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Fundamentals that determine the actions of a person

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    This work shows that the basis of actions of a person, as well as all other living beings, is not thinking, but information and consciousness. It is all living beings manifest themselves as the instrument of consciousness, including a person, since are able to think thanks to their structure, which consciousness actualizes.

  Key words: information, consciousness, hologram, time, person, thinking, community.
  Let us first define a person as a being that, unlike things, has a different, more complex structure, which includes three main components: sensors in the form of sensory organs that perceive extraneous signals and transmit them to a system for processing these signals, or data, which decrypts and converts them into what a person sees in figurative form and feels in other forms as the corresponding environment, that is, as a result of the information received and available in memory. The third main component of the human body is the genome, in which the structure, growth, characteristics of metabolism and development of the corresponding organism are programmed, which can be designated as form-building abilities.
  But the question immediately arises: and, in fact, how does a person differ from other living beings that possess the same, but live for some reason only according to purely natural rules of survival and reproduction, for what they only need to eat, avoid enemies and try to improve their position in the corresponding natural niche.
  Therefore, that these living beings are nothing more than dynamic components of the natural landscape, capable of multiplying, growing and developing, perceiving their surroundings with the help of sensations, unlike things. And all these beings, in order to survive and exist most pleasantly, willy-nilly, are forced to figure out every moment how to do this, that is, to think. In other words, they simply need thinking - from its simplest forms up to very inventive ones - in order to make the right decisions. Otherwise, they will be devoured.
  Of course, the same thing is characteristic of a person, since he is too is an integral part of nature, but in addition, for some reason he has acquired the ability to understand that he is in the world of current time, which he can use in order to rebuild this world according to oneself, that is, according to their desires, considerations and ideas in a targeted manner, and not follow, like all other living beings, only along the beaten path of instincts and reflexes, which is largely based on random changes in the genome under the influence of external factors.
  Therefore, the most significant difference between a person from the rest of alive cannot be either thinking, which, in essence, is the process of processing information by any living being to make decisions appropriate to the moment, or sensitivity, inherent, in particular, to a number of animals to a degree exceeding its level in a person.
  In addition, an artificial intellect, which, like a person, processes an information, does it much better in detail, memory and operating speed than a person.
  Indeed, the receiving, processing and transmission of information is common to an artificial intellect, a person and other living beings, since they all have sensors for receiving information, a center or information processing centers and devices or organs for transmitting information.
  Apparently, this is why some researchers, in particular, Mark O. Riedl. The Lovelace 2.0 Test of Artificial Creativity and Intelligence". Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 22. 10. 2014) believe that an artificial intellect has the ability to think creatively.
  Below we will try to solve this problem, which, as can be seen from the above, has not yet found an adequate solution, since, in particular, by a human consciousness, modern science understands the ability to reproduce reality in thinking.
  If we accept this definition, it turns out that both man and other living beings, as well as an artificial intellect, processing information, receive as a result that part of their own environment that can be used, which means that they have, in essence, a similar consciousness, that in itself is nonsense, since, unlike a person, other living beings live according to unwritten rules within the framework of nutrition, reproduction and dominance in their own niches, and do not at all strive to leave them for the sake of remaking the world according to their own desires, considerations or simply arbitrariness, and an artificial intellect has no consciousness at all, that is, it cannot have thinking, but it, nevertheless, also reproduces that part of reality, that is needed, however, not by it, but by a third-party user, and this reproduction, unlike living beings, is carried out by it only in virtual form.
  In other words, an artificial intellect processes information to solve the tasks of an outsider using standard programs, only reflecting the user's thinking, of which it is an improvised means, but not thinking independently (self-active), that is, that is, it is not able to go beyond the programs installed in it and therefore setting new tasks is impossible for it.
  All these facts lead to the conclusion, that a person must have some feature that is not required by the rest of alive for own existence. In other words, the consciousness of a person has a significant difference even from the consciousness of the most highly developed animals, and this difference determines his dual behavior in the world.
