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Why Creation cannot do without a person?

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    Unlike other living beings, a person is capable of not only adapting to the environment, but also changing it consciously for their own purposes and in their own interests. A person is the only being who understand their presence in the current time, which in itself makes his life both felt and meaningfully tragic, forcing them to experience it not only within the framework of a specific benefit, but also of culture. Similar level of development of the human consciousness as the most information-saturated subject of beingness only one brings meaning to the existence of the entire Creation.

  Keywords: alive, beingness, Creation, person, information, consciousness, self-consciousness, development, meaning.
  In essence, the very manifestation of time in Creation is nothing more than the artificial.
  If we understand time as a course of events, then this course is perceived only informationally, that is, through the organs of living beings, including, of course, a person.
  Certain packets of information enter the sense organs of any living being, are processed by the existing center (centers) corresponding to the level of its development, and the development itself as a whole is carried out within the framework of a program on a protein carrier, which is present in every cell of the organism.
  In other words, the flow of time, both in general and in particular, depends on the response of living beings to incoming information, and without it, there is none.
  Simply put, without living beings, there can be no time, no space and motion of any objects, which are dependent from time, because only living beings are capable, thanks to their structure, of converting incoming data into the current time with all its accessories, indicated above, which include living beings themselves, located in the time flow formed by them among things in certain groups in conditions suitable for existence.
  You will say: what was there before the appearance of living beings in the universe?
  Yes, nothing could have been, since without living beings there would have been only non-existence.
  Moreover, the living and the non-living are capable of existing and changing only because the living provides current time not only for itself, but also for the non-living, since without it the living lacks a sphere for change and development, suitable and along with that resistant to its influence, just as without friction a person could not walk.
  Thus, the sphere of action of living beings, or their beingness, is limited by the current time, which they themselves create on the basis of incoming information flows, from which they are able to select exactly what they need for life, creating a microsphere for life in the form of, for example, what exists on Earth, as well as a macrosphere in the form of an infinite series of universes with the corresponding infrastructure for them.
  You will say that the Earth with living beings is alone, and there is nothing alive around on other planets.
  However, if there is such an Earth here, then in the infinity of such planets with living beings there can also be an infinite number, but only under one condition: the coexistence of the living and the non-living in the information flow, which on the one hand arrives into the sense organs of living beings, but it cannot but have another side, from which the information emanates, and which receives and stores the information accumulated by living beings.
  In other words, beingness with all its attributes can exist only in conjunction with some otherworldly, which for us turns out to be an unknown and incomprehensible non-being - outside the time known to us.
  This fact is explained by the fact that the limited diapason of sensory organs and the degree of efficiency of the centers for processing incoming information do not allow us to look there, but this non-beingness, strangely enough, controls through living beings both all beingness and the living beings themselves, since all living beings are an alliance of the active and the passive, that is, consciousness and the inanimate.
  The base of this alliance - in non-beingness, or rather, it is "located" in a timeless infinity, which for us appears as nothing, but in this nothingness is potentially everything, and it which is being "issued" in accordance with the requests of alive as needed through a certain information channel, which is a quasi-temporal projection of infinity outside of time in the form of a hologram.
  And the main property of a hologram is the coincidence of each of its parts with the whole, which ensures their connection outside of time.
  Due to this property, all information packets, updating each object of beingness with an ultra-high frequency, place this beingness, both in all its particles and as a whole, under the control of a hologram, which is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superposition of several coherent waves, giving a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
  In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite set of the active particles, and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from an infinity out of time by means (the living beings) and methods, which it is available, necessary for own existence the things in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with own mind (intellect), coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discrete, but infinitely, a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality in the form of a living thing in this information process.
  Particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the association with copies of the passive (things) in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from an infinity out of time the "necessary" copies of things (passive) in the information form for them to replace existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
  This information process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is inseparably, and the holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires for interaction of the active and the passive as well as for interaction of the active with an infinity out of time the artificial union of the active and passive in one form or another of alive, the main difference of which from everything else is the ability to convert individual consecutive data packets, carrying encoded information, into objects of a current reality for their updating, including consciousness in alive.
  These packets are similar to the pulsed signals from the transmitter via the ether to the television receiver, in which they are converted into a changing decorated picture on the screen.
  Alive is also able to convert individual sequential impulse signals containing information into a incessantly changing picture of the world due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in the minds of any living being nullifies pauses between incoming packets of information (the positions of the update), creating a continuous change in the whole picture, in which arise already real - more or less "dense" - objects, rather than frequency information copies of the active and the passive.
