za276MAKYco;
    鐘が鳴れば https://youtu.be/7RmGAXc9K2E

    Vera Brinner Love`s gone (Любовь прошла) https://youtu.be/GNWMUVEOF9Y;
    `Golden-haired spring` (Златокудрою весной) sung by Alexandre Vertinsky https://youtu.be/khJ_AfKhQi4;
    Oleg Pogudin `Two Roses (Две розы) https://youtu.be/6algGXNsXis;
    `At the crossroads` (На перепутье) sung by Isabella Yurieva https://youtu.be/PmLe1pme8As;

    Stalin`s Voro-voro, or Voila! https://youtu.be/HpyDGA-dRc;
    Pola Negri and the Gypsy Choir (Guitar - Boris Golovka) - Russian Romance "Что нам горе?" (`What is woe for us`) https://youtu.be/ANEaFxatz6g;
    Lux Radio Theater: Tovarich (May 15, 1939) - From 14:12 to 14:22 Charles Boyer hums `What is woe for us` https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=84503534&feature=player_detailpage&v=Mdt6ObK47bg&x-yt-ts=1421914688;
    Happy Landing (1938) from 33:22 and from 1:08:47 A Gypsy Told Me (Music by Sam Pokrass, Lyrics by Jack Yellen) (Sung by Ethel Merman) https://ok.ru/video/1576905738834?fromTime=844; from 58:58 Yonnie and His Oompah (Music by Sam Pokrass, Lyrics by Jack Yellen)(sung by El Brendel and Chorus, skated by Sonja Henie and Ensemble), the brass band in the skating rink before this number plays as in pre-Revolutionary Russia, Pokrass citates with nostalgia); from 23:45 Suite in Russian style Happy in Love (sung by Chorus, skated by Sonja Henie and Chorus); from 36:38 Hot and Happy (Music by Sam Pokrass, Lyrics by Jack Yellen)(sung by Ethel Merman) (THE OTHER COMPOSERS OF THE MOTION PICTURE: "You Appeal to Me" by Walter Bullock and Harold Spina [1:22] You Appeal to Me (sung by Ethel Merman, joined by the Raymond Scott Quintet); [1:34] "War Dance of the Wooden Indians" by Raymond Scott);
    All Mixed Up` https://youtu.be/MY0Vsb5XACg;
    Shirley Temple - Come and Get Your Happiness https://youtu.be/HaC68LFGd_g;
    Shirley Temple - The Fantasy (1939) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmUfqQcIyZU&feature=player_detailpage;
    Let`s Sing Again, 1936 (Principal Productions / RKO, 1936) From 0:59:23 `Farmer in the Dell` by Samuel Pokrass and Charles O. Locke, sung by George Houston https://youtu.be/sPOxO5mYDVc;
    Plucking Song (Chicken Soup) (Sung by the Ritz Brothers) (Lyrics Ray Golden, Sid Kuller, Music by Sam Pokrass) https://youtu.be/X46Sc_yy490
  • Selfie In Cobblestone   3k   Литобзор
  • The Last Crusader   12k   Переводы
  • Immortal Victor   16k   Переводы
  • Справочник:

  • Russian idioms for the linguists!   4k   Переводы
    Russian street language`s idioms for the linguists! Русские уличные разговорные идиоматические обороты для лингвистов. The Beatles - Let It Be [1970] https://youtu.be/2xDzVZcqtYI
  • May Daymonstration   35k   Переводы

    May Day in Russia is now well-known with the students` `monstrations`, the informal mocking rallies with the absurd broadsheets and handwritten posters in the hands of their participants, a parody of May Day demonstrations of the Soviet past and their hypocritical replicas at present. Those carnival processions of the Russian youth are peaceful, innocent, full of joy, witty, they are the moving and improvised street performances. In some sense, they are literature, I`d call them the literary rallies, or `litterallies`. Alas, from the view-point of some authorities their main drawback is that they`re informal. By that reason officials are rather afraid of them and behave in a style of a classical bureaucrat, comrade Byvalov from the excellent Soviet comedy movie https://youtu.be/QcbLHi5khu8 They demand understandable slogans rather than the following ones: `Leprechauns of all countries unite!`,`Velvet trilobite eats my brain!`, `Return our probabilistic machine!`, `Uncommunikettlive!` ("Молчайник!"),`Tomorrow will never come!`, `All march to the construction of the Death Star!`, `It`s high time to reboot the Windows`, `I`d like to buy common sense!, `According to statistics there`s always one Svetka per one Genka who will fall in love with him` (Svetka and Genka are short for Svetlana and Gennady), `Today`s the day after tomorrow!`, `A good person must be delightful`, `The wonderland exists!`,`A violet acorn of goodness is in danger!`, `I changed polarity of the neutron stream of marmelade!`, `No more cookies on the dark side!`, `Husbands, love your wives!`, `All`s possible with God!` and even simply `Mee mee mee!` If you`ve been tired or afraid of these absurd and as much as twice funny (both `strange` and `ha-ha`) slogans, then you must be an official (consider it to be a test). In that case you`d better listen to a nice Brazilian tune of the song `Bim! Bom!` Sung by Astrud Gilberto https://youtu.be/VtbxOZVUfuk It`s kinda Bonus!

    that's the way I want my song
    just the words that go BIM BOM
    sorry but my heart has made it so
    only bim bom bim bom bim...

    1) The regular bourgeois visitors of the Moscow Restaurant `Gorky Bar` (named so after Maxim Gorky) recite line by line `The song of the Petrel` (from 0:45). They learned it by heart when they went to school. The present Russian schools, though now they`re thrice as the bourgeois ones, still go on with making pupils to learn Gorky`s Petrel by heart. It doesn`t embarrass the govt. The govt. seems to say, `Read whatever you want, but never ever gather more than three persons at one place, since we`re afraid of your misbehaving in a Gorky`n`Petrel`s way! People, you know, they are so unpredictable! You never can tell what`s on their minds!` https://youtu.be/GFDSza4yE7c
    2) A satiric reciting of Gorky`s `Petrel` by a famous, excellent Russian actor Andrei Urgant. It`s a masterpiece, his fresh and innovative interpretatation. Gorky`s text admits that way of re-thinking! The literary texts contain more meanings than their authors are used to anticipate! From 1:59 to 3:41 https://youtu.be/vDrQRA5-4Xk
    3) The school girl is doing her homework, learning the Petrel by Gorky by heart for the tomorrow`s lesson of literature. Mother: `Liuba, drink your milk and sleep well!` Lyuba: `I hear you, mommy`. The mise-en-scène familiar with the millions of the Russian nationals is performed by Lyubov Glushkova, an 11 year old schoolgirl. https://youtu.be/01nOHBuAnhY Animation cartoon `THE STORMY PETREL` https://youtu.be/Mxv_TtjnBJQ
  • Песня:

  • Seven String Guitar Гитара Семиструнная   3k   Переводы
    An Old Russian Gypsy love song by Apollon Grigoriyev and Ivan Vasiliyev.`The Seven String Guitar` sung by Strongilla Irtlach http://kkre-28.narod.ru/irtlach/git.mp3
  • Ah, you years "Oх, вы годы..."   5k   Переводы
    Russian Gipsy Song `Ah, you years` ("Ох, вы годы .."). Sung by Alexandre Borisov. Accompanist Sergei Sorokin. From the Russian TV Show The theatrical gatherings. Artistes of St. Petersburg in Moscow (1966) https://youtu.be/vwxscMN5pl0
  • Bashana Haba-a   10k   Переводы
    Bashana Haba-a (БАШАНА ХАБА-А) ("В следующем году"/In the year to com (Next year)). Вечнозелёная песня израильских авторов Нурит Хирш (это оказывается женщина) и Эхуда Манора (это оказывается мужчина) (не путать с Урфином Джюсом и Ланом Пиротом из сказок Frank Baum`а (по-английски, Бома) и Волкова!). An evergreen song by Nurit Hirsch and Ehud Manor. Хотя я и не знаток Израиля, израильской культуры, да и евреями не особенно интересуюсь, но эта песня меня поразила. Несомненно, это - гениальное произведение, и религиозное, и светское, и эстрадное, и академическое, и строгое, и разгульное, ресторанное, и взрослое, и детское, и быстрое, и медленное, и мажорное, и минорное, одно слово, - многогранное, схватившее, вероятно, нечто архетипичное. Простое и сложное по форме, сочетающее в себе непростую, очень динамичную литературную и музыкальную, ритмическую рифмовку. Скоррелировать их в гармонии, гармонично, - очень трудно. Это - как езда на лисапеде, пока на ём едешь, находишься в равновесии. Остановился - споткнулся и упал! Мелодия и текст же (и "уже") неотделимы друг от друга, и трудно поверить, что первоначально это было только стихотворение (вначале было слово!), и это стихотворение задало тон, став отправной точкой для композитора. (Если, конечно, всё было не наоборот). Считается непереводимым, но прекрасно было переведено на немецкий, польский (Maciek Froński) https://lyricstranslate.com/en/%D7%91%D7%A9%D7%A0%D7%94-%D7%94%D7%91%D7%90%D7%94-bashana-habaah-zacznie-si%C4%99-nowy-rok.html и русский (Виктор Шапиро) https://www.stihi.ru/2011/02/13/2161. Несколько лет назад читал какого-то американского еврейского писателя рассказ, там героем песня была, она оторвалася от свово бедного автора и зажила своей собственной разнообразной жизнью. Хотя авторы этой песни известны, она уже тоже существует сама по себе, и она вечна. Перевести её было вызовом, это - как решить сложное уравнение или доказать недоказуемую теорему. Ilanit - Next Year (אילן ואילנית - בשנה הבאה) https://youtu.be/k7MJAUe-_uI Bashana Haba'a " Next Year" https://youtu.be/KV52fuk8KMs Bashana Haba'a https://youtu.be/jCTw6xWqRVA Jewish a cappella music group Shir Soul - "Bashana Haba'ah" https://youtu.be/vf1IdETOngo Bashana Haba'ah hebrew song Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gormé https://youtu.be/4tlAudGPXG8 Arranged by John Leavitt https://youtu.be/Z-N4-buR17I Edited by Henry Leck https://youtu.be/BjgZGNVKzhM Yaffa Yarkoni - Bashana haba'a (live in France, 1970) https://youtu.be/E6gx9xj1DEQ Yaffa Yarkoni Viens chanter, viens danser (Bashana Haba'ah) https://youtu.be/aqi5RxuU6sE BASHANA HABA'AH - FRENCH - RIKA ZARAI https://youtu.be/YhwK1-9vK1I DIESES YAHR - BASHANA HABA'AH - GERMAIN - DALIAH LAVI https://youtu.be/K95FFIG5ls4 YAACOV SHAPIRO - BASHANA HABA'AH (YIDDISH) https://youtu.be/uapO-cc7Pks David Syme - Bashana Haba'ah https://youtu.be/18a45tlmmBE Bashana Haba'ah by Dave Cohen https://youtu.be/j3DDrg3Yttk Emik - Bashana Haba'ah https://youtu.be/3H7nyvAI7S4 Кларнет и японские субтитры! Wow! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVnCTv7szLs А вот Китай! https://youtu.be/_0uLzuVsNGs Bonus! Breaking news! A Hebrew melody does not make one Jewish or Ashkenazi! An Iranian pop song `Kochooloo` (1973) (`My little girl`,`Laleczka`,`Oh, baby, baby!`) has got the same melody as `Bashana Haba-a` but the different lyrics. It`s a luv song in Persian! (`Two eyes and two small eyebrows//Look at me in my eyes. ... I'm in my little fire`). Ета пестня об том, как девушка вьёт верёвки из своего парня! Ну, что тут поделаешь? Ведь за то он ея и любит! (See lyrics: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/%DA%A9%D9%88%DA%86%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88-little-one.html) `Kochooloo` Sung by Aref https://youtu.be/FEeFrbef76s (Благословенные Шахские времена! Королевство свободных женщин!) Another bonus! Вариант Bashana Haba-a на чешском языке - песня Zmýlená Neplatí ("Ошибка не в счёт") с той же мелодией, указанной как народная, но текстом, так же, как и французский вариант, не имеющим отношения к оригиналу, автор которого Michael Prostějovský https://www.karaoketexty.cz/texty-pisni/matuska-waldemar/zmylena-neplati-581231. Альбом 1973 г. Láska nebeská исполнители Waldemar Matuška и Eva Pilarová https://music.yandex.ru/album/963374/track/6492189
  • Громко лаяли собаки (латышская народная песня)   5k   Переводы
    Латышская народная песня "Громко лаяли собаки" - Dogs kept noisily baying - Lettish Folk Song https://youtu.be/raNEFgF9KKw Manok-mieskuoro Karjalasta Мужской вокальный ансамбль "Манок" из Карелии https://youtu.be/yJ0WpnCIL5I с 14:00 до 16:01 Original Lettish variant: https://youtu.be/5D1tUV3UpXQ Bonus The Manok members` younger years! Another, this time Finnish song on the same theme!https://youtu.be/CQ_2ipbAxRI
  • Ты очень красивая, но очень тупая You are very beautiful, but very stupid   15k   Переводы
    THIS IS A VERY BEAUTIFUL, BUT VERY `STUPID` SONG! ОЧЕНЬ КРАСИВАЯ, НО ОЧЕНЬ "ТУПАЯ" ПЕСНЯ! (Ты, что, тупайа говорить, что она тупайа?) Semyon Slepakov & Grigoriy Leps - `You are very beautiful, you are very stupid` ("Ты очень красивая, но очень тупая") Semyon Slepakoff & Grigoriy Leps Tu es très belle 由西蒙•Slepakov 和 格雷戈里•莱普斯 (Grigoriy Leps) - 你非常漂亮 https://youtu.be/F-k5yZwFeUk Slepakov`s other songs: Встала баба на весы http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/onceawomangotonscales.shtml Red Hot Chili Peppers http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/redhotchilipeppers.shtml Где бы взять мне бабу http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/getwoman.shtml
  • Bielyje Rozy Белые Розы   4k   Переводы
    SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE is a golden oldie. The catchy melody, sentimental lyrics. And, of course, that song is not only about flowers. Listen to the Polish cover of the evergreen Russian song https://youtu.be/QJtMF0mG9oI
  • بیشتر بیشتر Bishtar Bishtar   12k   Переводы
    بیشتر بیشتر Bishtar Bishtar Больше и больше More and more De plus et plus https://youtu.be/094suh4uW9o , https://youtu.be/83n5YWoSIFY
  • The Flea Der Floh Блоха   14k   Переводы
  • There`s but a blink Есть только миг...   3k   Переводы
    `There`s but a blink` (1973). Lyrics by Leonid Derbenyov. Music by Alexandre Zatsepin. Sung by a great Russian actor Oleg Dahl https://youtu.be/AjP9wRMNQD0 http://kkre-25.narod.ru/dal/etm.mp3`There`s but a blink` is a song from the Russian feature film `The Sannikov Land`(1973). There were two interpretations of the song, the above one, by actor Oleg Dahl, was replaced with that of Oleg Anofriev in the film`s soundtrack. Oleg Dahl was rejected on the score of having been tipsy during recording the song. Still this record is widely heard and loved. Dahl was a genius even when he was intoxicated and slightly mistimed. `The Blink` is a kind of soliloquy rather than a song.
  • The Blue Carriage Голубой Вагон   3k   Переводы
    The Blue Carriage Голубой вагон https://youtu.be/q1Y6bI-TyWU Cheburashka dancing to the tune of the Blue Carriage! https://youtu.be/iJNA2wGLSd0
  • An Open Secret Секрет Полишинеля   3k   Переводы
    The USB - Countess Bouchardon (Comedy Club, 2013) https://rutube.ru/video/6caec78e38730e7d225344a4f5582cf4/
  • The Brigantine Бригантина   4k   Переводы
    An iconic Russian drinking song `The Brigantine` (1937) by Russian poet Pavel Kogan put to music by his friend Georgy Lepsky. Though Pavel Kogan called his poem a joke, it relates to the certain poetic tradition, it makes us remember The Corsair by George Gordon Byron (`O'er the glad waters of the dark blue sea, ...`), `Le Voyage` by Charles Pierre Baudelaire, `Captains` by Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev. The Brigantine by Pavel Kogan is in the same row, and it`s a refined masterpiece of the Russian classical poetry that became a traditional song https://youtu.be/4Myi1o_MN3I
  • "Бубенцы" на мелодию Jingle Bells   3k   Переводы
    Jingle bells in Russian, or `Бубенцы` by Alexei Kortnev and Georgiy `Ivashi` Vassilyev https://youtu.be/CvotXtBCxyY
  • A Burglar`s Song   3k   Переводы
    A great Russian actor Spartak Mishulin (1926 - 2005) in the classical staging of the Small comedies of the big house by Andrei Mironov, Arkadiy Arkanov & Georgiy Gorin, Theatre of Satire (1974). This number staged by a groovy choreographer Vladimir Manokhin was so popular that sometimes was being played up to six encores a night! See 1:00:56-1:10:41 https://youtu.be/j3pYgK62Kgs
  • Do not call up shades of the past days   2k   Переводы
    An old Russian love song `Do not call up shades of the past days` by an unknown author (N.N.) was set to music by a remarkable Russian composer of the 19 c. Piotr Petrovich Bulakhov (1822-1885). Nina Isakova (1928-1981) (mezzo soprano) Piotr Bulakhov `Do not call up shades of the past days` https://youtu.be/Ew-yxFx5FdM
  • J`avais un camarade I had a true companion   4k   Переводы
    J`avais un camarade I had a true companion - A song from the Légion étrangère`s repertory https://youtu.be/kC8cnpFtsdY
  • Chałupy welcome to Добро пожаловать в Халупы   6k   Переводы
    NAKED AIN`T ALWAYS SEXY, SEXY AIN`T ALWAYS NAKED. Chałupy welcome to sung by Zbigniew Wodecki, Poland https://youtu.be/wqXWVPP0Pmc Chałupy (Khaloop-ee) is a popular Polish sea side resort located between Władysławowo and Kuźnica on the Hel Peninsula on the southern Baltic Sea. This is a jocular song describing a situation when nakedness becomes a common rule for the sea resorts. Just one more step, and the not naked enough gonna be persecuted by the vice squad and public mind. Of course, it`s a grotesque, a nice `joke of humour`(as the Russian would say) in the form of the no less nice topsy-turvy song. When I learned in the Russian University they taught Polish and Czech along with Russian and even Old Slavonic. Besides, I learned Chinese. Strange it is that some of those things have left intact in my `golova` so far! Watch and listen to `Chałupy` covered by Michal Grobelny in the Polish replica of the Spanish show `Tu cara me suena` (`Your Face Sounds Familiar`) https://youtu.be/WqwOkOMxP0E The original performance of the Chałupy Welcome To by Zbigniew Wodecki (1950-2017) Wodecki Zbigniew Chałupy Welcome To (1985) https://youtu.be/2HYETWMC5jU Zbigniew Wodecki - Chałupy Welcome To (Official Audio 2017) https://youtu.be/QGUQLj9TZCA Koncert Jubileuszowy Zbigniewa Wodeckiego - Chałupy Welcome To https://youtu.be/0KdiH7WgVtI Zbigniew Wodecki - "Chałupy welcome to" (live) https://youtu.be/2ObVpsM5HQY Tribute to Zbigniew Wodecki - Ania Rusowicz "Chałupy Welcome To" https://youtu.be/pTKSKz7j52c BONUS! "Świat według Kiepskich": Chałupy w wykonaniu Kiepskich! https://youtu.be/ne2i_Oo86Lw "Świat według Kiepskich" i występ Zbigniewa Wodeckiego! https://youtu.be/7YlHWDuAU2Q
  • Charlie`s ditty   1k   Переводы
    Charlie`s ditties in the Russian folklore (based on the tune of the Titina). A music school pupil is playing a melody from a Charlie Chaplin`s film that became a part of the Russian folklore, and his respectable teacher Anatoliy Sudarev from the 29th art school and October Revolution Culture Club of Novosibirsk city is tap-dancing to that frivolous tune like a mischievous boy! Masters are kidding too! (A scene from the real life filmed by chance): https://youtu.be/piGFPBjFBaw By the way, the Charlie`s film title was ` Modern Times` (1936) https://youtu.be/-Jhxbo5I8q4
  • Цюн Жень Дэ Хайцзы Цзао Дан Цзя Дитя Из Бедной Семьи   5k   Переводы

    An air from the Revolutionary Model Opera `The Red Lantern`, 1968 (to the Peking Opera tune of xipi) from The initial scene `Contacting the communication agent` https://youtu.be/xCg43xSXz-o Sung by Dmitry Kovalev born in Barnaul in Siberia, Russia, in 1976 and emigrated from Ukraine to China in 2008. That Chinese pop singer and songwriter who composed the song `China is my second homeland` is known as Ukrainian Jimmy (乌克兰吉米) or Ukrainian Prince Charming (乌克兰白马王子).

    Ария из революционной образцовой оперы "Красный фонарь", 1968 (на традиционный мотив Пекинской оперы "сипи") из Первой сцены "Встреча со связным (партизанского отряда)". Исполняется Дмитрием Ковалёвым, родившимся в Барнауле в Сибири, Россия, 14 мая 1976 г. и эмигрировавшим в Китай в 2008 г. с Украины. Этот китайский эстрадный певец и композитор, сочинивший песню "Китай - моя вторая Родина", известен публике как"Украинский Джимми" (乌克兰吉米) или "Украинский Прекрасный Принц" (досл. "Принц на белом коне")(乌克兰白马王子).

    L`aria de l'Opéra modèle révolutionnaire `La lanterne rouge`, 1968 (sur le motif de xipi de l"opéra de Pékin) de La scène premiere `Сontact avec une liaison` . Chanté par Dmitry Kovalev, né à Barnaul en Sibérie (Russie) en 1976 et émigré d'Ukraine en Chine en 2008. Le chanteur pop chinois et auteur-compositeur qui a composé la chanson "La Chine est ma deuxième patrie" est connu sous le nom d'Ukrainian Jimmy (乌克兰吉米) ou le Prince Charmant ukrainien (白马王子).
  • Declaration Of Love Зацелована, околдована   3k   Переводы
    Alexandre Nikolayevich Lobanovsky, one of the St. Petersburg bards composed music, having slightly changed the first line (`charmed` instead of `kissed`). (In my translation I kept Zabolotsky`s text intact. In any case it"s singable! - AAO) Declaration of Love. Music by Alexandre Lobanovsky https://youtu.be/CHgmRY64k9s After that Mikhail Mikhailovich Zvezdinsky (Deinekin) (born in 1945), another Russian bard from Moscow composed his own melody which has become popular and even iconic since then. Declaration of Love (You are kissed, bewitched ...). Lyrics by Nikolai Zabolotsky. Music by Mikhail Zvezdinsky. Sung by the `St. Petersburg` Group`. IMHO, the best performance of that romance song. https://youtu.be/c3lyKPvuye8 ; https://youtu.be/Toj0G5otVqU ; https://youtu.be/M1vAKvI-LpM
  • Devil`s Wheel Чёртово Колесо   2k   Переводы
    Devil`s Wheel (Чёртово колесо) - this poem by Evgeniy Yevtushenko was set to music by Arno Babadjanian https://youtu.be/ijq6r9JbnGU
  • Dolce Gabbana   5k   Переводы
    The DOLCE GABBANA composed, written & sung by Andrei Danilko https://youtu.be/YUBxGI1986Q The `Reading the songs`series. The Dolce GABBANA is recited (played) by Viktoria Savina https://youtu.be/49-ChYi3baU The actress changed not a word of the original lyrics! (Except for an omission of the song`s by-tune`La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la oolla-oolla`! and the wine`s brandname). She plays a very recognizable situation. A good mise-en-scene with a tipsy, getting drunk girl grotesquely complaining of her boyfriend!
  • I do not believe you! Я тебе не верю!   5k   Переводы
    Kai Metov refused to remain only a part of the past, he still exists and acts as a succesful pop singer, a living icon still able to gather the full house http://metov.ru/ He`s a symbol of the 90s, and you can`t kill the symbol. Was he a first post-Soviet sex idol? Abso-bloody-lutely! The perfect health and youth of the singer, his young-looking appearance and his velvet, a little bit husky voice made a charming impression on his audience, especially on women. As a gifted arranger he used a new for the Russian 90s mixture of the electronic pop music with heavy metal inclusions in his songs. The Western dancing rhythm, true-to-life simple lyrics, a special heartfelt sound of his slightly `vicious` voice and informal intonation formed his patented style. The lyrical hero of his lyrics was a naive and sentimental macho, the real, though not self-confident one. It attracted hearts and aroused sympathy. Are you ready for that? `I do not believe you!` ("Я тебе не верю!") written, composed and sung by Kai Metov https://youtu.be/eIpeROnJ0Ac One of my favourite songs! O yeah, babies!
  • Don`t Go Away, Do Stay With Me Не уходи, побудь со мной   6k   Переводы
    The Russian love song `Don`t go away, do stay with me` was composed, written and dedicated to Anastassiya Vyaltzeva by Nikolai Vladimirovich Zubov (1867- after 1906) in 1899. IMHO, the best performers of the romance song were Varya Panina before the Revolution https://youtu.be/4fsp71A9Y5U (once a great Russian artist Valentin Serov explained to Feodor Chaliapin that there was a singer much better than Chaliapin was (he meant Varya Panina) and operatic singer Ivan Burlak (1893-1964) (to the guitar accompanimen of Nikolai Nikolayevich Kruchinin) in 1945 https://youtu.be/56qxvbchJ0I
  • Fuck&fucked Ебла и ебу   4k   Переводы
    F&F E&E You can see a mysterious abbreviation of the E&E on the T-shirts of the Pled members. It`s but a title of their song below. Well, the Pled`s lyrics are sometimes cocky and shocking but true-to-life and highly artistic. Pled - E&E (F&F) (Red Curtains Session) https://youtu.be/FQc2zG6-Gnk Live version https://youtu.be/M38xX6L97N0
  • Eskimo And Papuan Эскимос и папуас   2k   Переводы
    The Na-Na group`s humorous song `Eskimo and Papuan` (1990) where `Eskimo` implies winter frost and `Papuan` implies summer heat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wM-YUWmb_I Unlike in the West the word of `eskimo` hasn`t got a negative meaning in Russian.
  • Faraway From Home Давно Мы Дома Не Были   4k   Переводы
    `Faraway from home` ("Давно мы дома не были"), a Russian song created on the 8th May of 1945 in Koenigsberg. Lyrics by a Russian poet Alexei Fatyanov (1919-1959), Music by Vasiliy Soloviev-Sedoy, that very gentleman who composed music for the `Moscow Nights`. https://youtu.be/HdZS_ptBglw

    Фатьянов (206x300, 42Kb)

    Alexei Fatyanov
  • La Valse des Officiers russes Вальс русских офицеров (В лесу прифронтовом)   3k   Переводы
    La Valse des Officiers russes, le 31 juillet 1974 chante en Russe par Serge Gainsbourg https://youtu.be/n0Gwch5FgYI IN A FRONT-LINE AREA`S FOREST https://youtu.be/D4ic7KEKG8Y
  • There comes on furlough   9k   Переводы

    This Russian song is the very delight! It was written by a Russian poet Viktor Bokov in 1957 and set to music in 1961 by a young guy from a Ryazan region`s village Alexandre Averkin when he was a soldier of the elite Taman Division. Eventually, this song made a young singer Lyudmila Zykina who performed the Russian folk music (a Russian country style) the international superstar. It was a cornerstone, a touchstone, to be short, a starting point of her further great career.