  Therefore, solving the problem of the relationship between thinking and the human consciousness, since thinking as an independent (self-active) process of information processing is characteristic of both a person and all other living beings, is possible only by determining its direction, obviously, in many ways different from the direction of thinking of other living beings, and also by finding what or who sets this direction.
  The very process of human thinking is given a well-known definition as a flow of thoughts interconnected in a sequence of associations and ideas.
  However, this definition does not say who or what creates this flow and on what basis and at what time.
  The flow of thoughts, if we mean by them what appeared as a result of process of thinking, can only be created in the process of processing information.
  Among inanimate objects, only an artificial intellect is capable of this. However, it functions exclusively within the framework of programs predetermined from the outside, that is, not independently and with many other restrictions (see, for example, the article "What really is intellect?" Nizovtsev Yu. M. Contradictory but real (collection). Section 5. Amazon. 29.05.2021), that it is impossible to admit as the process of thinking, which appears, as we know, only as a result of independent (self-active), that is, to one degree or another, conscious actions.
  Such independence (self-activity) is characteristic only of living beings, absent, however, in a dream, since a person is passive in a sleep, that is, he, like an artificial intellect, does not need to manifest independence (self-activity) in actions.
  This means that in a sleep, no living being, including a person, can have a thinking process, precisely due to the absence of actions.
  In this regard, the work of the human brain in a sleep does not come down to independent (self-active) reflection in order to make decisions on current actions, but to the construction of virtual models by processing the information accumulated during the day in combination with the data available in his memory in accordance with the problems that appeared in the previous days for possible use these models in the future.
  Therefore, this work of the human brain in a sleep, in principle, corresponds to the functioning of a computer, which, just like a person in a sleep, is not capable of independent (self-active) actions, reproducing not reality, but virtual models based on the information received during the day and other information in own memory for further applications by the user, which has nothing to do with thinking
  The problem of the functioning of the human consciousness in a sleep is discussed in more detail below.
  Thus, thinking as a process of independent (self-active) information processing is peculiar only to living beings if they are in a waking state, unlike an artificial intellect, which processes information only from the submission of a third-party user.
  In view of the above, thinking cannot be recognized as a feature of only man, and in this regard, Descartes" thesis "I think, therefore I exist," which he attributed only to a person, clearly cutting off other living beings, is not entirely adequate, because they also think, since once in existence, they, sensing their own beingness, and therefore wanting to prolong it so as not to fall into the world of insensibility, are forced to figure out how to adapt to what is in order to remain in it. However, the direction of their thinking is focused only on being in existence, preferably in a state of pleasant sensations.
  This kind of adaptability is also inherent in a person as a living being, and this, among other things, indicates that thinking, first of all, is an instrument of the desire to exist, that is, it reflects the priority of existence and the secondary nature of thinking, providing the aspiration to exist.
  However, the created separation of a person from the animal world also points to another direction of his thinking, which is that man is capable of both adapting to the environment and changing it not only to solve utilitarian problems.
  In addition, he is also capable of consciously bringing himself troubles and misfortunes for the sake of absurd fantasies and beautiful ideas, but at the same time he can force himself with a strong-willed effort to break out of the sticky web of sensations into the expanse of endless knowledge of everything around oneself and himself.
  In other words, a person, as a direct descendant of primates, also strives to adapt in every possible way to changes in the environment, but his conscious attitude towards it goes far beyond the scope of adaptability.
  Moreover, a person in his communities has also acquired completely new features in relation to interaction with the environment: goal-setting and variability in seeing the problem from the right perspective, which allows him not only, like animals, to solve current problems, but also to set far-reaching goals and achieve them in a variety of ways depending on your own mental abilities, the most effective of which are creative.
  Goal-setting and creativity allow a person to interact with the environment in accordance not only with his immediate needs, but also with interests that may not coincide with needs and change all the time, and their range expands.
  That is, this direction of the human thinking indicates that, in addition to the desire to exist within the framework of adaptation to the environment, a person has a conscious desire to change his existence in order to learn about his own place in the world, different from animal existence, thanks to which he will be able to change this world at will, cognizing not only it, but also discovering the extra-natural essence in himself more and more, since he manages to master this nature more and more.
