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Попытка перевода на английский песни Игоря Николаева "Выпьем за любовь"

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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May our past get crushed and crumbled like waves against beach sand,
We will remember all the good, and we'll forget the sad.

Our youth is gone like passed old light of star that doesn't yet shine,
And to my very last great love I drink this glass of vine!

Let's say toast to love!
How brilliant are your shining eyes!
Let's say toast to love!
Tears are sparkling like stars in the skies.
Let's say toast to love!
Words cannot express you what I feel.
Let's say toast to love, my dear, and let's make it real.

Forgive me all the flowers that to others were assigned,
Forgive me all the bridges I have burnt and left behind,

But you and me, we did have built this last and fragile bridge.
To love returning into heart I dedicate this speech!

Let's say toast to love!
How brilliant are your shining eyes!
Let's say toast to love!
Tears are sparkling like stars in the skies.
Let's say toast to love!
Words cannot express you what I feel.
Let's say toast to love, my dear, and let's make it real.

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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