  However, unlike a television set that only decrypts and converts into an image a scene, that has already been prepared in advance from an appropriate source, a living creature has the ability to change this picture in accordance with own needs, desires, at this, a person can change this picture also in accordance with own goals, communicating automatically through own sense organs through a hologram with an unmanifest infinity, although, in the whole, the process of updating beingness is regulated by a single consciousness of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
  Thereby, for the consciousness of a living being, a changing event world arises in motion (energy) - the current reality, or beingness, in which it is already possible to live in one's own present, but within the framework of common time.
  In other words, the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which carry in their harmonics corresponding encoded information, is converted into the mass and energy of objects of the current reality, which are related to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E = mc².
  You can ask the question: how does nothing, or an infinity outside of time, "part" with its potential active and passive objects, merged with each other, and, moreover, how does its projection manage to remain as nothingness, and along with that give its energy and transmit information to beingness from an infinity outside of time, since without beingness in the current time nothingness (an infinity outside of time) is not capable of manifesting itself, but, as we see, it manifests itself?
  The fact is that matter, which is being extracted from nothingness is nothing more than a copy of information from it, which falls on media having opposite signs, but which are not mutually destroyed, being conditionally in a spaced state in the form of a projection of nothingness.
  Thus, both of these parts can respectively supply matter to eternity (beingness) of one sign and, accordingly, of another sign, being integrally nothing, that is, in this respect, an infinite projection of an infinite nothingness is no different from the nothingness itself.
  The connection of a timeless nothingness with an infinite beingness in the current time (eternity) can be carried out informatively with the help of material carriers available in a holographic projection of a timeless infinity, necessary for the existence of the current time, at this, these carriers are restoring beingness as a whole, but are also renewing each of its objects with an ultra-high frequency, that is being felted by each living being as sojourn oneself within the flow of this, in fact, artificial time in beingness due to the automatic exclusion by living beings of the interval between high-frequency impulses.
  Such carriers may well be, like radio waves, ultra-high-frequency oscillatory wave-like structures, in the harmonics of which the corresponding information is contained.
  The information that is so necessary for the functioning of Creation can be perceived, processed, saved, changed and transmitted only by living beings, since, by definition, an information is data about the state of the material objects that are recognized by other objects by the means at their disposal.
  The inanimate objects are not capable of carrying out this operation, since they do not have the appropriate means for this, whereas only living beings are capable of perceiving, processing, saving, changing and transmitting certain data, transforming it into information, that is, into something understandable for themselves, due to the fact that they have sensors (sense organs), centers for processing incoming signals and a program of metabolism, growth and development on a protein carrier (genome).
  Thus, information is subject to the active (consciousness) only in combination with the passive component in a certain form.
  This form is based on information and represents living objects that are part of beingness, and this information basis is the wave-like ultrahigh-frequency structures of the projection of infinite nothingness, some of which are the simplest, forming the information basis of inanimate objects in beingness, while others in their harmonics carry programs of the active (consciousness) thanks to which these objects of the certain structure (sensory organs, information processing centers, genome) are able to perceive, process, change, store and transmit information, thereby acquiring the opportunity for self-activity and self-development.
  Therefore, not one beingness, but the totality of eternity (beingness) and a timeless infinity with its own projection, represent a complete system of Creation, which functions only due to the unification of inanimate (passive) matter and active matter in the form of living beings.
  They convert information from a timeless nothingness through its projection into the corresponding objects of beingness with its current time, giving them motion and change in a certain space, as a result of which an infinite nothingness manifests itself in the form of beingness known to us, which is being formed by the living beings infinitely in the form of a series of universes, that is, eternal.
  As a result, thanks to the finite living beings, which, due to its structure are in the information flows perceived by them, both the stable infinite existence of the entire system of Creation and the development of an infinite consciousness (the active) through the same finite living beings are achieved.
  It should also be noted that the basis of the association of the active and the passive in beingness is a formation of the passive matter in the form of molecular complexes, containing sensory organs, information processing centers, centers that ensure the implementation of form-making abilities, as well as a genome containing appropriate programs for the growth of existence and development of a being in a certain environment.
  It is only through this structural formation of the passive matter that consciousness gets the opportunity to flow into the flows of information, using them. Therefore, consciousness, as it were, covers the structural formation formed and updating by it from passive matter, energizing all the components of this formation, which begin to function according to the program laid down in them, starting from the embryo.
  That is, the active (consciousness) does not unite directly with the structure formed by it, being another - the most organized wave matter of the hologram, but, like a source of energy and along with that an antenna for a radio receiver, connects through itself revitalized by it the structure with the hologram, which is an information bridge, connecting alive with an infinity out of time.