  Thus, on the one hand, interacting with others in reality, a person strives for pleasant sensations that food, a female (male), an advantageous position in the community can provide him, and he does not differ from a primate in this respect.
  On the other hand, being in a real situation, a person considers in his mind the options for individual and social projects, evaluates the possibilities for achieving success in his own creativity, tries to correct mistakes in achieving his goals, which is characteristic only of a being who realizes himself in a cloud of passions, self-knowledge and the world around.
  As a result of this, the information that comes to a person during the day is, as it were, divided into two parts: one is associated with adaptation to the environment, the other with the formation of awareness world perception and understanding of the world.
  The above comparison of the functioning of artificial intellect, the thinking of ordinary living beings and humans indicates that the duality of consciousness of a person- an animal and, along with that, a creature, aware of itself in the current time, presupposes the corresponding influence of consciousness, for which thinking is only a necessary function, on a person, and this function is inherent in any living being for the sake of ensuring the productivity of its activity.
  So, after all, who or what operates every living being, including a person?
  The overwhelming majority of scientists considers that a person is controlled by the brain with the help of thought processes in it, believing that without the brain consciousness does not exist, since it is the human brain that gives a person the feeling of life in objectively current time, which can be measured in certain units in the corresponding periods - days, months, years - in agreement with the movement of the Earth and the Sun. With the cessation of the functioning of a person"s brain, his life time ends, that is, he falls out of it.
  This fact seems to confirm that thinking, and therefore, and consciousness is a function of the brain, and does not exist without it.
  True, doubt immediately arises due to the well-known fact that most living beings do not have a brain, but they perfectly understand how to act in attempts to preserve and improve their own lives.
  However, at the same time, it must be admitted that the consciousness of a person without a brain is not capable of existing in the available reality, but the above consideration does not prove that consciousness is a function of the brain, since the opposite can also be assumed: the brain is an instrument of consciousness, without which it cannot do , but the work of which is regulated by it, and not the brain itself controls itself and the body, although it is difficult to prove this directly, due to the fact that consciousness is completely imperceptible and immeasurable.
  However, let's try to do this using the example of comparing two processes - sleep and wakefulness.
  Undoubtedly, a sleeping person lives in sleep, breathing and tossing and turning, and does not enter asleep, into some other world with a complete loss of time, as happens after death. However, having fallen asleep, a person also loses the sense of time in which he was awake, since he does not feel the passage of time in a sleep, and for him the interval of calendar sleep time (6-9 hours) turns to zero if he did not observe dreams - fell asleep at some point and seemed to wake up immediately without any perceptible interval between falling into sleep and falling out of sleep.
  Thus, on the one hand, in sleep for a person"s consciousness, time disappears along with the feeling of life, and on the other hand, his body under the control of the brain continues to function without falling out of time, which, by accidentally waking up, he can note.
  A contradiction arises: in a sleep, a person, as it were, loses himself, no longer feeling life, himself, and the passage of time; at the same time, the time in which his body is located still flows, the body breathes, the brain continues to control all the physico-chemical processes that occur in every cell of the body, and even gives a person the opportunity to sometimes finding oneself in visions in sleep.
  It turns out that the consciousness of a person in the process of sleep excludes itself from external time, while the brain and body remain in it during sleep.
  It is possible to resolve this contradiction by recognizing the fact that a person is aware of own existence in the waking state, and in sleep he loses this ability. And the brain has nothing to do with it, since it does not own time.
  This means that there is something additional to the brain and even controlling it, which is not registered by any devices, but which, nevertheless, transfers the brain to various modes of functioning in sleep and in the waking state.
  Moreover, this something is capable of realizing itself in different states.
  In the process of sleep, it mostly provides the life of the body, and in the waking state it brings a person into a state of awareness of his own existence, forcing him to act, at least to keep in the environment.
  The fact of the imperceptible presence of this something was noted long ago. At first it was designated as the soul, and relatively recently it was called consciousness.
