Lip : другие произведения.

You"re my beautiful girl

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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"Beautiful moon"s shining bright in night sky
I"d love to get it for you, let me try."
"My darling, it"s too late, it"s time to go to bed.
You need a rest. A work day lies ahead."

I don"t need gold and silver 
Band to wear on my finger 
I don"t need any diamonds at all 
If your kisses still linger! 
If your kisses still linger!
If your kisses still linger!
And you call me "my beautiful girl!"

Beautiful stars shining bright in the sky.
I"d love to get them for you, I would try,
But I can"t do it, because it is already late,
I"d better rush to bed. I don"t like when you wait.   

I don"t want to drive mercedes,
To impress men and ladies. 
I just want you my precious pearl  
Your eyes driving me crazy 
Your lips driving me crazy
Your breath driving me crazy
You"re my love! You"re my beautiful girl!

Beautiful sun shining bright in the sky
I"d love to get it for you, I would try.
But I can"t do it cause as you already said  
The hard work day is waiting us ahead.     

Dear, close your arms around me
You are mine, let"s forever be.  
Nothing bothers me, nothing at all!
If you touch me, I"m happy! 
If you kiss me, I"m happy!
If you love me, I"m happy!
You"re my love! You"re my beautiful girl
You"re my love! I"m your beautiful girl

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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