  In this process of forming the basis of a living thing from the passive matter and connecting it to a hologram, consists the revitalize of this formation out of the passive matter, that is, consciousness makes it susceptible to the surrounding in association with itself during the life (a certain period of time of growth, development and dying of a being), on the one hand, creating possibility to process information flows to ensure the stability of Creation, on the other hand, giving this formation, in association with it, opportunity in the allotted time to "enjoy" life, the basis of which is nutrition, reproduction and the desire to improve its own existence due to imperishable dissatisfaction with the present, which does not allow a living being to stagnate.
  Therefore, similar association of consciousness and the passive matter of a certain form and structure creates a completely autonomous living being, which cannot be attributed to either the passive matter or the active, and it, therefore, as something in between, not aware of its main function - the keeper of stability of Creation and the builder of beingness, simply lives for oneself in the form of communities in consecutive generations in corresponding niches, mainly devouring each other, excluding the civilized human communities, in which this process is no longer practiced.
  However, the program of growth, change and development of each living being, activated by the active (single consciousness) of the hologram - a projection of a timeless infinity, is initially being configured in a simplified manner - strictly on the aspiration of living beings to preserve their lives for the sake of receiving sensations that distinguish life from the emptiness of non-existence, with which some species of animals are familiar from hibernation or fainting.
  It is sensations, first of all, that give the fullness of life, and thinking only regulates their receipt as far as possible.
  Therefore, for all living beings, the program of growth, change and development is configured to receive sensations that give the impression of being in life, but nothing more.
  Therefore, for all living beings, the program of growth and development is configured purely to receive sensations that give the impression of being in life, but nothing more.
  According to this program, located in the genome of each cell of the body, all living beings fight to preserve sensations, and everything else, in particular, problems of cognition, culture, morality, are not included in their "diet," that is, they are all programmed only to get sensations, which they succeed with different success, adapting to the environment.
  In other words, all living things are, as it were, inside the environment, being a kind of atoms or dynamic components of this environment, pushing in it for a prize in the form of sensations, and not reflections about such life.
  They are not able to go outside, but they would be able if, in addition to the first program, an additional program appeared in the genome that would allow them arbitrary considerations with appropriate arbitrary actions to achieve their goals in addition to the developed instincts and reflexes.
  It was such program that appeared when a suitable candidate arose, capable of arbitrary thinking and arbitrary actions.
  Such candidate was one of the upright creatures, which was the most developed in relation to the production of various actions.
  It remains only to assume how this additional program appeared in the genome of one or more species of upright monkeys.
  There are few options here: a random change in the genome as a result of mutations or a targeted change in the genome.
  As for randomness, it is extremely unlikely, since the genome is too complex to relatively quickly transform it into the desired form in an uncontrolled way precisely when a sufficiently developed upright primate appeared.
  Therefore, it was not without an outside designer.
  And only the active (single consciousness of the hologram) can be this constructor , due to the fact that it is capable of encompassing all living beings outside of time thanks to the "all in one" property of the hologram, and is also capable of attaching into the genome an additional program that helps to introduce a suitable living being not only to adaptive existence, but also to the opposite - toa targeted impact on the environment to adapt it to the needs and interests of the living being, which thereby already goes beyond instincts and reflexes.
  This additional program already provides a conscious impact of a living being on the environment in order to achieve pre-set goals, corresponding not so much to the consumption of pleasant energy resources, but to the satisfaction of the interests of this being, which gradually become more and more diverse in the course of its activity - first, for of increasing the efficiency of using own surrounding, and then -achieving the desire to know oneself and the world around, which, in turn, further increases this efficiency.
  In this case, the volume and speed of information consumed increase many times over, stimulating, first of all, the development of the information processing center, the volume of which in a person has increased five times compared to the brain of primates, and its structure has become more complex in accordance with the solution of new problems that were previously absent, and, therefore, the ability of consciousness to develop not only within the relatively narrow framework of adaptability, but also beyond its vast limits has increased, which, in turn, began to be reflected in the ever greater absorption of information flows by this new creature - dual in its consciousness.
  Thus, the introduction of an additional program into the genome provides the opportunity for additional development of both the living being itself in its new guise, and provides an immense scope for the development of consciousness in this new being in its generations and changing civilizations with endless variations in changes in mood, considerations, thoughts, interests and aspirations of these beings during their interaction.
  However, the increasing flows of information over time begin to exceed the capabilities of the human brain, making civilization unstable, and it disintegrates, reducing a person in his communities to the previous state of relations with nature, close to survival in it, but since the human genome does not change, then a person in his communities does not lose the opportunity to again use his additional program in the genome for development, so significantly different from the a slowed development of the animal world.
  And all starts again, thus ensuring a discrete but infinite development of consciousness in the human communities, which has no limit, since living beings in a person have managed to go beyond the limits of adaptability.