  If we conditionally divide the human consciousness into three components responsible for its existence in active and passive modes, in particular, in the waking state and in sleep, then these components act differently, representing the following.
  The intellect of consciousness ensures the functioning of the human organism and its survival in the environment, using appropriate programs for this, and recalling an artificial intellect in this regard.
  The animal component of consciousness organizes a person's actions to adapt to the environment with the help of programs that allow to conduct certain correction of actions, keeping him in it in the state of striving for pleasant sensations.
  Self-consciousness, using additional programs, largely allowing for arbitrary thinking, more precisely, the creative thinking, makes a person by a personality, capable of adapting the environment both for his own benefit and for the sake of discovering the meaning of own existence in it.
  Thus, the intellect of consciousness, continuously controls the renew the human body, allows it to exist; the animal component of consciousness controls the behavior of a person as an adaptive being that strives for the most pleasant existence; self-consciousness provides a person with the opportunity to recognize himself in the world.
  In a sleep, only the intellect of consciousness takes over the reins of government for the reason that at this time a person does not act in any way, he is passive and does not need to be led somewhere. Therefore, in the process of sleep, he does not need to think about how to immediately save himself, do something pleasant for himself or learn about the environment, as it happens only in the waking state and is controlled by the other components of consciousness, that monitor his behavior in this active state, when his individuality and personality are manifested.
  What then happens to a person in a dream, if at that time he does not have to go anywhere, does not need to do anything for the reason that he does not just rest, but ceases to feel and to be aware himself?
  In sleep, since at that time consciousness delegates only one intellect of consciousness, which controls the brain - a living computer, - to ensure the existence of a person, he loses itself as a subject of action, manifesting only as a virtual product of the implementation of the software of the intellect of consciousness, which selects options for the most effective and safe behavior a person subsequently in accordance with the information accumulated during the day with the involvement of additional information from the entire vast database (human memory).
  That is, in sleep a person temporarily ceases to be himself, but becomes own reflection - a model, with which certain incidents can occur in line with the latest events in reality, and based on the results of these incidents in sleep, a person, again becoming himself in the waking state, can judge, if he wants, about the possibility of their application in his activity.
  Of course, this double is not capable of thinking, that is, understanding the meaning of the goals and objectives set by a person in reality, but its virtual behavior, formed by the intellect of consciousness, is able to predict what can happen to a person in reality, based on the results of last actions of a person, since this the reflection-double of a person in sleep acts virtually in accordance with the information modeled by the intellect of consciousness in line with the tasks and goals of the past day, but only within the framework of the programs available to him.
  Therefore, sometimes - in visions in sleep - a person can only contemplate the behavior of his double in different circumstances, but not think for him, since he is deprived of the opportunity to control the behavior of his own reflection.
  The very double of a person in his visions in sleep is not able to think, acting virtually within the framework of existing programs, exactly the same the intellect of consciousness, which, despite the fact that it controls the functioning of the brain - a living computer, is only able to function within the framework of the programs embedded in it, forming models in the process of the human sleep to ensure the survival and optimal functioning of a person in own surrounding in the waking state, taking into account the information, received during the last day.
  This is how the intellect of consciousness functions in any living being, and not just in a person.
  In this regard, the ideas of many philosophers and scientists about the great spiritual mission of sleep and the extraordinary influence of visions in sleep on a person have no basis, as does the opinion of a number of researchers of the human behavior, that a person does nothing, except how thinks in a sleep. Apparently, to this they were prompted by the state of peace of a person in a sleep, when he seems to have nothing to do, but you can calmly think about the future or the past.
  Proof of the lack of thinking in a person in sleep is not only the abruptness, fragmentation and randomness of many his dreams, but also such a phenomenon as sleepwalking.
  Apparently, sleepwalking, which manifests itself in the form of a person's spontaneous transition in a sleep from rest to movement, is nothing more than a failure in the work of the intellect of consciousness, caused by random or painful deviations in the functioning of the brain.
