Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

To Those Angels Fighting Wars

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I remember the first day, I walked through the doors, 
So silent and calm, it seeped through my pores. 
The fears and apprehensions, within me before, 
Vanished so quickly, and were there no more.
The moment I spoke, with those Angels of Care,
I knew my Mother would breathe in God's air. 
The courage I found, to challenge my fears, 
Where did it come from, after all these years?
I crept into the room, where peacefully she slept, 
Inside my Heart, the tears they just wept.
Why should it all, simply end like this?
I was not prepared for the farewell kiss,
I watched her breathe, so silently there, 
The strings of my Heart, I felt them tear. 
How many thoughts had crossed my mind,
To say I was sorry, for being unkind.
The sun filtered through, the window so bright, 
She opened her eyes, they sparkled alight. 
She smiled at me, and asked me to stay,
I looked at her strength, and started to pray.
I prayed for her strength to see me through,
Those desperate hours, which she only knew.
In my Heart of Hearts, I was not prepared, 
With God's Love, my heartache would be shared.
Night crept into morning, this to be her last,
I searched in her face, memories of her past. 
Suddenly the air became silent and calm,
An Angel stood beside me, whispering a Psalm.
I know in my Heart, she is now at rest,
The time she was given, on Earth, was Blessed.
May one day soon, I see her again,
Walking amongst Angels, and free from her pain.

The Hospice, The Doctors and all Carers there, 
From all walks of Life, their Love they do share. 
Forever My gratitude, from my Heart, now at peace, 
To those Angels fighting wars, which never will cease. 

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