    I`ve enclosed three original records, a music video of 1961 https://youtu.be/BC9CUB0-plw, a fragment of the 1962 New Year TV Show https://youtu.be/CXg5h_lzG_A, a studio, orchestrated performance https://youtu.be/b2yIX77j5Y0
    The fourth is the cover of the song by a rock singer Alexandre Sklyar https://youtu.be/7mPRmN8suNI and his friends, St. Petersburg`s actors and artists from the Mitkis association. They have this song in their repertory! Wow!(Alex Sklyar`s companion is a Rusian film star Alexandre Bashirov, a drama actor of a rare talent!)
  • Gagarin, I Loved You! Гагарин, я вас любила   3k   Переводы
  • Where to get a woman? Где бы взять мне бабу?   5k   Переводы
    Semyon Sergeyevich Slepakov (born 1979 in Pyatigorsk) slepakov.com is a Russian producer, script writer, comedian, author and performer of his own comic songs. Are you ready for that? Where to get a woman? ("Где бы взять мне бабу?") https://youtu.be/Hyy8i45oh-c Slepakov`s other songs: Встала баба на весы http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/onceawomangotonscales.shtml Ты -очень красивая http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/beautifullystupid.shtml Red Hot Chili Peppers http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/redhotchilipeppers.shtml
  • Jumping Clumsily Over Пусть Бегут Неуклюже   2k   Переводы
    A Song of Crocodile Ghena (`Jumping clumsily over...`) from a Russian animation film `Cheburashka`(Lyrics by Alexandre Timofeyevsky, Music by Vladimir Shaïnsky, Sung by Vladimir Ferapontov) https://youtu.be/EbAPd1491X8 Also Song of Gena (ゲーナの歌) sung by Japanese girls Koharu & Momo-chan https://youtu.be/hcyB42jW340
  • A Glass Of Vodka Рюмка Водки На Столе   3k   Переводы
    For the first time `A glass of vodka on my table` was performed by the `Major Sergeyev` group led by Evgeniy `Zheka` Grigoriyev. The the song was sold to Grigoriy Leps, another singer, Zheka`s crony, just for $300. In the 90s both musicians were not the pop stars, they were the recent winos and poor strangers in the Russian capital city. A decade later, in 2002, the song helped Leps to establish himself as a superstar. Leps transformed the song into a blues while Zheka used to perform his `A glass of vodka ...` as a rock ballad in a style of the `Prokol Harum` (the text had got also an additional strophe) https://youtu.be/6AWNEGTG68I A 4,5 years old girl Lisa is singing song for his daddy and is ordering him to be more serious and not to sing backup. That video was viral, and watched 5 mln. times in Russia https://youtu.be/YC9HwFwIJCU Now watch Leps` music video https://youtu.be/42t-NCCbShQ
  • Go Away, Do Not Look Отойди, не гляди   2k   Переводы
    The cruel love song `Go away, do not look!` set to music by Sasha Davydov, a Russian star of the Armenian origin is sung by Alexandre Mikhailovich Davydov (Isroel Moiseyevich Levenson (1872-1944), a Russian operatic singer of the Jewish descent and a soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre in Petersburg in 1900-1914 (famous with his Wagnerian parties). A Feodor Chaliapin`s friend, a predecessor of Alexandre Vertinsky. International Parlophone Record, St. Peterburg, 1905 https://youtu.be/Pt9cfWhb5rE
  • Гори, гори, моя звезда Do shine, do shine, my glowing star   2k   Переводы
    `Forever shine, my glowing star1` (`You shine, you shine, my glowing star` ("Гори, гори, моя звезда!"). Sung by Polish singer Anna German in pure Russian as it was a language of her Siberian childhood. Frames from the Russian feature film `Admiral`. https://youtu.be/S9mcyFzlVd0
  • The Leningrad The Gulf of Finland "Ленинград" "Финский залив"   1k   Переводы
    `The Leningrad` The Gulf of Finland "Ленинград" Финский залив (Sung by Sergei Shnurov, Yulia Kogan, Alisa Vox (Burmistrova)) https://youtu.be/CR4rkYGtTrQ
  • The Hairy Buttocks Волосатые ляжки   2k   Переводы
    The Pled Group (Плед, lit. Plaid) - The hairy buttocks. The group`s frontwoman Dasha Davydova https://youtu.be/kbtfgLNm5Pk I`ve been their fan. O yeah, baby! Live version https://youtu.be/qNiXPWUFF78
  • Harley Davidson   3k   Переводы
    Beauty is the only revenge of women. https://youtu.be/Cwv7CxO8rs8
  • I Am Heart And Soul To You Я к тебе со всею душой   2k   Переводы
    `I`m heart and soul to you` follows the style of the Russian traditional songs, and is usually sung with stressed pronouncing "o" as "o", rather than as "a" which is a distinctive feature of some Russian dialects of the Volga region. https://youtu.be/taaZn_I0ZBs Maxim Gorky spoke in that way all his life. After starting to learn English people speaking like that reveal they speak sticking a pure Oxford pronunciation.
  • L'Helicoptere The Helicopter   2k   Переводы
    In 1969 Serge Gainsbourg composed and wrote the song the Helicopter for Mireille Darc. En 1969 Serge Gainsbourg compose et ecrit la chanson L'Helicoptere pour Mireille Darc https://youtu.be/WowRnp6pTVc
  • Hey, onсe, one more time Эх, раз, ещё раз   1k   Переводы
    Gypsy love song `Two guitars` from `An unusual concert`. The Puppet Show (1972) of Sergei Obraztsov https://youtu.be/gf9_v-c1Bd4 (from 34:35) The refrain sung by the Gypsy choir is as in the below song https://youtu.be/uvkg7RGliFo. It`s a classical and surrealistic Gypsy refrain full of the improbable charm. You can meet it in many Gypsy songs and in the author`s `Gypsy` songs and even in French as it`s in the Vladimir Vysotsky`s song `Rien Ne Va, Plus Rien Ne Va`https://youtu.be/617UWepjtIU
  • Highwaymen`s Song Песня Разбойников   1k   Переводы
    HIGHWAYMEN`S SONG from the Russian fairy tale film `Morozko` (`Father Frost`) https://youtu.be/Fc5iMU5eHEk
  • Hua Kai Hua Luo 花开花落   5k   Переводы
    Песня ХУА К`АЙ ХУА ЛО 花开花落 В исполнении бесконечно талантливой поп-певицы из Китая Ли Ихуй. У неё есть поклонники во всём мире. Тема её песен: "Жизнь и любовь" женщины" https://youtu.be/wv3efFgBqtU
  • The Hussar`s Love Song Любовная песнь гусара   2k   Переводы
    A fragment from the comedy `Ah, vaudevile, vaudeville!`. The song of hussar Ushitsa sung by Oleg Tabakov. https://youtu.be/I9BGWDEgSIs
  • Boombarash`s Song Наплевать   2k   Переводы
    I don`t care, I don`t care! - a BOOMBARASH`S SONG from the Boombarash TV film, Russia, 1971,
  • I have got for you У меня для тебя   3k   Переводы
    Viktor Balthasar Emil Hoffmann (Виктор Викторович Гофман) (1884-1911) was born in a family of the Austrian German citizen who owned the furniture factory in Russia. He went to the Russian classical school and finished it with honours. One of his classmates was Russian poet Vladimir Khodasevich. Hoffmann was a friend and pupil of Russian poets Valery Bryusov and Konstantin Balmont. He graduated from the legal faculty of the Moscow University, cooperated with literary journals. Hoffmann was labelled by the contemporary reviewers as a ladies` poet, affected and elegant one`. In 1911 he committed suicide as a result of a panick attack in one of the Paris hotels. He thought he had been going mad. He was afraid of this most of all. `I have got for you` - Love Song (Lyrics by Viktor Hoffmann, Music by Tatyana Velikodvorskaya, Sung by Alexandre GamI) https://youtu.be/N5E8vteEV6I
  • I miss you   9k   Переводы

    The song 好想好想 (`I miss you`) was for the 1st time featured by a duet of Ms. Vicky Zhao (Zhao Wei 赵薇) and Mr. Leo Koo (Leo Ku Kui Kei 古巨基) https://youtu.be/9F3R3PrJycw It became a title number of the OST of TV series called 情深深雨濛濛 (`Romance In The Rain`) https://youtu.be/VJzXWZffcEs Its lyrics were written by Chiung (Qiong) Yao (琼瑶), music composed and arranged by You Jingyang (尤景仰). Recently it was also performed by a Chinese pop star Ukrainian Jimmy (乌克兰吉米)(aka Ukrainian Prince Charming 乌克兰白马王子)(Dmitry Kovalev) https://youtu.be/VhU_NfwuQiY.

    Песня "Хао сян, хао сян" (`I miss you`) была впервые исполнена дуэтом Вики Чжао (Чжао Вэй) и Лео Ку . Эта песня стала заглавной в саундтреке ТВ сериала "Роман под дождём" (`Romance In The Rain` 情深深雨濛濛), стихи Цюн Яо, (琼瑶) музыка и аранжировка - Ю Цзинъяна (尤景仰). Она также исполнялась китайской поп-звездой - "Украинским Джимми" ( "Укэлань Цзими" 乌克兰吉米), "Украинским Принцем на белом коне" (乌克兰白马王子) ("Укэлань Баймаванцзы") (Дмитрий Ковалёв).

    La chanson 好想 ("I miss you" ("Tu me manques")) a été présentée pour la première fois par un duo de Mme Vicky Zhao (Zhao Wei) et de M. Leo Koo (Leo Ku Kui Kei). C'est devenu un numéro de titre de l'OST de la série télévisée appelée 情 深深 雨 濛濛 (`Romance In The Rain` (`Romance sous la pluie`) ). Ses paroles ont été écrites par Chiung (Qiong) Yao (琼瑶), musique composée et arrangée par You Jingyang (尤景仰). Récemment, il a également été interprété par une pop star chinoise, Ukrainien Jimmy (乌克兰吉米) (alias le Prince Charmant Ukrainien(白马王子)(Dmitry Kovalev).
  • Airhostess Jeanne Стюардесса по имени Жанна   3k   Переводы
    AIRHOSTESS JEANNE by Eliah Reznik and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Sung by Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. https://youtu.be/DI4ujgAnlMk
  • Jüdischer Tango Iddish Tango   3k   Переводы
    The title of this song https://youtu.be/m6tyesDCEgk is the Yiddish Tango, or in original `Jüdischer Tango`. This the title it was given by its songwriter Friedrich Swartz, a Jewish German composer, himself in his last letter sent to Germany from Paris to where he`d escaped from his motherland (Er selbst bestimmte in seinem letzten Brief vom 23. Juli 1933 den Untertitel "Jüdischer Tango"). He was murdered in his room in the Paris hotel soon after he`d done it. This case wasn`t investigated properly. Another `Pocrass`! Note that this song is called not `Judischer Tango` in German, but `Jüdischer Tango`, so it`s right title is not the Jewish Tango, but the Yiddish tango, though it was written and sung in the German language. As a German Friedrich knew no Yiddish. However, some covers of that now quite rare song are being performed our days in Yiddish too which I find wrong. It`s a universal rather than Jewish song. It`s dedicated to all who`s banished or was made to go. One of the modern covers by Bella Liebermann und die Band Kol Cole moved me no less than the original performance https://youtu.be/R4NDBQvw9SU If you want to listen to a real Yiddish Tango, listen to the evergreen, classical song `Papirosen` https://youtu.be/odRpiRBKYK8 performed in Yiddish https://youtu.be/w3qG3rd_abM by an incomparable Jewish singer, I mean Zully Goldfarb.
  • Cat`n`cook. Кисонька   2k   Переводы
    Cat`n`cook. Sung by Willie Tokarev Video by Elizaveta Geranina https://youtu.be/PPoklPlx9aU
  • Поцелуй меня, девочка Kiss me, girl   3k   Переводы

    Kiss me, girl! (Поцелуй меня, девочка!) https://youtu.be/9sct6yKjUOc
    Arranged & sung by the most unique Russian pop singer Sergei Vasiliyevitch Tchelobanov (Сергей Васильевич Челобанов). He performed as a pop star in the 90s of the 20 c. Later he dedicated himself to arrangement and composing. I don`t know anyone better than him either in the 90s or now. A standard, a model, an ideal ... for all times!
  • Koi-no Bakansu Love Vacation Каникулы любви   6k   Переводы
    Now the Koi-no Bakansu (Love Vacation, VACANCES DE L'AMOUR) composed by Miyagawa Hiroshi (宮川泰) and written by Iwatani Tokiko (岩谷時子) in 1963 is but an evergreen oldie of the J-Pop first sung by The Peanuts (ザ・ピーナッツ) https://youtu.be/DupKB3kQn_c

    Картинки по запросу 恋のバカンス2018-10-31_211921 (700x492, 404Kb)

    The Peanuts duo included Itō sisters, Amy ((伊藤エミ) (1941-2012) and Yumi (伊藤ユミ) (1941-2016). The song was covered by many Japanese and foreign singers. In 2004 the song was re-arranged by Suzuki "Daichi" Hideyuki (鈴木Daichi秀行) and sung by the W duet (Double You (ダブルユ-Daburuyū)), see their excellent music video: https://youtu.be/jSxP4WnPafY The W duet (2004-2007) included Ai Kago and Nozomi Tsuji. Their photo (a video still) is to the right, a pure Utamaro (歌麿), kinda portrait of beauties (美人画).

  • Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Small Statue Made of Dresden China   6k   Переводы
    Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Small Statue Made of Dresden China - Sung by Magda Fronczewska https://youtu.be/S8cgNhzeFtI Laleczka z saskiej porcelany - Majka Jeżowska https://youtu.be/LjCdM2TJbSM Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Small Statue Made of Dresden China - Sung by Majka Jeżowska and Paweł Paprocki https://youtu.be/OPJUTu_9lqA Fasolki - Laleczka z saskiej porcelany - https://youtu.be/AsjuRNQ1mXI Anna Patrini - Laleczka z saskiej porcelany Bejbi Blues 2013 https://youtu.be/kd6ZiM6POsI Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Angelika Kaniewska(cover) https://youtu.be/ypmnbAqOKnY Amelka Kurantowicz "Laleczka z saskiej porcelany" https://youtu.be/IaHKrJiAXK0 Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Piano https://youtu.be/-gdFIIi29Vg Karaoke - Laleczka z saskiej porcelany https://youtu.be/Jc3P-78KZKk
  • The Lilac-Coloured Haze Сиреневый Туман   3k   Переводы
    Lyrics of the song THE LILAC-COLOURED HAZE (СИРЕНЕВЫЙ ТУМАН) was written by a poet Mikhail Matusovsky as a lyricist in 1936 when he was a student in Moscow. But its music was composed by Jan Sashin (Yakov Levin), his mate, another student of the institute, who also became a poet. They created that unpretentious song for a students` ball of their institute. They were amazed to have heard this song several months later as a popular Russian song whose authors were unknown! And it was rather hard for them to prove their copyrights afterwards. https://youtu.be/aF0yfHZZAXE Sung by Vladimir Markin
  • Lilies Лилии   4k   Переводы
    Lilies. Sung by Alexandre Aivazov. Lyrics by a poetess Larissa Rubalsky. Music by Alexandre Klevitsky, Chief Conductor of the Yu. V. Silantyev Academical Large Concert Orchestra, Moscow First love and ... first disappontment! So many firsts! And damn importance of motor transport that makes love stronger! Alexandre Aivazov - Lilies - The 2013 Jubilee Concert of the Radio Retro FM in the Olympic complex. Masters of Ceremonies: `This country has known him in his 16. But having known him the country fell in love with him from the first sight,`cuz he sang very cheerful, romanic songs, and he was simply charming ... He was and he is! SASHA AIVAZOV!!!` https://youtu.be/p7ZdG5307yQ The first teen performance by Sasha Aivazov https://youtu.be/JHAm-57q4Sg Polish cover `Jak mam ci uwierzyć` (How can I believe you?) Sung by TIME https://youtu.be/i_LqIAxMDEA
  • Lily Of The Valley Ландыш   2k   Переводы
    These lines were discovered after Tchaikovsky`s death in his personal papers and published in the literary journal Русский вестник (Russkiy Vestnik - Russian Herald) in 1894. The poem was written in Italy. In the letter to brother Modest the great composer confessed: `For the first in my life I managed to write really good verses, very deep-felt ones ... They were hard-earned, but I worked with no less pleasure than when writing my music`. Brother offered to have the poem published, but Peter refused the very idea of it after remembering the maxim of his teacher Anton Rubinstein: `Writing is a pleasure, publication is a responsibility`(`Писание - удовлетворение, печатание - ответственность`).
    Landysh (Lily-of-the-valley), Op. 38, No. 2. Lyrics by Piotr Tchaikovsky. Music by Anton Arensky. Sung by Nadezhda Kazantseva https://youtu.be/TGXJeKoK7OY
  • Lisa Лиза   8k   Переводы
    CONFESSIONE DI UN COMMISSARIO DI POLIZIA A MONA LISA 一个警察局长对蒙娜•丽莎的自白: Lisa composed, written and sung by Andrei Gubin, a Russian pop music composer, iconic pop idol and most famous babyface of the 90s-00s La chanson `Lisa` composée, écrite et chantée par Andrei Gubin, un chanteur classique de pop russe, un pop idol iconique et un fameuse baby-face des années 90-00 歌曲 [丽莎] (Lisa)由俄罗斯流行音乐的经典歌手Andrei Gubin创作,90年代的流行偶像和着名娃娃脸。 https://youtu.be/EG64aGrKFE0
  • Aishang ni, hao guniang Fallen in love with a good girl   6k   Переводы
    FALLEN IN LOVE WITH A GOOD GIRL AISHANG NI, HAO GUNIANG A sexy beauty is arguing with her Lamborghini boyfriend, a rich businessman. We see him saying `Well!` (Hao ba!) and ordering her to return to his car (`Do take your seat!` Zuo!). Her response is, `Weishenme ne? Why then? Again?` According to the author and performer of the song Sun Hui (Сунь Хуй) it implies: "I don"t want anything, I don't care about your money!" He told that the girl (by the way, a professional music vidеo (MV)actress) threw away the valuable clothes and jewelry to become free. On her way she`s met the very Sun Hui, the author of that music vidеo pretending to look as `a poor brother`. Having recognized the celebrity, the girl is ignoring him either starting to take off and throw away the expensive pieces of her chic clothing one by one while literally step by step showing her beautiful body in bikini and making Sun Hui to pursue and escort her all the way. Unexpectedly there`s appeared an ordinary, poor "cycling brother", and off they go together riding his bicycle. That`s the idea of the song as it can be read in the pop music media of China and Taiwan. As to me I think that everything is much simpler, the girl will return to her boyfriend, she`s not poor and things she`s lost are no big loss of money for her. By the way, Sun Hui was picking them up knowing their price while singing and thinking that the girl will come to her senses and - who knows? - will prefer him. https://youtu.be/vPKVagwzlhI В песенке остроумно применена считалка, очень продуктивный приём, повысивший художественную ценность "лирики"(lyrics). Вспоминается не совсем приличная детская считалка из моего детства: "Одиножды один - приехал господин, дважды два - его жена, трижды три - спать легли ... шестью шесть - хвать её за шерсть, семью восемь - доктора просим ... " Помню местами, увы!
  • La Madrague   3k   Переводы
    September 28 is Brigitte Bardot`s birthday! She`s my idol!https://youtu.be/Bbkwrf5lMqc https://youtu.be/h0xUjsxwrkE (Sorry for my complicated relationship with time, I thought it was October, so I`d written Oct. 28 before). A propos, слово la madrague означает "сеть для ловли тунца", а в более широком смысле слова "ловушка" (a trap)
  • Mama Zedong is fond of touching boobs Мама Цзедун - большой шалун   5k   Переводы
    Oh yeah, baby! Only culture is the permanent revolution! https://youtu.be/lNx7tj7XeNw
  • The Ballad About Mannequins Баллада о манекенах   9k   Переводы
    A poem-song by Vladimir Vysotsky from the `Mr. McKinley`s Escape` feature film`s soundtrack https://youtu.be/tg0tK193pgQ Of course, it`s more my own interpretation of the Vysotsky`s song-poem rather than my translation of it, my variation on the theme offered by the genius of the Russian poetry. To what extent? You are welcome to judge it by a comparison of the translation and original text. (My translation contains three dots marking absent stanzas of the original poem and contractions of some stanzas). Initially, before the film, it was one of the Vysotsky`s jocular songs to his own now on purpose frolicksome, foolish now more or less `serious` tune https://youtu.be/wlw5DXJUelc, https://youtu.be/pIzmLvsSdLk, https://youtu.be/bEUP6lbxNqU, etc. The soundtrack version changed all, first of all, the melody. Though text was mostly unchanged, only abridged, it acquired an unexpected, philosophical meaning. The new, strict melody blew up the hidden senses, maybe not known even for the very author. I developed this theme by Vysotsky taking into account changes brought by our days. I made it as much as thrice in my previous translations, in `The French Ambassador`s Wife` by Gorodnitsky (there appeared a figure of the very Ambassador, though in the hero`s nightmare) and in Vladimir Voinovich`s iconic `Spacemen`s Song` (where spacemen due to my free will downloaded their maps into the `Apple` or `Samsung` tablets which weren`t being used in 1961). To be short, I dared to perform as Vladimir Vysotsky`s co-author and tried my best (and even kicked my ass) to develop his ideas, and, of course, I followed his metre and tune ( I left `em intact). Had I got the very right to act like this? Who knows? What if I am just a literary hooligan?! Literally! Oh, my! But as a Russian proverb reads, `If you`re going to fall, then do it only from the kingsize horse!` I fell to rise! By the way, for the third time. An old offender! Every translator wants to be a co-author! Me too, but fortunately sometimes and very rarely. Let it be my excuse and your consolation! Hip-hip, hurrah! Bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyxxhfYZks8 and https://youtu.be/_mkiGMtbrPM
  • Apple Trees on Mars И на Марсе будут яблони цвести   2k   Переводы
    MARS AND THE APPLES: Apple Trees on Mars. Sung by Vladimir Troshin. https://youtu.be/xzfnIlU8MdA
  • Russian Matchish Русскiй Матчишъ   3k   Переводы
    RUSSIAN MATCHISH РУССКIЙ МАТЧИШЪ Matchish #1. Performed by the dancers of the Kamenny Most (Stone Bridge) Studio of the Historical and Traditional Dances in Voronezh, Russia (2016) https://youtu.be/x6O26bvIOyY Matchish #2. The same studio https://youtu.be/mzV23FpujLI Russian La Matchish of 1917. Sung by Psoi & Dobranoch https://youtu.be/XsdmtDf5DXw
  • Merry Gravediggers - Hamlet   2k   Переводы
    MERRY GRAVEDIGGERS - HAMLET V. Savinov Drama Theatre, 2011. The song sung by the Clowns https://youtu.be/T_sOEOS_Slk in the scene (starts from 3:47) is a parody of lyrics of the song composed by L. Schwartz from the Golden Key feature film of 1939. The scene starts as it"s supposed to be: the 1st&2nd Clowns (Act V Scene I. A churchyard Enter Two Clowns, with Spades, & c.), but then it"s a little bit abridged as Horatio appears right from the words: `Hamlet: ... Whose grave's this, sirrah?`.
  • Mikhalitch "Михалыч"   6k   Переводы
    MIKHALITCH is a patronimic. The Russian workers of the same age used to address one another with the help of their patronimics in their coloquial pronunciation. The patronimic of Mikhalitch derives from the name of Mikhail (Michael), in the literary speech it sounds as Mikhailovitch. Folks, however, say Mikhalitch in the informal speech with a respected person of the same age, rank and social position. This is a humorous rap from the popular Russian TV program `Our Russia` depicting the daily life of Russia in a grotesque, humorous and mildly satirical way. All parts are played and sung by two artists Sergey Svetlakov and Mikhail Galoustyan. The part of milling machine operator Dulin is played by Mr. Svetlakov and that of his chief Mikhalitch by Mr. Galoustyan. Dulin woos Mikhalitch, and it creates funny situations in which the other workers and office personnel of the machine-shop are regularly involved. Industrial Chelyabinsk City is supposed to be the locale of the TV serial. By the way, there were no attempts to forbid this show depicting the recognizable characters and social types that folks keep intervening in a real life. The Russian are kidding too! Oh yeah! https://youtu.be/fxCB06y8yo4 Bonus! A fragment from an Eldar Ryazanov comedy `Beware of the car`. Two friends played by Innokenty Smoktunovsky (Car Thief) and Oleg Yefremov (Policeman) singing `If I ever fall ill ...` (see http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/ifieverfallill.shtml) while leaving the pub. Both are amateur actors ready to play in `Hamlet`. Just another subtle blue hint in Eldar Ryazanov`s works!https://youtu.be/AzWNOm5BEy0
  • The song of a pampered moggy Купи мне это   5k   Переводы
    Oh, this is a real hymn [hɪm] of the glamorous moggies, a true mirror of them. The song was written and composed, and sung by a nice Russian pop singer Sveta Kolibaba http://kolibaba.ru/tv Initially, this song was a number of the soundtrack of the motion picture `Boomer` (Boomer is German BMW car in Russian slang) but later the song lost touch with it. People are used to remember a refrain though the meaning concentrates in the couplets too. Watch Sveta Kolibaba as a pampered moggy: https://youtu.be/GIHzPhd7eQU https://youtu.be/J633lDXa-lM
  • The Moonshiners` Song Песня Самогонщиков   3k   Переводы
    SONG OF THE MOONSHINERS ПЕСНЯ САМОГОНЩИКОВ https://youtu.be/Ce1MPHBwsmo and potpourris from the Russian feature film `Operation `Y`, or the new adventures of Shurik` (film director Leonid Gaidai). See the full film in here: https://youtu.be/x_-ehagcrBg Vladimir Livshitz wrote many famous ditties for Arkadiy Raikin`s repertory.
  • I Like To Stroll Along The Moscow Streets Я шагаю по Москве   6k   Переводы