  Therefore, a lunatic, or a somnambulist, acts in the manner of a zombie, but not at someone's suggestion, but as a result of the indicated failure, and at the same time he controls only his motor activity and even sometimes speech activity, without thinking about anything. If you wake him up, he cannot remember anything about his behavior at this time.
  The somnambulist's actions are not motivated by anything, that is, they are not initially set by him, as if someone is leading him for some unknown purpose here and there.
  Indeed, the intellect of consciousness in sleep models a person's behavior in accordance with the goals and objectives set in reality not by him, but by other components of consciousness, in accordance with programs available to it.
  Therefore, if the instrument of the intellect - the brain - fails for a while, a person in sleep begins to repeat in movement or speech one or another fragment of the virtual actions of his double, modeled by the intellect of consciousness at the moment.
  In itself, the loss by a person in sleep of his own "I" in the form of individuality and personality is explained by the disconnection at this time of the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness, that controls his behavior in waking, in favor of the lower component of consciousness - the intellect.
  In conclusion, we can note the following.
  Thinking as a process of processing information, which is carried out independently (self-activity) by both a person and all other living beings to solve their own tasks, is peculiar only to them, while an artificial intellect processes information by building models of a particular process not independently (self-activity), but on the instructions of an outside user in accordance with the programs it has, that is, it does not think by itself in order to solve its own problems, but only reflects the user"s thoughts, logically arranging them in the form of models with the use of additional data that are required to solve the user"s tasks.
  That is, the thinking process of all living beings is stimulated only by their independent (self-active) actions, which are absent in an artificial intellect, and this means that it lacks its own thinking.
  All living beings, and not just a person, cannot help but think, since once in existence, they, feeling their own beingness and therefore wanting to prolong it, are forced, willy-nilly, to figure out how to adapt to what is around, in order to remain in it, that is, they have to process information only for reasons of solving problems of survival and adaptation to the environment for themselves, in contrast to an artificial intellect, which processes information to solve problems for an outside user using standard programs. That is, an artificial intellect is a task-solving tool, similar to its progenitor - the arithmometer.
  As for adaptability, which is inherent in all living beings, it is naturally characteristic of a person, and this indicates that thinking in this direction reflects the desire to exist, that is, it indicates the priority of existence over thinking.
  However, the created separation of a person from the animal world also indicates another direction of his thinking, which consists in the fact that a person is capable of both adapting to the environment and changing it not only to solve utilitarian problems due to the fact that he has also acquired completely new features in in relation to interaction with the environment: goal setting and variability of vision of the problem.
  Consequently, the information coming to a person, as it were, is divided into two parts: one is associated with adaptation to the environment, the other with the formation of a conscious attitude and understanding of the world.
  Thus, the thinking of a person, like the thinking of any living being located in information flows, must be controlled by something or someone, and this something cannot be either the brain or the nervous system, which directly operate the functioning of the body and the behavior of a living being, since they are just a part of the body of a living being, and not its external guide, without which, as we showed above, a living being cannot do without.
  Science defines consciousness as the ability to reproduce reality in thinking.
  This means that, according to this definition, consciousness provides a person with the opportunity, with the help of thinking, to act in an environment that thinking reproduces in the brain, and it, in turn, controls all the functions of the body, including the reproduction of thoughts and feelings.
  But, as most scientists consider, consciousness does not exist without the brain; moreover, consciousness appears only as a result of the work of the brain.
  It turns out that the brain extracts consciousness from somewhere and gives it incomprehensible as an ability to think, reproducing reality, again, in the brain, which controls everything that is outside it and inside it.
  You can get out of such a closed circle only by assuming that consciousness in this context is nothing more than a necessary gasket between the brain and thinking, thereby organizing a connection between them.
  It turns out that consciousness was invented only in order to explain not the mechanical actions of a person.
  Therefore, supporters of the primacy of the brain, by the actions of the brain by means of thinking through consciousness, paradoxically prove that consciousness is primary, since it is it that reproduces reality through the brain.