  Nevertheless, the question arises: what happens, in particular, to the values of culture, science and technology accumulated during the development of civilization, not to mention the endless changes in mood, considerations, thoughts, interests and aspirations of each of the living, purely individual?
  Do all these values, developed by people, really disappear without a trace?
  But in comparison with the sensations and considerations of other living beings, they are immeasurably higher both qualitatively and quantitatively.
  This fact is additional proof of the existence of an otherworldly hologram, not only conducting information flows in both directions between beingness and a timeless infinity, not only being an accumulator of information, but also representing a single consciousness of a hologram, which concentrates in itself in the energy-informational form all, that is in beingness, renewing it every moment and, at the same time, a single consciousness controls both the appearance (birth) of each living being and its existence through its particle - the individual consciousness, and all these particles are united outside of time, but in beingness each individual consciousness has no connection on its part with a single consciousness that is allowing each living being to act according to its own understanding, which, in particular, for a person constitutes the freedom of his will.
  All this makes a person in his communities not only a pearl of beingness, but also a being that makes the maximum contribution to the information piggy bank of a single consciousness, changing and developing it endlessly, as well as unknowingly participating together with all other living beings in the formation of beingness and maintaining the entire Creation in a stable state.
  Thus, the change and development of consciousness can occur exclusively within the framework of biological nature, the pinnacle of which is a person, since only the living beings are capable of forming the current time, which is thus artificial, but contributing to "extracting" thereby both consciousness and everything else from non-existence, since they are the ones capable of reacting to information flows, converting them into material objects known to us, and not, for example, the artificial intelligence, which is not independent in its functioning and must be configured, managed and controlled by someone. That is, all other forms of matter are informationally useless, or rather, the inanimate can only be a carrier of information.
  A single consciousness of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity uses each person for its own change and development, since it covers him individually during life, and along with that combines all these impressions of countless lives, whereas a person himself, considering himself to a certain extent independent - and this really so - simply lives in accordance with his considerations, abilities, circumstances and environment the term, allotted to him, not noticing the connection of his own organism with a single consciousness and not realizing his own role in Creation, which, in fact, without living beings would be simply as nothingness in in the full sense of the word.
  Nevertheless, each person is aware of his belonging to a single consciousness and of own individual role in development of a single consciousness at the time of the death of his own body, when his individual consciousness, disconnecting with the body, is becoming a single consciousness of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity in accordance with his holographic essence, but without losing his own accumulated personality during the past life.
  Thereby, without the living beings that form the current time, beingness is deprived of this time and becomes non-existence, although potentially in this timeless non-existence, or nothingness, there is everything, but only the living beings can revive this, that is, make it all move and develop, which in the face of person, among other things, it is available the fixation, the opportunity to understand and use the current time for one"s own purposes, and of all living beings, only people, the only ones aware of themselves in time, comprehend their own mortality, which in itself makes their life not only sensed, but meaningfully-tragic, forcing them to experience it not only within the framework of specific benefits, but also of culture.
  Thus, if we accept the hypothesis of the holographic basis of Creation, then it can be noted that beingness, which seems to us so reliable, substantial, boundless, consistent with certain laws, containing the macro- and microcosm, elementary particles and radiation, galaxies and living beings, has no more than information in its foundation, more precisely, high-frequency holographic formations that carry information. They are integrally equal to zero for each update position due to the manifestation of each wave-like formation together with the same formation in the opposite phase. This kind of balance of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity corresponds to a timeless infinity, which is nothingness, becoming everything only through its own projection in in quasi-time, when converting its the frequency formations into beingness.
  In this process there cannot be a beginning and an end because the dual system of Creation is stable in its functioning and manifestation, that excludes non-existence due to the interaction of the infinite and the finite.
  This system not only does not have a mover, but is also formally nothing, being integrally zero in any position. Therefore, there is nothing for it to "fall apart", there is no need to begin and end itself.
  The passive, losing its form in the finite objects of beingness, thereby restores the form of the active during their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic form and formative abilities due to disintegrating the passive in beingness, but it, "calling up" the passive from a timeless infinity in the form of information copies for the duration of the existence of this finite, restores the form of the passive and changes it. Thus, by turning to the finite in the form of the passive that loses its form, the active through alive becomes the eternal in form, properties and can hold the entire system of Creation in actual existence.
  Each copy of a thing is a frequency updated structure of one type or another, which is "converted" in the individual consciousness through the senses and centers for processing incoming information of the carrier of consciousness into specific things. At the same time, the things that appear in their totality constitute, in particular, the human environment, and their coherence and movement are determined by the specificity of the passage of information from sensory organs to information processing centers, as a result of which the pauses between pulses (packets of information entering the senses) are being excluded.

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