    The picture of the music video I LIKE TO STROLL ALONG THE MOSCOW STREETS https://youtu.be/SuWLPI9C0kc shows knowledge of its authors with the Japanese lyrics of the song sung by the Dark Ducks (ダークダックス) under a title of the Kaze kaoru Mosukuwa ni.
    The image of Moscow in these lyrics blends with the image of a girl, one`s fair one. A single feminine image with Moscow keeping unfolding in time and space during the stroll. A kind of the Japanese version of `My guide Natalie` (`Mon Guide Natalie` sung by Gilbert Becaud), a French song of the same period. Still, Moscow is just a background in Gilbert Becaud`s song while it`s a title character in the Japanese cover.
    (The Dark Ducks had been performing for 15 years in the 50-60s of the XX c. The band was formed in 1951 by Toru Sasaki, Tetsu Kiso and Тоyma Hajime, the members of the choir in the University Keio. In 1952 they were joined by Takamizawa. The repertory of the Dark Ducks included Russian and American folk and pop songs).
    The song I LIKE TO STROLL ALONG THE MOSCOW STREETS originates from the same name Soviet feature film of the 60s featuring for the first time young Nikita Mikhalkov who sang that song in a final episode of the Georgiy Danelia film from a screenplay by Gennady Shpalikov: https://youtu.be/qLkJ_0JRPOk
  • The Moscow Windows   2k   Переводы
    The Moscow Windows played by Tigran Osipov and Alexandre Zelenkov in a style of a Gypsy romance and then develop`d in a style of the Russian retro music of the 50s of the 20c. https://youtu.be/CztolA3I1p8 The Moscow Windows played and taught by Vitaliy Budyak From the MoscowGuitar School https://youtu.be/qhktyEf_jhg
  • What Made You Feel Love Of Your Motherland? С Чего Начинается Родина?   3k   Переводы
    WHAT MADE YOU FEEL LOVE OF YOUR MOTHERLAND? A Russian patriotic song written by Mikhail Matusovsky and composed by Veniamin Basner. First sung by Mark Bernes for an excellent Russian action motion picture The Shield & the Sword (film director Vladimir Basov, a war vet). He`s appearing at once as an actor in the following episode of the film right before the song starts in here: https://youtu.be/sFs6n8Y_nEs
  • Moustached Girl Усатая Девчонка   2k   Переводы
    The USB - Moustached Girl https://ok.ru/video/622069836
  • Wear You Moustache Носи Усы   2k   Переводы
    DON`T WET YOUR PANTS! HAVE NO ANTS IN`EM! JUST WEAR YOUR MOUSTACHE! Igor `Bulldog` Kharlamov & The Lips Group - Гарик "Бульдог" Харламов - Группа Губы https://youtu.be/wAQ-0HSebLA
  • With her nanny С няней   2k   Переводы
    Josie Carr-Harris, born from Russian mom and Canadian dad, then aged 11, sings `With Nanny` by Mussorgsky. Record of 2010. `With Nanny` is a song from The Nursery (Детская, literally Children's Room) cycle, composed by Modest Mussorgsky between 1868 and 1872 and set to his own lyrics. https://youtu.be/RQlenlEw0d4
  • Napoleon, yep, Napoleon ... Наполеон-то, Наполеон ...   2k   Переводы
    `Napoléon, yes, Napoléon`. Russian folk song of 1812 dedicated to Prince Koutouzoff, Mikhail Illarionovich Koutouzoff, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army and guerillas. The song expresses a view-point of the ordinary Russians, peasants of that epoch. Sung by the Valaam Monastery Choir https://youtu.be/8cYuMjj0HSo
  • Sailor`s cap Бескозырка   4k   Переводы
    Sailor`s cap. Sung by Pavel Chekin. I find the refrain of The Sailor`s Cap especially attractive! https://youtu.be/UiQi64vEqyI Also sung by Chekin http://kkre-4.narod.ru/gak/bes.mp3 The other cover version - by Alexandre Zaitsev http://kkre-4.narod.ru/gak/bs3.mp3
  • Nice Walk, Nice Smoke! Иду! Курю!   4k   Переводы
    NICE WALK, NICE SMOKE is an evergreen masterpiece of the Russian folk rock music by The Zilch group. Один из нетленных шедевров русской народной рок-группы "Ноль". https://youtu.be/BEBmPj3Vojw A congenial music video was shot by Alexei Rosenberg as a director and produced by Bakhyt Kilibayev (Бахыт Килибаев) who offered the actors and actresses of his feature film `Gongofer` that was being shot at the same time by him as a film director for shooting the music video to the tune of The Zilch group. Alexei Rosenberg was an artist of the `Gongofer`. https://youtu.be/U1lbaeZly90 The Song about a true Indian Песня о настоящем индейце http://zhurnal.lib.ru/p/prjahin_a_a/trueindiansong.shtml
  • Cuz Nina is to mumble, `i do!` Наводчица   3k   Переводы
    Vladimir Vysotsky`s song `Today Nina gonna say `I do!` https://youtu.be/h8q87Uql4ys https://youtu.be/Cu10kuEoI8c
  • Once A Woman Got On Scales Встала баба на весы   14k   Переводы
    EXCESS WEIGHT? BULLSHIT! JUST EXTRA PLACES FOR KISSING! A humorous song by a Russian chansonnier Semyon Slepakov https://youtu.be/08fvOEtMxQk Slepakov`s other songs: Ты -очень красивая http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/beautifullystupid.shtml Red Hot Chili Peppers http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/redhotchilipeppers.shtml Где бы взять мне бабу http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/getwoman.shtml
  • Nikolai Zabolotsky Oriole Николай Заблоцкий Иволга   5k   Переводы
    The text of this poem became an absolute champion of the contest `The anthology of the absolutely great poems` of the Russian poetry of the 20 c. initiated by Mikhail Abelsky and held in 1977. There was only one con! I agree with majority voting and consider this poem one of the best poems about war, maybe, of all times. Besides , The Oriole is an excellent Russian song (the author of music is Kyrill Molchanov). As a song this poem emerged in 1968 as a part of the soundtrack of the Russian feature film `Let`s wait till Monday`. The Oriole sung by a great Russian actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-1VeIQq_M4&feature=player_detailpage
  • Poom Pum Wow O! Пум Пам Вау Оу!   2k   Переводы
    The Caramel - Poom-pum! (Карамель - Пум пам) The R-pop evergreen oldie related to the 2000s https://youtu.be/YdR1dmv-Gxw A nice, catchy melody and not silly lyrics as it may seem. The song sounds something like J-pop anime songs. The Caramel duo was comprised of Lyusia Kobelko and Tanya Sokolova. Mr. Gubin, the then Russian pop star was The Caramels` producer. Sweet memories! Oh, yeah! And a rare example of the R-pop which failed to come true as a true industry.
  • Position Number Two Kai Metov Кай Метов   5k   Переводы
    They are all about men and women, I mean his songs. Kai Metov whose real name is Kairat Erdenovich Metov (born in 1964 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan) was an iconic figure in Russian pop music and Russia on the whole in the 90s of the 20s. He seemed to have appeared from nowhere. But he"d graduated from the Moscow Conservatory"s Central Music School as a violinist (he has got an absolute hearing). He came; he saw and conquered, won the hearts of millions of fans. His album `Position #2` (1993) was the super hit of that dangerous and tough transitional period of Russia"s history. On TV in 1996: `There are artists who contrive to compose only the hits, so to say, one hit urges on another one. Our today`s guest is one of such artists. Recently he has his album recorded. Almost all songs of that disc has become the hit. But the hit of his hits is still his song that is well-known as the `Position #2`. The author is Kai metov.` https://youtu.be/n-E1GVr1mRs On TV in 2009 with the Symphonic Orchestra. The Tough 90s Series. Kai Metov. Position #2. Music and Lyrics by Kai Metov. Piano also Kai Metov, the author. https://youtu.be/njkJe3qBFeE Bonus: `Position Number Two` recited as a poem by actor Boris Draghilev (Борис Драгилев) from Saint-Petersburg (Saint-Pétersbourg). By the way, the actor understands the character of Kai Metov`s poem (and poems) in a very right way, as a macho of the rueful countenance! https://youtu.be/lPXRq4jFuMw (Watch also https://www.youtube.com/user/borisbrookebond).
  • Progheia Прогея   1k   Переводы
    PROGHEIA is a traditional women`s campsite song and dance of the Russian Gipsies https://youtu.be/VYilvC_rq9o
  • The Puttana (La Puta) Путана   5k   Переводы
    An evergreen Russian song The Puttana (La puta) ("Путана") by Alexandre Kalyanov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2Mt59xdV9A (Alexandre Kalyanov`s Album `The Museum of Love` - Track #7 (22:58 - 27:00) Sung by Alexandre Kalyanov.

    2018-11-15_132901 (489x424, 248Kb)

    Alexandre Kalyanov is a remarkable Russian musician, arranger and poet, and a very cultured and cultural person.A true gentleman. He`s an author of many iconic songs, signs of the recent epochs, yet the evergreen songs. Bonus: The Puttana (La Puta) recited as a poem by Arseniy Kovalskiy (Kova), theater and film actor, director, creato born and educated in Moscow who`s been living in Barcelona since 2011. He works in Russia and Spain https://youtu.be/guog6fuJzj8
  • Семён Слепаков, Джавид Курбанов Red Hot Chili Peppers   19k   Переводы
    By Semyon Slepakov & Javid Kurbanov THE RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS 由西蒙•Slepakov, Javid Kurbanov 呛辣红椒合唱团 https://youtu.be/r74c7C0FEhQ Slepakov`s other songs: Встала баба на весы http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/onceawomangotonscales.shtml Ты -очень красивая http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/beautifullystupid.shtml Где бы взять мне бабу http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/getwoman.shtml
  • Red Lantern Красный фонарь   31k   Переводы
  • The Ring Of Tambourine Там Бубна Звон   3k   Переводы
    Russian Jews Samuïl Pokrass and Pavel German, authors of the bravura Revolutionary songs and military marches which had been popular in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany for many years created an excellent Gipsy love song in the 20s of the 20 c. You can listen to the romance The ring of a tambourine (Там бубна звон) being performed by Pierre and Vladimir Svetlanoff https://youtu.be/gzMXortxDco However, according to the other sources, the authors of the same song were either Pokrass or Oscar Osenin (Lurja)(Оскар Осенин (Лур(ия)) (1889-1978)) (rather than Pavel German), or An. Lentzev (Ан. Ленцев))(rather than Pokrass) and Oscar Osenin. It's hard for me to judge who were the true authors, maybe, there were two melodies to the same lyrics. Who knows? The one thing is unchageable, the songwriters were all Russian Jews, and they created a masterpiece. The song was performed by many famous singers, by Vadim Kozin http://vadimkozin.narod.ru/pvk2/01.Tam_bubna_zvon.mp3, by Yuriy Morfessi http://kkre-11.narod.ru/pokrass/tbz.mp3, Alla Bayanova. As to the Svetlanoffs whom I liked the best, listen to them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I08dn_SwbY
  • Romance of Theodoro Романс Теодоро   2k   Переводы
    Teodoro`s Song from the Russian version of Lope de Vega`s play `EL PERRO DEL HORTELANO NO COME NI DEJA COMER` sung by Mikhail Boyarsky https://youtu.be/KH2x1lrodHM
  • The forest deer Лесной Олень   6k   Переводы

    RUN, RUDOLF, RUN! Song from a Russian feature film `Ah, that Nastya!` (`Ох, уж эта Настя!`) (1972)

    This song for a children` motion picture was for the first time peformed by Aïda Vedishcheva https://youtu.be/RqZgNHJgH9o She was born in Irkutsk, in Siberia as Ida Solomonovna Weiss to become an outstanding Russian pop singer as Aïda Vedishcheva. Unfortunetly, sheo had to emigrate to the USA in 1980 despite her brilliant career in the USSR. That career was spoiled by the Soviet officials who in the 70s of the 20th c. destroyed the Soviet pop music (S-pop) literally step by step under the various pretexts. Aïda Vedishcheva failed to build the comparable artistic career in the USA where she performed as Amanda Amazing. If she had managed to wait for the `perestroika`, she might have become the first singer of capitalist Russia. But in any case she made a significant contribution to the Russian pop music and cinema. By the way, she`s been remembered and loved as a remarkable artistic personality in Russia so far.
    I loved that pop singer at first sight (at first sound of her voice)! I couldn`t help it. Unfortunately, the Soviet chieftains underestimated the importance of entertainment. They scattered the unique collective of the Soviet pop performers, composers and lyricists under a pretext that there were too many Jews among them. The then time Caesar of the Eastern Roman Empire was Polish by his nationality, I mean Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, and he suffered a lot whenever the Western media mentioned the Jewish nationality of his spouse. The pop musicians were left holding the baby of his resentment. The majority of the Russian artistes left for the West and lost their professions, except for only one, Larissa Mondrus who had got an opportunity of the second breath in Germany and brilliantly used it to the full extent. That time the former Soviet performers were not ready yet for the Western market realities.
    There were no Dyaghilevs among them. Solidarity was also a problem. They should have learned from the Persian colleagues. As to Lara Mondrus, she had to start her career from nothing three times in her life. First in Latvia, then in Russia and Germany. She sang in Lettish, Russian and German. She learned them and could improbably soon speak as the very natives or even better with no accent at all!
    Earlier only Marika Roekk from Hungary managed to become a pop star abroad, in Germany. She had to learn German, she was under severe pressure of her German husband who made her learn the language. The result was excellent. But the languages are just la moitié de l'ouvrage (half the work) as many singers relied exclusively on an end market of their own countries and diaspora and would prosper all right. The problem is likely to have been in their intent of getting all or nothing. In such cases nothings happen much more often than alls.