  Indeed, it is possible to do without a brain, which is proven by the fact that any virus or ciliate, which has neither a brain nor a nervous system at all, but has sensory organs, a center for processing incoming information and a genome, is quite capable of thinking, reproducing reality in such a way as to survive, feed and reproduce in it.
  All by this also something must guide, just like by a person. And again we come to the need for something that is capable of doing this with the help of a material part in the form of sensory organs, a center for processing incoming information and a genome, which, moreover, it is not clear how they appeared, forming living beings in this basis.
  This means that everyone cannot do without this leader.
  Perhaps for this reason, another part of scientists believes that consciousness is primary, as well priests who simply believe in this, at this, they think that everything else appeared later.
  The problem, however, consists that, firstly, consciousness cannot be touched or seen in any way. It can be detected only by the behavior of living beings, which can be touched and seen, but in which, again, consciousness is not observed directly, but a material part is observed, without which, as can be seen, consciousness cannot do without, apparently because without there is no one to "carry" this consciousness.
  And this means that more or less understandable matter and incomprehensible consciousness, which nevertheless also consists of matter, but, apparently, of a different type, unfamiliar to us, since immaterial, that is, an incorporeal cannot be, do not exist without each other, and do not do not produce one another. Just, and quite naturally, consciousness, as active, seems to guide and shape everything else - passive - in the form of certain objects and phenomena, including living beings for its own manifestation through them (see, for example, the monograph "Everything and nothingness", Nizovtsev Yu. M. 2016, amazon or litres).
  However, neither scientists nor priests are able to accept the arguments we have given about the actual equality of consciousness and inanimate matter, existing objectively and eternally both separately and jointly, not because they do not think well, but because it is easiest to reduce them either to matter, which is unclear how as self-reproduced, or to the equally inexpressible and the invisible God. These figures are developing these ideas for several thousand years, as a result of which, getting out of this developed web is so difficult for them that it becomes impossible.
  So, they and prove to each other that they are right, and most of the rest do not pay much attention to them, preferring to mind their own affairs.
  Of course, it is impossible to find out what consciousness is in general and even in detail, but by its individual manifestations, in particular in a person, something can nevertheless be learned about consciousness, having compared the actions of a person and the work of an artificial intellect, which, as known, functions in accordance with the programs embedded in it, which can be changed, and as a result, an artificial intellect is dependent, that is, controlled from the outside.
  Therefore, it can be assumed that for a person this external side is precisely consciousness, which controls a person through the brain and nervous system from the outside, or, in the case of their absence in the simplest creatures, through their sense organs and the processing center of incoming data, too from the outside, albeit with invisible side, with the help of appropriate programs located on a biological carrier (genome) in each cell a person or another being, but this side is such that it is capable of being present both in every living being and outside it, that is, that part of it, which, as it were, covers this being, coincides with the whole outside it, and therefore this extraneous appears along with that, in particular, for a person as his personal. Only a hologram is such formation, since in it the whole coincides with the part, that is, each component of the hologram, covering, in particular, a person, is along with that outside the current time, which is fully consistent with the manifestation of consciousness both in a person and somewhere outside of it (see, for example, the monograph "The person as a hologram." Nizovtsev Yu. M. 2016, amazon or litres.ru).
  Thus, the existence and development of living beings becomes possible only if they are included in information flows, which, however, they also create with the help of the subject world, distinguishing only that from the general noise, what they need for existence, which is different for each of them, and along with that, these beings cannot help but be in the field of a hologram, thanks to which timeless consciousness, creating time itself with the help of living beings, monitors their actions, but does not manages them, allowing each individual consciousness in a living being to apply to the situation as it may be at the existing level of development of one"s its own consciousness.
  The analysis carried out allows us to conclude that in basis of all actions of a person and his communities are information flows and consciousness, and it is nothing less than a hologram, the instrument of which is a person who, in his communities, together with other living beings, forms these flows of information.
  Thereby, a finite person and his finite communities, in interaction with infinite and timeless consciousness, fall into development, which in a finite environment cannot be infinite, but, nevertheless, is such in its discrete manifestation, monitored by consciousness.
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