    `Deer` is one of words meaning `a gay person` in the Russian argot (criminal language). This ambiguity was played up in a Russian satiric comedy `A Collective Farm Entertainment` ("Колхоз Entertainment"), in its episode when criminal prisoners had to participate in the talent activities. Their choir chose THE FOREST DEER https://youtu.be/s8cWHsHQoHo?list=RDs8cWHsHQoHo as a song for their amateur performance with a gay guy playing the part of a deer. Formally, the prisoners changed not a word in the lyrics of the famous children`s song, yet contrived to distort the text`s meaning due to an ironical, sceptical and mocking intonation. The part of the soloist was played by Alexandre Semchev, a very famous Moscow theatre artist and film star.
  • By The Sea, By The Blue Sea У Моря, У Синего Моря   8k   Переводы
    BY THE SEA, BY THE BLUE SEA У МОРЯ, У СИНЕГО МОРЯ (AFTER THE JAPANESE GREATEST HIT `KOI-NO BAKANSU `恋のバカンス) The J-pop song KOI-NO BAKANSU performed by the Peanuts duet (Sisters Itō Amy and Itō Yumi https://youtu.be/rqCAd6AZYCo) has become an iconic Russian folk song since the early 60s. Unfortunately, the Japanese original lyrics were replaced as `too sexy` that time, and its title became `Песня о счастливой любви" (`A Happy Love Song`). Fortunately, the new lyrics were written by a gifted Russian lyricist Leonid Derbenyov (1931-1996), the former lawyer who created a pure chaste and still erotic text.

    Картинки по запросу Leonid DerbenyovКартинки по запросу Nina PanteleyevaКартинки по запросу Эльёр Ишмухамедов Нежность (Nezhnost)

    In 1964 KOI-NO BAKANSU was sung in Russian by a pop singer Nina Panteleyeva https://youtu.be/HlnHArjIdrw. In 1965 that melody was performed by a brass band as a march in the Russian feature film "Иностранка" (`A Foreign Girl`) https://youtu.be/KJvybYQ5LqY (from 13:20 to 13:56). Besides KOI-NO BAKANSU was a part of the soundtrack of another motion picture shot by a remarkable Soviet Uzbek film director Elior Ichmoukhamedov (Эльёр Ишмухамедов). The title of that wonderful poetic film was `Tenderness` ("Нежность")(`Uzbekfilm`, 1966) https://youtu.be/YGvs3hulHCI. Nowadays the oldie is still alive and kicking, just remember a nice performance by the `FABRIKA` female trio https://youtu.be/gCAbqJ44LpA Я сам себе:"А вы в душе романтик!"Хи-хи-хи!

  • See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil Ничего Не Вижу, Ничего Не Слышу   2k   Переводы
    The most fatal woman of the Soviet epoch, pop singer Veronica Kruglova (1966) https://youtu.be/rEPkYPfNh2A
  • The little man with accordion Мужичок с гармошкой   2k   Переводы
    МУЖИЧОК С ГАРМОШКОЙ THE LITTLE MAN WITH ACCORDEON - ain`t they dandy, those catchy song, nice performance and excellent choreography? https://youtu.be/_ujUcFz10hk
  • Snow white Roses Белые розы   4k   Переводы
    SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE was written and composed by Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov from Orenburg, Russia, for the same name first Russian teenager pop band in 1986. The original version of the 80s https://youtu.be/BPsRX7m6CX4, and that of 40 years later (with the inclusion of the song `Childhood` of the same author Yuri Kuznetsov) https://youtu.be/MKhszTTp-G8 Bonus:The Snow White Roses recited as a poem by a Russian theater and film actor, director Arseniy Kovalskiy (Kova) born and educated in Moscow, but who`s been living in Barcelona since 2011. He works in Russia and Spain https://youtu.be/aQSaJ28yP5M
  • It`s snowing, it`s snowing А снег идёт, а снег идёт   2k   Переводы
    Initially the song `It`s snowing, it`s snowing` ("А снег идет, а снег идет") was a number of the score of the feature film `The Career of Dima Gorin` ("Карьера Димы Горина") (1961), but then the film was forgotten unlike the very song. An unforgettable song was written within three minutes by Evgeniy Alexandrovich Yevtushenko after he`d occasionally heard the catchy, heartfelt melody composed by Andrei Eshpai. Both creators considered to have been the serious, almost living classical authors, far from the pop culture, yet they managed to develop a hit! The first and still the best performance of the evergreen Russian song is by Maya Kristalinskaya https://youtu.be/MEL4HhdkWhA
  • Cheburashka`s Song   2k   Переводы
    An iconic Russian children`s song from a no less iconic cartoon https://youtu.be/7EVHdRk9e4g. By this very reason it is a frequent object for the various parodies and even new interpretations https://youtu.be/t7FtxBQapn4
  • What Is A Song Without Accordion? Какая Песня Без Баяна?   4k   Переводы
    People in Russia often think that this song is a traditional one. The title of the song is even used as a Russian proverb. But it was written, composed and for the first time sung by Oleg Andreyevich Anofriyev, a popular Russian actor, in 1972 https://youtu.be/B3WYL2zKZ1s He was a young singing drama actor in the 60s, well-known for the songs he performed in the motion and animation pictures describing the life and reflecting tastes of the young professionals in the USSR. And suddenly that very song, absolutely traditional by its intonation and style! By that very reason the folk ensembles and Russian country style singers began to include it in their repertory. `What is a song without accordion?` sung by Alexandra Strelchenko (1973) https://youtu.be/eRymS69JtZc
  • The Spacemen`s Song   2k   Переводы
    The Spacemen`s Song. Performed by Vladimir Troshin. https://youtu.be/EYK-sNNgce8 March of the Russian Aerospace Forces from the Song of the Spacemen https://youtu.be/6Q9d6UK-46A
  • The Steamboat Whistles, Shouts Out А Пароход Кричит: "Ау!"   3k   Переводы
    `The steamboat whistles, shouts: `Hi` is a song from the Russian feature film `The river banks` https://youtu.be/ZGRPbkkE_VQ, https://youtu.be/0qLbGtebw78
  • Из-за острова на стрежень From behind an isle to midstream   23k   Переводы
    `From behind an isle to midstream` ("Из-за острова на стрежень", именно что на стрежень или стяжень, а не стержень, ибо это уже была бы порнография) has been a well-known Russian folk song since the 90s of the 19 c. and has been popular in Russia so far. It is based on the much longer poem by Dmitry Nikolayevich Sadovnikov (Дмитрий Николаевич Садовников) (1847-1883), but has got several variants though not the dramatically varying ones. The author of music remains unknown. The characters of a famous Russian animation cartoon `The magical ring` ("Волшебное кольцо") merrily sing `From behind an isle to midstream` while rowing along the river. Their repertory just stresses their folkish tastes and Russian roots https://youtu.be/Ix6FgWhGFmU `From behind an isle to midstream` was being performed by Feodor (Theodore) Shalyapin https://youtu.be/BbJ4QsXMJy4 by Georgy Vinogradov and Maxim Mikhailov https://youtu.be/0iZcsESVh-o by Polish singer Anna German (in her perfect Russian) https://youtu.be/IPqeCfRQ4pQ by Choir of the Russian Orthodox Church Monastery `Opta`s Desert` ("Оптина пустынь"))(soloist Vladimir Miller) https://youtu.be/tWSAbV5EfN0 And here you are the `Lentement le longs des îles`, a famous French vocal interpretation of the famous Russian traditional song by Charles Aznavour https://youtu.be/10b7f_XKZWE
  • The Ballad About Stierlitz Баллада о Штирлице   4k   Переводы
    The Ballad About Stierlitz by Arkady Ukupnik Баллада о Штирлице Аркадия Укупника He sings and plays in this music video https://ok.ru/video/1844839762 Maximillian Otto von Stierlitz is a well-known Russian character of the TV serial `17 Instants of Spring` from the same name novel by Yulian Semyonov and a famous character of many funny stories being told in Russia. One of few great music videos of the 90s. Highly artistic and imaginative! Humorous! Good acting and singing, fine settings, direction, all! A sheer masterpiece! Evergreen!
  • The Guy Dreams Of Tambov Мальчик Хочет В Тамбов   7k   Переводы
    `The guy dreams of Tambov` ("Мальчик хочет в Тамбов") sung by Murat Nasyrov https://youtu.be/lX843w3mtIo (watch as well https://youtu.be/yTG4oH5qm4U) is an excellent Russian cover of the Carrapicho Band`s song TIC TIC TAC. However, the original lyrics by Braulino de Lima (1996) was replaced with that of by Sergei Kharin (Сергей Харин). Murat Ismailovich Nasyrov (Мурат Измайлович Насыров) (مۇرات ناسىروۋ)(1969-2007) was Uigur by his nationality. Uigurs live in Europe, Russia, Central Asia and People`s Republic of China. (An Uigur traditional song `Atush` sung by Murat Nasyrov in 1998 https://youtu.be/OH-tiUapVzE?list=RDC9To_9urCqA). All Uigurs I`d met were highly-educated, cultured and intelligent people, I`m used to call them `the French people` of Asia. L`ange non vit plus ici. Tu nous manques, Mourat! Murat Nasyrov`s 1991 cover of George Michael`s Careless Whisper https://youtu.be/fpT5Ec_j98Q Murat Nasyrov was born and grew up in Kazakhstan, but his artistic life had been developing in Moscow. The tragical death of that outstanding singer was an irreplaceable loss for the Russian culture. Bonus: The guy dreams of Tambov` ("Мальчик хочет в Тамбов") recited as a poem by Arseniy Kovalsky (Kova), a theater and film actor, director, creator born and educated as an actor in Moscow who`s been living in Barcelona since 2011. He works in Russia and Spain https://youtu.be/LxsH7k1p8wE The original song for comparison: TIC TIC TAC by The Carrapicho Band https://youtu.be/hqUEbhlRKX4
  • The Rock Climber Скалолазка   5k   Переводы
    THE ROCK CLIMBER by Vladimir Vysotsky https://youtu.be/q1qNnNNpuC4 The poem-song was dedicated to Maria Gotovtseva, a legendary lady rock climber. Maria Gotovtseva: `You can`t conquer a mountain. It was and will be. Mountaineering is not a struggle with a mountain but a struggle of you with your own self. As to the mountains ... they are always improbably beautiful`.
  • It's a Long Way to Tipperary   3k   Переводы
    It's a Long Way to Tipperary https://youtu.be/bd8IYLfOBGo
  • Jedzie pociąg z daleka by Ryszard Rynkowski   3k   Переводы
    Jedzie pociąg z daleka by Ryszard Rynkowski - Polish Misheard Lyrics (English) https://youtu.be/9PyMv7I2X9k
  • Train keeps going from afar Jedzie pociąg z daleka   2k   Переводы
    A very nice children`s song - "Поезд мчит издалека" `Train is going from afar` (Jedzie Pociąg z Daleka)(Polish tekst-karaoke) https://youtu.be/_YRgbUNJtB8
  • The Song About A True Indian   4k   Переводы
    THE SONG ABOUT A TRUE INDIAN is a masterpiece of the Russian folk rock music written and composed on par by The Zilch group frontman Feodor Tchistyakov and another rock musician Piotr Strukov (from the third stanza). A music video from it was shot by Maxim Katooshkin in an iconic place of the Russian rock music, in Irina Linnik`s datcha of Komarovo village. We read in Feodor Tchistyakov`s memoirs: 'A song about a true Indian' - I`d been drinking for two days, flying somewhere by the `autopilot`. I remember how I was going from a car to a car in the Underground, visiting some people, and, all in all, it took two days. I started with one girl, but I woke up with quite another one. When I woke up I felt like having gone on a trip, but when I came back I couldn`t recall where I`d been. After I`d gone outdoors, I had such a hangover poetic mood that the lines appeared themselves from somewhere, and the song was done in a flash! Just in one breath, giving my all like a sprinter, and that's it. The only nuisance was the third verse, but it was Piotr Strukov who helped me, so the story was rather mentally completed after that'. The Zilch - The Song about a True Indian https://youtu.be/SvqR_jbeil4
  • The Tyrolean Secret Тирольский секрет   1k   Переводы
    The United Sexy Boyz (the USB) Group - The Tyrolean Secret (Тирольский секрет) https://rutube.ru/video/ef026d494e1e0de305532bd6aada59bf/
  • یکی بود یکی نبود Under The Blue Dome   10k   Переводы

    زیر گنبد کبود Zir e Gonbade Kabood (Once upon a time under the blue dome) https://youtu.be/nqm44ucKXp4 Music by Bahram Dehghanyar (بهرام دهقانیار‎,). Arrangement by Sam Vafaei (سام وفایی) Vocals Naghmeh Sharifi. Piano & Keyboards Sam Vafaei, Guitar Maxime Tremblay-Rheault, Bass Evan Stewart, Flute Anh Phung, Clarinet Milan Simas. Composer Bahram Dehghanyar, the author of the Persian children`s song `Zir e Gonbade Kabood` used as a source of it an Armenian folk melody. Interpreted by نبد بوزیر گ Mohsen Karbassi https://youtu.be/9JudrDMplFE
    Bonus! The cute Persian children`s songs https://youtu.be/eW73qcfT4UE Onomatopoeia of `Shipo-Shipo doo-doo` in the first song about a train is being translated as `Choo choo` and a train`s whistle `Toot toot!` https://youtu.be/f-ZzpHI9puA
  • Fortuna, Czyli Vank Ва-банк   3k   Переводы
    Fortuna(Vabank) A song from the same name Polsh motion picture`s soundtrack. Sung by Jacek Chmelnik (1953-2007) https://youtu.be/CdB2WmL25dQ (Before and in the midst of the song he addresses his audience: `Uwaga! Państwo Uwaga! Teraz! Teraz! Znów!`(`Attention, Messieurs Dames! May I have your attention, please! Now! Again! Again!`)
  • The Varyag Warjag Варяг   5k   Переводы
    ST. ANDREWS (THE RUSSIAN NAVY BANNER): FOR FAITH AND FIDELITY Варяг / Varyag / Warjag (Русский Народный Хоръ / Russian National Choir, Conductor W.S. Warszawski, Disk of the Recording Co. `Janus-Rekord` (`Янусъ-Рекордъ`) # 523 (2890, Record of 1905). Music by Alexei Sergeyevich Turishchev, Lyrics by Rudolf Greintz (Russian Lyrics (1904) by Ye. Studen(t)skaya). https://youtu.be/ZJw4_nXEBcI The Varyag Navy March. Conductor, Captain First Rank Alexei Karabanoff https://youtu.be/KvA82xPy8Go
  • Song about Wi-Fi   3k   Переводы
    `Wi-Fi` By Vasya Oblomov Вася Обломов "Wi-Fi" https://youtu.be/c2jtpWxE4Yo СЛОГАН: "Wася, даwай wыпьем wодки!" (межгубная аллитерация)
  • Почему я водовоз? The Water Carrier`s Ditty   4k   Переводы
    A pair of my fave fragments from the classical Soviet music comedy film `Volga-Volga`, 1936. Music by Isaac Dunayevsky, lyrics by Vasily Lebedev-Kumatch https://youtu.be/xc4RF-wZeDw; https://youtu.be/KLKJFMyy2cA
  • What`s Our Life? Что Наша Жизнь?   2k   Переводы
    P. Tchaikovsky `The Queen of Spades`. Arya of Hermann `What`s our life? A game!`is sung by Mikhail Didyk. Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, 2010 П. И. Чайковский. Опера "Пиковая дама". Ария Германа "Что наша жизнь? Игра!" Герман - Михаил Петрович Дидык. Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, 2010 https://youtu.be/L2wlKC09_PM Arya of Hermann sung by Zurab Anjapharidze, Bolshoy, 1965 https://youtu.be/Xokl2pShs-I Arya of Hermann sung by Maxim Aksyonov, Mariinsky https://youtu.be/8U0ruAg9MAE
  • White Army, Black Baron Белая армия, чёрный барон   5k   Переводы
    The historic and historical song dated back to the time of the Civil War in the 20s of the 20th c. in Russia. Due to the simple words, irregular grammar, excellent, catchy and slightly klezmerish melody that marching song acquired an iconic status in time of its creation. It was one of the most favorite songs of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) (according to the letter of his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya). The song considered to have been the folk music through the 20-50s of the 20th century though both text and music were written by the request of the Poltical Bureau of the Kiev military region of the Red Army before seizure of the Crimea. It was printed in 1925 for the first time. Nowadays the melody of the White Army, Black Baron is used as a military march of the Russian Army, as an anthem of the Central Sporting Club of the Russian Army (CSK) (lyrics replaced, of course) and as an unofficial marching and rally song of the radical youth movement of the national-bolsheviks of Russia (Eduard Limonov`s party). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APlGT4n1kgk https://youtu.be/oI6PxuvZ3J4 https://youtu.be/h5hKbphw3EI https://youtu.be/a7G7EXEtuUo https://youtu.be/XmptOnF0P_E https://youtu.be/PNBbojgsxGA https://youtu.be/xeSPJOj7O8c https://youtu.be/03njYn7fkGA
  • Why? Зачем?   4k   Переводы
    Sasha Davydov (Саша Давыдов) (Alexandre Davydovich Davydov (Александр Давыдович Давыдов) (born Arsen Davidovich Karapetyan (Арсен Давидович Карапетян)(according to other references N.F. Karapetov (Н.Ф. Карапетов) was the full author of the love song. He graduated from the Lazarevsky Institute of the Oriental Languages where learned all the Armenian teenagers in Moscow in the 19 century. His career as a musician began in Tiflis (Tbilisi), Georgia. He was a rank-and-file singer of Italian Opera in Tiflis. Then he preferred to sing in operettas and vaudevilles in the Russian provinces. He was a soloist in the Bolshoy and the Maly theatres, served in the theatre of Taneyev, worked with Mikhail Leontovsky who publicized him and made a star, and he finished his career in 1906. Sasha Davydov`s songs, sung and composed and/or written by him, were being recorded by Grammaphone Co., 1906 in Moscow and Pathe, 1911 in St. Petersburg. (Strictly speaking, we must take into account an essential difference concerning his records, because there were records of him as a SINGER and there were the records of him as a COMPOSER and/or AUTHOR. In the latter case we must say about the records of Parlophone Co. as well. Sasha DAvydov passed away in February of 1911 (see "Кончина короля цыганского романса А.Д. Давыдова" // Петерб. газета. 1911. 21 янв. #20). Why? Sung by Vera Maretzkaya and Sergey Martinson https://youtu.be/uuJzV3saJRI; sung by Anastassia Vyaltzeva https://youtu.be/Qr6b8pWZKFI
  • Why Do Bears Sleep In Winter Почему Медведь Зимой Спит   3k   Переводы
    Lev Knipper (1898-1974) was a Soviet Russian composer and, by the way, a brother of the German film superstar Olga Chekhova. He became famous owing to his melody to an iconic Soviet song `Polyushko-polye` about the Red Army cavalrymen`s gallop in the wide steppe: https://youtu.be/RhutG7430uI (sung by Origa (オリガ, born Olga Yakovleva), a Japanese singer of the Russian descent). As to the song about the clumsy bear https://youtu.be/rPORdgIMd7I (A children`s Choir of Kovrov City School #8, Russia. Conductor - School Teacher Irina Vlasova) it`s been alive and kicking as a children`s song so far. Its author is a Russian poet and lyricist Alexandre Kovalenkov (1911-1971) who wrote several hits for the Russian films` soundtracks.
  • The Wife Of The French Ambassador Жена Французского Посла   3k   Переводы
    A jocular English remake of the original song THE WIFE OF THE FRENCH AMBASSADOR by Alexandre Gorodnitsky https://youtu.be/-0z5EfqdF88 Alexandre Gorodnitsky is a prominent Russian professor, doctor of science (geophysics, oceanology) and one of the most prominent Russian singing poets.
  • Winterwäldchen - Winter Coppice   3k   Переводы
    Winterwäldchen - Winter Coppice is the German lyrics to the tune by Arno Babadjanian (at source: "Чёртово колесо"). Frankenfeld Show, ARD-1975, West Germany - Winterwaldchen (Winter Coppise) Sung By Larissa Mondrus https://youtu.be/DVLNK4I3g28 (from 1:39)
  • 再会无缘的情人 Цзай   6k   Переводы
  • زیر گنبد کبود Zir E Gonbad E Kabood   11k   Переводы

    زیر گنبد کبود Zir e Gonbade Kabood (Il était une fois sous le dôme bleu) https://youtu.be/nqm44ucKXp4
    Musique par Bahram Dehghanyar (بهرام دهقانیار‎,). Arrangement par Sam Vafaei (سام وفایی) Chanteur Naghmeh Sharifi. Piano et Claviers Sam Vafaei, Guitare Maxime Tremblay-Rheault, Basse Evan Stewart, Flûte Anh Phung, Clarinette Milan Simas. Le compositeur Bahram Dehghanyar en composant `Zir e Gonbade Kabood` pour les enfants persanes a utilisé une mélodie folk arménienne https://youtu.be/9JudrDMplFE Interprétée par Mohsen Karbassiنبد بوزیر گ.
    Le Bonus! Les chansons mignonnes enfantines persanes https://youtu.be/eW73qcfT4UE Onomatopée `Chipo-chipo dou dou` dans la première chanson sur le train se traduit comme `Tchou-tchou` et le sifflement d'un train `Tuut-tuut!` https://youtu.be/f-ZzpHI9puA
  • زیر گنبد کبود Zir e Gonbade Kabood ("Под небом голубым")   11k   Переводы

    زیر گنبد کبود Zir e Gonbade Kabood ("Под небом голубым") https://youtu.be/PgYAZyuwGmE Музыка Барама Деганияра (Bahram Dehghanyar بهرام دهقانیار‎), аранжировка Сэма Вафаэи (Sam Vafaei (سام وفایی)). Солистка - Нагме Шарифи (Naghmeh Sharifi). Клавишные - Сэм Вафаэи, гитара - Максим Трамбле-Ро (Maxime Tremblay-Rheault), басс - Ивэн Стюарт (Evan Stewart), флейта Ань Фун (Anh Phung), кларнет - Милан Симас (Milan Simas).
    Хор иранских эмигрантов, молодых людей, какие славные, милые, интеллигентные лица. Прям Чехов, плакать хочется! Что интересно: такие лица можно видеть на улицах российских городов, и не среди таджиков, нет, а среди исконно русского населения. Есть что-то родное, несомненно.
    Кстати, Иран есть сокращение от слово "Ариана" (букв. "Страна Ариев"), и язык фарси, а до арабского влияния "парси" (персидский) (как и армянский, и греческий, и хинди, и санскрит) - язык индоевропейской группы.
    В качестве основы для персидской детской песенки Zir e Gonbade Kabood композитор Барам Деганияр, написавший немало музыки для детского телевидения Ирана, использовал фольклорную армянскую мелодию https://youtu.be/9JudrDMplFE (исполнитель Мосен Карбасси (Mohsen Karbassi) زیر گنبد کبود)
    Bonus! Прикольные персидские детские песенки https://youtu.be/eW73qcfT4UE "Шипо-шипо ду-ду" в первой про поезд- это "Чух-чух! Ту-ту!" https://youtu.be/f-ZzpHI9puA
  • Пьеса; сценарий:

  • Fourty imps and one green bottle fly   8k   Переводы
    A 1984 episode `40 чертей и одна зелёная муха` (`Fourty imps and one green bottle fly`) (#46) of the Soviet children's TV series `Eralash` (`Hotchpotch`) (1984) from the short story `La conquista della quinta C` (1939) by an Italian humourist Giovanni Mosca (1908-1983) (Un episodio del 1984 della serie televisiva sovietica per bambini `Eralash` è una breve trasposizione in chiave comica di una parte di Ricordi di scuola). The screenwriter and director of the Fourty imps and one green bottle fly was Gennady Vasiliev (1940-1999) who shot the Russian iconic motion pictures `Finest, the brave Falcon` in 1975 and `The new adventures of Captain Wrungel` in 1978. All Russian actors and actresses spoke in the Italian language (just for fun!). The Italian transcript is based on my imperfect sound reading, yet I`m proud of having transcribed almost all! https://youtu.be/zgUevFTLhW0
  • Aqua Dulce, Aqua Salá, Or Sappho & Alcaeus  (The Aegean Seaside Scene)   22k   Переводы

    Screenplay from an episode of a Leonid Zorin (Saltzmann) play `Man and Women`

    zorin (306x400, 19Kb)
    Leonid Ghenrokhovitch Zorin (Saltzmann)
    Вы можете сравнить мою переделку с оригиналом Зорина https://youtu.be/PnKYonm8Ip8 см. эпизод с 24:55-36:50, а стихи из цикла поэтессы распределены по остальным трём эпизодам. По сюжету они печатаются в прессе, и реакция героев на них двигает сюжет. В целом, мне удалось почти дословно их перевести. Славная пьеска "Костика" из "Покровских ворот", в которой играют мама и папа Андрея Миронова, замечательные артисты русской эстрады. Не будь я занят всякой хернёй, можно было бы перевести всю пьесу.
  • After The Ball   6k   Драматургия
  • Anarchy is the Mother of Order Анархия - мать порядка ("Эх, яблочко!")   3k   Переводы
    Anarchists perform the Apple Small dance and song (a fragment from the film `Alexandre Parkhomenko`). In the beginning the Red Army commanders agreed that they had to remove the anarchists` armoured train. One of them went to meet anarchists and pursuade them to free the railway line. The anarchists (from 00:00:29), the former Imperial Navy seamen and then revolutionaries, performed the`Apple Small`in honour of their guest. https://youtu.be/ccLWemddwdw
  • Audition Прослушивание   8k   Переводы
    A fragment from `Come tomorrow!`, a remarkable Russian feature film of the 60s. https://youtu.be/qBVHXZeZ_Wc
  • Appearance of Balzaminov Явление Бальзаминова   2k   Переводы
    Let"s watch a fragment from the motion picture The Balzamonov`s Marriage based on Alexandre Ostrovsky`s three pieces Two Dogs Fight, the Third Keep Away, Whatever You Look for, You'll Find and Holiday"s Afternoon Dream (1860s). In many respects it"s almost a replica of The Merchant's Wife, (1918), a famous picture by Boris Mikhaylovich Kustodiev (1878-1927). As to the temper of woman it"s still quite of folk origins, very resolute, wild, passionate. By the way, it"s not a merchant"s wife, it"s a merchant woman, or using the modern idiom, it"s a business lady who doesn't know what to do with her money, time and energy and what to do else. I love him! Poor boy Balzaminov - Georgy Vitsin, Mechant Woman Belotelova (literally `White-body-na`) - Nonna Mordyukova. https://youtu.be/gnrwmgC4mJ4
  • Beastly Beautiful, Or Beauty In The Beast Не Родись Красивой   20k   Переводы
    BEASTLY BEAUTIFUL, OR BEAUTY IN THE BEAST Beware of the Modern 2. Sergei Rost (plays Irena, 1st Member of the Jury, Guy on Motorcycle, Nina Zadova, Mother) and Dmitry Nagiyev (he plays Father, Sergeant Zadov, Tanya, Yulia, Pasha, 2nd Member of the Jury). https://youtu.be/Z3omyX21-LM
  • The Best Film Самый лучший фильм   3k   Переводы
    The Best Film. Drill Ground Episode. Unit Commander (actor Dmitry Naghiyev)https://youtu.be/EmiW8yhHdUM
  • The World`s Best Man Непризнанный гений   1k   Переводы
    The Down Piterski Instrumental from the Russian Animation from the Lillebror och Karlsson pa taket (Karlsson-on-the-Roof) by a great Swedish children"s writer Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002). Russian Karlsson is dancing to this tune! (Film Director Boris Stepantsev, Karlsson - Vasiliy Livanov, Miss Bock - Fanny Ranevskaya) https://youtu.be/giVOgOpsnKo
  • Cabale Et Amour (Intrigue Et Amour)   7k   Переводы

    `La Mèche` ("Фитиль")(1965): `Intrigue et amour`.
    L'acteur Boris Bibikov, les actrices Klaudia Polovikova et Tatiana Novikova (une jeune tentatrice).https://youtu.be/Ip182Hw1HCM
    L'actrice du théâtre Mossovet de Moscou et la chanteuse d'opéra Tatiana Novikova ont joué plusieurs rôles au cinéma et à la télévision. Les téléspectateurs se sont en particulier souvenus de son personnage de la Reine des Ondines dans "Abeille" par Anatole France dans le film télévisé du même nom de 1984.
  • Cinderellas Love By Contradiction Моя Морячка   25k   Переводы
    CINDERELLAS LOVE BY CONTRADICTION from the Russian feature film "Моя морячка" (`My lady sailor`), 1990 https://youtu.be/4GaWLkE5zzY
  • The Comical Song Комические куплеты   5k   Переводы
    `The comical song`. Though this mise-en-scene is absent in the text of `Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)` by Jerome K. Jerome, published in 1889, it is present in the Russian dramatization of this novel as being `true to the spirit of the original`(film director of the same name light-hearted musical comedy was Naum Biermann) (Reference: `Russia beyond headlines` by Elena Korenevskaya, March 28, 2014). This scene was improvised by the actors who were being filmed in it. It seemed very British for them. Sir Samuel William Harris - Alexandre Schirwindt, Young Lady - Maria Belkina, Pianist - Igor` Okrepilov, Listener - Izil` Zabludovsky, Deaf old gentleman - Lev Lemke, Lady of the house- Anna Lisianskaya, timid young lady - Irina Geuer (Smirnova), her father - Mikhail Devyatkin. https://youtu.be/wMt9a7ai9Do
  • My Dear Man Дорогой мой человек   5k   Переводы
    My favourite fragments of the Russian feature film `My dear man` ("Дорогой мой человек") (film director Iosif Heifitz) of 1959 from the Yuri Herrmann`s novel `The Lifework` (Юрий Герман "Дело, которому служишь") https://youtu.be/eIwsdvC5mOM2 from 6:45 to 30:59; from 31:26 to 32:12
  • Der Grosse Koenig Sendet Mich ...Иван Васильевич меняет профессию   5k   Переводы
    An episode from the Russian feature film `Ivan Vasilyevich changes his occupation` (1973) based on Mikhail Bulgakov`s comedy of `Ivan Vasilyevich`, 1936. Because of a time-machine dysfunction the house manager Ivan Vasilyevich Bunsha who occurred to be a replica of Ivan the Terrible and Moscow housebreaker Georges Miloslavsky were transferred to the epoch of Ivan the Terrible. Bunsha supported by Georges had to play the role of the Tsar. Their local guide was Theophanes, the Kremlin foreign office clerk. The Ambassador of Sweden being granted the Tsar`s audience https://youtu.be/-8rYtE-XQiM
  • Dive In, Make Haste Налетай, Торопись   2k   Переводы
    DIVE IN, MAKE HASTE . https://youtu.be/Eu5AhZNp_Ok from the Russian feature film `Operation `Y`, or the new adventures of Shurik` (film director Leonid Gaidai). And a delighted and very tasty cocktail of the melodies reminding of the French chansons, Ravel`s Bolero, Rimsky-Korsakov`s Flight of the Bumblebee and author`s grotesque music accompanying Coward`s eccentricy https://youtu.be/iFMAQOTDu5g
  • Do You Speak English?   5k   Переводы
    DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? https://youtu.be/Nl7652nKze0
  • The fate of a man   3k   Переводы
    THE FATE OF A MAN A scene from the first Feodor Bondarchuk`s film `The fate of a man` from Mikhail Sholokhov`s short novel. Bondarchuk who"ll direct `The War and Peace` played the title part of Sokoloff. Lagerfuehrer was played by actor Yuri Averin, the former WW2 vet (a genius!- AAO). https://youtu.be/0MHBWlc45DI
  • Kabale Und Liebe (Intrigue And Love)   6k   Переводы

    THE BURNING FUSE ("ФИТИЛЬ")(1965): `Intrigue and love`. Actor Boris Bibikov, actresses Klaudia Polovikova and Tatiana Novikova (a young temptress) https://youtu.be/Ip182Hw1HCM
    Actress of the Moscow Mossovet Theatre and operatic singer Tatiana Novikova played just several roles in cinema and on TV. In particular, viewers remembered her character of the Queen of Undines in Anatole France`s `Abeille` in the same name TV film of 1984.
  • Song Of Kahovka   5k   Переводы

    SONG OF KAHOVKA by Mikhail Svetlov A fragment of the feature film `Three fellow soldiers` (1935), USSR https://youtu.be/6g3sdlW4O_o Great Russian actors Mikhail Zharov and Nikolai Batalov (Zakhar). One who reads Russian may note that there"s no machine gun on troika in the first line. Right you are! And yet my translation is exact and justified. There"s an inner rhyme in the line where Kahovka rhymes with vintOvka, i.e. gun, rifle. To find an appropriate rhyme to Kahovka was extremely hard in Russian. So what to say about English where words are in average much shorter and haven"t got the suffix -ka. Therefore I had to find an image of the equal worth, another symbol of that epoch being expressed in words fit for rhyming.
    Troika is a pure Russian symbol, moreover since WW1 the Russian put the American machine guns Maxim on troikas (usually cart&three though sometimes cart&two and even four in hands). In the years of Civil war the Russian anarchists led by their prominent and notorious warlord Nestor Makhno invented the ideal tactics for using those troikas called tachAnkas and tested that tactics in the battle with the Austro-Hungarian cavalry for the first time https://youtu.be/qrl88IWYhFk
    Machine guns on troikas were the means of mass destruction of the equestrian epoch, and they were in the wide use during Civil War in Western and Small Russia.
    I am ravished by the acting of Alexandre Loginov who played practically wordless part of the Austro-Hungarian commander. His eyes, their changing expressions! He"s a genius as an actor!
    Last but not least! The very formal, `solemn` cover of the Kahovka sung by Andrei Ivanov`s singing `Song of ` (Record of 1950) https://youtu.be/aeq5ycj95mo
  • 一个小姐与一个骠骑兵的约会在森林里 Lady and Hussar in the Forest   15k   Переводы
    open-talk_13d1f59c6ac9e7a3ab7ed76ef6d99110 (530x300, 71Kb)
  • Slava Richter playing Ferenc Liszt Святослав Рихтер играет Листа   2k   Переводы
    A superstar of the 19 c., great Hungarian pianist and composer Ferenc Liszt , or as he was called that time Franz Liszt (Actor pianist Svyatoslav Richter), performing in front of the Russian High society. Young Slava Richter playing the part of Ferenc Liszt in the motion picture `Composer Glinka` https://youtu.be/gNIhu5qH3Ec
  • The Moscow Double Tablet Московский Диптих   7k   Переводы
    TO MOSCOW WITH LOVE A lovely scene with a pair of the nice zany verses and a funny poetess, their author.
  • Pauline`s Recital Стихотворный вечер Мадам Полины   9k   Переводы
    Irony, satire and humour are main features of Pauline Sibagatullina`s witty poetry. Pauline is as well a permanent member of the theatrical company `Comedy Woman` (Moscow). One time her dramatic character in the company was Madame Pauline, the Russian nwriting Yugoslavia (Bosnian) poetess and high society lioness and lady wino from St. Petersburg.
  • Translator Of Pushkin Переводчик Пушкина   15k   Переводы
    THE CHEKHOV DUET (Anton Lyrnik, Andrei Molochny) - TRANSLATOR OF PUSHKIN https://youtu.be/DXO82v06C7I
  • For the Linguists Only Только Для Лингвистов   15k   Переводы
    Comedian Evgeniy Petrosyan & Matryona (Actor Sergei Chvanov from the famous Russian comic duet `The New Russian Grannies`): Reciting the Russian unprintable folklore in the allegoric guise of the Japanese Tankas https://youtu.be/d9-7YyMIURU
  • Trans-Caucasian Toasts   2k   Переводы
    TRANS-CAUCASIAN TOASTS TOAST #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LABb3TMhltE&feature=player_detailpage TOAST #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY9kR-antsI&feature=player_detailpage
  • Estonia Welcomes Tourists Only! Рады только туристам!   3k   Переводы
    ESTONIA WELCOMES TOURISTS ONLY! Eesti Laul 2015 vaheklipp - ALASTI TODE 7 - 2015 Estonian Public Service Ad For Attracting Foreign Tourists https://youtu.be/6HK_G1MeSLE Bonus: https://youtu.be/zhGnuWwpNxI
  • Un rendez-vous d`une Demoiselle avec un Hussard dans la forêt   8k   Переводы
    open-talk_13d1f59c6ac9e7a3ab7ed76ef6d99110 (530x300, 71Kb)
    UN SKETCH FARCIQUE FOLKLORIQUE RUSSE MODERNE Un sketch par The Comedy Woman -`Un rendez-vous d`une Demoiselle avec un Hussard dans la forêt`. Un excellent sketch interprété par une excellente actrice russe Natalie Medvedeff et acteur Alexandre Goudkoff, mes préférés. Malheureusement, la vidéo est pour le moment indisponible, nous sommes donc privés du plaisir de voir le brillant duo. Cʻest dommage, parce que le sketch et le jeu sont un chef-d'œuvre!
  • Calling Things By Their Proper Names Жизньпросвет Маугли   7k   Переводы
    A humorous sketch by The Ural Pelmenis theatrical company https://ok.ru/video/398386139602; https://youtu.be/lqDx1hcEzxI `Ural Pelmenis` lit. means Meat Dumplings from the Urals. The members of the company, comedians originated from Ekaterinburg, Ural Republic of the Russian Federation. They are a voice of Heartland rather than of the Russian capitals, Moscow and St. Peterburg. They are closer to the people, I mean ordinary people, the average Russian by a type of humour which presents in the sketches they play than those fine metropitans. I would call them La Comédie Russe.
  • Yappie In Distress Тучи Над Яппи   1k   Переводы
    The voice of Anatoly Dmitriyevich Papanov (1926-2012), an iconic actor of the legendary Moscow Satire Theatre in the 60-70s of the 20 c., was a little bit grotesque (a fragment from the feature film `Beware of the Car` can serve as an illustration): Yuppie - Andrei Mironov. Father-in-law - Anatoly Papanov. Even in that satire Papanov`s voice was being regarded as too grotesque, but fortunately the decision to dub him wasn"t taken. https://youtu.be/u_-LDuDpvB0
  • A rendezvous of a Young Lady with a Hussar in the forest   7k   Переводы
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    A MODERN RUSSIAN FOLKISH FARCICAL SKETCH The Comedy Woman - `A rendezvous of a Young Lady with a Hussar in the forest`. An excellent sketch played by the excellent Russian actress Nataliya Medvedeva and actor Alexandre Goodkov, my favourite ones. Unfortunately, the video is being nonshowable for the time being, so we`re being deprived of a great pleasure to enjoy acting of the brilliant artistic pair. That`s pity, because THAT JOKE IS A CLASSIC!
  • Миниатюра:

  • The Drunkard Abbey   2k   Переводы
  • Those heartbreaking eyes   1k   Переводы
  • Foxy Fox, Or A Hair-Raising Tale   2k   Проза
    FOXY FOX, OR A HAIR-RAISING TALE In a style of John Lennon`s playing-on-words shortest stories. A johnlennonesque!
  • The Importance of Being Literate   0k   Переводы
    The Importance of Being Literate Как важно быть грамотным
  • When the order of the summands does affect the sum Когда от перестановки слагаемых сумма изменяется   3k   Переводы
    Cross my heart, the described scene was taken from the real life. It reminded me of Arkady Averchenko`s short stories. Life is a great author, after all.
  • Ladies first! Or one`s bitter cup! Горькая чаша   2k   Переводы
    Man! It`s your bitter cup!
  • Natasha Rostova Goes To The Ball   4k   Переводы
    NATASHA ROSTOVA GOES TO THE BALL https://youtu.be/RE-fyXTYOrQ A Russian fellow (a Russian variant of a `cockney` guy) is brilliantly dancing a Gipsy dance in a grotesque, farcical style, a style of the so called Russian chançon, and telling a ball yarn keeping all necessary foul expressions intact to look more artistic, convincing and faithful to himself. You may seem him to be vulgar, but that very manner was usual during the Renaissance and that very type of humour was deeply loved by Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Tchapayev & Chingachgook Чапаев и Чингачгук   5k   Переводы
    The funny adventures of the famous characters of books and cinema as well as of Russian folkloric heroes Vasiliy Ivanovich Tchapayev and Chingachgook.
  • The Upside Of Making Luv   0k   Переводы

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